if KL1NDY, r f -li ' ( 3 r t ; Burglars are on the .move- in V il inington. The Shelby Presbyterian Church is about Completed .-, .. -'. 1 - organizing an ar.fcmci vr'' -f TheyVdug up, anothei' skeleton , in Wilmington, on ?hiutuj?.v --:,., : nf iteamerr neiweeit: ji- TK a lino 1 11D ...... v - - . . mingtdn and PhWadelpIuahaar, been discontinued. V"2-- -; ;'-' Capt Blake, recently injured Whe North Carolina Railroad, has folly re covered. . ... , y- i. ... u Wake will nominate Democratic Con veution,, candidates the 5th- inat. . -' .. - f There are 22$ Alasotiic Lodged in ac tive operation in the dtate, with a membership of 11.126. A railroad meeting will be held in Oxford on the 17th inst. The people there are excited on the subject of railroad communication. Rev Father McNamara, formerly of Kaleigh, is about to commence the publicatiouof & paper in ! eV York under the title of TheCeUie National. The Salem Press learns that John Smith, son of Levi K. Smith,-and aged 20 years, was drowned in. Cheiek's mill pond, near Hall's ferryon Satur day last, it is supposed in a crainp. The centennial anniversary of Beth any Presbyteriarif .TJhtirfihiJ t Iredell county, will be celebrated on the 25th of August., r ' v-i i. at for Oates' Buttaing,Trade St.'Charlottef N.O. WHOLES AXE and RETAIL. DRY JpOODS; andTREADY-M A DE CLOTH- - ING. Everv vrAa nmn(l) yH.. 7 ' r O Ma mm wu7 i-'--'4 ! ' ' ' jtom-made, and.'of the latest , . , T -' 4. . IT A.VING purchased my.Siotkof Clothing J.J.. afid Dry Goods of the beth6uses"r-ii New York and Philadtlntthu.i-am pared to exhibit to the beonleef theeittf and . su rroundin? fcon uwv&. ciuoritvnij; f very? unit? lounu nra.r HITE GOO"S, BOOTS, SHOES, HTS, TRUNKS. CHIN 1 ih fl Wcl'OLi'SS-WilBE.n' r - -411 grades, to' Whicb1 1 in vite"youf attention before purchasing elsewhere. v'i: : WQOLESALE & RETAIL' Nathaniel BoydegLia to ft. tried h'tatesville Couit onTuesilav next. forgery; and Chief Justice Pearson is summoned as a, witness iu the case. lhe Btatesville American protests against theJaboJitio.nof the branch it is Vnproufet SnftT&fetlf be converted into a mint of coinage. The Stockton Gpld,, Mine was sold at auction in Monroe on Saturday last. The purchaser was Mrs. Rich ardson, ini the); King's Mountain mine, who bid it in at $9,200. , The editor of the StatesTtlle-tnen-f can, while on a recent visit to Wash ington rCityf vailed ..von President Grant, and was pleased with his re ception and with the conversation and bearing of the President." ' ' ' ' A German . citizen of Greensboro got into watertoo deep for him, and was about to drown, having gone down the third time, when assistance arrived. Uot isb goot. The Raleigh Neivs says that several gentlemen of that vicinity ' have em ployed hands from the Penitentiary to the number of 120 in chopping out cotton. They pay the State 60 cents a day for eac(Vcousict, the i&tate,, fur i.ish - vv aoni andi gWardi '3 ! i U t V-JM'.i't";:- r - 4 - 1 I M I 1 I 1 t' - !L- - "J- DEAJ.EBS ni. . ; Fnrnitore, Bedding,- A, West. Trade-Street. . Jail . J I TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. w Having devoted a lifetime to tay- basinesa, ananavinean 4 UNSURPAs'iEt) STOCofGObrS In my f line. I feel satisfied in saying that Country Jferphanis. can .'Supply themselves at my Store, cheaper thirt by going North themselves o5c;by urchasiaig frbm ;agnts and drurarfim ' r- -y- --w-. ?c , - 11 1 ask is one fair trial, i t- . . ! J. LINDY. : aptQ , , The Banner sas that Col. B. F, Lo gan and Capt James Wells are about to succeed in organizing a Military Company in Shelby.' About 50 per sons have gone into it, and at least 50 others are expected to enlist in a few days. Regular military uniform will be ordered for the company in a short time; also a supply of guns. Tarboro Southerner: On Saturday last a negro boy was discovered too late to stop the engine, lying on the track between two cross-ties sound asleep. The entire train- passed over without inflicting any. serious injury. The cow catcher bruised bis head and the brake irons scarred one knee, ;A remarkable escape. The horse which drew the buggy in which Mrs Zoeller, of Tarboro, was riding with' her ' two'-? little' children, took tright last Sunday and ran away, upsetting, the buggy and throwing the occupants against a tree with frightful force. -Mra -Zoejler is juv a critical condition, and the children were bad ly cut ' and braised! 1 : So T says the, Southerner. The Raleigh News says that, under a recent decision of 'Attorney "General T. L.Hargrove, all National Banks do ing business in the State are required to file with the Secretary of State an annual statement of their assets and liabilities under the same ruling as is applied to Insurance Companies. Salem Press: VA youth,' whose girl went off qa the train the other morn ing, "went homeland telling liis moth er that he didn't care about living any longer, went out in the garden, nd taking out his pocket knife finished sharjning the ends of some bean Statceville Landmark: Those, who were deprived of witnessing Hhe Cen tennial celebration last week can have their i furiosity fUyi i gratified, by, a visit to the tent of our accomplished artist, Capt Broadaway. He succeeded in petting about different negatives, rej i esen ting the celebration in all of itt various aspects. The execution of the work very. fine, f And V,the views are very cheap at $3 per dOien. S&fabuxy-iIttifUigencer, ..A. man by the name olfvltobinsoh, from1 Che country, was tried yesterday before Justice Haughton, ,911, a. charge of murder. The facts were- these: He and a negro were carrying a piece of timber. Robinson told the negro, to drop hi3 endj ndii the same time threw his down, Ihf negro was too low; his shoulder-blade'' was broken by the oossifiKI'sarfd death.. nsf&d. Whemlp'oVa wtrralii udut TT HAVING BEEN REPORl X some tMtLtbis Preparation is' -the same' as 8immons' Liver Regulator, we Meem-H. right to correct this irupressiorJ Although C. A. Simmons was former Proprietor' of Dom preparations, ne assures js inmJotVL MONS' HEPATIC COMPOUND is latest improvement in Medical ScieneepTrad that it has no ctmnection whatever :With-arHier preparations, but that it is fa' wrperior, hi every respect, to any Liver -'Medicjne to which his Dame was ever attached, being composed solely of Vegetablejhgredints. Toe trial or one bottle will satisfy , toe most incredulous. c -5N Mf-This Compcund was Patented De an d name Copy-righted cfember 1874. r- For Sale by Wholesale and Re- tall Dealers Everywhere. ; se26 tf gPECIAL NOTICE. - "" :- '- In future Ice will be sold in rear of Bur- well's drug store and will not be delivered. The Ice house at above named place will be open at 5 o'clock a. m , and closed at 7 p. no. W Jljl GREGORY, Agent. ma 12 CHA.RLOTE, N. C, 3 U T A Full assortment 6t Parlor yrSErli3apj -03 Diriing Rpaim(!t,V 1; MetalicBimal Cies, Casket A and.ob ttffin'coretntly fon i hands. i f may 19 JIT 1 1 a i i H. B. WILLIAMS, C. G. EAHKIN, Home, Tennessee. 8. V. MKACHAM, Charlotte, N. tt kinds. Cblkge street, next 1. I JT.'n "EOR the sale of Corn, Wheat, Flour and Produce of all X- ooor to-Maiou. Heath d Scott s. Charlottes: a. u Notice. TO THE WHOLESALE TRADiSlY: 1 sJ'sJ Justreceived and on consignment 20CO Sack's Flour, all grades. 500 Sacks Corn Meal. 1000 Sacks Corn. 200 Sacks, Oatsr, 5000 lb Country Bacon, Give us a call. apI15tf. r ? , . J H. B. WILLIAMS & CO. Bra hi mm: AND LATEST IMPROVED BONNING It-.. - . , ; . I ; , J ""m V77iz i'T' r-! .id ii i yjsV'a I ?.':; ?V ff V. r, FOR AU..W,.X2 I .DERANGEMENTS OF LIVEJt. I ' ' '''' ";' " ' A jyST0MACH-ArJO BOWELS. i MANUFACTURED BSV " ' . Kr . ..- Jal Li. LIGHT- ?ED BY I - 11 - ' ll v . : l H.M - ' i -mm, jam. m am 1 m EXCELS ALL OTHERS. For Sale. QNE CITY LOT, apr 15 PPLY TO F H GLOVER. TUST RECIVED. Choice Sansed Tripe and Pig feet, extra No 1 Family Mess Mackerel and Oregon Salmon, Land 2 lbs can Fresh Salmon, and 1 19 can Fresh Mackerel, at Marh 12 D G. MAXWELL, 3 Doors Below Tiddy's Book Store. D. A. SMITH, C Wilmington, N C. ZHiLBIIIESlLi i3L. SEHIT! T. C. CRAFT, Charlotte, N. C. & Co., ma25 HASTIAOKN'fl. ? Family Grocery, Opposite Charlotte Hotel. JRY : DreXels"71 Vienna Cologne in-- 25ct-: 50cta and $1300 bettle for sale by ' ma 6 W R BURWELL & CO. Saratoga Water ON draught and in oottles. 7 t : , W K BUR WELL & CO. i apr 25 , ; D EC ALCOM ANI A . i Roihorf jrasfbrwrrik-wftip The WilmlnltoifSfaViaya: Mr L E Hicef of th? Cape Fear ; Build jpg Com pany will leave1- here th!a veek for . Mantanzas. Cuba, for the purpose of directum the jereption at;that;place of two frame buildings, the lumber fdr - wbichfalready-arraogedi .fprWiiHf di te erectioOri11 go on tp jBame.ves- . eU f iThotwprk of aduating and fipish- ,4ng the matemlhaa,feer donea.tfhe, i. r U m rinn Vaar Km minor rnm pany at AbbotUburg. fTh is a, another; evidence Of .the; foreign -appreciation of the industries of our.jseotwn . i Mr Geo W Harper, of New jrianover coyBtyuWaavjngMlnjej-after dar OaiU'rid mgtilrlrJ8"1 person called out to him from behind toknowitf'if .tba-t '.vas Mre35onom. He replied in the negative and urged kai-oaI fhrtftni ' r hen verai fibott were fired at him. One of fhee took Effect In hU cheek Itridlodg'edrnear the -AioAA.nf lia hrnin while four 0th ert lodged iw otlflerjportiOfi of ibiaxtteyh1 The, horse was ptrnck and the tailhd vof,th.e cartaras gnatterea; ; lieVibwjnOi-VcrHipalodi , Keyer.Bohurn .Ii?re5a. the hooting.courr,edhV)eJ two doga. belonging utoifcrinegrDiTaodr the jvon. Kaf .'t.1irfoAfiAriAd tO iill"ihird Thet facta re gleAned from tMiWil mington St&r, J -'n " ! The art of.,tranpferrirt beautiful pictures taught frei ' ' j I Pictures of the tuost beaut ful designs and 4"JC'J&.Ulnf to five dollars. Also inothef totX)r t-nose beautiful Gem C'hromos dt 25 and-6(V.at ,.,J)AEFR0N'5i. v. i Trade Street? opposite Court Hbasc..,. ! malSJ''vs anew-' l-jj t T.-ARGESST ESTABLISHMENTS THE 12 STATE. j. " Edwards, Broughtonf & Co.,' - V ; jPBWTEBS AND tNrDIW, ; cx;, Baieigh, I. ci. Blank Books of Every kindieptvoa hand and made jr oraer,' t i Printing and Bindfiig-of every - descrip- defePompetition. -7 Fjompt anenuoir !XLL perawns tv ho -desire Ice will Mease call pYt office, and purchaue trcxets, ana jgiveiusirucnoua us uj xjit: mmunt wanted. ' ' V f' "Y II, II GREGORY anr 28 t ,y ? 1 orsa Eor Sal e. -'I 'OEFER FOB SALE ;ra nrst-clasti worki sad i -die1 or drivinsr vhorse: ; gentle end will work anywheres - y -j- iFor-eale-at e Bar 4n A nnlv to - v CHAS R JONES, - vAUhis Office. WHOLESALE and RETAIL, "-'.s -Si'sST ' - I' IF1 TJKlsriTXTE TARB -AND n;i;rrj 43 NORTH FRONT STREET, -1 A. AT Alexander Offers Jt redflction in prices of Dental fektbWt the tTmes". "' MO'iL - Office in A,ParM buildingjoyerBntl'B L JewelrftbrfcS- mar 11 . " CORNER DRUG STORE, ; They art the bestLampa In the worldTbr ,Tbey areperfelyiw'rohi 'explocfidn, owing Hi 'theiscientifiq structure. ., -. , ; They are perieciiy cim uviu. mi, i uctiu l'hi mnanme ons wira 01 wt iTJruw tloa to thehgbtRTervoutjodorYT rtvTbey gdye much mare hrujant jlfhyf? any bflxer lamp, equal to gas-e llfth. .f 'A 1 .4 a EAST TRADE STREET, ? t m 4 i .3HR iA;JS5iiiiK tJ5 F OR THE CENTENNIAL. ThA C fine nncanvWed Ham, the well known monumental canvassed Ham, the finest St-Loais'Fhrar.Jtbj Whiteew leans Suearj " jost jafrive fielected Butter, the test NerthernJApples, Orartges and. Lemons by,ihe Jbo Qrhe reftalli l "S ...ii U Jvt i UuHfryr.FB fr NI&BET. ajua.v . .TIJST- BeceiyedLa large fat of New Music ei vinadinif Katto tatoabi's topuliE.s3Dgi "Grand Pa Bless Tosr Nelltat , ' llpHIFER'S, YSTEBS! OYSTERS! r Choice Picl!Kl Oyster in Bbls, ' for,' sale by. th qtiarf iiU RaUfcni T Q .. . -ma?5 B NjMPTH 2 r e i I , " . ' - . u o 3! , T 05 -S ' 5 f 1 H J3 f ji Jtli l j i) I SI2,XIsrC3 187B;-. 11 1 .1 NEW GOODS! t.- ?NEVtAStYLES ! . - J-.4- 4 GEO. R. FRENCH, & SONS,1 30 NORTH FRONT STREET, WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA HAVE rewived.iareai'feedTiair large additioaS to tbeir already foil and c plele stock BOOTS: nd H0KS Wch . they oSer to the public at the lo com- west f! t- pRINTERS' STATIONERY. The oldest abl-shed house of BREM. ' BOWN & CO- have iost . reivftd invoice of Printers Stationery, cuutiutiiug in pari o; BLANK CARDS, . - BILL CAP all sizes, FLAT CAP, 1 LET TER GAP, r j, , VFAtfCTr&ftDs; - l CD m DO O Merchants will Sod our good of firsUrate quality, and oar prices as low if not low- - ff titan. Vnpthtinn TAkrAN Wa nff... . mm,.. T -1 . At 1 r . womens JPehT. Bal, andTIm. Coat Bl., a prime articleat $1.30 woneng A. , Calf Bal. ' at $1 &( wontenrSplfc Boots at fl .00 ; mens L. and B Brogaos at $1 .12 : mens whoieV stock (BrogMt $iaoto 150, Ac., be ui .- .V- These looda are act shoddy, bat desirable, and will give sat isfactioo to the bayer. We 8olicjteQrfatroDage. . , FrODipt attention to iorders.'" GEO. R. FRENCH & SON, Wilmingtoiii N. C. mar31. dly. W A. T G H E r. COLORED CARDS, nvelbpes of all gradeV.-! " : We expect4o.keep a Jutt stock of feb 16 tf y ..i '- Repaired and Warranted, KKMP P. BAXCLlliAX.JJii V r. CAMIBON. Presideritf- e w ttHrcrs,'Vy"lcePre8't. Sec;&Treas. N C State Life InsRrance Company. Home OffiseJatEUaeieh. MTi CZ Capital Stock - " - f20.000,00 A practical Matua! Bentfit Society, lend ing to its Stock and Policy Holders, and in vesting in each coanty in the State everv dollar received therein in premiurae. Near. ly 1500 p licies issaed since March, 1813 Policies nOD-forfeitable alter two and three years. 1M o nseless restriction on residence and travel. Losses promptly paid. Transfers maae to tnis gompany without risk or ex tra premium. Keep yonr money in your own State, and patronize a good and reliable fcHOME COUP ANT, in preference to all others. THOS. H. HAUGHTON, District Agent. Capt. Thos. H. Allen, Resident Agent, Charlotte, N. C. mar31 tf. 0HARLOTTE MARBLE WORKS. Marble Works, I respectfully announce to the public that I will carry on the Marble business in all its branches, at the stand near the iaiL formerly occuDied bv V. A."M.- Ninch. Tombs, Monuments and Grave stones of every description manufactured at reasonable prices and at short notice, i The public are invited to call and examine samples of my material and workmanship. T7. ' i - r ... rauiny iuuuuwenis a speciality. S. McNINCH. A CARD. Having sold my entire stock and interest in the Marble business to Mr. 8. McNinch, I take pleasure, in recommending him to the public as a first class Artist, and bespeak for him a liberal sMre ot patronagiai fl bzn ; . , . , . ,t iJespectfully. . l !t';;;" '"yF. AMcNlNCH, .. Charlotte, "November 10. 1874. TUST RECEIVED; - 1 cask doa Berlin ;Tiyc4i Beer direct importation 1 cask Bass' Pale Ale ; 1 cask Tennents' Pale Ale; 1 cask 6 doe Genuine Selterser mieral Water originat package bottled by the ''Royal Prussian Adminis tration," All of .which will be sold by the bottle or dozen at-reasonable pwces at PXIIRFJ,UWIG'S, In rear Messrs. Elias & Cohen's old establishment. mayjlf , , t i t f i ' m a ma JTJR and SUk Hats, just received at raar24-tf. SAMPLE & ALEXANDER. 1?0R SALE. II 9C 8! mL mar 12 tf A drdve cf fine Hobsss and MULES, I f t J Onl "afthenyery and Sale Sta- ble'sof , ; J W WADSWORTH. ARCHITECT. .JI 'GEORGB WELCH . . ' Offers his Wfefeioialjseryices to the citizens of Charlotte and vicihky, and pledges the experience .and .practice of . fourteen years training as a guarantee of competence.' uiaceAraaeotreet. tuariotte.,,.-.,. f . janStf ' . : , .: " '': ' -OTICE. ..r,. ... "Prom and after this date, cotton will be j weignea and handled at i he depot as usual. Ail cotton will be weiehed at ' the South Carolina Depot, until 'Other' arrangements cas be made, v ELMS A SPRINKLE, apl20tf " iOityWeigheTSin? JpEATHEK8 i .'. .: i j T! UHlLill ' Kew Geese Feathers, for sale, at : ' i q Oky . W M CSOWELL'S. ; apr. 24 Ja ,sndartrja.J vu. 'r '"i : : -i , ..-irit-.'TyrQ i.i j . 1 1 T . A Fine Ldt - OP Coantry Hams, for sale a? " " R B ALEXANDER A GO'S :PF utiw rtr,f.:PpHege .Street. By J?.. J. ALLEN, in the Central Hotel Puilding. f' A SBLKCt STOCK Of Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry FOR SALE.' . . ; f ... mar 17 CHARLOTTE, COLUUBIA & AUGUSTA RrU 0harl6l;t Agency, Oct; 20th, 1874. The Charlotte, Columbia. & Augusta Railroad INVITES the attention of all Merchants and Cotton Shlppera4n Charlotte, and upon the roads connecting there, to the extraordinary advantages of connections with all Northern Points and South Atlantic bea iforts enjoyed .over itaunes. .r! ,: 1st. The Great Atlantic Coast Line via Columbia, Wilmington ana rortsmonin to Baltimore, Daily, Insurance i per cent. -. w . . "PhiUdeipnta; xmuy, insurea. NEW YORK, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY INSURANCE PERCENT. BOSTON, TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, INSURANCE PER CENT. PROVIDENCE, WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, 3d. By way Wilmington and Direct Steam Line to .Baltimore, Wednesdays and Bat' urdays, Insurance J- per cent. HILADELPHLA, EVERY WEDNESDAY, INSURANCE PER CENT. NEW YORK WEDNESDAYS AND BATURDAYS, INSURANCE EQUALIZED TO THAT OP NORFOLK, d. By the Charleston Lit Baltimore, Weekly. EVERY FRIDAY, TO NEW YORK, TUESDAYS, THURS- AND 8ATURDAYS, TO BOSTON, EVERY SATURDAt"; a TWF unrivalled Steam line facilities of the three Porta of Portsmomth, Wilmington and Charleston, and the combined equipments of the C. C, & A- W. C. & A., and other roads, enable us to bid tor cotton and an otner mercnanaise ln nnnmiwa quanuues, auu to assure our patrons of absolute rreedom rrora detenuon.-. v Hon. R. R. Bkidgekb. . . - fc , -. - wen i Manager, Col. John B. Palmer, - - - ' - - President. Jas. Anderson, - , .... Uenerai supermtendfint. A. Pope, - - - - - uenerai x reignt Afienij W. W. PEGRAM, Agent NOTICE. CAROLINA CENTRAL DISPATCH LINE. rpHE Attention of the public is respectfully invited to the fact that, the Carolina Cen tral Railway, being completed and ruuy equipped jor ousiness, oners, wun iw connec tions at Wilrainswm. both via direct Bteamer Lines and via weraon and rortsmeauv w 1 Baltimore: Philadelphia, Nrw York, Bostod and PMdence-tinedualed facility for hand- ling snipmenra nrom i,r,f.- ; it,;.,. : - .:. . ,,u . ,:llf. Wilmington and all Eastern Cities to Charlotte, Statesville, Asheville, RutHerfordton, Greenville, Spartaiilmr J and all stations on Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio,1 Atlantic: and iJichraond , Air-Line and North Carolina Railroads as well as-all points in QEORGIA and ALABAMA; Insurahce from Eastern cities guaranteed as : via -any other line. fNo termfhal or transfer, charges? and Rates always as ow as th Xowest. i RaWs to all points furnished opon applicatiOnjtoJe;nndeMigned, . ' ":"; " : F. W CIARK, T. C. James, General Freight Agent. Soliciting Agent, Charlotte, iV. C '. '.Wt&nIT, C '" " apl V::' - " - : ; '" PIEDMONT AIR-LINE. Notice to S hip p e ra. fJlHE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, with its Rail and water connectipnsi affords unparelhd facilities for the quickest and safest transportation of freight (a and from Northern Cities . Shippers Save J Choice of the Following Fast Iiine : - to the Ports of RICHMOND, WEST POINT, KOSFOLlt (without transfer) MOUTH, thence by llrstIsBB liass of feteamers; to ?BalttmrPlaTAItiWa, By Rail and PORTSMOUTH i A 4 it New Tali', Boston, Providence. 2 h. i This is the shortest and most direct line to all pointa North and West. .'i , 'Jif.Kii'-A . v.; KATES A8 LOW ANDTIMK QTHCXERTHAS VX$ OTHJER HNS -, V:r : ma 28-tf to iwILSOlf?Agit..?i: 71 A'H rt A Large Lotof assofteTStodleBTtt 25 lbi lb boxev Japanese and; TrencS3 Candies of alf kinds, at vbolesale andetan? .f:-i-i7:ci r .. . . . - . SARATOGA WATERS"' -d r jnsimajflfl-Ki .'Wf Rg B1JRWELL A, 00. ma 6 ' ' 1 UMBER i LUMBER 1. . .... --,v I' 3J- . -Just received to-day at the Lnmber Yard, a train load of line Western Lnmber such as Placku from I to 2 hicbejthicltand-rof vatioua widths including! an , eitrfin Jot of inch weather boards for rabjnjk f ffiMtZ ing dry and dressed, scan tijngvligbt,, tod! heavt;0 Also ailet of fine Western shingles; Call at the Lnmber Yard office opposite the old Ice Factory and leave your, orders; llh the cash.' - J h.i j.ot-a B J 8HA3fNONHOUSB SON. raal9 , " ..lAyr T--OST-V. iiT'r .J vf"' a A Dark Brown Shepherd Pnppyl Please return to? r, yi Vj :u mJXVik yrriux. I mmmmmwrr m9 STV K A m X T Jan.24dwly. .iA1..lAt nt ibosa eleeant Centenhlal I W!7rTv.rr i.--,wwi will hW tussteoal

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