CHARLOTTE OBSERVER," JOD PRIMTiriC.a The Obsksyeb Job Department has been 6UB3CRIPTION BATES. Daily 1 rear, (postpaid) in advance, " fi'mos. .. U - ' ' thoroughly supplied . with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Work can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. ' We can rornl&h at short notice " -PLAJTKS, BILL HEAPS, . r LETTEB HE IDS, CARDS, . i - . 'liTAGS,BECKIPlOSTKItS, j X S PROGRAMMES, HAND BILLS, ; PAMPHLETS, CHECKS,' &c Ac. 4 inoa. , . 1 nmn. " , WEEKLY EDITION. - fv Weekly, (in the county) in advance,-. $2 00 ' out of the county, postpaid, 2 10 6 months, , ' ,,1.05 fiS- Liberal reductions for clubs.; - - . PI VNO 1,940 r -'' CHARLOTTE N. C., THURSDAY, J IME r 10, a75. t,1 I , . - f . . y V -..;" w. e,.-". ---- " " J f , ... ... '.i ' " ,-.. .. r . f ::. ri i : . . - , . . , . , . . . f - - z ' I. iM. . ii '. I.,, i-. .... . I,... i.i i , -i , -.- r - , .r - -. , ' r rr -,. I : i , , , v ' - 1 ' ' ' ' " r .1" v Tho Charlotte Oteerrerl J" : "FCBLI8HIS BT " '- r Charles 1C. Jones, 5 Proprietor. Office, Observer Building:, Corner ' Trade and College Streets. , ; , ANXOU3SCEMENT. BOOTS, SHOES. LEATHER- AND HATS, lawful agentto collect claims due me, either ..... ' r ' 4 , I for job work, or for subscriptions. He is xj removeu w iae new, large una eiegnni DJUiiti jJUlJUiJlU, ; next aoor 10 Brem, Brown & Ob.'s Hardware Store', where they arc receiving a full Btock of SMITH' & . FORBES; WHO LESA LB AND RETAIL D EALERS IN s Pill x 6 ; aooi)S, ' - " i- 1 -"t ' ..'....v ...-''. j complete in every particular. . ? .'!'?.;' Z1"- ' . Their line of ladies' and gents fine . , . . B OOT8 ANp &jH 6 ES, will be especially attractive, and will be sold al short profits. Call and examine. i ' l'K SMITH &FORBKS, mar4 tf. , ' Next door to Brem, Browu & Co.'a' Hardware Store, Charlotte, N. C. D AN I EL S M IT H & CO authori2ed to receipt for any sums that may be placed m his hands tor collection. . ' ' '- ' yi CHAS. R. JOITES v? :i i ..--. tf ! Editor & Proprietor. - Office of the Chablottk Obseeybb,: March i8tb,tl875i ma2l-f W H O L RET Lr.iE.-r A N D AIL -V AW F U NTTOR E AE D i) 1JN (j. IN ALL ITS BRANCHED - FULL STOK METALTC CASES, COFFINS and CASKETS, ALWAYS ON HAND EAST TRADE ST., CHARLOTTE, N. C. W 0 V E H W I R A TT RE S S E S , JOS. : P. CALDWELL, City Editor. . IiOCAIa dots. ; . ';).' The moon changes to-night. , "I " QA soap factory is about to. be ; established in this city. Bring In your pups and your old heeltaps. ., ;. - ' 33V Mr..W.; R.. Cochrane will give, fo-day, at bis elegant saloon, a free lunch, extending from 11 o'clock A. M., to 1 P. M, Charlotte Gas Company ofier a discount of ten per cent for cash customers, but the day of probation is over after to-day. Remem ber it. The type, press and fixtures of the Con cord Sun are offered for sale this morning in our advertising columns. The press of the State will confer a favor upon the family of the late Cha3 F Harris, by noticing the same. The 24th day of this month will be the anniversary day of St. John the Evangelist. On that day the Masons install their newly elected officers, and usually celebrate the occasion by calling the craft from labor to refreshment. Returned. ; ., . . Mr. Williams, of the Raleigh, Light .Ar tillery, reached this city-yesteaday morning from Charlotte, and as met at the depot by his company and escorted home. We are i glad to learn that he is improving, and that he will in all probability recover, sustaining, however, the loss of Tils left hand and one finger upon his right hand .Raleigh News. Meeting of Firemen; : Tk S'tCKSO The Pioneer Fire Company held a meet ing at their hall last night. - Very handsome resolutions were received from the Stone wall Fire Company, of Chester,. S. C:. which we will publish to-morrow. ; The Pioneers resolved to have a pic nic on J the 17th; inst , atf some point on the Western Division of the Carolina .Central Railroad, which is yet to be selected by the committee of arrangements, appointed to designate the place. Sim ontontFemale College. ; We acknowledge, with thanks, an invita tion to attend the concert which will close the commencement exercises of the Simon ton Female College,' Statesyille. Miss Sallie Peck is tie musical directress, and we know very well that the concert will ; be worth' a trip to Statesville. This college, by the by, under the management of Rev. S. Taylor Martin, is one of the best in the South. He is a highly accomplished gentleman, and we know of no institution of learning which has a finer corps of instructors. The Harper's Weekly Illustration. . Speaking of the inglorious ''bust" made by'fHtriVee1tly, when it attempted an lUustratioff of the Mecklenburg Centennial Celebration,' the Raleigh'iiTcw tersely 1 add truly says ; "The Harper illustration of the Charlotte Centennial is contemptible.' - The only thing truthful about it are the negro' portraits which the artist could hare made any where without the trouble of coming to North Carolina. But an illustration .of Harperwithout a negro m It would be as tame as a bell without a clapper." ' ;' The Heat Yesterday brought out the perepiration, and the pencil i3 slipping all around among his fingers even' while the seribe is reducing this brilliant item to writing. NEW SUPPLY RECEIVED TO-DAY. jun 10 Another Railroad Enterprise. The latest railroad project is the construc tion of a road from Pine House, on the C, C. fc A. R. R to connect with the Atlanta and Richmond Air. line Railroad, by way of the road now building from Elbc-rton to Tuccoa City. The Doors of Public Buildings. It is a highly sensible article we published on our second page yesterday morning from the Raleigh News, concerning the probability of fires in public buildings, and the chances of escape from them in case of such occurrences. This is a matter which comes home to us all, and we suggest, in view of recent fires, that the proprietors of the Charlotte Opera House do yet change the doors of that building so that they will open either way. In making this sugges tion we do not feel t'aat we are intermed dling with the private business of individu als, for the opera house is a place of public resort, and, to this extent, is public proper ty. Our reasons for suggesting the change. are admirably set fo'th in the News' article to which we refer. i : ?:':.'.!; DICD.. : In thi3 city, .on the 8th inst., ' Mary L Kerr, wife Of T Kerr, aged 25 years. The funeral service will be held at the res idence, on corner Graham and 7th streets, this morning at 8 o'clock. The friends of the. family are invited to attend. new AorcarisETiEYrs. KNIGHTS OF PTTHIAS. jun 10-lt A regular meet ing of Charlotte Lodge No. 17, Knights of Pythias, will- be held at Masonic Hall, in the Temple Asso ciation Building to-night. Prompt att e n d a n c e of members desired, Visiting brethren cordially invited. By order of the C.C. C. D. SNOW, K. R. & S. i. A LARGE LOT op LADIES' M0R0C0' BAGS AND AT ALEXANDER, SEIGLE & C6. jon 8 HALES& FARRIOR W A T O H M A K E BS AND ARE JUST RECEIVING THEIR New Spring Stock of Diamond Rings and otner novelties. ap 1 WE F?E, , RVN IJIHUNDEJ i c I t"'Af - t gRIMSTON-g Oomething Good for a Funeral or 21. Wedding, Corn7 Shacking or a QuiltmG" Or anything', that comes along, is thE B r . I . 0 A . N P H A T f or s a l e . a t John a. young & sonS C. C. R4I1WAY, SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, Wilmington, June 8rd, 1875. City Taxes. THE City Tax Lists have been placed in my hands by the Board of Aldermen, with instructions to proceed forwith to the collection of the same." This is to notifv all citizens owing arrear ages for the years 1872, 1873 and 1874, that I can be found at my office, in rear of Col. J E Brown's office at the Court House from 10 a. m , until 2 p. m... every day until the 1st day of July next. It is to be hoped that all will come for ward and settle, and thereby save unneces sary trouble and expense. Very respectfully. C W ALEXANDER, junlO 3w City Marshal. HAVE A VERY LARGE STOCK or BUY THE BEST, BEST fjUH BITTER Hebrew Feast of Weeks. Yesterday was observed in the Hebrew Synagogues as the Feast of Weeks, which commemorates the event on Mount Sinai. One of the features of the observance is the thanksgiving of flowers, with which the temple were plentifully adorned. PTOMACHBlTTEBp iTWtLSgM 8BtACK nHAR'ttftTt JK.C. .11 Personal. James H. Orr, Esq., who has been con fined to his bed for four or five weeks, with erysipelas, is unimproved ; indeed, his con dition is more unfavorable now than it was a week ago. Dr. F. N. Lutkey, of Rowan county, is registered at the Central Hotel. Acknowledgement. Last evening the employees of the hard ware store of Brem, Brown & Co., gave a complimentary banquet to the members of the firm, at the establishment of D M Rigler, on Tryon street.' The feast consisted of cake, wine, ice cream, confectioneries, &c , and an exceedingly pleasant hour was spent by the participants in the feast. About 10 o'clock, on elegant waiter, bearing eatables and drinkables, was brought into the Ob 8EBVEB office, on it a card saying that the "accompaniments" were from the 'boys of the hardware store." We make our grateful acknowledgements to "the boys," and assure them that their courtesy is fully appreciated by the hungry- crew which, about midnight discussed those tilings which the waiter contained. jun 1 R M MILLER & SONS, Agents, Charlotte, N. C. The Bitters are compounded with great care, and are, as their name indicates, the ; "Best Stomach Bitters5' known. They are a sure preventive of Chills, Fever," Intermittent and all Mala rial Diseases. rf-, j tt , I .Alter SLUn. 11 COO ui xyiotc iv MONUMENTAL City Sugar Cured Hams Q ftn A t5zer ani Restorer of the Rnaoott. a hnlfls hv the bbl.. Pickles, naif ?" cftlintB Fine assortment of Candies, For- ' eign and Domestic. English Mustard, Mace, hjjj-j JQQJIjjf 33JLakCKl Notice. ma 13 K B ALEXANDER & CO'S, College Street. TO THE PUBLIC ! HAVING ADOPTED THE v .. JIAXUFACXCREKS - - , ASD SOLE PEOPBIKTOR?, CHARLOTTE, NrC. jun IFBESH BOASTED COFFEE ETirUT D A Y TUe Printers' Pic Nic. Last evening the printers of the city held a meeting at the Objieveb office, to arrange for the pic nic which it is proposed to be held on the 3d of July. A c "inmittee of arrangements was appointed, and also a committee on transportation, and, after making a few other preliminary arrange ments, the meeting adjourned. r- ' Young I awyers. Mr. Wm, C. Maxwell arrived at his home in this city yesterday. He received, on Monday, his license from the Supreme Court, to practice law. At the same time Mr. F. J. Osborne, of this city, was licensed as a lawyer. Mr. 0. is still in Raleigh, but will be home in a day or two. Both of these gentlemen will settle in this city, we believe, to practice their professions. . Weill Weill! Weill!! We confess to our sins with shame and c-n fusion of face, and swear at the same time that we never knew how great was our immorality, till we read the following, in the Columbia Union-Herald, yesterday : 'There is a certain young lady in this Cily Coddle Creek Academy, NEAR DAVIDSON COLLEGE, JS. U. A. LEAZiR, A. M Principal. TrtOURTH Scholastic year begins Septem- L ber 1, 1875. Limited number of Boar ders received. -4pnl ication should be made by August 15th, to Principal or Rey J E Preesly, Coddle Creek, P.O., Cabarrus, co.. N.C. junlOwtf CIGARS, WHICH WE ARE CL03ING OUT AT LOW PRICES, OUR FIVE CENT AND THREE FOR A QUARTER CIGAR S ARE SAJD TO BE THE BEST IN THE CITY FOR THE PRICE. T. C. SMITH & CO. CORNER DRUG STORE. CHANGE OF SCHEJJULE. On and after the 6th inst, trains will run oyer this Railway as follows r EASTERN DIVISION . .. . PASSENGER and MAIL TRAINS Daily. Leave Wilmington, at e. - - 7:00 p m Arrive at Charlotte, . - - - 7:00 am Leave Charlotte, at - - 7:00 pni Arrive Wilmington, at - - 70 am FAST FREIGHT and PASSENGER TRAINS Daily, (Sundays excepted.) Leaye Wilmington, at - - . 7:05 a ni Arrive at Charlotte, - - - iiw p m I-eave Charlotte, at - - - 6:00 am Arriye at Wilmmgton, , -, . - 9:00 p m WESTERN DIVISION. Leave Charlotte, at - - 8:40 a m Arrive at Buffalo for Shelhy, at ' 11,30 a m Leave Buffalo, at - - - --r43fcOO m Arrive in Charlotte, at r ...,..5:00p n CONNECTIONS. Connects at Wilmington with Wilmington (fcWeldon, and Wirmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroads, Semi-weekly New York and Tri-weekly Baltimore and weekly Philadelphia Steamers, and the River Boat to Fayetteville. , . - Connects at Charlotte with its Western Division, North Carolina Railroad, Charlotte and Statesville Railroad, Charlotte & Atlan ta Air-Line, and Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta Railroad. v Thus supplying the whole West, North west and Southwest with a short and cheap line to the Seaboard and Europe. , Papers publishing Carolina Central Railway schedule will please notice changes. . S L FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. V.'Q. Johnson, Ass't Sup't, Charlotte, N.U. ap 1 , jun 1 JUST RECEIVED. A large lot of PURE LEAF LARD in Buckets, 20 lbs each, half barrels and Kegs. t R C -ALEXANDER & CO . jun 10 College Street. Book Notices. We were presented yesterday, by Mr. John W. Maliett, ol Fayetteville, agent, witn a copy of Sir Walter Scott's "Antiquary," which, for typographical neatness and gen eral good taste in the get np, is rarely ex. celled. This book is one of the "Thistle edition" of the Waverly Novels, now in press, by Messrs. E. J. Hale .& Son, of 17 Murray street, New York. The large and extensive acquaintance of this house, the general reputation of the senior member, and the standard character of the work before us, makes it unnecessary for us to recommend to our patrons; They have but to see the work to admire it. Mr. Maliett has recently been appointed sole agent for this work in Mecklenburg county, and as it is sold only by subscrip tion, there is no way to secure this magnifi cent edition of the works of the " Waver ly " except through him. Compliment to a Charlotte Lady. It pleases us to read in any of our ex changes, a compliment to Charlotte or her people and it is, therefore, a pleasure to us to reproduce the following extract, which is TOR SALE. I offer for sale a first rate Farm situated within two and a half miles of Charlotte, lying on Briar Creek, between the Lawyers and Salisbury road, and near Atwell's mills containing about one hundred acres, of . FINE FARMING LAND. On. the premises is a small dwelling and necessary outhouses, an ice house and a blacksmith stop. This property will be sold at a bargain for cash, or exchanged for city property on e.d vnnfji!renns terms. J H A. UAYIO. jun 10 lm C. W. CHALK & CO., TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. GEN COM & PRODUCE MERCHANT, And Dealers in Flour, Grain, and Pro duce generally. Consignments solicited, and returns promptly made. ap5 PIEDMONT AIR-LINE RAILWAY For Sale. NY one wishing to engage in the news . paper business, can, with a small cash capital, secure the press, type, fixtures and good-will of the uofcohd oub. Address JOHN R. HAKKlo, jun 10 Concord, N. C. A tY IX M Y BUSINESS, 1 1 WLLVMAh w. E WOULD CALL PARTICULAR X!?Jl?l VLnlr the Raleigh News' report of the om- mencemenc exercises at me ureensuoro oyer night." IT TO tour : TO GIVE ME .YOUR TRADE ! iiunuiYuiiLu BUT TO THOSE WHO ASK GBEOIT ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING : " BRANDS OFROASTED COFFEE I OLD GOV. JAVA JAVA MARA- CAIBO 5 LAUUYKA UlU , v ' ' BEST ; RIO FAIR.; . COFFEE GROUND WITHOUT AD- . DITIONAL CHAlttilU. A Large Bird. ' A crane which was displayed yesterday afternoon and last evening," in front of the barber shop of Pethel & Sumner, on; Trade street, attracted a good deal of attention from passers-by. ',The crane was killed by Jim Pethel, on Parks pond. It measured six feet three inches from tip to tip of wings, and fiye feet two inches from bill to toes. . TRY Q uX$rREENjani BLACK TEAS. LQU pf AfTF; GOOD TEA AT $1.00, PER POUND, run iuu it. vuoiw i. w i-'M ftps ftimii A S MUCH PP SUCH AS I WANT, A FRESH LOT OP PRIED ; 1 : -:- -; -. CORN-JUST IN. ; '. C R 0 1 G E i I M P 0 R T E 0 Atlantic Hotel, Beaufort. We learn from ' Capt. Graham that the season has opened splendidly at this justly popular summer resort, and. that the pros- SWEET pect for a large number of guests was neyer so good before at this time of the season. There will be a grand ball at the Atlantic on the night of the 25th, and we acknowledge the courtesy of an invitation to attend. Yours, &c, i: Italian Salai;Oil.v Female College : " '' ' ' ' " ' 'There were but five graduates this year, to wit : Miss Fanniei E Rountree, of Wil son, N. C.. who read the salutatory ; Miss , Lucy A Closs, Magnolia, N C ; Miss Nannie M Carter, Mecklenburg, Va ; Miss ? Cornie C Leggett, Wilmington, N. V., and Miss .M E Dowd; Charlotte, N. C, alb of whom ac quitted themselves in fine style.. The most noticeable, probably,, of these" accomplished young ladies was Miss Dowd,- of Charlotte, who read an essay npon thet snbjetJt .'What the Moon Sees.'- One'seldom findff a more captivating and bewitching ' reader than Miss Dowd. With a liquid voice, clear and distinct articulation, she at once secures the attention of her audience. There isan easy composure, with fine rhetoric and unusual thought." . ' Charlotte 46 YearsfAgo. We are a great .believer in "frequent re currences to first principles,", and are jFond JJOTICE. , Having resigned my position as travelling agent of the Greensboro Nurseries, and hav ing accepted a clerkship in the office of the CHARLOTTE HOTEL. 1 will be pleased to have my friends stop with me when they visit Charlotte. I promise tnem every at tention desired, and guarantee satisfaction, jun93t ,. ss tAKiBtt. BUY THE DIXIE PUMP, rjlHE best Wooden . Pump j now maae. g. Gives satisfaction wnereer, useu. : fea More than one hundred DIXIE PUMPS now in use in Charlotte. For sale at the :; , ; -: ; '' ! : ; - ; DIXIE PUMP .WORKS, A New Enterprise. I TAKE this method to inform the people of Charlotte, and the public generally, that I have opened a CABINET SHOP at W F Ahren's Steam Mill, where I am pre pared to do all kinds of TURNING, UPHOLSTERING AND THE REPAIRING OF FURNITURE GENEBALY. Hnvintr a cood stock of Lumber on hand, I am prepared to furnish Coffins of all styles promptly and at short notice, a gooa block of Coffins will always be kept on hand, and be furnished at reduced prices. JOHN A. UZMEiNT. jun 8 JNOTHER SUPPLY Of linen and Straw Hats received this morning at the Charlotte Clothing Empoi iura. Made expressly for and for sale by jun 8 J A YOUNG & BUN. HIP, HIP, HIP, H U Z Z A H ! Richmond & Danville, Richmohd & Danville: R. W., N, 0. Division, and North Western N, C. R. W. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. In Effect on and after Sunday June Ctb, '75. stations. GOING NORTH. MAIL, Leave Charlotte, 9 24 p m Air-Line J'ncfn, 9 32 " Salisbury, " Greensboro, Danville, " Dundee. Burkeville, Arrive at .Richmond, 11 58 3 00 a m 6 20 " 6 30 " 1135 ' 2 22pra 6TATIONS. Leave iJichmond, " Burkeville, " Dundee, " Danyille, " Greensboro, " Salisbury, Air-line J'ct'n, Arrive at Charlotte, GOING SOUTH. MAIL. 1 38 p m 4 52 " 10 S3 " 10 39 u 245 a m 527 " 7 55 " 8 03 " GOINO EAST. MAIL. EXPRESS f . 5 55am 6 20 ' 8 34 pm 10 55 " 112 " 120 ' 6 07 8 47pra EXPRESS. 5 08 a m 8 35 " 1 14 T M 117 . 3 68 ." 616 ' 8 25 " 8 83 ' " MAIL Ar 200 am L'ye 1 17 " L've 7 20 rt m jun 9 Charlotte, N.. C G L 0:S E D To Take Stock Messrs. McMnrray &' Dam' STORE WILL BE CLOSED STATIONS, Leaye Greensboro, 800am " Co Shops, 4 40 " Raleizh. 9 00 " Arr at Goldsboro, 12 15 p m :L' ve t 4 00 NORTH WESTERN N, C. R. R '; (Salem Branch.) Leave Greensboro, , ;'. f'i.30 a m Arrive at Salem, . , ;, .6. 13 " . Xeave Salem, ' ! 8 40 a m ' Arrive at Greensboro, ? 10 33 " " ; ; Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 7 20 p m connects at Greensboro with the Northern bound train ; making the quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of Tickets earner as yia other routes..;. . , .....(.v,1s . TVaina tj- anil frnm noints East of Greens-, - boro connect at Greensboro with Mall Trains to or from points North or South. t,,y t Two trains daily, both ways. ; .; . , .. teed to be the genuine superfine, doubled-1 , Richmond a 9.00 a m, arrive at Bnrke- vine 12.43 D m,, leave ( oarswiuv "t , THE WIDEST BRIM STRAW HATS, That has ever yet been brought to this mar ket is now offered for sale, and guaran- twis'ed and combined. Warranted not to run down in the heel, split in the back, cut in the eye. hole get wet, never flop and make a good saddle blanket, hay stack, or cattle protector. fOB SALE AT r -'i J, K. PUREFOY. jun 1 t fp IE LAST CATCH .OF MACKEREL. direct from Boston. ' . , . . J20 nackaeea in bbls.. 1 bbl.., 1 , obla and . . ..... AT AND k.tsNb.'a ?-2and3,-anVultweIghhv fo ; . . ...... .f Su- - 1 hlt: , I, HASHAGEN'S, .. 12 READ II 'tii' The'-at-' "DEAD I TSmo nrl fnnev Saved, tentinn'of t.ha nnblic is called to the wonder ful success of the MILL-BOY , WASHING i.T0RTH CAROLINA ROB HERRING UinuLxrv nnt MwH 2(11873. Its i v How to Preserve a Bouquet For the benefit of several young men in of hearing;of events iwhich took- place be- A FULL ASSORTMENT OP CANNED this city, who are the constant recipients of fore we were born,; ;on . soil, with which we bouauets, we clip the following irom an ex- i are : familiar.; in conversauonj yesieruay change and put it in our local columns." I with Dr C J Fox, we picked up an ' item The rheumatic scribe.hasn't received a boa-1 which interested us otiPt since his sixteenth birthday a hint in- I no - his residence'in Charlotte in the year tended here and, consequently, the extract 1 1829, and that there are. now only five per iof no consequence to him. tThe direct sons liying ; who 'were residents of the towo tions are as follows : ' ,,,When,you receive a at that time.. These are : Wm F and Miss honouet 'sprinkle it with water, then' put in- Sarah Davidson, H B Williams, Mrs J oshna rrt a tmcpI containing some soapsuds, which Trotter and Mrs Judge Osborne, ? ! There are nourish the roots and; keep the flowers as now standing, only five houses which, were good as new. Take the bouquet out of the standing then, and these are -. the present suds every morning and Jay it sideways in residence of A- B Davidson ,' the houseown- ivi.--.tM.'-ton it there a ininnte or two. ed byC W Overman, now occupied by, L k- v it tVk ?anvd-vfiprfnkle Ue flowers Druck eras' a boarding house, tthe bouse , of GOODS, OTHER FAMILY SUPPLIES ALWAYS ON. HAND, AT THROM and after to-day,' until Jlfphday the Ps nth A t which time their large and ex tensive Stock of Goods will -be offered at greatly reduced prices for cash; ; B vn hnnna DELIVERED: UNTIL PAID He says that he took FOR, which rule wiUte strictly adhered to. jun9 3t ' : ' ' ' Trustee." JOHN A, YOUNG & SONS.' ,jun 8, WbwiPublibatidiiis Family Grocery, Opp.- Char.,' Hotel. . - ma30 ' v :.;: m .-.! s Miss L. STUART, 1 REMOVED td Cemetery u4venne,"ber tween 7th and 8th streets, where she is now prepared to do all kinds, of work in her line. " . , ' .,. ' , . "... . - v : - All kinds of the finest human Hair made to r order. Renewing old , Braids,i Dying Shades-lighter and darker. Combings also made up m any forms desired. " " All orders left at Pureioy s uooJC store arrive at Ricnmona t.oo ui,,:,f ? .,a ?Mfs' MT6 Change of Cars Between Charlotte ' and Kicnmpna, aan jauee, tlrf, . , Papers can have arrangements to adver tise the schedule of this company will please For farther information addressfJ aivJ f ' ' iV g B ALLEN, ; ' Genial Ticket Agent, UreenBboro, . v, TMB TALCOTT, , ; , 1;. EngiDeer and Genl Sap't.'" , f. . . junl ' ' ' BTRAW.BERRV CREAM CAKES THE MOST DELICIOlJS CAKES, . 7 t ' I) i r n. THE MOUNTAIN .OF, THE LOVERS will receive prompt attention., ,f .SfI3 i ANI 7- IV. simplicity wift commend. it to alLt It per- 1Q Bbs an ha,f bblg of strictly No 1, ith pure water. - Re- Allen' Cruse', diagonally ' opposite the one V kih5h5r&,aC Family Roe Herr hig. jas n Also No 12 hgbHj by P M '""r ana 3 Mwserei "V,u . -:;r-r -JLil ii fioWinr Machine Emporium (Corn- .M ; h Anm ai i rnm i ms nucu kouuwvvm i nw o ' .. ' The soapsuds need to be changed every third wallis' headquarters,) and the buUding ndw a t Ak.m-iN. thP.fl rnles. 'Alboaauet nsedbyDr J,H McAden for a-drag store. may be kept bright and beautifulor atW The'eewing machine ouse has;been. grea one month: and wiU'lasr, longer n ,a. y.y , ay - rT , TTi T.f-T;;:. . JatatS Estate1; but the attention W fair building stood on the present site o , but frail creatores, as directed above,' must well's drug store, and another part oa th6 ed 1875. jun 1 B N SMITH. . OTHER POEMS, T : Jan 8 1 ..; l fa " F H" ANDREWS & CO'S. . i 4 OF THE SEASON, fit l TiO 1"ll 1' ' lie. There is no s friction, neither wear or tear." The "most- delicate can be washed without injury. It will wash the heaviest as well as the lightest article, in , the most thorough manner, with less labor than any other machine, and is an indispensable arr tide to every .household. It will, enable every family to' do their own washing. -.. - - J03 DAFFRON, Agent,',,.- :: . . - Trad0 gt ( Qpp ooUrt House. , Jun2tf- ' ' . - - ICE CREAM QY the plate or gallon, maue ui L""1"" j best material ana warrauicu 4 i bhi$ i ;.p A'U'L, Hil OR ;iia vim l "OS-;-! FRESHEST COCOANUTS, I I -i .-c.-i: i OF THE SEASON,' 'in J 51 WE HAVE Siii - t. -n !ou. ut f - -"7 - , vnla a t. c First door aooye . roe XX tgood, be strictly observed. I rear portion of the same square. . s ; 9'i i Tor sale at ! jan 1 . , 11 ' .iri' ..... 'I Jh . inft i,r.1 of the ROval ' Family1 Flonr , I made at one of the best mills ' in ludiana - which we are selling low lor.casn.. nVreah 8tioDplr of 'Apples, Lembns and PHTFER'B c h Book Store, i n ANDREWS & CO'S. jun 5 Oranges..; I Junl 1 iu3J "v i - i" W M LONG & CO t -1 r Junl W X JT1SA.AIX1K1 . w.