.V I. C STATE NEWS , 4 & J J . v n wL. -i. OFFICE FDRHlTuW - I CuurtWomrneiices in Wilmington next Monday- - , , .Vj No Statesville, J,inr?fliari-thi$ wfek The Sentinel records the death, of, a little daughter 'bf.(lia'Ijind'Lyuia L Uusbee, aged 18 monthsr;, :fi The closing, .exerciesrof J.he i school (,f Misses Nash and Kutlock, "at 'Hille boro, takes place this evening.. . The Conservatives "of" -'Brunswick county, have, nominated D, S Cowan : s cAndidate for delegate Ui thtr. Con st. ".utional Convention. A correspoderit of the Raleigh News Miaeesta the name of BishoD Pierce of the Methodist; Chtjrch, asjrysident df the University. H . " Ra!eigh Sbiinei:'t;Afnend just from Magnolia, informs us that Saturday night a mari named Isaac Jam &i Slnck-" land, was run.pverby.", the -j cars Aand killed at that place. ; A son of Mrs Huskp;vo'r Ilillsborp,'' wus out hunting,' few'f'fiys'ago, when his gnu was accidentally dis charged, The charge went through .the base of his thumbViid' lodged in Ins wrist. Wilmington Jpurpalsayu; The jdjy? idend of su percent.'recently Ueclar cd by the Directors of the"N6rth Caro lina Railroad Company will be ttia-Yitf ble as follows: three, per jjseu ij fs Sei)tembef l87S, and three'. per. Teen t. Oil 19ll UliVIWU, 1U(V A general meeting r of, Atte retook? holders of the Croldsborq ind'Prtyette- ville Railway, comDaav was held Att Fayetteville ojti SjUurday.f JunllhJ I he charter granted uy tne last Ueoer al Assembly of the State was accepted, and a lioara of Directors, elected,; aha instructions giveu "that & 'survey of luc luiuc jc uiau (uiiuniiut Xl bile meeting of the B6ara of directors sub sequently held, Maj D G 'MacRae was unanimously elected President; E A Bizzell. treasurers J H'Myrover, Sec retary. and Thos J Jlobinson( jChief Kngineer. . ' I i i d -.vi i 7 i Raleigh. New,. EXGEtSIDR SGHOQtGHURGH -AKD CINCINNATI, OHIO, JARGEST Manufacturers in the World, ,of School, Church and Office Furniture: We would call the attention of School Prin cipals to our School Furniture Department, in which wejkieep'n ajfjAplnpJieSrery thingY deeded in Schools, Globes, Maps, Charts and all appliances for the study of the Sciences. The latest improved seats and. desks, pf which we turn out nearlytw" thousand every week, in short everything seeded In the School Room. In our we are oonstantiy.j euting put new-pesignsi for Pulpits, Pews, &c., and our Patent Bev ersible Settee9 for Sabbath Schools, are un- equaled for comfort, -durabftiFyn4attraS- tiveness. . , "We would also call the special attention of professional gentlemen and Merchants to our An Infernal Town. Theodora -Hale, has ntfniecMiis Srim stone mine: situated fn "Humboldt county, "Inferno," and has located and laid out a town around it bearing the same classic apellatiom'" The new town is supplied witU.a numerous streets, avenues, alleys, etc., with names corresponding with that of the town. For instance, the stream near it is called the "Rivet Styx; the pass in the canon is denominated "Hell gate:" the streets are known as Devil's avenue, Brimstone lane, Whisky allev Imps' Promenade,, etc. The promi nent places of resort are the "Robbers Jtoost," "Murdereis Retreat," "Palace Inferno," and "Devil's, Delight There being no wood or coal to be had. in town? the fires are made entirely of brimstone or sulphur produced lrom the mines. The stream near the town called the "dtyx," is not a stream of water, aeone might suppose, but of melted su'phur and liquid potash. Their bibulauts Are sulphur cocktails, brimstone .punches and - potassium lemonades.. We regret to state : that the entire town of Inferno, at the sufc phur mines, was destroyed, by fire last Tuesday. The fire originated in Pal ace Inferno, which was built entirely of brimstone, like all the other build ings in the place. There; being no' water or Babcock fire-extinguisher 'in the place, the burning element melted and running along Devil's avenue aud Imps' Promenade, set fire to the Mur derer's Retreat,, and . from - thence all over the town, which was soon reduce cd to a veritable ''lake of fire and brimstone". ; Humboldt Nev.) Hegistn; Jane 11. ' i lH. B. WILLIAMS. -C. G. EAKKtS. - Charlotte. 'Nft t Home. Tennessee. . '-K 1 x ' Clxarldtte: N. 1 N E W F I R;,M a t-mvi OOR1 the safe df orn, vVhaft Whan and Preducepf all 'kinds. iCoflege; streetinext J door to Maeill. Heath A Scott's. Charlotte. N. Ct-t35i'i?.'11"ft :rl IN O XlCe. TO THE WHOLESALE TjftADE OJiXXi - just received and on consignment 20C0 Sacks PlourJ all grades. .SXKSacks ; Corn" (Meat. 1000 Sacks Corn: 200 Sacks Oats; 5000 lb Country Bacon : GivejttS a caH: . ; Mi V l ii 'J . ! i- H ni.'- - ; OXlSCEXliAN EOtTS. 1 ' vl ' At 25 cents per box of on pAund. at -r i ,,,.fX p. SMITH ACQ'S DRUG 8TORE. - Office Furniture, fn which e, manufacture a' full liae, eie ant, convenient and durable, and they need only to be seen to be appreciated. Orders addresset our agent for North Carolina, WTLtfAM PHILLIP, l . , Trade street, Charlotte, N. C, Will be promptry fifiedi Su3 lltiBtrations of qur difierent man'ufacturesseari . 5 ' l - AND LATEST IMPROVED LIBIT. . ROMHIS 5 i J. rLlNDY, Oates' BuildingfTrade St., Charlotte, N. C. WHOLESALE and RETAIL, PIALKR IN DRY GOODS and READY-MADE CLOTH 1 ING, Eyery grade, warranted Cus- . -; ' tom-made, aud of the latest ., htyles. HAVING purchased my Slock of Clohing and Dry Goods of the best houses, in New York and Philadelphia. I am now. ;-pjfr pared to exhibit to the people of the city and surrounding country, a lareand well select ed Stock; embracing everything found in a first-class Dry -Goods House, such as C.4SSIMERS, i A DIES' DRESSj GOODS,' WHITE GOODS, BOOTS, 8 HOES,, ' and GCASS-WMRE, All grades, to whi h I invite your attention before purchasing elsewhere. A French, .Report of the S caudal. ; This is the way a Frenchman re ported the Brook lyhr scandal; Great excitement in ATew York and Brooklyn Three Clergymen in Moosh l"rouble Mons. Moultong, Tiltong, Beechare have one grand controversee. Mons. Moultong iz ze pasto. 4tePjlmoz Church of the New VoW,' dhrt;64ered by Columbus 0hijpH in 14U2.-j Mors. Moultone is accuse, of. taking; ze imi propare libertee wiz ze wile of Theo Beechare. whaf iiMrs ' liamet Store: y.e mozare of Okie Tomyae blind pian ist. Mons. Beechare ht also accuse of ze imnroDare liberties wiih. Mons, Tiltong, daughter of Susan B Antho ny, ze bister uf Mark. Anthony wbo was make love wiz Cleoatra-Mons;' Til- toner have ransed'the y.8eDara8honff of Mons Beechare and hisiife:She',Ve-' sides in the seety ,ol . JirooKiyn i.wniie lie was movea into Jiiizaoein, ixew Jersey Ze congregashong of- the Pli moz Uock .ChprclvwiUi potpermit Mons. Moultong to' preach longer from zat poolpeeta Ze greatest excite nu i t prevs HALES &EARRI OR :'. Mao"! -a. W A T O'IIA-rE B S, A N D 'i. s TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS.-; Having devoted a lifetime to my business. and having an j ) i i UNSURPASSED STOCK of GOOD In line, I feel satisfied in saying that Country .Merchants can supply themselves at rftv Store, cheaper than by going North themselves or by purohasmg foniagents art drum niters: : l. i ' r - ; All I ask is one fair tna. J. LINDY. "apT'6 EXCELS ALL OTHERS. 3 Doors Below Tiddy's Book Store, Marh 12 THE S t i. U . Platform Spring "Demograt -IS- THE BEST TWO SEAT VEHICLE FOR BUSINESS MA NA NRTER , SMOKE; GOOD v .' 'Ansd - 3c.-jc.-j t ,i.:ati! .: ; v'-fv rrClGAR3Jj'j,f:..iv'- J ' ' "'' ntl'- "". ''' Z if'l"; NEW -SENSATION, , : " 4pLAKrrATi()N," ' " ' il'j t r . - , . , . TUPLE CLUB, AUffrst rate, -";;!';: ." " IT .-s-v,-r r.- t':ijfl','nm?Ri- - .Viihri?ifl. coo NEW GOODS! NEW .STYLES! 'in ; sV? 1Jr!4silisi!3 coiJfiaaii-sS , j-k . ' (iy!ii(.vM't g'rl b: ihntl us a ,'',js- T C SMITH CO. ; - DBIN?ERS' STATIONERY. r.'.:' t . . . ' .... - The old established house of BREM, BROWN & CO., have just received an invoice of Printers ' Stationery , fT consisting in part of j 03 23 26l NORTH ; ; FRONT -.STREET,! WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, r: .", t t . - ' . . , ' . .- ' ' : - - ';' " HAVE received and are daily tivine large addition wth siuAiii pleteatock; of pfX)T3 and lS- ' 5 MerohaiU will find oortrooda of firsUrate quality, and pur prices m.Iow if ,notUwri k.V-ji erthan Northern Jobber. , Ye offer a women Serge BaU at $1.15, good quality i.XiJ women pebl. Bal. aod Im. Coat BU a prime article, at $1.30 ; womena A. Calf Bal. at $120 i wonietia Spit1 Boots at $t.00 ; men I., and B. B.-ogaiw at $1 .lrfYheTia whole stock Brogaaa at $120 1 $150, ''In &c! ?!:" " i; J uldAaiiAK: v;.h ;: !!'- ; : : ...l.-.j.t.i , ' - - ,.. .j-ai ,Lm-vt.-'-:i' .' sai liae )it ucs&adittisQ .93-uU.iT T 2 Theso sooda are flot ikoJ ly but Wair .ble, and will give wiacliiMottbe btryer.tH wp 80tic yoar patronage. , Prompt attention, to orders". Si ' i BLANK CARDS. BILL CAP alPsizea, FLAT CAP, 'C LETTER CAP. FANCY CARDS, COLORED CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, WEDDING NOTE, UarEnvelopes of all grades."! We expect to keep a (all stock of this clasB of goods', feb 16 tf ' id 03! 33 Oi 9 O o marSl. dly. GEO. R. FRENCH & fi6N. n . , - mi Vilnilngtx)iifrNC -n . t -f.il W T C H 4 iii ,tit :Hi. Repaired and Warranted, 1 9'i2.Y .a .k. J UST RECEIVED. 1 cask 12 doz Berlin Tiyoli Beer direct importation! 1 cask Bass' Pale Ale : 1 cask Tennenta' Pale Ale ; 1 cask 6 doz Genuine By E. J. ALLEN, in the Central Hotel Building. m ...1 i. A SELECT STOCK OF ttWiZarp Fine Watches, Clocks andewelrey 11 A tration," All of which will be sold by the bottle or dozen at reasonable prices at . PIERRE JjUD WIG'S,, In rear Messrs. Elias fc Cohen's old establishment. . . 'may 7 tf ..;-.. .; :i ..i. -.m-- . RCHITECT. GEORGE WELCH Offers his professional serrices to the citizens of Charlotte and. vicinity, and pledges the FOR SALE St .' ,11 .. .; CHARLOTTE," G0LUQBI& & AU6USTA U Charlotte Agency, Oct, 20tli, 1874, The Charlotte, ColumWa &: Augusta Rallroaf y J M'v; tr:f "::'rj'r..,,r;r6 mvrr the attention of all Merchants and Cotton Shippers rVr ""L'rr:' " J lin there, to the extraordinary advantages of .connections witn, au , MDI11IUK DO MM CUOlOUbGO UI MUIUDIlHAh I "T ' " . ' 1 li i -V OTrade Street, Charlotte.,,, PoiiU and South Atlantic ,Bea rorts enjoyea oyer huw., - , , 4 ,;! . L iu Charlotte, and npon the Nortnern jan 3 tf ..-.V-.'t-- -JL. 1st. The Great Atlantic Coast line-via ColuHabia, Wilmington and.fortopioutbj to. Baltimore, Daily, Insurance 1 per cent. Philadelphia, Daily, Insured. - i .It TOTICE. From and ater this date.: cotton will be rv Avniv wwnvicsnA Y. THURSDAY. SATURDAY ..INSURANCE I nr.rTTVr-n?r.rii,TT t tTTrmTT TWAHTAMr 1 wn T Tfl IIUXTTOO I7T1tTI TTTT A I muAul iin kanJIiul mi tVia.orf 19 nana 1 ' I " " ". i-'i,i-i -' IT IS DECIDEDLY THE BEST THING OF THE HURT l..,l-.W t "" varuium Acput unui uiuer ariaiiciiicuw can be made. KL.MS BfKlis KLiifi, apl20 tf City Weighers. I3ILITY. NOW. IN USE, ANSWERING FOR BUSINESS o PLEASURE. PER CENT. BOSTON, TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. INSURANCE i PER CENT. PROVIDENCE. WEDNESDAYS ANW SAWftDAYS,"1;1 ' 1Myir; 1,1 M I!i3 0 A Fine Lot Iiv FINISHED rp is TUfi VERY BEST-STYLE and is FULLY WARRANTED. QF Conntry Hanis, for sale at ....... R B ALEXANDER & CU o COMli AiD SKE T11JSM. U. VV. Si itttlXM J!i, Ageni, -v l. .. IT HAVINP BEEN REPORTED -V3J Y JL -i some that this Preparation is the; same as Simmons' Liver Regulator, we deem it rierKt trk nnrrect this imDression. Althongb fL A. Simmons was former Proprietor -of both preparations, he assures us tbat SIM MONS' HEPATIC COMPOUND is hialatest imnrnvAmpnt in Medical Science, and that it has no connection whatever with Jbrmei preparations, bnt that it. is far superior,; in vmv-. retoect. to anv 'Liver Medicine to wbich.his name was ever attached, bfin composed solejyj of fVegtable ingredients. The trial pt one bottle will satisfy the most incredulous. . ., -t .: r, s-Thi finmnennd was- Pateated- De cember 12, 1871, and name Copyrighted 1874. - ' ": ' ' . lf?or Sale by Wholesale and Ke- tail Vealers Everywlie." W V'i ;6e2Q tf W.f M. WltSON. la i V ijWTlI.AVli tLSON & BLACK, WHOLK8AI.K ' ,:i,n d rug cts Jr. is DCAZ.CB8 IB . j CHEMICALS," ARE JUSr RECEIVINO. THEIR. New Soring Stock J6f diamond Ring -and PAINTS, OILS, IjftjJU GLASS, &C o vlq j.. ! CIIARIiOTTK,: - i tti .im!) !fch?Mlm. . it w : up 1 WHAT MR R M MILLER ' " " ThinLnft.l.fe Dixie Pilmto' y"!f'r'-'s' Mr MILLER'S CERTIFIGATE-ti ! CnAEioiTK, C Deo. 1st. 1874. L. Oreeson : ,i -of ix Sir :-l have fully tested the Diiie Pnmp, And hnvinor iiqoi i nn for eieht months, ! find it to be the best and most reliable Pomp now in nsA R M MILLER. ' There is no other prdcesa'by which water c be drawn with feO' MUCH' BASE -arid HCT1D1TY as by a PITMR ' ": iv CHANGE OS ON THE fiw, . j, :'ai. j. 3 '-I. C, C. & A. R. R. ON and after to-day, JuneHHb. No. l Pas; seneer Train fennth. leave Charlotte at a- ra.. No. 2 Pasf'senge! esatChftrlnfffl tT-3? rt in 8onth,; leaves at 7 3.3Q a, m.' Npft Se'ght Traln-Ncirthl arriTeVaiCharWtet .--v it . juasier or iranapwiMvu, w ng f y -l! iavbtJpelea bSrabcbestahlishnt TJLTTMBING Ifn Charlotte where we will always be found in VpAinesa to execute work in our line. eiIin an,Wa Al Blackwood's building on College Street. We are prepared to furnish and ' Wt up, Hydraulic Bams. Pumps, Yri. i. rr.;K Jhnwcv RrJlui. Water ..." '. . .. rt. l. iTT T I a I P Jill T " AlSO a'lUIl C510CK. OI laui Jiwu..vit- nlwavn on hand. . .. : r i t. oclimafM for ' ' we are prepareu m iuiiiuii .....- piprntf in bia ana new -huuuibu. , . . ill a nftnntrv solicuea prdmptly attended to by John Shanks, of ? r SHARKS. BARRETT & WILSON, laiui Ht icnn Main St.. Eichmend Hjui $ lm and apr 27 College Street. maSO s. 1 ; CcHjLege Street, Near Fourth. Just Received, ;5 - HOUSE, SIGN AND FRESCOE PAINTER, 'ARTICULAR ATTEXflOS PAID TO FRESCOING CHURCHES AND TOWN HALLS, THROUGHOUT THE, COUNTRY, 'j- OFFICE OATES' BUIDING, (UP STAIRS,) TRADE STREET, juri 3 :-. . .. . A Large Lot of assorted Candies in 25 lb boxes. Walnnt and Peanut Candy in i lb boxes, Japanese and French Candies of I all kinds, at wnoiesaie ana retail. . W M lAJJSti CU. gARATOGA WATER On draught ma 6 W R BURWELL fc CO. ? Saratoga Water ON draught and in Dottles. "v W" W R BURWELL ft CO. apr ?5 " LATtflKST LSTABLI3HMENT IN THIS STATE. J .- '.. Edwards, Broughton & Co., PRINTERS AND -BINDERS, Raieigli, IV. C. Blank Books, of Every kind tept on, hand , and made to order. Printing' ana tBind$ng -of every descr- tion, in best stjle, and at prices that will defy competition. T-f- rrpmpt atten.tion.EJyeH.M omers, w ..T 2CAHT T3A3L , ATL AHTIC HOTEL, n SUMMER EZCraSIOMSTS, -VlA- CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY, TO I Beaufort, M. C, and OUPoM Comfort, Ta. flUCKETS now1 on sale at principal Stations A ou this line, for the above named . ... . r. !.- n.lit TTTJ -.A O.I. 2d. By way Wilmington ana uirect ssteam une io cwuuuiure, n?uuu.j. nrdays, Insurance J per cent. ' ; HILADELPHi A,1 EVERY We'dNESDAY, INSURANCE 1 PER CENT. NEW YORK ' WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, INSURANCE EQUALIZED " ' TO THAT OF NORFOLK. 4.-- By the Charleston Li Baltimore, Weekly. . ' , EVERY FRIDAY, TO NEW YORK, TOFSDAYSi ,THURS- , AND SATURDAYS TO BOSTON, EVERY SATURDAY -! ; ' : j" THF unrivalled Steam Line facilities of the three Ports of Portsmomth, Wilmington .i tk.mn.hiMd nnninmentaof the C. C. fc A.. W. C. & A., and other roads, enable us tq bid for cotton and all other merchandise in unlimited quantities. to assure our patrons oi aosoiuxe ireeuwu iruiu AON.B.R.-BMDCBSB8;- - - ' - n SSSST" !- Col. John B. Palmer, - . - . - - .nendent. ueaenu oupenuvcuueuw General freight Agent., , and . ( 1 1 i -i i . Jas. Anderson, A. Pope, W. W. PEGRAM, Agent Q.. S. H. APPLEGET, ARCHITECT, C II A R L 0 T.T E, N . C . COME ONE I COME ; ;ALL ! ! TtOTTT CiTiV: ATA SM ALL ! ; . I H htf nl Summer Resorts. r a 1 iTake the EVENING TRAIN with ELE- g ship rents from .1 .- i w as a. .iit.,ih.:hh NOTICE. CAROLINA CENTRAti DISPATCH j LIME T HK Atteniion of the Dublic is respectfully invited to the fact that tearoMiAjen 1 tra R.bShy complete am S W dM Jo us, offisrs. witbnne- oe- tions at Vilmington, both.via airect owatmer urn w " 1" V t 7z7Ziil i sioH Siltimo a Philadelphia. JNew York, Bostop and PrpTidem layfer I GANT SLEEPING CABS, accommodations u . (!),(: ',. U i;i .Kurrr.' -ioi G4.lil&ii0 lfi : which makes close connection atwaming. Wiiminiitoii and -all .Eastern! Cities to Charlotte, btatesYiiie, , i&i rtt&SJ; ; -: Asbiyille, Rutherfordtoiy Oreenfife; Spartaurg,jn .,A millers;, IT makes me feel as though I should 8ayi I EXCURSION POINTS" 'IN- VIRGINIA aa Cull on me about the Centennial day, : L I TfORTHERN SUMMER RESORTS: And hear what I have to say TfovW nn aa! the Denot aad Wootens l North Caifa! Lr.ii nc,.v- M-innK. .i j imvt u Lnv aa tne unuH iiiiviuiBMyu U'""'"- ft I iiuKM, ouu .1,. is , a i tt..!nl cationto i ' 'P W CLAKK, Rates to all points rarmsnea upon appuwuauu w m. jsuu. . vi i .i..'i' !- '-"-T-TSMttH. uen i-ncaei Agenv I j -- tknnt hiilllinra. nil thA (ntenni&l OaV. If you 'don't wbenyouit building isne. , .'I, . i ou 11 ieei as u you wisaeu juu u w w-1 you aWRTHERN SUMMER RESORTS.' and all stations oa.A0.ptic, 'A f . . ffiSM vUo?Kne7TN lowest. 6" . : .-S4 5" ' As for style and, beauty you have pone, ,jaUpn. me as 1 piease every one. In style i please ine-ye ana p And guarantee td' have no uss And if dissatisfied; mu pay trouble, 1 Taken to investigate the truth, I ' . sr ' Sciiirailul 01 nn ma ana i fail in nWi I x General Contractors for Daiiamea manu Vnn nan e-oawavat vonr ease. I factored bv Macoioery'!! aelects material. In other words I strffe Wplease all wite U i..,. ! i : 1 hrirltrAa1 railrnad rara. monldiDPfl. brackets.. WDOm l come in couvauii uuqiui?o,. uu v.8, ----a 't t.- . --.vi---..--..' rnHIS- popuTaoratering place Tor the sea--;JL; sott f;l76jgjs- MAY liTfTOCTOBER 1ST, if 5plno-such guInfy rthe ISiifeor may beWflRrig to introduce to his family circle. . The peculiar situation of the honsenflbTds J "- I - - . J .i . . . .... f ...... . ' I ...;..: -. j'ilfitl li I 1 I w I -y r r . . j i ':.f.!;; T- T 'Char:otte,Nv4J. : muu,a ttMM - ' ' "iis 'JL'-'jrvJL1 aTHT? ior nmf '."P" I injLpEi,EAR BUILDING COMP'pynerai J? reio 2--ri V v!t4 .nmq m al 1 Local ;Ant,f Charlotte NCi''Js i-.i-.io;T v. ' .TiTrT-ua' eiJoigil?-! uiiiuj tiHidintni ,-utJttiii 7- I - 4 . . 3 .I1L At i - Jgi-l I W.lMni.M WT MAnAI nAfltO nOIUI. TBI I I II UM Will I 1 .... - - , . - - - - - - grr" uiiiuoi . j! 1 7. 1 1 1 AJTUCIO VllvaK;u,MT. M f - I - ( ..... .. "; ,.!. SI In ordinary buildings u ooets twenty per office ofiwoofenl' Exp'resi; rnnr M'; , cent lessinfthe. JWmAJV&m I : ! ; ' 1 ! ' v n J A mhitPnt. bnse wlied finished U is bound I tJMlLHE -,lf,v -,-,,, -. , , Mi4 . - rt t rn "sfHiiee-j'joiq AIR-BINE. 1 .8SrrL2I2AS0JII H3UTA3W all the VI PLEASURES Atsea, without seasickness or neril.j.1,' .J ftUITOES?,rjX-fe"p i;-j.xi..ti a a Excellent surf, and. barbing and swimming pools adjoining the house. All the GAMES FJR jEXBIUaSMfi, d sorts, besides Pleasure Boats for Pic Nics Fishing PartiesiiandMoonlight SailS td! add variety andiiswst Jo wholesome recrear tion. i i..1-'61.3:Ji'.' Music Hall and Croquet Parks, open to guesta pf.the house. ; W "- - s .-: -?-Withf kmpljer accqrqmodations, land U to please In.Terydhiary; buWings 1 r . MOTHER LOT will furnish estimatesbf cost anu dui or v lumber aa low as ten dollars. Qf fine anA coarse Hominy, a 6ieenta per J v "WA Office hours qm"9ttT2 snlm pomj. I ootimi. Lot of large Notthern IriahPoUi v .flJUnilUAM at ' W N PRATHER dc CO 8, IN O T I C toAp-m, ma!8 T 0 W S O N, s. Slate ttsoo RobflorSlate, ijirstviY.ei try. i ' ma ; Tntiitoa tKo at tent inn nf A-cnhiteotfl. Bnilderr, a nd, p'4h1K)lpyrTdra f- u'iUtUl. il-tuoh on:y.t ;lJ to'-l , i 4 ....... I'.ittetm J iifj . , . -,i 4J-. jj :"- .-' i " " ' " ' . - - - U.T3a ! k . "I . ,n t txtw JTuv tla Vati nil atcr connectioni3afi3r3iii)8 AflSTd fer.and dealer in all kinds of HOrSe a T Or Oaie.' 1 THHTf"A """T h " . Ia fnllv Dreo'w 'ttt ijut on t ' .. u-i ' .$H au " I l.,.,?wftn.i:Mii?.! iflLEiUSlsT 9,MJ partofthexoun- I, H , -!iw IiWTOmSiM yj,,,tt, quickest and safest transportation W "WRfc -fT't'ffiR'forIiSiJrd ,'I I'-tV''". inar. nun trovoa cooaingapparaiua, we uujb w ficood all who sojourn with us. f. q Terms :J-$2 60 per day for first week ; XI TT PHOI-STERER, PECO.RATPR i A i AKD - 'jriattress ittakcr A.- nBLLBtllD. j TaAM Btbkkt, -Vi 1 i'jn(bjer Frankenthalto-'1 "'Will be pleased and I JtobM you will calLonthim to inspect h d& lve him rrr-r'Vi-T -RkfafwrtrtmtrishSDt kuaranteed. la assDrtrhent of Mattresses al ways on hand. wilLrecelve prompt attention. .febgUfrf. USTJIECEIVED.". y ijoit11-1 ' MaJe iot of PURE'LiAF I-ARD Jn Buckets; 20 Ibffeach, hal !barTels4nd eg iSfr'.R b ALEXANDER fc CO, -'q College Street. Dei 1 50 for second. Liberal reduction to fam ... . . ..1 . . .1 inrtin f i lies, to eariy yisuors aim m piwca icmoju ing a longer tirad, A limited number of advertisements' for the margin of WW Register iwilLbe'- iiaterled, if Tori(arcled immediately to the owner, or to 1ia nnflpniffnAll. - - ' " " . - GEO W CHARIOTTE,ri;i 7J apr 20 ' Proprietor. TheylHaVCbHiel . A ? MAGNIFICENT STOCK OP CLOrH- IKG, Gents' urnlshing uooua, naH, ; . and are eroine iastat very luw pricea.--rr ' Gentlemen will do well to examlae TnJy1 Stock before purchasing elsewhere-, , . , apr 6 If ; -mo. - - rfkofinp- nsed bv him. from the Quarries" of Vermont ind Virginia, Slate furnished of gentle and will anywhere. For sale ;gai;'-Apply will work shippeswfre choice oOli oltotagj JMSSAty any desired 'tolbr. i A.trood Slate Roof All work trnaranteed.-(Prices. Reasonable. csmogie, tsoois laaen ou auu rciaiu wim ST. IT" It. hn 1pmnd. " . : t Orders will receive nromot at&nUbni when addressed to Pr a Box, 15, Charlotte, , N. hbldera of the Atlantic. 1 ta'rf M J' xtfliibt Nv jmrfeblO-tf Railroad Company, will be 5 ... hePorto of RICHMOND, WEST PpW,.WOIJOT,jlrt Attma PORTSMOUTH, thence by U Of 8teanirV,feSm( ,8 New York, Bosronrrroviueuw. A.. T. & O. R. R. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE,. . . ,7 Charlotte. N. C, June 10, 1875. This i. the shortest and moat direct line to all iiwSiv ilt I The reguUrAunuMeetiug jof Stock in?! s tiw Aim ttitr orCKK THAN BY AKY OTHIR JJHEwid bB?i 'iUn Tennessee & Ohio heldatBUtesville 1 i 1 1 !Uj r i mi ThnitfiT Jniv ist. is a. tan-unit ; stockholderr and-tnerr famines wui De- passed td and r- from -the meeune- iree oi ff WilHLK &'C0.C. -.ovifl m 5m:oi8 si km ehatge,' 'y wninang ineir emmww f Justieceived to-day at the Lumber Yard, V5omr.TO rrriTTVinK WtfW I Stock tO the Conductor. i . ?Mi -ctT?r. TnmKml, BATES Afl LOW AND TIME QUJCKKR THAN BY AKYTHIB JJ -ma2fri - r " :&lr?'ViVAiiWIUWat Acufco ioardi TTJMBER HJUUMilfiR 1 - .I?SS7 '"!TTi Ml. . iJ TmXn" n. , ; -i. r.-.vt. i .u.v.i --. J ' i t.n liifcsJiJ -J? jUt!V1 ( ii MWmWfrftrii to 2 inches thick and of gMMi & PRODUCE MERCHANT;' 12 xa peuntendentjAc, X including an S fine ot 'AhiDeal-er-ln .iWWH-l-fl tF' Vfr- FT dace eenerally. .r.J aXUl)u:l-ial ll '-Xi WMtm X MTU UlwWl wm v promptly tnade. :'apfrl1 . . " IE diAST CATCH. 01 1 B UlC Cinftr ol4Ic.actoryand and leave your ordertwitJ SH ANNONHOUSB & BO$: to r i n 1 bpuw rKlK tttst Bived. large lot of New Music', mmmsi mmasm- wmek&- sale bv. feb26-tf. ju20 Wholesale Agents, 1. apr 9 Bookstore. :1 9flJ I0l feiitl 9V91 lanOii nt did uo '0Jail 24dw Xyv mtf4 ftn;H-y rHvrQT sdi Miub ln WM w POSTAGE STAMPS, at pu.lll , noin-O ap 18 - - - " . :