t-H&HO OUT 1 ih1 . .a JOB PrtlNTiriC. SUBSCRIPTION H.VTKS. , I Daily-! jwilfiostrj4iV' lvance, 6 mos. " " i .. " i - j . ,,..... t (t1 i $s bo 4 00 2 00 75 4-a- rTbe Obse&vkk Job Department lias bccti thoroughly .'ojplied ,mlih tfvery uccUed Want, and vrtth the latest tstl .3 of Type, and every Jrumuer bf Job Work can pow be doue wltU aeatnes, disratch and cheapness. ; We eait furalsn. at shorf notlex BLANKS. BIIJUnivAD- J LETTER IIS VDS. CAfiDS. 11 U sjf WEEKLY EDITION. if !l!ifi! its--ft: ;4 Weekly, (in the county) in advance, .$2 00 out of the"county, postpaid, 2 10 6 months,; v- " i 05 Liberal reductions for clubs. 'li:v A- TOE. xir. I'.i'if i TVft.HQKft M!i:o3RiiiMf3, HXita bills, ' f1" 'J0 -T -. ; PAMPHLETS CHECKS.. Hi.Jt. Tff;' rjttjl 1 rrSiCHKJJKS&c., 4c. CHARLOTTE ' OBSERVER, z J a a 1 H1 1 , Hit. 11 m.IR )Li: . iiv iu in , i . i ill tJ-Ml" Jtil fei.s I iU -,i i) h-r,;;:-ii;i-; . ' ' ' ' . . . ,. t f, - . ' ' !i !.;! .t: : ,u. i-v7rn f. .. , ; T. I .. : i. :.. , ... ( I.-., GRElT.;REpiICTIQN JNIBOOTS j& SHOES: TJ AVKMiriO0'P5tCEi TIIEIR :OX,i.;;. "-- o-,--kjiiucj, ........ Zeiglere' Ladies cloth Button BootsU... 'oia'prs' MisaeS'Cleth Sboea . .A N D 0 T HE 31 uao ODSI ..'-. ...... T HE SErSfffSii AtRi; 1 &M I T' H FiO R B E S , N E W l R0N'!FIO Wt" t1!B U ILDIN G , TRADE STKE E;f ja3I i it.) t y,.. i THB; ATLANTIC HOTlL S 33 SLTD TEabereestatlig)i1MeiribtTavom public last;Summer, by new owner.' Capt' Ru Graham, pf MecklenbarVM for the season; of 1873, MAY 1ST ors only as t his family eirdeojH hope to renew hia pleasani acquaintance with all former guesN ot The peouliai situation '.of this house affords all seaaiekess.: ; . hi??- uJ ; ' -iT::NayETES ! ! R4i( drricketi-()0 forAhft-Whole-leaS sason from Ten Day T;ckts.....--.. A pplicatipna, fiuat tnadto 1; ;,il j J j. ;i : e. d. torn;, ft ,t iit-!at!; L O AV E OUR GOODS ARE FOR SALE ! m WIETHE T I ME TO B U Y! N WEORE DETERM1HE0 NOT TO BE UNDERS0U1 ! LOOK AT THE PRICES, MILES BEST LADIES CLOTH and GOAT ZEIGI-ER'S , ' . " Butto t Misses. WE HAVE ' REDUCED THE PRICE OP ALL SUMMER GOODS, THEY MUST BE .. o , ..; v sold- The1 above prices-arp 8TRJCTLY CASH, , -y . CALL SOON FOR BARGAINS. f :i D E -r !r.:-' Ju20 -i"- ' i B E Li-'-1 ::: ! J251 f i ''til. ) 1 r ;: J I . l.tJll. f . - 't ; ' u i i I .".f.I i i " ll3Zalia3l aS.kMHVBMV- ' . . .- r - i -AT ejilS4z -rr tVi innrtment of Metalic 'Cases, Caskets and Wood auypij vi iiUUMCi ii giou.-i . - . . .---I. ..1.4 r Cofflna, on- hyd m - " -' - ' ... .ieinflefnaO oHt io 1 1 it!..i.. "fj. . - iZ-J. 0 II D.BiHE n.,TSvp S1; r. 2m T.' " jALWAVS t O0AE4HTJBE-F ' SAMsribiiow. I jan 30 An VJ-.1C r M ft ? I ir i- I - t -misses uuntijat SELECT SCHOOI ChurcH -flreet,f betWeri ith VA'VMM j i. '.' -.- ,r . - li rTIHR-imfane WMstcm closes Tfiilzhd, and 1 the Fatt (teth wni! open' ' the last .Trjes: dav In IUillWiii',-9i- ia-'.W Circulars, jwitli; termsw 4. rfvrrnlshed on M PPiicatton., i .i v,i;f :f .!i WO FOR RENT! For 3 iponCbX ..""l oow andilL' in ,;the scfippl . brnhnng of. Misses Ldng also a piana.;IS Applr'wa Misses LoBgor to Gen B Barringer. . JU27 4td Hi'" ' ti.rf1 flfci SC!.t l ENTIRE SOCK or B00T3& SHOES ;! Lii. ........ $2 50 2.0d 306 1.75 PH OP 6 RT f 6 N ' i OH A S HON L Y . JL V ! :n E5 1 1 I?, -B SO T. by the ty TO h"e undersigned rtjA; y be willing to adoii to the pleasure " ofX voyage without peril or 03 i VNO MOSQUITOES ! ! ! Charlotte and return,. $19;05 9-55 ""rl- '. GEO'W CHa.RI.OTTE, eCi ProDrietor; Sf 3. PEGEAM. 4 JLVAS .i V"R I cn 5 3;-isa ' ' H 0 E S! GAITERS, $2.5XX 2 00 3.00 3Vi 1.75 P E G B A Oppsxte Central Hotel Blichols tS Coi, I DEALEES IN BUR NIT U R D D I NO, &c4 No. 5,,. ,VestivTrade ,Street, j; . ; niiRinTTtf X f! ........ -T- ! JUST RECEIVED. A ' POLL 7 ASS0 RTMENT ' mi S t jB OF Tiay7and Jtteps.-' aiso,' a new - - 1 nti.! "ILEVELAKD MINERAL SPRINGS; m Nr lotte. Near Shelby, N. G 55 miles West of Char h a I. This favorite Watering Place will he i open for th KAT. Th - open for.the reception of. elect- jrisitoraw ygajljwad will be met by hacks and eon; tJTl-nk to the Air-Line JZailtOad'aad irassengers cuiuiug vu iuo wu- thCT TOints. wherever .desired. TCqld,and warm isains, w nue ouijuui, ucu wuju anq unaiyoeaw wer, , tQ,lc-r IWTA - - ; jv.-- - Fot further ifotmaiiorr; urn w . 1 I. .Mill 1 ll'l Br.. ULSU-lfAKII jn 22 eod 2m'!( ; :i 1 i SPrbprietor. i Jutil 5f JO-'V I :OfflAir nh.or-.TA.- 1nnUAr!nraa': - - - . - ' )'Uveat3.20Py.:,tHiisiyakiiJg' irauB ana vouezejtreets. , nit i (.,. -1 r - iJ,. 4. V A V m4 - M K -1 have appointed Dr , E. -n Guovex ;iuv for job work. or . for subscriptions.. authorized Id receipt for anv sums that 1 ,be placed in hia hands for collection. I'iklirtWJi I? v n.u.n. Chas. R. JomeS, - - Editor & Proprietor. Office of iheiJtfXRijirrtKt QBsiayEB, March lm-'P ma2t-tf.J ...... .. ,' l . t n i . i .A City Bulletin. ' . j 7 I Jf : July step to tfe fjont tolay and now fr itCJA: 1 fii$tic.uf -ealivenci! the neighborhood of Cochrane Cigat Store! yrs? terday'anerriocjii ,,! frV'-TtX.' " The streets were auv& vesterjay evenane. 1 with the fair sexialkfn HRh atid;ariv- f J i. I The city is ailed' with mechanics frpm Wilmington and other cities and' towns in 1 itusBiaie ana oontn vai;oiaa. ! During the month enamg''yeslerirairt- W??: -were , tfle yiAio jl iic iw:is:t ui juccoa .vl ' wan- 16? f6 stop hi a gliady place, yesierovwaua,waiieu me sun went unuer l,,. . i a J .'A All ll . J apioua. men ieapacro3S tue street oeiore it !Hf i H'vi i " ' . ,A negro at wvrk ott tjie large platSorra of tne Carolina Central Railroad, feii-down yes- terdaywith suustroke, but being- carried in the sha le, soon recovered Ane coioreorneonie win nave ,a 4tn juty cebiapnjat Sifdl iBsliiiita, on Saturday, 3rd. The procession , will move from the Market House at aO 4 M. j i) f Mr Win Diffendal, of Danville, Va..whoj arrived in the city yesterday morningi 'and propoaes to go to ;rork to-day, ' 4 Capt T G Arlington, of the Notrth Caro- Una, Railroad, baa disbanded his eireus; ow ing to the lack pf patronage and to the weather being too hot for the animals; - Many gentlemen will be out of the City to day, 'attending the Railroad meeting in Statesville. Some left yesterday afcernoon. . J'iLxLA MlJ-J ' 't ' 'l.i" ri LTl ' s o m.:';liL:M ' -i1 It'!." : -L o A. xneexiru tnui. ibhyw luls murnmg o O Clock. j 1 I The printers have decided to have their picnic at the Catawba River, on the Char-j iotte. Oolnmbia Sr Autista , Railroad, on Sat-1 urdayThe committee on refreshments has .been' busily engaged for several days past. , ;! Yesterday, during the viy-hotteali .part oH tne uay, anu assume, wusnniucuujr, wueu i it was most welcomed, Messrs. w n rramer i - .... . . . ... . I ik uo., sent to our emce a lot or tne anaest i and most delicious ice-cream, accompanied by a lot of equally elegant cake. They have our thanks. Cotton Bloom. A fully opened cotton bloom was placed upon our desk yesterday morning. It came from the plantation of our excellent friend, Baxter H Moore, Esq., just outside the city limits. The;bolom developed full yon the afternoon orthe zythr" Mr Mooreis one oi Mecklenburg's best farmers, and is always amontr the first to come in with his cotton blooms. J J ,f ;.3 A I. ' A" : -L.i ; '-J Cha litre of Schedule, A change takes placeto-day in the schedule of trains on the Eastern Division of the Caro- I Una Central Railroad, Hereafter .theegu- f larp3uS trftitift vlitle& viiitVbt atj 7 p. m.'.and arrive at 51 a. m., instead of at 7, as heretofore, The accommodation train will leaveat 7 a. m., instead. of af jBndLar- ! J 1 1 - - " 1 ' J- - t r-. , ; 15... : : 1 ; , ,i ; .!'' -: " ' . kraruea um.g iouB.uP, .iu.y .uc board. atlow rates,' and neaf the centre of pusin.s? yiajuuuu read the card of Mrs innie Miller, whp occupies tebaUduSgMthyrtoIltiOWn as l : .i 4K:- ,f. occupies' the buuding Cochrane's Restaurant . ,W cordially com mend Mrs Miller and her establishment, to theYayb'rableicbnsiaeilation of persons de siring board. !' L Street,Pia38tr. O 'VI M V K-UAdf anatlemarf diiff iid!ng yeST terday afternoon. Lady driving. Near" the Mint Stay irons broke. Horses got frightened.? JTongue twisted off. M-v fnnmnv T.aAv and (TP.ntlfiman camep tow'in one procession. Horse 5 .nM. iikp-,nnfi huirorv in another jbdynJE& The Irrepressible Babies. A scene on Tryon street'y'efltraiy afternoon, was f p W. U,'riiages, ! standing close, p$eter? baby in eacntapiU,JOjreacu,Murse, aim eeveu- . 1 '.t'-"'' teeii other Dabies standing around loose,-looking wild, and waiting -for the procession to moye.t .r if) ; The Injured Negr9 ; . i ! Tl,a r,nndkiri df.the neirro man who sustaine! serious injuries, by on Tuesday evening,- wah,iioE)so favor able yesterday. He tirn plained of se vere Daiamtfielbact of the neck and Kacnie la Beaufort Harber. ; ,; - .r fT uacnig w euiur m r ,Kt, A letter from prietor; pf the Atlantic forms us thatthere single. spaU race j lahtic Hotel wbar course oJhfebsIl rfjatie wharf to tne sea ouoy anu kreiuru, uuuiuw mile, apdrthe nito'-tat aw boafi Ccanedas foUowjsCityJ of iNeWherhcoroWfdHCtty color, green; CSty'ChftrtattR coJok, ran i City of .Beauftwt; artorbrtwa.''',i ThWNewaerny and1' Wilmington clubs Jtte expected to be present and to participate, 4ircfcbetfleji6r the-Atlantic j j'eat j tTainIlITaVe;CWariatk.at 5 30 Ut."fti ' and uacu hj t '.; iviiL'i1 !Wi trii - oecuoa oa wsys wtut truu uuiivv eni Aonii uaronna . I. .V! J.At Cost .for Cash. It ! yuvviug uu n ii avVrfVy A--.a -a. a : V maqjTryoa.sixeet, next door to the ten piil alley, will sell his entire stock at cost For c&sft, ' Said' . stock conewts- 'of a p'eck ot poiatoesy a quart of oiv ; VoWs'a dp.zen' bVels and, 'two cabbage heacjs. Call early if. you if'ould, secure gains' -;, ' tmrenntCTest waif cmtetniear the Central Hotsli i la&6 flttoihJg, toy a ped er saving m au uropping on nie sis?? waBi' with! ail attack -'f colic, which 1 1 r ii j . ttl- i;k - .vessel in distress.. Ay crowd ;gatbefed around the man, and Dr. Miller w W if called 6nV 'Be a(fte!tiHtdi4etl a hynerd iidtailhtXonlkt 6hUke and' the victim, was poo bttp ictin was fsoonj tCttpi Cause of the; rouble watermelon too much., tro The Prevailing Fashion - - , ii.,;M,4jlMiW&T -la LaLLJU''J1:J.L: llpapeip.we (teiiBiirJnji.iii !W present style of the ladies in pinning their dresses hack until- ther' cn 3ea-rjy.step;. For ou-'o-hart 'we'.'niye, np sort ,,of ob jection toif, , I,n this far we are hae George' D Preuticewhen he was reproved ibn goru f to see Fanny Ji;iiaier ditoce. "itisnot ouen said the great wag and journal out in feinalaaociety. but.when Id, LNvaat tasee w-much of.tpefn aa I can.', .;A1I w.lotrrMterai-y artitelglaneitigbver-yesterday haye to My, if, taatwe can.;atai1d.!it:if tb(f iauiear uiu j.uir wrutwere nnu uususiraj ai j ."'j Charlotte Institute for Young Ladies Withtheciose of' the las't term, Dr arid j Mr Chapman, surrendered their lease upon this Institute and will ! no longer. con duct it. What the' prospects of the in stitution are, cannot be told, as no one has yet been found to take it and re-open it the ensuing session. Parties are neeotiatrae for I - i - H , i 1 OM i I "k V 1 fKeHeisof 4he bAild4olrFa-asntthing final lino hean Htwilpl nnnn V regret that Dr. and Mrs. Chapman have found it best to take the step they haye ta- ken, t 4ht Hheir -places- may le ''fllledL' oV "so me j-mewho' eao awnase lafemalschaalhf h!gh "grade here, so as to make it a success, finincially and otherwise vu ioi,i.cDuuiuuufcTwyjfipiijaur J . , , ' 1 it' . , A ' young ius, nuu n me ngui man secur ed and put at the head of this college, a man of vim and tact, it will yet have. , The Big Railroad Case. Our readers will remember some time ago that the engine and can, consisting of au entire passenger train of the R. & D. R. R. Co. were chained to the track of tbe MAW R R near Whitehall crossing by the sheriff for debt. On enquiry we learn that Col (irant has paid judge John D uunmngnatn, J attorney, over $10,000 already on the bill of exchange in favor of the National Bank, which he holds for collection, and which mm tha fminAaUnn rF tht .flrinna . .nil aeainst the Rifchmond & Danville railroad, against Buford and brant, Alexander & Cto.j,'.she owned in the opntry. He did so, and endorsers, and also of the attachment suit of, Grant, Alexander & Co., vs. R & D R R Co. It is believed that the balance of the debt will be paid soon, -pd thuan endbe.put to . 84id4MTigad4h.-44c4i. 29th. v r j i r i J - f Marrikjrea'Dhf ihff r Jrane. Tfee'leay!menth seems hot lO' be a good Qne tQ gefc marriedint At least only 15 mar-, . t,-,. hii.. AeM fottiMT U r whiteaanA8 coloredpouples, pames as fol- lo-n H ftfiti 'nj 30 "L'21 WHITES Jan-& J Cee.'RAia Hobve? I ."AS! Wm L BakrEauri-'HoWc?ir John R Cline, Mary-Parker, John If M8ttft0tllierf?er, lYltT.Jwm, WileyadisilMartka Bms u.T fefiakrMrfTtaa McCpimel.:i y . SI " ssmxrkd. JosOwenaeRoss-jp 00 Thosfi Jamison, Ida Alexander, - . fteTx?a'Wnn cQIMIaaiand .1 SSSmiWft AH ui, artha Jones, Isaac Hunter. Mary A Clavborne. Did not lecture lasrnight, for the reason tiieadWpubllty Ka;rh' ftvn-W the "iTTp7" mTTiPT.a JLiliLti.. lew geHtiemen-";-assemo;ea; mrwever, ana ease&tS'fcnrWr k" g-aau, f.Okiut;AIMl her; armwltdfg4vHinideafconnect- ed with4teffr. The paw j (turned after a motion whjcjijwiis mlas carried, that Miss Boyd be requested to repeat her lecture tJll cawjWtf Ae 1 latoe finibw yesterday iid aSsnresnlrtnaf herecognized i . .-.i:2rj. jjkjES j tv j j city. convince him. TfVl JfV tZ JUKIHfn We have no doubt she will tell aa int - esUne story of "moviriy'aidentai "ood and eld.'of harr bfth' V.pes," Slc and hope there will be a erowd out to hear her. j ut j. Tbf JPri0uatuaJJflatataa.I1 , u.Theiialeiga! Aea'jeays; "i a ,7 ''The potato bug -has made its appearance; in the Panther Branch section o this cotin-: ly.'and is. We learn doing some damage." -'-'J-Why; Stone,' why don't yxiir put "his .pie- tare in- the paper, like we did j 1 Yoa aia,'t displaying f- enterprisej" man. -It is of more importance to publish a photograph ; of the potato bug, thap of a thousand,, insane ay rAit to having; his likeness taken, give-hisa tothe-pah'tliei'. ' ' " " j.yi J(. 0f the indebtedness - of aur city siib spribers, jwasj-gent, .yesterday through the Ptoffiqe. a. a matter f; business. ,Any mjistake; fcha fraay-have xtccurred williifi nromDtlv. and .cheerfuHv cor-: r.ec.tedjj nd j U3t , as. . soo n asTthfr lists' can be revised, which will be:in a day or two, everyisnbscriber who & in reeaiu wilLU s&ickertifrofn-oar sub scriptiotrosdniisial " In this connection we will take oc' easidn to state, thAt'aa we will in-fu tore- earrv'no dead' weiffbt, it is the in- tention- bf 'the troDrietior. and the whole- editorial staff to matte' Tti& IObs - ekveb' ! more ' entertaining and xdf 'ott !iiianievr.1.MyVje ..Urave reaeemeu every pedge,yetirnad .to our peofi'les,' arid we assure t'neni that this is '. no idle, or presiVrripti!b:0ai5t. 1)7 . -;.;TU,lt. Interesting Xlteratuie. 7 'e"' weW just ctjpfan interesting book, to read. and,'at thi,s season, it is not reasonable to exnect nnr exchanswa fcn h rBtnartfthlir Whale- pondering over' what could next dav 00 hand unori ta cratifv morning'9' mailat the1 same time, wfe fell up' on the'Mon.thiy Keoort bt ,tne. Department; oAMCUltur'which ie considerate Wafts the had tjbe goodness, to send us. Not . a : pencil stroke didwe make fthtil the last iijaeof it was eagerly devoured, and any imperSections in iv1 tlis mprning'a paper, may be charged to tne arrival in the ofllfle yester Jay, of this thril ling romance. To whet the,ppetites of oilr rcauers, mr unanuui. tuia uuuruiug, f c lav bfforl t ipni hprow.tTi & bIthtIa ATirf t 7 ' o . "The vipe-louse, PhyUonera vnstatrixXxa' choh, bedb'g! to the class Insecla, order Hetttiptera, sub-order ITomoptera, family of plant lice; PlytophtKire,; tribe 'of leaf-lice, Aphides, in iWbieh are numerous genera, as Rhjtvbius, Eriotaifyx, Ckerm.es, Lachnus, Aphis, te. iThe fvine-louse appears to belong to I thilast, though Corou plaees it between I Aphis and Lvccua. Marriage by a Jut-tire. . . The other day a man and womuil abpeaf--ed before Justice W F Davidson to be mar ried. The woman s name was Parser. At the time the United StaU-s troops under Capt Thomas were stationed here, she mar ried one of the soldiers, who went .out with hia command, tinder orders from the gov ernment, to fight "Captain Jack and his j Modoc brave3." The soldier, with Captain Anonias ana several otners oi tnesame com rnand, was killed by the red wen,, and his I widow, whom'he had left here, wrote , to , very intimate' friend of her'late husband. I one who was in the same (inmnanv. tn imp I back here and tae chargepf a farm, which I the two nave been hying together eversrnce the' man working thefarnr.''i They have had frequeht fallings out,' Sand the Virtual hus band has several times threatened "to leave. :8oQ84ays ago he made good, his threat, and not only left, but ca'me before Justice Dovidsori and sued the woman for work and labor done. He got judgment and , went away happy, but had not been , gone more than a few moments, when he and the wo man came back together, peace having been restored, joined hands ' and were' married then and there. ' ' ' The woman is right well off, her first hus band having left 'her $7,000, which'is riow deposited in one of the Charlotte bank:' . ;,.,-' it.'. !i:-.-.d'-' i " ' : ' ' :i The Water vYbrks uestloo: This is a matter which has epgage-1, the attention of the present Board-of Aldermen to ? considerable etteni'and 'Which' has long been the talkof citizens generally; - There i no discussion concerning the need of them ? this 4s adiuittid"0n alt"!lHUds, and the oaly question ,'js, .whether ''thfr citycan1 afford tbetn,. -) We think U.can. afiocd to have them better . tjhan j it ican , afford to do! without them. A friend of purs who was a Rome, Ga, . recently, examined the . water . works 1 there, and put on paper the .resul t of his in letil:atiohi','Coniiiderinr' the interest now felt here in this matter, we publish some of theleading items of ' material and cost: MaSapipat leadings the -tank, 10 inches, 1,50Q feet-;: pipe to' atfcet 10 -Inebes, ' 2,000 feet: disrihoting pipe,. fi inches; 100 feet; same q jnebfj 2JW ;,same 1 inches, ienotigh to .make miles inj aJJspppiyipgptises, at about $5,000, including faotories railroads. &c; The pipe cost in Philadelphia, 80 and frieshL bat can now be bought for 36, The 05 Tbft capftoiij iof the tank is about 240,000. gaXtonanraHe en- pressure rate at 120 hoise, power Wlbs?' pressure, 'and 'making Mik'Uk "l2L I ninffonTBome30lMrinto the solid lime I There are m Rome; -55 JiW llugSfJ 4 Aai 1 beattacBedT to7each hose1J5hjiwipg7 aeam, W'o" rfijptftifltWtbJ. There iaJio hputWft) ibalcasnlat be reached by at least 3 plug, y -. - - v School, :;..!r.';p.,l. nil Mi- inlo. Compliance with aninVitiitiOn from "kfc- , r, . -nr t i. m principal, -Capt. W: A Parries we at- tended the closing exercises! of Macon 0 - . Wwhi RrsHohli-nf -thiaf. watomUv 5 anrl l spent two or three hours vety-pleasant iy. -Quite: a' nunirjex. of -ladies asSeTff bled at, the school .hons- though ' the" mart :mm rsithrir aatthftV. ' i-r . . J I ate-.fiwnen anytning-; commendable ia gdjyiiOnai.'The-: exercBe3 commenced' by -tile xamination Of classes ia mflth-- ematics, ; followed - by 'Latin-recitation H from CAeero'a Orhtions and Sallust; also .Greek exercises written on the black board.; The fiupils showed - remarka ble proficiency in each of the' above, branches,' and convinced every one that iCapt,TJarrier ia not only a fine 'sclrolar iiiiivseu, nuunaa,mio gns oi imparting knowledge to others a "gift much, rarer .than .many people suppose; The ex- ercisea . closed with' declanaation. - Tn" this the boya-iioqnitted thpisoiselves vfiffi' reditablyi . indeed, n It would fee -invid ious: to. draw eomparasion, -so'wte -will make none. Some of- the' ybuthf hi' ,orators had boquets' shbwered 'ori them, bj ibe.iUlliputian : fair,' . and bowed as gracefully ta ackrxowledgcment there of as grown up Men' could have done. The flowing ; Sare-. the - hanies' 1 Of the ,John Briittoiif Hohenlinden T M Vance, ' Parody i dn-Hohenlindeii ;' R H ;Hardiiig, The True Honor of a Nation ; J W Wadsworth, Jr., Wreck of He.spe -rps ; .Ai..W,AJarrmger, '-est) Means ot se curing Poei . Si liee PTessonvDeah of TTo. -v.il f-.i . T. ."T..iartV..flF .rtaaaiiitUvnM ' Barrett Shipp,.'i Battle of Waterloo; fa. Brigade; ;L Jj JenkuisrPaddleYonO vtri tpanoeiit.ffV u lUowiesjjeainoi'vvftTien; Wi-HMIxinayj :Tho i World ;? F M (pjknoiB.!.V G Cowles, Death of WhTi en ; J Vance- Extract' t-n-froia 'i 'OenteiirtM'j'HigQj 2, ,4. -audj, 0 Speech; Eddie lie PhiferPnciijlaiput.LM 9T-Wi&iStS the Test i s C Aj .Foxy Ani !, Aftec thedeclamatiori! the ;ttxerci.ses ckediWriiL prayer by Rev E- H Hardf'; ingw , . ,The next session of thissehool will open Monxlayihe 1st of September. otJWMUMeATETJ. 1 ' -The Allanthu Tree: ,V i.ntip nnr wnrthv. Mnvnr's rf- monstrance against tne citizens allow- ins this poisonous tree to remain m their lots arnPt.iemises. and we hot)e that even now at the 11th hour his advice will be listened to, and every one will quickly rid their grounds of such a dangerous nuisance. Who can tell the evl, in all its magnitude? Aduha,iit is well known, suffer from it, but, look at the infants and small children. Its effects' are most pernicious to these innocents, and quickly sweeps off every summer a vast miinber .of-them. Surely the dictates of humanity should induce all to desire to apply the proper remedy and at once destroy this pestilent "upas." We should not prefer to have' the tree inoculated with, some sort of virus to take away its baneful poison, but much rather to have it destroyed, root an d branch, at once and forevermore. ., ,; .:; . -. r ' ' Y. Y. Z. r r t -t. t-t .-r-'T a-- i . - -- . NEW ADVEBTISEnE.. KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS, - A regular meet ing of Charlotte Lodge No. 17, K nigli ts of Pyth ias. will be held, at Masonic Hall, in Ue Temple A sso ciatiop Bailding to-night, Prompt atte n da n e t of members; ; desired. Visiting , brethren cordialtyiflvited. I Byorch:f the .'.C.-Qv,,,,-,,, '.t(, i, C,D,SNpW! ' jnl'l-lf - K. K. K B. . ' :., -,,1-t .. i,,-..i-i.-1 tl. .TJ.QRNER & GRAVES' eCHOQI, 1 . , H? .mi- .(, ii: .' i ..'' ''' " , HILLSBORO, N,,C ( , The fall session of 1875 opens on the. fourth Mdnday hi Jufyl ,. : ' Catalogues Bent on application. ; iui 1 ud 2tw.:, 1 . ii,; u . :;! .; it 'IMtfL Casino ! i 1 j , iiHI it nOOD News, for GIRLS & BOYS., Five Ti iiece of Chew! n Gont and Five Prises for; fiveciSii .Call ,eaxlj; before it w-ail sold, jlll '"" 1 ; ; it;i;'i . ;! -i.f'x BIG CASINO -.11 w ytV'W sl A;tiJE-: I AT . . ... .- V'tf'.n't' i 1 .!. '.'-I . ' NO other gum m the-trade sells as , rapid-i ly. Call and examine,1 or send in your Orders. -: :-.i-F JU. 'JLHDKJSWo W, jull;,, rf "li D OING AND DREAMING, !it:lt if A. new book by Edward Garrett author of "By1 Stiil'Water," "Occapatioh' pf a Retired Jfill Ilf,ir- I .no. I ..-fttf-'tl!T9 in i , lif. I t i . t'" 7 ! f eat Ad v-ah 'c e tt 'j-ib (.Hit W1W V-M'r .rit in r.o bft--I-.-wT J t it '-' 11 fu 4mi 1 inn-; im:; -j.: ui -.' n.--" 1 r . ..;.-.tt 1 OM this dato we wUl seireboda5 in ;6 ! 'tJUne. to prdntpt iiaying ; customers f'Oh taWi Ooto fit. . ia .aMnkM MSS2 nr1 imiinntM n t-i 1 1 1 am mm iwnrMUntl WI!" 'ii'X, Cl'il- P Co Sees indBOeawatcoiresrxmdinRrTrieea "We wiUhbtreqUiranotei Vropi'iuif prompt customers. - Ndne WtpprrwbA'jjyilpdl SB? CMramntit Ffe4rn1 .na. .VnenAL;riJi7i.0o .'fl.tW A0er Sickness t)r.Di:, 84, no 3ho1ef --jwC ?,-2ga8 aapertoaAifet1frd.l eartiaadrsngas. fei8pply4liww 'J ,"S-7r, -Can and arAinnr jull 40HW1W 4b SM W ulltU'fe oppos- ite the Post Office and adjoining the Bank of MecklenQutgI am now prepared to en- btfttrninst an? transient boar.1- era -and lodgers at prices-to suit the time. vino 1 vr uir t tri l.i.a. il. iitfWf irjul1" 'uhV1 OMMifrNiNq TO DAYi - WRaneii' ibV Cash'oriiy'erpt to mer- WaMaTOWWiWlWCDipg. lem wfteKchanire accounts and, country, mewuants .wno settle hants .who settle Iwith ragseieherlh Ifarldtteriittiie paper mills, in Zincoin aati',IleaVelahu fcounties, AH e'aeremust pa eeeh tierpu rchase Oranges. I? BESlIijiiMl JUICYr.afc - . I' . u u iMnnriuc. j. i ics ;: HI6 .-lot iJii.'l :.-mtl.Ui l noil! v IT.TLE CBlSTlfej'ifIEND A new hook for girls. $1 25.' . .Tinnv PDA i Mum.. m'U Choree" Hamswnd Breakfast 43aeon . . A. NOTHEli. tot oCkbosehtrtoei Excelsior .ijtlama iAOwJia jcBreaiBrasei cacon, nice Shoulder Bacon. Ture reboilod ket.le Lard, just received, at .,.; : ::... nn iiujj N SMITH'S. iff AY g S . 1 0H Mii raclep. NICE Fresh Camcand ' Soia 'Crackcrs, just fronitheBa-kery, at jnQ T y yjrsdpaaiy vf frket IIoasc AT H ASHAGEN'S XiAH be ifQnn-atUa niost ooaipieteiae assort - Araccries LP?lRblhtlt- yiil1i.tilmi1 l wpi"l ;i;.w) iUiuuywii.t'i a K-OOni6tnings!j iji lit Ou-ti Choice Pickles, YlT'barrels. for sale bv the dozen, also iral- X Ion, half gallon, quart and pint glass Jars, at- m i M 111 HASH AG KN'S. ju29 Fish, IT'XTRA No. 1 Mess Mackerel, Oregon I J2J Salmon. N C Roe Herring, at . H ASHAGEN'S JO.29 Urecery. . j - Floiir, rriRY Ouf Old Glorv Flour, for sale at A HASH AGBNS : ja29 Grooery. i Tea, Tea, T?OR,Choice Seleeted Teas, go to I1 HASHAGEN'S jn29 Grocery. Coffee, Coffee, FOR Fresh Roasted Coffee, go to HASHAGEN'S GROCERY, ;, ju2 ;. V. ; Opp; Charlotte Hotel Every body Wi 1 1 Have One ! THOSE fine Melons have firriyed, C4II at Mj Davidson's: they are going like" hot cakes. . , . ,w . ,.1 .; 1 J - f ' ' " ...' 1 ' ,.- : 200 BOX E8 1 : r,-', WindowGJassj.nU sises. j , m ' ul3 WKBUBWFL&CJ. rrtBY yiENN A CpJX)GNEi'. ,a i J;,H vt ""In 25 cents'; 'r bnts anii a botUe.ubf in use. '''WttURWELL & CO. best, : ja 13 . -.1-1 ii.i'i Uttle Lovers. 1 1. i.i- t - "! J.4S- - THE first lot of the popular 5 "ceht'Cigars ... 1... . V - -r solrapjdly.and gave satisfaction we have ;ankthflr4ot by erpressVhHh we"'dffet at the same-piaceHi ju25 .'I.. ..II 5, T C . SMITH. A CO. I.W II H v tit iiJ tin it m:t. fTTAX paid collar are nor ready and w 1 1 r 'A 'be' sold by Richird Moore .oaly, ,at, Jiis store on Trade Street. -..On ftvarv.dtw on dollar, on tvr- slut f two dollars. 4-M v? -woi ir'i: i Kiwi EST j-w li ..-..uJiiTrU J'1M1 i r I t .... -..IfA .......lint. KUS Slt n-l!li- n2T lotW 'si t;:i ' ji Kill 1J vh JlK' !' 1 1 lt 'i' V A A-' 1 . " - - " 3 3 al A . . . , : 11-,. a t-i.;.:nat a. i I' mw wm U 7 -.....r.,,. ia.t"i,iun :.ii't hm flHJnff QiEffa 'iSsMBSjMlC' r?S?i55Ei lit.; J-wilomart alg jr-f Vfl ,1 Jan 2 7 . ftUACH 1 iti!i;- i I . t m. 1. A . I BU ' 1 ' T it? . r: r i a1 rMBHMaksrMetak. f J lr.r,-.4 jdl Jl r, .tl. t i ll i. .n i- .'l;.i. WiM -Vk Wi,