JOB PRINTING. A i suBacHintox bvtks vA-.v.i .r.T IhWKTTl A DepMtntejLiM been lliiirtmt'jMpfrHM wklfcWiy needed want, and w itb the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Work can now be done with neatness, dlpatca and" cheapness. We ean furnish at short roflee vi, BLANK8. BILLHEADS,t -' ;. .LETTER HXtDa. CARDS,. i ' r ' 6 iuos. i J"! , ffVT - 4 oo 4 SgioiaaoO fcai VatoTtl ?J Weekly, (ia the county in advance, $2 00 , 'oat of thaeodhtys postpaid S 10 -e month q?J tSm " 105 fofi iifl A J ckARiTr-tf : lz.Zrfi,:'MM9" - TAGS. liECKIPTS. POSTERS. . tJ PROGRAMMES, TJjIJar BILLS, .JPAMPHLfcTS, CHECKS.I&c 4o. Liberal redactions for clubs.i., .,, TT. 5 i TVT; T7T.7 3T T GREAT. REDUCTION ;I B(p:SS ' g'Kh iU fi. Ot.-iSo '(III Jtf J'bi ! .,' j p AVK MiRKEDpOWlf PRICES OiTHEIR EKTIRE STOPWtlr BOOTS A. SHOES!: J.A Thtj rhariott?0$errer. 4-;-''. i. PUBLISHED B V.OfaVe; Observer BuUdglJorier j -!.f:.Trale and College-Street. s i J ! ' -i. ,H UI 3 10f. i t -i-Hl-U .-Kit Jit ' i-i; .Vlii;' .1 .' ,: uj 1 hue ,.U ! M1L.KO iaies ciow, goat ana can anoea, .........i $2 50 Zeiglers' Ladies and $omkyt.S"-vf rr - -V....W ...JW....W 2.09 ZeiglerV Indies cloth Biitfoh Bodti,.,..i... . M 3 00 ZeiglersJ jf81 SllKTlTTf " !V!;--'''-":; -' l!-iY .J.j' ii vni ) .N &W .LR N H.j0;K-.,T iBjJ I L D I N GTKXDS STREET, .1 lt TfiE ATLANTIC HOTEL eAI NOUSC EMeCTt Iftwal agent to collect claims1 dnjBTOeeitber; for jod worfe, or for subscfipwo"8 ??, authorized to receipt for any soma that nay- be placed in his hands or collection. : . , ' ' ' ' r " 'rCMk&B.. Jones, I . -iz .'i, -fi' Editor & Proprietor. Office of the Charlotte Observe,' March 18th. 1875. "ma2l-tf - Thieves have let up considerdbl''i, jl Dog killing will begin now in a few 'days. LiverbJjrBeTarfiiitrn it pay these rinin era v ' '. evenings. :1i (" . .-. .H- rpHB above mUbi?aK,a"tL ar fr vorahly introdMed to tbe pnblff last Snrumer, by the newowneT'ipil'KfaRlni, of Mecklenburg! for the seasoAf 1875y; MAY; 1ST TO )OIABijyiopeycUsit;prs only as the undersigned nvaj be willing to admit to hisfamr.rle?p his pleasajat.acqnauntjinciiQitli al!jrnieT Quests 0ft ii. . ail j.?- TT. The pepnliariitUaiao .1 tiU lue,affords all J.he pleasure f oyage3with(5at peril ; . ill . i ldifiv4dh,icktjU !!5iX'fc ftiehole feeSib froirf tlliarlotte and crtnrn tenayicket.Xr....r Stf. j m .aj.iivga'iATH . - Applications must be made-to ; OEOIW CHARLOTTE, 'oriti friit m 'Ji:m)i " ' .. Proprietors i out a,T)ll 8J i ?"' pr ''Bear iti .mind' the townslrib e'mVwitioii ate A wagon heavily loaiedtwl lb bricks,' broke, one of its Jjtnd'ifc'leelS anxjt ckyed 'irV o Co- jege street ycaseroay .anarnoop. ... . , f'ljThe colored MetriXKMsttrliad : a 'festerihent'J last night, on College Stie'e, It was largely attended; as all their festivals- are. . '6'r6und "was 'oroien Teerdayifor the cells to thenewJn9ujMeTutding'on the corrteV of Try onand Tduiih sti eets. Adeh'gh'tful shower visited1' us yesterday aterniaon .Itywas hesded.lta by jthe gar Jerrylrfostly!riWfe?tabfiVed a bathing Iroorrt infc?Tea? of ShtdJrV 6ir- reonv, aiul. invites gentleaoenJ ''ell !atl' liflufge ir. HH'e4uxry'6iiftatn3!,,i'1 "l Z In the .cumin nnicatioii fi'Tni ('61 ffT Vie-' iuon. Diiblishea dav' v'esterdar. the -word piiaLeu':triip" should have' heerj 'f Of all peopldtnthe 'Wrid to eit: quietjy and look upon the-srpproach of the glorious; Fourthwztheut a "cnage'6f,eipre3eipn or; dewtre frpia beala,1kl ; tlu.eni ai&f.Uiq YFplnrJjmlj!l"j take ead: Olf.fMV UICOS19, JIC WTO Hon of Jndepenqence 'and give, the '"talk -isa" a ca.ce-ioTdliateon ttie'eagle. iU-a ! ' i,;.Prpf J F.. Xatimer,. of Bavidson-. College bound for Columbia. 8.U. Afwr a short. fnr lfnrftfo where he TjrODOSea'to abend soma time. Mr Latimer IsT a yborlg prbfessor'.lhut' a gentleman of deep learning arid a fine- in structor. His-4birdor4pg Uie-past session were'very arduous endXhe i slap 4S i need bt the' recreation jhe lev abeufe; vtaVin&i . s j "A Cleveland voune man has a scrap book containing the marriage notices of all the Wmeli that be2 has4 loved, ; and - he sits out inj the trtoomight ahd read it and cries," Boston Glotysajiil ui ijJoo-! oJ-J iu r: :!.:'': That shows some lteart. There js a youne t1rrfleyf 'itt Charlotte wh has beena jolted, fortr-one- times, arid 'the lea&antest rao men is or sis me are aoe epeni- laimuig over the good time3 he has had and how he escaped jMan pf stope . .-" .-,), .,., Postal Arrauffenieuti. 1 : :-: t " On arid affer 'yesterday,' .the' lst,f of July . lPiforee,! The facilities with ,ror,eigu. ,caauv tries,; ! -secured under , the : postal , , treaf the details of whiehihave, been- heretofore giveni ate -effect! y. from tliat. .date.; , .The rates of cdmmlssioh charged fer domestic money4 orders will 'be as follows : On orders (from, ii'itf $l5,'ltoicenis; $15 to ,$30; 15 cents? jiofriQ sreets, 'jpext.lopw oiy preparatory ,, to. rpacaaamims; ( m;, Some of the racks wijl come, from' fiathey's ciitjion tb Air- line ii Railroad, napdj some from 'r&Bt the rtfsidetlee or a ev a o J5ronson,, across towti!Creeki; at-the fifobt f South Trae strl!.1 ' ' Grafting : Will W 'peguW first, on the end of Trade Street near the LiBe Depot. What lengtlTof time will be requir ed to complete Ihe work, cannotTye he estu fil. 'is'')". " ri; ' $10j05 !).55 j31 !.., Hit i'it., ::'. ba J;. ' .1 .iJ' i fUTf j la T5i ' .JES S. S. PEGRAM. -i f miff F It 'l C E S FOR 1L ST Sti ' S "1 t miMTYn"-. W Wi. "5 .T KW . V wwVWVW f sV- E TTlvftr C A S H ? ; r' NOW'1 IS TH WE 1BE OETERH1BE0 NOT TO , ' v - Vu BUY ! 'jo:.' Ella BjiI tTie fnvinci'iie5, irVesrei-'ib ElUv, Hs bifore'ilis Honor' Jhe yonT yes tffJayfor afunV aridSlisoraerl . 8ne go i The Ubitediafcel apchoMimVAO-jthis tity,.has teased to exret,; . An; act Of the last 4 Congress Closed its doors, as a Mint,- on Wed- uesday.' Uri inventory has .been ' UJcen of alt the property and It la ofe$ aed that the conlenls of the building will be hi-fvWyery soon This In t ''was' estabUhed' llere 45 eaw ao. witn vol Jonn n , v neeier as ayer, jijld a'ftfr ia ; lorig ej.lfte.iice; wp torry t see jt closed. iU RiULlexlbUls. off $.8anTe!sti .if .-'j .-i :; , ? ,vThe'inan who eats a .banana and "throws the peeling on the sidewalk lor some one to slip up.onis predestined to start off in an opposite direction from heaven when he "The ",Qunds of the ojd banj.)" wereabroad QW thecal air, last !JfHist ed t6 its dulcet strains, accompanied as they were by thd voice of the pickist, we felt sure that there wis one who, while he live? in the worKIwes h'gh above all its troubles and annoyances, an J is supremely happy in having nothing, wanting nothing, nor et-l onlyby men, business men and politicians. rpecting nor hoping to be anything superior I We try to gratify all tastes, and the fact that to the creature he now. is. - , .1 opr pajier is read so carefully by the : tadtes V ' ' of the city, leads us to indulge tne nope inai dies. It wal a' brjgUt"a!pd .pfetty idea of a little two year old, boy,.iu h-s.ity, wh'en-heiex- claihied, as he saw the lightning flash across the sky, a few eyeuings ago : 'Look-, jnaima, Dod struck a matqh; U.i i - s 1 o r At this season. the sma'.fc boy returns from dinner, n bis menrthteethiand face , Ir iu-U'ir u.H orij tnere rs a ieiiowinonanotte wnouou i, niiuw tlendingtof parple and lack, and .. .. . Q . Mn, -.,-.-, m,kft . AnU tiful' blending'-of pdrple looking gen ei ally, as if h,e had been dragged by the beers through a blackberry patch. "t iA young man who boards ia the city, pro wses to carry a piece of the so-called beef LOOK AT-THE PRICES, MILES' BE3T LADIES CLOTH and GOAT GAITERS. ZEIGLER'B y - Button Misses $2.50' 2.00 3.00 1.75 , . n ... " . .r- r i - , WHS IaVe REjitlCtD THIS PRICE OF ALL WMMEk GOObs, THEi'MUST liE i, fl. ;, o44.. price aw STR.CTLY CASH, eAU: SQl0N FOR BARGA INS. Z ''i':fi ' -,1 P,E G B A M, : JJZi-i''71- c QprsiTE Central Hotel. analyze it and tell what it ia made of Tlie local historian perambulated up and down the streets and- through the alleys yeaterday, but all his zeal failed to gather together the desired number of those items for which he sought so eagerly, . Miss Belle Boyd did not lecture last night for the reason that only a few persons were present. She-will give a free lecture at the Court House to-night, and invites all the citizens of the place to ahend. .1 We direct attention to ,the advertisement of Messrs Spencer A Allen, who have just purchased the grocery steck of Messrs Wolfe & Neshiti They are rrew comersiin our city we welcome thenv and ask for them a pat r .' ' i ;: ! i i . ,s W HOLESALE & RETAIL i ! I- :'i !: "LZ:y ; x ...,rY ; ..:. r 1 ; ( ': !; BEALEBi? IN" ' . FUR N' I T U R -js . E D O I N G , &c, No. 5, West Trade Street. :' .vh.q 'icn?X'KLOTTfi;N.10?'i';rt J'V-1,i i ror.age. The Township, Cjimveutioii To appoint delegates ' to tbe Dcmacratic Couhty Convention which meets on won day next, to nominate candidates for dele gates to the Constitutional Convention, will be held at the Court House this day (Friday ) 'si II o'clock.1 Ai M. . A fell trim- out of th citizens is, desirable. . , ' . JUST RECEIVED. f A FVl(J,L ASSORTMENT 4 OF tS. Terry arlrwr ' Snita in. Hair Cl6 tK -. 1 4 1 !ps. Also, a new Par)or Suits Terry and llej Medal Awarded! We, observe In bur 'exchanges that, at'th recent commencement at Roanoke (Va College, tbe medal in the oratorical contest; was a warded to Mr Hughes Dillard Jr., of Franklin, Va , who has: friends and relatives Hying In our cityi He '1s a son of Hon HuglteaillaitdV), , ":,,' No Paper Sunday. itsxTi.-u; vi. l&ptiWlhf-b&t a- National Sundayv we have oaQipde4t',celeb'rate to morrow as it choiceltweeri' it and MOLday. : .'! C0nQENCR?& .-lurhR ii. si--; I htil !: in;) ii;.. ; 1- f: " . i : -. ' FROM this date we win sen good j in our line to prompt parinecustomers on time i3ll3rJfctotelflC aaal ranee on cash pricea W tnention the nrices of a .few articles : '' j arid garaPtee qnaltles k represented : Corn, cash;"$1.0S,"tm T?itobey lsl!,"$l.40 10 00 9.00 tX25a8 Cotosei and SPgara at corresponding prices We willaotreoHire notes, from anv orompt chants orCharfotle with whom we exchange I custoaier. None peed apply, wio will not J ;r : s ;! i i'.i . .'! I I pay ap account at maturity. ' 1 auy uunuuiv ui urajn mu rium All above terms. Flours. 1 ' ' We; shall sell for1 cash only except , " TTats, 8J ' ".. . " ' ! . v Flppr j imperial. ; cash ,9)0, time tomer- original, ''S.OO u' M m . V i Choice1 exA Hlv6.2a ' quantity oi accouPfs ifod ebantry merchants who settle through intern cm vnii sun r.auiino uur i f 4Jay, fpte, yestacday fi , eanesday.4 was knuiim ia- the btrch calendar s St. Peter's and Sti Paul's Day. 'According to tradition of the aricSent'fath ersf,; the apostles, Peter and Pau!suPredmartyrdoal within - one year of each'pthr; Irafe on thiearaeday of the riorith Vz'i tlie 59ffi'if Tube; ' ITp thecal todir of e .ifeinan' CithotSC church that day. ia therefarV set ,4yQ 'the 'annlVersar oi tuese jwp 8f ipxs. j 1,1 ,was. iormeriy posery- i it ;'j " rill 1 1.'...-. the Catholics)f this country'has long , since ceased to be i' holiday of- obligation. . . . The: cWurclr servlee in; CommenKratioo..of the' annfyers5ry,:accord5 ng o the ' co;gtem. hlere,' is transferred to tna isanaay 'sucoeeaing tne 20th'of June. brDos- I At n. W .n4 WfllAlni:.IKki.Uanlr mills in Lineup and Cleavelahd counties, of Mecklenburg, I am now prepared to en- tertalatetbpeonmmWita&nsient board ers and lodgers at prices to suit the times. jAll otners 'most bay cash altiroe ofptirchas J julw.,,,,,, i ;,.,!, u : ji:! ronipliateutary to the Observer,,, f) The highest compliment that -could welt be paid the OBjEKysB, (and certainly there is none that we would appreciate so highly isthat Std mbit carefdl readers are found aniong the ladies -of the eity. Whether they find something in i t. to . intei est , thepi, r whether they read, always -fwpig.fa fii;d something entertaining, we know not;. baft it is certain that its columns are scanned closely by the ladies, both married and sii- gle, and to tell one of them of a thing' which lias appcarcu m iv, ia ao a tt j.v ivjiu w.y Daily newspapers are supposed to-be rfead "The Curious ttoins. ; .. . 1 we speceed in a measure, at least. The citizen who 'doe3" the, local for the Charlotte Obseeveb wants somebody to go to one of the banks there and, see so,me cu- NEXV ADVJBRTIBHETJ., I a i that one bajlf and tPO quarters make a dol- A ' 1 lKa li-uarr-Dvw tviU nloAsn lpt ii si snow: l WatMngton-Biar' f! Well, how many people there Are here who didn't thuik of that, and called: to See isim F l,f K&tllc -- rr The Printers' Picnic. The picnic of the printers of Charlotte, will be held to morrow at the Catawba River on the Charlotte, Columbia & AugusTa Rail TTENTION. HOHNET8 ! nil fl ra herebv ordered to attend your road. A few guest have ' been invitedto1 regular monthly meeting heningat8 !?x..Vr .-- kS r o'clock -Those xn arrears will be required participate, auix wc laura ui yaij seJJe requested and expected to bring.with them, I ' W H TRFZEVANT, baskets of provisions. .The picnicera will RoBr R Ray, , lt.S.tlniji:WC 5.i t Secretary, jul 2 President. IAN0 TUNING & REPAIRING. , if Ung any througl Call i I " jul 1 ! G W CHALK & CO. iH Vi 1H --jfl In,- ' .:. ii wlrn'rags either in Charlotte or at the paper - qoakd. ANp 'MfMiV ,i! n;.',!!'. 11 laying leased the'fenhplMiftg 'oV j-iiiit'i -101 iu . t f or ho trade. ot) i. O ' ! TIDDY 4 BRO. to ' Oranges - - RE&H and JTJICT.'-ist -i .noi F H ANDREWS CX'S 'HI'). 'I I'. 4- : Til !:!! l! I . 1 ITTLK CHRISTIE AND HER FRIEND or: a A new' book' for Is. $1 85. A V Choiee Hams and Breakfast ' Bacon . tit, ! ! 'n')HT'i''l VE ARE HARD 3 BHATls iNOTrf EkT ret'ot' tVofee SSSce Excelsior ii Hams. , .Also .fine Breekfast Bacon, SnoplderBacon. rnre reDOueu aei le ,just received, tit" ,v- " ' '2. "' ",: B-N SMITH'S. 't, h TT7E take pleasure tof friformiirit!ithe eiti Tl 1 zens of Charlotte, thaPwe nave. One of Crackers. the best Breads Cake. m andiiOmainental ..Xj.1 iAOW UV'W uuv "vfjt W N' PKATHER A C0'8 Ji,nW everviinirVioe.. Pyramids. 330 tirs. rounu we, xru ve. 0PSLU"8" i"'5' a t I I AOI I AOTM'! ICE Fresh Cream arid1 : Soda-'Crackers, .lust jn30 Cocoanut Cake, Kisses,' Lemon Cake, Wash- AT HASHAL1E.IN O irtgton Cake; Rockiike. Jtaisln Top Cakes, 1 Unuiinuun w Drop- Cake. Jumbels, Trenches. , Cocoanut rAX he found the nrbst complete assort- Spounge, Citron 8pounge, Lady Fingers, j ment of Choice Family Groceries Diamond Cake, Jelly 3ake. Roll Jellie, Al- ever offered; mtti iaffct. mond Cake, African Biscuit, Wine Cake, ju29 8wiss Cake, . Walnut Cake, Citron Cake, . Thisles Cake, German Tea Cake, Cream Qrt rvi svl-lft i ri rr NaA Pnffs, Morasses Pound, Walffen Jumbles, OO ITI Cl 1 1 1 1 IQ ltJW. Spice Nuts, Ginger Nuts Spanish Mcaro- n00KED Corned Beef, in 2, 4 and 6 lb mes. Railroad Cake. Brandy Snapps, Lady I , A r mKii Cake) Cocoanut Pound, Ginger Bread, Coffee J a29 sa s. J!ffiBr'F?M Choice Pickles, 6rWSarfcflFl Jars, at ' " ; 'HABHIGEN'S. Pies, Cocoanut Pies. Frnit Pies of all kinds. ja29 Ice Cream, Orangeade, Ice Strawberry - Cream, at " ITioIa . I C S HOLTON 4 GO'S. T I9n,' HASHAGEN'S. J S SPEXCERi!'. G D AIXEJT. EXTRA No. 1 Mesa Mackerei,', Oregon Salmon, N C Roe Herring, at leave i8i30AjA7lMi,i oil a special train chartered for the occasion, and return at rwb'aeyer U me suits them best. ' A pleasant. time is ant ici Dated, and, will no doubt be had. i. - .! t- ofc"".1 JT"!"" - TKe First Coru ana. .Repairer,- vwv.u A l ot r t Ibndoh and Fans.). Cofft and tomatoes the 30th of Jane, .u-aBders'leftttJUB thinipf, A dinner to-day at the Ex- Ph5fei.8 book 8tore charJdottllwehadjqWa feast of roast- frora town and country mg ears ana corn -puaaing. iresn puAiea 1 m . , w omDtiT attepded to. frpm-tbe jarden,,-and 1reen, Wmato pie. N B-Arramtemeots made with Schools. Beat that, ip Uiarldtte. Mr. t-amweu, ub- i Inslitute3 c; to keep JUOb nulling, uu kuc wi 11 tv v. ; ijl2 m TPnlainh ffjm ilia I We see your 30th, brother Evans, and go Spencer & Allen, Salmon, ja29 5T HA8hAGEN'S Grocery. TRY Our Old Glory Flour, for sale at ' ' .HASHAGEN'S 14 t Jo29 " ."''' '"' ' -Grocer eep instruments in repair you six bettefr We riad Coasting1 ears and this year s; tomatoes for dinner "at thef- Cen tral Hotel on the 24th of June, St. John's Day, six days ahead of you in Raleigh. m m in im-vm HTaxaflbirof Railreadai UJi , The following. valuation o the railroads hamedj rdrrnlog IA 'Meckjefibutgl ouhty, has been agreed-upon, and they will be tax ed accpingy,: Charlotte; Columbia A Art- A., T. & O. R. R. eusta Railroad, running 12 miles in 'the. counW,Taiud &t:$5D0 per mile $80,000- road North Carolina Railroad, 12 miles, valued, at SUPERrNTENDENT'S OFFICE. V Charlotte, .0.; Jnoe 30th, 187&. irYN andafter FridAy Jaly 2nd, the follow- ing Schedule will he operated, over th GOING NORTH, ! t2,000i per itfdle-f $2400. jjCArolina Central Leave Cbarlottei ruin way , toj uiiies, vsiucu si j,v paper Sunday morning. WeV.will issue agaaatp-fnerrowsoiJig, aa usual, out iairUhfttnot unCl. STifeaBay loptf "g- 1 Suppl UWvkM airgrf A full assortment of Metalic :Cases, Caskets afad W, Coffins, OPT hand. - - 0 Ji S. T?Hi1rPSloci 4 hnbiiiill f .i .1 ;' earatul'adiliis. 1 i AighJy lmpcjtan jable telegram 4ai) Indoooilianed ini yeatr4yj'a; pper, an nounced that, at the "New"; Castle Spring 'meeting the NorthaberhiP(alate was wop by Harriet Laws Qwton." We haye no Idea what is Want by the New Castle Spring 11 A U .Vjl .k. h. ilonA unmethine verr fine. " 'I . ft1WnfiJ in a 11 Til TUf?.;. on; VtileKoriraroririaldvelist'ipd poet- fess,' yiln Mej and Mrs E W Hairstop, of Balti- more.arriTed in the city last evening, ana took quarters at the t'entral Hotel. They leave this morning forLinCOlnton, to-jait relatives there, ' Dr W HH Lane, of Philadelphia, ,who ." . i." Sl-L. IV.' is well known in connecuon wnu w patent Post Office Security Lock Box, ar- j '. 1. ii , TT.1.1 ii rived at tpe uenirai xiotci ik. eveumg. CHARLOTTE, N, C. ierWAYS GUARAJITEES , SATISFACTION. jan 30 4 h-ia -,ia y-V'' ?y it iwJ- 1u I U'.t f ' I T. lYligses LongiSc al.G LEVELAND MINERAL SPRINGS, Formerly jW)lwn,'s l , 1 ! OJjLiXix ;;:',OUllMW . NeftrshelbywN-Cy65ipHeWestof Char- Church Street, betwfeeotTth d .8th streets , lotte,, This, favorite watering. riace u Tv,TTlvt b- i ' i""'t3 Wrifor the reception of eelect VisUortoil THE present' Wion'ctoseA July 2nd. and Jane Passengers coming on the Obp the Fall term nill, open the. last Tues-fi trgl Bailroad trill be met by haekf and 1 coii d& t V : .:. ' :.. .1 .....wximttn the Air-Line .Railroad and Clr7nUVX;:Ac:? furnish desired. Cold andJ m ptemoer-,, , T, ri-, j f . .A yeyances sent w me Aj"V'""Arrr Ircnlars. with terms. Ac. furnished 'bn't iaT noints. wherever desired, Cold and. amafeaUnnJ-V A iU i :. wrr FBaths. White Sulphur, Red Sulphur m-k rrff fi'.:-, f.v.P-,;" ' and Chalybeatstwaier; .j ii-mHtj j Italian Band or music, 8na :uiur iuwip; 1 r ' , . - 1- - v- .. - 1 fv , K (iiii i:.a- "UKiiil H"fl ! ' I waif xa Dili 1 r llf F iaveia ar 1 - 1 - 1 a-. room and hair 1 tha lacbool itaidkig ot ii, For farther 0xS'vM!: MiseelLong m riana.). Apply Jd AbtlvUiMimH .od m X.W f. MisaeTniortoGenRBarringerJ m .4 M '! ?"l i '-I ift 'r Jn27 4tdltw . f f xr,ji , f " Chanees In Buslnesary In tbe past day or two, seyeraj changes Groceries in future cbaiiiie himself exclusively to the EjrlStsJoMQnthe late etand of D. P. L. White on uouege sireet. at, w ms fiailJOPghtfie stocte oC MMrpn A j Deaton eetobW oat their stoelcta SMqcer. ambu, 01 bm- f ingliani'Riclimondtwnty vho took charge 5-473.900. AtlanUf Railroad, 11 miles, valued at $4 1 5 30 a m 6 56a m 8 30 a m Leave Davidson College, A rrifR at Ptateaville. ' ' ait J-JJie 1 . . perrriUe! V' ' "i ;f- " GOING SOUTH." . : 111 l- B-ii 1. : i . . i.i. , 1 . - .1 1 , 1 ! " .... Leave. StatesVille, ' ! i a m Hence tfieris Vifi1nd'Workfdoti'in this .'Accordiog to the terms of the charter,' the I Leareiaylawnuegef.HnM ui vt pm SS&nsSueLeTr n,h,$' v,...v- , , ,i t- y-. . j.. i i w . v . ... it j. .1 oi-isli :iu empt fronVtaxation, and tbe cnarter ot tnei ; wiose oopneciiw uhwii qiii bihj INbrtK&WmaaailropjlivfS U a reduction J MZ oftaxalion. Tickets oh' sale v.4o Asheyitte.,. Marion, I V m if Hi -tit toc Stockholdera Meeting A., J, & p. B. R. TheniWmeQn of-tfce Stockholders . MorgantOn and Hickory Station, J GORMLEY, Superintendent. of frAUaaticTeuessea&OhioRailroa W ' ' ' " : . was held in fitatesville yesteraay. , rue I a agent for the Light Running Dpmes-; apeciaL train iiMwm fie .iiil city in xne tic Sewing Macnroe. uoerai inaucemenis morBfnga.returBea inline evening, ana t B 'nirwi w a aVFR froniient&rpel wh weWiiresent we gather j : -''.SV, the opipestherpceduigs., ,j r jQ2 2t tojjOowtalhe; a nd appoiniking roh-T.-TO 'F&TROIIS uant uojmieyjecretary. ,llfJ . . 'Mn5SM .-CHlBlA)WB .aA?:, LIGHT resented-j indeed, more than was represent-' !!- "frH; f '"OOMPANY "J iU edai ihVmeerJgtyfears ago, when' ihe ' 0 who! pay theW bills at the hig figh tn toor pla.le.' TfieT reports of the ii. office of the company by the ethr day Slenhoure, MVcauSyCb's old stand, Tea, Tea, tOR Choice Selected Teas, goto hi . : ,,1 jurtVHASIUGBN'S ju29 ilfimwl mvUmii ?PCCTy corner tbade'. aSd (U.EGE fts., w CHARIaTTTmN. g. R ;W ILL Keep .constantly -cO, hand a : A h " t u29 Goffeej Coffee, R Freeh itosiedATelfeer gotev- HA8HAGE'WWIS . , Opp. Charlotte Hotel. i'lrA JJ .Li, larpe sum lv of Grocerifs. Consfepments t il A HAI K A H ATa A7 ill solicited ami ' rironipt returns gvianixbtediu. L. y .Wif 1 .1 ,j. 'I t,lJ -A - 1 : SPENCER ft ALtENiot : : i Have Oner; !: llli-.,;. THOSE fino Melons hayVarfiyeiif.' Call at Mm Davidson's; thev are aoiae like hot IN, accordance with the above-annouaee- j eakeva.: . , ,.: -a ..iV t -.. u ment, the undersigned would announce to fWjftY BOX ES. 1 ' the citizens of Charlotte, and: the public gen- Window Class,' all siseav .eraUy that their Qrpcery; business will h rTT7 W ftBUWELL& CO. kept In the frdht rartt, am that thJey-wUl :,i.-T. I'Mi; ,!!!' .--i h: i- '.ft -Jt Dog Tax, hot be unilersoW in this market. ! I I -ill! .ii-.,:tf fnAX paid ootlars am no ready and will x .be sold by Richard Moore. only, at his store oa Trade Street,. ..) On eyery d ope.dpll, onjevery slut , . , .-.-!, i q fiPTPKfS-R ITvery dog or slut seen without a tax ! -: t GD8PEltCEB. paid the-6th alayi afninly.mext wfll be killed. . O W ALEXANDER, ja24.,,i . : ...,;.,rlj ..utxWArshaL ii ti j T -I - 1. i; .! !;:' . .. ' . Ml '! -. . . 3 I 11. v u a.1. ; nrt Fresraent, Haperimenaent ana secretary ana mb.ibuuui,wujii svi,! x'T bUUaanu leet, utueiwise ai ,w uuw uij , 1st. By order tf the Board of Directors, ; , .:i.,b iii n , oa ptj treasurer 3wei Tecyedf A fead by themselves, and adopted. ' .. 1; .. In lae'fobieqaeht prOceetlinfes-rjo changes 1 jui2 3t j were S made" feXceptlng--one $ A Carlton, iW.nnwrr- t17' q;teelectid:lattlBt of Directors, J . i J f fice Dt J. Jt'Mfat, 310, ncf being a- bwck- a regular convocation or unariotte unap. Jiojder iajthe ?9adas jheld to be Ineligt- ter ATo.39, B. Ai ifasona will be held to. ble to directorship, At' a' meetipf of tM "?JjliLiiUV ZWUil'L: v " , - 't - r 1 H vi4UBsU,lWUlU9iD va am,i? uuw aawawv vere elected ancommittpe l0i nnaqeeinor. , VlFFIPlC'FOR, RENT " u' lext year, with one addition ye to be made- OBJjAND, pFFCEOR RENT. f dkfp6tm( 'tbreworri ifflrffr-iri ' old' Bocfe Wand , "the meeting,' lasting about .two hourSi' Was- Offlea-offlce 20x82 In? rear of saftie. t. , ' ' m-JI1!. .'.tm.' tv,' 'nwMultfcfc 1 WJ iFOT tttniav c.i apply to 4 ? J" CUhUOljr iBiiuwiuira.. .uv - .... . aimnVniTih Vi i T nnrnr 1 . i ImmI n fr nnr next iaana. . . t s-t 1 j Jnl? r tn . s; '. , . ! ".Jtt i no ?ifr'f;fjtiA. , ' Z-,di oi ... PEACHES 1 PEACHES I .if. F - ' - i T: i --(jt t -i. ' : . Ij ; IN.-TII E CIT Y, i, ll!- lit .Rm an . ;;.?-i:u;' i; '. ; i' .:-AT!-'. F. H. ANDREWS & CO'S. ;i !-:; .ill iJ I- .CARD. ., The Bitters are compounded.. with great care; and are, as their name indicates, the i- Havine sold my entire Stock of Groceries to the well known strictly wholesale -Groc- j known. They are av'siirr preventive of ery House of Messrs R M Miller A ons, 1 1 Uhuw,:jreyer, intermittent arKitaH Maia- recommend my1 former customers to tnis I rial ioaeaaea. tumtau r;mbi t 'l -r house, when 4a wantof any goods in their 1;., After sickneaatQrPiseagaiJt bos no superior as an Appetizer aflq.,nesjprer oi vue Line. EpectallT-,.,.; W.J. BLACK. system. ni(.'" A. I' mLIi :UUiAAiVIU) . . fl . I . . n 6dD NeW for1 GIRLS &' BOYS? ; Tlte lTteces f ChewiPa Gam and Fiye Prizes1 ' for Te,(v jCaI early before it ia all aold, f "" dJ ! t'-Lt tit Deiorewisairaoia.'ir"" '-' .. vvrt'i YiVTvwt w r "till Of p-' it ft - I 4 . : - . 1