r i - f U-TVJ. I 1 'V .1.: vti -; .f::;lTJii vtl DAILY OBSERVES. CH AS JU O NE! Editor &:.Proprletor. 'w. F. AVERY, Associate Editor." V Tuesday July 13, ; 1875. Free from the .doting scruples that letter our free-born reason.1 n -'- a- - : r ; i tt ' ' 'THEudBSERVERriSTHE ONLY PA PER PUBLISHED IN THE STATE WEST ' ' 0 RJLLEIQH WHICH, GiVESTHE LA S' TEtit TELEGBjmt&PlS PATCHES '-'. EVERT MORNING, B USINESJS MEN : FTIZ PLEASE MARE A NOTE VF THIS. ' ('-! SUBSCRIBERS11 - , At all post offices out yf the city must ex pect their papers discontinued at the expi ration of the time Dald for. -'Our Imalllnr i clerk, knows nobody, and. his limti-actloiiW apply to all alike. . ' 1 ) u; t "; .'. i-i . A,IMFJUEXIBLE RUiES. '. 1 : ' - -We cannot notice anonymous communica tions. Jn arr easeTwe "Require the wrlter,' name Mid address, dot for publication, but as a goaiantee of good faith. . . j We cannot, under any circumstances, re turn rejected communications, iiorj can we undertake to preserve manuscripts. I Articles written on both sides of a sheet of paper cannot be accepted for publication. COL. WH. JOHHSTO', l. EANSOM.' , OBSERVATIONS. It la asserted that the New York Herald writers speak of their proprietor as "Pea Soup Jim" when he Is not about the build ing. .' ty-- s - The weeping Shearman Is shortly going to take a trip to Europe, having- satisfactorily fixed ap ' the little business of -Beech er's salary...-:-'-... -.-v ' ,..;'..;:. J " ' Frank Monlton beseeches the.-district at torney to have him tried. He. wanU to have the Beecber matter cleared up. ) The Inter-Ocean says it knows what's the matter with us. We know wbat-s the mat ter with the Inter-Ocean, but it would not be proper to print it outside a - medical dic tionary.; a- -Ci t r s n 4 u . ,J In a Fourth of July procession at Boston j General Butler was represented by an indi vidual of. "cor porosity, strabismus, and bald ness," carrying an' immense tin, spoon Thus is the Essex statesman Insulted on his native beatb. .7 i. '.. The Adams Express Company. have notifi ed Secretary Bristow t hat they will not car ry national baak notes after thirty days at the present rata of twenty -five cents per $1, (R Ilailroad robbers are becoming so nu merous that they consider the risk too .great a6 that rate, f ' " j The Arkansas Gazette expresses the opin ion that: there is ; more money and A less hardship In a good : corn-field . than there is in the whole Black Hills. The N. O. Picayune records the death, at ; Pass Christian, Miss., of Mrs. Frances Parke i Butler, mee Costis,! the; grand-niece of Gen- -eral Washington. .Lll i ,The question of Cleopatra's color and race has been decided. She . was a ' pu re.blooded 3reek. ' ,.' Yet have I ever 'heard it said that spies and tale bearers have done tooremiscnlel in this world tharf poisdn'ed bowl or" the assas sins dagger. Schiller. ' An American iBelle. The handsomest woman now In Great Britlan is said to be Miss Paran Stevens. Rumor hath It that she will become the Duchess of Montrose! v . ., .; The patriotism of the nation is advancing. The Importation of fire-crackers this year amounts to 800,000 boxes, an , Jncrease of k m AAA a .. '.m . m ti - - - f lou.uuu Doxes over jasi year s imporjtauon. s If the ... Plymouth congregation' know of rj- another charch ln want of. a preacher at a salary of one , hnndred thousand dollars they will please write to this office. ' r Angusta Const! tnlionallst. About forty per cent, of the population of the United States is engaged in agricultural ' pursulU, a number one-half greater than Is ranked In any other profession.' , "Folks pan t be. too ' keerfol nowadays what they let their children eat," sald-an old lady as her eye fell upon - the beading of a newspaper article ?'I4ttle Emmaline'g 'Diary." ' wi;,--M ; - '' The, Sherifi sent oat 100 cards lot invita tion' to the hanging of Costley In Boston last .week, . V . i i, .iV f-. .1 ftJl .HV 7t; if i .i rt-'r That ar patch of ground's mern'rlble," salil an Oaoaha man, pointing to a grave all by Itself utsldeof the town "I recking yoqll know that; stranger, when 1 yon ed 1( aglni1 The ockpant of that was the fust man ' Chleaeo Times is enriched by the following conjee vtmrer: j fifxt Goorge- Washington Childs has "TjeeirsiAMif lie beicb?atLong Branch with i Grant a good deal lately.and is believed to , bave designs on his Excelleney, i He is cer den Uy taking hi measure fo an obJtuary poem; I Something like this, for Instance : iAjitl-thlrd-term resolutions long he bore, But now his sufferings are o'er r . i He'll .quaff no .more the amber rum,,.) r, lie has reached the kingdom ; t j Gone to meet bis br Indie bull pup.:;.! Horriw Greeley ever told togit est--llke . - . wlse-b wai hung for stealln'AeWL. .' . - , .v "' v';': ' - Courier JoarrkH.' i ' Tne National Grangers propqse, to coalesce :ittU&?Fyb1 toWfyftj Sgcltief jojr England. : i iw iaiier nave created a compact and pow r&jupa organization; mm! oowl haljr million of members, besides!a thousand co-operative 'riatoreef -filtyi or:aljityi eottonZmlilSf-aeveral. v 3.i ,,)aanuract'orte" and two agricultha-aUand ti - lfttorUeoltural societies. While the grangers or this country possesses little else than an organization, having aryet fattejl to estab- pro , poepotedto form a Joint council, thrb' ugh' A wnose aeffcy me cooperative principle can ' - be practically applied. LET. PS GUSH. t-V V- (By an ' anrecoostrtfctefr cofifr f bntor , W .it)e V'Ht""-' i:eter?burgindex'andVeal.) Jshf. ih-ttt.-h it; - ' In tne land of pun kin pies f --'n ti- .' V vhen wwere In.thewajc,. "We went 1? with, a rush a yi.H.- no. put now we're on the Jaw, . iir.tr. - !! - Ve gO 11 w" a gUBIl. 1 'rr??:?iTT7 - ':' JJi come, &o - AtfcQi a! we' were flush. fi-'t ,- : H .1; i , i 4 i ,BJt now we live-on mush; - Oh! come, Ac', j t 1 lt;i; -v f'-x-Vi yJ-:h RTth'eOESsaviBmatt.). v uti tr vby,rnan you ousht to blush ,tl :?t."5 Tdbe sueerlnjthuaatgush" -' U 'For we wouldn't have e'en mush? ' It It were not ;Hnshl Hnshl DESCCSDINO TO . THE DEPTHS. fAil who wish: to be whipped at the whipping post because they can't pay their grocery bill,' should by all. means vote fox democrats to represent them in the State Convention. Newbern Times Rati. - There is no depth of degradation to which the Radicals will not descend in order to curry favor with 'negroes. Allium opposition on their part to restoring the whipping post is intendr ed to please the negroes who dislike the idea of being punished irv'tliis way for stealing; It is a very.great wonder that" the 'Radical " politicians iof this State do not come , put in favor of the abolition ' of; -punishment-tor irape. incest, adultery and thq like which a nximoer 01 tyiurcu .vuiwb iiuiuw. 4qp.ide4AnchianJp.9(nIge in. .The xtauicai party 01 mis otaie mignt noi inappropriately be termed the SvhipT of the principal planks in its platform Moulton while waiting for ".Beech er's minions" on Monday, used the office to challenge an indictment, and I am afraid without any prospect of it. Last night Beeeher stood in the only pulpit be can occupy in America. . He wilfstand irl it again tb-morrow. But if I ,lye; and h lives another year, .'one nf i will he a r.rinvicteil nermrer and odcupy : VI perjurer's ceffi TSlton's struggle, with Beeeher was hnfbwn not mine. J He had to 1 content with great obstacles. He had condoned his wife's fault, and in this world such magnanimity is Bhanieful. t The con sequence was-that althis "Witnesses suffered. But this, is now my battle, and I mean to fight it to the end.. I say again that either Beech er'tir I will fill a purjurer's cell before this is fin ished. Keep it before the people, that A. A. Campbell, the favobite okatob opthe Radical party of North .Carolina, axd a" candidate for convention in nr,n'wv,rfi c. - .:L- --r. - 4, wiftVHumunuoiiu, j n x, dui GRETS THAT IT IS NOT MORE SEVERE. ii ....... - , . - ' If you want to lose your homestead, vote for delegates who will vote with the - Democrats n the Convention; they are pledged to repeal the law giving you a homestead. Newbern Times Rad 1 j V Of oil tVi iinmitioatArl nnsnmosAAfl unpardonable, devilish diabolical lies that have ever been published since he printing press was invented, this certainly takes the lead. This is all the answer we have to make to the above. As there is .a general curiosity to know the amount of fees paid to the awyers in the lieecher-lilton case,. we give them as we hnd , them set down in - a JNorthern exchange, viz : Air. Evarts received $25,000: Mr. Tracy, $10,000; Mr. Hill, $5,000; Mr Mr. Beach, $5,000; Mr. Fullerton, $2,- 500; Mr. Morris, $200; and Mr. Pry- or, $,500 Mvhearman refused to accept mone'yl tor his Services. - It should be remembered that though a Federal Judsre in Tennessee has de cided the Civil Eights Bill unconstitu tional, he did so on the grounds that the REGULATION OF SUCH . MATTERS BE LONGS EXCLUSIVELY TO THE STATES. IF a State makes , such a law it is cox- STITCTIONAL, OTHERWISE NOT. 1 hat IS the gist of the decision. , ' i - f- . 'i .' : -? v. ' By reference to our State: news col umn this morning it will be seen that leading Badical speakers, are ' occupy ing evefy field; bu not a word about Conservative speakers. ! We submit gentleman that this will not do unless you propose lb turn the State over ta the Radicals without a Struggle ' ' ' Uii.We leirnetflwhile :iwav from home f. J.;,. .-it,.i .!, .f the Radicals in Mecklenburg and Cobarrus icounties is to brine out their canildates for Conveutiou only 4few VatlVe InendS Should be On tne .Men Do not forcet what the Tiailical Ex- ecutive Committee sav hi their, secret -v;----t -! ?- " !'' - - aaaress : itEPUBLicANS should sot in- UBUCAJTS SHOULD NOT IN TIMATE THAT THE' CIVIL BlGHTS BlLL, IS WRONG IN PRixCTtPLE.'' 1 L 1 : Col Bom bastes. iJTariosOfFagg, the Mexican Badical Post Master at'iAjahe ville.is on the war 'patftTfgaiinst Con vention in the -Western counties': We Dity - convention. wepjlr'the Ehglfsln following vilcanic language to a J3rook- gentleman, as every one knows " who BfelefepoKef $iJ& -; I' " knows him at all. At the close of the T Kliaotn n!' oti1e?M a i f nrnvn war. he refusedto accept peace on the language but wepity, those wb0.1istenTtt"U4CHu'' 'VT "-V1. to the Col's eloquence more l ftWtfA iPP f eloquence ? STATE PRESS. :V&i Urn Says the Warrentou Odnetie . - ue xvaaicai Day oi jvortn. ; uaroi liria is composed- o seventy eight thousand, negroes land fifteen" thour- sand white votef l.??iirelv the:e6od: patriotic ,men of th'e.State, will noral-lof our brave people whdare etruggUng low thtt masaeekingfwitW Ignorance'H to live as i they, onee.idid upoftj: their And'Venalitri to overcome them in-the approaching election.;' . ... i li r&r . ' : -'j -if lc.Mjmwn.wanvjpMKt :; 'Thef-dmy'hope of the Bads to fasten thet baypnet constitution uponNorth jarun&i;io.DQ;suunuJ;iii ine eigniy thdt'8indiiegi'ooteff,rndf;m'mlscep;ro resentati9rw;JTafce Tawayirom them tar.gradually being, absorbed into theHo get out of tt thVnerb vote, and how long would frailroad svetem. ; & i- ' , t l much for the' the 'parfyhiTe1 fenr: existence in cur - But all this passe9 off as we preach Uo be' a negro State?I,Ln;V,l,, MV I v , Charlotte, and find ourself located, in mounting froi ' , The London fTimes admits that Al fonso is in a desperate situation. . He has been" tf ' failure,; and. Ddn Carlos will soon drive j him woni the' throne pSpainVplOfiiiiPQun.try- age Spaniard of our day ai A a average humbug: iHfciaafit'tooiirUlef nothing. I te-can't rtile his' own i country him 8eff.x':He"i3 dn'B hundred years behind theisi.;;,H0 hOflld beinyHed by this country lo step dAwh .nd qut of Cuba. The fax t ? Demoratio President vill lsiiie: that invUfttioftfs ilie9i4 1; 'TA number' of ; photbgrajpus of Scott fartin,- the Wake county muraerer, have been gotten up for sale. ; , , ' . communicated. , On to Charlotte. ; BbnnettsviLle, 8. C, July 8, 75. ' - To breathe one good breath of : a pure wbite ' man's atmosphere, is ' a privilege for which the smothered South Carolinian generally sighs vain between the taxes and the-lien law, he is fortuuate if. he : breathes at all. But, where there is a will there is a way, and the ,writerv foundi himself.en route to Charlotte via "Hell Hole," which i in the j euphoneous . dialect of the True Southern, has become in the neighborhood of Sumpter, the syno myn for Columbia,-S..C. 5 It would be pleasant to dot down all the incidents of travel, but we are reminded that printers prefer short articles,? especial ly where z they come as dead .heads, and are not paid fur.: So we'll try and be .brief, even at the expense of leav- n, Manv oojects interest- wnich inigbt make it more mg. - rjr tv ? o-; r , ; AtHall Hole," we were agreeably who, like ourself, was on the' wing, on a short furlough,' frni the camp of C. P. Leslie, and his army of colored vo ters in Barnwell. The Judge is a pro found scholar, an eminent lawyer, and above all, a perfect South . Carolina conditions which itj involved, and kept his flag of rebellion Hying just as high as he could reach, but ten years of herd trial and bitter suffering, have somewhat modified' his views, he seems inclined to believe there may be flowers as well as thorns, in the path of the future. We were surpris- ed to hear him say, that he even had hope in the sincerity, of Gov. Cham berlain, and sorry that - his sleepless vigilance should be chloroformed for a moment, by 8ucba prince of sche mers, as our worthy Governor has ac quired the reputation of being. The South Carolina tax-payer should now, more than ever, sleep with both eyes open, for the next move will be a grand sweepstake?, of which the very recant collapse of Hardy, Solomons, the banker, is only the avant-courier. Two hundred thousand dollars more, of the people's money gone into the capacious maw of Hardy Solomons and his Confederates, and thus goes tne marcn 01 reiorm unuer me lea- - ,f J .1 T , dership of oni sainted Corporal. Judge A drich had not then heard of this princely misfortune, which had be fallen the special confident of Cham berlain and Cardoza! Poor Columbia! It is t:iid that when the yellow fever prevailed ho fearfully in Norfolk, the air was nlled with strange insects, floating lazily about 1 in tuestreet8 like evil spirits, rejoicing in tne desolation they had spread over the city. Just so in Columbia, at the present time, the flies float about in the hotels, with their swollen abdominal.-, as if they two were gorg- led with the taxes that are stolen from the people. The sunshine is of the hot and sickly order, which reminds one of yellow fever and 'b'aek vom it, at least it was so on the e-.at side ol the main street, on the morning of t he 1st day of July, 1873. Vision of Sodom and Gomorrah, and Babylon and Ninevtih, floated before the mind. as this pandemonium of modern times spread its grim . surroundings before the eye, and piously called up in the imagination some avenging plague or earthquake, that would veep from the world the Modocs, who have en trenched themselves amongst the ru ins of the beautiful city, once the pride:1 and boast of every bouth UaToImian, only to make it a den for thieves and robbers to carry on an unceasing war against civilization and good morals How long I Oh ! how. long ! On. the cars for Charlotte, we found Gov. Bonham. on his way to Winsbo- ro, and he.too,, was hoping and trying to believe. lie had not beard of Hais dy's new deal in the game, or perhaps he would have-been better prepared to estimate the chances of reform, where the negro vote prevails. He can see now, that it is hopeless abso lutely hopeless and that the only alternation for the people of South Carolina is to make it "dangerous" forsuch men as Hardy Solomons and his Confederates, longer to remain upon South Carolina soil. We had a very long talk with this noble son of Carolina, and parted from him at his point of destination, with" regret. Then, on to Charlotte, a strange man in a strange land. As Ihe eve swept over the corn and cot ton filda near the line of the road, the "ier. ry moueawy, came tu me ,, Ktw-,0,v rv.i,i,,; anA PKotio I could com Dare with - Marlborouerb county, S C.,, the lands were notso rnttnn " arid inm neeAeA hoth the nloncrh fliirl I.Iia hn nnrl mhrA nf thn white man, to see that they were pro Er1', "!cu "c". tJuarie8ton pnosnnates, to sumuiaie -v-nrt "... Tuaa tnei production. There were some large fields which caused a feeling o sadnsssin the writer, , for they will be the slow hnancial -death or the pro prietors, and they . may as well have their epitaphs written at once, for die they must, under the . system oi ,as bisru wages and as' little - work as pos slble teturn;- To pay for labor that is resisting the planter at' every step. a wnivii j nituuuii a uiaiuspi lug . luai Will only keep the time as the ; owner pushes round the ; hands, r from hour to hour. Is a ..business .- that f will not pay. and from Bad experience we fee sorry. any' one who has many of these Watch es' and 'en tails tjppn himself the hardtfuty r controlling their . moye 1 m ents; wmist wewtsh-success to ai i broad neldSi we . iook atr them a witl sorrowj aa, being on the down -j grade iwhich win necessarily, plunge them over a trestle'.-.: MV their bottom, 'As I we fly aloiiS it'is thus we ta use. and rflnd bur thoughts catchtW their'ex- j pressipn tnrougn tne cnannets or rait the Central Hotelamder the. care of its gentlem a'nly proprietor, Mr. Ec- cies, anu ureainmg . tne pure air. ot a white man's government. Amongst the many strange faces to ! be seen there, was one which was familisr and was easily recognized as that of Dr. ; Columbus Mills, a name well known-to the people of North Caroli na, and of which they may justly' be proud No one need remain a strang er in Charlotte long, who has ; the ad vantage of so valuable an acquaintance as Dr. Mills, and the writer .soon, - be gan to f6el somewhat at ?home, even on the first day of his arrival: Through his courtesy,, we made several - male acquaintances,. amqugst wnom -we I thought General Young- deserved to be conspicuous.- Offr objective point, however; was Gen. W.- L. T. Prince, whose whereabouts in Charlotte was unknown to us; and to find it out ye ry naturally went to the first law of fice we saw, to make inquiry, and this happened to be the office of Governor Vance, whose young . associate, s,Mr. Burwell, very courteously gave alt the information . that was. desired. -That much abused' class of the ! people (the lawyers) who have been -n al iciously compared to th e blades of a pair cf scissors, never cutting eacn other, but only what is between always meet one another in a true masonic spirit, and thongh strangers,r .: personally are more cordial than any e. other class of men in society, consequently, they ap proacb each other sure of a friendly reception, and this we found in Mr, Burwell, who greatly increased-the obligation by an introduction to Govt Vance, in the adjoining .room, ine Governor has figured so extensively in the world that we naturally felt curious to know more of him and to "interview" him thoroughly; but it so happened that he wad immersed in business and not prepared for the sa- crifice. Perhaps there is naone whose I oriuiant reputation coma ,, ue Bojust-iea y arrived as Gov. Vance s. lie nas filled every station , to which he has been called with high distinction, as a gentleman of pure character s and un doubted q ualifi cation, and. : whilst an acknowledged leader of the people, he has never. misled them. .'Muca more Could be said about the Governor, but the printer is beginning to complain, and aa other characters have yet to be introduced, we ; will pass on to our old friend and associate,' Gen. ,W. L. Ti Prince, whom we found comforta bly located in Charlotte, which he had adopted as his new home. No one 1 " n . 1 r 1 1 1 wno uvea in aoum uarouna wuo nas ever seen better times, will -be sur prised that such men as he, thorough v diseusted with heerro rule in South Carolina, should desire to place his family beyond its reach, it is practi- callya transfer, from the stable to the parlor j here is no doubt that the cm- zensof Charlotte, will readilv appreciate I his hieh character, and legal, attain- ments, and assign him such a place in their confidence and esteem, as will . f. il- it.: l - compensate ior me opporiunibies ue has abandoned in South Carolina, in order to escape the disgusting tyranny of a negro government. He is not alone in the steps he has taken, thous- ands would follow him if they could. 1 Amongst our new acquaintances in Charlotte, we remember with pleasure, our young professional brother, Mr. I Wilson: for whose courteous attention we are sincerely grateful. Me bids fair to assert himself successfully at the bar, and secure a brilliant and prosperous future. A good deal must be said, in justice to Uol. Wm. Johnson. We saw him only in his public relations, and can say but little of him, personally. In the county convention, to nominate delegates to the convention to amend the constitution, he received an unan imous vote, and no doubt, deserved it, Vet there are those, who are bitterly opposed to him; in the city, because he wMsan active advocate, for the l avage of the usury law, restricting the rate of inte re-it to eight per cent. rat . . inn (.Diection urged against i i n. placed him at once, high up on the platform where ihe true patriot and menu ot the people is to le found .Neither iiolitical nor private virtue can always find appreciations, even amongst those who are benefitted by it. but his real position can be well understood, by looking at the fact, that he-has exposed himself to the fiery attacks of all the bunkers and capitalists, in order to protect the people from ruin. This well, they are powerful enemies, and it was an act of self.8acrince for Uol. Johnston to come to the front, add expose himself to such dangerous enemies, for the sake of the hard pressed 'debtor who for temporary -.relish would commit him self beyond - all future recovery. He has fairly earned the distinction of a sagacious, , far-seeing public servant, and what is still better, of an honest independent man, that will fearlessly speak out for the public good. The true relations of the borrower to the lender, is that of the chicken to the hawk, the one wants to devour, and the other don't want to be devoured, most certainly the chicken ought not to consult the .hawk, about the best way of keepings out - of his clutches inis is a subject which is awaking a very deep interest, in other latitudes than North Carolina, and it will be well that the example set by Col. Johnston in Mecklenburg, should be followed up, every where else. ' ' We saw in Charlotte our good friend Dr. Cureton, formerly a citizen of Lancaster county, S. C, and spent sev- era i noun in me enjoyment oi nis II 5 Al . J. i hospitality, and the society of his in teresting family. Dr. Cureton beiongs to ona of the oldest and best families of Lancoster, and no doubt, has long since,, made himself favorably known, to his fellow citizens of his new home which he has adopted. And there was Gen,-Drayton whom we thought at sight, was from the Sea- coast ot south ' uaroiina, as we ascer tained was a fact, upon inquiry j and we became acquainted, at. once. ..The noma la wall nAnn tVin.MlfrlirvllV tVia f o aniri i oaanatwi Mth t ail tha - - ' belongs to that time honored! families which gave character to the! State in all that pertains to culture refinement hiph tone and elegant ;: hospitality. itv.n We t ;8aid to ai i lady in the . hotel playfully ; think;- we could point out a gentleman from the sea- coast, on sight she asked, how it could be done? and we-told her by their dark ' complexions-aye,. may have said, because they were'all in Vblack.' Judge Hughes was conspicuous in this particular. ' In taking an airing ; with his family, inihis ifatnilyj carriage, he chose on a certain occasion to be ' his own driyer A North ; Carolina w6g: goner nras leisurely; drivjpg. his team near , Charleston, in .theoiden, time, n n J MM I. A nMMMn I Ti fk . 1 l,l a'o carriagethe latter expected hi-m -to give' the road, which 'the j wagoner had not" thef ' slightest-'idea of rioingi ... nereupon ine -juug "Bwpfwu iuii horses, and peremptoniyorderea nrm ia wav.. luis was too wagoner, who took him'l't Store. -Mr.,.a1r;tfi. ion1 AU1 m his horses he-went un io tne. luuge wiin nw , wuip in , nis t . i . -1 v: r - . i - : v . hand, and lb us'. accosted 'him:: ."See here! you black Pascal I if itjWas 4not tor the presence oi your mistress in the carriage. I would take "Vou-off lhati seat, and wear you - out with-this whip.",, At which, the judge tdokathe other side of the road and,wettt.h.aLway There l is a sort of Pocahontas, h ne about verv manV of theinalesvbelonfir- ing to the okt aristocrat ic'fam llies'bf th e coast, and: With i t. anindefi n able sort of beaming that proclaims td what class in society 4hev.belong. meet them where you' will. -. At present ! however, the.Poco-nigger'conripl3ilQir.'i.li;the prevailmgpne cuujury, me .jvnue uian,- wno once flourished there, ia driven in disgust to find a more congenial home,; else where, if he can get away. f And there was Col. J. P. Thomas, whose familiar face was recognized at a glance Jt. would haver, afforded much pleasure tor have visited hia col lege and inspected all his preparations for imparting a complete course of in structions to the pupils; for we know thev must be thorough. is long and successful experience has already mad? him known both far and wide.: and the writer can proudly point to one of his.own sons, as a living example of the invaluable tramine which he re ceived at the hands of Col. Thomas, when his school was located in South Carolina. There is one thing certain, if a vounff eentleman - remains with him onlv for, twelve months - he will never foreet even the small advantage, comparatively,' of so short a stay. If he succeeds in "graduating," his hab its are fixed,- and all the good, old mothers and fathers may7 tell their daughters: "There is a man you may tie to!": It he graduates witn "oisunc tion," he has a right to aspire to the verv highest" honors of the land," for he will deserve them. To make the school perfect, it ought to be sustain- oy oiate, ior vuw uwwpmic nmui 10 so essential, - is very cosiiy 10 tne teacher, when it can only be enforced at the expense Of nis income, uur friend, the printer, is now losing all patience; for nis sate we must abbre viate this notice of an institution, which is richer in promise of happy re sults to the best interests of the State, than any other one within its borders.) As to Charlotte, generally, and par ticularly, it well; deserves the reputa tion it has earned, lor tne intelligence, energy, public spirit, hospitality and taste of, its population; We walked through it leisurely, and were struck by the great number of splendid pri vate residences to be found in every discription. Yes! and we 'flew" through it: and all around it. as Mr. Morehead can testify, for to his kindness we owe a perfect John Gilpin whirl, with ,his splendid black horse, all over and through the city at a rate ot speed which has left a moving panorama of all the scenerv still gliding over tne brain nothing distinct, but a sort of general display of fine houses passing Ir isi j : j : ; w. Dy you hkb mey uu iu uumg m mc railroad cars, rushing on to make up an half hour behind schedule time, We sincerely thank Mr. Morehead for his very polite and kind attention, but think that on another similar occa- sion we shall enioy it better, if he will have an apparatus attached to his wheels to operate as a brake, and al- low. his companion in danger, the supreme control of the handle. One false step of that noble horse would have made two disconsolate widows, and any number of orphans; but that false step was not made; and we" new back to the Central Hotel: all sale and sound, convinced that we had rode with the nrince of horses, as well as with the prince of drivers We would like to say sometnmg about Ihe ladies whom we had the pleasure of meeting, for they deserve more than a passing nonce, out as thev shrunk from such a publicity, we refrair. They will excuse the wri ter however, if he only savs .that he heard a IV male voice in Dr. Millers Church, that made him it-cl young again. It was clear and distinct above alt the others, and besides that, dis played itself in one of the most charm ing solos that ever letl upon his ear. He professes to be a judge of music, and in fact "makes some which is none of tne worst, of the old corn field kind. And therefore, when he hears something which is perfectly exquis ite in the human voice, he begins to picture the face, form and general ap- pearance of the invisible songstress.and he is sure she would not be displease - ed to look at that creature of his fan- cy and recognize it as herself. Now, one more paragraph, and -we are done. If the white people of Char lotte will look down into South Giro Una. they will see in the condition of her people, the horrible consequences, of divided counsels in lobU. ihe uon servatives have a majority in Meek lenburg which they they cannot only keep, but reinforce by accessories from tne republican ranks attracted by their just and equitable use of power and by the nrm lront which tney present to all opposition. If they di vide for any reason whatever the radi cals will march to power through their broken ranks. Old North Caroli na will have started on its march to barbarism. "Snero melioraY' Even a stranger can discover that there is not perfect harmony amongst the Conser- vatives in Charlotte; but if the radicals can forget all causes of dissension amongst themselves, and close their hies at the approach or the uonserva tives it onlv requires the same sagacity on the part of the latter to make still firmer th hold ihey have upon ; their; State government. Relax it for amoment, whilst a watch-i ful enemy is all around you. and you are in the power of the negro ! For the sake of your sister States whQ.4i.re looking to your success and your ex ample, for their qwrv encouragement in their great afflictions, vote together as one man and leave your quarrels to adjust themselves, after the election is over: Better surrender any diner I eHC6 of opinion to a Conservative, I than consign' the l white people of -T ll . IT . A M. a. North Carolina, to the tender mercies of the Radical and the negro. U. W. U, A. W. Alexander, , : SURQEON DEXTIST, Offers a' reduction in prices of . Dental Work to suit the times. " ' 1 Office in -the Parks building over Butler's Jewelry Store.:. : - . r Hours from 8 A. M. ,to o J. M. j mar n On1 and After daEeXtte, all pesons who wan rent Sewing "Michlne i, will be Charged $1 J0 iperw4ek.:in advane?. befor removing froni my office' '. D O'MAXWELL, tlM A.1 1 . u-.iiGeneral, Agent, 3 ' . - l' x '.i"'", -- 41 ' QCHOOL NOTICE, 'Ifiss H Moore will epenJithe nineteenth session of her School oo the 15th of Septem- ber. XK75, , Misa Moore proposes to keep i a select' School.' wilh a limited number of pupils.1-J " i " j j : -Tiiui'j ,FishT ,11 -:a t i Ti'SCTRA' No.--1 4 Mess J Mackerel ,; , .Oregon jl eaimonn j kooi tiernng. at rpHEGEAKD DEPOT ; it. " For' Mineral Waters, at MxADEN'S :PRUG STORE Jull A L -L ARE invited to call upon the su . , who are - . :Y O'U N G -. lit years, but old ia experience -in any thing appertaining to their line. L A-D I,E S ..: Can rest assured that oar Cigars will not leave a bad odor if smoked in the parlor or elsewhere, and are t , . ,.; ' ' s - C Not to scent the breath, and our Tobaccos and Snuffs are of .jl ' - superior quality, and are sold cheaper than any other manufacturer can sell for. 'G,0 0 D ) Treatment polite attention and fair deal ing to all. Your H USB AND Or lover will live loneer bv smokine our uigars.tnan any otner and don t forget it. t&2 Trade St., Hiarlotte, N. C. CO JJ aT p O S -- D & a r-r o S Cf . 9 c a v jo a A W S3 . & -3 - '' i 5 o g o w O m z M S-'-.O 1 m g J M I o o o X P f o H H a CD CO CO c 8 WE HAVE SECURED The Agency - of the following . celebrated fine brands of the Virgin ia Tobacco lyorks ma30 FLOUR AND MEAL BY THE SACK OR CAR LOAD. The undersigned ia prepared on short no tice to fill large or small orders for .V Flour, Meal, Wheat-bran, Corri- bran, and. Seconds,, . equal in quality to any in this market. i Also Graham Float; for brown bread.from' choice wheat, and MIXED FEED for cows. Grain bought at highest market pricel f i ' CrlAKLOl rK CITY MILLS, 1 febl8-tf. Lock Box 62 Just Received. FIFTY BOXES "BALTIMORE CITY ?-. ' 'SOA1P, AT. (". "4 if R B ALEXANDER A GO'S, -College Street. jun 3 Frrom and, After?! FROM thia date, we positively will not sell .i' s ir--fe a ti fi ' :svi any Goods, except for CASH, to any ove In selling entirely for CASH we propose reduce OUR profit. We can afford it as we .Li YL l a :fl r I do jaot have to make up :odr losses ffrom credit sales) ff of those who do pay. Try ns and tee. i VII 'r:iYbnratnilv "N :!; ,! J ft WILLIAMSONS CO. .J ar2,lm . v Important; Mptice.V i ANNOUNCE THAT Oif ND AFTER , . f . . ..... -.-.-..; this date, Cwill sell groceries lbn' cfft oAWl J Having atlopfca the Cash syslcm entirely I claim that I can ofier better terms than , have eyer been able o do. r. t - . Persons would do well to call and exam-injt-niy Stock before bovine elsewhere. 5 - - '.pritf ; v- SPECIAL notice.; A i 'A?, Tn fatnra JcsiWill be sold .in'ttar'of -Bar-welj'sr $mg store and will not be' delivered. The Ice" honse at above named place will be open at 5 o'clock a. iri .'and closed at 7 p. m. ;'-. W-H H GREGORY, Agent. ' ma 12 . . 'f mRY Our Old Glory Floar. for sale at f I HASHAGEN'S ' : Grocery. r.-42ft i J i J.-3 r no fessioiv vu T. H. BREM, JR. p. i. OSBOIiW Attorneys and Coniellors at Law, CIIAHLOTTE, N. C. OFFICE In Dowd'&SimV New Ttuii.i ing, Tjp Stairs. an2l-tf. r ., . . . B R. LKK W." BATTLE. ,f Having r permanently located, offers i, professional services to the citizens of CHARLOTTE AND YICINITV D PFlCEjSText' d.w to McAdpn'J n g Sto e,r ap stairs. Calls left at my office in the dav or residence, on 4Myers .Street, at eight, will receive prompt attention. Office Honrs 8 to 9, A. M.: 12 to 1 M., and 5 to 7; P. M. jan22-l v W..W.FLEMMING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . Charlotte, N. C. Special attention to suits for and against corporations. ian2-iu COTTON iltlEUCH ANTS. J Y. BRYCE, - Cotton i Coinniission Merchant, At J. S. M. DavidsonV 3 doors belnw p.o lege Street, will pay the highe&t price in this market for all grades of cotton, or will ad vance at a liberal per cent age fiftv dniw ($50.00) a bale on Low Middling Cotton to be shipped to number one Houses i ton, New York, or Savannah, as owner pre- lers, ana neia until epnng, if desirable Is also nrenared t" nnrcnase or sell for those wishing to deal in futures, on re ceipt oi iwo aoiiars ana a naif ($2.50) per bale, as a margin. For particulars, apply as above. decl7 tt Home and Democrat please copy for lm HOTELS, &c. BOYD EN HOUSE, SALISBURY, N. C , MRS DR REEVES, : : Proprietress. THE proprietress returns her sincere thanks to the travelling public for their liberal patronage while she was connected with the National Hotel. Not having room enough to accommodate her guests properly, she rented tne Boyden Honse, and she feels satisfied that she can now accommodate her guests comfortably, and in the very best style, in this newly furnished house, with all the modern im provements. Passengers going up the Western Nort h Carolina Railroad from the East, take break fast at the Boyden House. First class Bar and , Billiard Saloon con nected with the Hotel. - juld ,. St". Charles Hotel ST ATES VILLE , N. C. Situated in the centre of Town THIS MOTEL has been thorongn! y refltiwi and refurnished and under ray managr ment as lessee, offers to the traveling public the advantages of a llist-clasg Hotel. -.rOmnibns at the depot on lue arnvHi and departure of all trains. :- ' r.'- M. SCHLOSH, sepl-dtf. , Formfirly of Raleish. QOCHRANE'S RESTAURANT. - European Plan. ;I;would inform the public that, on the 1st of November, I will open a RESTAl KANT and BOARDING HOUSE, on Tryon street, in the second story of the Building adjoin ing the Bank; of Mecklenburg, and hereafter will Be prepared" to entertain Ik aiders, regu lar and transient, in a style unsurpassed by soy house In th'e city. :- The table will be supplied, with all the delicacies of the n-a-son Garhe, Fish,' Oysters, &c. Terms moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. I respectfully solicit your pa tronage. oc30.tf . W. R. COCHRANE. TO THE PUBLIC. THE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCES TO the citizens of Charlotte and the public generally, that he has Opened a ' BOOT AND SHOE SHOP In the-Springs, Building, at D Austin's old Stand," where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Satisfaction guaran teed or no charge. . mar9tf - , "V S.M.GILBERT. $5 $20 j . . P6l 111 classes of working peo ple ofr both. sexes, young and old, makf more money at work for us, in- their own k a! i ties, during their pare moments, oi all the time," than " at any thing else, li e offer employment that will pay handsomely for every hoar's work. Full particulars, terms, &c., sent free. Send us your address atijDnce. Don't delay. Now is the time. Don't look for work or business elsewhere until you have learned what we offer. v; G STINSON A CO., , mail-. Portland. Me. FIRE ! FIRE ! IXSTJESf Y0T7E . PEOPJSRTY i t Biaka Written at the Lowest Bates. AT THE 1 EOTITHEEN HfSTTEAUCE AGENCY Jl ,J IV. ' i..S J H t Tryon : Street, Next door to Col D ' G ' Jaxwell's Bewing - - v: Machine Emporium. . s- JS9"Several ifood Southern Com pan'1'9 represented in 'he above Agency. J:: CT-W BBADSHAW & CO. apr 18.tf .--- ... i j 10: 0 ".in..-: .. BarrelsVEaglStcaiH, For the Centennial, 11 3 ii&ir it. r cR M MILLER & SGS. ;? may 6 - r? ? t "f RNINd." rt-e This is io cive notica that we are the soU manufacturers of the celebrated ,'Premi'n of XharlQtte," cigar, and all persors are herebycantioned tbat any refringtnin' thereon will be dealt with' according i Jaw- . M.t J MENDEL & CO, "juif lis j tu a a k. vt.( ChsTlotte, V. ? i SaratogaWater t , . . ' ' a' v I, . i araugni ana in Dotties, it,Wt,P,BURWELL&CO. apr J5,' IpOR 'Jtk.H'F.-' U i'f The 2nd story w tra i pleasantly situate bouse at the west end of Trad - street. Ap ply td Col John E Brown, or julltf JJA8.P IRWIN- InoiErXJitlSyrups. T IN E APPLE i& STRaW BERRY.Sy ropji J. made i from. the fruit. j(all at T. ; 8mith.& Go's nd try them in your SOPA WATER. uf-J'