CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, jod pniriTinc; SUBSCBIRiOH BATES- V- l,ajiv rear; (postpaid) in advance, $8 00 Onv. " -.: F " ; 4 00 The Ossum Job. Department oaa been . thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Work can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. . We can furnish at short notice " BLANKS. BILL HEAD.-. rr - ' LETTER HK IDS. CARDS," V , TAG8, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, ' S PROGRAMMES, HAND BILLS, . PAMPHLETS, CHECKS, 4e. 3 mos. 1 mon Ah 75 WKKKLT KDiTIOW. Wckly. (in the county) ia advance, , $2 00 out of the county, postpaid, 2 10 6 months,-; :.?. - ' . l 05 jpg Liberal redactions for clubs. -: 1 ' ' vol. xn. CHARLOTTE N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1875: NO. 1,972 k 4 w 4 GREAT REDUCTION S M I T H & H AVEMARKKD DOWN PRICES or THEIlt MILES' Ladies cloth, goat and calf Shoes, eiglers Laaies ana goat....... Zeig'ers' Indies cloth Button Boots, Zeig'prs' Misses cloth Shoes, ...... AND OTHER GOODS I N P R O P OR T I O N THESE PRICES AR E FOR C AS H OKI Y S M IT H & FORBES, 'RW IRON ju3l FRONT BUILDING, TRADE STREET THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, A. SEA SIDE : JR, ESORT, fjl HE above establishment, so favorably introduced to the public last Summer, by the new owner, Capt R D Graham, of Mecklenburg, is for the season of 1875, MAY 1ST TO OCTOBER 1st, open to such Visitors only as the undersigned may be willing to admit to his family circle. He hopes to renew his pleasant acquaintanco with aU former guests of the Atlantic Hotel. , The peculiar situation of this house affords all seasickness. NO DUST ! NO FLIES I ! Railroad Tickets good for the whole season from Ten Day Tickets, Applications must be made to ju31 . y , ' Burgess SHichols Co., WU0LESALE & RETAIL F U B E Supply of Lounge, 411 grades. Coffins, on haikL20 ' i ' a J. S. PHILLIPS, HERCHAHT UIIDER C B II TR CHARLOTTE, U. C. tor ALWAYS GUARANTEES SATISFACTION. jan 30 CARD. ., vii''T, Having sold my entire Stock of Groceries to the well known strlctlr wholesale. Gro cery Hon of Messrs K M Miller & Sons, I recommend my former customers to this house, when in waat of any goods In their line. Respectfully, -; W. J. BLACK. Vii2tf " : ' On and After THIS date date, all pe;sons who want to rent Sewing Machines, will be charged $1.50 per week, in advance, before removing from my office. D 0! MAXWELL, , . - General Agent. Three doors below Tiddy's Book Store. jul8 ' t . t Rockbridge ' Alum Water, AND- BUFFALO LETHEA? WATER, r. RECEIVED fresh from the 8prings every week. We are the authorized agent tot the celebrated 8prings, and have perfected wnngements to receive fresh supplies every week direct from. the 8prings. - - Excelsior Saratoga Water on draught and " bottles. Congress Water, Hatborn Water and Star Saratoga Water in bottles, for sale at ' . , 7 Mc ADEN'S ; : jn 11 - ' Drug Store.,;.,. ' . f Notice. The Democratic Executive ' Committee for 'this county, will meet at my ofllce in Char lotte on Thursday, the 15th inst- Joh B. B bowk, Chairman July 11th, 1875. .ft Yr Dog Tax. it fWkX nM im MV Kidr and will A be sold by Richard Moore, cnly,1 at. his tore on Trade Street. ,?. K-U-v;v ,' . , On every dog-one 'dollar, on every , slat two dollars. ; ' .)-. '; I ' ' - fvery dog or slut seen without a tax paid o Jar after the 6th day of July next wf 11 be killed. 0 W ALEXANDER, , ju 24 4--:--;7: :.0,'. MhaI ' '01HE GRAND DEPOT For Minml Wftfixe III BOOTS & . SHOES F 0 R B E S . ; ENTIRE STOCK or BOOTS & SHOES : $2 50 2.06 300 1.75 - , the pleasure of a voyage without peril or NO MOSQUITOES ! ! ! Charlotte and return,. $19.05 9.55 GEO W CHARLOTTE. Proprietor. ' DEALERS 121 R N I T U R -b- D D I N C, &c, No. 5, West Trade Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. JUST RECEIVED. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF 1-'- . Parlor Suite, in Hair Cloth " Ternr and Reps. Also, a new A full assortment ofMetalic Cases. Caskets and Wood junl3 TAILOR, A L HOTEL. Jhey Have Come ! A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF CLOfH- XX. ING, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Ac. and are going fast at very low prices. . Gentlemen will do well to examine my Stock before purchasing elsewhere. J. MOYEE. J o apr 6tf ' - JTOW WE HAVE IT. 1.000 lbs Country Hams, Sides and Shoul der Bacon, also 300 lbs Country Lard, also 50,000 CyprefeS and juniper snineie. at ' - BN SMITH'S, julll HEALTH I PLEASURE ! POPULAR and FASHIONABLE RESORT. WESTERN HOTEL, HICKORY, N. C. mrrrn n..... I. ill RltaA nA fnmished 1 is now open tor the accommodation of Visitors and the traveling public Its rooms are lance, well ventiiatea sna wmmomuuB, "I JMtm .nd attentive. White Sul- phur and Chalybeate water-ways on hand. Vehicles furnisnea at "fi'"w-TO.Y'" nibus goes from me iioiei u juc . f uw ok. Hr,rinn nn the arrival of every Tijannntiel with everr delicacy l.rtt.L mmnn ' Allthese Conspire to make Arcf.fifta Hotel, second to none in , m M,Br . va ofTnrtA will be s oared to make the guests comfortable and contented., - - . TERMS Board, per mnoiu , f' - w 7 nn nr Hv 2.00. Children and servants half price. , A- ,tri r rn r.,ki. n,rt. m am address ' IW ,u,M"i' . .. m j . noTT 1 ... "V A W MAKSUALL, ...... proprietor K Jull3 ITIAITED!. in ROM two to three hundred strictly fitt J' . . V . :.i.u-i -;i'v- Sheep for mutton, for which we w Py from 'two 'to ihree'doHars per head.' from two to three aouar. per ;,m , - We will porchast iambs in tlie same pror it ! ' i 't .,' vr - 'k J I CtJ portion. " I ' . v -!.";iVV. . -',- V . . . :.. . v..V,--: r.--V-VS, .- 1 11. ; A Ur9 lot directlrbm tuMannfary, The Charlotte Olervcr. PUBLISHED BT Charles , It. Jones, froprlet or. Office, Observer Building:, Corner Trade and College Streets. ANNOUNCEMENT. Jab. H. Moobk is authorized to collect ac counts tor this office and receipt for the same, to receive subscription. &c- CHA8. R. JONES, Editor and Proprietor. City Bulletin. Flies are not near so numerous. Dr JM Miller returned to the city last night. W C Wolfe. E?q., of the Monroe Enquirer is in the city. . Clark Hall is in jail. He was unable to give that little peace bond of $200. .Yesterday was (he anniversary of the first battle of Manassas. Old Sol was obscured, a great part of yes terday. The clouds "didn't give the old man a chance." This is the sort of weather that impels the young man to have all his hair cut off and his head sand papered. 'Thus far 915 deeds and mortgages have been registered this year in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of. Mecklenburg county. It don't take (he streets any time at all to get dusty. A rain is hardly over and the sun fairly cut, before the street sprinklers are on the go. WW Peake, of Winnsboro, S. C , has been appointed route agent on the Air-Line Railroad, vice Adam 'rews, transferred to the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta. He enters upon his duties to-day. Mr G S H Appleget, showed us, on yes terday, a beautiful design which he has made for a Methodist Church in Statesville It is 42x70 feet, and 126 feet square, and the estimated cost is $5,000 to $6,000. The brick work has been actively begun on the new building which Mr A B David son will erect on Trade street, next to Bur well's drug store. The building will proba-. bly be occupied by the Commercial'National Bank. The New Postal Cards Will be out in a few days. The color will be light gray, and the heavv border and lines of the old kind will be omitted. The stamp will be square instead of oval, the printing will be in black ink, the size of the card unchanged, and the quality ofthepa- 1 per improved. Convention Meeting. There will be a convention rally at Mat- thews's Station, 10 miles from this city, on the Carolina Central Railroad, on Wednes- day, August 4th. The meeting will be ad dressed by Col John E Brown, W W Flem ing. Esq., and other gentlemen. Delinquents. We are daily striking off from our sub scription books, the names of subscribers who have not paid up, and some of them are the best men in the ciiy. We dislike to do this, but business is business, and we are not publishing a paper for gratuitous dis tribution. Got Hold of the Wrong One. Day before yesterday, a colored man in this city was trying to get a strange dog from under his house, by chunking him with rocks and punching him with sticks. The howling of the intruding brute attract, ed a neighbor's dog, which came bouncing into the yard with all his might, land in his zeal to set things straight, seized the man by the leg and bit him twice before the situa tion could be explained to him. St. Margaret' Day. Day before yesterday was "St. Margaret's Day" In the Church calendar. St. Margaret was one of the most popular saints in Eng land, no less than 238 English churches being dedicated to her. She was the daugh ter of a pagan priest at Antioch, but was educated as a Christian. ' She refused to marry a Roman governor, and in conse quence was exposed to the most dreadful tortures, and at last beheaded A. D. 278. University of North Carolina. T We take great pleasure in calling the at tention of the public to the advertisement of this Institution, to be found in our col umns this morning. The exercises will be renewed on the 1st Monday in September. The buildings have all been repainted. ' The courses of study are very thorough and com plete, fully up to the standard . of those in the very best colleges and universities in the South. A Dog ' '" Attempted to bite a young gentleman on the street, yesterday morning; when the young man seized a plank and.knocked him lifeless for awhile. The dog is a pet in the familv of Mr James Harty, and was doctor- ed up until he got well. Charlotte is now in that state when there is almost nothing to cause a variation of the monotony, and this little incident soon drew a ciowd to the scene. X'H , ! ', ".I"!'. Diaeardlnff the Pin-Back. We understand from a young gentleman who Is just from the Catawba White 8ul phur Springs, that the young lady visitors at that resort, have , discarded . the pin-oacK style to a great extent, since reaching the rural districts. Catawba, consequently, aoes not present "so many ' attractions , to the i young men, and they arel leaving for the towns and cities. Struck With Plan.' A negro drayman was 'driying along .: the streets, when one of the planks that serves as a side-board, 1 standing up against the standard, worked back and dropped with one end on the ground. f 'lh causeu tne other end to fly up, and, reversing ends the fly u? weniDg ends, the plank struct the negro fairly in the back of the head. It seemed to hurt him no more, however, than it did the bosom of the earth I i l in ln.l. ofrnnV nnH ' Turk which it had previously struck,; and, pick ine up his hat and plank, be re-mounted the I .WAMM1 Anil thfi incident laaea irom n n0 doQbtt tore he had gone half a .l it1 It Was Ilia Maiden Name. The other day : a negro man came into this office to subscribe for the Obskbvkr, and gave bis name as.Pethel. The book-keeper told him that, he was under the impres sion that his name was so-and-so. "Yea.' responded the darkey, "that was my maiden name, but yon see my wife was a Pethel !" This was a clincher, and he was accordingly booked as Pethel. Committed to Jail. Allen Dayis, the negio who attempted to perpetrate a theft at the store of Messrs J A Young & Son, on Tuesday night, was iu tin Mayor's Court yesterday morning, and was committed to jail in default of bail in $200 He is the same negro who was jailed on Sunday evening, charged with having stolen a show case and shoes from Mr H J Norris, and released on Monday for lack of evidence against him. Supreme Court Decisions. The Supreme Court, on Tuesday rendered decisions in the following cases frcm this section of the State : By Bynum, J: E L Sherrill vs. Martha Sherrill, et. al., from Catawba ; judgment ai firmed. By Pearson, ?. J : State vs Thomas Glad den, from Cleavcland. Error. Venire de novo; Mary B Day v George Howard, el. al., from Edgecombe. Eiror and reversed. Judgment, for plaintiff according to case agreed. The Tax Gathering at Collins' Store. Yesterday was tax collecting day in Berry hill Township, and quite a large crowd gath ered at Collins' store. Col Johnston was rrcfccntand made a speech. - Dr Kerr was there also, and spoke, saying among other things that be was an old-time Republican, of the time of 1775, He is regularly on the track for Convention. We understand that there is not a white Radical in this town ship now. There was one last year, but he moved away. Hun the Whole Length. Beginning with to-day, the conductors on the Carolina Central Railroad will hence forth run the whole length of the road from Wilmington to Buffalo, having a lay over at each end. Hitherto the conductors on the Eastern Division have laid over at Charlotte and Wilmington, and Mr Finch, who was the conductor on the Western Division, ran only between Charlotte and Buffalo. He now takes his chances with the other con ductors, and makes the through trip. In short, the two divisions of the road have been consolidated. Row in Five Points. There was another row in the Five Points last night about 10 o'clock. A crowd had gathered at the house of Alfred Lander for a dance, when a difficulty sprang up. Lan der states that he was shot at by a railroad hand who had just come, and that three others drew knives on him. The police ar rested only one of the offeaders, Henry Tomlin, and he was taken Ho the guard bouse. The affair drew quite a crowd to the Five Points, in addition to the usual deni zens.of that sweet-scented locality. Disaffected or What t Neither Dr Wm Sloan nor Col C J Cowles, attended the meeting on Tuesday, of the ami Convention ists. Be those bretluen lukewarm in the cause ? Messrs CI Fraz ier and H B Peters, who haye in times past, done a great deal of work for "the party of great moral ideas," neither one will support the ticket put out; but why are the two gen tlemen first named so silent, when' there is so mnch danger of our being 'landed on a troubled sea,"and when this may be the"last chance the poor white men and negroes will ever have to vote V Greasy Sam Watts. Has forwarded an inquiry to this city ,if he must come to fulfill his appointment here ? He apprehended that no Republican ticket would be put out in this county, and if there was none, His Greasiness thinks "he could do more good elsewhere." By all all means let him come. We want the peo ple of Mecklenburg to see him and to real ize that it was the present Constitution which caused the elevation to the judgeship. of one who has no more regard for the dig nity of his ofllce, than to descend from the bench and enter the political arena stripped and girded for the fight. The Sumac Season. The season has commenced for the gather ing of sumac in the surroundings country, and for two or three months there-will be no lack of work for the small colored folks who want to turn an honest penny. There are hundreds of children in this city who might make quite a handsome thing of it by going to the country to -gather sumac. In the neighboring town of Statesvilhv much money is paid out every year for sumac and every other description of roots and herbs which can be utilized for medical or other purposes. Messrs Wallace & Bros '. haye a large botanical warehouse there, from which they ship- large' quantities of these wild growths to which; nntil - recently, no attention has been paid. This is a source of no inconsiderable 'revenue to Iredell county, and we wish" that Charlotte had a similar establishment. The Republican nominees. It is not known what course will be pur sued by Col W B. Myers, with reference to the nomination which was tendered him on Tuesday, by the Radical Convention in this city. He is absent at the Virginia (White Sulphur Springs, and has been written to by Gen Barringer to kniw whether or not he Will accept the nomination. " Oar opinion,' made 'up from conversations with , Col Myeis .friends, both personal and political, is, that he will decline., Just .tefore leaving; he announced positively, on more than one occasion,- that he would not run, - and we have little idea that the action of that meet ing on Tuesday will J weigh' enough with him' to : induce him to : change his mind. .. Dr Kerr.' however.will run.if it makes him sick !. He aways ' runs',' and t would , rery probably "haye run even if he hadn't been nominated. Fortunately though, ; bis , run nine ' never amounts , to ? anything. ( He waltzes all over the county, with the Sheriff eyery summer, when there is an election and when the election is over, goes home to A Historic Stick. Our friend Jas H Orr, received by express yesterday, a stick which had the- following words written on the back of the shipping tag : I "This stick struck the first lick in the great riot at Rock Hill." The stick will be preserved and handed down to posterity, to be exhibited on r the centennial celebra tion of the battle in which it played such a canspicuous part. Fell in a Fainting Fit. Last night Mr. J. Riley Davidson was standing at the corner of Bur well's drugstore, in conversation with Dr. J. M. Miller, when he suddenly fainted, and before Dr. M. could catch him, fell to the pavement. He recovered in a few moments and walked home. Mr. Davidson had been unwell for two or three days previous. Magistrate's Court. Before Jwt'u, W. F. Davidson. Jim Morehead, colored, for not providing for his family. Fined $50 ; he appeals. Pi nek Mason, for assault and bat tery upon Mary Billeter. Caae com promised. Harriet Lawing, colored, petty lar ceny. Returns the property (a dress) and is released upon paying the cost. Ann Smith, peace warrant sworn out by Charlotte Henderson. Bound over. Somewhat of a Coincidence. Mighty near everybody knows Jim Trot ter. He is bow legged till his legs are near ly circular, and you can throw a hound pup between them without its ever touching. Just at any time you pick Lim up he can out-dance anybody in town, and when he is dancing, he extends his mouth till a saucer can be set in it, He was in the fracas at Rock Hill, on Monday, and while stooping down to pick up a rock, "a lump of old red sand stone took him" in the back of the 1 1 no (1 nnnoinc Viim tr ruirfAi-m a rAtrrtl n H nn which is vulgarly known as turning heels I Jim left Charlotte, that morning, he placed a stick at shoulder arms, and remarking that he was the "Gigadier Brineral," fell into the procession, while a gentleman standing by, prophesied that he would get knocked in the head before he was six hours older. Almost Irowned in a Tab. Yesterday afternoon, a little child of Mr. J. E. Cassidy, who lives on the corner of Ninth and College streets, came near losing its life under the following circumstances : The child, which is about two years old, was out in the yard at play, v hile Mrs. Cassi dy was in the house newing on a ma chine. Having occasion to send a girl up street, she went out to look j for her ard it was then that she no ticed the absence of the child from where she had seen it playing a few moments before. Looking all around she coald see it nowhere, when it oc curred to her to look in a large tub which was standing in the yard. She did so, and saw the child lying in the bottom completely covered over by the water. Mrs. Cassidy caught it up and ran in the house with it, where she worked with it and applied to it what restoratives were at hand. For some time it gave no evidence of life, hut after awhilo began to gasp, and by the time Dr. Jo. Graham, who was sent for, had arrived, the recovery was complete. The tub into which the child had fallen, was formed of a half barrel, and was about half full of water. The escape was a very narrow one, for if the little "creature had remained in the water a momentlonger, life would have been quite extinct. Midsaauaer Fashions. For the benefit of our lady readers, we compile the following notes from some of our fashion exchanges : The novelty is belts is the gros grain rib bon, more than two inches wide, and worn at the waist, to fastea ia front on the left side in a bow, with loops and ends reaching nearly or quite to the knee. Undressed kid glove3 retain their old fa vor and are much used, not only in travel ing but for country and street wear. Cotton gloyes. for extreme warm weather, come with kid-finish backs and two or three but tons. For indoors, beautiful waists and over- skirts are made of lace and insertings, (usu ally white,! designated to be worn over silk and velvet long skirts, while, if the wearer is possessed of fair neck and arms, a , low bodice, without sleeves and edged with handsome lace, is worn as an underwaist. Hats of English straw are' much more serviceable than those of chip, and are con sequently accepted as most suitable for trav eling, and are pretentiously trimmed. The light, airy dresses of organdy, linen lawn, and other translucent textures, are fast being abandoned because of the impos sibility of that crisp freshness which consti tutes their chief attractivfcness. Traveling dresses are s almost it variably made in three pieces, consisting - of a plain draped and finished on the edges, like the basque, with a piping, a crimped fringe or other equally simple trimming, and an overakirt sufficiently- short to escape the ground in walking, and sparsely ornament ed. The favorite color Is brown. ' Broad-heeled shoes, haying a tendency to square rather than round toes, furnish the favorite walking boot, and a half-low tie Is also admissible. Colored stockings are mor e in vogue than - ever, and come both plain and striped.' , The: former art the later of the two, and show the new red,; for which there are such a furore.; After the silk hose, the most expensive as well as, the handsomest are the Lisle thread, and many pf them bear the old-fashioned clocked instep and ankles- JJSE CUTLERS', ijf ;,; vn ; Patent Pocket Inhaler for Catarrah. f -. ! WB BURWELL & CO.. COMMUSICATED-I A CARD. Charlotte, N. C., July 21, 1875. Messes Editors: I notice in your issue of the 20th July, a communication from Mr Mc Arledga, stat ing that bis jaw bad been poisoned by a dentist of this city. , Haying done no work fcr Mr Mc Ailcdge, I am not the man he has reference to. " DR A W ALEXANDER The Hinth of April, 1885. From the London Spectator. It is a Nation's death-cry '. the agony is past ; The stoutest race that ever fought, to-day hath fought its last. Ay : start and shudder ; Well thou inay'st ! Well veil their weeping eyes ! Englaud, may God forgive thy past ; Man cannot but despise. Yes, shudder at that cry that speaks the South's supreme despair ; Thou that could'st save and saved'st not ; that could'st and did'st not dare I Thou that hadst might to aid the right and heart to brook the wrong ; Weak words to comfort for the weak ; strong hands to help the strong ! That land, the garden of thy wealth, one haggard waste appears, The ashes of her sunny homes are slacked with patient tears. Tears for the slain who died in vain for free dom on the field ; Tears, tears of bitter anguish still ibr those that lived to yield. The cannon cf his country pealed brave Stuart's funeral knell ; Her soldiers' cheers rang in his ears as Stone wall Jackson fell. Onward o'er gallant Ash by 's grave swept War's triumphant tide. And Southern hopes were living yet, when Polk and Morgan died. But he the leader, on whose word these cap tains loved to wait, The noblest, bravest, best of all, hath found a harder fate ; Unscathed by shot and steel, he passed through many a desperate field ; Oh ! God that he hath lived so long, and only lived to yield ! Along the war-worn waste' ranks that lov ed him to the last, With saddened face and weary pace the van ished chieftain passed. Their own hard lot to the men forfot ; they felt what his must be ; What thoughts in that dark hour roust wring the heait of General Lee. The manly cheek with tears was wet, the stately head was bowed. As breaking from their shattered ranks around his Bteed they crowd. I did my best for you," 'twas all those ouivering lins could ray : Ah. happy those whom death hath spared tbe anguisb or mat aay. Weep on, Virginia! Weep.the lives given to tbv cause in vain : The sons who live to wear once rnore the Union's calling chain : The homes whose light is quenched for ay ; the graves without a stone ; The folded flag, tbe broken sword, the hope forever flown. Yet raise thv bead fair land ! thy dead died bravelv for the right : The folded flag is stainless Etill, the broken 8 word is bright. No blot is on thy recoid found ; no treason soils thv fame : Weep thou thy dead : with covered head we mourn onr England ssname i NEW ADVERTISE HEX IS. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. A regular meet ing of Charlotte Lodge No. 17, Knights of Pythias, will be held at Masonic Hail, in the Temple Asso ciation Building to-night Prompt att e n d a n c e of members desired. Visiting brethren cordially invited. - By order of the CC. W. L. BOYD, K. R. s S. jul 22-lt JJONEY FOUND. Yesterday, between 12 and 1 o'clock, I found on the pavement a small amount of money, it tne loser wm come lorwara ana name tbe amount, and pay for this adver tisement, he will get his money. it U MUKiiUW. jul22 2t Strayed FROM my lot, about the 15th inst., 1 large red Cow and Calf. The Cow had long crooked horns, she is about 7 years old, was bought from Mr C H Er win, near Harrisburg depot. Any information concerning her will be tnanxiuuy received. J W WAD3WUKTU. jul22 5t THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. THIS institution will be re-opened on the 1st MONDAY OF SEPTEMBER NEXT. tbe term ending the 2nd Thursday in June 1876, with a vacation of two weeks at Christ mas. It has been reorganized on the eclec tic system, combining, however, three cur ricula of Arts, Science and Agriculture. : In struction will be given in the branches . of learning usually taught in the best Colleges. Soecial instruction provided In Agriculture and tne Macnanic arts. . An ante jj acuity has been appointed. Tbe buildings thorough ly repaired for the reception or several hun dred students. ' v i For circulars explanatory of the above apply to KGMr BATTLE, ' Secretory Board of Trustees, Raleigh. N. C. jul22 Presbyterian DRAYER BOOKS, for family worship, for X sale by ' TTIDDY & BRO. Jul22 i -a ' if'fc1' '- ' ?- ALT HOP.TONIC, : A fresh supply. " , W;, R BURWELL & CO,, t ' jal22 . TJ SE ENGLISH Breakfast Tea at $1.00 lb., sold by Drug- gistsoniy. -' u ..j , j- ' . ,a WR BURWELL CO.r t rjnl22 . Sole Agents. FINE SALAD OIL, Mustard and Spices, just received.' j a W R BURWELL & CO. jul22 . .; '.,.:'fl jfrr-rfT "' PAINT and VARNISH BRUSHES, ; ,- :! ...-.vil '-n'if" Shoe Brushes. White Wash Brushes. .... W R BURWELL & CO. ' ju!22 W" ARE Selling our stock of fine Cigars at verv low prices. W It BURWELL A CQ. jui22 " " ;;: ,7 ; " NOTICE! COL WM, JOHNSTON, DEMOCRATIC CONSERVATIVE nom , inee for the Constitutional Convention, will address his fellow cltiz9ns of Meck lenburg, at the following times and; places, at which time and places the Sheriff will at tend to collect the State and county taxes for 1875 : V. .... j Paw Creek, Thursday, July 22d, 1875. Long Creek Friday, July 23rd, Lemley's, Saturday, July 24th, " Davidson College, Monday, July 26th, " , , Ram ah Church, Tut sday, July 27th, Mallard Creek, (DeArmond's School Crab Orchard, Thursday, July 29th, Clear Creek, '-' Friday, July 80th, Morning Star, Saturday, July 31st, Providence, Monday; August 2d, ' Sharon, Tuesday, August 3rd, Pineyille, Wednesday, August 4th, jul22 JOCK INGHAM A SHEETING, v ' al For sale by the bale at Factory prices. SPENCER fc ALLEN. jul22 CRYSTAL FLOUR. i A fancy brand just received,, by SPENCER .fr JlLLEN; ju!22 W E KEEP Constantly on hand a good stock of Saltf Molasses, Sugar, CoflV?, Bacon, Lard, Ac, which will be sold at bottom l'iricc-p. Give ns a call. SPENCER A ALLEN. jul22 gOARDINC. , Desirable board can be obtained at Mrs M Asbury's, corner of Church and 3d streets, on terms to suit the times. jull8 lw jJASON'S Improved Fruit Jar?. A large stoc k juit received by W R BURWELL & CO. jul 17 . jNGI.ISH Breakfast Packet Tea Company. All kinds of Tea at $1 per In. Samples free. W R BURWELL & CO. julli . LARGE LOT : Of Window Class, all sizes. Paints, Oils. Varnishes, 4c. W R BURWELL & CO. ju!17 CATHOLIC PRAYER BOOKS, FOR SALE BY TI0DY & BROTHER. jul21 Take a Bottle OF Cregory's Dyspepsia Mixture with yon to the Springs trial bottle 75 cents. mam m i-a VM aTW a - ' ju!2i ;VV; ;-jX?r Buy Coach Varnish QF T C 8mith & Co's corner drug store.' ju!21 Pratt's Astral Oil, , TlHE safest Lamp Oil in use fives ' the' ' clearest light burns longer than kero- sen e price 60 cents a gallon. o ! ... i . wJl V DU1 1 XL et - i ' i j'.:a'vj i : I Sole Ageutar i,. DrexelV Vienna EIXCOiaGNE-fcOodq D tie 25cents, at . .-V .,ilt j . i xi 'f- .Comer Dnnr Store: ; cjul2l Buy: Linseed Oil (Y T. C.SMTH AGO. Opposite ftraj. stay unUf the next campaign opens,' ' jul22 - Agents for the Manufacturers. unr;i;tMf PJ's pru? STOf 5; ; ' julU . Druggists. square, juizt

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