CHAr.LOTTH OrSLUVEIL lT r . . . SUBSOKIPTION RTK3. IHliy 1 jear, (poM'pald) itf advance,'? $3 00 ' 0 mi8 " . v 4 oo :i ino. " ' " . 2 00 . mon.' m - Li.M:.--J i i75 . .' WtEKLY-KDiTliK nWlily, (in the county) in advance $2 00 ;.' ft out of the county, postpaid, r 2 10 ; ' months,. .,. r. .?, I 05 Liberal reductions for clubs. 1 The ObsebVxb J6b Department uas been thoroughly supplied with -every "Heeded want, and with the latest etylea of Type, and : very manner of Jcb Woi1" f"n rw be done with neatness, d!r, .itch r t sa. . 7e can furnla!i at - tr. kj - BLANKS, EILL CEA1. - . , : . LETTER II IL 3, C ' " T 3, . TAGS, HECEI IT TEBS, ' -.''j 4 , rEOdRAMllE 11' NDEILLS, , PAMPHLE1J, C ZCS, fco 4c. tT? . f ?-s -.. '.-V Y . y: U1 uU fi fnl J'-i:l yql:xu - C1 . , Kf , , I M J V ' An 7- If .1 1 GREAT , REBUCTIOlY j IN; ; BO OTS S ; : SHOES ' -llV.S'.ir-X Ttf l'.F 0: R B E S -. tj a vk Marked down prices op rriiEiR entire stock or boots & shoes : Zeiglers' Misses cloth i ,Suoes, LJ..A.,A.iA...,im.. A N D 0'ijl B ft 0 6 p S TnERE rPlli C ES A R E o m iund ' t- v ) NEW I KO NKF R'6 nSu I TAB ATLMITIC HOTEL, 'iaiBS'D'B mK DS SO RT. fJIHE aboye esUbl'uhmeisorlYorably introdacet4o the public.,1ast Summer, by the new owner, Capt R D GmuariiVorMecklenbgrg, iajr the ueason o 1875, MAY 1ST TO OCTOBER 1st open to such VUitora only as the undersigned maybe willing to admit to hiV family circle. He hopes to renew hie pleasant acquaiutanco with all former guests of the AtUntio Hotel The be peealiar aitatd f this house affords . s Iran ' ' l i seasickness. - ' , i I " f fO DUST! (fcO FLIES 1 Railroad Tickets good for the whole season Yen uay licKeta......... ' Applications mast be madd to -..11 i-mirp 3ni?r:ebd PJibliols Co., ll' l 1.,.. J . a ..JS , -1J V7 IIOLESAIE A JREIAlt - ,i',-'l rii ( 1.1. .1 f r.-i u'J X . t 11, .1 Supply of Lounger, all grades J A' full assortment of Metalic Cases, Caskets and Wood .Coffins, on hand. n ,-K f j t - j I jun IS '. 5.: - iitl' ..'; I .-jit rl '' v "...- - ,' J .t i' fht ""i -' n o n e H A'ILT . rvi.-ii J : OIIDEn C E II 1 .:.'( f r& -'1S. C n A R L Q ion- ri'.';.- .""j ' '.l-'jQr 'ALWAYS 'qUARAIITEES SATISFACTION. ra, Jan SO ; rA CARD . s-.: ; t4,W. ' Mi ,to the well known strictly wholesale Gro- - '.ery Uptime of Messrs R M Miller ASonv. I Tetommund my former customers to this . house, when in want of any goods i in. their - lioe. , Respectfully -t-u .. , s f M julitf. 1. ii:V li.)f:l tor i iVJ 111 dl IU r Iwl rpa(3 date If tf, all peisbnsjyhoj frant to . reat UavVai if lelievwirt'be charged $10 , m ii ,?vv...r it - ,'r,- f ,fr j ' er week, 111 advance, before removing from " ray office. "'D (J MAXWELL, - I Yo, ,0a . 0cneral Agent.P j ; Three doors below Tiddy's Book Store, t ' TloclabdO'scr, XluhiilVatcrj BUFFAT LETJIEA'WATETl, " RECEIVED fresh from the Springs every week. ,We are the, authorized agent for the-celebrated gprmrs, and have perfected artTngements to receive fresh snpplies every eok direct from the Rpring. rtci ! f Excelsior Saratoga JFater ori -draught and ,Vate?and Etarff-ratpFi iWater" injbottka, or-safe'at1-'- r -'McADEiN'S i fforliare'at' Jull rf f r t Drug Store. The Democratic Executive CommUtee, for ;- this county, will meet at my office In. cjiarf V lotle on Thursday, the lth inst. " f . i!t. t.i t , , Joiis E.3 Bbows, Chairman. 1 Ui .-.VAI fi1ll)k..1'r-.5- i ').!' 10 SI'ilHJ-JifUlWKT UUIJ 11VU, JUIV. . - i Don:; TaxV .' 1 - rf..1. t't j Itul PAX AX paid collars are now ready and will be sold by Richard Moore anly.:at'(bis re on Trade Street. .. .i. ' X be sola by . tnra on Trann Street. ,! -i On every dog one. dollar, on i every ;slut two dollars. i i 'm' - (; . 1 i . Every dog or Blut seen without a tax paid coll.iifk.ter the eth day of July next wfil be killed. O f ALlSXAMJJSlt, ju 24 4, tM :arsnai.' 5 m lis c hand ditfot l! "ilLr'.ror Mir.eral Wftersrat rTjullp f ''.,JJ.c ADEN'S DP.UG CTcr.r. $2 50 2.06 300 , 1.75 2 V I VlU d Y 0r!t 10 N P O KE CASH ONLY, U n D L o , LDINQ,:XRADE STREET, all the pleasure of a voyage without peril or . .1 .- ? -4 - U 1 KO.MOSQU1T0ES U ! : from Charlotte and return,'...... $19 05 9.55 . GEO WICHARLOTrE. ,". : Proprietor. r ... 14 -M CHABEOTTE. N. C. ' 1 i iJUST -RECEIVED. Ov .M.iU il.') 1.,- j A'7FULL::A0RTircNT . ' Parlor Suite, in Hair CTo th g" ( Terry and Reps. f Also, a; new . T A I LOR , - , : ' Tn A L HOTEL. TiTE, N ;,C . fno1 s Thiey Have Come I A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF CLOTH- 1 and are going fast at very low prices. , r Gentlemen will do well to examine my! Stock before purchasing elsewhere. T WYYVE'Tf ' S "1 .rvirr: . apr 6 tf N OW WE HAVE IT. 1 1.000 lbs Country Ham, 8ides and 8houl der Bacon, also 300 lbs Country Lard, also 50,000 Cyprebs and Juniper Sbinele. at , . - B N 8MITH'3. J . Julll ' ! . UII5 J6 ' HEALTH - f PLEASURE !: POPULAR and FASHIONABLE RESORT V WESTERN HOTEL, . ' IIICKOEY, N. C.' . . , mTI IS House is well fitted and furnished. JL is now open for the accommodation- of visitors and the traveling public its rooms are large, well ventilated and commodious; servants polite and attentive. White Sul phnr and Chalybeate wateralwaysonhand. Vehicles furnished at short notice. Om; nibus goes from the Hotel to the White Sulphur Springs' on the arrival of every train. Table supplied with every delicacy of the season. All these, crmspire to make it a first-class Hotel, ' seconc a to none an Western North Carolina , , No efforts will be spared to make the guests comfortable and contented. : TEEMS Board, per month: $20.00 per week, $7.00 ; per day $2 00. Children , and Awvants half Dries. -j! ' , For farther particulars address . .vg i , :..'..'.i..v...,.-,f -i. A W. MARSHALL,' ,.:jull3,.:(v i . r,r. f,fti.. Proprietor j WANTED ! mi mi JjlROMtwo to three hundred strictly,-' iat if J' gheeD for mutton; j Ior mu"ou; L r..i t ttiMi for: which: we swilli jay 1 j from two to three dollars per head.oJ ul Ki , !!' '. i ,: V t, ')-.'. 'J il.'- Si. lis j 1 :We will purchase lambs in the same prO s( . . 5", ' t ! .f , I .i '!j o fi i l . I portion1. "7 i,,'.J:iR0SE k JAMISON. ; jullO ' , " -r '-t' ! TTARNISHES. 1 1 l ui A large lot direct from the Tfamif-ciory. ' 1 : . t 0 sith & co;, f ,;:,T? STT T AT 'T rTUilT ' U '- I r 1 i TH 'I'blirlotte. 6 WrTerif Wrofthe'JlaiIonar-C Executive Committer -Wonum euUl. A Illegible Telegram, j r - t- published bt7 I tjJ -f ' ': i,mL-",t .,! 'v ' - ...j , n , aS30Ciated press te!egram"-was ,. , ' .' : 'The National Cotton Exchange met at the; i By authority of a resolution of the Meek- VoA0';i.o;i w v,i ii;AiVf JLk.Uin.- CharleR jS..,, Jones , l'ronrfct or. n-i.... wm.. ot-K or? iiT.,.-vt -i... i received by tis last night, concerning L - Office, Observer Bvlildingy; Corner . Trade and College fet recta. ;j jANJKOUKCEIHEJiT. Jax. II.'Moosb is authorised to collect acl counts lor this office and , 'receipt for the 1 i . . - - 1 panic, frvcive puubvj ipiiuui, UV") - (-''., y - n- , duor and Proprietor; M ' City Bulletin. i: . , -. j m" ' i ! " - ,:; ft IV Two weeks from yesterday .until the elec 4 anahu.' o.r7;"i,T , .x .. ,w nuiaing weii oe compiewsa a7; . . , ; .j t "Th Crop reports are cheering, 'from eTery section or the county. -,! n- i ' , Jim Harris, coiorea. is muea to mase an: city at presents It used to; be with ths girls, "FJifl Is heT and now they" Slavey whittled It down to a final point and; waills her and echo answers "Where 7" L:'-i - ' t, .When youswaUUeboy coming .put fit a rug store with two inches of liqnorice in his drug 1 mouth, and a smile of delight on his coun tewnee, you can oet saieiy on me orugsiore .1VViAn.ih.t Wa.iat T.iil-Kl . Q ...L thftt ain't trot no sisters bave to Da v for sncli . . .. -- -- -,--- ; thlnes. Or "lit out:" ' ! v j 11 s l--1 ! At 0 . - 12 i-M ...... 88 ... one . v P. M:,..j ii.v.!i r,u rf t'i , 'i - 7" ' . i -. J loafing pla In town, and the. laige.mmber ?:'tr .-V?"?.TPt rcry "n "MW uauu? questions wiitcn have been perpievng, ine brainsoipbiiosopnMorages. H r- ii"t jf,, -f v I The atoeMasaixiucr ;;The work gots bravely ion, -The grading has been finished from in front of the Mint to ihe Air Line Depot, and the rocks put in; these are now being broken up. A small section of the rock , work .has been covered .ver with dirt to tWdepth of tour or five inches, and is completed, as far as it goes, Iff T ". f If" V- .1 II :i t I I! A friendly match game will be played on Monday afternoon next; between tne sec ond nine of the Centennial' Uase -Ball Club, h. r-i fh. TnH.n.nH.nt ninW Uie challenging party'; ' Both clubs are nbw practicing every afiernoon. t .4w $ i ;. i The Only Thing Which occurred .yesterday; to cause the slightest ripple on the streets or to e ve'n'niodi fy. the monotony, was fight between two uuw 'lrKrra .u 1 " ! 1 antiKnvenUon speech In this cltyV on the upon theatack law. -j u 'vf r.U , : r. TnllTl . , xoric yuy, aweeit agoyesieroayv There will be a sale on Saturday mtlht lM Wldl nd Jf JuuaMeft .yeslerdsy for:lightermaterial.iT ,n - xnere wm Dea saie, on jaiuruay, pi near- . f , w.. a'r,-.ji.,. morning Xoij the Catawba .White :Sulphur ...i r . , t !y 150 unclaimed packages, at the office of ' A convention of the Wfroaa men' oftfie fa . ' ,t a' 'i: r'p Jm.r,7f WJ.' pli - the Southern.. Egress Co. Then ! we'll' all' South States1,' b'ekan; Intlant jester Mra'e AcUa "f .aPt for BunttaCQU. have koine fun.' ' s ''.1-J ' j , day.; Quitea number, of ; deIegaleS;paUed , Jffi TChW f?1 A suit of some . interest '.waa tried fThmatrimop t.broQ8b Mf. PW "d Dr J M Miller returned Wednesday ViTjtbl beldre. Justice Martin.n yesterday? on TheTempera(uie.;,. ; night, but when the continuous 'tinkling of niorning ior neamoru "-;;, eu Dy me. conflagration wnicn swept ...The followlogwas the range of, the ther- these cotr bells is added to lt,sleep is en- '1, :i . f'b: Usn:L,1h Prt of the city: i.n! April, r?Mr; Cure- itometer, yesterday, at the drug store of W tirely banished from' many eyelids; until Tax GatneriDff at Paw Creek. .tt tou'refusedl to pay ' for' the" foUT fcoxes RBurWell ACo.i .a uJ - ' ' .(II! 'iTianffbrpn' rian fn ffipir nriA'nn() ITi.Arfc I Col Johnston returned frOTU Pair. CreeTt. I vril.h wcro hnrnod onrl Mavor ''fl-rav i. M....:.... ..'83 and fling rocks and one thing and. another yesterday evening, and reports -to ui that & Hosssucd him.f' CoL " H.'O.' Jones ChurcH streets ' Thev knocked like' wizi-1 l night. 1 Gen W R Cox, of Raleigh, mtneito escaped jail oniymrougn a wnaer tX yesterday morning, and heartedness'on the part.; of ; the magistrates "1 ' . J. ... . .. -' . ' .1. t IWI H U( BMU lit HilVUN) .W I IWUWr, to "git winded that he would mauethe armistice an.. l..clti..i. V r - I '' - - r.:T, . J I: - n.i k:i.,: 1. -fl,.i t . at one time regarded as certain' that 'Cbl.E A uiDorae wouiq wk icout ne ana ui . . 1 j . i t "1 1 " r .1 . board of trustees Galea to agree upon terms. The trustees have 'recently .been'in'corres- ... ... ponaence .upon me suujecu wuu jmtv o y- lorMartinlateorthe Female Cbllege at StatesvUle,than whom there is not a more .Mi.tnnl.i .AnfTalYIDn ' m " m.A ffAfthfrll Kwuifiiuun umu...., --, .v..v and efflcjent instructor, or; one better calcu lated, to build up such an Institution', la' kll it. - J u7 ...i 'e sincerely trnsf'-that 'he will become the lessee. r " M.V y i if J'tI i -mi essee..kl r.-'-ok -! A JUtUe Girl on Pin-Hacks "What do ou link bbde pin backs TDey per," Ja ihe salutation w i received from t a little - angel Cwhb J can hot yet talk plainly. whom' we hiet on'the, street j y eiterday even ing. We gave the little charmer our opin tQ5 : I n;rftC( . - t flaa 1 r r - -' i ) rLL.-j il. il "f ll Eclectic-Magazine. In the Eclcc&a the opening Alexander, This latter, sto the past two est Foe1 J and 1 ... Another number TrinYA n--.. : -T ' ''J 1. ' " '" ".'. torjs.I'zwhich has made quite a sensation in Pnnh A ."Tha other .consents are.exceuent , o , - , W-come imgia." -1 Fearing i Alr-Lne train, r.iney go oy wayouue au " -: t-.. jj - . . ' , u ' ' mnAw U. -4 GU ftU-fc- T":'' , .w; UrWrMVS: f a peroetual Deace. by possible, and the remainder or tne ay oy " ' : ; rr: ' , " L" . night. " . 1M.t.nffki.AiM..n ioVir th.i Iaii. I Drivate convevance'' to-- Hayes vtiie.' uiay. 1 -: ...r5 7 vr ; r. . "- . I ZrJr " "r: countr. where ther 'hive san: appointment flied. someu, if the party , be , , -j-j ' ' ; 1 ior juoouay iiexi. xuey win otuuip u , ' ...... . . . !. ; Ion suspecting alt the time -that' one even oasIneas-U Business. didv :,Uitw) .f.,; n..sff Rin; WitW'in would call particular attention to Our more bewitching than the petite questioner UflCffiJiiy VeserJuy vfee strik' hSS iuJll "f; V" "" .S0 wbh i8far h.0if .nl whnbad int nassixl bVlii all ' J."I !f'?TIV ' t bate at Hickory -ii'! tiUu j , Buperior to that roasted by the ordinary pro- berself, ana wno naa just passea oy .in au a.. n.mM ftf .il subscribers who are wwfeftvnAhn ImmmI in. siftiwvill - that 'J. ps n.-fro. 'iwn oil hnnf imU: North Carohna, Districi Deputy Oxand Mai- y I'ereACii. nencee ' " Arrived in this city UerSay moving on 5oWo-?d & at the Citral Hotel. It was'annOnncei in Charlotte Lodge -JV,YJr. -and tended i to..-U- the associated pre'ss telegrams, some days the following officers were elected rptlie .indebted ft0l.U3 ToJ . thfttX3en street 'was in -WashingJ ensuing term ? Vtc,. ,.rr fcj,-ireHi vj.- .j . .toWgcriiftJthatiHeiiitjaneraffl le 'iix ton -and'hid aUed trpdn (Secretary iBristw pt w lk' V Q ncjj 'stantlystopped' iinless they "tnake arra'ngb. far access, to thareaei arcbiyes.cfrom iwhicb uta rt' i V q!"? J.ViN.ii' I nients with us for a co'ntintiahc'eT"" J" .to mke Jip tus iersonal record. tffettys: .A if J fv' -d a'' : 'i-!',I,,i,1l,t i r T ' r burg. rJIe is just now returnjng bpmvjmd. ' fJSa; MayoWCo-' .-i -ivMl . jfi - sapped here to see Gen D H HiUCQncern; JMKcndrlck, ireas. iW ! ''The FlvPolnta row of Wednesday nlkM in the sam matter, he thinking that Jones roe:JSUgUst(Ji?UlftH0nna I leraay luorijuuj;. b.ijh"''" i it gives pi nisconaupi in several pawip. j.p(, V rj Ar t I'jdl l"t-J. j chapters of anew novel by" Mrs 1 Pointers were Jmplicatedandj otj witnesses two Generals were in conference forHTerAj.l'y BOiaM'f-. IJUV'pv .anthbT.of.heVoc) fio.w.wwufiBB lhours, at the residence or ten 1.111. 'ix) .-j.;.t.i,jj9ji 9dj 0j jS,o:14j ry,has.iW5biey:eJr-greatsaRce33 c case, inai mucn aimu u uf ovc-. gtreetwas averygaiiant spiaier, ana ms soi- 1 Tf&de stmt ovpoBitli Court ,Hoase jWe thwa vrnxi't onl . TTpt TihvJ lore 16 couw D6iaecBainou wno- i6' Teauyi ;!tovl enffft trie admiration 01 : . i VM vms-vw-j v 1 ... t . -i - 1 v.w 1 W- - .- i j I ; ," . ,J j ( f promises to be fnllyi: as Intefestirg-1 was tnacaiame' anoouag; is -was uuauj a men, but his course osince ine' war; nas 1 -,y? ' ' , wejlrwittep,.,:, t,;; j V,.; T fixed upon Air. .lender, tm proprietor pi shown anything ebefhan deyotion to Uie 1 batter, eggs, chickens, 'cabbage," beans cu- eteat attraction fjthei August 1 tne nouse wnereine irouoie wasayu wuw Hand for whicn ne lougnrso weii. r --; iiii- ...j. ... rs' Mr Gladstone's- article- Oft '"The had claimed, the ntnt tjeiore, , tnat ( ne naa 1 ii 3eri Lbngstreel's beard now grayi' Splw 1 " -r. K . .r .------T" f!nntmrt. and the Court of QUeenVio-1 been shot afcj it appears tnatnaer snot ax 1 diers who knew Lim :dantfg thewar.'tBav es.iwaterxn elans, muskmelons, jcanteloupes. and highly readable." 1 The EJitorial Depan- upon tne onenaer, auu ue wasi uuuuu .over wears tneuurnsiaewmsKers-moustacne ana we guaiaiiiCTyuvwMwnwi "Tf.':11?. iaenU are well lled,:as usual. , ! i to Court for assaultrandTor keeping a dla- giddbcaraP He is said'not to bettot solarge house in the city .Try us. . . 'J -"" Published by.ERPelton, 25 Bond street,, orderly hrJusell Henry. iThcmas, who was as he was curing the war, and; ia represent- HtJ 't, , wa-it f'iw- Wrv NewYork; Ttrms,?3 a year J -Single, num.- implicated in the same affray: was fined 5t eI as being very much changed .'otherwise . r; .' ('.. r? ber,' 45 cents. T2i.; ' costs. ' " ' ir 1 in hh personal arprance. : . (jnia fj . f. Wednesday, the 21Stifi6t. Col J Y Bryce.! one of the delegates appointed by the cotton; Uealers of CJiarlotte.lelt on night, before last td attend the sepsion of he jExchange m , v t u'int -.-7- " 'Personal: We had the honor of setinc in oar office. .1 ' yesterday tbat, ganant gentleman, Gen W .. - k . . . : . . V "l ""J6"t(; Tir.t.f.f-! , .-iff",' , Hon A l Aiterman, qi Georgia, ezTAttori ney General of the' United TSfales,'tt In 'the citv. stoDDine at the Central v : i Prof WCKerrrttiffStfitjrnPrttr.Mf - - w r-, - Isteredat the Cen4rat.Holeli.-u. -IF i. - 4 ... o vm 1 - - -' - . ... k . . . i. s are 10 Dft votea ror; lW.,. , next month, the following officers' Voted for . DelJ.ate9 to .he Constitutional ConvenUo,n,;Magistratest Constables, To ship. Clerks and School. Committeemen i me peopie 01 juecKienourg, are aiso . 3i W 1.1. . vt. Ak .. r- J i d J u'uvy iwmiiwiu vp x 3 21 13 rWinMMUhi; nWh-AnnAPB:Uor?ntoa-I'"') '"lfo I iemrai ana a .01 jounsion, or xne auanmc oia.t4ne.left CbarlotU kt,the 'EamV'ti,ne r J... A' lr.' : L'- ALttm lltA yi.--r-;.4 - wit ile same destination? Keep the Cows Out of the Streets.' , ' 1 . j . i ' vV uave neen aseq on moie man oneoc- I . .i.r.st5. 1 ju - i wiwiuw tan uu un luuiuriuo 'u hits u i .1. , .Th.- h.t l,., . . u... . -.. .11 laffh. onwn till thpv r ilrtvAn L-nv , f rr 1 . Marble .Top Table. ; - ,, to the Herald of JhallK marble , According -ritopuwesaretooeavoiaeavs u says & :iney m 4slA sinA m rkirll v aKair'K ill A hoat fan A i Titalily of the bodyt robblng u or ita Kfe I "We have heard of one t invalid; whom the doctor could not cure Until one' day be i notind .he nsed ft marble Btand.' and sua- netted it had somethlnz to do with her ill- I health. So he forbade her to use it. Soon she was well "We know healthy people who j feel the twinges of pain in the shoulders by j sitting near one They are handsome, but I unhealthy for ail that. ' 1 :-.. Firemen' Pieulc. ui The members of the Independent ' Hook and Ladder Company, have determined . to have a picnic, and have settled' upon Mat - thewat Depot, 1 miles from the, cUy, on the Carolina Central Railroad, as; the. place where, and Thursday,!12th of August as the time when, it fchall be field The following coirimlttees have bee appointed, ' in pur- Ofimmlttee on Invitation-P" H. Paelan. 1 xuos u rnortney ana B irfanaecaer. 1 r Committee of Arrangements P M Sojin - a ui. i.,wnmi,.m1T,jpnpwn -f ten lor the West. - i.fiiiirurT uj uu exuct:uii.iuus. ujf ' autre , fN .in. ....... 1: : n.otr' r.7r .VJi r": J ; r W.,.r.u ih. i.A pnt!m.n Uft lost niht n Hie "j I Wbotarn onnnttsa 1nvt.her anil vill . AATlfUl Mn, .f CnnSf.r.ative WtM to ih Conventn. ;' ' : ' . , ' . . ---. 3 ' 1 in. lnti-irjmiirriiinnKia 1 ... :,,-t The young men in this city wnora it is . proposed to Mproscribe," have held a meet- I " " . ...". .'II. I : !.' ' ' ing ana aeciaca no 10 go :w an,, au uut lance of this design they haveorganized "anaigratioa society,: and. badges,! ior I lV.n rvT iV. n mf.n.t.AMi .wft koi'nn flfpntV nV tw u vi mwo, i wb -,- ,Jobu Butler, the; famous watch maker and jeweler, of thia city... Our special a i -....... i-:- t nnnnxt Attn rHrfnition of thecoat'of - . ------ rms. of thesbciety.u!whichiwef present be- .v.-rpqwvfor nsptidn;--- 'V.''u -f' .TUfi ooAtARMS :r. -.v ' -to i r 1' ' 'fit 1 int f rrearsq s nd.who do not honor. ., iou? LlW 1 Ul IUHBIIOmKUUUwIUCU AUUWICUU W uoi, Ibut that IsnotthethingatalU 'We do not was Investigated,"0- ,.lhe Mayor s,. Cour .yes- 'I -J ' ' J T?K n);i,nnll 1 a egry ! 1 ueci n.q v.-m vw- ..' iiwv - . I "ti.. i .-u-I round euilty A dollar and cost" or a I t RUP I - ; ' mit fearful havecin the ranks of the enemy 1 ,4 TiT UU1 'r'ZtiZl I jMH ill r . 1 f . u, k. . , . ' A DAY. .COFFEE GROUND WITH . It j " .rj;,,IV't...:F'.i'.it. . .1 ',. caT J'..J f 1 :- I ,. XT ir..M. fl IViirifAl I n.aaiul -nr. thA 1 v.. rtM. .... vm.mTvt J . ..ul 1" ' , mi. .i i.w.i.m,-. v wpriVnrth fkmlin Railroad: vesterdav r v.. - - .-he 26th day of June, Goy. Tance, as Preei- dent of the Association, announces (he foli j lowing Executive Committee i. Gen -J A f Young, Chairman ,. W2i Shipp, W.J Yatek s WittWsky andD t)owd'.' J I" ' : ) -' . I Midori Him. M irt,m . . . ,t I J' auaam,um 4gtia Tn Ttr A K Mil 'MHI HI bf IIIAIIM .VTlnd&T I me bavins in charge a' person 'supposed ' to liave been -Scott Partm the Jwife' tanrdater; I and though he fitted the bill as U the pub -f""??. "escnpiion, y ne proveu xooe oniy f a tnlinur that t-i bl Mm J hvTKa nian I " r tt-w J'r:.... I UL UY UllU OIIU ' H y UlUll OBH his name is Chapman, .hails from Craven Vrtll r rw on I a an tin aiuir, f KSi-ilf- vines' 1 mm' ! 1 o . - I frotfi-' Virginia, 'leaving 'hisfamily' there!.' i i.: - : , . . r t however.' v o! vv ioni Walter Brem isipending Uielsummer r " ru.g T RSrhmnnd ennntv lpnp 1ia will vliesSt - ' . ' - " . " 1 lieauiort. , . Misses.Emma and Rena McDowell, Dr T 1 J Moore and Cant R D Graham,' leave1 this quite a resrUble crowd attehded'the ,ax gathering and speaking.' The .opening speech' was made by Mr Geo E Wlfeon.'and ijis represent as reflecting Tiigh credit up- pi nim-;Col Johnston spoke for an. hour l I 'a. kalft An1ntn!ii ilA maIa iV.a changes whieh arb de6irableg ia our prcsent I Constitution, and how there changes will treatlv lfehteri the burdens with which', we r h rtnnsc-a tt TTPn.:1n sneerh: .. ,, J , , Col Johnston is high'ly encouraged at the I prospect, as far as he has had an opportuni- 1 ty of observing. The people seem to be J alive to the importance of the questions be- j fure them, and will do their duty to a man. i The indications are that the Conservative ! ticket will sweep tne cauntv by 300 or 400 1 majority.' 'hu ' T''Pa ' ' j - '. - -'," , t 1 ur Acti,1ff Mayor u - , j . . , M'JO' V Wpwu.'.wno acting Mayor, at present, during the campaign duties of Col. Johnston, is entitled to some words of com; mentation from us, His course towards law breakers whoare brought into h's court; instaiwej yesterday morning when a nero 1 wunwwa w uuiufi uvu nu . . . ... - - - . m m 1 pmwu uiunoiiug oui t: a uousr aau I cost, but made the nne S20 asd nan u pata. RinftfihWnitin(Fr1ivArhAli9vMTi - ... , ' . .. ., 4 , ' . mitted to jail three degraded negro women, 1 wno nave loner Deen almost lnioierame nui- i ' . " - hitherto escanedaii onlvthroueb a tender- nicn may oe very creawaoie 10 mem,. . ouvj until yon begin ts punish crfminalsyou had jst wel1 P talking about , repressing cnme LHil. 'fl 1 Campalu Xews 4 .i'S.. 1 J - ,AT,mn Wh rkm itn from States- jii-m..'lf(.M1mrtirfni.- na h?hiw I J--. J , o- -D y encouraeinir reports from Iredell and ad a-, centconnties. Lieut.-GovArmfieldandHonl. 1 WM Rohbins. will thorouehlv canvass the I ... onnt., ihoan u is next xo unnecessary, frt,TrA;l likB;.ftl(1 .wer tm- I . . " I 1 1 ' j:ji " ... 1 wui f veu ui uui uanuiunies. ,. .j t Exjudee RusseU has cone 'to Wilkes' followed: WthVr' by; .Mat Robbins! who will 'flay him alive on IIHV IIIIII H11VK UI1 tsverjr Btuuip nune tucjr ilictc... , uc : niuuo Hon Maurice Q -Waddell-passed np the 4ba prospects Jn that section, are . excelled A1!?n TO;!?. I awnilAWAraftlfLSaOaDUUl. IIUWUUU f ceded will Bend Conservative delegates. Roll j jfe Qf Leg does him injustice In, tnje reports .. ..-.-..i'i.r intii.;;!! jlO.i.. il'2..ii I JJ. tn" . ' " : VZ- 5 1 extenoing aimosc- w nis -waisE. -..-xte nf, are to Be f f?.f? r Gn. Leverithofne wA, ftennmflniPd I x-aniq, nave Mine numanuy aront tnemj i , . . ' thflv till tr,ir v.okm l,,AnW 1 Tinv ! wife. rHe 'reports having suf- 'n1 I i l '11. G '..' V' - V iiJilj Ail.. 4 fort.njitVi InnTnnilhn v and enira 1 1 Hgeuiia puii you tu ueaiu uy mcnes. - , i T " amj rto vote summer Absentees..,"- jJVrf, ,4.U t0- vn.i, ra .. . i- " " 'i inu il was oniviwnen no 'rriTn in Iip1i hQ nnt hwn At. nil rolinhl . hv thA I IV I . . , . -t-.'., fit . j .ir-i..-if i v.- 1 mgai in tag iuck-uji, 19 uu puuisumwit, auu 1 a scimitar whose polished blade1 will vcoai- j COFFEE ROASTED' FRESH EVERY DC0T V "1 . . 7' J nange at toe v nue auipnur . bpnuga ",u i wuiuu wyuiu uu uuuutue interesting id. our Cotton dealers, but w1" 'ager btir'precious life against I a-crinroi noire tVtah fViara to nnt'n Mnn I & O ..v,. y uu ....... in1 the worltt' who. can read It br 'make tmtt tmt'of iC iven if her co'utd i Oenw.-Coilett XTCntA0ne.-'rn-f.-.f ii 1 r 4T-( - . - " , . V 1 -:a l"wu" ' 1 fcU" eui, geuueinau m our omce B .-..11.1 . il ? tT J .t 1 s. . . 1 Jn yebieraay. ,ne naa i just returneu I frnm tntvl a vrl -jv It I tn a ,-vma A 1- 'a n executor,, td collect the .money due i . . ..... n actlo brought.. Messrs; ..Mayer, BOss, of this city.i against Mr. Tk ,G. I Cureton,, of, Lancaster, .S.C. Sometime during last Spring Mr. ... , .. R ... , 4 - I Augusta XVaUrUaU, a icr agree t niint ' -fn: Af hn - . -- , .. r.i I-"-.; r"w,"f Iv.: . J J u s i dipped, and the; remaining four boxes remained in tne depot and tvere burn appeared for the plaintiffs' and Major ,..-,A't;a,Vi " " . V"D , Mrt,n.f ? in rfl lf P!0" tiffs. ... Charlotte, NC.,.Jnly,22, 1875. ? JLkssrs Editors , CxiftiXMES : In the card of.Mc ArleJe j of the 20th inst., in which he say '4his"jaw bone was poisoned by a dentist," I would j respectfully, say for the benefit of your I readers that I am the man referred to, and f would further say, that the application was I made in the usual manner, and' repeated at which time I advised the 'extraction of j the tooth in question:! He' refused, and would not submit until driven to it by in- tolerable pain for more than a week. I . Respectfully, f , ;W II HOFFMAN. f ' . ' " ' iNNOUNCEMEyr.- J TO 1 HE VOTERS'OF CHARLOTTE 1 v - "tyiwvcswtp J . II KJM. A. A. . 1 ,t ys 1vi .;?'-,.. 1 1 1 nereoy announce myseit ss candidate lor I Constable, of, Charlotte Township, at the I election to be held August 6th, 1875." ; I . ... . , , L . , . vr W RfiTtT?ftff 1 ini'i id I . . N E W A D v e a TIS G TI E y r . Tlf AS0NIC. Officers and members will take due notice and act accordingly, ; , Visiting companions invited t actena. By order of UJ Pc n tr; r j K H Whitk, Secretary. jui2iit , r r 0. HASH A GEN, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, I . T ... i I... ; ; t : PEALEU . C -.- ,f .l I 4 i-CHOICE IMPORTED & DOMESTIC: I : . ' ... -.' ; 1 ? t. ;.'!' .'.i.'!- , nifj v ... . , . .,.ni .. a ictt .tT-;. ;'.t .. ' rAJjlllil... 'T I J' ' " ' - - - - " I r 1 '' " - - - f nr. .'i, ...-.;.. : , r i' 1 i . i Ul P"n 1 T? T T "I? Q , 4t VV I . .'.v.... . . I A large sssorti nent always on handt ! 3 0tjT ADDITIONAL' CHARGED' fectly roasted ' is alwaysj uniform- oTr fiesta, TnSi ceVmakS I i't 'Aw;HAnf that fhia actinia ia'ffnnlnM sn I favor with the consumer t - i fir anywhere in, the city. . '-,v , I'1' GOODS DELIVERED . FREE TO ALL- r il i n iir;iri.j.iji i.ui.f. iribwrn .liliJ;iliM btl i'Jv, H A S H AG EN 'S, KiiiuAt in u 'io v.n..v;.a:i ou tvorMT-iTOA'ii i ii-w37iirnr.RVizai OPPOSITE, CJI ARLQTTE, JIOTE L. ful23 " .noirfiooJ .it j io J.r -on . . f and a full line ' of first-class groceries, ' and 1 ,-. u:i j?iu .w.ii .7 jj'jj j.i jiij - : M .... - i . ' : EV E R Y P A Y icr;ri lvfrn'htJ;1,AHri7A.'M sa,fy-te RISIN.G,,SUN, '.fitjo r , l ij (- v. 1", tM 4 GEORGIA : PEACHES. r , ALSO, A' PIWBmL0T 'OF ! J0 :Co a u a 51 -A C. S.U.QLTON &CO. In -.a jal 23. WANTED. f s, ill'. Pi!'1!,! f 1' A good cook, Wb6her and ironer. Apply at - ii h v ''-THlS OFFICE, jul23 tf - i,;ii j.i" 750 GEORGIA MELONS.' x- Just received and going off fast, at v..... iijt.j n t-.-i. N SMITH'S. is ; m Strayed 5 ' r -f FROM my lot. about the 15th inst.yl large red Cow and Calf. The Cow had long crooked horns, she is about 7 years old1,- was bought from Mr C H Erwiniear Harrisburg depot. Any information concerning her will be thankfully received. . , J W WADSW0RTH. Jul22 Sii; ' "! V " Presbyteriiari r k'; 4' 1 PRAYER BOOKS, for family worship, for 'Sale by ?..::.;-., ':S TIDD&BRO. - Jnl22 , . " ' , ' '- MA LT, HO P TON 10, u r.,u A fresh supply. ' i W R BURWELI& 0. , Jul22 ' ''H ,,ii''J ' " ENGLISH Breakfast Tea at $1 00 lb.Vsold by Drug gists only. -i i"3, . , . W R BUR WELL & CO.. ' Jd122 , J; Sole Agents. T?INE SALAD OILx , MnftturA wl Rnicp 'liiRfe' receivMli IfnU. ,'. t . v is . : ' W It BURWELL & OO. ju!22 EAINT and VAR1C 13H BRUSHES,' ' Shoe Brushes. White Wash Brushes; W. R BURWELL A rCO. Jnl22 - , ... E ARS '- , u .!", Selling our stock of fine Cigars at very low prices.- W it BURVY1&V.L dt IV. -.'.iJ'.'ff.i COL WM; -J0HNST0N; Tt DEMOCRATIC-CONSERVATIVE .nom inee for the Constitutional Convention, will address ' his fellow-citizens of Meck lenburg, at the following- times and places, at which time and places tneenena wui at tend to collect the State and 'County , taxes for 1875 :r .j-f..i i ..,' aw Creek, " . Thursday, July 22d, ' 1875. Long Creek, . .... Friday, July 23rd, Lemley's, ' Saturday, July' 24tb; . Davidson College; Monday. July 26th. " " Ram ah XThnrch, Tuesday, 'July 27th, :' Mallard Creek; - (DeArmond's School v 1 House; '' ir Wednesday, July 28th," Crab Orchard. - Thursday, July 29th, M Clear Creek,' Friday. July 30thr Morning SUr, 2 Saturday; July 31st,i" rovidence. ' - Monday; August . Sharon, i Tnesday August 3rd,. Pineville,' . Wednesday August 4th,?ji." ju!22 - .n.iwi x ":; ROCKINGHAM Af- SHEETING, 5 ' T. "For sale toy 'the1 bale ktattory'prlces'? n Eft it SPJCNCER A LLEN. ah "fti tit 3 ! " fi.i." jQ'22 , .?3- l,'.ll ;i'.'V CRYSTAL FLOUR.'' f 'a I,C:J ' n .'ji'.-: KJi; J'-rii. v 'tfl so1 A fancy brand just received, by 'irtfi-H - ' .tlillH . 'i3jul2i Bupbncc2cl;0il OF Tf C: SMITH &CO; Opposite Central -Tldtel.-" ' 4..saji "ii ,uu4ii.r. I jql2l ' : ilv'lltl t iJ I-,t- -'t l . ,- Earatosa Water ofl drau-ht:, ; just "received . ... , .,; ,Vr R BIjRWELL CO, i Jb117.i iivt ;,i;!(.-'-,' '' i;l ki' -.' r t .i;: i Jllfiu'l. J- v. U2 CUXLLL3 . . . vj y.i; Patent Pocket Inhaler for Cfctarr? "i. -; 7 l; liURWELL & CO.. ''' iul22 ""AU for the LInu"-' .