CHARLOTTE OBSERVES, JQD PRINTING. The Obskbvkb Job Department has been thorouirhlv aunnlled with 'mrr . niMki 8UBSCKIFTIOH KATRS. Daily 1 year, (postpaid) in advance,- $3 03 6 nios. " ' " 4 00 3 mos. " - vtf .cai-.u .ftTw 2 0(1 l mon. , " 75 WEEKLY KDiTIOS. t vv,., kly, (in the county) in advance, $2 00 out of the county, postpaid, 2 10 6 months, " 1 05 fcg- Liberal reductions for clubs. ' want, and with the lateat styles of Type and every manner of Job Work can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. -' We can furnUh at short notice BLANKS, BILLHEADS. LETTER HE IDS, CARDS, TAGS BECEIPT8, POSTERS, V PROGRAMMES, HAND BILLS, - PAMPHLETS. CHECKS YOL. xn. CHARLOTTE N. C, SATURDAY, JUM U. 1875. K0. 1,977 llitfg GREAT REDUCTION IN BOOTS & SHOES S M I T H & F G1RBE S . H A VK MARKED DOW PRICKS or THEIR ENTIRE STOCK or BOOTS A SHOES : MILKS' Indies clot a, goat and calf Shoes,-... $2 50 Zeiglers' Ladies and goat .: 2.0d Zeitrlers' Indies cloth Button Boots, 300 Zeig'.ew' Misses cloth Shoes, .. ...;..... 1.75 AND OTHER GOODS IN PROPORTION. TTIESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH OLY. SMITH & FORBES, XKW IRON FRONT BUILDING, TRADE STREET, ju3l The i'harJottp Observer. PUBLISHED 8T Charles ft. Jones, Proprietor. Office,' Observer Building1, Corner Trade and College Streets. ANNOUNCEMENT. J as. H. Moobe is authorized to collect ac counts lor this office and receipt for the same, to teceive subscriptions, &c. CHAS. K. JONitf. Editor and Proprietor. THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, T S S3 .A. S I 12, E SO 12. T. HE aboye establishment, so favorably introduced to the public last Summer, by the new owner, Capt R D Graham, of Mecklenburg, is for the season of 1875, MAY 1ST TO OCTOBER 1st, open to such Visitors only as the undersigned may be willing to admit to his family circle. He hopes to renew hfs pleasant acquaintanco with all former guests of the Atlantic Hotel. The peculiar situation of this house affords all the pleasure of a voyage without peril or seasickness. NO DUST ! NO FLIES ! ! NO MOSQUITOES ! ! ! Railroad Tickets good for the whole seasou from Charlotte and return, $19.05 Ten Day Tickets, 955 Personal. Maurice Q. Waddell, Esq., of Chat ham county.arrived in this city yester Our young friend, J. J, Hemphill, Esq., of Chester, S. C. was at the Cen tral Hotel last night, and leaves this morning for the Cleaveland Springs. Prof. J. H. Carl hie, of Spartanburg, S. C, was registered yesterday at the Central Hotel. City Bulletin. Applications must be made to GEO W CHARLOTTE. Proprietor. iu31 BJichols Co., WHOLESALE & RETAIL Supply of Lounges, all grades. Coffins, on hand. "CEALEB3 IN F U R N I T U. R ., B E D D I N G, &c, 5, West Trade Street. CHARLOTTE. N. C. JUST RECEIVED. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Parlor Suite, in Hair Cloth 'TVrrv and Hera. Also, a new a fnil suuMmont nf Meralic Cases. Caskets and Wood junl3 J. S. PHILLIPS, UBRCHAIIT TAILOR, UNDER CENTRAL HOTEL CHARLOTTE, N. C. The sale of express packages to-day at 11 o'clock. Two bales of cotton sold yesterday ! Ain't us hosses? No session of the Mayor's Court, yester day. Charlotte has base bull on the brain ; no sort of doubt about that. A pleasant shower last eyenin g. cooled the atmosphere very materially. One of the double acting stone force pumps, is being put in the well in front of the Court House. A calculator says there is a net profit of eight cents on a glass of soda water or lem onade sold at ten cents. A barefooted negro playing a banjo, while he 'and others sang, was the attraction which the vicinity of the Central Hotel pre sented last night. The Rock Hill Orange speaks in terms of commendation of the bearing of the mass of Charlotte firemen, at the riot in that town on Monday last. Our handsome young citizens, when play ing base ball, perspiration streaming from their faces and shirts sticking closely to their backs do look 'just too sweet to live" The left eye of the young lady of the pe riod is constantly cast heavenward to see where the rim of her hat on that side has gone. We would say to the Statesville Landmark that the Bailey who said a piece in the Radi cal meeting here on Tuesday last, is not W H Bailev. but J L Bailey, his son. A friendly match game of Base Ball was played, yesterday evening, betweem the 2nd nine of the Centennial Base Base Club and the Independent Club, in which the former were victorious. We fellows who work nearly all night, get all the benefit of the meonligbt these nights while it is missed by folks who eo to bed early. We occasionally enjoy, too, the dis tinguished privilege of seeing the sug rise. Messrs. Jenkins & Dowd, who have opn ed a wholesale and retail grocery establish ment on the corner of Tryon and Eleventh streets, will be pleased to see their friends at their place of business. "Gieen apples and cucumbers," was the response we received. We had asked, "What's the natter ?" of a small boy who was rusning along home, blubbering, with his hands clasped across the basement of his stomach. The boys on the streets have a new ma chine for making noise. It is made of a wooden match box, and beyond this beg gars description. The sound it produces is unlike anything else ever heard on the face of the earth. ' We confess to some disappointment in Greasy Sam Watts having been beat off the track, and of having broken faith Reoublican brethren of The Mecklenburg Republican Ticket Six white radicals and 150 negroes were in Charlotte yesterday and nomi nated Col W. R.. Myers and Dr. Wm. Kerr for Convention. Col. Myers was beaten lor thp Senate by Waring three hundred and more votes. The dem ocrats of staunch old Mecklenburg have done it Unto them once and they will do it again, if the Lord spares them until August 5th. Raleigh Sentinel. Scholarship in a Medical College. Capt R P Waring, late State Senator from this district, has been furnished a free schol arship in the Louisville Medical College. Louisville, Ky. He will give the scholar ship to any deserving young man who de sires to pursue the study of medicine and who will apply for it. This is an excellent opportunity for some young man to obtain a medical education at little cost. He will have no tuition or other college fees to pay, and his board, clothing and incidentals, will be hi8 only expense. - - - Geometrical Progression. A man laboring under the combined ef fects of sun and rum. after having described nearly every angle possible in his perambu lation on one of the streets, yesterday noon, attempted to illustrate a horizontal, and succeeded in making a Bevere cut on his chin, from which he bled profusely. He laid down in a back lot, and went to sleep, and woke O. K. at a later hour of the day, and went on his way r joicing, promising to confine his geometrical studies in future to paper, and in his walk to only make straight lines and rerpendiculars. t St Mary Magdalene. Day before yesterday was observed by the religieuse in honor of St Mary Magdalene, who is believed to have been the sinner to whom much had been forgiven, and the saint who loved much. She was the most constant of all our Lord's followers : "Notshe with traitorous kiss her Master stung, Not she denied Him with unfaithful tongue; She, when apottles fled, conld danger brave. Last at His cross and earliest at His grave." After the Ascension she is said to have lived for some time in Judea, and then to have retired to Ephesus. where she resided with the Virgin Mary. Summer Absentees. - Mr. Geo. E. Wilson and wife, Mies Bessie Dewey, Misses Emma And Pena McDowell, and Mr. W. P. Myers, left last night for Beaufort. (The three last named proposed leaving yesterday morning, but delayed their departure, rendering premature our notice in yesterday's paper.) Mr. J.S. Williamson is recreating in South Carolina. Gen. R. D.Johnston and family, are summering in the mountains of this State. Mrs. J. A. Young, Jr., and family, left the city day before yesterday morning, for the Cleaveland Springs. Burned to Death by Kerosene. Miss Jane McNinch and Mrs. J. W. Brown (sisters) who died from the enects of a kerosene explosion in Chester, S. C, a few days ago, were cousins of the McNinch brothers of this city. The Chester Reporter says that Miss McNinch in attempting to kindle a (ire poured out some kero sene oil into the stove. The blaze, at once, was communicated to the oil can which exploded and set fire to the clothing of the unfortunate young lady. She was horribly burned and lingered, in the greatest agony, for a few hours and then died. Her sister, Mrs. Brown, sank rapidly under the shock received from this terrible dis aster, and died at midnight. with his Charlotte. His Postal Rulings Unsealed circulars for local delivery aresubjet to a postage of one cent each circular, which must be prepaid. An address may be written on a circukr, but any other writing thereon except the mere correction of a typographical error, will to letter postage, When packages of merchandise or samples of merchadise are wrapped so as to prevent examination, or have any writing upon them except the address it is the duty of the postmaster to tax them up with letter postage, to be col lected on delivery. Samples may be coming would have been worth 100 votes to marked in pencil or ink with letters us. or figures by which they are to be dis. A woman fight was reported to the tinguished in a descriptive'.letter or in. Dolice last night by one of the partici- voice without subjecting the package pants, who had her dress torn nearly to letter postage Tne matter will probably be The Campaign in the West Qreasy Sam Watts Driven Off the Track. Maurice Q Waddell, Esq , of Chatham, ar rived in the city yesterday, to meet Greasy Sam Watts who is billed for a speech here to-dny. Mr Waddell he and Gen ieach ariiyed at Marion, McDowell county, on Thursday about 2 p. m., and found the Court House filled with people listening to His Greasy Honor and Col (?) W S Pearson on the one side and Maj W J Montgomery on the other. Maj Montgom ery spoke only a short time after these two gentlemen entered, and Pearson followed him in a short talk. Greasy had already spoken once, but he made another speech of a half hour in length. When -he Bad concluded, Gen Leach rose and introduced Mr Waddell. Greasy had not seen him since he had entered the Court House, and, speaking to him asked him if he would not excuse his absence from the Court House for a few moments, that he would, soon be back. He was told yes.and as be cleared the door, Mr Waddell turning to the crowd, said : "You will never see that man in here again," and they didn't. He had too lively a recollection of the drubbing he re ceived at the hands of Mr Waddell in Pitta boro last week, to meet him in debate again. Gen Leach and Mr Waddell both spoke, and when they finished, Pearson had disappeared- Yesterday morning the whole crowd got on the eastward bound train. Mr Waddell told Greasy he supposed that he was coming to Charlotte to fulfill his appointment on Saturday? Greasy asked him where he was going and being told that he was coming to Charlotte to meet him on the stump.Greasy took Lis satchel in his hand at Morganton, and slipped out of the train ! So we shall be deprived of the pleasnre of seeing the fur fly from him here to-day. Gen Leach fulfilled an appointment t Morganton yesterday, and Greasy went to a place ten miles in toe coun ry, where he had no appointment. A Refreshing Sight. It is a rare thing that one ever sees a sight indicating more don'tcareadamnativeness than that presented, yesterday, by the driver of one of the street sprinklers. He had a watermelon stuck in the hole in the top o f the hogshead through which the water is put in, and while he drove his mule with one hand, he reached around and grabbled the out the heart of the watermelon with the other. The perfect wmchaltnce of his manner, added interest to the ecene, as he munched away on his melon, with all the breezy vigor of a backwoods rut-cracker. . Blackwood's Magazine. The Leonard Scott Publishing Co, 51 Bar clay Street, New York, have just published the July number of Blackwood1 1 Magazine. It is, as usual, highly interesting. Of the serial, "The Dilemma," we haye already spoken in terms of approval, and we can only add that the old adage, "When a man marries his troubles begins," seems likely to be proved equally applicable to a woman. "Paulo-Post-Mortem" is the sad self-communing of a disembodied spirit who has re turned to visit his former haunte, where "all Beems other than it used to seem," The mysterious story, "Under the Mask," which appears to be the first part of a serial, tends to show how the witchcraft of the al chemist is rendered powerless by the smiles of a youBg maiden. The "Sketch of Canada as it now is" is a very comprehensive article on the geograph ical features, resources, and government of Canada. , We have reached the last paper of travels through the "Abode of Snow," and find it as interesting as the first. It gives an ac count of the lawless tribes that infest the borders of Afghanistan. Then comes the review of new books, five in number. "Speke's Nile Livingtone's Congo" is letter written to correct some erroneous state ments made in the Quarterly Rexiew for April in reference to the water-shed of Inner 8outhe?n Africa. C. HASH A GEN, . WHOLESALE it RETAIL, DEALER IS CHOICE IMPORTED & DOMESTIC FAMILY GROCERIES, A large assoituient always on hand, COFFEE ROASTED FRESH EVERY DAY, COFFEE GROUND WITH OUT ADDITIONAL CHARGE. WE would call particular attention to our machine roasted Coffee, which ia far superior to that roasted by the ordinary pro cess. Being free from all burnt and imper fectly roasted grains, it fa always uniform and giyes the consumer better satisfaction. Oar increasing trade in roasted coffee makes it evident that this article is growing in favor with the consumer. Call and see for yourself, prices as low as anywhere in the city. GOODS DELIVERED FREE TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. AT HAS H AGEN'S, FAMILY GROCERY, OPPOSITE CHARLOTTE HOTEL. jul2J ANNOUNCEMENT. TO THE VOTERS OF CHARLOTTE TOWNSHIP. I hereby announce myself as candidate for Constable of Charlotte Townsnip. at tne election to be held August 6th, 1875. ju!23 tde NEW TH K tIE 1M. s ALE OF PACKAGES. About 150 unclaimed packages, will be sold at auction at the office of the Southern Express Cbrapany in this city, this morn ing at 10 o clock. uku xi. KiMti, .agent jul24 It piANOS TUNNED AND REPAIRED Prof W Cheatham will remain in the city a few davs. for the purpose of Tuning and Kepainne Pianos, orders lett at Mr ft a Phifer's Book Store, will receive prompt at tention. Mr Cheatham, of Greenville, S. ft, has shown me letters from highly reliable muji cians, recommending him as a piano tuner and I feel assured from his references that all work entrusted to him will give entire satisfaction. R S PHIFER jal24 2t EVERYDAY - AT THE RISING S U N , FINE LARGE GEORGIA PEACHES. ALSO, A. FINE LOT OF LEMONS. C. S. HOLTON & CO. jul 23 ANTED. A good cook, washer at jul23 tf and ironer. App THIS OFFICE. Apply 1 OST. Somewhere on North Tryon street, be tween Independence Square and the resi dence of W H H Gregory, on Thursday , night, a blank book, containing about $15. The party finding the money will be liber- auy rewaraea upon leaving it at THIS UrHJJE. jul 24 It Off. vestigated this morning. m- jgr ALWAYS GUARANTEES SATISFACTION. - jan30 NEW MEAT MARKET. The Temperaluie. The following was the range of the ther mometer, yesterday, at the drug store of W R Burwell & Co. : 6A.M io J A ' " 890 J by honest toil vt w ' ' 92 in the face of O At 6 P. M. Tank Repaired. The repairs to the tank in front of Mr J II Wilson's residence, corner of Tryon and Third, were all completed yesterday after noon. The tank has been found to hold water, and yesterday evening a portion or the Pioneer Company turaed out and filled it up. R O S E cV J A M I S O N rings' Euflding, Opposite Central HdteLon Trade Street and next door to s, j: S LA f t l ? ' Farmers' Savings Bank, UGH T E R E R S President to be Elected. A meeting of the Ugly Club will be held tn-nieht. to elect a President in the place of Capt Kenneth Finch, whose railroad du ties, since conductors on the Carolina cen tral now run through from Wilmington to Buffalo, will not permit his discharging the duties of his late ofBce. Sunday Trains. A telegTam receiyed in this city yesterday announces that the regular passenger and mail train on the Western end of the Caro lina Central road will leave the depot in Charlotte en Sunday morning at 0 o clock for Buffalo, so that passengers can go up to I Cleaveland Springs on that day and return Monday morning. ' 'L- So Many Farmers There. In the report of the proceedings of the Radical Convention held in this city on Tuesday, as made up by the Secretary and furnished to the Raleigh Constitution, the following sentence occurs : "It was a cheering sign to see so many farmers present, men who earn their bread , and wno nave tne DacKoone party displeasure, to come out and express their sentiments in opposition to Convention." "By shiminy ; ish dot so 1" Now we would like to know the names of some of these horny-handed sons or toil who, "in the face of party displeasure" expressed their oppo sition to Convention. There we're only three farmers in that meeting Jo Giliespie, Bissel and Martin and they have ever been Radicals, dyed in the wool and double struck in the weaving. What amount of paity displeasure" do they incur in opposing Convention ? Wouldn't they be kicked out of the party if they didn't oppose it ? - "So many farmers !" indeed ! An Unusual Case. A case of some interest, and one which presents some rather novel points, was tried yesterday before Justice VV. F. Davidson. It will be recollected, perhaps, that some weeks ago, we published an account of the marriage in this city of an ex-United States soldier named Kline, to the widow of a soldier, who was killed in NEW NOVEL, "HARWOO D," -BY- THE AUTHOR OF THE FOR SALE AT A Thief Captured and Stolen Goods Recovered. During the latter part of May, a thief stole from Mr D C Mallov. two suite of clothes and parts of other suits, a gold watch chain and seals belonging to it, a pair of gold cuff buttons, a quantity of underclothing, and other articles. Just previous to this, a suit j of clothes and some underclothing had been stolen from Mr C N Vance, a coat and pair of pants from Mr Charles Chunn, a pair of panst and some gold coins relics from A Tj T) TTJTTIVfT t. T.rtncr TTntil vpstfirdav no due had V - - A Ai J XfA A , iU4 MVWa wmm- J J been found to the missing articles. Yesterday morning Mr Malloy was stand - Rnin the door of Brem. Brown & Co's hardware store, when a negro passed along the street, wearing la witch chain dangli n g from his vest. Mr Malloy recognized it in an instant, and stepping in front of the ne- zed him and demanded the chain. The ueero made no denial, but said he had bought it, and announced his willingness to eive it up. About this time Mr Malloy recognized his cuff buttons ornamenting the neero's sleeves, and, sending for a police man, the party was held until the officer ar rived, when he was taken to the lock-up. A search warrant was then sued out before Justice Martin, and the house of the negro, (one of those hovels in rear of the Central Hotel) was searched. However, tne negro, after being locked up, had sent word to his wife by a friend' who accompanied him to m Minhnose. to take the stolen articles, frsm the house and hide them elsewhere. When the officer arrived with the warrant, she was removing them ; was found some Peaches. rpHE finefct Peaches in the city, are at F II ANDREWS & CO'S, ju!24 Watermelons. FINE Watermelons, jest received and for sale cheap, at F H ANDREWS & CO'S. jul24 PHIFER'S BOOK STORE jul24 NEW NOVELS, JUST RECEIVED. Presbyterian PRAYER BOOKS, for family worship, for sale by- TIDDY & BRO. jul22 JALT HOP TONIC, A fresh supply. W R BURWELL & CO. ju!22 piNE SALAD OIL, Mustard and Spices, just received. W R BURWELL & CO. ju!22 3AINTand VARNISH BRUSHES, Shoe Brushes. White Wash Brushes. W R BURWELL & CO. ju!22 jOCK ING II AM A" SHEETING, For sale by the bale at Factory prices. SPENCER & ALLEN. PLAYING THE MISCHIEF, WARD OR WIFE, MISS ANGEL, lj cts 25 cts 75 eta jul22 AND WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALERS IN TENNESSEE BEEF AND the Modoc war, named Parker. fore the marriage of Kline, and the Like South Carolina. woman, uuhbiui "ul,lcuus A friend of ours, a merchant, .heard two farm, and upon tneir latiing out, suea negroes talking in front of his store, a qay or two ago. when one of them . remarked in the course of conversation; inai ne uau maue nn via minA ot onft time, to move to South MUTTON. Carolina, but believed be would wait now 'iiu alter vne eiecuou ue5, the' State, it will be fixed TIDDY & BROTHER. ju!24 WF TTFPT A WTlT M ASS MEAT MARKET, AND SOLICIT TRADE FROM then ju8t like South Carolina is." Deligbt WE KEE AJLIRS VCLh. wn r'pdit customers wanted. ' , lnl DroBPea: is It not, white men of North uadxi Levying lswv'v.- v'" , - V : 1 ,. - . , ,' 1 Market from Sm Op. m., ea& daySundays except Drexel's Vienna lul prospect," ; 1 Carolina?: ' Obtaualug Goods Uuder False Pretences. t.v- nmn: colored, was Deiore jusucb MAM wwni . ; .... Hotiee.vt y 1 The Democratic BiecaUye Committee fot this county, will meet at my office In. Char lotte on Thursday, the 15th inst.1, , , ( 8C I6 K BPf?5 -Chairman, .j July .flth, J875. ( f , j 'fpHE GRAND DEPOT,' r',T,V 1 ', -iJf For Mineral Waters, at s'llll' ' McADEN'S DRUG STORE. Jail The compkinahtwas Corner Drag Store. LMartin.yesterday, ior laise v" U?f for trie recovery oil tbelO.i, " SfL7: SmEsa-appearedifor. n.mii.fwJ iiilroad. and was indebted Be- distance from the house, around on Fourth the ABOVE IN PAPER BINDING. i. i- m.vsno nwav with an armful oi clothing. She was arretted, her load taken nf and the house searched, when J4K3Vw j sA, Aptba ortiM sfnln a nd eoumer - 1 -w I R. TNlrLlull VI i-mw her for work ana laoor aone. justice .. ere found. In addition to haniiliinn friod till CRSA. fi.nd PTantfid I . n....nn.a nf a man ' 7 - I these, somecioining mc y'J " n4rtS O r-j fC an execution in favor of the man fori from st Louis, and so some articles belong- KIJlJlXO FOR qUYOi forty odd dollars. , Belore. the process jng Gen Rufus Barnnger, were rounu in was served, the two made up their ft trunk which was well stocked with stolen AifFaranfoa and - wfiTfi married. i and cmnds. t 11 locroll The neero eave his name as, Causey Blair lIllS)Ui)uISc,l,u,...7...... .-T aZr;Kosm8ko Blair.. He is identified by a proceedings. ;, . , ; SiSii from York county, South Carol A few days ago.the couple. quarreled Swkowi-Win. Bcoundrel o wo if find the woman ran -her - hus , ;;iV.r t.(f;w htni tta and -his bind off "Yesterday he appeared be- f Ufe tne were carried: before Justice A H fore JU8tice.Daviaspn-ana reviyea ine i jfirtin.vwhere Jhe owners oi w nww I ffoods appear ea, ana weuuuw Fu QRYSTAL FIX)UR. A fancy brand just received , by SPENCER & ALLEN. jul22 Buy Linseed Oil C SMITH & CO. Opposite central JACK HAEKAW AY'S Schooldays. 50, cts m afOxford, 4 ' ' ' ' ' :i " among the Brigands, 75cts rv t J Hotel. Jnl21 75 cts tnnlitv4ria DOt I - - in Rliornn Tffwn- I M.- .UaHey ;.-JaUi' 25 cents. ''i , ,hJo BroWwM hjtefaineSployee on -the plaintiff, and CoL H.C.-Jones for the . . r , , ,'.TO SMITH Jt CO S. , Siiia was indebted def6ndanU 5 The ' trialf contirmecl for $22 wortnbf gods. He hours and mkny law points were r;pe,M?;Icn;piy jnJ21 LARGE LOT mvb him An order, of the road for the ramoont, anu . of aremmenta, the , Court, an tv ' Gen Barnnger appeareuiui u f" j tion, and Geo K Wilson, Esq., for the de- fence.. Ate a fall investigation, wbicn was .ti.n(ti Uv m. lanre crowd: , and which . ex cited afxeat deal of interest, bail was fixed for the man at 500 and for the . woman, as j accessory" at'$200; Beingv unable to give TIDDY & . , : 1 - . BROTHER. .jui24: it Cakes - t! Lt 'r'nti.' lVineiyu 1Uf fc"T. . Jp'ntiAown 8loaOInew W """:vuu."' "ilaccessoiT.;..'fIn?'BnaDie slTe TOMINOB CAKES, something new and it Of Window feiass,u i Tore ttr.noiwwmu "jwir f rjounced that n-wouia reserve ih ond .they werecoriimiiteci tojaiito awan j nice, at . . - . a :vmnStfi d .r Lyi.A.liiv.obtit ?nai;tth;Baperior Court tiext month;-: I jul24 m F ANDREWS & CO'S. - committed maeiauuoi iut . . - - pRE3H Saratoga Water on draugnt, juss xeceiveu ' " Springs' Corner. USE CUTLERS' 1 . w ... i t. . u Patent Pocxet innaier ior vaiarnui. u C!w,R BURWELL CO ' jo!22 Agents for the Manufacturers. ryHA GEORGIA MELONS. " - jul23 , ztiTJi- rfitiw'jt join

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