CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, MOD pniriTirics The Ossxbtsk Job Department has ben 8UB3CRIPTIOH BATK3. iKiiv 1 ear. (postpaid) In advance, i $3 00 1 . 6'mos. " 4 00 3 nios. j " ' ,.". -u " 2 00 1 mon, ,' , .. .-75 WEEKLY KDITIOH. Weekly, (in the county) in advance, $2 00 oat of the county, postpaid, 2 10 6 months, ' " 1 05 Liberal reductions for clubs. thoroughly supplied "with every needed want, and with the lateat styles of Type, and every manner of Job Work can now be don with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. "We ean furnish at abort notice ' BLANKS. BILL HEADS', : LETTKB HIS IDS, CARDS, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HAKD BILLS, , . PAMPHLETS, CHECKS, c. TOL. XH; 1 ; ; CHAKLOTTE C, SlfflDAY JULY 25, 1875. ; NO. 1,978 " i C.AlU." . .. " " . - " 1 1 i - hi j ) i "i i m Tii ; . - - , -jii - ..." , " ' ' 1 11 ' . iT nil ii i in fJ GREAT REDUCTION MIB00TS1& SHOES t:4 . kti 9 f ' S ' M I T II .: & ril ,0 R B E S H . 1 ; --ft -v.: v;: i! ;!,r ' AVK MARKED DOWN PRICES op THEIR ENTIRE STOCK or BOOTS & SHOES MtLES' Ladies clot a, goat and calf Shoes, Zeiglers Laaies ana goat, . eiglers' Ijadies cloth Button Boots pjglers' Misse9 cloth Shoes,. .................. $2.50 2.09 300 1.75 Thn y (Uaiotte Observer. t " 1 , FUBLIBHCD BT Charles lt Jones, , proprietor. : Office, Observer Building, Corner Trade, and College Streets. ! . , , -.('foASIKpirMqEMEIIT-. ... 3 as. H. MooK is authorized to , collect ac counts lor this . office and'tiecibt fur the same, to receive subscriptions, &c ,. ,. .. CH AS.' R. JONES, ' , Editor and Proprietor. A N D OTHE R 3 It. :.'J GOOD S. I N P E O PO B T I O N THESE PRICES . A.R.E FOR CASH ONLY. SMITH & FORBES, BUI E J) I NG, TRADE STREET, N R W ju3l IRON THE ATLANTIC HOTEL 3 A S iEJ ASIDB BiESOBT. IpHE above establishment, so favorably introduced to the public last Summer, by the new owner, Capt R D Graham, of Mecklenburg, is for the season of 1875, MAY 1ST TO OCTOBER 1st, open to such Visitors only as the undersigned may be willing to admit to - ; : . . i , ti -.'..I his family circle. He hopes to renew his pleasant acquaintance with all former guests of the Atlantic Hotel. The peculiar situation of this house affords all the pleasure of a voyage without peril or seasickness. NQ DUST ! NO FLIES J t NO MOSQUITOES ! J ! Railroad Tickets good for the whole season from Charlotte and return,. Ten Day Tickets,. $19.05 9.55 Applications must be made to ju31 - V' GEO W CHARLOTTE. Proprietor. Burgess inichols Co., .f-i W HOLESALE & RETAIL r F U It N I rT U .K the ciiurC;iies to-day. ( atuolic Church Services at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m., by the priest, Father Hands . St. Mark's Luthkrah Church, Services will be had to-day at 11 a. ni., and at 8 p. ra.. by the pastor, Rev A L Yount, subject. Christian Benevolence:' Sunday School at 71 a. m. '"' " " Baptist Chuech. Rev T H Whitfield, the pastor, will preach this morning at 11 o'clock, and this evening at 8 o'clock, St. Peter's CE.) Chuech. Services will be had to-day at 11 A. M., and at 6 P. M., by the Rector, Rey B 8 Bronson. Second Methodist Chuech. Services by the pastor, Rey. W. S, Haltom.atll AM and at 8 P.M. Sunday School at 9 A. M. Tbyoh Steeet M. K Chtech. Services to-day at 11 A. M., by the pastor, Rev P J Carraway, and at 8 P. M. Sunday School at 4 p. m. First Pbesbyteriah Chuech. Services this morning at 11, and this evening at 8, by Rev. W. H. Davis. Seats free. Sunday School at 4 45 o'clock P. M. A. R. Presbyterian Chuech. Services in the Chapel, on the corner of College and 5th streets, to-day at 11 o'clock A. -3d., and at 5J P. M., by the .Kev Y. M.. Hunter; Strangers invited. Sunday School at 10 A.M. Secoxd Presbyterian Church. Services in the morning atii, ana evening ato Dy the pastor, Rey. K H. Harding, at the Court House. Sunday School in the Court House during the summer at 91 a. m. Prayer Meeting. The Young Men's Christian Association will hold a Prayer Meeting this evening at 6 o'clock, at tbeir Hall, over the Commercial National Bank. The public are cordially inv ited. Pool Sellla A Pools on the match game of base hall to beplayei here neiff Friday, between the Lone Nine Club of Concord, and the Cen tennial Nine of thlsWy, will be sold every night this week, excepting to-night, until the day of the game," at Cochrane's Bank Exchange. ' ' Sunday Visitors. - ' J: Quite a number of gentlemen leave the City every Sunday and yisft their families at the Springs. ' The1 Sunday trains on the Western Division of the" Carolina Central, will also have the efieot t take a number of people to Cleavelahd bn Sundays ; " : 1 s , o k. -' - Proline Stalk. Mr G L Gibson brought to our omce on yesterday, a cotton stalk which had on .it 104 bolls and Bquares. The cotton was grown on the excellent plantation of Messrs Stenhouse, Macaulay & Co., near Pineville, and is represented as being a fair specimen of the crop. . km '.: Whirlwind Among Clothing'. Aright ridiculous Bight ;waa witnessed yesterday on Church street, between Sixth and Seventh. In a certain yard in that lo cality, there was a clothes line strung with clothes, when a whirlwind came along and struck it, lifting the clolhink high and scat tering it in every direction.! Some of the articles were carried nearly a block Stone Force Pump. The double acting stone force pump which has been put in the well in front of the Court House, by J C Nichols & Bro, was tested yesterday, and found to ft'9k well. Through a hose it threw water to the top of the Court House on one side and nearly across the street on the other. It seems to have merit and is said to give s il v.action in every instance. Summer Absentees. Mrs Jonas Schiff and Miss Addic Williams left yesterday morning for the Cleaveland Mineral Springs. . , J Turner Tate, Eq , joined his i sisters at Salisbury as they came from Greensboro a few nights ago, and the party went' thence to the Catawba White Sulphur Springs. ' Mrs MC Tate, and : daughter, who have been in Salisbury for some time past, have gone to the Catawba Springs. iB E;DiDi: N.;G r &c; No. 5, "West Trade Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. JUST RECEIVED. full' ASSORTMENT Parlor Suits, in Hair aoth Also, a new Terry and Reps, Supply of Lounges, all gtadt s.' A full assortment of MeUlic Cases, Caskets and Wood Coffins, on hand. junl3 ."v.iT-i-.p'S' LI E R G H R UN PHILLIPS, A II T T A I L 0 DER CENTRAL BO Tali. CHARLOTTE, N. C. tt" ALWAYS GUARANTEES SATISFACTION. -a jan 30 NEW'.MET: MARKET. R f rW . mn O S''E' "&'v-J - A ... .,.. -I ' " ) X' Buildinff, Opposite Central Hotel,on MIS O M , Trade Street and next door to Farmert.. Saying iBank;, J s I A U G H T b K t n o .'i'VI A'-wiALB ItOTAlL DEALEBS IS TENNESSEE :B.E,E,E. AND A AT MUTTON. Market opened (ropi 4 a. m .tun jui24 - . --irr"- rrr.-;i - i - . : il-.i; City Bulletin. Last Sunday in July, Only civil suits and a peace bond or two in the Magistrates' Courts, on yefcterday. -Who will the Republicans put up now, to help Dr. Kerr out of his troubles? The North Carolina train did not arrive last night until after 11 o'clock. Nothing serious. . Col John B Palmer, President of the Char- lntte Columbia A Aueusta Railroad, is in the city. There was" the usual Saturday night stir ring about last night, but good order was maintained. The minister who preaches the shortest sermon to-day, will have the biggest congre gation next Sunday. Bishop Gibbons will " preach to-day at Woodlawn, Gaston county, uite a num ber of our citizens wittgo out to hear him. The woman fight case was in the Mayor's Court, yesterday, but the investigation was not completed, owing to the absence of one of the parties. The weather is not too hot for rows and subsequent litigation , and the Magistrates, as a consequence, did a good business all of last week. - The Raleigh Sentinel expresses our views exactly, when it says in its edition of Fri day, that Col Myers is "entirely too excellent a gentleman to be among the Radicals. "Angels (in pin-backs) fold their wings and rest," during nearly all these days, and we only catch glimpses of them late in the evenings. Young men who creep out on the back sheds to sleep these warm nights, should be careful to seetbat there are no washiubs or skillets in the yard beneath. There is nothing so exhilarating to a bus iness man as to know that these warm days thousands are laying off reading his adver tisement in the Obskbvee. S P Smith, Esq , of this city, attended the recent session of the National Cotton Ex change, at the Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs he and Col. J Y Biyce. To day when the minister shall say, "one other general remark in conclusion," there will be a perceptible brightening up of coun tenances and an increased fluttering of fans. I'll be danged if my little buddy ain't as dead as a door nail !" is the affectionate lan guage which a yeuth in this city employed the other day, in announcing to one of our printers the demise of a younger brother, It is l a toistake to Suppose that the young eentleman who left this city a . few nights ago-for Beaufort, wearing a duster with a; paper cambric cape to it, will use it for a We hold the opinion that it is about time to take down thai Centennial pole. We are ap'prebensive that one day or other me lightning will strike it, ana men mere ,iu be a whole crowd of people walking slow be hinjdBome of us. "" V ';!.: ,' '! We understand that there.are large bers of people at the Cleaveland and Cataw-. ba SprlngsV a rid at Beaufort?; We; are; glad thai aire neoDie eDegmwMKw;wtw" ifece towaids bur home resorts instead of goingjNbrthB4 heretofore: The Temperature.- , The following was the range of the ther mometer, yesterday, at the drug store of W BBurwell&Co.r- r " " ri 7" Railroad Convention. We see from the Constitution that the fol lowing officials of railroads running into this city, are in attendance upon the rail road convention which met in '.Atlanta on Thursday : Richmond & Danville Pied mont Air-Line and Great Southern Dispatch Line Col T M R Talcott,and general freight agent John R Mtcmuido. Atlanta & Rich mond Air-Line A S Buford and L P Grant, receivers, and superintendent John B Peck. Atlantic Coast line and S S connections General freight agent A Pope Carolina Central railroad and connecting S 8 lines General freight agent F W Clark. Hot : : " . , That's whaf-yesterday was. It .began to look, at one time, as if it would rival last Saturday, but it did not quite reach it, though the thermometer climbed high. It was a day, in fact "When July's hot sun pours down in fervid beams. In striking beams that knock a mortal down, Or make the perspiration flow in steady streams. In regal streams descending frcm the crown." . ' . The Tax Gathering Yesterday. Sheriff Alexander. Col Johnston and Dr Kerr, were at Lemley's yesterday, and the two first named reached the city last night. They represent having had quite a good turn out of the people yesterday, and are much gratified at the feeling manifested. Col Johnston and Dr Kerr both made speeches, but Dr K's rigmarole h but "sound and fury, signifying nothing." The Sheriff and candidates will be at Davidson College to morrow, .1 lu a Bad Way. The Salisbury Watchman is in a perfect frenzy. When we accuse, it of being mad, it denies it and gets madder. It is now breathing out threatenings and slaughter, and serving notice on us of an intention to flay us alive, uneoveru6uf defects, and all that fcort of thing. Itis fun tons to see it so yenomoui la the3efduU tim83 it fur nishes us amusement, otherwise we would never pay any attention to it. Anyth"'.-,. though, for fun ; and it is fun to us to. sin up a harmless serpent like the Watchman. and see it spit. i Unci aimed.; Express Pa ckages. , ' , , ' The packages which remained Unclaimed i n the office of the Southern Express Com pany in this city, were sold at auction yes terday mominet.t Qaite a large crowd was present,' and the bidding on some articles was quite spirited; especially on a bundle of 1 tirculars, which were knocked down finally to a young dep .t agent, for $2 50. Perhaps ' the best bargain was made' by the gentle men who bought four packages in co-part nership, paying less than 3 for them, and found in their stock,:' two ;oride watches. The opening of some of the packages oscat sioned considerable merrimenL The articles sold right well ;; some of the purchasers got bit and some didn't;1 the md3t nf them did." ' ' J ' Compliment to a Charlottean. i . The Greenville News; 'r of ; yesterday liiprning, notes the presence,' in Green ville, on Friday night, of our fried Capt. J. C. Mills, and speaks of him in the fol io wing language: "Capt. Mills, of Char lotte, is one 1 the' lite Jnen-jf-The old North State, and withal one, of Nature's nohlemen. Whatever needs executive ability in Charlotte requires Capt. Mills' aid. Charlotte's Centennial would have only been fifty years old without him. We were delighted to meet him, because wd always like to meet such gentlemen." Runaway Excitement. Yesterday afternoon about 6 o'clock, College street' had a 'sensation in the runaway of a horse which ws moun ted by, a nymph du pave named Edith Grant. She and another nymph, Claude Creason, were out horseback riding, when her horse became un manageable about the corner of Col lege and Third streets, and began run ning at break-neck speed. le dashed up Third street into Trjon ffjrhich he kept, until reaching the .corner ol Fourth ; turning into this, he ran into College, and rounding the corner, kept this street, until he reached Da vidson's livery stable, where he be- longs and where he stopped. The wo man stuck to the horse closely, and only got off when he stopped. Then, as soon as her companion rode up, she re-mounted and concluded the ride. The occurrence filled the streets with spectators. Hatch Game of Base Ball. The Lone Nine Base Ball Club of Concord, have a standing challenge to play a match game with any club in the State, and have, gone so far as to challenge the world. The Centen nial Base Ball Club of Charlotte, have taken up the gauntlet thus bravely thrown down, and have proposed to play them in this city on Friday next, 30th inst. The Concord Club say. in a letter received yesterday morning, that they will not play a match sin gle came, but will play them two best out of three, the first game to be play ed here on next Friday, as proposed. This is satisfactory to the Centennial Nine, and the Lone Nine will be jso advised. A good deal of interest is felt in the game. Both clubs play finely, and we look for a hotly con- tested engagement. of which is at my disposal, and I hope my friends will see the propriety of this yiew of the case and accept this as my declination, My absence at the Virginia Springs, and the consequent want of information of my nomination till now, is my excuse fox not sooner making known my wishes. Yours, c, , - . W R MYERS. Atlantic Coast Linei FREIGHT DEPARTMENT. 4 t, "Oh, f jr a Lodge In Some Vast Wilder ness." ' - :" Where is G.-eJV 3o? This JHtin uUh ed individual was advertised 1 to speak in Charlotte yesterday. ,rr He did not come Why didn't he come? Was. he frightened, at the ghost of Banquo oi some other spirit that he has called Up from' the dead ? 1 No' i ITaddell scared him. The old war horse of 1810 was here, ready to meet and' swallow this Daniel. But Daniel .didn't ome to judgment. Well he did not. Where was lieutenant Bailey 7 (John we mean.) One -would have thought, that John would have been on hand. John didn't come. Alas, poor Yorick ! This blaider has busted . Don't the people - see the game? .Don't they see that this opposition to Convention arises and is sustained by the office-holders? Don't they see that the Judge 3 (bless the mark!) are the parties interested, and when they are to be met in debate that they skulk and hide their shameless heads ? How long! oh, how long 1 is this to be endured? How long shall Watts and Cannon, Henry, Moore and Cloud, aye even Buxton, rule over us with their shameless ignorance and corrup tion ? Consistently, consistently we say with the act calling the convention, let ns get rid of these harlequins and mousers. We write in no revolutionary spirit ; but when J udges descend from the position assigned., them and take the stump as Watts and Buxton have done, we say : "Lay on McDuff, and damned be he who first cries, 'hold ! enough !' " P. S. The organ grinder says, Lam Deo.) that the monkey has escaped and that the last heard of him was at MorganU - mak ing a straight shoot for the moun - ; (a curious monkey, by the way, tha '-xfeis cold to heat) Ten dollars will be r ' or the recovery of the injnkey. Same to be taken out of his next quarter's salary. Stricken With Rheumatism of the Heart. Mr. D. F. Binkley, of Cincinnati, a guest of the Central Hotel, while com ing down the second flight of steps last night about 10 o'clock, was suddenly stricken with rheumatism of the heart and feli upon, the steps. Assistance was summoned and he was conveyed to his room, where he was waited upon by Dr.tW. S. Battle. His con vulsions for a considerable length of time, were terrible and pitiful to be hold, but by 12 o'clock he was resting quietly. ANNOUNCEMENT. TO THE VOTERS OF-CHARLOTTE TOWNSHIP. I hereby announce myself as candidate fur Constable of Charlotte Township, at the election to be held August 5th, 1875. WINN ROBISON. jul23 tde NEW ADVEIrISEEYrS. Lost, IMPORTANT i TO DEALERS ;CORlT. 'XU"Ut IN' vi v 5 perfected with the Atlantic & North ' V Carolina Railroad for the shipment o( Corn : from Newberne and Kastern . North . taro- .... lina as will make it to the interest of pur chasers in Charlotte and elsewhere to look to that market. .. y.,i - For rates and other informatioh, address - either of the undersigned, " . , , A PUfifi, Q. F. A. Atlantic Coast Line, Wilmington, N. O. P H ADAMS, G. F. 1, AJN.C. R. R., Goldsbore, N. C. N M JOHNSTON, .; a ' S. t. Agent, A. C. L., Charlotte, N. Q, Jul 25 3t : , HAVING SOLD . . t .. . QUT my intirest in the Pump business, I am now prepared to devote my whole time aud attention to the PAINTING BUSI- - : .- J: - - NESS. WORK NEATLY AND t ALL PROMPTLY Jul25 BONE, -& . EiM ANDREWS. s. TOWSO Slate Roofer, and dealer, in ali,kio4a., f ; Roofing Slate.,. Is fully prepared : to pat oi ; ; SLATE ROOFS in any part of the conn- try. ' ' ' ' MARBLEIZED SLATE AND MAN-, TELS A SPECIALTF.' r K, Invites the attention of Ardrile'eta, Builders, arid the public to the superior roofing used by him, from the quarries " of Vermont and Virginia. Slate, furnished of any desired color, A good Slate Roof Is an Insurance Against Fire, and will last a life time, All work guaranteed. Prices Reasonable' Shingle "Roots taken off and relaid with SLATE, when desired. Orders will receive prompt attention, when addressed to P. 0. Box 15, Charlotte, N. 0. feblO-tf. QLEVELAND MINERAL 8PR1NGS, Formerly Wilson' j.j ' ' Near Shelby, N. C., 55 miles West of Chaf'.' lottc. This favorite Watering Place will be open for the reception of select visitors on 10th -June. Passengers coming on the Cen tral Railroad , wi 1 be met by hacks and con yeyances sent to the Air-Line i?ailroad and i other points, wherevei desired. Cold apd Warm Baths, White Sulphur, Red Sulphur and Chalybeate Water.- ' . - . Italian Band of Music, and other sources t of amusement. , For further information, apply to T W BREVARD, ju 22 eod 2m Proprietor. mure n wn c dat For Mineral Waters af Wi 4' f McADENS DBUw Hivtt'" Pratt's!Ai?fraIiOiT; HHE safesrAmp Oil in use giyes. the A clearest light-buraa longer than aero-; seneiprlce 60 cents a gallon, r r - O a - - T 0 SMITH & C0. i:i ; w . Sole Agents. . iu2l . m mm . iinAre vionnn EtLCOIXXmE-good qualityrial bbt JD tie 25 cents, at, v -. u';,, X j out. , ',vi ''Corner Drug Store.. ju!21 LARGE LOT window Glass, all sizes, .Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Ac. n ttw m 1 Profane language iu Public. It would be a great reform if some means could be devised by which people could be piohibited from swearing so boisterously on the streets. The drayman swears oaths on the high way at 'his : 'animal; the laborer on the building swears loudly all day, oyer his work, and the I street corner loafer curses luck all day long with loud acclamations. In fact it may be said that the air is filled -with blasphemy from morning until night, and the ears of modest ladies often shocked with even vulgarity, f ' " ' "' ' " The Court House List Night, , Upon brief notice given by handbills cir culated upon-thetreetf lateyesterday after noon; MQ Waddell, Esq , ' of Chatham county spoke at the Court House last night, upon the Con Vention -question.. Quite a re spectable crowd was present and was ,enter- ,ued for. an hour and a half, (by a capital speech, one containing much good sense and many palpable hits, ft'f iu .'f- - 'fcit:; '" Much' of the address was devoted to Judge WattsYbis- incompetence, ? his -corruption, land buffoonery, and the light in which His pGreasy Honor was placed .was- -anythin g bht envlable;.i.. ? I7'iu &t .;,o. How to Cook Vegetables. In this country fat meat, oftentimes strong rancid, is considered the base of almost every discription of cookery. Eggs, ehickens and beefetaek are made horribly indigestiblelby it, .plugs of the gross stuff dropped into hash, greens, cabbage, beans, peas, turnips and even asparagus, are steeped into bacon grease tasting more of the hog than the deli cious' vegetables they represent; and lastly, the simon pure article itself con verted into salt sole leather by the fry ing process, and then consumed. It may not be too much to say that this wholesale use of fat bacon is onc of the prolific causes of that almost uni versal complaint dyspepsia. It re quires the stomach of an ostrich to di gest all this grease. And the saddest part of the matter is that the people don't know any better. Turnips, cab bage, squashes, peas, beets and, indeed almost every other vegetable, are far more wholesome and delicate when cook ed by themselves, and afterwards sea soned with pepper, butter and other con dinements, to the taste. SOMEWHERE between Elias. Coher. A Rbessler's and Wittkowsky & Riutels, two black Hair Braids, on Saturday morn ing. The party finding the Braids will be liberally rewarded by leaving them at THIS OFFICE. jn!25 It BEAUTIFUL 8tock of White Striped Victoria Lawns at ALEXANDER, SEIGLK & UU H. 1nl25 ' i FULL LINE Ladies Collars and Cuff to be found at ALEXANDER, SEIGLE & CO'8. jul25 - gMBRODERIES Of all kinds and qualities, at ; - ' A LEX AND ER, SEIGLE & CO'S. jul25 mUE PRETTIEST Corsets to be found in the city for money, at ALEXANDER, SEIGLE & GO'S. jul25 CHANGE o BUSINESS. NEW NOVEL, H A R W O OD, 9 9 BY THE AUTHOR -OF THE 0 1) D TRUMP, Declen- iB P.' M.,..'.. ......."..J. i mr w auuwi' wuiiuw i" yr" i MeCkleneurg countyi' as ieadtn'g'featufes'bf tneCJiisttufieii hIchK8 Qnairman, my name .a.Ai.v r r nnonira i iik iiiiiin in iaiiiiilv wuvaw - - treasurer should be abolished ana tmia,w.T rr' Col Myers Declines tetter of 'sloii. ' Col W R Myers, who was' nominated by the Republican County Conyention in ses sion in this city on Tuesday last, and who was absent at the. Cieenbrier White Sulphur Springs at the time returned home yesterday morning. Upon being apprised of his nom ination, be addressed to Gen Rufus Barrin ger, the Chairman of .the Convention, the lotfsr mbicli we nublish beloW.' We felt as sured from the first, and haye so expressed ourielves, that CoL My era, would not allow his name td be used in this connectionj and we are highly, gratified in paying ms autnor itative dedensionb'efore i j)u readers The followieg is t.letter.r mW ;,: i Chabmtie, N. C., Jnlyj 24, 1875. 'i lenburg Bepvblican County Gmventian - llavine just returned home, and learning that, at(,a vpnveuwuu ui.oti)uuuwmiui . IWliMiU JUKI piCDiUCU was presented to the .' as a' candidate for I exceedingty; regret thaac ion SAI.K At ' : "' '"' PHIFER'S . . : --I. . . -.1 r B OOK STORBv jni24 ! ," '7 ;.;:' . '" NEW NOVELS, JUST RECEIVED. . ; - , - i 1 : ' ' -, , PLAYING THE MISCHIEF, - 75cts WARD OR WIFE, 25 cfs MISS ANGEL, ' 75 cts THE ABOVE IN PAPER BINDING: TTAVING' removed my business from my one of my ju!24 old stand bn Trade Street, to large and commodious storehouses on Col lege Street, and having sold out my stock of Groceries. Ioffer special advantages to my I BOOKS. old customers itf niy large and varied assort- ment of TIDDY & BROTHER. FOR BOYS. ' HNES and LIQUORS. 7 i -j ,'e"'Ti " Making a specialty in this line Xclai offer better advantages .than be found in (3 ! I : !..: Western North CaroUnar ................ T . 'rtX," ( s jul25 f " JACK HA BK AW AY'S Schooldays, 50 A" " l at Oxford iiuS li tiH"''- .among the Brigand,, 75cts l( i i f. r ".'j-j.1 ,' ' m i : & BROTHER. 3(i r 1 TIDDY ,1 3 i EdgcwbrtliVSclidol Xi at ll ,ijIJ tj .the. Cony ention ,u SuAfar as my i ti , uave uuueu i , of Xosers; ' ; ' , , ., : U Is astonishing how many people iithia n,nntfif i.nva int money recently.. Air w . w - t - ' I fim annum would be saved:"the twhip-, -rtfim:n-t?nn t. concerned. I ping, post 1De.,epiiuiM vv th4 number of iadgC8shoulJ .be reduced, Uona and to others, forbid tny acceptance of SniEx; l;v 'V rS:r:: (Between, CathedraU. and Park.) u I )y$' frftzf i r 3- ? "iUlZ J tl JI17A&VTO W O. Ad, Ae but. we have not space ,wiw ix offiee ot ttb fnaii).w 1 rifaS'Sd French Boardinjr nd-Day gentleman through all. his.speech, .:He tells drcumstances Ifor Young dieswilLreHopen I L .. ' , ...:.'i fn,i ni.r It I.i. i: .n lb nd toM Of ny iibiu? ; - I THITRSnAY. 8EPTEUBER lotn. J)Or H U Morrow aaverwaoi 1 r r. -"f -iv '1 Stoing before tne people. lway,uHuit i --T--ri few days ago, that r he, had nouna,. smu, uughter wouw rxequenuy Tng:knQwn by my Roes.myjiews qrriSTHPLEFEBVRE. .PrtndpaL BALTIMORE; MDL3-! fTlHE Thirteenth Annual Session of thisf OgHOyUiijeTco jqjJUtriT L -Rncliah md French iJoaraing ana iay i -v.-. vfo 1tftI'Baber':wh'6faVi iHir'pperi 'on ' I the 5th day of September. Fdr- terms" Jtc. ; apply td "JOSIAH1 ASBUBYf"' .n,vMi:' J-wtoTXrT C SMITHS?. tit julT1'aw tf 0 .M-uJji)Ji nwui to a ti rLint oh the streets, and reports haying Crowd.Thef speechasr well reeeiyed' add I'h State and Karons! politics. To do .so 1 - S&a: r,T. taSn applirnt, for it. - I lengthened ot? cuWin this dty-.c Wl -J Quires both tite and , tadinafcon, , nether I b : l'Ht if -jtrjr Ti VI T.T -'l i sor Jull7

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