' ... . ' ' '. V . " . ' T .... ' - " n .n,,, IH CHAELOTTE OESJIEVER, ' '-I .JU'..!l Bl T DOlIB fTHHtAW . Mh.. Daily 1 .TeWJPWPWP) Ldf &d $3 00 6 IU08. " f Vnon. rEXtLT EDITION. vVwkly, (in the eountyJTn advance, 00 -. a '- oat of thoonnty postpaid,1 2 10 " 6 months, :h fit ' r 1 05 ff- Liberal reductions for clubs. Ai-tSti GREAT J REDUCfiif 1 M 1 A.Vi,":, .Vn! ' AU i j -t .'1 MILES' Ladies clotbi goat and calf Shoes, .. Zeiglera' Ladies and iTOS4AWf..W.Aj:.i....: Zeiglera' Mlase. ohc... A N,,Dt gTH.BOyje s; N WJROrF R,0MJb1L;D - . a. ;;asiS7Xto; ,1.: iif.FiM woJ rso tf.'aj a (fj.)!; i THBaboTeestahliahinent.iSo fatdraWy! .,. rf.t km ,.la.u.6Vti8 n .itoY ,no new owner, Capt &iD Qrahanr. bf-lliofclenbfg, . il-t. u HAil:iilf J lvii-nn tii -ti J OCTOBER 1st, open to sttcshuVlsltors onl BttcfeuViSltors only as the un3e3igned may b&willing to admit to opesto-reiMW his-nlisasant tfenaintabco witnall former guests of . i ;;ik1 t bJin . bis family circle. He hop .HU(( H vtq'18 ,fi.Iu .imI lol I the Atlantic Hotel. ai-TI-wf, j The pevulUr slluallOii , ul " ttlhj huflsd affords-all seasickness. Railroad Tickets good; forjlh whole season from Ten Day Tickets,'.....'.. I....-....'. .,. -n-A'l : :M7:i:IU ' Jitl ?-lI. Applications must be made to v. i Mtuw efe')i!Ki i i .iiifjv ju31 f ..ri,t .....i t;-ii "! ' ' .ift)H tcno.uvi (if . i i a-riiUH iJil 9ifa htm jmn J I 111 :wnOLESAlBnfTA!Ir 'IU Vf! V. i I? VijUtlJk- . vi"?.. . 'f'w 4 I1VA A 1 CHABLOTTE. N. C. i jri : ti jf' -!'! ' jtJST RECEiyjllX. , ' j d f!-ih !ir.. i -r iw---1 Supply of LonngesaH grtedes5.' rA full Assortment of M etalic : Cases, Caskets and Wood CoffinSiOn hand,ija'i;?-i.vyi lu-itiiiJi .ij .n j -r jiUi'.usfa mii:itfh.f'aii ..ii5i'un iat.T , iiiii UEncn AHT If Ml U II D f 'l"C11fi' II TR A L HOTEL ,it I'rUK .'Jpftsd'4 V ertxiflt 1 ! M ir(frM r )4M .Vil li u n u t IQp ALWAYS GUARAUTEES I JOY id ,m lot-jiwir lit f"o i.i:a t:.T- twill Ohrif .Jwijitfl'Kii 01 iC ,-... 'V "' -?3baspfr -"as..., ... It 0 S E : cV''JA M I S-0-N!v 0 f.'H r . .. MuruliKti-. W SpringuilKglOppote Cmfattf Hotelion Tra ptrer ami r .1 mt'.i 7na-tK.li LFarmert,' avmg8 ....... dii'tf !J,iMh ! la .v iju-Jidil) .1 VI .AIL L ' . i j 1 S' L A U GT E , 1 , . .....i.r. 1.,-vt.virf' ImssJ tal f uvr Uilrrj wholisUe :it ir jt a 1 Villi .-1 1 1 ' T1 4 3 J"Vi li'il I IMarkPf An,nMfroffi-4 a-rrtVokm. .A'iii f isi iiii;;v !a?.i.t.ii jn!24 rpHE GRAND- DEPOT For Mineral Waters, at - - - Pratt's Astral, Oil,, WHE safest' Lamp'' Oil in use-gives the A clearest light burns longer than kero seneprice 60 cents gallon. ' T C SMITH & CO, -- Sole Agent,-11 Jo 21 i i . - ' , . . , ". i , " . " "i r . . a la if n in a., iii , ... xi nir " in in . in m . rnrrsjw ji f t . .. J ft I .1 . I I r. II y.'., U 7. 4l' II I ill II I t. rt Mill m I . t : k. - I II .. ' ' .P. I K : if I II I l 1 III ir fcilOOTS &cSnOES O K B Jli S i - rrn3f .. .. A "BOOTS & SHOES : : $2.50 a .. m... 2.00 . I tup si a dUi iWS ill it iKVl i cot f'f.: INT,tSif TBEET, ; . rat 33 3 o o:. C 3 ' i public last Summer, by the fir, . ; . is Wthe season of 1575. MAY 1ST TO s. the pnasnre of a voyage without peril or NCpMOSQUITOS)! ! ! Charlotte and return.... 2 $19.05 9.55 ' GEO WftJHARLOTTE, Proprietor. iui,-;- i jiiiriio: hi to .--.ui-A .!' FULL ASSORTMENT i . . . .... Jtrlpr,5 Suite,' i,Iu ,IIair.!0b tb Terry and - Reps. Also, a new - Mi;-". . i .: i i- ' ' jun 13 ( i :i;i' u.i TAIL OR 8ATISFACTI0IT. MARKET. J W i I iifrrrr uHii...- ir , i r 11-.. w'.'t -'I'l"-.--!.1 rtrwi-kr tf iianKrli.. 1 R E R S j , 1 : , t-'j 1 hetail - dealers iu TVTTTTTON": t - iciTfTRiDE,PR0r cusfomerawanted., . creau nrfixel's Vienna T) ELL COLOGNE-good quaiity--lrial bot H tie 25,cents.iat it nsl Corner Drug Store, fL jn!2l LARGE LOT Of Window.Glass, all aizes; Paint, tOil lOUs, PS. , credit -....'i 1 .- , I ,. .'I , . . '.'I ii HI. Iili.i ,. . ,,. : i . .... . , . . : . . ; ' " ! i ' ' .V On i ; . ..." ... . )'.. ... - i t ? ii i" ' ' 7 ' i i i i i tilt i it . - .Offl Observer ildiagCorner 1,r 1;Trade and -College Streets; 1T Trade and -College Streets; j '' - ;" - iif A KBioijNIC'ktMfeliiT.' ' Jab. Hi-MooB is authorized to collect ac- CQunta for this , .pce ? and . i4cejpt forAlie I 41 Citr Bulletin. I..; ' Country i watermelons are beginning to comeln pretty freely. i- IJowifi ;the time when ihtj' average canine1 indulges in i serlpus'prsoal enco the5 fiisky flea, and comes popd Jtjett,';, i,ty Maishal Aleiandepreqnesta us to ask the "$600 Tax-Pay eir," M yesterdays Demo crat, to plea$'come tip and pay hla taxes. ! ! . vye are R equested announce. 1' ; meeting of the Yoqng Men's Christian Asso) ciatiom; to-night at , o'clock. , Ladles and gentlemen are invited. - ; We implore our correspondents to write on one Bide of the bheet. '."fchtn a printer gets h,old pf a,. piece nof manuscript written 0on botb.;side,s. he can "even wish that he were dead.'? r ' u. k,;t'-.:: 'iii.' . .in .. I -I(thehextpf kinof John'Prffkena Dmt If Ihe heirt of kin of Johtt Piirkeri a Unit L 8 tates" oiaierrwh'tf Was klE;dJby1;fhe, lis office, they may. bear.' W, 'someibing to ed Modoc tnis office, tney may. bear, of, soraetnmg their jftdvAntage, it a m::, : ; ' i;idy:irHUeiasi-day tot inaking-rew turns oif 'property' subject: icr 'ctty' takatlon. Th: Wty' Cleri;itr .ri forthwith to malcn tin tK' tax K-n1r ' n'fl place it iii the nds of the,ilar)ial for coir lection. ... '. An odor which-bears no similarity to ot tar of tosir,' ; emanates front; 'the ' hiiighbor-' cpl ionrj:; bua'crOsBlnij; of theij'lC.apa C. C.. llailroads tuai rade street., .i tWe envy the policemen .their ;noses if they haven't smelt it. , ; ,.i:r- . i ., The Had? around ! town doh't like it run . for , Contention. They don't, say much about it to those outside the fold, but you can tell easy enough after chat'1 ting 'em about it for a minute or, two -r-. The Temperatuie. The following was the range of the ther tiiometer, yesterday, at the drag store of W K Harwell & Co. : At 6 A. M.; :.... i " -9A. M.A..i. 85 "12 M............. 90 3: if.y... ........... . ...... i V X,. ...... .. .. 4 Sunstrokes The heat of yesterday was not without its effect upon outdoor workers. The force en gaged in macadamizing the streets, went to workS the morning 24 strong, and by 2 o'clock in the afternoon 11 of them bad sue climbed to the fiery rays of the son and were forced iUisuspendwork. None of the cases are serious. :,!,;, 'u:-'V -'. i ' i- Death of a Great Hewhigr Machine Iu- Mr Geo P Badger, Manager of t the Char lotte omce of the Singer Manufacturing Com pany, received a telegraphic dispatch from Richmond, ; late yesterday afternoon ;n nooncing the death of Mr Singer, of the world-renowned firm of the- Singer Sewing Machine Company. Th offihtete will be closed to-day in 'cohieqnence thereof. ' u! ' ' , Going: to the Sprlugs , A party of. ladies and gentlemen .from South Carolina arrived in the city last night on iheic way to the i Catawba and ICleaye land Springs, ' They are registered; at the Central Hotel as follows i 1 Mrs S A Bricei Mrs J M ToddrJ C Brtc7T 8-Brice;T0f Fah---field;atdBRKafih.aa4 family,-X3s S E Norton, B CMaAh 'sm TIl' Hadser, of Sumter. 'it Centennial Gat Lignt Company. i ; This company is rapidly getting in good working order. Their pipes 'now penetrate every part pf the city, and burners hare been placed on the extreme iemi of every pipe ex oept two. About half a mile of cohriecV insr i pes have been laid in this, city: this, of codisei 'doea hot iaalade thejuam pipes unning through tbe streets. i ' f 1 s "i H : .: Bishop Gibbous In Gatoi.k ' 4 Itt! Rev James Gibbons, Bit.hop;'of the Catholic Church, pteecbed on S6nday,;near Tate's .Factory, in GastoikcauKtyj-" An irai meiibe crowd was present to hear ' Mm; and i-large nuUvters Were uhabie 'to gainadmisr biou to toe caurcja.if5:4e,:r 01 .vppwFiui- tion was adminis.ered to teytn persons, BiBtidp Cribbons Teached this city on Sfinday evehingVa'nd yesterday mbrning Ieft fer his hotnein Richmond, It l.TiTT A? rr i ii. : aiaat iiu ia Mayor's Ceart, - Tbeii)atlnee was not so well attended yesterday morning,r M i usual on 3f onday mornings, only; three cases , caving oeen -disposed ofJ vr,f -,n.i(io K'. I va k j Joan usini1wip w.:"H mj; Wafinedi $5and oosta ,1J,i'"u'to j Dani Smith ."colored,? ' was up for a disturb ance and .waa fined $S.an4 WU. Io a ! Katie Williams, for an assault upon Lelia rru. -intta rAini flmhi iu a it u ! ThCb'rhet'Cluh of fans 'city,' iziition. j-: He arnvea m me cwy yesier day lAorihgkrid: gave his first lessoft a Ka .inH tout niffnt-rroi -xseave is well known iiaVfeMKS1"811 bf remarkahllgenius. Previous, to, and J during part "of the war,fae livedin Sahsi bury but sinco'the mmdert living iq,differeAti places,: and! about 1 month ago returned to Salisbury jfrpMf St Louis, which waa his last place of kesidence. : He : hasfeW Equals' in this country, and tinder his, instruction we expeciWfeW out band soon attain a gagea.tne services w -x iw jj. oc, as lfre'iiHhBtrori Another jtNegenesl: , aui. We have in ooe midst one who is like oni to Diogene of fetd.' Hecame up street last wgui ucoring a mig wren; ana loosing mi tentfy upon1 tlft-gVound. ' Some one1 'called to him fronV the pavement,, asxing; what he1 was iobVine for 'when'hef re'nlWd . that: "h him annoubiee the! objfict of his searclv when he flanj bls torch' a way an d 'gaVe op the cow in disgust. ij'Ji ' iiiir .Oituoo nmtitngmmti thcash : systejuwJafe vuuiuk uu ueiiuijueiii. ouuauriuprs yrnerertpe sebnnt'are1 presea'apd wmaip un py ewsbserihjBrs.AB cpnstanyy . hejng added to phrj already Mtge :Cisctala'tioB- 1 As - we $haU probably never attempt to eollect these subaorihtion debts, and as We- don't propose that they shalP much 'longer eniiimber' brtr booksl wwill(tnall abili adVtlse and" seinth'emat th'eSurtkouse door to the nig i'.a ant 1 1 yi f -..jiiiii: ri'va sit! ni uafi ft -Mite Ella row4 left'last! evenffi,1 for Beaufcffil." ,n !t ! ' -'! -7V .. J50Jra .pov; iYance anJ Mastec D.avld Vance, iare .-visiting. -relatives in Ohio! ' I 'Mrs Fred Nash ts still in ! Oxford' Capvilicoriot:;'1 ''''.CU ,y, ir Ei ,E Miller, accornpajuied by Mr Syder , Ratterree,r of Rccfc Hill, Sj CJ, lctftlasfcnight i for"a 'sojourn 'atlBeaiii fdrt.! l. ' u: u 1 '; -' .u.l-.i !..-' U iliu.l". iijli l''i-u; - .-..i; . . r. yebtej-day ."was fearfhlly hot. 1 Perhaps during no prfoua day this seaidHliaS hunyanity suffef&l Wore: Until lvte in tjie'vewngith''e a breath .jairjand .What ,bceazea . did . visit us, . t Ji'if . ij:tq,j- - -I- ttt.i scrchmg thQughtSfrom the brain and vigors firobi ttkeibodyt 'We1 earnestly hopefor' an early break in1 the' spell. Mad Dog excitement ;Parts of.Tryon.and Church Streets,- had quite an excitt nient. yesterday evening, in the pursuit and subsequent killing of a,rabid dog., Policeman Stevens, was attracted , by tle.emonstrationa which tbe animal made and attacked him first near McNinch's -marble yard. He ran then into the yard of Dr Jo Graham, and by this time his pursuers became quite nnmerons. ' From Dr Gra ham's he ran into the yard of Mr A L -Walsh, corner Chiirch and Sixth' streets,. where he was finally shot and killed., . By the time the dog had been put an end to, a force about fifty strong had "enlisted for the. war.- " - ; .A 1 ; .. Sounds Warlike. Gen. Longstreet, , Gen. W. R. Cox and Gen, Collet-Leventhorpe, were at the Central Hotel last Friday. Gen. Thoe. F. Drayton, Gen. W. L. T. Prince, Gen. R. Barringer, Gen. J. A Yoftiig and Gen. P.,H. Hill, aud other "mighty, men of valor were also in theeity that dayV-:':It is believed (we trust this item' "will npt alarm ' our Radical, friends) that another war is i m m i nent , hu t we are not prepa red to state when it will begin:1 ' ',1 puuday Accident. , f Quite number of people went over from this city 0 Gaston, .county ,on Sunday, to hear Bishop Gibbons preach There were hot less than eighteen .buggies and carriages, and the mishaps on the journey were right remarkable. Five buggies either broke down ; or were overtaken with some' accident or other. The spring of one buggy broke,' caus ing the horse to runu away, and the occu pants bf the baggy, a yodng gentleman and young lady, to be ihrpw- pvi.k yoan'c man lield .to, the lites and was dragged aboat 50 yardsi. causing him to. be a good. : deal bruise4 Three or. tour other persons i were thrown from- tharfr huggies, but none were seriously hurt; . ' ' Rev Br Miller. - t ; This jgentlemftn'' left, ; !oh "tvrrday motnih'last, ; for! th'e JWeftep' part' , of the State, accompanied by bis son, Mr Augustine , Miller, wb o . b as been criti cally ill for some time. 'He became able to travel last week owevei tori his friends are qwlmof e Hopeful of hia recovery bejieving that the. mountain air and water will soon have a ben eflcial effect upon him. !l The poMofficte1 pf Tr Miller 'will be MarionMcBoweircvun- as.:i v;jH.a..'iJr.t-i. aua..i i ty.for the4,ex $wp: prdhre weeks,; DwiDg-his absence iromi Ibsl crtyiih pulpit will be supplied every Sabbath,1 a4ioriows)"'acrduig to: theS&atfyern well Rev.E is Erwiai of RnUierfbid ; Hn? 3 Wm FUm ot He'riderson rJ 1 ReV J y Alliscm of Coricoro fWJf;;VrfijteV Sunday Charlotte j,,. fijrRvn oaa'a i U hcthoiigh ! was: an. iexclama- tion which could be heard on every side, bn Sunday. - The heat darted its rays straight bdrf aid: the perspiralibiid' sUk'anct'ijicHe dowii .tnf.ma' form ivjinehHeoors the mercury, crepsj-nptBUiyHgi ..-mw" earlyjn the daxpesH4Jeititt;laetf Heat bWrmesensa.Qf duty in more than!-bne instance; ana more tnan xne mum omuuer chnrcTies,Jankwofh worshtp IedatalTJeiHeir own fines, fad n-' trees. i.ir,A a.,i,fw .a.-aii.t. aji -ao; tj$ the sanctuaries pi, i,the,;city were open, and at least two ftf the ministers . arerrepre- Sented, as having preached better' and: more earnest sermons than usual. Every pulpit was occupied by its ownastor, - exeept the Ff rat Presbyterian, , r mO& is i absent, ltf the tnonntaiPB, 'andu RevW' H 'JOaviSii tof Aharon, preached in his stead-both morning 'and nights All the ministers, Jwitnv'one or two exceptions, Tegnlafcd: thl sermons by the weathW,' atid'-' very; semib'ly'' had'shOrt came laden with 4 burning heat,' ab if off somj stonam dfayi Indeed, ofillioth'' man and. -nfiaafe uQWn'npOH ineHeypiea ukhbui uiuao w(iu ventured ontnaoorsl1 causlrie' the' bioba ;to pf seats were Vacant Sri the fchhrche3 Scores T Salisbury HeraM. " J Mr I H Foust has handed us a cop;f the baluibnry Herald; dated December TT ioo, ana puojasnecttjyUJ'rBell, Jr., a.L. plete stock of BUUIS and StiUKS wbia: W James. In it we see a notice of stepsrice8. r r . ,,.;,: . J1 ing taken to have a ijilification in Gre I ! ? Tii -KitiJ --"" -5 r. i"1,' K, i i Merchanta will find oar goods of firsUratooT . lnhly tbanT5Tdrtherd- Jobbers. WeoKi aSwoW38 fMlowin&weclIp frdm the Berald, . WOm&oi Pb. fcatMd ImJGoatBala prions matter of . interest to' oar readers' ' ln ti in . Ampni?nlt Roota at 1 1 on dam t.J ' We inadvertentlyfemitted last w etocBrogansAtlO Jo $150, &o &c,-ti riotica-the change tot the Charlotte Dem i '"J . ' .lt.(9Sjiot only ohoge-nini8;'bnl haf 'i derone; aA'ntue:ienovatik in its:dres j appearance. , It is no wr. conducted by Pritchard, and is one of the neatest cof ; i newspapers anywhere to be found. i 'a with peculiar! ple&ure'' th announce that ..tbje' trustees of the ( ln.f a Tat..t., -V . x j: ' en eocea arrangetnenta 'with liev tf lor, MartmheFebjr heleases'thd lege(iidipg9 aha: grounds ' for a ' of three iyears., Mr. Martin will school during- the Fall -SeptemV Octpher'itih f;;a'f'ljatt , and jcorn? corps ) '. pij f teachejs. . , jIej , is , ;ftdn adapted i !to . the work, before hii,(t. will soon make the 'Charlotte Iifr- for young, iadies, one . of the i flourishing festitutions bf learnin the land',1 if his hands are properly i up by tb e people of. the city. , We upon them, to sustain ihim, and if t do this, -there need be; no1 fears tbatf will not brng the enterprise' to succ.l , ul? a .:; ":'! .n-i , . : R a m nl a Tlvannnaia P.Amrdv. ' ' Dvsrjerjsia arises ' from 1 a ' VarietvT i. causes, and diflrereht1 persons arerelifTT ahyentremedies,ac haturfe;ofthe disease,"afwl: eotidf th.'stomaeti. , We -Iripw.'pr.il'iain. ha.'deriygreatlbeuef'frPpA d. a tumbler of sweet milk the ricl fresher the better -whenever -a bys. sensatibii 131 feirjeriehceu in the stnk An elderly gentleman of our act ance who was amicted; for many with great distress after eating, ha ed a ctire by mixing a teaspsooi i wheat bran in a tumbler of wate tfflW drinking it halt hour after his ine It is necessary to stir quickly and?el immediately, Or the bran will adj the glass and become pasty. ' Cof? ' tobacco are probably the worst st ces persons troubled with dyspep 2d. in the habit of using, and shouia avoided. Regular eating of nourishing plain food and the use of some simple remedies like the above, will effect, in most cases, quicker cures than medicine. Exchange. A New Sort ot Cotton to Us. We are not, strictly speaking, the agricul tural scribe. We vacated that chair, at the request of the boss, sometime during last November.; He was constrained to request us to step down and out, because we had clipped put and published, while he wasn't noticing an able and elaborate article cn the preparation of ground for cotton plant ing, while at that same time the farmers were busy picking cotton. Onr agricultural knowledge has increased very greatly, how ever, since then, and we again assay some thing about cotton. It was pn Sunday when we got this last item, and we acknowledge our worldly-mindedness and our sins are ever before; but the item went floating by and we took it in out of the ' Wet, Sunday though it was. A citizen of this county, a mild-eyed man who had the appearance of one who spoke the truth, tells of a kind of cotton which he has, which when planted one year, does not mature until tbe next, The cotton comes up just as any other cot ton, bat' does not bloom with it. It liyes through the winter, and the next season the bolls open, and a fine yield is obtained. Tis strange if true, and we have no good reason to doubt it. . Accident on the Air. IJne Railroad. Quite aserioqs, accident occurred on the Air Line Railroad, a short time before day light oh Sunday morning, a mile and half north of Qehtral, to the southward bound train . This train had left Cbarlptte on Sat. urday night, about two hours behind time, having waited for the North' Carolina train, which had been delayed by the-: ditching of a freight train, and was stijlan. hour behind iime when the accident, occurred. While run ning at a pretty rapid rate through a small cut, the engine struck a piece of wood lying across the track,. one end of it fastened un der pne raiiwhile' the other enl was lying across' the opposite rail.' ' ; The ' engine, the "E T Milfltti, Nb." 8,"' Was flitchea and very badly 'Wrecked.; The tender was thrown! off and plaoed in xightangles with the track; the exrness car ran tip over the tender and one. end of jit was thrown, up the side of the cut. .,,.t : t., fv.-.i.!f: :an'K.- Mr Dick Chatham, the engineer, was very considerably jurt, naying had several gash es cut in hs' nice and head. ' Some ' of these were as deep as the. flesh' and reached the bone: He was taken care of and will soon be oyer the hurt ' The fireman - was slightly bruised, bat beyond these two no one' else on the traift waf lojveoU, TW escape of the express messenger frpm.serjoB lnjnrriSeems almost miraculcus. , - fj'.. im ' In going from the scene of the accident to Central, for assistance, two other obstruc tions were found on the track, within a mile of the wrecK. j use a ne ume oi ne acci-, .a:.;; ('-':4f-.''j.Lil:'i -''A. -.J ' - dent, some 01 ine passengers, saw two men rahhlhg through'Uj4 wooda1 an4 tbey; were Jnobubttthe vinains'-who tof gratify1 some spit,! hMperilledthelives of. a'whole train ,load Of psoplev'ii voiMh inr a ... M.riT- Runaway, Aceident., . Yesterday evening; iMi jF I Osborne and Misa Mary Jeweyj were out buggy-, driving, and just afterthhad crossed the Charlotte, (lnmbtat&: lAugusta Railroad, near the J?air Grounds, a bolt pf the! .buggy o broke and the tongue turning to bhe side and the buggy to the 'other; mgntened Ae ;horses- and , they immediately ihegan. to. .u run.-tBef6re proceeding far, they made a sudden 1 EwrcobDS ! i f 9-. -5 : v: t. .r , :'VAJJWi ,,.XVt; JL Jk.V-.1 jut, NORTH PRONT STREET (WILMtr , ii: a,,., AVE received and are daily receiving large add; ifn ? l U i ' r'yv'n:M Ttobdi''sbod.lMi'denrAble, iaod solicit f'ftatretiake i. iPrompt tattentioal orders., ru; yi.fn j , fT ' i - - iii. O W. mar31. dly. m m w "a ' "s a , A f. V .y y ..... . , ,iA ; t "''''' '' : a ; . . . ti6p3 1 rGQ 311 Q lyY y J. ALLEN, in the Cbn . ; : . A SKMC&X 8TOC Fine Watches, Glo FOB, .SALE .1 J l;a .11 4- ' rVHT ftfl!MP ;J HfiT TTT.Tni A" 1 illj yVU3Wil " CEaflotte Age I ;-a ..si t.V. HJii AH .J.i XI I The Charlotte, Columbia. botto. Annn'r.in7 tnre. mine uuwuuuuu ! Pointo and South Atlantic Sea, Porta enjoyed oyer 1st. The reat Atlantic ()astLe ia Oom Baltimore, Daily, Insurance per cent. ' 1 J ' ' I YORK, MbNiiV,'DNESDAT; TmASm&teihS" (. - - ' ' ' H ikn Hint tnarlrot By way Wilmington and Direct Steam Lin urdayH, Insurance J per cent. HILADELPHIA, EVERY WEDNESDAY, IM TOnnwiran i vo t xrrt OlTrrCtllV'l W JBl-a EMOUA U v - " . vTauerence. Shelby, N. a, July 23, 1875. Messrs Editors : Gkntlewku : The 8helby District Con ference, Methodist Episcopal Church South, convened in this town on the 22d, inst., Rev Dr Burkhearl presiding. Most of the minis ters and a large proportion of the delegates were present, at . ,the opening, . The Confer ence proceeded, with its business quite pleas antly. The Presiding Elder seemed to be perfectly at home in the chair, and to know how to lookafief and to take care of the in terests of the churchy Thus far the spiritual and financial interests of the district have been looked jnto ; and according to the re ports of the pastors, the spiritual State is good, while the. financial condition is rather better than at this time Jast year, , Sunday Schools, Education and ' Missions are yet to be reported on, considered - and disposed of. The Conference expects to adjourn Saturday evening. ' . Rev Dr Reynolds, of the Baptist' Church, and Rev Mr Todd,- of the Associate Reform ed Church, were introduced to the Conference.- Also, Col Andrews and Capt.Leggett, of Wilmington, and Mr Winchester, of Mon roe, were introduced, and invited to partici pate in the business of the Conference.-, Divine service has been held each, day at U o'clock a. ru., and at 8 p. m. The preach ing has been practical, pointed and effective; the result is that a number bf 'penitents are at the altar of prayer, and there is now s good prospect of a gracious revival in this congregation of which the Rev Mr Hudson is the. popular pastor. . ;: ii 1 : -.: . Shelby is a growing town, a live place. The citiv ns are refined, intelligent , hospl- table The Conference is being entertained on a most liberalraagnificent scale. Shelby will always be able to get a District Confer ence when she wants it. So thinks a " MEMBER , ANNOUNCEMENT. i; TO THE VOTERS OF. CHARLOTTE ; TOWNSHIP. I hereby announce myself aa candidate for Constable of Charlotte Township, at the election to be "held August 6th,'l875. jul23 tde ; . ... ,,...t.. a .. wew !Atf VEftTlsEncvrj. Auction Sale ! , ' A 1 iYALUABLE LOT OF HOUSEHOLD LOk AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, wUl be sold at the Court House, this morning at 11 pkilock.; Sale positive and bargains can be had.,.. , , ,-,;,.,!, -a ..jai27.it,'. CfTRAYED COW. ' : Strayedi on Friday, last, a fine red, horned cow, with a leather collar on, and a ring in tii, x will luntttu -nujr uu wuu win "euver her to mejo j a! iru JOHN E BROWN.' " jul27 It uUT - 1 ' i . - ' : A BEAUTIFUL " 7 XJki i I -a ft:,-' vl riijay jt'ul r r.ni ,. Stock of White Striped Victoria Lawns at - - AljJuLAfi DERi, oElULE & CU B. ja!2T"-i .'lo'uaJ i.t 'ni.). u ii. 'ji.i.; A FULL5 LINE L , ti "u i iLadiea Collars awd Coffd to be found at . A.LEX ANDER, EIGLE ACQ'S. ; ju!27 Watermelons; FINE Watermelons, jast received and for sale cheap, at jod pmriTinbU The Obsxbvks Job Department . haa been thoroughly supplied with every' needed want, and with the lateat styles of Type and every manner of Job Work can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can furnish at short notiee : ' i; BLANKS, BILLHEADS, -'r-'? LETTER HE VDS. CARDS,: r . . TAGS, EECEIPTS, POSTERS, ri PROGRAMMES, HAND BILLS, .PAMPHLETS, CHECKS, e., Ac . ftrfAVmm (vAAT(7 BUSINESS. 'B a - - jfs V A ' OAVl id stand on jTrsde Street, o one of my rge and commodious storehouses on Col- C,S Street, and having sold put my stock of .tpiocerie 1 offer special 'aanges'l. 'iiy ld customers in my largwnd vflt,WT'asvhrt- fiientof TINES and WQJJQR&i , ) a, i.'iJfHi is. I. u ,M-.H-ib ln: iut tking a specially iR this'tih I'iim'to 9 betrady Uesterri North Carorina"'"' ju!25 T?MBROD I M V,' Of all kinds and qualities, at ALEXANDER, SEIGLE A CO'S. juI25 0 't Vi A SI -A THE PRETTIEST ) Corsets to be found in the city for monev, "';inl25 rin..'! iiri Hiomliii a,,.,, .'.i: ic Coast Line. i ..a- sai 7 aiT .baalBu l i.ai FREIGHT DEPARTMENT. ti .-iHliiitl J-lliKlUlUt i. i.ilU IMPORTANT s TQ , DEALERS ,. JN ' , ' ' ; " rbwr ' For rates and other Information address either of the undersigned,' ..: ,;.. . ..... ...... . v A POPE. 1W G. F, A. Atlantic Coast Lie, , : a Wilmington, N, C. V H ADAMS, i,. G.F. A , A.cS N.C. R. R., Goldsbore, N. C. N M JOHNSTON, ; ' 8. K. Agent, A-C. L., Chariotte, N. C. jul25.Stv, HAVING SOLD ... I! !;! oj ii'. .. ; I )j(Ui S '.! t.i... : :; aa ' waal) i i'h ' : . Mil a!) QUT my interest in the FaiitnpihusiRss..i am - now -p-epared -to devote my whole time and attention to thePAINTINGBUSI- ness:. : ; . ;;a j-' all vyORiC' ( EATL V AXD PROMPTLY DONE, -a E M ANDREWS. ' - -.- '.. !. . .-'iii a ' .iiiu-jri ju!25 : ,.: .- v... . n ..I-U.W8 0.Ki". i "7 ,aaa . ; -at jlJ;!' i.itH r.n -,;a nt Slate Roofer, and dealer inaR'kiDuv'of Roofing- Slate. 'Ts folly prepared ! fo pnt'tm SLATE ROOFS' in any part bf 'tW Cduh- MARBLEIZEB SLATE AND lAN- TEL& A SPECIALTY '4 ia,Ibvltes tne . ftttentiori of 'Architecia; Bailders, and the ' public to ' the , saDerior roofing used by him, from the,: quarries-. of Vermont apJXwyi,- Slate fairotsiied' .of aij des&ced, cpjor.,, -j.,, .-..an n . Ajod filaRool.,. ,a 1 i ii... .. xs an Insurance Against Fire, and will lasf a life thneFr.' u 1 All work knaranteed.0 Prices Reasonable. Shinele Rools taken" 'off arid ' reid with SrwbeftdesirC ' a" . Orders will receive prompt alteation, when resse4,toP. 0-, l,0bMlot. filial is 1 1 . ' :a 41 i- t s -.ai' ,.i-t y - " H A R W;P .O D.'' iij.'h iifti1tKj '.U .lf ah" .Boll e:atohob iiU: , hti: -.A i ati'XiiatU ... 0 D, D T 11: U iM P , aii.'.I fit ,t att hi n I -''.'. i J .,mui !.a.. i '.! 1 hStttii tEtiortfkq' aiod-W"! wkj ti K: n -io q mj. trtr of"1 .,ufr-S K Air fTS I f i lW'fV"Ov" " a i ! -rfiMioo -i ai Jss- 's&a , i .-. . ' & i-.t-Af rso&:2lat'iidt ! te'flinUi book: s tohbv m.Mi-'i tit id-ytii Mt 3tii Uu-: ; l.s -jlll24 ui.i; ?-;; -.a al c4 'oi iv! u- NEW,.NOVELS. c Jt. 11 . ji.a ai.Uv -WW'S ?,T .' .11 i-is-fuUiiiita'Mii; t '-I'. PLAYING THE MISCHIEF, t',7S cts1 J fa4i-u;H.1.'.l la a-i v: WARD OR WD7E,';xU" j f : - q :t- ,ayifc'jd to.J4i. MISS.AGEL,:i,,.Ulj:jt Vj ,UiiA rf75 ctsi .'ai:5 a -k4 :JJ livoai W- tot BfYE;i MKpj;; - ,-.t ff-xiK 1 sf;?J3.-3aii. irECT 15 I TtAkA' BROT HeK 4ul24 -II ii I. r i. 4 J: i high degree of proficiency services. ' Jull7 ' ' . - r

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