lived a model itian of Hre., J av !-hn always did exactly right ; .. , ' ";er drank, nor awkeVoror ', ind never bwiu iiui o - , made no bets,, he played no game, I him all women were the sme ; Znever knew what horses tiu T(,y; ..lKu h was a model man . JH iruwt v " :!, tvio ntuiai man of vore. :r-ifO 0The wicked world did not agree i. . . a B$i, friends a man of ' -w i : W ffrfnnnd himself accosea 01 5!.Ta ha menUoned in these rnymes,. ) Z Tblind Justice laid her ban UAnd rope upon this mo lei; mam. f(( q , in this model man of yore, : S A moral and a warning see; k nte less-notsomethingjnore-T, Ain angels must ;we mortals be. . inanuM"B live Smoke good clears 1 Drink dry champagne 1 Twang gay guitars But do not pe r!Tk j 8TATB; HBWfc i u a ;.TO 3D"-iAir. MrBernheimj pastor f the Lather .n church of WilminrtanpteUbidJ Gen. Leach, Duplin couuly, to-morrcw,umtfH A small store waa bJ mington on criuny. flWf.-aW, loss is about, fouu. t, iii,isiiR TSv Got Brogdtn nvfel wara lor me appreuwuj jj Partin, the wife murderer,) ,0Hnt.rj ,T11 Mr O O Mvrover.- Gazette, was married d)J to Mias Laura Aii )McCUoBa,hof; ijt etteviiJe. - ut .a'idfi yj Cola W L SteeMM bocVer will have, wduwwiw atIuriotHire, Rich oiottdlcquaty,: . ton orcown ( WtLf. nesdayc)'' vjrf-w-itii .efmIiitJt amrtrfc PaapengeWiijqifcfi JijiuaWftyj now breakfast and supper-ktvAbbolls-burg, and both traiusi EiUt and West, supper therC u"' anuP iIIkM -,ntiivift 11 - Uvutd'.) .Neoilitfl IHriaJjM fn A small ooy hadto HeraibliJrttT lively when he fell intithP'rirVerNait Wilmfogtbtt ipn1 Fridays0 got out, auu ni ,Pft3lttf23tt?ff3 The residence j;ofi Mr QraUiger,v a proniinenvyounr mwyer or uotasetr- ... . ,!. I... T K13' day mornrj ,.ia4 19.nlfjaa Vlid'.: The ReidsvifU'ilefco sys that jn IaaI Tuesd&v nieht. a Dnsrtrier'wiioilad been one of the parties to a riot; oh the Satiurdai rUrosreaaea from the gard puee, b kpt iiuiior me neavy rain on inaiitjiieni, the whoJe-towu; would; prbbbljrbae been burned downJ'-ik- iM i -io-mh oj vi , . , . ill li, in-! The Jlaleigh p?niuiio ay ,tht a desperate ngutoccurrea Detweea Li bert Mordecal and a. man by trie name ef Steptoe, irrOak Grbve. Wake county, on Friday, in whichw 3teptoe whs 8 3riously wounded Hia'pnyaL- cuui thinks he cannot recover, Mor decai has been pqjynjau in default o two thousand uollars bail. .... ar p.m au?i n liaieigii netosr irr coutioue to hear cheering newajfroni evej-y por tion oi vaxe county. canvasa is bdcoming 5TnD;3oo.arjiim imars ine for "nrnffin'rickhe our stariU ard bearers continue to strike, sledge hammer blowsi fttilfee&i party 'which seeks to perpetuate the existence of a Constitution framed only to benefiViU own office-holders. .Let toupjipeople; register and be ready for the contest on the 6th of Auguftt; fend ' Wrake i n undoubtedly send foutJboiiesi' Irid true men ttoM&toWPlW The carnpaign, In 'CidTtiijU that Mr .Allison, la : a: few oxcib)e ten marks accepted the nonstnatioa-i itai dered him by the Democrats1' of the county. General Jj Ml Deach ' watf'oh hand to scoiir and wash i Jud'preaay; Sam, but that worthy .Rearing of the ordeal in store for- birn made himself scarce. ; General, Leach, a speech, of much beauty and i power,' refuted tne fallacies of the fiadicala and n showed that changes Itf the Oorntitutioh "Were absolutely '1? An EullM' er day. wheaiarVislmritr.boy r bad trouble with irnAgWorVp boy and. came out firstibesLi he realized .that something most b . &6t&Kf,'bbixi? uu HO DIIU lUtVI IfllG .lUUOy VUU sniu,. "Mother.j ,rioW 1iow kind and Kuou you nave Deen 10 Mrs. next doorVit a ttit', n; ! a a a 'I "Yes, I have , tried to ; be A' gDod neighbor tn her.V 'r.b (tt vulu nt "Well, do yOu'hoW that sje says you cleari1 vour teeth wiih'faifwhlte wash brush, and that father btfgnt"to He slid hnt 'and whenlM'B-T reached he tfn her way to the bouse to ask whv her 'boy must-be ponnued in that-way aherreaxd a hrill toU4 cdtntfd er:?iilI(I i OO J ie wretch, don't you enter - tnat gait or you'll get scalded." Me returned borne., and. , the .young statesman droriDed" f ddwn "under1 a shade tree, kicked, upi biat heelsnai4 softly chuckled;; ;u a dt -vr ,i ,y J "That settles her, and now I want to eaten her Tom Bgartf ToTtf8t rouneen seconds," Victobwg Hercaa. 7- Z " 'J Mrs. Lmcola's'm(kl'n3it1dtt'4.& unimproved. She remains in the in sane asylum at Batavia, 111.; where she has careful attendance, and ia oft- c 'nefljuyjnf rejjttpES aab he dresses' s.ablilT? MeF rhiod iKcoh stantlv occunied with tolahs for new clothing A r!6n'd wbo saW.hf there recent! v ia4k v." Au'eha- .hnok5 Lands itn m atr p4rUnr,; I thought tould ri;ciye laoe, aipiomawcpow auu smile a return I of the old aociety man ner, and my heart was full forth wc man who sat down silent and alone in ner solittry room; to keep imaginary c0m nan v with nainn and Ambaeaa- l0r8. It baa been ureed that thk is a development of hei. life amon irit- uansts, but St is the result of sceoee Pnotoeranhpd ' tin thth hr&in. which nly the angel of death; can erase. Alrs Linrnlrv inont.' aoirnrd, ninnths t St. Charles in this Btate, ;4nder an mu name, ana in inecoiupu, society: ofSpirituahsti;; buJt' will ever ue aelinit0ly known .how mucn weir influence haAto! do with her Dr OliveAVeiiuelh fiarWslirs just evolved a novel poetico phvMlogi theorv:lfJiaii.,MHaV. thal Doetry nd vocalmuainrAhould he constrscted ith strict reference to! the respiratory "uciions, -The- natural -respiration averages twenty breaths a min6te. he popular octosyllabic verse exact-: V followOtie natural rhythm'; orrea1 nyson'a UriW ari Ko foot at :tha rate f twentv; liriea m. minute. .Poetry of hDbvaioiooriAAT f.onRtrnr.tion ifldoOm d to nnnnWularltv no matter wha HJMk'-,AlRI03a- pp W eeii -LJL thaoteleeant Stock nf -u ?wlf?'wCompf ufcS-In b words they wHtotbeundersold)Theif Stack is fall and nnmn aU n j'i. .Vt- '".STOP'ek-' Come ana jen Am. A3Kff?W'UNOt COTO THE WHOIESAtE TEASE ONLY. HALES a(?J&RE.I0fl - I.-" Jan 3t oMcEFontehEl MaQjjfacturiggbli T ARCQMT Manuiactarerst Aia . World J of School: Church and itc "itirniinre thing needed in Schools. Globes. iMana' ;Charts and all appliances for the stndr of At - . . I wocienceshelatMmprovrtseaTrandT dlui. of .wfcJh w 6 oat-arlytwol oTcry wees, in snort everything needed in the School feoom.y la, ) Vj -6 CHURCH iBRMIRE we are constantly getting outnRwi Aetilgns for Pulpits, Pews, &c, and our Patent Bev eqtavtu. &t cbmicfru atstaUU .aiul aetnut- uveness. We would also call the snecial attention Of professional gentlemen and Merchants to bur i--: "v -v.v -, -v . ffi?c5rrrHtuTI,3 in which we manuEactare a-failae1, le cant, convenient and durable, and they need )mOrds& rg? orl idrtb! Carolina, WILLIAM PHILLIP, 1 Charlotte, N. C., Will be promptly fiRed, ahd illostratidhs of par dinerent manufactures seen. ! apr 23 m ,-7rf..i:i. u ,.- Oates' Buildinic. Trade St . XJHaTrHOAf N. t)n I ... WHOLESALE and AjfL,' DEALKS DRY GOODS and READYAJCLDTH ING, Every grade,' j-warran ted Cs- v torn -made, and of the latest ' !. . i W.l M HAVING pairchaed hiy Stock of- ClotjBjg and Dry GobtTs or the be&tBbuse8, in New York and Philadelphia. 1 smttow fcrtn pared to exhibit to the people of the city and surrounding country, a large and well select ed Stock, embracing ev&yftungTojaddl&M first-class Dry-Goods House, such as EXCELSIOR SliHDtrJl WewoiL3?calUhea4tentioboiJiji ilUO ljj cipals tour School xrnurtnienl, f 1 . , r ' Ki!S J" In whidhwe keep an assortmentr At evnr- jl ; v-- CSSIMERSC?UIISIESS )0JD3;fr H CpTT ; WHITE CrOO)SV,BOOTS. SHOESt4 TBailihg from BALTIMCRE " HTS, TBUNKS,"CHIN - 'fi'i and GLASSy4KBa J-TLilJ J 11 grades, to which I invite your attention before purchasing elsewhere. t TO OOTJOTRY yERCHANTa 1 Having devoted a lifetime to Imy business, and having an rilH ? XJ UNSURPASSED STOCK of GOOD3 1 . . : ' l" In my. Una, I fmU satMned i -sayings that Country Jrohhlif supply ibenselves at my fitors. cbiapeatkan by oiAg North themselves oryuhas?g.frini .agents and arummem , ' q q a w . - : 411 1 ask Is bne fair trial, J, LINDY. apr 6 jgOIlBDECORATOR IffattreflB Mtafeer ' . A. II EL. L 111 UN D . Oyer Frankenthal's 8tore. Will h nleaaed and honored if you will nii mi htm n inanttt ftia work, or eive him an order. Best workmanship guaranteea. i A4iBinitrfMases i cnurcn upnoistery a especially. All orders, left at. iFrankenthaTs store will receiSo frvmpi Mttntiorif Tl feb2a-tft ' vi!ltj Everybody Will i THOSE ne felons have artivd4 Call t Mj Davidson's; they are going like hot cakes. i Jo29 "THOUGH1 Ll'ST n chance for . JBargas.r l . wm sen mv whole Stock cbnsiatiwc of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, 8jlvrnvd P)atd Ware, Spectacles, 46 ... . : I . A T COS ' T; , ' ' ' 1 Frp.owlU . fee first of September I375i 1 F B-iWatehe. Clocks and Jewelry repair ed at prices to suit the time. ' ' ; .' ; .. . Kome and see me, i mean . . . ju22 9tU u 1 . ''If t 'I- '"if.i.:vinrTi tf i? : aols , . , . - cth, rT r Tt Rpreshi Arrival. A PRICOT Chewing Tobacco, muu mi A.-pleaBant, be best i4be market rao, fine TotofWater Ground CoCT 1MealFmy; RhnnMprA. Tarct. xearl unts. Sugar qonWMtfasaes.) pd; Tamos lasrr at .jvrud wHoW0LFE & NISBET B-I. Choice; 'RicklessJ. vwv n 7 jJ' ,,:"T1lJ-,, TN barrels, foil sale cy m oMi,i'w g on,haK f4--a .,Ju29 - - tjioR'c til ,u Choice; JSJBtt PBINTS NEW B WILLIAMS &aCO.,: - - x ; pOTvr-MTssioasr TTORtheIeoXeorV Wheat, FloTend Ti, dootto Mglic heath 4 St'eKhMlott. K. 0. JufifTeceiveclafld An ohnsitrnmpnt -MjaaVa T- k. T - T. fi ' ' . 1000 Sacks Com. 200 Sacks Oats, 5000Tb Couhtry Bacon, Give na a call. f -V apU5tf.Vf p v H. B. WILLIAMS & CO. W wlatttrrh Spring -Kr THE -BEST XWP SEAT VEHICLE FOR BUSINESS, MAN OR PLANTERf -mi C 1 CJ U J H T:iaiiT; ::oy:i CiiBlIN STYLTTtil economy a - , - - - V 7... a iiltil -Tty llr'iiB vjOJS(Jjl2Vl,ttIlJS BEST TPs j tL .L oWN-USErANSWERING E6R M9 hMM i i i i L. i L or ERY BEST COME AND SEE THEil. It yisjill'friJmi 4 lFTNlSHED tip in the V Jjgp 'SEVSSTl-t:- i'l ' niT:KKi - HQUS13. SIGN AND 'i i v'. i!,,,, ,.m PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID . f ; . " TOWN HALLS, THKUlJUliUU'Imi; UUUJNTKY, ; I R .IK J 23 I M A G OFFICE GATES' BUIDING, (UP d7 NORTH Yk :iFreW 'lite lo LL v. J . -!-'! i-T- f-v- . -TT 1 :.y. YO - : ; ' 'i ' 1 "; BALTIMORE. Baltimore and Southern Steam Trans- portptaonwaonipajryfi t? AND FROM WILMINGTON 1 : !: . WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. f ; i i v I 1 i. - i i : IMS ( 1 GIVING THROUGH BILLS OF LADING to ail 'points, to; North J South Carolina. Georsria and Alabama. For North Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Providence, Leti30or,?Glks)vv; Antwerp and Utner nuropean rorts. 1 - -tm tv.. , , wnAlnffinn Kauroad. Wilminetou & w e den;itanroaa, 4 T . TT. ... . . ' a delivery of Freight to all points, as the Steamers on these Lines on arrival in Wilming- ton top at Railroad idepotf the Freight transferred under coverea sheds to cars without River Steamers, with their connecting Koaus, delay, and forwarded by the Fast Freight 1r AerdrayaB OT VfiinBgtoTan w waoaicr irom ..iu..u5.. .. - o- Il as IrOWiaa by ao promptly paid. Mark i as BT SDyWDW an g8' trt ... . a t - ivril " X T Z - " r,wTV lT7iT ALD Gen'l Aet Baltimore Line, 50 South Street, Baltimore. EDWIN lTtie-BALD, en i Agt. mibw ""rirr. - r xr v WVT P rir.vTYR Jk tniJ.. 14en 1 Act. 17 TiTOI'NewTwkIa' Wiliningtoo, N.C. 11. , r - i ffiOOT IF THE WET, J,' A, YOUNG SON, KEEP COOL ! q J0ll JoTI A S01- JBS ..'wrAiratrr-'ri, J; A. Young & Son, HAVE THE OVERAGES. J. A. Youne:&u J: '.SMBi bffljSls have tne'mii vFECT fFJaTi jonn a iDiuia at ami, ANY AND EVER ir 1 INO j ANYTHINC I EY BY GIVING VS A CAtL.' AS WE WILL. NOT BE A KI N K LU1 UJP . XjL l,..f a-" J'Vf ' ! 'F?. )i.r ,lll- t Whips and Bird Cages, Just received at , s . watTTCR BREM & MARTIN'S. iul2z t , Hardwak Store. ' J ? NOTHER'LOT r ft' Of fine arid coarW Hominy at 5 cents per pooAd. Lot of large NortherH Irish Pota- hu at. iW N.PKAXttlLtt'SSi W. -.u ! 1H rEiriow- I I t XliJUUl 1MJIJ1 BilVt WU.MM Ji l l tf k- ,1 J ' lIbiPLt rfrLCt'j! ACK HARKA WAY'S School 50cts 1gtfSaSJ& Schools; r Ari TT Mn AV Qn"NT.- dnuolsiO .-- -nt- - i Institutes, &(, to keep instruments in repair J A lUUJNb" OC-bUJMi; - I-"uVl.., at Oxford.vU I riTScU by.theyear. . mbmita. Yt'tT' AlA Ur rtH 1 ' ' ty?-Pi" M :" Jpl2 m -1 1 vn ; ii'rri ju24, QTTH ntlE nV . M -T0TICE.-T0 HOUSE BUILDERS AND T First DooraboveMarket House, - Trade StreeUH ju 8 8. KlMKArStAlT 7 Charlotte; N. C. FIRM ... mesott a istts, Produce of all kifids. College street, next TTlni. oil av r nri 1 iii i i i "Democrat' ... .. i , ofa hwyt . -:. n; i-thi 3 A tno n: rtlffft1 ? JAffi; . MAl Tffim .afJJTfE,.30RT::t uH 8-;:i.n; "fr1 & ',v ,hV a,JK I i tv , Ii; v,V k STYLE aH FULLY WARRANTED. Mft - :o&axBaa STBEErj Near Foukth. . " " ' ; ' . vfTHOS. W. DEWEY .Oashier. -tmLftvodi! W. nvMi ii r i,!..-vl; .!flui H Ui'! i!:.;! y!.l.H 7 .) I FRESCOE PAINTER, 1 TO FRESQQIKG f CHURCHES AND rt'VT j, ti Tl vd V 1 1 STAIRS,) TRADE STREET, I J&AROLKJA CtLINES. QVMT WPFkTV. - - Jn, C3lMl-Wllil!iJil3Ct , ni f - ' "'T-l: ' . i 111 Piinls M ' an .1. V i iPaatli - J ?A ;.- i-j i!f r i- j ii i" ... . Tuesday and Friday, at 3 P. M., ;. i -AMD' Faoiiwifiiiwcrroir : WEDNESDAYS andSATURDAYS or Hias ooopu r rwgu, Fall River and other astern v,uit. ''A Bremen, -., - iA i) 1 . ''' ! the Wilminsrton. Columbia & Augusta 3 y. D. ! onH Piimi KPAr na uruiiu, lv""""J " .-r ouenug " v.v, xrri Express that morning. ftf tW nned-enta of the Line iNew xorit Aiino, o iuwiiug viccu, xi. A:R.'Nisbet& t-rrirnT.TKSAT.TC and RKTAlLi dealers in 1Y Grocers. Confectioneries. Fruits, Cigars, Snuff, Tobacco, Pipes, Musical Instruments: Strings, &c., Trade Street, Charlotte, JN. u. i TIT.l. noil aflanfinn fh faf thltt thPT now haye in store, the largest and most x - tensi.vs'lStockr.Ch which they are offering for UASlt to wnoi MItLiMH: -JEffiWi. isS OonBiatincr in Dart C3 ... Tiji a OnAn- Pnil PdahM P.rolr taaSfeS-nr i on rrr t Ti i r 1 'Democrat and Romeoopy, t;i A., T. & O. R h! SUPERINTENDENT lOFFlPE. -): Charlotte, N. c, June sothi inoj?i W awd after Fridar July 2nd. the follow- U ine Schedule wifrbe;operated:orhiS n i Leave Charlotte, ' ' 5 -30 a m l Leave Davidspn Arrive at etates' 8 30 a m I '' GOING SOUTH,. T.eave Stotle--.. 1 80 a m Leave Davidson (HSg-fi. Hi ?7 p m arrive at nariuius. . Close epTinecHorf madoAti Stsstesrilte tsoNfiohoui :wm organto'ri ndjHickpr gii dl l r-u I . - ' rt1 i hi ii . iy Avt TIDDi & jJKV AHJiiJX. i iiC ?"' iitttt :4, o,J'A o , i-k f s-c TM ii H Hiw I COlnoriTwit to .JuiZ4. 3 ,ti 1 , .Miwfl aittkriA 1 d-- ' r- . . ziu;r j 1 .-i.M.". II' ... . TVOMINOE CAKES, sometnuigTnewjanu Is nice, at -viz w: ill 1 . : r w . . : jul24 F H ANDREWS & CO'S. iri.iflin it i iii.i.ii ii iaiscixr,ANi:ou8- 0FFICJ? OP ' '.'.' ' " '.ERircrrr irojpwoks, t aia, Pa., January 6th, 1875, I)ear Sia : j - We take pleasore in informing yon that, encouraged by i the favor jwith s: which one Machinery baa been received throughout the South the past year, and in order to facilitate rade and meet the often expressed' wishes of 9ox friends and patrons,' we have determined to open an office and., warehouse for the sale if oar manafactarea.u..Chariotte,.,?N. C which will be known as the Charjptte Branch ef the Erie City Iron, Works. . . , v- Mr. W. C- Morgan, who is so widely and favorably kaowalhoughout: the South, will be ia charge of the Charlotte Branch, and we propose to .keep pa hand there r Portable and stationary ealar Saw also the Presses We hope the establishment of thiff ;branch; lirtliOrt will eonfl t Hinrr ,B Ytoefivl. nWatka. ! lL .Jl iLLl 1 occur in' business at so great a distance v as I we are . iron) yon. .uaaii For circulars, price lists and anv Snfocma-l tion wanted in oar line. -address:' Erie1 City I Iron -Works, Charlotte, JN. U. SMTrnsUog that our undertaking will meet with your i approval and support, we'remain, j Very respectfully yours, j jiMECTFY IRON 'WORKS 1UN1T s MECKLEXBURG. n ft AWivmii. n..o CAPITAL, .?a00.000 : ja8. turner TATE .President. ;F-'?,:DEWEY' A.sst Cashier. , , AT THE BANKING HOUSE ' ; OF T A'rf E & D E V EY. 1 OeaviarsseimTm,alT'"pigsniged under Law of the State of North Carolinar , wilh amplJgieans prepared to transact GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. The bank will receive Deposits subject to Check, and will Allow Interest According ! to Agreement on all Deposits leit on time, or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at the rate of . EIGHT PER CENT PER ANNUM on all sums lying unarawn over mirty.aays. Gold and Silver Coin, Bullion and Bank Notes Bought and Sold. oh all sums lying undrawn over thirty.days jan l 1874 uasnier. iTanTJiTiiaHrpn . - l . i . ;f c 3 iff- : iSl ii Ss' Pale Ate: IcaVk l. ir.. -,T ,fm. ra; j.1 TennenU' Pale Ale? 1 cask 6 doz Genuine Selterser mineral Water original packagej tratioF3 Mafiwtticli wiUitod bythe b6ttlev8rH62fe af reasonable trices at " ' ' I PIERRE LUDWIlx a, ifingines, iwuers and Uirco-1 prices. ' fr : - . .: .... ; - - Mills of oar own manafactare. ;.,.,-r ..; . . .,, , . ";4- '-'" tti.-r.t v?: best make of Corn Mills. Gins. I V ' V' ; '..u 'iumi nx afaiai v , Shiagle .Mills: and such other I : Merchants will fiod oar sfoods of firsUrate Qatity. and our prices as. tow.-if .ootlow wacuiuery as me waom m we rww reqmnjy er man in ortnero uoDoera. we oner a-womens. Merge, uai,, at; f ,is good . .quaiuy ( The Charlotte House is not an agency bat womens 'Psbl. Bal. and ImJOoat Bala priiae? article, at $1.30 : womehs A.e 'Calf Bal. branch of our work? owned and controlled at $120 womeeapl Boots at tl.OO ; men U knd B. Bogans af f t2 j'roens wbote " by os, and any business done .with as there stockjBrpgansjitl 20 to -J 150, &oM &c,, lif5,; '- 'm -?ti3 &o"i -H ija-ib -4 is done with the manfadurri '? ilirecf. "J 4' "" ' : ... .... ,utarit u? v-ihi in rear Biessrs. jvuh ts. umeim UIU ordays Insurance i per cent. -establishment. . . ; .IL'J -li.'' '1 -lliU JJ5' ' ' may 7 tf , ' 1 RCHITECT. GEORGBWELCH ! Offers his professional services to the citizens of Charlotte and vicinity, and pledges the 11, np'ir 0ffice Trade street, Charlotte jan 3 tf Gnr Ci If Iff f T ft A t IT lilAaAjl fll l Vi) 1 , ,r-t TRADE STREET. CIaARaaTTT. N. C. GEN COM & PRODUCE MERCHANT, AndDealerein Fl0urt Grain and Pro. ( dace generally. Consignments solicited, and returns I nmmnUv m n p "v,",r'7. pAPE j FEAR BUILDING COMP'Y, General Contractors for buildings mana- i jacturea Dy maenmery, or seiect maienai. private residences and public buildings. I . a. ft . 1:A hnrlmw mi rftail mm mniiMlnM. nranKftlR h.hriaa mwaI ti. hand talHnirii.u win- daw frames' ;feneli&'Ael - v I "?:aB?.e IP? S? . : ! ; i orders anlinitMl bv 'rhna Hi Allen . at offi of Worte B'i'pi i: , ' LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT IN THE j t jwwaras, urougnion wj., noiwiriMfa inn mwncofi ' Raiglx, W, C. 1 Blank Everykind kept on hand and made to order. i printing and1" Binding of eyery descrip- lion.iabest.we, d t pHc tfi will 'WtSioto w - TO'THE PUBLIC ! HAVING ADOPTED THE Rilillltlf: IN MY BUSINissXFwlfiL MAKE IT TO YOUR ' (" :: !,j:; '..'. ..:'! ' 1 " i. TO OTVR ME YOTTR TRADF. ! .1 , n i BUT Td THOSE WHO JSK CREDIT 1 arrvUATalpi.if FOR YOUR CUSTOM. AS I AS MUCH OF SUCH AS I WANT; r ' Yotjks, &c , REPAIRING.. 1 1 Chas Stuart. Char practical. Tan ... K . . , , 'IJV! .v. . uea ll .CONTRACTORS! haira accented the ,i Aeencv lor a Saw Mill, and am prepared to 1 receive ana mi au oraers ior any jana oi iLiumber ataashorta nouce as possime.-1 Ibaveon hand a lot of flooring and inch frplank. - , " r: L-W. OSAWRNErjs v. 1 Next doo toJ. a, Jdenaerson's,.-,- .c s- TradAitTAAt:' IO AAA lbs Wheat Bran, receiyed. and ,1 . lOtUUU for sale b; G V CHALK & CO'1 jullP f NEW GOODS! rti. , ii i 1 1 30 NORTH FRONT STREET,' , WILMINQTON ; NORTH-a CAROLINA ,rf TTA.VE received and are daily receiving large TTiese ydodJ are hot shddly. bat desirable, Waiofieftiiatrotiag Prompt tatrentioal to? orders.: mar31. dly. Repaired and . By K J. ALLEN, in the A IIXECI ;;i 'i lot-i. piete stock or BUUrs and SHUtSS which . they offer to the public at tbe lowest ( l r W A T G T . . . . -j" - I : i i . . . . . Fine Watches, Clocks and-Jewelry -.1 ) i FOR eiiarlotte Agency, Octi 20th; 187' The Charlotte, Columbia. & AugustfiPRailtod ... , ( t.n ; j t . m , ,r INV&E3 tie atW0 roaasCorinecfing there, totbe1 extraonlinaxy Points and South Atlantic Sea porta snjoyed - . ; , : .. ; 1st.' The Great Atlantic Joasi ldne via irBaltimore, Daily, Insurance 4 per ctnt, 1 -ww " . NEW YORK. MONDAYr WEDNESDAY,1 ; :, : -ki J,t WtVvvo rKratD iMiit.W' 1 i-fKKUpi. ouijivri.i ift?uA f CENT. PROVIDENCE, WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, id. By way Wilmington and Direct Steam HILADELPHIA, EVERY WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, INSURANCE EQUALIZED ' ' ' TO THAT OF NORFOLK. ; , . By the Charleston Lin Baltimore, Weekly. - ( 1 ' ' '1 ..; '' ' .'; i ; 'i; I ' ;t i r EVERY FRIDAY, TO NEW YORK, TUESDAYS,; T1IUR8-,, A ND SATURD AYS, TO THF unrivalled Steam Line facilities of the tl and Charleston, and the combined equipments of I roads, enable us to bid for cotton and all other m THF unrivalled Steam Line facilities of to assure our patrons or aosoiute ireeaom irom AoVw R. R.BRiixiERS. - - Col. John B. Palmek, i . u. A. Pope, - NOTICE. CAROLINA CENTRAL DISPATCH mHK A I font inn if th I - .fc. ... .A. A. public is respectfully 1 tai. Railway, being completed and falty tibns w f VUmmgton, both via .iJ7 phti.Halnhia. Kw York. .Boston 1 . Y : . f -i r r i8 .snip rents irom Wilnxiiifrtoii and all Eastern . i ni T.Lil. Iil ' Ji Asneviue, Auineworvij'Pn, wwmmv, opiuuuij,! a1, ; . .ni oiifinnann Atlantic. TennMske A Ohio. AttanilC and'' iScnmbnd Air-Line ind f1 Nnh narolinn. Railroans aa weu. aa all points m ajsuouiAJ ana AiiAnAMA.jJ ; kmi Insurance fromfEastera cities guaranteed as ivia any other line, , No. terminalfur transfer; ( j charges, and Rates atw4s MlW ,ai eft., ' ( Rate? to all points furnished upon application to the undersigned. : ' r : point F. W. CLAUK, General Freight Agent, Wilmi: " .'I T, T. SMITDi al 1 PIEDMONT - Notice to T 1HE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, with Its Rail fkcilities fbVtheouickest and safes, transportation of freight to and from NoitaeW Cities . , . I i3IliyilCr JliltC UUUltC VA yh::v:i iimr 1X'A '.VA'V - By Sail to thsTorts of RICHMOND, - and lXRTOOUTH, tience by Brst-elass New York; Boston, Providenea. t 4 ' - This is the shortest aid most direct line I .JJt-rtn'-X ,tV"'1 !. Hi'' vA SI RATES AS LOW AND TIME QUICKER THAN BY ANY OTHER J !ma26-tf : ' "sjii;.'-'"- s'?J S UMBiliti LUMBER 1 Just received today at the Lumber Yard, a train load of fine 'Western-Lnmber-such f Plank from-1 ?to 2 inches .thick and of variuus wiuuia, inciuuuig ma am uug ih Of inch weather boards for rabiting. Floor ing dry and dressed, scantling light - and heavy. Also a lot of fine Western shingles. Call at the Lumber Yard office opposite the old fcietFactory :aoa leave yours order WRA the cash. :" -: - ' ':. w, ' B J SHANNONHOUSE, SON. JUST Receiyed a large lot of New, Music v including Katie Putnam's popular song, f'Qrand Pa Bless Your NeUat f, ; ; - . - - - -k PHIFER'S, apr 6 - Bookstore. NEW40SJoyLES! . MIT. rn'mUZ additioas to their already , fall and , pom t and will . give saiietactipn, tr the.bqyer.,.: s'. . ; . .i:rr u-f 0EO, B. FRENCH jS4)N4- i x 3f WilJiiliigton-f iN, , 1:1 ';.i-,ii"!'iu:tiji 1. - j. HI 1 '?. - ! iWarr-anted, f.iwS'i . -II? i 1 ' .-i ( Central Hotel Building, 'l 1: : STOCK OJT ' -:iv. ,1 no SALE , 1 1:i , i . . . , 1A . antages o over its lines. t .. r ,.i , vommou, tt uiuiHgtuu auu tuiwuiuuiu iu -.).' ii THURSDAY, ATURD AY INSURANCE 4- , ;mi'a 1 f V" y"! f V -. . , .... Line to . Baltimore, Wedriesdays and Sat-, INUKAJSVifi i'tstt tJiSW a. ilfi W -XUivjk .. BOSTON, EVERY : SATURDAY the three Ports of Portsmemth, Wilmington ttne u. u. ba., w vh a., ana otner merchandise in unliitrited! quantities, and aeteniion. - - , .4...QienaMif,(,'a . .. . President. uenerai superintendent : (Jenerat Freight Ajep,t,!)l W. W. PEGBAM, Ageat, 5 i U 7T I. 1. (I-. ! invited to the fact that J.he Carolina Oen- equipped for business, of&rA.wJth its,connec- to and Piodeneeneaualeliacilltr flw hand ...Iwcd:i2 no 02 Cities, : lq, , Charlotte,: StatesyiUi?, . VI C3 i-t, . . i:v.. T C. James,; ; '..j., . .u Soliciting Agent, CharJfiUe -C -,': . .. SJ- li V !! 1 ' Local Agent, Charlotte, N, C, iiiii l ?;m! AIR-MNE. ix.itiJ'jqiifo'J . ! .ir o ; ' . 'It.!' : Shippers. . i ir.., - i. U:li apd water connections, affords innpwielUt;u .) : ....... uto. x vaiw ii ug mop aaavwj 'X' - WEST POINT, NORFOLK i (without 1 transfer! ... .r j , : i... . . ,. .fr ... lfnes of Steamers, to lUlUinora. PhAladtfnbla ' !j ,5 f' - 3 rf'Hi 1 i to all points North and' West sJfi 1 : u" K7. HOifilj: T'fi": T.TKSL WILSONAei Jan,8 dfw Ay,.g w fj rtfts ,ip). rn)l i -i.-i.T irt t.ii;.'f I.J'n.'.r.-) tboJlrtr nUUU 1 1 1 1 1 luuauui iivi3 i ''Jv,'i iiT.;;.iLl fi!i liui jUiooo posTAGfi Stamps, ai a,, apl8 - . - ta merits may be so Dr Holmes says - ju29 . ....