CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, - jod pnirmnc. : f5 ' The Obskbvxk Job rcyartu.1 Ira been thoroughly supplied; wita every, needed irJit,Jidthlhel: teitstyleii crTrPanXl . ' every manner of Jc'TorJccan row jbdon ." with neatness, Clsr &t and h a pness. :K :vWeanflftralaa .t shc.t notice , , i LETTEIi H3 CARDS; , ' PROQRAMMIJBAND BILLfC ,1 SUBSCRIFTIOH H VTKS Pailv 1 Tear, (postpaid) In advance, $8 00 ' " 6'raos, " 1 " i - : 4 00 3 mos. " " 2 00 1 raon. ' ' 75 WKBKLY - IDITI05. ; Weekly, (in the county) In advance, $2 00 - oat of the county, postpaid, 2 10 6 months, . . 1 05 Liberal reductions for clubs. yol. xn. CHARLOTTE N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 29,-1875: m;i,98i II GREAT ABDUCTION OlNBOOTSScSHOES S M I T H & F 0 RBE S , AVE MARKED DOWN fRIQES of THEIR MILES' Ladies clota, goat and calf Shoes, Zeizlers' Ladies and eoat Zeiglers' Ladies cloth Button Boots,. Zeig!ers' Misses cloth Shoes, AND O T H E R G OODS THESE PRICES ARE SMITH & NEW jn31 IRON FRONT BUILDING, TRADE STREET THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, i t Ji. . t"S IB .A. S I D IE3 rjlHE above establishment, so favorably introduced to the public last Summer, by the new owner Capt R D Graham, of Mecklenburg, is for the season of 1875, MAY 1ST TO OCTOBER 1st, open to such Visitors only as the undersigned may be willing to admit to his family circle. He hopes to renew his pleasant acquaintanco with all former guests of the Atlantic Hotel. The peculiar situation of this house affords all seasickness. NO DUST ! NO ELIES 1 1 Railroad Tickets good for the whole season from Ten Day Tickets Applications must be made to ju31 . Burgess EJichols Go WHOLESALE & RETAIL f u Supply of Lounges, all grades. Coffins, on Land. " 1 M BED J. S. PHILLIPS, MERCHANT TAIL0 D II D E R C E N T R A L H CHARLOTTE, N. C. t&- ALWATS. QTTAEAHTEES SATISFACTION. -& jan 30 NEW MEAT R O S iE3 &i . U Snrimr,' Fvi'Min frnnnsite' Central .Hotehon ' Farmers Savings iBank, S LAUGH T ERE R 3 AND WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALERS IN TENNESSEE BEEF, A ST D MUTT0K we keep .amswajhuiiiAistttaD soticia radefkom CASH paying customers oniy. ; to 9 ftMarket openeLfrom 4 a." nv Jal24 fpHE GRAND DEPOT. For Mineral Waters, at ' ' ' " (. McADEN'S DRUG STORE ; jull j, Pratt's Astral Oil, rpHE safest Lamp Oil in use gives the clearest light burns longer than kerosene-price 60 cents a gallon. T C SMITH & CO, In 21 ' 8oleAgent9 ENTIRE STOCK of BOOTS A SHOES : $2 50 2.06 300 1.75 IN PROPORTION FOR CASH OLY. FORBES BBSOBT. the pleasure of a voyage without peril or NO MOSQUITOES ! ! ! Charlotte and return, $10 05 9 55 GEO W CH&.RLOTTE, Proprietor. f : BEALERSf IN rn"i t trmfc; D I N G, &c, 5, West Trade Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. JUST RECEIVED. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Parlor Suits, in Hair Cloth Terry and Reps. Also, a new A full hFRorimpnt ofMetalic Cases. Caskets and Wood junl3 R , 0TEL MARKET. A M ISO M , ! t ". ' 7.:' V'. ' Trade Street and next door to UG ' 1 1 xu , r . p. m"., each day, Sundays excepted- T! ... . mm- ." T)ELt COLOGNE-good quality-trial bot- XJ tie 25 cents, a, '0 smTH & c0Sf , . v Corner Drug Store 'T -f : " . .,-,.( '-T1-' A1 LARGE LOT, - rr ixrni1n KlftM. all BlZeS,' Paints, Oils Varnishes, Ac r tjrwELL & CO juin WML " j: T!i r ( 'harlots Carver. Charles K. , Jones, , Proprietor. Office, Observer Building, Corner Trade and College Streets. ANNOUNCEMENT. Jas. H. Moore is authorized to colUct ac counts lor this office and receipt, for the same, to receive subscriptions, &c. CHAS. R- JOKfcSt Editor and Proprietor. ELECTIONTICKETS. We are prepared to execute election tickets at short notice. Township tickets $2 00 per thousand. Tickets for candidates one dollar per thousand in sums of five thousand and upwards. No tickets will be sent from ine omce until paid for. City Bulletin. Election one week from to-day. Quite a number of bets are up on the match game of base ball to-morrow. Fifty bales of cotton were sold day before yesterday. Sounds sorter like business again. There was an appearance of unusual bus tle and animation around the Central Hotel last night D Stewart, Esq., of Rockingham, former ly editor of the Rockingham Observer, during its exis.tnce, is in the city. A negro gambling case in the Mayor's Court, yesterday, but it did net amount to a trial. The weather has a right to be hot, now, for we are in the midst of the dog days ; they hold on until the 12th of August. Mr Thomas Bratton, a brother of Dr Brat- ton of this city, died on Sunday last at his home at Brattonsville. York county, S. C, Col Win Johnston Democratic nominee for the Convention, will address the people of Charlotte from Independence Square, on Wednesday niht, the 4th. The cry of "police" was heard on the streets this morning, about half past 12. Only a country negro scared to death, with out sufficient cause. The notice in yesterday's paper calling for a meeting of the Knights of Pythias last night, was inserted by mistake. Tne meet ing tikes place to-night. Policeman Blackwelder killed a mad dog on Church street, between Ninth and Tenth early yesterday morning. It bad bitten no one, but gave evidence of being rabid. A party of poor folks intend to spend the remainder of the Summer on the town creek being unable to get further. We are going 'long. There will be a meeting of the Conserva tives of Steel Creek Township, at the elec tion grounds, on Monday the 2nd of Au gust, at 2 o'clock P. M. Are you properly registered ? See to it. In the absence of cotton, whist, euore and chess while away the hours which cotton brokers are wont to tpend in buying and selling the fleecy staple. The hammer clinks away on the nails, and the trowel rings sharply on the solid brick.and the yery men who most are expos ed to it seem ihe most regardless of the heat. It is becoming painfully seldom that one of our "buds of beauty" is seen florating along the pavements Gone off for the summer you see, and then it's so hot for those who are left. j The mosquito (gay and festive cuss !) is again around; and every time we strike at him and miss him, we realize that we are gradually but surely losing the grip on our piety. Parents should guard their children's diet very cljsely at this season. There is no doubt but that overloading the stomach with anything is pernicious, and especially is it the case with potatoes, cabbage and snap beans. The Indian Lodge, of this city, will have a Squaw Picnic, at Sleepy Hollow, in the course of two or three weeks. She Wolf and the Black Pappoose will be the orators of the day. Fire Water is chairraau of the committee on refreshments. . On Tuesday night, while a young gentle man was walking down North Tryon street, on his way home, some miscreant thre w a brickbat at him from across the street. The brick barely missed the young man's head. ana he thus escaped a serious injury, The Temperatuie. The following was the rane of the ther- n.ometer, yesterday, at the thug store of W At G A. M 81 83 87 90 90 9 A. M., 12 M., 3 P. M.,....- 6 P. M., Republican Nominations in Iredell. We understand from a letter received yes terday from Statesville, tbatDr J J Mottand T N Cooper have been put up by the Radi - cals of Iredell against Nicholson and Sum- mere, to be beat for Convention. We have always felt toward iJr mow as weuowwjjgj,., fe Col Myers and Gen Barringer that it is a , ! ereatpitv he is caught in such naa com- pany, . i.- ! i - i 3 ' rJT " Carolina Central Railway. , A special accommodation train for Char- lotte business men, will be run to Cleave- Fjy Barber. The color selected is tech Sutnrdav afternoon at 40 I . ing in Charlotte at 9 o'clock. The Superin im. n ihAtahonld this train be BiirHnipntlvnatronized. it win be continued duringtbe seasoneotberwise withdrawn, as it is merely a business experiment. j -. - : 1 - ....- A Hefty Xamb and a Persistent Rustic . A gentleman by the name of Lamb from AugusU, Ga., is sojourning in our city. Some days ago a countryman called at the store QfW. J Black, where Mr L was sitting; and brooosed to sell him some mutton Me replied that they did not want to buy any. ... i. it .. i l ih,1. whioh wmcli- as Mr c ap ueu . " pdiJOO pounds. The rustiq was and wanted to buy it at once, but was told that it was not for sale. ; So Interested is he in the animal, that he has : called several times since for the purpose of making a pur chase, but up to the present time has not succeeded in accomplishing bis design. Convention fleeting l Hnntersrllle. ,y There will be a meeting of the friends of good government, at' Huntersville, on the A, T & O Railroad, on Tuesday, Aug. 3rd. The meeting will be addressed by Maj C Dowd, Gen John A Young, C'apt R P Waring and others. ' Let there be a full turn-out. Oh, No ! "Who hath no music in his soul, And is not moved by concord of sweet sounds, Is fit fox treason, stratagems and spoils ;" but that ain't sajing that a fellow ought to be expected to sit up half the night and lis ten to some relentless rooster tug away at acatarrhal accordeon, without swearing any at all. By no means. The Tax Gathering. The Sheriff and Col Johnston returned to the city, yesterday afternoon, from Mal lard Creek. Rev W M Kerr, M. D., failed to put in an appearance at Davidson Colleg e on Monday, but was on hand at Raman day before yesterday, and at Mallard Creek yes terday. Col Johnston is highly encouraged and says he finds the people everywhere to be all right. He will be with the Sheriff at Crab Orchard to-day. The Macadamizing. The force engaged in macadamizing North Trade street, has finished about half the work between the Mint and the railroad, and vehicles are now running ovei it. , The remainder of it will be completed in a very few days, as only a few more rocks need to be broken up, and the dirt hauled on them. Grading has been commenced beyond the railroad, and the work will be carried out to the corporate limits. The Carolina Central Railroad Buffalo Bridge. Cel 8 L Fremont informs us that the bridge which has just been completed over Buffalo Creek, is very handsome and durable per haps the best on the road. The iron is ex pected to arrive next week, and Col Fremont thinks that trains will be running to Shelby in three weeks. The cross-ties are all laid and nothing remains to be done except to put the iron down Summer Absentees. Miss Minnie Phifer left on Tuesday morn ing for Lincolnton ; thence the will go to the Springs. aptT S Armi stead departed yesterday morning for the Catawba White Sulphur Springs, whither he will be followed in a few days by Mrs Armistead, who is ill at present. Mr A E Rankin left yesterday morning for Beaufort, and Mr R R Rutledge at the same time for the Cleaveland Springs. Institutions of Learning:. We have before us the catalogue of the Roanoke Female College, of Danville, Va., an advertisement of which appears this morning. It is a college of high standing, and the list of pupils shows it to be in a prosperous condition. We direct attention to the advertisement of the Staunton Female College, Staunton, Va. This institution is widely and favora bly known, and the attendance last session is evidence enough of its merit. Determined Not to Get Lost. A sight which occasioned a good deal of merriment, was witnessed on the s'reets a day or two ago. A countryman had come to town, bringing with him bis little son and a little negro boy. Sonny had hold .f the old man's coat tail, and the little nig had a firm hold in the belt of sonny's pants behind, and thus the party waltzed up one street and down another, to their own sat isfaction and to the infinite amusement of all lookers on. There are any number of funny things to be seen in this world, if a man will just keep his eyes open. The Charlotte Hotel. It always pleases us to say a good word for a good enterprise and good men, and this is what induces us to remark that our friends Hollis are doing themselves credit and giving their guests satisfaction, in toeir management of the Charlotte Hotel. A great part of the praise for this, satisfactory condition of things at that house, is due to Mr S S Carter, who is not only ; the office I clerk, but has general supervision of the establishment. He is the right man in the right place, and bis efficiency is improving the character of the house, while his uni form courtesy is daily adding to the number of its friends and his own. Are You Registered f We call upon our Conservative friends to see to it that they are properly registered be tween now and the election day. If anyone has become of age since the last election, he must register ; if any one has removed his residence from cine county, : township or ward, to another, he must register at the place where he proposes to vote, else bis ballot will be rejected. The following are the registration places in Charlotte Town' ship: First Ward, Wolfe, Barringer & Co.'s store; S C Wolfe, registrar ; Second ward, B Brown & Go's store. John L Brown. 1 g . Third Ward, oflBce of Burroughs & Sprin j c Burroughs, registrar; Fourth Taylor's gunsmith's shop, W B Tay- xe JleW ifOStai vara. The design of the new postal card having been agreed uppn, tne fostmaster. uenerai, Friday, approved the color of the cardre- commendd bv Third Ass'fc Postmaster Gen T. . i T.--i n. design of-engraving is the same as hereto. left hand fore agreed upon,iViz: in the upper corner is vibe monogram MU 8," in orna mental letters, across which is a scroll with the words "Postal Card" in bold face letters.. Below this in a straight line; In: hair letters is, "write the address on this Bide-4he mes sage on the others In 1heT upper right hand corner is th'e: 'stampi the !desrgn"Of which is a profife hust of the Goddess of Libertv.:sunounded by a frame work. ;bort Aar ' M(A nf .hich represent faces: con- nected (ne iby words VUS Postage; v jw.yBMwk. --r-. a curved band' inclosing the. words "One r X 1 : tPk.mnnnnMtn IstUr . 11111 BLaiDV w mww-,. - - wUl be printed in black, and the card will naye no ooraer. Bridal Party. ' ' J ; A bridal party tarried at the Central Hotel last nighti On' Friday, Mr. J. C. Briee, of Fairfield county, S. C , was married to Miss Adams, of Lincoln ton, and yesterday afternoon arrived in this city en route home with his bride. They leave this morning. The newly mated pair is accompanied by quite a little party Of friends, among whom we note Miss Annie Michael, Miss Mary Hoke and Miss Mary Adams, of Lincolnton The Cause in Lincoln. We are informed by a letter receiv ed yesterday, that there will be a grand Convention rally in Lincolnton, on Monday Jiext, 2nd " prox. Col. H, C. Jones and other gentlemen will be present and address the people. "' The8ame letter tells us that S. P. Sherrill came out yesterday, on the Radical side. Lincoln will turnup all right on election day. The Best Temperance Society. A party of young men in this city haye formed the best temperance society we have yet heard of. They have resolved among themselves to quit drinking. There are no oaths that they will never touch another drop, no compact en tered into that they will drink no more un til a certain time, but just a plain resolution and understanding that they intend to let liquor alone. . The charter members will be glad to receive into their society young men who have tasted the fiuits of intern perance and are ready to call a halt; but snorters and fanatics who never took a drink and who don't know anything about liquor, need not apply. Without designing to throw cold water upon any other temper ance society, we think this last one the best that has yet yet been organized. Old Man Craton. The old buck named Craton, who spoke at the grog-shop Radical meet ing in rear of the Fair Grounds on Monday night, is crazy sure enough, so one of his party friends tells us. ne is a regular communist, ana is great on "putting down the aristoc racy." He said in his speech the other night that he intended to an nounce himself in Wednesday's Ob server, as a candidate for the Con vention, but he probably forgot about it. It would be gay if he and Jack Matthews were to come out now ; two crazy men and the Rev. W. M. Kerr, M. D. working in the lead, would make an elegant spike team. Street Scene. Three negro women from the coun try, sitting on the edge of the pump just above the Charlotte Hotel yester-. day afternoon. One of them pulling an acordeon for dear life to the tune of Old Hundred, while the other two swayed backwards and forwards as if in approval of the proceedings. There they sat for about two hours, and the sun was pouring down on them, and the perspiration was pouring from their faces, and the thermometer was pushing 95 iu the shade. You may talk about your marble palaces, with walls hung with the richest tapestry, While a hundred gas jets flash over a brilliant gathering around which the sparkling wine gU circles, but there on the edge of that pump, yesterday afternoon, the acme of true happiness was reached. "Give Him a Cold Potato and Let Him Go." Lieutenant John L Bailey, of this city went down to Union county, last Saturday to enlighten the natives, and we hear from a Union gentleman that the people down there played a little prank on him which will probably have a tendency to' cast a wet blanket, as it were, over his .anti-Convention zeal. The Lieutenant is only 22 years of age, and his appearance would not- indi cate that he had passed his 18th summer. He'.was billed to speak at Wolfesville, 12 miles from Monroe, and a eoodlv crowd had as sembled to hear words of truth and so berness." -imong the crowd who had as. sembled to be advised as to how they should vote in the coming election, were many old farmers-disciples of the great lights of the State men who had sat at the feet of Gra ham and Reid. and Gaston and Morehead md Paul sat at the feet of Gama- Hel; and when they saw this adolescent Rad- ical sprig,these old fellows bought him some I candy and chewing gumTahd giving it to I him, said, 4,There now, sonny ; that n ao, run alona; home like a good boylMnT John nie came along home and we notice that he ain't billed to make any more speeches. The Charlotte Braded school ine kjuhlic School System. I ;; On yesterday we bad an interview with a i ! mamW of the school ccmmittee of Char- lotte TownsbiF, in reference to the prospects A N accommodation train will leave Char of the graded school of this city;: The out- "f pn ottnegraaeascH 'n a Buffalo or Shelby af 7:30 p. m. .Return- i iookis anyiuiug eioc wu vuuue .. Rontlnnation this autumn, and the cause of the people of the place, looking toils per- manent establishment indeed,: the-enorta of the school authorities to build up theen- I terprlse hayenever been seconded with ny spirit, . --f-r.-fX .' l All the indications now are that the school will hot be re-opened this fall,'; the.'rea-' son that the funds to conduct it properly are toot forthcoming. ' This township is en titled to somethingi; like $1,000 or $1,100 from the common school fund, and $600 or $700 from the Peabody fund according to the number of children .which .attend,; tbe school. This, as can be seen in, a moment, - i .ta oPhr ni tnotcne mciaent- KUUa " n iiiim ' .n.1. uuw w.u.v i . mM wm-bin? condiuon. ana uaixa I . .... . " ""tomplisb "t good in the com munity; but as soon as . the school funds were exhausted,1 and the Bmall private con tributions, it went to pieces,' even before the term bad ended. If the people would not sustain it when it wns on the highway to prosperity, it is hardly probable that thej will now take hold and build it np again If the citizens of C harlotte will come up to the measure of their duty, and, either by taxation or voluntary tribute, praise a suffU cient amount, say $1,000; to build a school ., a school can be cont ductedeigbt months in the year upon the amount realized from the funds appropriat ed to it otherwise not, or at least not un less such substantial aid : is extended it, in , one way or another, that the authorities can afford to rent a suitable buildingU We are sorry that the prospects of the school are re better, '.Charlotte took the. initial step, in tbi's 8tate, in the organization of graded school, ana it is not very creditable to hen just as other toTtis and cities In the State, are beginning to follow her example , that she who wastha first to put! her hand to the plow, should look back, and permit her own school to go by.the board!. : r :. It is a fact which no one , will .attempt to controvert, that public schools, when well conducted, are a great blessing t a com -munity; but it is a fact which is quite as well established, that when ' managed, in a slip-shodden way, they become little less than actual nuisances. If the people of Charlotte will come to the rescue and pro vide suitable ouilding, teachers and working material, and make the school one of high grade as a ppblje, school; having .'all the ele mentaries thoroughly taught by practical in structors, it can be made to fulfill Its design; but if it is to be continually 'cramped' and dwarfed by reason of a lack of financial sup port, we prefer not to 'see' it undertaken again. Troubles at Chester, S c. We learn from a gentleman Tho ar rived in the city last night from Ches ter, S. C, that a riot was imminent in the streets of the town at the time the train left. Yesterday was the day for the election of Sheriff of Chester coun ty, and the candidates were1 Walker, Conservative, and Richardson, negro Radical. At last reports Walker was over 700 ahead. Parties are very much divided, and Judge Mackey, a few day8,ago, made a speech in favor of Walker. As he left the Court House, he was met by Richardson, who told him he had lied in the use of.a cer- ii" tain expression in h is speech, where upon Mackey proceeded to cane him The difficulty, yesterday, was be tween Walker and Richardson negroes, and the whites were not involved The negroes were all drunk and were assembled in the public square armed with heavy revolvers. When our infer mant left, ome shooting had taken place and one negro had been shot, it is thought fatally. The business houses had all been closed, and the citizens were apprehensive of a gener al riot. ANNOUNCEMENT, TO THE VOTERS OF CHARLOTTE TOWNSHIP. I hereby announce myself as candidate for Constable of Charlotte Township, at the election to be held August 5th, 1875. WINN ROB1SON. jul23 tde OANOKE FEMALE Cbl'LEGE,1T K. ? wjj, - !.,: DANVILLE, VA.' The 17th session begins September" 1st! next, ana enas June 1st, 187b. The course of study is very comprehensive, charges moderate, S210 PATS FOR TUI TION IN ALL ENGLISH STUDIES AND BOARD. Washing and lights cost about $18. liberal deductions made in favor of ministers, teachers and patrons who send two or more pupils, i. For Catalogue' giving exact information, please address, S W A I T A VKKKTT, . ju!29 eod till sept 1 4tw Principals, SITUATION WANTED. A first-class-Engineer and Machinitit. de sires a situation in some mill or machine shon. or would run a saw mill on. thare. For further information call on or address W-B TAYLOR. Gun Smith, Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. C. jul29 3t Just Come A LOT OF FRESH LEMONS AND ORANGES, at W N PRATHER A CO'S. ju!29 C. C. RAILWAY, CTlARLOTTEr Juryn28, .q ing on Mondays, leaving Buffalo or Shelby at 6 a. m., arriving in Charlotte at 9 -.m. ( Round trip tickets for one fare' by this. train.1 . nwm-fl IiFREMONTV',s 50 Barrels ,U.r. TTEROSENE- OIL, to arrive U. five days we can touch bottom witn mis iot V . . - ij. . , i'i;. "ill i.t - '? jjMITH&a) inioQ -r r ; rr. .,'; .. ,v'. .3nI29 , ... , r,.rr.j ,i....-,n. g -PI ---'r'rJ"JW-f-1 rjiill The' Golden v 3nl29 i -vsnir - ' , 1 -ri . .... T vf ,Ar mvr TT T ' fT . I . . :-.- . ; v " - ... ..... m jsr x i - jul29 KNIGHTS OF FYTHDLSVV A regular meet ing, jprXharlotte 'LoJge J No. 17, Knignts orrytbtaa. mah be neia at i Masonic. . HaM. in theTemble Asso- ciatio :BuUding to-night .Prompt ktlVnVance of TroeraheriAtfesired. .yiaM-ibfethren .cpraiaiijuivifeu. l-Bybrder"6f the CC. , ,. . W. L. BOYD, it.iU -H 1 K.R.&8. jul 29-lt STAUNTON FEMALR BXMINRY. Prof E Louis Ide. (Uf6tVtrKthaftmal Institute,; Principal Music Department, with, 12 5 addiUpaMltWh! no-. officers. Expenses ery reasonable : extravagance in dress prohibited : fitst-clasa board, ; instruc tion thorough; location Uie; t?ept to.btaon tOB.. ., ',, . !!.;' l ta im.i 3. Send for Catalogue, with cut of build ings and . terns, toj-. " j i piaunwn, . jul29 ina-eod"0"1"" ; I WE WOULD AGAI2U1S3PECTFITJLLY INVITE THE . citizens of'thWrotte anutne pubfldienerally to an examination of our large Stock of . ifl v 1 FANCY asd "STAPLE .'Oil i i K "H G ROCERIE8, t . , . . I .11. Which is undoubtedly equal to any in the City. Qur Motto is to giye .entire satisfac tion, and to sell the very best Goods at ' Vbe lowest market PRICES ,M. 'We cajl, partic.ular.atteat(pBto Mir,vbuge and select Stock of Tea and Ooffefei lu" COFFEE , RQASTKD FRESH EVERY DAY. u Soups, Cooked Corned Beef, Potted Meats, Canned Salmon and Mackerel, all herrueti icajly scaled aad ready for ubo, always on hand ;' saving, during the hot weather, the inconvenience of cooking.: i !-u. r - : Also, to our selected Stock of 1kiifonina and Rhine Wine, English Ate'i;att' .PorUr. Goods delivered free a. t.f ,.;; - C HiSHAGEN'S, ' Family Gniceiy, Opposite Charlotte' ftbtl, jui29 .., ; : H VtH Ten Thousana CHOICE CIGARS liave jmt1 beeft 'adderl to our usual Stock special inducernents 'to buyers. .rrhi j ' 1 C SMITH A CO jul29 0. C. B4ILWAY, 1 3--l SUPERINTENDENrS OFFICE, . . Wilmington; July 18.L875, J . CHANGE OFBCHKDUL'E:- On and after the 29th insti trns'wtll run oyer this Railway as follows : ' PASSENGER AND MAIL TRAINS Daily.; (Sondays excepted.), . ,.;e Leave irilroingtoo,.at J ., - : 8.-00 p m Arrive at Charlotte, - . ..i- JOaiu leave unariowe, bi. - ,s , u.vw .w i Arrive at Buffalo for Shelby, at 10:30 a m Leave Buffalo, at - - c 1111:30 a iu Arrive al Charlotte, , - - 3:45piw Leave Charlotte,, at , - t 4:15 f ta : Arrive Wilmington, at j , - -.. . liQQ. am. FAST FREIGHT,,, and .. PASSENGER ' " TRAlNS-Dilys (Snndays excepted.) ...:- LeaVe! Wflmlngtori at ! J - 1 ftlff a i Arrive at Charlotte, - - - :w p m Iave Charlotte, at, - ., - : 7;00 urn Arrive at Wlmington, , :,,-;!. ,9:45 pna, RnAnial tiin between Chkrlotte and Shelby and the Cle&veland Mineral Springs, leaving ' Charlotte on Satnrdur aM?39 Pm,and rti turning on Mondays at a.m. ., .,a u .. CONNECTIONS;. i ; Connects at Wilmineton with Wilmington ' AWeldon, and Wilmington, Columbia ' 4 AugusU Railroads, Hemi-weeJtly New 'iorr and Tri-weekly Baltimore, and -. weekly v-- Mr.., AV Philadelphia steamers, ana tneyer jtoaw toFayetteville. r.-.ra?:! ,i3 Onnnorti at Phnrlntia with tlm North Caro lina Railroad, Charlotte and SUtesvill Rail-1 road. . Charlotte ,&. Atlanta Air-line.-' And J ehariptte. Colnnibia and AugasUJtailroadi. - , Thus supplying . the, wnoie .wcss.jflnD" west and Southwest with a short and. heap a line to the Seaboard arid Europe. Papers publishinit Ctoolma Central Railway , i schedalft" will w-please a niioe .iSliailgeS..,-). v. that A ' i via! wii tniM ruiiiruiMVnu mil irn i mwiiiii T-T t '., ' OI a POPULAR and, FASHIQNABLERESOKl . t ; , ; ! a -;-- mUJS House la trett fittedtmhdtohW j i -. in now oiwi joruwiswooiwwi" visitors and the traveling public . Itoreotoa''t are large, well Tentilated and cpodious. m&politr and ttentfte: f WhiteBul.'; Vehicles iornisbed.ia short notice. Oma Ut nibus goes i irora, Bwmuwiw; - tha airirftl 4f .Mar a- Sulphur Bpnngi on jte vut. w mj - eroppUe with ewrj. 4elkacy,5ia , - of the season. All tbese conspire to make Mijyt- T. . . ? i - t , HO Son f Ul prea iomnejuwiWK-"- -Comfortable f t COntued,,!-,.a pv.-yaiofl eiir ...TESLJ I aard,, per montbija.ipeyxa week- $7.C0 Xr&jtPi&WS servants hali price ff For further particulars, address A W MARSHALL, jallS Procter .it at sy'1 .,

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