i . ' ' - - - - .;- .' ......vC,.. :.r..cV-.-x ......... " " 'V.:. inl " - ' . ,. , T ' ' --- " " """ CHARLOTTE 0E5EEVEE, : - v'-rvr ? A f y-i jA-ct-Vvvf-M u 4hi-lccJ .i Uk- iX'- j- - :-rD3 ::caa03 .WAMaana .iiA3;irxao;iHV.xiAi . - rY'JJIlL Y HIO - SUBSCBIFTIOa &ATBS. The OMiatVxi Job r r trae'T b as been Daily 1 J ear, (postpaid) in advance, thoroughly , snr 1 - . e needed want, and with tie 1 : ? . . and every xoanher of JcL . ; can x. hm doa wIi2meatses,dL ;; '. . .. lchc. Weeanf-rnl atEl tfiaeet 'l " o mos. r 3; mos. . : i.: vjj1 1 tnoru M toiti --r fn 1 k -! Jii i'-'m " t" Weekly, (in the county) in advance, r oo ' v ' out of the county, postpaid, 2 10 " 6 months, 1 i - - 105 ,tSr Liberal reductions for clubs.'"5" vol: xnr -r 1 r - - CHARLOTTE JSf., 4 C, ijElUDAY, JULX, .30i.i875.Mj-M-c.vUir u : - NO: 182 " ""1- S'fft'-'"' " - TT rwft . IS" ' rAiiriaatixiECKfljte e ...., 'W: I I' '. rv h. M M. w- . a m, w m , i' 1 a TTh . V 7b M 111 V -r n l . -a i ' Fwm- r ' '-... 1 r 1 1 L , . 1 a.. 1 1 . .. a . ! -Ji . ,i at .. A . uiS r j. I Kj.2'fr I i w w : s iu iviiiriii . in in hi v 1 v i in i it iiijii :iiv.Mi i iu in i - ii'.'; .ii.-jr. iiittiii1-? .11 .111-0 111 111.111 1 nr ; Huria j WIIUT -CDITIOII. , I " i '., ' "T- r. " - .-v. r.j . ;:n.i.ii- ... - f y - - t , . .. : ,,. ..,..- - j, - : . ..... . -...- ..... 3 . . - ' " lift . . i i i " ana. i REDUCTION "i ; 8tI;OTM"K'0 'e;,B"E s-"'' TiAVKMA-KKED DOWNPniCiLS jor THEIE M ILK3' Ladies clota; goat andf calf 8hoe3,"i..... Zeiglers' Ladies and goat;..i:.u .....".'..'.....: -4 zeigiers' iiaaies ciotn muton Boots, ........ Zeig! era' Misses IothT 8hoes ......... A NtD t O T II R G 0 O D 8 .:rtoi'in.'!i. T n'S G1 fOES -ARE FO R C A SH O IT L Y. . .TblTKvt Krl&I'!K ' ? V S M I T H & FORBES , N E W-JJtnJlF RON tJB-TJ-I L 5n THEIATLANTIO; HOTEI ; if-" J o4SB3 AI S T T) THB-J-bSv fcttishment. 'sb favorably introduced to the public last Summer, by the new ow'nerdipt D fcrtiham.' of Mecklenburg, is for the season of 1875, MAY 1ST TO OCTOBER 'lit,4 opfen to' Such. Visitors dhly as the undersigned may be willing to admit to his family circle. He hopes to renew his pleasant acquaintanco with all former guests of the AUatxtJo Hotel. - 'The'peci-liar situation "of this house affords seasickness- T4" r; U INODUSTl! IKO PLIES!! Railroad Tickets good for the whole season from Charlotte and return Ten )ay Tickets,.............,........ ,.,.....? .... ........................ ................... .. . - ;:i i'. ; ; . :..' . . - Applications must be made to , . 'i :-- - - Ju3r ISJurgeGS ETichols Co., WHOLESALE & RETAIL : F B Supply of Lounges,' all grades. Coffins, on hand. ."1 it;.. M E R C H A ll T D II D E B , C E II ' .... tv-. -''.: -: jT ALWAYS ytlu T-llllll 1" "1 - GUARANTEES SATISFACTION. janSO iiraVIEAT . ..... ' r i.-.i i .- . ? r . . .1 . 5 HIT W '. . -)tti ol5Iiri if R QcSrEli&'J ---i- i . " r." . ..1 ,i 1 ' n " Spring,' Building. Oppo an(1 nexi d(M - Farmers Savings Bank, ' ' ( - 1 1 . ( 1 S L1 A U G H IT E R E R S : AST) WHOLESALE TENNESSEE . BE E F AND MUTTON. WE KEEP A FIRST-CLASS MEAT MARKEiIWcW V : CASH paying customers only. No credit customers wanted. . .ciJ!i fn.. each dav.SuncIays excepted.-, : ju!24 . . . -. ( T HE GRAND DEPOT , For Mineral Waters, t '-Un 4 McADEN'S DRUG STORE. . Jnll j . ' ' Pratt's Astral Oil, THE safest Lamp Oil in use gives the clearest light burns longer than kero : .ene price 50 cents a gallon. . , r TO SMITH & CO, e Sole Agents. Ju 21 IN BOOTS & SHOES KNTJEE STOCK or BQOT3& 8HOES :i) r .. 4 f X O AA m .wm.M..tHV 1.75 I N- P R O P O S T I O N DING, TAD E STREET, -E3 S O B T. all the pleasure of a voyage without peril or N6 MOSQUITOES ! $19.05 9.55 GEO W CHkRI.OTrK, .-. ProDrietor. DEALEKS IN A. U R It I T U.- R j. E dJpiN CHARE ftfTE. N-X!. JUST RECEIVED. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF . Parlor Suits, in Hair Cloth Terry and Reps. Also, a new A' full assortment ofMetalic Cases, Caskets and Wood ; - jun 13 TAILOR, A L HOTEL. TR LOTTB, N. C. i MARKET. "it1 I A M I SON RETAIL DEALEBS IN Drexel's Vienna BELL COl-OGNE-KOod qualify-r-trialhot-tle Scents, at-; ;;- t T 0 SMITH & CO 8, . , - ' Corner Drug Store. Jnl21 .-1,:.. . ''' A LARGE LOT Of Window Glass, allsizesi Paints,' Oils,' T,n,w,.?.towEBmwmco.!' Jull7 CITY DEPARTMENT fV I- 3 Tno Charioueu)serTer; 1 Charles - JR.,' Jone ? Proprietor. e PbwrB?U Co"1 f :A N NOUN CEMEHT. - Jas. H. Moobi i author! ted to 'collect ao-, counts tor: this office and - receiDt ' for the same, to receive ubecriptions,-Ao:i''-rn!;l:-- 'i - . , ! . CH8i JONiSS; !- jsaitor ana rropnetor 3 E LECTION TICKETS. ill We are prepared to execute election ticket at short notice. Township tickets $200 per thousand. Tickets for candidates one dollar per thousand in sums of Aye thousand and UDwardsv-- 'S-'l? '-Tr-'! No tickets will" be Vent'frdm '. tfce'l oiKc n't1 'U i -i: 1 OSj-j!aOatiat -nun ;-Bia o!i ! -ill- :: r , - i i.4i r.n. vx,.iv: P .' it ' L .1C' 1 :is:f HJilfH'-.f fWSTff , The Cornet Club practioes nightly; . ' As the electioil approaches the darkles ar becoming more cdnsequential, " ii; . ;?tu ' The new insurance fence is completed,; all except hanging tberaeln'bUhds;. '7j We received no Raleigh or Petersburg papers on yesterday. Why? Examine the registration books and see if your name is properly entered. ; . Capt Fred Nash, City (lerk, is busily en gaged in making up the lax book for the current year. t . Mr John Vnlan-ingbam is the only; summer-absentee we hare to reixirt this morning. He is at the Cieayeland Springs.; The Singer Sewing Machine office is.stfll draped in mourning for the death of I M Singer, the inventor of the sewing machine of that name. .i, . , , , ' Salisbury has a character called Rev One Eyed Jack Irwin, and a correspondent sends us a notice of his marriage, a few days ago., to Mrs Jane C Willefbrd, 1 1 Nearly every Charlottean who has left the city for the summer, is taking the Observes; They can't get along without it , they will have it, "It's the bright day that brings forth the adder," said Shakespeare, and yesterday was a bright day which brought forth the per spiration, as well. One high in authority in the Republican party, informs us that no name will be placed on the ticket in the steal of that of Col Myers, declined. Delegates to Convention, Magistrates, Con stables and 8chool Committeemen are to be voted for ; and the stock law is to bevoted on..-''".',. : ' . ' t It is a false impressi n which has been formed on the minds of some, that an ad mission fee will be charged to see the match game of base ball this afternoon. "Dat big watermilyon" has dropped down to a decent, christian price, and it oes not take a day's wages to purchase him, as it did a few weeks ago. A collarlets dog.sitting off on his haunches at a respectable distance, calling a police man, is abont ther only sound heard these nigh 9 after 11 o'clock. The characters, we understand, for an "Old Curiosity Shop," have been found at the Catawba Springs. Several of the char acters one in particular we. recognise as being true to life, 1 '. ' . 7 We return thanks to Mr O Hashagen for a bottle of California Hock Wine. It has a delightful flavor, and a fellow while toling a pit of it around, feels wealthy and in flaential. ' Mr Daniel H Harkey and Miss Margaret Ann Kidd, both of this city, were married, yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock.by Rev B S Branson, at the residence of the officiating clergyman. ' If "laziness begins in cobwebs and end- in chains," there are some chaps floating around this 'burg who ought to haye heard their chains clank ten years ago. The sharp wind "hich sprang up and pre vailed for a moment, yesterday afternoon, lifted one sign and stretched it out on a fence. . - ,- , Tli ere was one commit ment to jail on yes- Icrday. W H Saph, of South Carolina, was arresJed on a bail writ, sued out by Witt- kowsky & Hi 1. tela, on an action for debt, and committed to jail. What with the old gas company uncover in$r, repairing and taking up their pipes, and the new company laying new ones, the pavements and streets have been a good deal torn up lately. . i-uuh: There is not half an hour in a!ltC;time from dark till day-light, that there is not somebody stirring about the streets of this town, as we who sit up sometimes until day break have opportunities of knowing, The Temperature. ; ' . - . . . j tte following was the range of thther itomeler, yesterday, at the drug store of W R Burwell & Co. : At n A. M :. 79' . Q A. Trf ,i -' 82 12 M- - - 8g " 6 P. M....... 88 Out of Work. , " . r As a result of the dullnew, quite a num ler of men Of all occupations, are out of em' ploy ment in this city. J "Cassio, I love thee, . ; Bat never more be officer of mine, is what has been whispered to many 1 r, nnk man In the past three inotithSi 1 Whvl - We don't wish to offend any Of the official f ... .... of the best eoveroment tne wona ever saw ; bbt ifjre.hawany right to know, we would like to find out from the route agents on the Western North Carolina Railroad, why it is that they do not s send the Charlotte mail which conjes down their road; directly to this city, by the Atlantic, .Tennessee & Ohio train, whifch connects with 'the West ern at StatesyUle, instead of sending it 'around by Salisbury; and thiui Sielaying its arrival here, 18 hours. If there la any good w.ah w Hi?honld be done, we desire . Y-Jfli W"! fl-ITAW baftrtkJni. h Radical .meelinsf. w held" last: Mondav night, wahii M ueHod ftat "hf Kad o siii1; meeting asceii-Hed af 1M place without any previmis f'jp-' ia . We una erst ant that JJa4r Rnhhins-Hftivl iheliide clean off of Greiar , .' Watt in"! .iiills.'ci-.' .-..:,ti i'j.l.V-l uo utsviUMBU, Of k-U-LTaVJlkU, .Oil X UeSUBT. ry w uMif mriuer nyereyon, wso AjsheviJle;. ; We ftel ionyf for the fellow who III Kvcr nf Ulm. .Oite otj never heard, until Yesterday. yi iuu wmuw u was a country aaraeyH He was directed taroD Camns and hunted JbUo forJwo mo-t-ho&r through he4roit- Inaann ! Hi 11 1 1' 4i' jMJ.lM-tA tbLatwhite,naJj uMt, ishorely. a Uded vn ui 1 ti-. ? - Datidiotf College onlfon dayfiAil the coia tVe.-W-titi after the meeting, and- a we have already ' had something tor yfv about the in atter, :w munij on mo uuiCT jp UUllBUiag una communication. 'iLXr- --. f Bridal Veils, r - For the bene oVtlwseoiinip: young lady readers who expect t$ef niarrled oon,. we will remark thkt a lasnion exchange tells us that it is becoming: the! "style ' how, to wear the bridal veil draped ftotn h6 shoulders ini stead of the liead, - It tlarranged to envel ope the form like a eouffe train, and the train of dresses are independent :ofj th :skirts, and are very narrow and. jqg, while . :tlw; skirt proper is short aod olhigpng. rutiffti r:; -i iXlHi! V !.l ri ')'.::','. A. Blviii -; ' .Yesterday, afternoon I'bkl ' B jreas came along, and with bis legibha took the dust np but of the streets aiid put ; it' in; people's eyes and noses and mbuthi and' ears.' Rain clouds and lightning came A with the winds and dust, but we only got the benefit of a few drops and would haye preferred doing without them to taking .pltl the dust we did. to get them. - 4i: Second Pre.byterlab' VBlcb- A member of te' buibUng committee of the Second Presbyterian Ctrarch, informs us that the difficulties whlcSf ban exuted be tween the committee; aitdthV builders, in regard to the seats, have ftw adjusted, and that the work is now; bnj prosecuted as rap-41y jflpos8ill; fTbe tVBlklS-CUihinks that the burch will be conpleted In a month, or six weeks at farthest. We trust that his calculations will prove accurate. Too Much of a Good Thing. "Silver Threads Among the Gold.'' is very pietty indeed, botn as a sentiment and a song, but it is possible to run a thing in the ground and break it off. We have just taken a friend by (he hand and lead him around a corner to express to him the opin ion that this is just what is becoming of ' Silver Threads Afhong the Gold.'.' Let up on it- Spare us. Turning: Over a New Leaf. Acting Mayor Dowd will haye this town as well ordered as a grave yard if he stays in office much longer.-The lessees of the Market House have been rested with the authority of policemen, and ordered to ar rest all disorderly persons who congregate in front of and around it. The police have been instructed to disperse all crowds gathr ered on and obstructing the pavements, and to. arrest all persons using loud and profane language on tbe streets.' If all these instruc tions are obeyed, we shall soon ' see a very ' greatly improved condition of affairs here. ' m ; ' fr fc ' ' ladlgnatkHi Meetings. The -guests and proprietors of the Central Hotel are meeting daily, to express their re-. gret, sorrow and indignation, at the per sistence and punctuality exhibited by the loungers in occupying all tbe hotel chairs each an d j every evening, tothe great dis comfort of the weary travelers,, and the day boardc rs. Worn oat with the ardooas and fatiguing duties of the day. - ) ;' Take pity on them, boys, and give ; your patronage to some other attractive place, for' awhi'e. " Festival of St James. ; St James' Day has Just passed.: ,' He was frequently called St James the Greater, and was a brother of St .J9hn, the Evangelist- This St James was beheaded in: . Jerusalem in Ai D 42, by tbe 'order' of Herod Agrippu. His relics were translated to 'Qtimpqstclh! in Spain; wb-re tby are held ' in tb greatest veneration. i! The Catholics from all parts Of Christendom resort thither in ; solemn . pro cessions aiid pilgrimages- .to oiler , ;iap tjheif pious oevotions at bis shrine, and . there . to fulfilItheir,rowS.; i.-.i-.vi 1 J ,'.-, mT.I V' A Horse Falls Dead In the Streets. , I Yesterday afternoon about 2 . o'clock, a horse fell dead in front of the Trotter House, corner Try on and Seventh streets." He had strayed iqto the dtyr irom the country aiad war without a bridle, . baiter or anything The horse bad been, seen walking, around, and gave no evidence of being , sick, when be suddenly dropped down anddied,i; He wa noii aolleeably1. swollen, and no cause can be assigned for ibis death; I -Who- - his owner is, has not i?dey eloped.' The .dead horse was taken charge of by the street force and hauled away. j iH ' . . .- The Tax Gltlieriiie . Irestectfay, Th!e jBherfff and candidates were at Crab Orchard on yesterday. Col Johpstont open ed the discussion in a speech of .con sider- able length, . going over: about; the same grounds he has traversed in bis speeches at other points. ; He was followed by Dr Kerr, who said to bad only ft' few' 'COITjstD-ero-i lOhs', t6 pre-ent,and fulfilled his promise of breyityi'witb about the same effect nicn his previous speeches nave produced. . After tbe candidates had finishel, Dr J M Strong made a sensible speech on the stock Jaw. which' is io be voted on. eledtioii day arruice. of conrse, in fcyor of. its', adoption' iThe tax" -gathering to-day is at Clear hwttJwl temerity io enjtoonter. Itsbbins on I W- m Yf Jopt rectt ved " jTrom an;teeine4 M'it-eliwin Prrn SnrMrinv. "Ridhmond,'(V-ij proposes . pay hi? bffiier debtTy fining her Citizens $ : for each ' 6ath publicly ttterfed. f Charlotte could easily pay t...i.-'i!i jlki -'i. .-..! ! : -v u enure ueut jwwuayB ii eacn arayman and MarktUoaseUerJwjfiiedi $2 apiece fan; the horribly blasphenjons; Oaths, which they utte. By the way, it t is,, fuA wnicb is not generally known, that the code of Kbrth Carolina imposes' "a fine for eac OatK tittered in, public, which' ; fine 'cari,' be imposed and collected fcy any k Magfstriyt before whom oath is made.1'-1 "Ui "io I 1 ; -' ,''. -.i'.'j I t Tbe Macadam!- lug. i t:-i V").'! ;- i , inorK was oegun 5 yesteraay o another sgcticw 1056 feet fQnSoathe stifale-'1 tween.P and, D. : Iwer down an .the.te-t a forJe 5 ba ; been' engaged xibr somei timel Work : South Trade is divided inW three ionrf-4hflrt,of 800 or 400 feet,!Of wbWh about 50 areomplted, except putting on lhy hek4uVe ' been J put In! ; the . seebnd :sebtioT whiish is: pfiwtv'buthve: ,jM:jbrfcen; tbe.'thn is 'of, 0 feet and wore was begun yeateway as stated. . . The jbosses Bay tha throSpk pa; this end la better than that -n.'thft othr.'r It is taken from a ; quarry beyckid .the town -coeek.' .1 1 f.i j i Why ls TWsThust 1 no v:.:-!- ; J '"Why was?the city fedifor jot thi 6 B-KftVaa J1UJaI -1I - r-'L- our or an, hour and a half before his usual Po, to go to: the Mayor's ,Contt to ive testimony in a case ythickwatliioi mlMvxd of which he had previously told: -this r City Marshal be knew nothing whatever ? " Was it by way1 of punishing him for: recent stric tures upon ibe police for toleratiAg so inueh blasphemy and ittdeceiicy pp.n the streets ? If so, itiwoniJ.i(rdrk;u We tan1 'mufch" better afford to lose a mornmg nap than to relin quish our right to say . what we choose n these opJumhs,;and what tbe public demands ;we shajl say. ' .:)..-; j ' r T : Street AceideQt. '" . . 1 ; Yesterday afternoon 'a' hetcro, Harry Cald well, was driving the CfentraVHotel bafegagiB wagon along College stieet, between -Trade and Pifth, having on it a feed-cutter ' which 1 be was haulirig to Wads worth's livery stable when the wagon wheel struck a rock,; : caus ing, the feed-cutter to tilt over.: Harry cavghlt it and tried to hold it in the wagon, but it was too heavy for him, and pulled him out with it. He fell headforemost, cutting a great patch of hair off, as well as having a gash cut in his head. He was ' too much stunned to proceed on his journey for some length of time. The balance wheel of the feed-cutter was broken in two, and . it was otherwise damaged. It's an 111 Wind That Blows fto One Good." A very striking illustration of this was seen yesterday afternoon, when two-horse dray, heavily loaded with rags, spilt a part of its load and two negroes in turning out of Trade street toward the new platform. The dray had hardly moved off, when the pile of rags which had been left lying in the streets, was covered over with small boys, who scuffled and tumbled and turned somesaults over them till the drayman; came back and drove them off. Then he hadn't got - fairly out of sight, before they were at it again, disemboweling rag bags, and playing the wild generally. Bless the street gamin ! We "take to" them for their very cussed- ness. A TTordte Voters. We. tell oar people, as we have told them before, that it is time they awake to tbe im portance of the election which ; is to take place next week. They have an enemy to contend with, which is organised to a man, and It is only by organization that he can be fought. We have been too careless in regsrd to this election and ft is tinie we were waking up; In conversation, on day before yesterday, with one of the -registrars in the city, he informed us that, up to this time, not a tingle white. man has called, on him to see if hi inanie is onthe registration book, while be is constantly beseiged by ne groes calling to examine the book; to: see if i i ''-Tl -.'.1 . . .... mey are property registerea. This bare piece of information carries its own injunction, and we commend it to tbe careful consideration of" every white voer. : Assaulted on the Street. On Wednesday evening, a short time after dark, White Mr 0 F Waters was going home for the hight,5 he ! observed, while walking along Eighth Street, near Pine; rather' in rear of the residence of Col J Y Bryce, that a man, was Walking slowly in front of hinl Not caring to pass him, and having his sus picions somewhat excited by. the delibera tion of the .man's gait, Mr Waters walked correspondinglVslowI When near the cor-. ner of a street,' Mr "' W.; being close behind bim, the mah. (a negro) stopped suddenly,' and wheeling-around attempted to seise biiiu i ; Mr. Waters stepped - aside and eluded his grasp. lt the same time be called lus- tily "police ! police 1J' onceqr twioe, when the rascal took to bis heels and, escaped, The negro is a stranger to, Mr Waters, wno is certain that' bis design was highway rob- beiy. it 1 The Cttestcf Election Wednesday' Troubles. ":i We learn from a gentTeman who arriyed in the city last night ' from Chester, 8.-Cn that, when he left there in the evening; the election of. Wid-aiT .the iCbnservatove caxuli- date for Sheriff, was conceded on all bands. All the precincts bad been heard i from ex; cept one,and this one usually give 100 radical majority. W1: , aa , ahead and, crrantinc'that this township yes lits nsual majority, whicb is not at af probable; tv"ak er is still .-elected by 150 msjontyi A mem dot of the Legislature is elected at the same time, and Walker's election came abont by his being put on the. same ticket with a Radical who was running, for the Legisla ture. There is great rejoicing - in Chester over the' election of a. Democratic, Sheriff and mere kwas 10 mis . m wiwugui; proces-ion last night, in celebration : of the event:- V' .' We learn further, that the report which was given us on Wednesday night, of a riot in .the streets, was, greatly exaggerated. Large crowds of drunken negjrow ,were. as sembled, -and a fight .had Uken place in . which a negro t- was shot; but . there t was Tje. Match. GaLe)afHBasej JalU ,..; Tbs afternoon the: matihlkanuB Cibase ball betweenthe LelfioajCSqb .of. Con cord, and. ha fnf annial Vin nt t ..- will be played on the Fair Grpunda,the gatue -beginning1 abour ooc'in 'excdlent , vavw v kUO WU bCOk Sll UO UOU UVU (Uv 'grand stand; iWhfch the Idiesf of Ihihy arjt Invited to -occupy TheC!oncord, tSob arrive thist.mdrinng.-i ! We hope - here 1 ifl be a large crowd o ,ihyi afternoon; for the presence of a-mbw of Bpctors especiali ,ly, if mapy of .ttiem be.ldies will cause. the' players Renter into " the mf , whVroovfc' spirit C&ah' they otherwise would. "il J J ( ine uoncord dub ways Splendidly and f tlaims h chib-biolrshrp of tte Stiti -f 'our imVi-auul.it-ri;.o.i:w.il clab i a picked lap bine,1' wliicW hAi ' bnlr beii playing -about i' BaonVbi'iTbir.; .. ?-. l i pa. i . . . ' . I some Uiifr players in it howeverr and weex pwnoseeaxiose ana excion:'rame.:(ii - . - ... . t . . J- Mayor Courts t ing oW X Black; farvkUtin?of the city or. dihance in regard to! streets J: Case disnitss- W R Johnson, for disorderly oondtJanr Mrs Hiptonursing and; swarngj and, among other things .burning, up a Bible. totJLZ - i',-J"b.ikHi.'T4" wr. c iucu a uu uuunu over vj Keep me peace inabonoflSflO. 7.l,i,:,:,i,I :T,:'' i Edith GraflFand EimfiPjackson, charged With fast driving submit, ahd.i; finf of $5 each is imposed, sa w.'ro$liii-uiiii-i Urui i J iW- MoWbite J krfgl aa ' eating" beude without 1 having f paid' t5e 7 proper license tor.' Addirdfng ' to his nlemreta- ti6tf ot;the imuwuwu The MkUhWX W4eceiVedye6jerday, a letter sigitedTA Babyy MWher," wherein the local hietoiian is reproached for having sol; mucb to say against baby carriages akigposaession of tbe paTeroents. The , writer pf thp-jletter eviaentry considers us 4 sworn enemy .of All tie'Wabie: 1&ui'shch'.'Is ' tu from being the t case. We are very fond of babies: infect we were once a baby ourself. and we venture to say that there are not three of the little chetubs in town now that won't come fi&nj their nurses to us. A man who dislikes babies is a beast. We see in many of them the germs of beautiful and brilliant girls in come-and-tie-back dresses and striped stock ings, and tbe heart of the susceptible scribe warms toward tneni. even as ine -hearts .01 the Egyptians warmed toward Sarai.'tbe wife of Abram; when "they: beheld the woman that'sbefraaery GM.?i;t-:, i Par be H from ns to say or think anything unkind of the, babies. The harshest feeling we'ever entertain toward them Js when we feel the wheels of one of . their carriages peeUa j the-bark off our shins. Then we wish they were at home, resting; on the maternal bosom. We a baby hater ! By the beard of the prophet it's a libel I . . COMMtKICATED. "The Old Hen Scratcheth and the Dog ' 2foanetE" . The above quotation was the text selected by orator Radical Kray ton in the Radical Meeting at Wiley Rudisill's, and in ' his speech he demonstrated to the ' entire 1 satis faction of the audience, that 'the text "Was entirely in justification of the doctrine that the; "end , justifies the imeansf ihosly i 'Brother Republicaivs, the pnUets eome down off the roost gently, ;but when, you catch hold of the old Jien-shewill scratch and bold. fast to the roosting pole;-thereby alarming the - dog,iwbO moaneth oodrding-i ly . 'Tis then you should stick to tha;tekt-r the chicks I mean leave, and scratch fof your holes.' The scripture says he foxes haye holes,'' so haye you, but you must all 'eome Out, on election day and vote against, new constitution i for if yen get' beat yotir holes will be closed and you will be found scratching 'round;he old whipping; pot, worse than the old' hen seraU.hed when you . were putling her down:'-:((3eat appiause.) ' "Three' cheers fbi'Kraytoi P -! ' -. - ii! :; '': : -- -.Hiixaa-f'" : VThree cheers for McDonald F ''- . :-. ' Hnjta-4al' And the meeting adjourned, when sonie meddlesome . eonservative nigger I proposed three cheers for, the Old Hen, which wis treatedwilbf : , . ;CONTIpMPTM; .:::u-iToiMeetinff;' .The Conservative 6f Charlotte Township will hold a meeting at Hhe' Cbnrt ' liouse bri 6atordth 7Slt irist., at So'idiock'p. i for the purpose f nominating township -officers. ;Wt UtSre be 4' full turnout of all ojv noid to 4iRgh4 candidates; j . Ahu .Viirv-tA8 J. SIMS,' pbaif jnan,; 1 ...... ..,,.,t . . .Township Committee. ;; ,i' ANHotrrtCfiMENf.' h: -.- l 1 J ;...::.(, j i. TO THE VOTERS OF CHARLOTTlii , j V. TQWHI ' al I hereby announo myself as candidate for Constable of Charlotte Township. ,.t , the election to be held August 6th' 1875. ' 1 ' ..UU STiu-iil JtvTWINK BQBMmX.Vt xIjl jui wjw a av.ja i ya uko;iw -.; 1 j ' A io n .i-u't fiat :. -hir.'Uvi"a': 1! It! ifj-i-W OfiJ ami &u;n')n.ui 1 ! (A reeuUr convocation of Charlotte Chap. ter iVo. 39, R. A. ifasons will . be held toy i . Officers and members will tike dne notice and act accordingly.. Visiting companions? I . I 1 jretary. !:;FMH;I,EM0NST 1 ' i ' - ' - - LARGE LEMONST CCRGE LEMONS ! 'x v;n:iv;. -IT 1.- - i U AY.3. V., 'i if, ,Y -V'jt-'ji ; .i t f ANDREW &! CO?:r i : Tii4! felioiring W6ree cjw'on ,tbe dock et of the Mayor's' Court, yferdayi 'mcrn 1 iVAM NJRSaA.JQ KpjOi 8AXK5 ..WOTIT llf-iil.a -O Knvt iw acres o dTvinr nn iliA RnaLios 1? Yoad. and ina Central "Railroad two Ifk'lnlni4 JiWAnr a .miles -om Chkrbntoirda' iUrfnf A a ate. ; Appiy to - " W P DAVIDSON, Agent julSO St'tttU -iH'JSUi!e ... D OANOKE FEMALE- COLLEGE, II . , . . , ... i , , i j ... ' ',m tiHfH!ijiH-jmi ciaumt iiiii I : . .1-ut-Wii" J.iia ivCoOCa mem ittrt The 17th session begft.- SeptntbH 1st next,.and ends June 1st, 1876 . TION IN ALL K-TOLlSH STUDIES. AND tt8? Liberal deduction. t&df "in Tavor of 'misdbtei!teaebkr Snd'patroiis' Vhd-erHl two or more .panilS, S o---sw:ys . . ISttSTSEESSZ a-i-oguB -uring -exBtam-ennaiion, lul.MiBBt.i.itiriq cj -Rrinripahi. ?rtrv,TTArTW! iMW fc-UJJTA - A fiiassIglnrahdT-achinrst; de sires a situation, in, sonja mill or machine shop, or wotild Vim W saw 'mill on shares. Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. C. JjWSt.Qpxne. LOT OP PRKSH LEMONS AND 0RA!NdEs;irt'!ia,fll1 ' .(his i!1 ju!29 C. C. RAILWAY I'M ilwi -nir CHARLOTTE, July 28, 1S75. A N'aawram-datlon train Wilt leave ciiar !ti. lotte on Saturday, at 4:30 P. m.,& amve v uuuaiu ui Diinuj a i.du )i. iu. luitiuu ing on Mondays, leaying Boffelo or Shelby at 6 a. m., arriving in Charlotte at 9 a- m. " Round trip tickets for One fare by this train. a . v g t nMOOT.. jul29 2t Gen'lSnpt. - ' ... 50 Barrels 11 gEROSEXR OIL to arrive lq -fire days -wWISfouth boltonV withiI!"0 -,;'--'-"C'SjlflTH! inl29: STAUNTON PEMAtE Rev. J. !. MILLER, A. AL, fttixpifAL. Prof E Louis Ide. f 1st e of Vlrtr.nla Female Institute). Principal, Music Department, with 12 .additional teachers .,ana- officers. Expeiises very! reasonable ; extravagance In ress proDiDitea ; nrst-ciass ooara in swnc oar thbrOugb': location the bestlifStaun- n .... 0 . "i ,t e .liii .tt, j.jjT.. rAiafl.j. Sn d for CUI,hctrtbf bnlld- 85 W-. Filler,' unton ju!29 lm eod WEiuWOuiiD ... e ftl-Li "fiartfi Cithiitls of (rtU'fid.thpWb)icie-ally to an examination of. our 4tBgStoci: , ..... r r trEANCY akd STAPI-Ea 1 fi;J:QEro:"& kt Which is undoubtedly-qual toahy bihe . -- t - yjT Vj "t!if- iti noft;a CSty. ?orJ$&$ ,Teart.ileiaAA- UmKan stthevefibij lowest rparket .-j c -tiji'V tny ov and select vofi$jai; ;f anu, aaiee.- riK to lsrBi lo .1 i ! wo-..-i t ,.ai:jj T1TXJIT irTl V TV V .... . -.'I Soap?, rooked CornedbBeef, EetudOfeats, ally sealed tend ready tis'eTU wiji '6ri hand ; saving, dariagtbefapwelatberk the inconvenience of cookings baio tH' Also, to our selected Stock of Califoruia an febine Wine; 0, iPprtev aodddivertd ee,iato : jul29,, ,, it; and d jjtiii ltati j Ten Thousand CHOICE1 CidAltS hlteusl'bdeit to our usual Skpec'WIndoiceoienta. to buyers-; uyers ; 9 -4 W&w; .nut X 4 -.-! tit? it T-QSMITffyKXX ju!29 .1 ".von.wa aiiw awl. ThalGdlden'SE-tgle t - . l-- a.' .-. Af Gregory's Dyspepsia filters vUh you t-, il ftff it!-" fl r Vy to the Springs trial hottle 75 cents.; ju:j:i r . . : r. ,.k wttT- 1GOOVU W w . ... to be informed. nothing like general not. - Creek.