' .iff - CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, 1 'j ... . ' . Z I V" Z" " " .T ' " 7 f r - t s :- ." ; . The.OssKSTxx Job Departttt jiaa been thorooghly applied wlti " tsty needed mnt, and with the litest r;I.. r Trpe. ind eirery xaanner of Job 7ox eta L te done I'.aiiy I year4'ipoifpid) in advance 1 fl mos ...-Vv -4. - ' " -vita neauMts, CLatca and ehea1 esa.'. KDiTIOJT. . . ' ' W can fornlsa at ahort noUoe Buvrnra, BiiXiirxAix3, ' - LETTS3 CX1D3, : A'tvkly, (in the county) in advance, , $2 00 out of the county, postpaid- 2 10 jl& months, -t 1 i 05 jT;JLiberaI redactions for clubs. - A S ?- T.CS fcSCZIPTS, rOETER8i ; .v PSOGRftfiin, HAND BIL ,--PAMPnLET8 CHECKS, YOL.xn. -J CHAaLOTTE; N; C.V : SATURDAY, 1 JULY 31, 1875. NO. 11,983- (it e 6EB i REDUCTION .IN BOOTSr & SHOES S M I T H :,& JbVO 11 B E S : TT AVE MA.RKED DOWN TRICES of THJJIR MILES' Ladies clota, goat and calf Shoes, -...i. Zeiglers' Ladies and goat,.'.i..u.i......;.;.i.i... Vaiirlpra' Tiiidip.4 o.loth Knt.tnn Knnrs . 1 t 'n -.i vvM,HMwMII A N D O THE R :.G.O O D S THESl5flPJia0ESARE S M I T H & F N K W ju3l 1 11 Q N . O N X lill I LDING, TRAD E STREET, THE ATLANTIC HOTEL,: rx a..-: O 3 -i'l'pl irl.lr.ct .t.'a ! . : ' '- v; " Ml HE abovetabliBhment, Sa favorably introduced "to the public last Summer, by the newowner.CapiRDGrahrnoif Mecklenburg, is for the season of 1875, MAY 1ST TO OCTOBER 1st, open to Such Visitors only as the undersigned may be willing to admit to his family circle. He hopes to renew his pleasant acquaintance with all former guests of the Atlantic Hotel. I "1. i- ' The peculiar situation of tfejajiouse affords seasickness. . - - - a j tjNO DUSTJ liNO FLIES ! I Railroad Tickets eood or the Whole season from Ten Day Tickets ApplicaUons must be made to ju31 Burgess BJichols Co., ... 1 ; -f-f - ,. !..-. .vf i- t I--'. ' -' - . ' WHOLESALED RETAIL bit Supply of Lounges, all grades. Coffins,'ra handj-' . : . . i j . . .' 1;1 he i ti.;, n E R C H A.H T. 1). D II 'DiE"R---ir E II T -.-r ' A (i.i'T;'!-i5i-'i(i 1 t rY1' ti ? .i' , t5'.'.-''j CHARLOTTE, N. C. S& ALWAYS raVABAXT EES, jan 30' if Sl l '-JU'Ufidf -r . . jw.-i.l J. ii.l.L) ti v(l P ' ii i" "' jjiii ''" ' 1 JL! ' - h- .. .J, f . m. 1 : . t .i '..!-. f 1 i !r r i ), 1 1 ij; u run -t- , :i ' ,3 ' ' l. 1 1 Springs' Euiitling; powte .i&teil-'xlofel.on Trade Street nd', next door, to !ctr jjarmere oaymga. a"k, S L A U G H i -:!T ('',! -'.S ' - AKD WHOLESALE A TENNESSEE BEEF WE KEEP A FIRST-CLASS MEAT MARKET, AND SOLICIT TRADE FROM CASH paving customers only. .Market opened "from,4 a; .m-f to 9 Y1111 GRAND DEPOT for Mineral Waters at A McADEN'S DRUG STORE.' juil mPratt's; Aotral Oil, 'jmB safest Lamp Oil la use gives the sen.?8' light-burns longer than kero . eprice 50 cents a gallon. BOOTS & SHOES r $2 50 2.0d ,300 1.75 ....HI .... 4 IN P RO POE T-I ON FOR CASH. OtfLY. O RBES, all the pleasure of a voyage without peril or NO MOSQUITOES ! ! Charlotte and return..:.... $19.05 , - 9.55 ' GE0 w Off aRIX)TTK. rropneior. X-- ' n DEAUEB3 IN 4 U ;U;i; iN &c; No.' 5, West Trade Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. JUST RECEIVED. A FULL ASSORTMENT ,;. .- ; OP . Parlor Suitd, in Hair Cloth Terry and Heps. Also, a new ENTIRE J3TOCK or" A full etsortment of Metalic Cases, Caskets and Wood 'Z;il''':'n:, ... jnnl3 - is v r ! t TAIL OR R A L H 0 T B L. lb SATISFACTION. i.j. 11 f,' jT E R E R S ; RETAIL -DEALERS II f - . J A N D -MUTTON. JNo cram cuwm H.Vf p. m., each day, Sundays excepted.; Drexel's Vienna BELLCOLOGNE good qualitytrial bot tle .26cents.t - '": " s ' ' A U OJliJ.AU v , , . ; j - s 2- Corner Drug Store, 1nl21 nr Window Glass, all sizes'. Taints, OiK I j ANNOUNCEMENT, m 5Jas. H. Mooek ia authorized to collect ac counts for this office and receipt for the same, to. receive subscriptions, &c. f f CHA8. R. JONE8. f Editor and Proprietors ELECTION TICKETS. t We are prepared to execute election tickets at short notice. Township tickets $2 00 per thousand. Tickets for candidates one dollar f per thousand in sums of five tnousanq and upwards. , JsotiCJtets win De sent irom me omce until paid for. City Bulletin. And to-day July step down and cut. , Jim Harris, colored, of Raleigh will ad dress the anti-Conventionists of this city and vicinity, to-day. The oldest inhabitant has assembled him self together, and voted this month the hot test July that ever has been or ever will be known, from the birth of Adam to the death of. the devil. Jim- McMatthews the colored driver of the Central Hotel baggage wagon, was in the . .. i - . I Mavor s Court yesterday morning ior last I driving through the streets on Thursday night,' and Was fined $5 and coat. Let the citizens of Charlotte town ship bear in mind that the Conven tion to nominate township officers, meets at the Court House this after noon at 5 o'clock. , ; We were glad to have a call, 3;ester day, from Col.' GK S. f. Andrews, who is .here now repre3ening the extensive grocery establishment of Adrian & y oilers, i Wilmington. T fil,t. ktPh arnAa nMr th 'Vr,"6 "v' b North jC&olina and South Carolina Depots, last night, a man knocked a woman down with a chair, and stunn ed her for awhile, The Mayor will sit upbn the case this morning. ; A party of base ballists uame down from Statesville yesterday, to see the match game of base ball, . After their recent defeat by the Lone Nine, the defeat of the Centennial Nine, yesterday, was as balm to their wound ed spirits. The latest sensation in the musical line is a song entitled "Chey Hairs in the j Rulter": une to the air of "Silver t Threads Among the Gold." The pub lishers Messrs. Weld & Bryce, of Bos ton,' are having a heavy run on it. The TemperaHMe. ' The following was the range of the ther- luometer, yesterday, at the drug store of W R Bnrwell &Co.: At 6 A. M 82 " 3 A. M., 85 12 Mn 00 Supreme Court Decisions. We shall copy as they, are delivered, al the decisions of the Supreme Court, in cases which go up from this District and from ad joining count' es. We sea from the Raleigh AwMr that on Tuesday the Supreme Court affirmed the judgment of lower court in the of L WKeener vs. Jonas Derr, from Lincoln. .. I T rr- y 1 ' - Per the Mountains. The Atlantic, Tennessee.' & '. Ohio train. leaves this city almost every morning crowd- ed witb passengers fri m this city, from the South, and from along the line of the Caro-1 Kna Central Railroad. Th e Western North' Carolina is also, we learn, carrying large crowds westward, and all the mountain re sorts are represented as being crowded. Beaufort. A friend of ours who is sojourning at the. Atlantic Hotel, Beaufort, writes us to "come down," saying that the crowd there are hay ing a splendid time. There are 280 guests at the Atlantic, and the masquerade ball on the night of the 23th was a grand success. A considerable part of Charlotte's loveliness is figuring at the Atlantic, just now. ileeQiiefFalr Directors- V ! By a nutice in our advertisement columa's it will be seen that there is a called meeting of the directors of the New Fair of the Cro- lanas, at the Bank of MeckLnburg this eve ning at half past three o'chwk, . We (earn that the: object of this ;m in to. :make SJHie arrangements to pay off the' mdebt ednes of the Association, and to take some steps to dispose of the property. ,J:- ,J ) ,! Explanatory. ' . i :f . ') ? Know all men by these presents; fhkt (he W R. Johnston svhotwaS iri :vxe p ice court tin Thursday klc&inp a disturbance at a boarding house, is., not thc.JSV' R. Johnston . whoclerks Jbr Wittkdwsky& Rintels.-;He wno thafj K1HU ui l nv., the Tax.Gathering Yesterday Thocountv tourist was at Clear Creek yesterday, and there was a irond turnout of the citizens L A.At wato v.ro nA &nd t o- . ' naa- ifn J. J, Sims, Esq., and post roaster Mc- lonaia, oj in is cuy,au u.ue epecvu- o. Tin sneakintr consumed a very . 7 w considerable part of the clay. Snmmer Absentee!. I Aonafad'daughQ ofnPrinceT Misa Isabella IrvinT Mr. Dudley 'and thira hnft names we have been nnfthlP to iretV left this week for Mor- ffanton.- v r- . r rf'r I MiVa EuWniaiHill is spending a few .pks at Maior McLean's, in Lincoln mnntv'-' '"'-!'" 5 1 . i MisRPs Sonhia and Alice Alexander, and - Mrs. Smith, (leM Thursday riioht for Beaufort. - - - ' I Mra.John -L.rMorehead is in the mtuntains of "Virg ireiniar . fn.'0-V.f, fnf 9 !li ! .. . . w -t: rn- t We have just received from the. publish; l : era, a copy of the song, "Oyer, the ' Hills ; to , the Poor. Hquse.? JIh publishers may: not have meant anything wrong, but we can't help thinking that maybe they hate heard of hSj and know that we are going to pull' up in front of that place 'before long and stop for life. Hence we feel a little sorter bad about it. Up for Assault. ' , ' John Jones , " gin ; treat," (a water- melon treat,) a few Bights ago, and by - f tri i'iWtf'rf fho-1 . . j , . . r I caeiuu, nuu making i-uiugs , inure nveiy lor the guests, AiiBUn Jane and Wiley Shaw engaged in ft fight. - Austin's next appearance was in Justice Martin's Court on yesterday morning, ., Ife; paid f 2.00 and costs. . : '. y. a Another R .. ich moud the Kleld. It will be seen by advertisement in another column, that "Many Citizens of Both Par ties" (now did yott eveYl afihdunce ' Geni Barringer as a candidate for Convention; "We understand that the anti-Conventionists' Itt- intend o run him nolens voUiisl or. aft Jndee I Uloud says, nolus voius. ' len. Jarnnger. has no morbid desire for the glory which he will win by running lor Convention jn 1 r :-mt- t ' i:a t.j- ' i iii.iL ' li aiecaienourg, dui b iwiuic.-ai orenireu say ne must oe yotea ior, anu voiea ior ne win be, we reckon. -"J Curiuue Frenkof a Bird. r. On day before yesterday- afternoon a little yellow-breasted bird, about the size of a ca nary, new. into the china store of J 11 Harty, and alighted on a show-case, on which sat a bird cage., It happened that one -of . the feeders was off the cage, and seeing the hole left in the side of the cage by the absence of this, the bird passed through it and' went into the cage, where it remained until taken out. Mr McCorkle took it home at night, nd between Ded-tUmeand daylight,udied. Tur...itl..lii .U r. 5 f A HO (CWI, tUAh AM USUI All IUU WgU V M w own accord, and staid, is proof that it was pet that had but recent ly escaped, and which bad been so accustomed to i mprison- ment that it felt more natural to it than free dom. Charlotte Institute tor Youuff Ladies We take great pleasure in referring to the advertisement of this institution, which will be opened on the 1st of October, by that able instructor and accomplished gentleman, Rev 8 Taylor Martin. The people of Charlotte have good cause to congratulate themselves upon having secured for the Institute a lessee who is so well qualified in every re spect, as is Mr Martin. The Salisbury Watch man speaks of the new principal in the fol lowing terms, and we give our cordial en dorsement to the extract : "We congratu-1 late Charlotte upon this fortunate -accession for Mr Martin is not enly an eloquent divine and a scholar of profound learning, but he is one of nature's own noblemen as well. We trust that be may receive in his new field that warm welcome and hearty support, to which his high character entitles him." Lamp Explosion A Colored Woman's Presence f Mind. On Thursday evening, at the residence of Col' John L Mbrehead, what might have have been a disastrous conflagration, was nipped in the bud by the presence of mind of an oldand faithful family servant. A lamp was burning on a table in the dining room, when it suddenly flared up and exploded, throwing the burning oil in all directions. The old colored woman, with a presence of mind which is rarely, exhibited on such oc casions, immediately upon the explosion occurring, tore up a piece of carpet from the I floor, and covering the burning-fluid with I it, soon extinguished the flames. No damage was done except the burning of a part of the carpet on the floor. The cause of the explo sion was a defect in the lamp. ' The'conduct of the coloied woman is high ly praiseworthy, as her prompt action in th matter probably saved the fine residence where the incident occurred, from destrucv tion. Help the Orphans. H. C. Eccles, Esq., received a letter on yesterday, ffom the t Superiritend ent of the Oxford Orphan Asylum, in forming him that he will be in Char lotte on Monday, Willi nine ot tne or- pilaris, who will give an entertainment for the benefit of the Asylum. Mr. ! 'Mills 1 has recently visited several of the towns and cities of the State with these ornhans. and their, entertain- h r " ' . ! . rT-l. " nipnin nitre npnn rereivL avervwaere Bpeal; of f them and when the or; lotte we hope they a large crowu. iue uujwi auouw one, Tana appeals mrecuy 10 tne neart j pf every humanitarian. The Asylum J is sadly in need of funds, and no one should turtt a; deal ear to I these lap- J peals for bread jacKion. ?H'r;i' J The - Washington, tSmaay;Mazette icaruo vuau uuimviuu una iubuc Mr she Is much :inT- need.- 'The donation was made some three years ago, and 5-amBl viable toaVit in CASh aQcl b ave. a surplus je Alter pay- ing all indebtedness ! h& Gazett? in, quires why ' the bequest s is not.paid over .-' i ; The above we see published irVeveri al of our exchanges.! UpoVinvestigai tion of the matter, we learn! that: the tion of the matter, we learn: that: the executor of the estate referred to has paid over, 5,0Q0 to; 'Col.' "JohnrE. Browii; Tof .this city,' fofMr;;jackson. He withholds the remainder,? saying that the estate is involved 1n -large I amount of litigation, land may not be able to pay out ; and says further ' that Mrs JackspaVthe "f 8 W who has received any part pf the bequeits Rather too Su? 2-efilire. ..in yry, ignufermfr, oorop-BttenttlM5lirpl.,ing toohighljri'the T0TICBi w 11. 1 VUOII f,.VUMW - pnans come to v,nar- fa Bo Whaxarf about It r 'tbeV play 'stW X,J. JiJ,;IC: n'iiU; will be received by li ThWfiih nnita f1.?. V' ","; inOVedpOtof i t j . l :n u.. - : : av. i"w citizen oi jviem pms, oi fiu.uw io inej L.i.j i. I made, and thit. Ihe .remainiiig-$5X)0r to;jxanda1e due her, will, te paid as soon as me j 1oot r"r"'"';-- The Hatch Game of Base BallTestier day. "i1-';'5 is! 7 '3,)i ui i1?." "We have met the enemy, and, we are theirs." ilTtsterday was the day for the match "game of base ban ' between' the Lone Nine Clnh, of Concord, and the Centennial Nine, of this city. Just before the time for the game to begin, a heavy wind prevailed, accompanied by a small amount of rain, which cooled the atmosphere, and rendered the afternoon much more pleasant than was expected. In addition to this, the sun re; mameu unaer me ciouas neany me whole time while the game was in progress, and. "".WUi?" progress, ana,. mere was not mat oppression from heat which the Dlavers exnected Quite a large crowd had assembled on the Fair Grounds, where the game was played, before! the contest' began. Through the kindness of Capt W W Pegramv a train was run from, the C , C. fc A. Depot, to the Fair Grounds, .and a number of persons went out on this. We will eay right here that we are requested by the members of the Centennial Nine, to return their thanks to Capt. P. for the courtesy thus extended them. Among the spectators on' the grounds, were several ladies, and all present manifested the great est intertst m the game. The Lone Nine Club wore a nniform, consisting of blue hat with white band, blue shirt with the figure 1f.phrthe -breast, and a leather belt with, the M.Uin'n Ar.y.h.1....i.J:..i.J :a ' rrt .jy" iuj;ija luuiutiou oh h. The dentehniai Nine was not uniformed. The toss for inns and outs sent the Lone Nine to the bat, and the Centennials took the field.' ' The following were the positions of the outs: . CENTENNIAL NINE. ",'( Platers. Runs. O0g. 1 6r 0 5 2 3 2' :,A 2 .2 1 4 4 4 1 I 2 17 27 Eagle C, Brem, "P., . Hand, 8. 8., ; Rigler, 1st B , Brockenborough, 2nd B., Moss, 3rd B., MUler, R. M , Jr., L F., Miller. V.. C. F.. Trezevant, R. F., Total, The interest began with the first inning, and the first noticeable play was a foul ball; knocked by Cook, caught by Moss. This play was greeted with applause from the spectators. Some very pretty fielding was subsequently done in the, same inning, when three were put out on a fly which was knocked by Misenheimer and caught. On the first inning the Lone Nine made 3 runs. When the Centennials came to the bat they were put out by 3 strikes by Eagle and 3 balls pitched to Hand and Brem, The fol lowing were the positions of the Lone Nine Club, and their score : LONE NINE. Players. Runs. Outs. Murr, C. 5 2 Phifer, P., 4 4 Patterson, S. 8., 4 0 Hendeison, 1st B., 6 1 Caldwell, 2nd B., 8 1 Deaton, R. P., 3rd B., . 6 3 Misenheimer, L. F., 5 3 Cook, C. F., 7 2 Deaton, J., R. F., 4 5 Total, 49 27 Perhaps the most successful play was made by Brockenborough, who made home on his own balL . A beautiful double play was made on the fourth inning, while the Centennials - were at the bat, by Henderson, and Caldwell. 8everal fine catches were made, some very difficult ones, by members of both clubs. The best fielding done fa the part of the Centennials, was by Brockenborough, 2nd b., Rigler, 1st b., and Eagle, c. Of the Lone Nine, Phifei p., Murr c, and Misenheimer 1. f. Phifer is the finest pitcher we ever saw; he catches, too, as well as he pitches, and his playing as either would be creditable to a professional. Brockenborough is the brag player of the Centennial ; his splendid catch ing and easy bearing elicited encomiums from every one. ' ." W L Boyd, of Charlotte, was umpire; Geo M Phifer, of Charlotte; and T H Cannon, of Concord, scorers. - It was a bad beat ; the Centennial Nine saw from the first inning- how the game would even tnate, and lost spirit.' ! There was. therefore, some very careless playing on their. part. Their bore their defeat well, however; and yielded up the laurels right gracefully; thlt thev hkve concluded not to nUv the r-' fmainSnet wo tames ttwoibesiw three) and gaTe the ball and bat to the Lone Nihts Club, with a! challenge ,fco play' mem,7antber; match game on the 23rd of September; j. me very best of feeling preyailed throogti- I ont the rftmes nd afterward: and w think i t f . We CahAOt and If a ball goes anywhere lnn.neignoori i noodpr; iOne oi mem, have nQ,dea that its equal can befou he StAto,r f i ? ? it t$m u mm ili in -.Ms At the conclusion of the game and the an-i nouncement of the result, three cheers each were proposed andgiven for the Lone iJihe, i iThATisiiteivclti1rw'Wi Iw or' three ex1 ceptions, left for- home" last night with, i ohonta of wioifiine on their llDS as the tram the ity. iahey were:ceom about 35 of their townsmen; who were as much - eiatea-anneir success as - 1 B were- the members of jtber club -tfceroselyes. BrlUsh uarterty 'Retiewv' ' ,5-.l"J? M j i't rlv:;vi3 4. The reprint of the Brttuh Quarterly fovUw for July 3ias been Issued by! he Leonard Scott Publishing G),4l'Barclay Street.Y. i i We are" accustomed to find m the1 nnarteri lies epitomes or tte uves, or enuneni men recently deceased. 'Cities, also, naye careers : . - , . : - ; Menta Diseases and,' i sronsibuity w.aici trim tfaotniAnf whilA BAla i J . -- -- . -rf ...T.I. I QIC ICUUCabCU 1U lllCCb Bb tflACS liSlia to De nmtea i.wa p wf, "f ww ' n i l fl TV Til ii'T tlif aV.Sfii- o4viifc. w'compiles the story; of, TevesJnr,the tr!: ,Vs',i b:1-. 3f- triaTSy.ji6l.bvolMi xiTit nine tbovgb mier-jb;ychjftij ..,rj Jntu .yfT f.f iu i aoxx j . ,ie x ,Y--&noM tf numbers back, gaye a picture of RaYjenna.sn txtHICH they aire njiling at and tfo&'iUittoWl dTp .,Theaecmdeto VA1 ,v w up some of 4h. certainties of . t ,VtI , $5 in W' VTfen iatCashndoallUMBUri partf Shakespeare:, life, arid eiaiy (, t JJolawIiai.lt f.Ri ,. . . , XX-:mk those snrrounding the beginning of his lit- . f .; T lf ( j , , , , , :T 4,r - eWconnectibnwith.ihesr.' "AOOD.i-oifJa.l -Tthe fourth article-onr-auention' is dir fu,Ijf:A--.'C' 'i l "i: : 17 great extent; it is in bur. power, :U. prevent' th,is, terrible calamity, ,;, ,j(MJ7 vlmii U-i , -p ."Cibureh.an State ? jto s India'! note the j principles upon which jtbe British Govern ment has hitherto treated the aaUye jelig Ions, complains of the j discouragement ; of missionary' labours among the' Sepoysi' and severely-condexflhs the system of enormities ofcastevl. nl prf&hl ptli ;J i .tl(ul.' The sixth article chronicles Mr Disraeli's mistakes, and concludes fhaf his premier ship is, a failure, and , that , ,ha work , is Next follows a kindly paper upon Edgar Allari Poe;' refuting many of the slanders circulated by his enemies, and ; instituting a comparison between him' and Nathaniel Hawthorne. : :. :IU . :it . The number closes with a fall record of contemporary. literature. ;; , , , . Prioefl ayear, postage prepaid by, the publisher. , ; . ; .; . i Trouble With a Csuiitry CeW.' ! -' -iii. They had quite a' time 'of it, oh Trade street, yesterday morning J with a i little Ted cow which a darkey had brought toruwaa ! fnr Cilia ' nnntna V A. nv. tv 4V.V. lf.J.U i "" "itiiug uu i ft.-', Hra, Juv House, with a rope around, her neck, several butchers soon assembled, and by and by a sale was effected. The '.cow was left tor a time in the custody of a ' Colored boy, and after viewing the situation ef things for awhile, concluded that it ; would be best to leave, - She started down the street with Is hop, a skip and a jump, -the' hoy following and imitating all her movemedU. : ; Pawring into the lot of , the old. Rock. Island Factory, the cow kwkediat a bojr- who had a basket of apples on his arm, struck the basket and sent the apples high in tho air. After exer cising freeljy in the tot; she liberated herself and started in' earliest' for' her childhood's home, r But "there'sniany a slip, twix6 tne cup and the lip' and reddie was overtaken about the residence of Col Myere, amidst the applause ofall the small hoys ia he,neigh4 borhpod. Sher was; :not ready to give. PK however, and by way of getting loose again, kicked a colored boy in the mouth and an other in the breast. ' '-"""' She was fieaUy overpowered .by. superior numbers, and a sm ile of victory illuminated the countenance of the driver "iais he again' brought her up to the Market; and again de livered her over to the butchef. 0r Jj . Pleasant Word Aboat a Charlotteahi ; J A correspondent signing himselfVidens,' and writing to the Ralegh' : Nswt from the steamer '01d Dominion; at feea, July 25thh just before 'eachipg Key . : York, speak as follows of, pur, esteemed fellow-townsman. Donald Maeaulay, Esq., who is- ,now iq the. metropolis. .' It pleases us to reproduce , the pleasant things that are' said of him : vTwo Tar Heels' aboard besides myself, the well known Donald Macanlay,' cotton and ' com-' mission merchant of Charlotte, and Mr Ed Womble, of Newberno. Years have elaps ed since I met my friend Donald Mac. -. 1 detected him in the dark by his Scottish ac cent and our meeting was, you may be sure, quite the reverse of that of the clans, of Rod erick Dhu and JFitz James. , To tn'e energy of such men as Mr Mac. is due to a great ex tent the growth: and thrift of Charlotte, Raleigh, Ac If I could be beard from Sol-' way to Lake Cathriae, I would : cry aloud that we have room- ia our hearts, in .our fertile valleys, and in our 5 mountain forest for thousands of just such, Scots.'' . ., , Candidate for Cpu veiatpn- ,, CotWR Myeri hayjng'd&linedjtoTe a cindi. date forconvention:we,-the citizens of Meek' lenburg, of both parties, place the name of (ien. K. iarringer, in nomination so De voted for as a No Com vention candidate 4t .the en suing election. ... "',!,. o) Many Citizaxs of B0T9 PAarna , J-31 3t ' ' ' ;-' ; . . 'Mil ANNOIJJSCjpMBMJ. 1 JO ,'1JIE VOTERS, OP "CHLOTTE 1 lii i I hereby an nounoe myself as-cahdidate foil Constable , of Chariutte . Township, at the election to oe qeiu August oiu, 1040, , Ii : . ' 'Vfin-iiUBl?JU . ju!23 tde , ',; ,hU n tehh - NEW ;AV.t49E tlBX rs.; CH ARLOTTE INSTITUTE TATTrt T A -TVTXCI . '. Rev. S. TAYtblt MAKTn iSincipal: TT AVING removed mv school from Stalea- 1 ville and leased ihe Charlotte rriaHtute for i term ofj ears. H.-wULopen the Institute for the reception of pupils.on. the 1st of uctober; 87o. " a run corps or experienced and efficient teachers will be employed ' For other p formation, send for Vircula?, " S, TAYLOR MARTIN, , jul3ltf h ,.,.,7 . Charlotte. N.-OJ'-' oiaiecxieBDOTg,niiaiiernoonw a orcioca.' q MAXWELL, .ilt JU131 W ,: ,,f,:,.,r,9yretary,j T QRENT-J A' esfrablr sCore near the iKownddlOnse. ;Vji!iiisa a dwelling r . f . DC) NOT f :ii:sl 'i t! ..'i'.' T' 1 1 nioiil 'M E LI AS ,1 C O H EN: r it is taxen in. .. , e t Yrrr?r T"? "'TV r" M7'-, in$ ln 1 eratioWi ! By tfrdef the Firiatice Commit' hi .mil jsI jri'i HlVMTStlLlS5iDHANI-SOME;oi;- a;. . . ... in L I , : C : r.-,r P J T Tr BmithWaitf'c .1HK1 t)si. .YM.-1VA .2t3X RETROS'PE'C, PBACTKUiininicnii,!.; s!n:iiioan! '' -ASD ' , ijiiiUs.-rtt u "ot 6iq sine f.S i d S 0 R 'C'X'E-R''Y in 9 .1 ; Ii .11.-. ' - '-. iv .-. i s'jtsl iJJ,i'.'l iin TIDDY & BROTHER'S, .'! B "O i Q TKT 0 IS T O Rl (E) jul31 Democrat and- Boi&e4to$y. A AN05'H'B'R'"L0T ... OF xir.i-'i Mi o'Jov- tltfi vail THE'BEST--: ORANGES 1ji m-i; in' ,fANir - a Kii ii.i t;; L E M ON S ii IN THE CITY AT mi ,v .J'i-n!::.iI'J r ,U:ci.' ,C.1: , . HQLTON; A ; QQ;,f , . t.iM.n- WE WOULD - ; iiKHiii.m I'll, (ivoitiw fcS'-t" J -ij!i fciiij iiii oi rr. vi j ii -- A, OiaNJtJPBCTFULI.Y INVITE THE, citizens of Charlotte nd,the public generally to an examination ofjouj Jfwge. Stock, o, ,f, .JAIfpYASft PJ ,;ST .'iU'i ,114 ,U C HI Which I nndwibledTy'na'16 4ny Wthe City. :4 Oar Mottq ia to-iye vjiotire aeUa&M' lowest market rnb to iu nijiciii iU' AliiykJ. vS vJlf and , wedB-xJlnoai iU I9lttd rffib .MflSfi- ,i:;jntF?ij;,PVly1PAX,.. Soups? Cooked Vrfhe B rwtrflrtitsj Canned Falmon and Mackerel, all henneti cally sealed an ireadjriifofcineev) always on inconYnwnjffteoaking,, B.It ,T mi 1 ilsd,!,td otir seteclM,8lobTI'6f tHUlftrnW and Rhine Wine, English Ale and Porter, fi ood9,;dUTere 4ree,riuiw mtoia-iVbital C iHASHAQEH'Spi-'1' Famay' Sriy.'Wp jul29 'lib i ...ii r i.- tnwt l5 4 i3jft iiJtl td tt 3iU f Gregory's DyspepslaMixture.wWLJ . I i to the Smlnes trial bottle 75 cents. '.tion ! V3i3!nijt "III t!liv fiili frl'J Jl -ittJ &" RO ES S L'-ERy 5 ! at r:-l7e Mil nfwu- vl t .,, 1 i-rt J- H-pl"il-! . J a X -- .... ... i -i , . i. ' 've cafr'iiarcalar1tt& ri"-- in-" r-'r If ' 1 1; -t Varnishes, &ew T . .. ! . r u k:. i IT J 1 3 uu,

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