CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, SUBSCRIPTION BATES. Daily 1 jear, (postpaid) In advance, - $3 00 ' 6 mos. . 'i 'i 4 00 3 mo3 1 mon. 2 OA 75 WEEKLY KD:TI0W. Vw Itly, (in thecounty) in advance, $2 00 out of the county, postpaid, 2 10 6 months, ' " ' 1 05 ae- Liberal redactions for. clubs. , , . . CHARLOTTE N. C., SUNDAY, AUGUST I, IS75: GREAT pTWNfjlNl BOOTSSHOES S M I T H & FOR BBS, JJ AVB MARKED DOWN PRICES o, ; THEIR ENTIRE STOCK o, BOOTS SHOES ; NO. 1,984 s : . . wwisiiiiiiiiiiiMiM aii i : i MILES' Ladies clotn, goat and calf Shoes " " "'" Zeiglers' Ladies and goat ........ " V Zeiglers' Indies cloth, Rutton:Boots " " Zeiglers' Misses cloth Shoes, "" 3 00 - t.iO AND O T HER GOO D S I N P R O P O R T I O N." . TIIESE PRIC'ES ARE FOR CASH ONLY. SMITH & FORBES, NEW I R ON FRONT BUILDING., TRADE STREET, jn31 THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, A- 3 . 03 &0I D IE JEl ESOBT. T" Hshmeht, so favorably introduced to the public last Summer, by the new owner, Capt R D Graham, of Mecklenburg, is for the season of 1875, MAY 1ST TO OCTOBER 1st, open to such Visitors only as the undersigned may be willing to admit to his family circle. He hopes to renew his pleasant acqnaintanco with all former guests of the Atlantic Hotel. ; : The peculiar situation of this house affords all the pleasure of a voyage without peril or seasickness. ' NO DUST ! NO FLIES ! ! NO MOSQUITOES ! ! ! Railroad Tickets good for the whole season from Charlotte and return $i) 05 Ten Day Tickets,... 9 55 !plHvE;:iGi IVTHY). J as. H.. Moors is authorized! to collect ac counts lor this office and receipt for the same, to receive subscriptions, &c. CHAS. R. JONES, , Editor and Proprietor. JOb PRIflTlKCr ELECTION TICKETS. We are prepared to execute election tickets at short notice. Township tickets $2 00 per thousand.. Tickets for candidates one dollar per thousand in sums of five thousand and upwards. No tickets will be sent from the office until paid for. New Floor . The editor acknowledges the receint of a 'sack of very fine flour, ground from new! wheat at the Charlotte City Mills, which may be pronounce! of the very best quality, We can offer but one objection to it. and that is the diminutive size of the sack sent us. If our fiiends will Bend n w bm ataov enough, however, we will try and be satis. fied. The Charlotte City Mills deserve th patronage of the community here, and we trust that they wiil receive ail they can ac- commoaate. j TbeOBSKKvut job Department aaa been thoronghlj anpplied -with - ewsry needed want, and with the latect stylea oType, and every manner of Job Work can now be don with neatness, dispatch and cheapness h at abort notice -BLANKSL BILLHEAD, i ' . LETTER HI IDS. OABDfl " , -- TAGS, RECEIPTS, 08TERa, V 7 ' PBOaRAMilES, HAND BILLS. PimmtiMM . 1 1. The macadamizing. -Yesterday being the last day of the month me portion Of the macadamizing o m.u it mo been completed, was measured up by Maj T H Allen. It was found that 650 feet are completed on South Trade street, and 850 on North Trade. The progress which has been made, is very favorable THE NEGRO SPEAKING ! ! The Aduesses testerdayl by Harris, and Other. THE CHURCHES TO-DAY. Applications must be made to 1u31 GEO W CHARLOTTE Proprietor. Burgess Iftichols S Co., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN F U R N I T U R t B E D D I N G, &c, jiU5; No. 5, West Trade Street. CHARLOTTE, N. a JUST RECEIVED. A FULL ASSORTMENT OP Parlor Suite, in Hair Cloth Terry and 'Heps. Also, a new Supply of Lounges, all grades. A full aeporlment ofMetalic Cases, Caskets and Wood rn t m luiuus, uu nana, junl3 J. IS. PHILLIPS, K E R C HA H T TAILOR, OH D BR C E II TR A L HOTEL CHARLOTTE, N. C. 1 4TUOUC Chdbch Very llev LP O'Con nel, will officiate at St Peters' Catholic Church to-day, at 101 a. m. The public are invited to attend. Baptist I Church. Rev T H Whitfield. the pastor, will preach this morning at 11 o'clock, and this evening at 8 o'clock, St. Peter's tE.) Church. Services will be had to-day at 11 A. M., and at 6 P. M., by the Rector, Rey B 8 Bronson. Sjccond Methodist Church. Services by the pastor, Rev. W. S, Haltom.atll AM and at 8 P. M. Sunday School at 9 A. M. Tbtoh Street M. E. Church. Rev J a Nelson, Presiding Elder, of this District will preach in the Try on Street M E Church to-day at 11 A. M., and also this evening at 8JP. M. Communion services will beheld at 3 P.M. First Prrsbttiruv Church. Services this morning at 11, and this eveninsat 8. by Rev. W. E. JcIlwaine. Seats free. Sunday School at 4 45 o'clock P. M. A. R. Presbyterian Church. Services in the Chapel, on the corner of College and 5th streets, to-day at 11 o'clock A. J!., and at 6 P. M., by the Bev W. M. Hnnter. 8trangew invited. Sunday School at 10 A.M. Sbcojid Prrsbytkriax CHURCH.-Services in the morninr at 11. And anin at a O f . u u J T the pastor, Rey. E. H. Hardin, at the Court House. Sunday School in the Court House dunng the summer at 9J a. m. Prater Meetinq. The Yoanir Men' Christian Association will -hold a Prayer Meeting this evening at 6 o'clock, at their Hall, over the Commercial National Rank j The public are cordially in v ited. Grangers In Session. Our friend P C Carlton, Esq;' of States ville; arrived in the city last evening from Concord, Whither he went on vesterdav fr join a portion of the Executive Committee of the State Grange, fdr the nuroose of or. ganizing a county Grange, composed of all the subordinate Granges iu Cabarrus. The Grange was formed, and Mr Cyrus Harris elected Master. The Executive Committer will meet in Statesville on Friday next, fcr the transaction of business of importance to the order. Charlotteans at Beaufort. A postal card received yesterday from Beaufort, informs us that the following la dies and gentlemen from Charlotte, are at 'ne Ausanc aotel at that place : Misses Mary and Bessie Dewey, Miss Ella Dowd Miss Florence Brem, Miss Sallie Steele', Misses Rena and Emma McDowell, Mr and Mrs Geo E Wilson, Mrs J H Wilson, Mrs S J White and Messrs R E Miller, E B Springs, J F Orr, H C Morrow, W P Myers, Dr T J Moore and Capt R D Crabam. Misses So phia and Alice Alexander and Mrs Smith ar rived at the Atlantic after our friend wrote The Chair and the Wife. The negro whom we mentioned yesterday i .wkuius as uaving struck his wife over the head with a chair, the night before, was In the Mayor's Court yesterday. His name is Tom Orr. The case seems not te be an ag gravated one, and he was dismissed upon the payment of $2 and cost. Woe Unto the White People ! The darkies of this city have a h.n sensation... They say that a child which has just been born in Charleston, opened its moum, a iew nours after being ushered into mis world, saying : "Woe unto the white people in the month of August !" When asked what that means, the darkies say they don't know, and they speak in low tones and look mysteriously, Changes His Position. Mr S Lowman, who has been, for two years past, a salesman in the wholesale de partment of Wittkowskv Ar. has abandoned that position to accept a sit uation as drummer, for Hartman. White- uim osv., oi Baltimore. MrT,.,, excellent business rain, and will do well ... " -ne nas made many friends since becoming lotte, who, will be sorry to know of his in tention to quit our city. ALWAYS GTTARAHTEES SATISFACTIOH. jan 30 E W: MEAT MARKET. 1YL- City Bulletin. Thirty-one long days of su turner, yet. For new advertisements and impor tant editorial see fourth page. Only three days remain in which to regis ter. Be up and doing. There were 15 police arreMs for the wetk ending last night. The Board of Coiiuty Commissioners will meet in regular season at the ( 'ourt House to-morrow. There was not so much bustle on the streets last night, as there usually is on Saturday nights. Leading white Rpnnl.i; o K ""M-a ill LUV county of Mecklenburg have signified their intention to support the Conser vative nominees. During the month of July, 129 deeds and mortgages were registered of the omce of the Register of Deeds in this county. Gratifying news from all parts of the county. The people are fully aroused and the white men are forming in a solid bodv to meet the nnspt. nf tho under their white leaders. Remember, voters, that. t.Ho ftm;.. . y WVIJDMVU- non is to be submitted tn I -w j vv 'vav V IV becomes the law of the land. You have me last say on it and if it suits you, you can adopt it, if not you ran throw it as Hie. The first Saturday afternoon train. under the new arrangement on the Carolina Central Railroad, left this city yesterday at 4.30 P. M.. with half dozen- or more passengers; aboard, bound lor the Cleaveland Springs. We hope that those of our citizens who are away at the Springs or the sea coast, will come home in time to vote on Thursday next. Not less than 50 are absent from town, and it is a duty which they owe their country, to return and be m their places this , one day. The Campaign Thia Week. We would remind our country friends that on Tuesday there will be speaking at Huntersville, on the' Atlantic, Ten nessee & Ohio Railroad Dowd, Captain R. P. Waring, General John A. Young and others; and also of the rally at Matthews' Depot, on the Carolina Central Railway, on Wednes day next, which will close the political campaign in this county, if we mar ex cept the speaking at Pineville, which comes off on the same day. W. W. Flemming, Esq., Colonel John F and others, will speak at Matthews'. Major W. J. Montgomery. We were glad to meet this gentleman, our able Solicitor, in the citv. nn vpstor. day. He was on the way home with his family, from the mountains. Major M. had gone up West for the purpose of recreation, but finding work to bedone, he laid aside his personal pleasure, and weni actively into the campaign. He has done good service in McDowell county. His last speech was at Old Fort, on Friday. Major Montgomery represents the prospects in the WW very bright. He says the people are thoroughly aroused, and will do their wiiole duty like true men. " -m Summer Absentees. Mrs. J. S. M. Davidson and family are sojourning, at present, at Yorkville, . u. Mr. Edgar L. Davidson is visiting his relatives in Columbia, S. C. Mr. John A. Keith left vesterdav morning for a visit to Acton, S. C. Capt and Mrs. T. S. Armistead left yesterday morning, for the Catawba White Sulphur Springs. A. B. Davidson, Esq left yesterday morning for the Cleaveland Mineral opnng8. Township Nominees. On-motion, J. J. Sims was called to the Chair, and T. H. Brem. Jr.. wa quested to act as Secretary. Messrs. A. H. Martin, S. H. Hilton; J. P. Alexander, W. F. Davidson, M. W. Alexander and F. A. McNinch were nominated as Magistrates for Charlotte Township. For School Committee Major C Dowd, John Wilkes, S. C. Wolfe. For Township Clerk Wm. Maxwell. J. J. SIMS. T. H. Brem, Jb., Chairman. Weather Probabilities. Our Old Probs., MrNeill Baker haa - w. us nis predictions for the month of August. He was remarkably correct in his prognos tications last month, as those who noticed the matter testify. He predicted a big storm on the 28th, but it did not come. He in forms us, however, that it visited some sec tions of the county, and was very violent. He judges this way about August: 1st to 4th, mostly cloudy, rain and thunder ; 5th and 6, warm ; 7 and 8, cloudy ; 9 and 10, cloudy, look for a little rain ; 11 and 12, rain.' 13 dry ;14 to 16, cloudy and some rain and thunder ; 17 to 19, warm and nearly clear m, rain ; zi and 22, warm ; 23 and 24, rain : 25 to 27, warm ; 28 and 29, rainy ; 30 and 31, moderate weather. A Pitiable Object. Day before yesterday, a woman who gave her name as Mrs. Whitaker, ar rived in this city, penniless and in the last stages of consumption. She re ported her condition to the proprie tors of the Charlotte Hotel, who, good Samaritan like, took her in and gave her accommodations. Her story is, that her husband will not provide for I her, and, in addition to being afflicted with a wasting disease, which must, ere long, end her existence, she has actually suffered for the bare necessa ries of life. Her mother lives in Ar kansas, brt she has a sister living in Buncombe county, in this State, and thither she was making her way to die. Tue woman's story is a very pitiful one, and her condition .is such as to excite the deepest COm m isprnf inn She had with her an infant child, which seemed as near death's door as did the mother. The junior proprietor Jand the clerk of the hotel interested themselves in the woman, and raised enough mon ey to send her on her way yester day morning. During Friday night, she had several violent paroxysms, which threatened to cause death, but she was better yesterday morning, though then barely able to stand alone. Testerday, James H Harris, colored, ful Mled his appointment to speak la this city" The United States Branch Mint in Char lotte, went into operation, in the year 1837 and yesterday was the first time the grounds wcre ererouered td any party for the pur pose of holding political meeting! But thi s was done by Col Cowles on July 3lst. in the year of grace, 1875, anl yesterday about noon a large crowd of negroes assembled in the vacant lot, corner of Trada and Mint streets, under the wide spreading ailanthus trees, which added their fragrance to that of iue uusicy throng assembled under them. There were old negroes and young negroes; town negroes and country negroes; shiny negroes and rusty negroes; negro men and negro women.' and. neeroea wsts w.. o vtvuuuo vrU and negroes without any clothes to speak of. Here and there, scattered through this mass, could be seen a white man, and it was a noticeable fact that nearly all of these were vuuservauves, whom curiosity had led thith er. The white Radicals and Republicans failed to show their faces, only two or three being present. Even Col Cowles, of the Mint, while the speaking was. in ; progress, was up town, bidding on o'.d bottles of pare goric and little tin oil cans, and one thing and another, which were being sold at atxe tion in front of the Court House. The Colo nel (?) has an eye to the main chance, and there were no three letnnwi i...4. L " iwu-OWJUS Ui bottomless chairs on the speaking grounds, to be bought and sent to hi Ashe county store. I leadel withstanding- thum matter uuucermng a DriJe. i fWti?Wi odience, and introduced one Mallbv. a coWnd f lPj Danville RaUroad, who didn't agie with Harris thY thrjwa0 tell how it was going to come about: he bad forgotten, ho doubt, what his bosses had told him to say on that point. With this xcepuon, be went over pretty; touch,' the 3rtaed? ki Phad Uken. vr Pr.-"" "?w,uu" paienti as ?rTi- e troded Rev 'ZTZT Z ,UBU' smutty uusionMwo "d.wonnd "P with proposing three cheers fZJUSSS- IlebenVwithTe J uip, nip,- aid this minister of Z J11!" nd ' ""defl gospel, ' Mid lohl with the crowd in the "hurrah I" J . Then the tea-party broke tip, nd these sovereigns cume up town,.ndJiBy of Ihe spent the remainder of the day in following Marriage tat Honth., , . , , , : Only 20 marriage licenses Were issue? tot month from the bfflcd of: the ' Register' of Deeds, of this counfy. The names of the newly-wedded are as follows : r f: waiTBsl VV 0 Secretary. RO.,S,E &.' J A M I S O N , Springs' Building, .Opposite Central Hotel,on Trade Street and next door to , r Farmers Savings Bank .;..'.ii;it S LA UGH T E R E R S H:i x'l i i.'.'-i.' . -. . . . .1.; ''il'ANP;WHOLE8ALE' &KTAII. DEALKRS?IX "C 1- H L 4 VU -Tt The Temperatuie. ; loiiowins was the ranee of the tW. hlometer, yesterday, at the drug store of W RBnrwell &Co.: r. Ati 6 A. M.,.. " 9 A. M aio 12 Mn...M. 89 3 P. M...... 92o . .5.....jw.... t .....,.J.oa The Money Order Office. - ? We are requested to state for the benefit of the public,' that the money order depart ment of the postofflce opens at 9 o'clock. A. M., and closes at 5 P. M. Persons having business must call, within these hours, as none will be transacted iiKthis departmer.t at any other time.; - 1-ittell'B IJvlu Age. The numbers of the Living Age for May 29th and J une 5tb, contain Indian Missions, from the Quarterly Review ; Artie Explora' tion. from the Edinbure Review: Tha iij. of Snow Parts VI and VII, from Black wood's Magazine; The Colorado Potato Beetle, from the Popular Science Rpvi- German Home Life, Part IV, from Fraser's Magazine The Centenary Nuisance,' and Jvn"w,eage oatarday Review- Smith's saynan iiscovenes. Spectator: Fominin. Snobs, Liberal Reyiew; with instalments of inree Feathers by. William Blackr "Miss Angei, oyjttuss Thackeray, and theusual choice poetry and miscellany. : Witti 'fifty-two numbers, of aixtvlkm. large pages each, (aggregating over 1300 pages a year; the subscription price ($8K ia 1U" ltteu uay, jjoston, Publishers.. ' Lake Let Out.' TENNESSEE. -BEEF.: AND ' MUTTON. T.STaSS n Mva uuu MIVUM W wmu MA bUIHVl IC JCOL- tue of. the CemeWyHlniad(Utioniojthis the ducks on the lake, the property of Jfr Rooke, the Keeper of the Cemetery, were all stolen. "Who the malicious ' scoundrel wast that did this work, is not known, and will probably never belt ; Im&ui : '-grim "Cray llalra . fame, the iButter," i' An agency for the new song. M0rey Hairs Among the Butter " has been established in this city, by B A Springs, Esq. : who is ine soie ascent tor western aorta uaroiina. All bills for advertising will be promptly Paid upon presentation to him. u We are re quested to state that persons wishing a copy cf this charming son would do well to call WE KEEA FlSst CLASS MEAT MARKET, AND SOLICIT TKADK FROM 1 CASH paying customers only.- No credit customers wanted. ' ' , !l' Market opened from 4 a. ra., to 9 p. ni.i each day, Sundays excepted"a 8 GRAND DKl'OT , Ty";; ; t. - :i pr .iintral Waters, at .: . v ; -V:..K I ... H Mc A DmN '8 DRUG .STORE. J . i afast Ircj Oil in use pives the lPneftl?s,' ght bums longer than kero r Hnce ouccr.'i a f anon.. . W. Drexel's Vienna "DELL CO LOGNE-f good quality-rtrialbot. J tie 25 cents, at-' v?; .r,.;.;V. - -vl; (A n OtllTtf ib TWO i"'--. f . ' vf Corner. JDrug 8tore-." s . Jql21 llUiJ vUhntivJv A LARGE LOT .,,- ' j Of inJnrv Class, all sizes. Paints, Oils. The Orphans Entertainment! 1 We trust that our citizens will 4iv tha little orphans a hearine to-morm nti- We do not know, as yet, where ; the enter tainment will take place,, yerrC probably-in the Court House, but wherever it ! no one should consider the place too in convenient for him or hex to go to, for the purpose of contributlne aomethinv van ' tf it be but a mite, to this noble' charity; Mr uiuisnas recently written an earnest letter in which ha says that the orphans ara nn the verge, of suffering.. We trust that, it may never be said of North Carolina, that she allowed this institution to, be broken tip becauaelour benevolence would not sus tain it. Rather let thus come forward and drive the wolf from its door, feed and edu cate the children until they grow old enough to help themselves, and thus enable them to rVa ft p"t ?n lJr Working Out the Problem. Alt the daily newspapers and, their name is legion which the Obsebver has outlived in Charlotte, have! been conducted on slip-shod financial princi ples, and being satisfied that we would reach the same sad finale, on the 1st day of July we adopted the cash sys tem, as far as practicable, and are more than pleased with the plan. In the matter of subscriptions, there is no dis tinction on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude, and a subscriber, who is President or Vice President of a bank, is cut off just as certainly as our poorest patron, when the subscription price is unpaid. Many such have been stricken from our books within the past month and it is a mat ter of not a little pride, that their places have been supplied, until we enter the month of August, with the largest list of subscribers we ever had --indeed, larger than has ever Tbeen attained by any daily paper in Charlotte. ' ' In conducting , this C paper, we ; have pandered to no interest or feeling inin ical to the interest of ' the community; and have; ! claimed no support excent what our merit deserved. The demand for a iournal that wonld Tronrl v resent the true interests of the country, in which our lot happens to be cast, and faithJully represent its ' spirit of honor. patriotism and business interests, is our Only argdmemYfor existence td-dav:krii it filtering us topeatieTitQ say; that; our efforts hate been : appreciated to such an extent as to induce us to be lieve that we have in part met1 the de mand:"": .:"'v,A.;-'V::::'i..;-;:-j dl To properly conduct a daily, paper is a herculian task, and ft tremendous out-: lay. and our friends must not become offended! if they are 5 stricken 'from our list of patrons, when they are behind on . . . W 1 it, TtTT - - . - m our uwitB. ,yye enrer pur August du ties this morning, ;wJhrighter7fiiian cial prospects ;thanhave ever befbrcr been fffftined by "any clailv paper in The reporter arrived on the grounds just as the Rey Z T Pearsall rose to open the ex -ercises. Pearsale is the only person we ever saw who is always pregnant with a speech. ne oegan with the following classic sentence: " IPell, here I am agin.' ThU produced tre mendous applause, butobody disputed the proposition; and the reverend orator pro ceeded to in trod ace "the Honerable Jeenies H. Harris," whom he characterized as "an ole coon jest out of the holler" which delicate compliment and elegant wit ticism produced more merriment and ap plause. Harris got out his collar first tiling. He said he had baen traveling and speaking a great deal, was tired and would not. detain the crowd lone. He was not her tn J. dress Republicans or colored people alone, as he did not understand this as a Demo cratic or Republican question, or a party contest, but one for the people regardless of party, race or color. The Democratic edit ors and politicians have tried to make it such, but have failed, and to-day there are found many men of the Conservative party who are violently opposed to any change in the Constitution. The speaker said that it was unprecedented and unheard of in North Carolina, for a Legislature to attenmt to sub- yert the Constitution without consulting the people. Harris is a man of more than ordi nary intelligence, and in saying this knew perfectly well that it is no uncommon thing for a Legislature to call upon the peo ple to assemble in Con yen tion. This was a wilful a isrepresentatien. He said that the Conservative party did mot want a Conven tion, but enough of the weak-kneed had been whipped in by the Democratic press, to call it. But there are some who hv w. been wbipped in even yet, for instance W J Yates. Daniel G Fowle and Jos J Davis. Again Harris' intelligence renders his state ment inexcusable. He knows perfectly well ma; air three of these gentlemen are now tupporting the Convention nominees in their respective counties; not "whipped in," of course, but they are supporting their party, as good party men, though thev mav not have deemed it entirely expedient to call the Convention just at the time it Was called. Further on in hi speech Harris - spiked the guns of many of his party friends who are trying to frighten the negroes and poor white men, by saying that he was not afraid of any change which might be made in the Constitution; "for," ,aaid, he "they know that they can't make a clause which will create a distinction on account of. race or color which will not be set aside by the Fed eral Courts. They can't do anything to af fect me that will not effect white men-. I expect to stay here and to die here, where I was born, and I. feel just as safe, in the general sense, undt-r Conser vative rule as under any other. They can't hurt me any more than they can hurt the white man." This is something from the leader of the colored element of North Caro lina, which Radical editors and speakers can put in their pipes asd smoke. In saying this Harris showed himself above the mean ness to which white Radicals descend. He went on to ask what changes were pro posed, saying that the Democrats didnt know themselves what they wanted, except that they wanted another chance at the treasury, Further on in bis speech, he- answered his own question. He said that the Democrats want to reduce the number of judges; want to elect these-by the legislature want to abolish the the , township system, and .re establish the whipping post. To this last he said he nad no objection, Tor it will catch the whiteinan as well a the' negro' - He rather argued in Javor of the whipping poet SSpeaking again of the 4 silly fears r which some entertain of a Convention hm miA, V8o far as equal rights before the jaw is con cerned, tn it is settled for all time to come, and no nower Inside this 8tate Reconstruction is fixed," and the Democrats can't hurt yoti if they want tol Oar! righto are not m ttane tha contest." " -- -. - Harris alaO Daidliis resneeta to tha Oaaa via, on a recent editorial about each person who offers to vote beinr : reauired to shoW his tax receipt, and also on the editorial in. yesterday's paper headed ; "Draw the Color Line." He charged ignorance on its editors and made the member of the . staff who was present feel very badly :, his iiext reference to it was as a "rieht decent DaDer.Mand the re porter appreciated the condescension, no lit tle, one time he called it "a leading paper;1 the sting was then taken out of the first re ference, and our joy was complete. Harris concluded with s ; centennial . or fourth. of July.speech, about the tree , of liberty,, the bar-tacgled-spanner, and all that sort of tlung. His speech was free froramaaceand Jos C Russell, Maggie M Coadee, Wm H Eudy,tLouIundy, . A Francis N Waddell, Anna I Miller, John E Yen, Margaret E-Veno, Stanhope H Brown, Margaret E Blakely J R Utley, Mary J Cochrane, Daniel H Harkey, Maggie West. ... i . ; i. . COLORED. Benjamin Nantx, Mag Caruthers, weston Lee, Emily .Walker, Ferry WhiteElla Caruthers, Robt Martin, Violet Davidson, Wallace Fox. Petrev Dvidann . Edmund Sandifer, Julia MannosS, John Baker, Harriet 8hivers, Isaac AlexanderSophia Johnston, . Wm Humphrey, Roxy Davidson, welson Torrence, Laura Nelson, . , Wm Wheeler, Margaret ;Masey,. Solomon Rea. Cinthbi Irrin I Augustus Dalkey, Mary Modre. The Tax Gatherina;.- ,r . . -...We learn that a crowd of 75 or 80 of the soUd men of Morning Star Township, assem bled yesterday to pay their taxes and to hear the candidates. Dr Kerr led off, and Was followed by Col Johnston, who, we learn from a disinterested party present wore him to a frazzle, making a splendid speech of an hour afid a half in length. Morning Star Is allright. The people are wide awake to the importance of the election and will turn out to a man on Thursday next. Of all the crowd on the grounds, ; yesteiday, every man except one. announced his intention to vote ror Col Johntton The Sheriffand can didates will be at Providence to-morrow. A Case cf Till Tapping. Last night about half past 11 o'clock, three negroes were in the store of W M Long, on Trade street, opposite the Court House, and while one Was trading or professing to he, another slipped be hind the counter and stole the contents of the money drawer. The thief was' very quick in his movements, and ef fected his' escape with the money, wnicn, fortunately; amounted to onlv $4. But a few moments before th theft, Mr Long had taken 100 from the drawer and put it away for safe keeping. . ; Domestic Infelicity. There was trouble' last night, in the family of John Rimer. His wife re ported to the police that be had mal treated her by s trick ine her. and in other ways, and she and her son by a former husband, came up street to seek protection v While at the atore of J. H.Henderson, Rimer came up, and drawing a pistol, attempted to shoot his step son. He was restrained, however, and taken to the euard-" house, his wife saying that she feared . her life at his hands if he was allowed to be free t-.A COMMUKICaTKD.1 A CARD. The use of my name on the Anti-Conven-' tion ticket, is against my wishes, both writ-' ten and verbal, and often and persistently expressed."'''' i.-q..- '.':'" In the first place I desire to be fair and open-han ded. But a'' candidature at this lae : day, cannot be just either to himself or to others. ' : . ' .v; ' A train : The tn-indnlea on which f!nVynhi.-r stop ind Mr Ransoh were forced on the peo-," plei'and on whicbj they , are , how specially- . advocated, both secretly and openly, are"- felt to be deeply hostile to the commercial ' interests of our city.' J ' But I am in no sense . authorized to represent these interests , nor " are they responsible for this use ofmv name The Bankers, the business men and the in, dustrlal classes of Charlotte' will meet the nn . just ,war made, upon theno in their .own way. and time. r. -.,,,.11 .'out i x'it tf: theraforeJ I am Voted '. for.5 it ' mtlat htt understood that I do not' seek the oosltlon ' - ' , -i ' ; . T J of a delegate: nor'do I desire to rebresent any ' class or partisan principles. Oa the contra ry I wish to stand solely on the1 jgrduiid of "ib movement ? My theory la to let well enoug h w loneT, And f nch I hope is ther feeling; ofoln the hiasaea, including the wisest and best of r thepubUemen of both parties. 1 ' With this explanation, the voters of Meckel lenbursr. mwt sow detennine fox themselves s w the course, they will pursue loan exaetzeacf chance to be elected, those' .who; know me bestj wjM't assured of y'honeatj efforts to promote the hlebcst Wood of the country.;, w promote 1 irrespective of personal or party ends. T V, SMITH CO.

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