R. II. H EACH AM, v Charlotte.!, a CharlotteN. i. L Home, Tennessee. ; N E W . F I R M -ZTZmt of the Toilng. )tetf sCarls ll" Assocrattomofetfa'itotte'.r 17 THE N ATI VP. LAND. C. C .'RAILWAY, NEW GOODS! NEW STYLES! clearfouutof liftbtl my nrtiyi hooie ion high, ; .":.. . Bright with a glory that shall never Ade 1 Mansion o l truth .! without a viel or shade, riiy h0,y iuiet meets lhe Pirits' eve- ,, Tl ere dwells the soul in eternal essence,"' Oasping no longer, fjr life'seebie, breach; , sentint!'1 in Heaven, it glorious With pityinjc y?.Volli Xfyf&nj1 death. Beloved country !. banished from thy show, stranger in this prison house of clay, The exiled spirit V eeps'and ighs for tbee ; Heavenward the bright perfection I adore, uirpot and the sure promise cheers the -way Th-it whither love aspires, there' shall my 111 ' ... . W LAn J, i ' ! ): i ... 1 1 1 n ha tLangfeUmv'i Translations. Teaeiietyl51 Q We confess to a reasonable surprise that the end 61 P. SuMaysc-ftSiil wHc does not seem tabe,.esaeltially and of course, to teach piety. It is very littla ceoe&ataob. after a jingle of hymns and miscellany to bear it said, "Ah ! well, it will do'1 tlie than to be at home.y; We are not certain." The end.-fcnd aMiidf ( alKB'dbklay School work evidently should be. not to build up a shool; libitbiteteh j 0 l'.ibicai lacis, yu vu ieau.wjp .fJ.mirY a, person al know ledge)'iW,Qod.,PoLnt: mistake lis as nieaauog it condemn ofl'nrts to render the .school -dnstruo- n tvo Antertaiuirv. delishtfal. -But the' atmosphere bhmlldibei,fe,p1SlIbity 0 10 the raincr. a buiiuui iur nuiruvr A school for pbHanthjropjrffineneevl axioms abtlCnSplajCof ikeiifeliiSitfi. In seeking to cultivate the higher grace of piety many , Jose themselves in the routine and ibrmtilariea.' What we waBt,16jlo'48 to impress I it upon the, superintendents that tbey shouiu so arrange aou ieaa ine scnooi that all shall feel it isT r6d'acliool.:i ! If we fail iit)x. the Sunday , Schouk- uou piiy vne j ouug souis. 1 -It is ''true that we mimt lead them to personal cbrisecralion to : the .rieht. More depends orxllhe superintendent than on all :thV;!;lejdersIf- he be a pious, paayerful soul, sweet and true to God, he will-Jer wjse an,44re jWi.th the school. The' iohe will Vie all right even if themachinery bjvqt themo! approved. &. a. iimks. -hi'. The Drunkard's Will. . KnoW all 'meh by-' tH'ese preseuls! that I, r , of .tAe. county of jleckleal hurg, and btate of JNorth Carolina, be ing of sound and deposing memory1, In view of the uncertainty of life and the last will and testanrenx, to wit: I die a wretched sinner; and I leave to the world a worthless reputation;- L wicked example, and a memory, that is lit lo perisii. , I leave to my parents "sorrow and bitterness of soul nil the days of their lives. ,f- . :; I leave to my , brothers and sisters shame and grief, and the Reproach p.f . their acq u at ii ta'nfes!;.?! 5 -1 -1 1 I leave my widowand broken-hearted wife a life of lonely" strugeje with want and suftrfn5 '' M3tr I leave my.ehildrej! altjiitlled inlme, & leviled positiori?.,aipiti(uV4gnorancef and the mortifying. ecolTection of a father wlnrbybig life disgraced hu maniU' and nt.-ihj Premature j death j o i nod t h e great com pany of those tvbr are never - to jenter-thef kingdomI'or God. I pfavOoil thae,,thbset'w,bb are yet living but'l There fai th to.make.th souVwicfcorkkisirb millions of mert the fear of eatti'Uab cast a dgiiik shadow ovieT; life,1 bVtb fiV'ii :a8t a rii sftxaow w ih; ivit tsi'h as mitde;l;lreis61 -Tleebrldaii'tiveit, rue ' tofctim te. tm S fi&tfM I) T lire are wr.rfeoMgeritenii It hashBttv:thjK11nlotiths of lions, quenebed .the violence of fire, turned hack thc edgeof sword, and. subdued kingdoms, isut nowhere do umieakta conquering force more than in life's last'Beentt '"le'tottbHitaftf 'iffieri bbjd and Teeble' ni ettlm qrthjiln bbKiVerjb It hV?hg' Gp$jti;W iqfll'Oippenft to i; he.1 prpspe ,o(M a : letter; j ytoKiAt and gives it-a fore tate of the future. When Dr. Bacchus (the President i I of Hamilton, College) ,iwa unin, his death bed, the physleian; eHel to ee him. andaftfet ramiHirig the symjt tomp, left the room without speak m?f but, ma bepepeql te.rfpnr lpvgo:ouv! was observed to wbisper eomethitlgto the servDrtfr. 'i" What aid the phyeiciaTi say to you?''Bsked 'DKrBa(?6hH3. f Hd saicLair, haj, jQ,vwi?t' ceed half a'n.JiourJi itAOlisaid the good man., " Then take meoulpf rny bed, anxl plae1!ne'bn,,jv'!ft'es To encounter death, to go forth toj : ouP 1 OOKea rneu i.etM, i .mm mwu, ihelast dreafl Scene' with' eblliUJjijir. I .'must be i,i;heAKinietimitr,tfLcally scaled and ready for use, always on let me spend tICat' l(ii il 'n,MU-':ifin of tnorfth charges,' but cash down or no God for thli oou ior tne. ea(yaMu , qi .AMg. tTWi( 'r ins request! ins requesti waai compneaii wiu. ana his last moinArita weresnentin btt'eath inrr fn.tU 1 T- . t . t. .... 1 .... 2 n 5 juriii ins iirav ciB iur 1110 onuuuuu i of his feltowliintiert.'H-e'diua .... . It if Poua Reasons .The noble r Scotch minister ,-nnH,,i ,oow- fKf l. Wo.. to absta WiniWagfik83n raake ro?m for fall and vein the public good,; and continue4,tp.d,0 so lor hw own ooa;1 -tie grves cirese four reasdnsll.1 My health is strong er. 2; My head; is clearer,. 3. My heart is HghteT,! ;KlllMy3Urs6eflif heavier. ..;T ?;i;H .u. b-j'lfO Whose duty is it tos'eeHhraybftd nooks lare kep wt ?of Hire' Library ? Answer. It is theduty ot the unurcn; the Church, Is respppsibje for what taught tcHhe fiaim faH&Hn and for what is read by them from the library. PHK8BYTKEIAS AT Work. K Ood's blessings are "blessings with ness ; and no nian can have the one without the other. i :.;" ....:.;.:. , u ' : Spueoeon. . ;n:ui Ai.iT. The secret of the Lord is with theoj that feaxfliiriiand He wilUhew them nOTTON RAW mwa -'; J !i; .i-'l rJ 111 Wld'Hi'I i'Onll vi u4nlln tbecpunry1,,witli -an im f?Z$yK&W Aher- Gin, lfn,?'a?ard by J M ELLIOTT. ' The Bitters are comnnnni?plr rifK- Wdf kMi ti t are a. ,ure preventive of i1: PeYer' Intermittent and aU - JtfaUrrf siai uiseaaes. . -"ii.-.w i 1 :! ' r.. DiuiLueoa or disease it hs no lupenor as aiAppetizex and Restorer rf.h-U system. j y 8 : x k 4 r . " L MANUFACTTvTBEaS ,a 11 AND, SOLE PROPRIETORS -4 0 ;f;jijT'jATjV.u as CHARLOTTE. N. C 1 rt . - ' ' J"" err a .r-rr V-t W -L- -I -A- iuui GEEAT REDUCTION. (15 ' td A IT D a 5 S W AT - - i 1 : i 0 M 01)0 A a OT Ull if SAMPLE & ALEXANDER'S co 1 c -IIA'VfSG ' ' ! : Determined tbV'O.ifineo'iir business exclus- ivejy to Goods of our own Manufacture, -i we offer our entire Stock of Northern j ManufaCrurerTttoods.it CosIbr Cash fj ! caily. 3(1c1Vjmi opudftunityito buy M ) Cheap Goods, seldom presents it- jl. ', self, and parties wisliujOlay'';"'t'a"f i thing in our line, vould v.O' -i well to Give uall Call . i V. i i ' ' '.' SAMPLE & ALE5CANDER ' Charlotte, TgjD:--":.:-."' jnn 2 f 1 ? ! WE WOULD I ' L Alk lTESPECTRULiir INVITE THE citizens of Charloge an(frtie public generally to' an'examination of our Urge Stock of ; i , : ' j . FANCY aki) STABLE, ,-; lgA G R 0C ER I DS, W hich is undoubtedly equarto any in tne City. Our Motto is to giye entire satisfac tion, and t sell the very best Gooda at the lowest mare?:. !- ; ;.., ' .Mi i ..ill ia Ve call particular, attention to our large and select Stock 6fT a and f'o ffte. raOEFEE KOASTED FRESH EVERY DAY. iaiid ; f aving, during the hotj fycatlier, . the iMonvenicnce of cooking. SjipiAlso, to ou-Mleofe Stiipkvof ;ifomi Mid RhineWine EftgA-sh $i arVl-"Poi4ef. iU 6oods delivered free, at Fapufy GroCfiy, Opptsi!e Charlotte Hotel IHUiil in SWJSlil AJJi) JN ICE, JUST CU.ME. ALSO POTATOES, AT IN' PRAT IftE.R &CO First door ale Market HotfSe. tain :'. AXGE OF SCHEDULE. After 5 vrars hard labor I have found the oniv wav I can continue my business is to deal exclusivaJ M54H-' WPi3Qldtoys ort iiiorftii cnarges, out casn uown or no On and after Jul v 1st I will sell no - tM,'e' one! goods excej t for cash, and parties ' bav ins work of any kind done at my establish- . - A - ?A J meal masc expect 10 pay ior n woen uoiie, I .1 m v.. niMnmotanniM ill nrs.W V I "? j . . ;.- w u j UirWmffiay are inucoicu tu ubuci ltj uui ut uuu . i l jwill please call and settle bytbe 1st of JuJy, ha I! am badlv in neadof mAtf ekr. and further Unaaigence cannot ue giyeu. x " , to- $tock. wftWi'T hope tt be awe-to large W increased under the cash system. 5 t MRS P OTTKRV juj 27 tf 3r.r jltfCCA - ill i-ofitivt r?rniir.r ( Creali MwQiL. ! J J i 1 - V f v TROZEN Milk Punches at COCHRANE'S : : f Ram Uobblers (tlie best summer drink,) at Cochrane's. jjie Apple Juleps at Cochrane. int Coolers, at Qochrane'a. , ..The finest free JVHK!lHn-fhe algrevery -.IT - cs7 dav at Oochrane'sr ju!l3 O K (C A. CIGARS for WHOLESALE ; And Retail Trade to be sold very low. -Jf l.i6 fiO iv W K BURWfL'A CO.l'-'ai4!ooT-MiiaV.iii'f9vU tv,iwifef pug ; . t i .' - TIT B KEEP ;;kM W M'- i . . ... v f. Jr.l' nnLiafantlvnn hand a good stofcK vi -oair, Mbbisses Sugar, Ljfe which will b sold at.bcttom pfjeear- rtZ . . -rfs . -SPENCER Al .LKN. EORtheAaleof Gorh, Wheat, Plour'and Troduce of alhJ kinds. Ojllege street next door to Magill;. Heath & Scott's; Charlotte, N. C. Noti6e-iT0 THE WHOLESALE TRADE ONLY. Just received an d'ion consignment 2000 Sacks Flour: all grades. 500 Sacks Corn Meal. lOOttSacks Corn. . 200 Sacks Oats, 5000" lb (kiuntry Bacon. (Jive us a call. apU5tf. - f , II. B. WILLI AM3 &CO. 'fr-:, ? , m lJ -LZ , I Platform Spring 1 . -IS- THE-. J3EST-T"V0 SEAT VEIJICEE FOll. BUSINESS MAN OR PLANTER, b 5 i J , ' 1 1 " - i - n COrCTNTNCi STYLE WITH ECONOMY; B U S 1, K S.S. oB. p LEASU RE . IS TTNiSHED vv in the VEy'bEST STYLB km Is FULLY WARRANTED.1 ' ''1 COME AND SEE THEM. Mr J tB WMIN6T0N NORTH i FreiiM Route la BALTIMORE. Baltimore and Southern Steam Trans- ' jportation Company. Soiling from B ALT JMC RE THCSlay tin tl Fri slay, at 3 FM. AND TflO'Wn.MIKGTON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. GfVINtf THROUGH BILLS OP LADING to all points in North and South Carolina. Georgia and Alabama. For Nerth PhiIaddphprN"ew Yor-Bosfop, Providence. - AI Liverpool, Glasgow, Bremen, . Antwerp and Other European Ports. These Lines rnmnpet at Wilmimrton with the. Wilminston, Columbia & Augusta Railroad. Vilmin2i0n & Weldon Railroad, River Steamers, with their connecting ftoada, deli very of .Freight to all poiU'as the Steamers 00 these Lines on arrival in Wilming tpn stop;atilaiIrpad depot.'the Freieht transferred uader covered sheds to cars without delay, and forwarded by the Fast Freight Express that morning. "anteed as LOW as by any other boats.' Losses or Overcharges promptly paid. Mark dl goods via Wilmington Lines. - I t For fnrllier ir-formation, apply to either EDWIN 1TZGERALD, Gcu'l Agt. Baltimore Line, 50 South Street, Baltimore. VM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Gx'n'LAgt. NewjYork Line, 6 Bowling Green, N. Y. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent Baltimore aDd New York Line, Wilmington, N. C. KEEP OUT OF TIE WET, J. A. YOUNG & SON, HAVH TlfE TWIBRETAS f , , . KEF.I COOL ! John A. Yoratt Sol II AW KJT V SI E-'S L A. Young, & Son II AVE THE OVERALLS. GO TO CIIUUCII ! 1 J-WA ujig 8g Son HAVE THE CEOTIIINO, ; GO AND GET ,1f AKKIi:i : Jom A. Yoji & Son, iiave 'inn j)is Of NOT iPHONS CAN TAKE YOUR , MEASURE. AND GUAR ' ' ' ' ANTEE A PER- . FECT FIT. GO TO BED ! i i HAVE tlie SLEEPING SHIRTS. ANY!-AND EyERYBODY. NEED ING ANYTHING IN OUR 4 JLINE, WILL SAVE MON-j 7 ) I EYi (BYryGiyi5G ( iUS f . . A CALL AS WE WILL NOT BE , ' ! tN DEBSOL0 BY ANY ONE.' 1 1 J. A.. YOUNG & SON, 'Ji?i;.i .:- - - A NOTHER LOT fiie'and eo4raedn(ib I J etsper pouncl. Lot of large Northern Irish Pota toes, at W N PRATHER & CO'S, . First Door above Market Hjouse j. ; f.'Ci.fcJ ft -U-i Trade Street. K1 iju g 'ii J J 2 j is, f' EXPERTS HAVEtDECIJ)En t sVHS A Ml In favor of our Golden EogJe Cigars-the Kst 5 cent Cigars in the City. T C RMTTH & CO. AINT and VARNISH BRUSHES, , A. tDCKINQHAM 'A" SHEETING,'1 !?--u r saie.joy u,e, nam at j aiprjf. prj "'rii .... T1 r , . Shoe lirushcs..W4vlte wasnmrasries-. ' T j w RJJURWELL & CO. fomr ..!,; ki'.m'uu" v jul22 . . 'Democrat,' AND LIGrHTNESS WITH DURA. G. W. SIRRINE, Agent, College Street, Near Fourth. CAROLINA LINES. -WEEKLY. all' Points South ai East. NEW, YORK Clyde's Wiliiiiugtoii Line from NEW YORK Tuesday aAd Friday, at 3 P. M., AND PROM WILMINGTON WEDNESDAYS andATl'RDAYS or East bound Freight, : to Baltimore FaH River and other Eastefn Cities. - - SC and Carolina Centraf Railway and Cape Fear offering unequalled facilities for the prompt of the undersigned Agents of the Line. A. R. Nisbet & Bro., TI7HOLESALE and RETAIL dealers in T i . Grocers. Confectioneries, Fruits, Cigars, 3nhff.' Tobacco. Pipes, Musical Instruments. 4-Strings, Trade Street, Charlotte. N. C. Woulu call attention to tne iait mat tney now haye in store, the largest and most ex . terisive Sbrjcks"bf iSroceries In Charlotte, i whip h ihov Sir iSffVtrihw fhr CART? th Whole- Sale and retail buyers at prices, as low as they can- be bought from any responsible house in the city. Cqnsisting in, part. of Molasses,, Coffee, Sugars,' Teas, Sodai Brandy Peaches, Crack ers; QjersCand.Piqkles, , and various jiM tier articles not menuoneu. t i JU ZV J. , , . if. . :i Democrat and Home copy. A., T. & O. R. R. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ;A ' ) Charlotte, N. C, June 30tb, 1875. J AN and after Friday Julynd, the follow' J ing Schedule will be operated over this road : ! ': ' ' GOING NORTH, x Leave Cbatlotte; 5 30 a m Leave Davidson' College. 6 56a m Arrive at Statesville, ' 8 30am : ., . ' GOING SOUTH. . Leave Statesville, 11 30 a m Leave Davidson College 1 07 p.m Arriye. at. Charlotte,; 2 wvm Close connection made at Statesville with trains on W NCR Ingoing both East and West." ' ' ", : ' ' :' Tickets on sale 'tp . Asbeviile, ' Marion, Mbrgartton and Hickory Station, , '' ' "' J J GORMLEY, jul? "''"'" 1 ' , l fhf upjearintendent. Just Received. FIFTX'i&XES "BALTIMORE CITY SOAP," AT t ,R,R ALEXANDER fc CO'S, - - . 'CJoflege Street. -r r -v i t rm t r i -ni,.. Y ' ' t ti i I'jun 3 ' Q1PECI AVKOTICE. . v ;In fhture Ice will be sold in rear of Bar well's drug store and, will not be delivered. The Ice house at above named place will be open: at 5 o'clock a. tn , and ekised at 7 p. ro f VV 11 Ji UlU'Uf X Agent. "M .V... ' ' , T.,.r.w.,. ' 1 Cakes. fOMINOE CAKES, something new and' 1J nice, at , , 1 jUi24 . f h Andrews a, cq'S: pjINE-fiALAD OIL; . Mustard and SpieeSi tVteceTt jul22 '5 ,TJMN PEAClTE8.4av."-V-fTi',l'-,i "- &;o ooies nrce -xea truest - ion oau uy uuz oi pecki LOw:-'Nfce -tor preserving, sc -v aultlO B N SMITH. i SUPEKINTENDENTS OPFICfi, ) j- Wilmington, July 18, 1875. , I , , CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Ou and after the 29th inst., trains will run over this Railway as follows : t., ; ... PASSENGER AND MAIL TRAINS Daily (Sundays excepted.) t ; Leave Mlmington, at - - 4:00 p m Arrive at Charlotte, - . 5:30 a in Leave Charlotte, at. - - 6:00 am Arrive at Buffalo for Shelby, at 10:30 a m Leave Buffalo, at . - - - 11:30 am Arrive al Charlotte, - - - 3:45 p m Leave Charlotte, at - - p m Arrive Wilmington, at - . . 7:00 am FAST FREIGHT and PASSENGER ; TRAINS Daily (Sundays excepted ) Leave Wilmington; at Arrive at Charlotte, . -Tave Charlotte, at -Arriye at Wilmington, - 6:10am 9.-00 p m - 7:00 a m 9:45 pm Special train between Charlotte and Shelby and the Cleaveland Mineral Springs, leaving Charlotte on Saturdays at 4:30 p. m, and re turning on Mondays at q a. m. . .., " ' CONNECTION'S. "-'.V,'1.0' '."'.' . Connects at Wilmington with Wilmington (fcWeldon, and vWilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroads, Semi-weekly New. York and Tri-weekly Baltimore, and weekly Philadelphia Steamers, and the Riyer Boats to Fayetteville. 1 Connects at Charlotte with the North Caro lina, Railroad, Charlotte and States ville Rail road, Charlotte b Atlanta " Air-Line, and Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta Railroad. Thus supplying the whole .West, north west and Southwest with a short and cheap line to the Seaboard and Europe. .... tsS- rapers pubusning. . Carolina central Railway schedule . will please . notice changes. ; ' ; . la fKKJdON'lV Chief Engineer and Superintendent. jul 29 ' ,rn;-:n . G. W. CHALK & 0., TRADE STREET, ; CHARLOTTE, C;- GEN COM & PRODUCE MERCHANT, And Dealers in Flour. Grain, and Pro duce generally, Consignments solicited, and returns promptly made. ' , apo , nAPHiFRiTiRniT.niKn nnMP'Y u r. : r : General Contractors for buildings manu factured by Machinery, of select material. nvate residences' and public. 'buildings, bridges, railroad cais, mouldings 'brackets, balu8trads. newel posts, band railings, win dow frames, fencing, &c. Orders solicited by Thos. H. Allen, at omce of Wootens Express. ....... jan 19 bm LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT IN THE STATE. Edwards, Broughton & Co., PRINTERS AND BINDERS, Raleigh, N. C. Blank Books of Every kind kept on hand and made to order. Printing and Binding of every descrip tion, in best style, and at prices that will defy competition. Prompt attention given to orders, TO THE PUBLIC ! HAVING ADOPTED THE IN MV BUSINESS, I WILL MAKE IT TO YOUR J TO GIVE ME YOUR TRADE ! B UT TO THOSE WHO ASK CREDIT MY STORE IS NOT THE PLACE FOR YOUR ! CUSTOM. AS I AS MUCH OF SUCH AS I WANT. .... . ' , - .;. :' .Youes, Ac, J, K. PUREFOY. jun 1 HANO TUNING & REPAIRING. PV.QC. fifnn.f PV.. lotte, practical Tuner and Repairer, (from London and Fans.) , All orders left at BS from town and country . .-:!- .. : will be promptly attended to. N B: Arrangements made with' Schools. Institutes, Ac, to keepinstrnments in repair by the year. . . . . i juJ2 Jim : NOTICE. TO HOUSE BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. I hare accepted the Agency for a Saw Mill, and am prepared to receive and fill; all orders for any kind of Lumber at as snort a notice as possible. I have on hand a lot of flooring and inch plank. ; L. W.OSBORNE. weit door to J. Ji.. Henderson's, oc29 i.; Trade street. p AYSONS' IMPRQyTOl&ElilBlS INK. Hasan's Magnolia Balm. German Colognej Lnbins Lavenders Water, Florida Water. W K UURWJLL & CU. ang4' ' TA ;TA'. QOLEMAN'S MUSTARD, Pepper, Spice, Ginger Corn Starch. - W R BURWELL & CO. aug4 rnHE PRETTIEST Corset to be found in the city for money, at i , ALEXANDER, 8EIGLE de CO S. "THOUGH LAST NOT L-EJAS'T . RARE chance for Bargains. I will sell rav whole Stock consisting of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Silverand Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c ," - ; s " Aj. ,''AT COST,'' From now until the first of September,'-1875 P S-Wacii'es, Clocks and Jewelry repair ed at prices to sait the time.-- - .ome and see me, mean business. ri 'it ' J X UUTLxSK. PROFESSIONAL CALLS. - " . .Will be answered atlnf "office at 'all Jfines either night or day. An office boy sleeps in the office, and can be aroused at any hour i j vL-W BATTLE, iL D. aug8 eod4t - - ' ' iyANTED.LI :Hj.V ij.-A ftood cook, washer and ironer. Apply at . THIS OFFIC . . X 2 s jnl23tf GEO: IL FRENCH .&, SONS," . i ..... t - . , i ' ' . . . P . .P . v - - , . : 30 NORTH FRONT STREET, WILMINGTON; NORTH . CAROLINA, i ' ' ,' , ''-'''-j -t. --'v, ! .i jvjcUiml rliu :i: TJAVK received and are daily receivta? large additioua to tbek lredr;-fall a4 eit ' '.v A J. plete stock of BOOTS and SHOES nnma . ; -i Irf . .. ..:Tj 1?:I05IY Merchants will Gad oar soods of firsWate quality, and oar priowaa low if aot low- . er than Northero Jobber. ; -; VV 4r ' a. woowm Serge Bal at tLlSu rood i iqeality ; women Pebl. Bal. and Inu Goat Bal., a. prime article, at $1.30 ; women A. Calf Bel, at $120 ; woraens Splj. Boots at $1,00 ; men L. and B. BfOgaM at $1.11 ; ioetm wbok stock BroganS at $12(1 to $150,' Jtc., fcc,. 4; n n'v. ..rw viHl"wi?tt iu tyti:ii !i .unuu id...!-: 9ut 'fvi .i r- , .,,5 .j .n,;0li(i nj samj t.,h-.vi Tbeseoodg are not thod ly, bot dirW, kad wll pre falWtio, 4 tbe? bjef . . Prompt attention orders. 7 111: mar31. dly. : : ,. ' . : ,. , , J : '- i:ti- 'ilfl tflltfilfo tfli ;., . , : . . '.r.,rA j :-rti ijiiil bna .biliii !?llj; tlw Byr JI. J, ALLEN, in tbe Cbptial Hotel Buitdia 1 lo-i 5 -h - nu t Fine Watcheis, FOR CHARLOTTE, C0LUUDIA & AUGUSM'K R OliarWtte Agency, OctCiapttM. TlieCluu-JotteVTOIai&Alii INVITES the aUentibn of all Merchants and roads connecting there, to the extraordinary Points and South, Atlantic See, fos enjoyea 1st. The Great Atlantic Coast Line via Baltimore, Daily, Insurance i per cent.. ! . PhUadelpbaa, Daily,.Insnred.ni:t!ii.r f, .! -; - r ;-;!'. 1. ;,r i :.jia'.T viituou nuliul ,cbi.c.3I NEW YORK, MONDAY, WEDNESDAYii THTJRSD' ATJ34X,vO4P? i PERCENT. BOSTON, TUESDAYS AND FRrDAYS, INSURANCE PtR 1'" CENTiH PROVIDENCE, WEDNESDAYS AND, ?ATURDAY, : ,'. n' '.. ; j , ; 9a. By way Wilmington and mrect steam PHILADELPHIA, EVERY WEDNESDAY, INOTRANOE PE CENT. N1?W YORK WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, i8DACE EQUALIZED TO THAT OF NORFOLK. i u - ; 3d. By the Charleston Lin to i Baltimore, Weekly. wJ ,;.. TO PHILADELPHIA, EVERY FRIDAY' DAYS AND SATURDa.YS,;to BOSTON EVERY SATURDAY. THK unrivalled Steam Line facilities of tbi three Porta of Portsmouth Wilminfton1 ' and Charleston, and the combined equipments fthe C. C. A A., W.tr. 'AT, and other roads, enable us to bid for cotton and all Other merchandise in unepijqpantitiea, aad to assure our patrons of absolute freedom from detention. Hon. R. Ii. Bridgers. - ... Gen'l Manager. Col. John B. Palmer, - - - - r wdfaV.u; ; Jas. Anderson, - ... - General Superintendent. ; . A Pope - ' t General Freight Agent. W W 'PEGBAM, Agent NOTICED CAROLINA CENTRAL MMM iM "V .'hfVf " law; -A',otfl l-l .HUi. ,TOToli mHK Attention of the public te Tpecf elly inttted totbe .fcc Jfetff&-1 Jl ttal Railway, being completed and fully equipped tor husfnesi, ofettf, with lt connec tionaat Wilmington, Both vret8teerineewd ttoWeJaOfl iliiiRirAaA, Baltimo.-e, Philadelphia, New YoA. BostOn and ProTidenj!aHOjwa Unu hhinmpntH from .Vl'l MjiiA ' Wilmington and all Eastertf Cities to Charlotte, BUteavUl?. r . MAshWille, lUitherf landaJl utatimis on Atlantic. Tentti fc North Carolina Railroads as well as ail pw 1 a fn$.UAMA . JTlt Insurance from Eastern citiea jprariteed a-rla any tnarllmtii rfctermtotlwiamnr charges, and Rates always t1::Jtke lowest. Rate to all points fnrnished.nn application to the nnderflic&ed. " -S A V A 8 I A I UniMJ as F. W. QlaAJtKr Soliciting rfiU? General Freightgent, numvngvoffx jxsj h . . T. i . SM1TU, alrlf V'- ' irr . MbMte ef Vol T HE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, with ttt Bail tif X tkeflities Ibr the quickest and safest tarnapoKteUosi of freight to and from VortlMm CUU ft. s . ..r..i, - i -'t , t1' noUi.-ixJt a to lsuifliEL By Rail to the Ports of RICHMOND, PORTSMOUTH; thenoe by flnt-class and ew xsrE, wwon, mrwenm-. ;.. - iis is the shortest and'most direct line RATTCS ASIWANDTlMifickE UMBER i LUMfcjkJtt I I 1 v i 1. ) .".HnNI.'!i' j. Just received to-day lt- th LUB(beYard atrain load of fine Western lamDer sucn as Plank from f to 2 inches- thick and 01 various widths. Inclndiffr an' 'extra fine lot xst inch weather boards for rablttng; rtFleAr- ingdry- and c.z -i. t:-' ji 'iijr.taBtf heavy, Also a lei c f fine 1eatern saiagleai Call at tbe Lutl :r Yr- : cce oppoeitetbe old l5e Factory t 1 1 ... j your orders, wita the cash. - - 1'""- r.r "B snAiwoiraoTjss wa , maia - JUST Received a large Jot ot. New JXnsia inclndin? KaTTiam's potI sorg, -GrandPaoarNelI,patim t apr ' - Book Stora. - 5 - If J ' which they ode? to the public at . i 1 " " - . . theJove- u !1bi t. "U&tn oil ."fio ;m,ffi 1 Jlh'v hi it n. GE01 R. FRENCH SON, ni Wilmington, N. C. Jrf tn. J ,ftayt iiiitoH li'.uiiDSi-itiif -t. .VJl-.KiipC ynu. t v.YiWiryi.',u: M - SALE i.'psuii sd'T 4. (l;U)r Cotton &dpjJtl4n &r1tif & MrttiirtV advantage ; oi, foanion puv .a jW-j u 1 over iu unep. f?j (j . . ,.)iS,(: (.. C!olnmtia. v WMHUttgtOft JUBB .rulWU ,IO ' j .u j ,,. , ,.,,.,' ir -llt Ji Wrt .H. um vt Miaawi' nwrnmip aa w TO NEW YORXY TU.ESDiYa. THTJB Ii i r . Ohio. Atlantic and JKchmand Air-Line and it-i.-i ii h " 1 Aentarlotle, ?iao'3 iU f'j :,-. , )!-, -.it .U '.i. - " AIR ! ' ' ij .! :"'VW it.jn tVfi'W S hi ppo ' HtiifiiX J :3?liu' r i J and water conaectioM.-agbTda nnpaieUe WEST POINT, KOSTOLi; wSJ; tVt liaes of StMttseMi to.BaUlaWa, :iakdi(M'j f 'f - atf points North aad Wesh ZT"" N 7 ;VegetaKf:aihorH -flad street, qfJSsmim ha4'hd bandld e receiTb every batfern:. cblckena, cJiUsa,1 beaai, , 'l . - J ijiiu 't.u k t -,i JjU. 'iti 'fij ni ' .M VTf a1vi ai ni J una tioti I ii i hi mi i i "t vvam Hiiwaniwnr.j 1 pani ay.w"JeV x ... m tX fiixWatf 'gibUrlav and i fcaase ithi city; dTrJ A1 e7tifty b'l4?,4s " Y7 M L0NQ & CO, R : S I- 1 i'. ii 6 1 - lit;: 1 ' 1 A jmisaw , t , Winnsboro.a.-. ,Jttl22

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