... '-. ' .. 1 . V 1 1 I fir i - '- t" HAE10XTE 023ERYER, j, y v v. i J03;Pn!TJTiriCi r , Tn Ossesvxb Job Department ua been tborouhly aupplled with eyery needed want, and with the latest ttrlei of Type, and erery manner of Job Work can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. v Ve can furnish at short notice -, ' BLANK3. BILLHEADS, ' . ' trrcKaHa ids, cards, ' ?u TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, v : PBTORAMMKa, HAND BILLS, v ibT lt t PAHPHLETS CHECKS, &eH do -'I. EATI8. AAft 'I n8UF ljfear; (poHWUd'frf tulvance $30Q '"jLlJUon. " ," " r-njrHJf Weekly fri the county) In advance. o'J&W out of the county: pcpald; 2 10' AjpsH Liberal 'reductions or nb Utllliil Kin ; ; i ; :::..!.!'.., : .' '., . . I '" ''";, i ,(! f' i ' mli m ' ' " ' I ;''.' ' , , j , r 1 i'i I " i ' . 14 '. 1 "n I (ft. ) iFW . ' ! S f .r T 1 I ' 1 1 V. .T 1 rf t Oi V, utQ r. i 111 Til 1 til " yfSN ftl -tJi O H 1 ii Hlf " ' (c.'H-ni BVW 10 no? rfj? vn f nii imo ell M;rf ' ' d mid - iow eigtersVJaie.ctoth Button . B eteert'llissea cloth Shoes. wajfS euu in AND OTJI E E" t.iin Xa- ,1! aERJGE fill ui fsi&Xi ' ,0 ban ,!jtwC;iaa 'aVtteK I'd"! ih Itlml!. XT.l I XI AX II A Ak. II H lk.. II , tl Ilk 1 x Ml A.ifV7 -w lufU JHIA1U r.U J. Ill X 1 1 . ."-j.r - T TlIUkiri'T; jt-.t tisi. w r-..-- - - , tf zjoaft y OCTpJ only as the bLlIigiA may bt wilUngjto admH'td ' -TlMUMmKir satlon-Bra.TrnonFe slTordaill Oik DlULsurVof aiiyoyaee without peril .A 3-3 W r7 1 Ji . , 0 y:7iTUafK0f DUST ! Nj) FLIES fl 0 MQSQXJTJOES ! ! ! taf Railroad tlielMe wtotiMloW arifl'etuTli,M. $19.( lli a a ;. UU) . J - - . 1 ( , ... ' a! uiiiitn! J .;::;'iSSnpLESAlE & RETAIL ; ... : is F B r 1 .1 ,v,enppJy.of Lwinge aHgTTkdei.iA full assortment ofMfetajic Cases, Gaskets and, Wood , ,. Coffins, Ota. hftnql at woit AiKr; s - - 4v D II D E R i i' T 0 1 51 C E r , rlSW i.J; if lti'. i J L:i1 !. 'it. ill ajVctilii'tfJ (''(:!( Tis j4 I n ft b ir t. ... ..,.-2 TENNESSEE A,r B E E WEKEEP A' FIRST-CLASS MEAT Springs Building, Opposite Central Hotel.on Trade Street and next door. to ,. , ,, a.v.u,;,, Hi) ' $ I) I T 2 3 II I 1 Uh. ::H.:T..E:R-x.R8-.r' . CASH paying customer only,? JNO crean custom v. -Market openetfrom4 litJ to 9 p. m.,each day, Sundays e,xceptea.-a THE GRAND DEPOT '";'' T 1 I nttftl WatPrs 'at V V."'- i i vii iur J a T KN'fl' nUTTG ' STORE ju U mO RENT. V. ' ; X' W r f " f'flJ f"-'5 ' . sA dosiraUejxtoreiroora.DO Tryon Btreet . near h, "R' -"d House." -41so a dwelling house Arlyr onto 11 C .L'. lid.! RieEfilofHTHiafc'IlTOBStOlJKW BOOTS A.8HO&3 nt fuJ oii iui.,:. , 4 .. , , muvKA ."y l t; v, -Df o) (mmim bn tf9,"' "l .i.toiiifeU tl Viuon warn u j . .g , , OToJAIok ,frjsbl oi eitoiJl90 1 - dl wyo . im;t -wu i; 1 J , . .J',.Yr or - 1 i t Ufti Jii-a mW.. IM.l.WWt.t..MWlHllWil U W 5 1 mi. , j -""ropnetor. fopnet M 1 if'H I r, Ttt'JMfn Tit I-'i ItCJ UGRONDBT II Rj' W E D D I NnG', i charlotte, n. ol jaux.ii- k. just RECEIVED. V, A. FULL ASS0 RTMEl 11 -W- of ? r.TJif I Parforuits, in Hait Cloth gyTen and Reps.iso,,,,n v l: - QT) ti' m sih to winnn i una .wa s 1 -laf AA TLT vfy d al IhIj t e l t2 I. HA f"KO 8ATIACT0H.J re' a:L' H ilf A N D MUTTON; MARKET, AND .SOLICJTjDE FpOM; a LARGE LOT " ' . Of Window Class,1 all size. Paints, ;0ils. Varnishes. 4c - ' ' , varnisnes, BURWEl,L & 00 ? "I -U-vi '" '''!:;, ' - - ITT . s u n ; A- ' i 1 .uJ-L.u'i-.uuiw f.ati-''ii?. , ,r.u; fOT777' .vv;. ! ,n Jab. HjjCoobji is antbotieea.tQ ? ewtct,.wi C0Qt.t3.Jpr thtia (pmeer ana;, receipt op. 1 i tirlTO tnCHAS. R. JONES, .A lt, l:r,w,j,a a d ej1fi(Utet-ana''Koprietor.i,r'' v.- ,.h ... ' v;i - V . Niaeiii battle arrayf yttlerdiyiftfternoonj Tb.Ts is the ihst day when bids. iUfi rei 1 ceiyedftm Hue erectioil ortlewiinsuhmca Tinildlnc in this cilv. . ,wf3atnB :HiH,.T this tttfj,Mrill 0!??$ thelttdeesbf the dfithntt of military .com-. v . 1 n 1 i "r v s a 1 ? . .1 1 - 1 rzt jt m j The Saturday ; afWrivooh asootntitolf0 t-i-vcrz&zzzrztmZ civtZktriixii gna i ntMl trJlL6iaKlbjtt3HT Brvrarti Mf,jMirapi;of .tbe arrtyalW a wMrwitn's! fileei with llainr-iteria?, W -I t iil 101 One of the parties to a chattel mortgage which was registered yesereday iin Liheof 1 t&fW&titt bot the erf- phonious cognomen of "Smiley Figg1." Facfe.1 ' .Tsale' bf Hkv Lnekn propty ion!-,! on street, which was advertised SfojSJjeaLer elayVdiahbftiie 'placflse"oi) i-iwiW interested requesting a postponement." fUt Ttrillibe liold otftb Wfiri'of toberyR The idea of per ect -indifference was s per fectly lllustraled (he other day by .the man who, while the rain was pouring down in' uuuuic cauii iiurrvuw, wsueu ieusurtij aiuug the streets, smoking his pipeT his cir 'fold ed and hanging,OA hia arm. ' ?r' '' i v ; : Pe Js. truly an exceptional man j ;whp, ret iurriirig from the springs, can tell his friends, who haye stood the ,-ibeat of the -city-i all say. that, the: excursion .which went . f rpn this plaeVto.Wiimington last weekas biiu- cteir tlh hospices oTtbelodko laf dld iFellows 1 ; neouslytated at this-'tirnel ' l'KBi Drake E6q.?d.tbr oMhe Btafesville tlmericatf, fcas in the' 'City ; yesterday afier &5dJasfcnightr,yf;Vi T ' Kcaxb l F C Bobbins, Esq., member fleot iof -ihe , ConventionTrom Jt)y icteon ountyf was In the city on yesterday. ' f.tjqu i .e'Tejbdirerwini-f . v': l,'''' -Tbe ljiisHlaaga: llQiej?. "ineiey"esterf4y i at thedriig , store of iEBurwell&Co.:; ii-o;aJ it. Marriage in the Catholic Clw'r,, f Yesterday Wlernooiil Mr Peter McGowanv sWd MfsvITary'IBaf-fb ftnb cityf were uuiKu iu,iuofit A(pk 4: cvcr uttu' iiS'liPntAaL ltb4 i idlen. jtioir.ilQat dinrchbyatbi-tries rJ! Father Haodr.'The tfiMif;. AKCimandvami 10 ffw1 t.,"- Can any one tell tb cbrihectlori that exr. . sta,beweeh.'4rum and music ? ' Or why Jus it tbat a drunken mantwabls to sing wheh he caTrhs "cdnuhdrofrToes t the local "night before last, on pasiing'a' par ty nllegetreet, who evidently bad long since found their gauge, afid who were try- Ui2 their Qtmbst to pass . themselves oif jbr ezhbr;oli Jznoh macb 4h .ambseruent X cottntff of street Acaos, wl were tollQw- ing me ineonaies aiong iav cporoagu ianv;: B 'Hilt Messrs Lcw'sMtiler i tiirireiept. ingthextensiyff iron works f.rfertiarjj 'MlhWfcRipV; aie' ifhe1 steam ifturidry. in thiaTcity He annddnces . t . ..iii.i . ii-ir iiMK' ment. 81 W" fffiHH modi , The Suprem e Opuft, on the eye.of adjournmepl, delivered decisions in 'huffifer of case's oif which, the follow- ing are. (if HtCgt itftpur; readers ,u j'pihn,jL,ilorhcd.y...MJi Wruion, et. al., from Mecklentnirg lSfo rror -judgment Hlfirm'ed. ' 4-T'Av t V j r State vs; ARichmorfd ahd Danvilld jraehMffirmed. jf . . . " . -f,l."'j7; ;,;NC R R. Co, va George W-Swep$oni et. al.; front Wakei Judg'meniV'yersedi A darkey in the city tells a ' funny , story, and tells it well lYerday morning while he was cpiairig Bp street, he saw the whole street in front of a house : blocked $withJ a ddsetf'oftwd buggies and'carriages,farid prompted by cnrioaityi he wen Uo the house in irontof' which ihej were stopped to en-, quire what was the matter. vI The horise was' occupied by a eolored, man' who f plained that a report had become current tbat his wife wss. d rJ, aodall those folks out there were kin pecple of her's who had, come in fr 1 the country to attend the funeral. summer. offiis experience, therej without laying- for hik dbject alhbe tne!wnll talk-5 ing, to eausethem'to die of enyyHm,y0-B i vv av.nere at tms lateaav. we are besontrht I 1 .. I 4ni UK i 1 ' ii, I Ann t ri n.it.w....... .............. 04 I " 6P M Im.- mi - i X. XI I v J- -1XX... 91 oMVl(tiq.5f .1 (.!! . .."-A.. . -1 naineaa Proh&hiii-tieu 'eoafpr Hli, hit w J hrdw .8'j(jirldiproMDly be tbe taccess cf E fni viitenuonL jo egtsoiiau buuu an nierpne here:iU He:lmetSwith2 C0T?!aSer 1 i JWawr'i cVttr-rlsaaci Jenkins, (COJoreo, was rj peiore jxis i iionor e jaaQr, jjyeaieraay vi iJWinijnKrningtr 'indecent exposure, of 'prsoD .1 mirf -1 .Lili vii'U-'ji. i-! i 1i&&cjvittc2 barn&sonJoiin Rh'odeo. for" iue larceny oi ruiiauya can t coqipro inisedV. "11 11 ,Ji (mised. ; ,m,,U ,,11 1... A,fiBhlurrediaatcnial.i about 9tofclocfc tniina ,l' ' I Ahti'jMliinL.Mii'L ta. s s.ita msan k nr aarriii'.ri vam 111 imii ai is in i.iih .. .wont a ..u - 1 .watermelons iiwnim.fihelC&taba River ,pooms, rpmiuaea, us ox lUitt Twain's' fff- t:J w0? it1?H'feceiof Mthecltv: and he crowd inrMakmnni. thnu tle city 'and, &i waigeS j&ronn4 hose , 7f0W& IWWVyer seen a water ,inelo bfeoit wnt liareilyi prices nag Te.Xestoy;Inaeetsi .dofcK? -h!i ; but. uuHot slum! water is a' retiehj, .dggestibn as ni inseclicide?fItVliftdeW5Ted add wacKi amts,'"; cocneijtderSj'iehimmH f Safif Which Jft, fest our houses. .Take, wo pounds of, alum abd diffOM?; I .lira ttasw, op sEqur quarts ,9 f J ooiungwKier;;, let lit lianas on tne nre until the, alum disappears thje- apply it .with' ji .bf ushIwhilevaeartyibiuro ! hot,' Ito'eyery joint ereyic hi your Closets; bedsteidS,' tian-1 itry shelyes, aaSf the like;'Brushi the! jWy ices in the floor of theskirting of ruop-boardi ypWIms't fiiaj 'ley 'hafbor yermins. t; ! Petition fiat Pardon. ui ' : ' 'An eflfort is iigmadeeto" secure eecu- dhfined'to iailih:tis icitvLt" waSttnftoi' hit pep fenced to deaii fq th mutder of Alex. ' J8 t5ing4 Mountai,ts!of which encebe was convicted at the' hut, term of Mecklenbar.Contt. WTbe i'petrtlon,is being cjtou!atediby Etwbodwlf'ewh has .secur-, ed tbsigBatafes .ot4neairiy!aJl the )iuemi' of thgrf is' ciiheeriff of the niyyand alt W the iwoi8,wui4 sat on the see?S!tJtwJVwho have not yet been seen Wejinderstandj that .-:tbe petition- jteceiyed 300 signers in Cieayelanif and GasVn:lcounr Kea-.ii? UiMiMtn vh?u:h i)lK'.t i Platjfona&egna. VJ'i , : Workmen taye begun'!Duildi the' phtt' orm: bf the Chartt'ttjBj jioia ibia & Anguish 2Jailro4d,of whici welpbke afeWdays ago. The; platform wijeapn tpugh from Sec- Muu(iu ,nirreeillanfl wm-oe awieeciong: by 21, wie, mi will bebuflfc wklAUm buVtebnAitinyal f ,1C n auOiiiiciimoina t Oanvuie itallroad Com pany) will soon:begin1aUargei plattdtm 'jfn-J todrwlli occhpy nearly all ihe Vacant, spaca Jpiitcng Hotel leay ing. , only, room for drays tq;reach the warehouse of the1 A. tlfertike FIettipi.; -lom Fhifer, cattjee hdrig ttaerea portray ! natural .as .the :origiiiab d 1 ThiBl portrait thSrJ'ii fwork is ffigf ilr Artliuri; BatCofithis city. fe longer, the work is scrutinized th 4 more penect it , Been) s 1 1 ai j.tnj f ea tdfes'&re e 'is 6B6'fa&Tftkp' ahothery it is the eyep.tiN .portrait staratfs'ilr 0itttA eki. ismeir a! ttlt:': !Tfr. K D1 is S fact tbattherft lafft, gemJemaik iq this city w.ho is totally destitute? of tlrt sense of Il T-r J.J iA 1. L Jl il 'J"ll!' smeii. m 0,0 U4U uui. iuae uiia au, uacf - i 1114 pbysioal get sp $ Ae neye had I ti W facV he was born' without the power' tif smelling. Me-H-;anHinytoiaaf 'kt''lie -can'f smell 'even 'ljmbeiger -cheeseand never c6uhd? ' There ig id malformation about his' nasai organ,. ana(ne an ; no ; .mores ten way he can't smell 'thaa he can smell. The gen tleman cf whom we- speak ia Capt Erwio, Clerk; of the Saperloa Court1 We cant say that we would consider this k very great de priyaGon'; For; oui own" !iart we j would much rather be 'without' the bower to imeU a. rose'; thaii . te ' obliged., tp smell the com ponent ", parts' of JZadical meetings; when we have to repprt iftem4. no & 1 ,1. j v , As'OthfcWSeeVi, 'V JX)ru alV A.8traDeerafterift oflnve r-oterilhe city, remarked; to una rthat Ma -the coarse -of hirrida he had seen at least A'hundrd "ieally hapdsoth eresideri'cea arid one thing which strackhint pleaif aptfy V.tbat ihey 4rc yiot .confined toany one section,; as is' the 1 case in in any places,, but are scattered 6 Ver every part bf,the,cityva'Hei was but- pfiaeu, auer-u auaeuuu 1 mine ume to fee. so marked ti diiferenceV ' scores of handsome business houses r and re idences having been erected sincei his last visit, and the place having, in ev. ery respect undergon e r sterial ch acges iounsnetnxt;xisaDSBiK BTzrinz.'uiaiiaToiv 1 .a ii-xan ,ia-".-. ? a Lai en tea anistr wrooi jwnnr-moxe.ex- pfience will Vlh a pr.oid.rdwti nption lh Ua profepsiori. riiJi ifKI f."1 .p? xrnfortinate Serina?;3 .V !f u Several young, men who ;ere out last night' serenading1, that )s.o say, Ringing for. drinis.'got caftgbtli 'tne rain We under-. -sUod.Uaat while the bass fcad Lii intrath. wide open and his. head If! tins' back btdrop of rain fdl down his thvdat 6r(d threw him hv; tQicpnyaIsi9ns.9i'iij sm. ' ao'aa!?'-!' imt th,M rmrndss say.haV.a'ii the I f.a?4fofigihari nnlefprppraredit is given, or the'fattlaf. jiatefct .'without credit. 1 If Ihey f r xohangeswSuldrnlJ ' ap3 tnir ocai columns As it is, d&r parser iuM theirdwn seiasors maktog -Teputafio'plfoi stupid repeaters,'! who neyer in-1 their s iifes ia jj, . an, , tia&&.Ui tfsfom ihetc quesuon wnicn noonger ;aisrarDS tne ieaniinai iSf otir dttizeiis. j ""Wnaii per plexes theiifWisf' "Wliieo 11' the geese , ,5pmeT . fcom.? f f Maibe some quacking 01a gooses and has impbrWl lotte plaimtioiq y ery certain that ijiere .is, an.' ihiltiniera uie company ol- mem neie, ana uiey swuiu hi uiuiu n great M)Un pu uus lwh lur Hoiiuj purgosq pi .Ofjierj ;wnener 10 j guuru or. nos, we . Know not, An Odd Old WU1. , There' is an old will on file ; in . tha Court House here which is somewhat 'of, aa 'oddi ty. It was" executed by an ;old, gentleman Who has grandchildren and greatgrandchild dteb flow liting in this 6ty"Aftefsay4g- R .11 i,; -,-iti,i u'jiiti-j Aiun wi Alio fivLciigr buuiuu in utYiueu uui, the testator goes on to say that if any one of the. heirs, is dissatisfied 1 with i tberportion given him. qr her, tworefetees shall be select ed wio shall , themselves select a third, and tbe.thiree shall; arbitrate! the case. If their decision is not acceptable to the dissatisfied heir, the portion willed to said heir shall be taken ( ftora ) hfin b her and divided out among the other heirs;; that is,' those wboj arenpt disea&shedni'o Y wn t . ,; v This is an original will.' f We never heard of one, Jikeit; but it basjnaerit. ; It contains provisions , whichwill n effectually'' siienee ' family jars and' put a quietus upoW anyl idea wuica tuny eni,er.uiineu 01 ,an attempc 10 tiw U asfll (I 'ii' 1" ' r ureaa. a win. iU-. '. A' Notable Dayi vtat ui -r sjvAn exehkbgefBbes,1thei Tac ihai'Sunday j lasffil'anpV day5 In thej ( "": Hi tenglisW.adnraa .-bWiA .Oa the I5th of ugwjtiBai.f Tbomas,! Fuller; the witty puritan listopiaa and theologian!, j died'Oa the 15th bf Angust,ir58l Tierr Bouguer, the, French matheinaUdab!died. .bd the 15th of AugratlTe, NapbleoTi laparte was born. On fh ttnittatt-' Scoit' was born On i5thJbf AugustJX786i Thomas 7M4tb.tei ohakespsars and Chaai ward jrying, the renowned Scotch preacher was bora. On the I5th of August, 1810, Rich ard Cecil tha godly anthbr of the-"Remains' ditd; And on the 15th of ; Atlgast, l853,Frd. erick William Robertson. W Brighton, whose sermons are universally aumirea, .enterea in to his rest. ;Iv3 i;: I: Mi J Wadwffirthl Very' soon' begin the' '. erection c,atousniess house, if en ! mshyery stable land the: Second Presbylerian Caiurch,?ott iTryoy itreet, ahd tookingVio0 th'is1 endh'pte' !nbYers erllvdr. yesjrdAy nioymg but 0f the. space,, where Jhe, new building js to be erected, theoH 'frame building oc piediby IRobmsow-ii! EUiottr T!old nousaoccupiea w sireei- a-grea pa ofyesterday It will be set 'just below ihe liyry iStable pa the cdrner of Tryon andij Sixth streets. :io t jTheiheBtordwill' be" of brick,' two haiftli. (Sontoacitodo riekl work1, rind Messrs J Robinson ; &j Elliott, the 'wooffworkV VBome of Ithe material is already on te ground preparatory to fegfoning' wojck: Tys'r, V!s i . Election 01 OffieersvJ :0? ' P ;f; , Vt, a At the last'meeting' of the Charlotte Lodge of the Grand 'United Order of Odd FeUowi'fcoTored) jtbe j following' omcers. were pieceq, anu. ciusuuieu jor thnening term; in-j I iku nE'NF-Z T-Fearsafli. ,J rlfTarii ' "" '.-.. . ..... , .. i WTdWKarkpairick; . riL; T:!jPr GTho JettwwAiIi.'wi J 5- N, G A Allison; as sur tf-f -jtv YG James HeaelerP tV., d r ;"3B S-A Phifer .t,- .MiJtf . R 3 to IX GH. OPhifery -l ii- .L S to N G-J 0 Walker, V x S to V G J C Price, , aidesrab OiwtaBla. itt' LincoInr coiinty. (hat appeat nndej; bi; be4 irattot oHglnal . Withns ; but,then they haye as much, origif nalitV as thevhad in tha naners from which we cony ihhl Savannah .:AdxMttrTMld I- of 'tlie cltjv which .WjEis,, saved by the " 1 1 . 1 wliether,,Qrt na this is the ex-1 anbaTs biTbfdgraphJca iatory 0n the l5th of Abgxistf i59d,.RoberB lake,. JthW r famous1 stories, high 26i8Q. feet in the clear, and, will haye 'aionen fVoiit. MrTJAllisbn .CS M. LpireryVu.-t !d4 lTj? ('rJM-Wm Adams,L3 d ! ;i f-' ,v The rain, , rainetbv and tht6aWh' winketb.hut IHUe doe;the goslinknow What ihe goose Bhe jtbinketh." There were indications yesterday, that the'sktes would ; clear up and that we wpnld have a little Aug ust' weather! the su nsbining throughout most W th daf ; httf AbonV half past le YCclocki the flood-gates were opened and .eonipned to pour Jmt their, contents until after mid "jghtttWhea, tbeaooa shone rorth Again,' - jHj report was. curcalated j.H rough tha city, yesterday that a marriage, would take place last night at ithe Baptist ..Church. Accord ingly a large 'crowd assembled, ? when tha Sopemtehd&Cof t!he undaSchoot 1 on Jthe subject' of SundaySppayipg. tnat ne wa&taato jaiaa soue money for the 6cbopponnctediwlth tha ehnrch. Wheth e hef took jnp a; cpllejtloii or. not we didMt learn, as pur.ngornxan ayyoung man, got so mad when he found out that he had been t&Ted'ioouVe' maaatfce'fdlp' Sd came lib' town and 'got intoxicated b '!'i 9UALsJSMi',t The(;ewspamBaalaar;hariott. -9:4 correspondent ini iCharlotte fqrtiji the, following itenssi bonoering ,Charlotte Journalism to , the; last ; number : of - RovntPi ewapaxlc. City. OoyJ moaesty prompts uSj tpomit.the very hand some though, Undeserved.. cqmpliment paid me uity eairor 91 tne VBSXBTXR, tbanxing .dead,- ifh iU mtii jah . mi . 1 The Weeklv Democrat hi 4 riU ,AWiUU4iJf'--.fisT!i' bixbdetoissaidtci be Worth f80,090. ; .Xhe; irayeweyuie: Kaglerjecently removed has ens ofreviyaL Lieut Gen D H Hill, an enthusiastic .grani ger, ass Dy lar tne largest circulation, pi any. secular saner in this section' The Associate I editor Oapt R AShrtwalL wasr a ylcttni "of FGraht's electioneerine scheme;1 andhas1 served two years lit 'Albany Fepitentiary for Match Game, of.Base Bali. ,v- . 5) , H The. Smith ville and Nameless ittnes play ed y esterday evening on the grounds 6f th e j tL -jz-iawv-J i ? -L'V li?J ai. 1 1 called; the game 6ii the pight inning. The score'stood 29 io 60, the Smitbyille" boys bgf inttt yicrsbe. llQwiiig Is "the score": Innings.- 1 2 3 4 1 , S 6 7 a SjT 8mith'lo 2 61 13 j 0 10 Jt7, J, 6 50 "NSmeles' i 0 1 lift I 5 3 '2 716 I ' 1-29 1 ' 1- " LJ ' f n',i. i SMrrayiLix FTys 15; Muffd C," T Tl . . F. A I ..-U I-- Wi- -J.J' -- " - ; P. I&EagXi, Umpire; C. H. OyiEMAif, A. HAAvajxyifci, AwxAp"B,,Scorers. - , i;During - the progress fof the game, by a wild throw the ball .accidentally bounded .oyer into, the yard of DH Byerty, Who 'inv mediately pocketed it and brought forth' his double barrelled j shot gun and made dire threats about blowing somebody's head off and refused to deliver, the ball to; the proper owners. Another ball !was procured' 'and the game" proceeded; after the parties Aad ''swapped" a few endearing epithes. ) ; . Nora-Mr B reversed his desoisibn- about killing folks, and aU the base ballists, in the langnage.pf Daniel .Webster, 'btiU live." r rCOXKUVICATXD.i 'i, : . -at.;. ' ' , Kissing In .Church, ' ' ' ! ' '' , This salutation, as , we all know, was cus tomary in' the East, in . the apostolic da between; both men and womenand we j are iold was used in the early church.as a pledge of christian peace and" charityihd to ex press regard and revereace as well as 'tAeo tioa. Sometimes the beard was abased, i(2d Samuel) . nd. the feet, (Lake 7th) and ieyen images, and the heayenly bodies worshipped by kissing the hand , towards them, (1st Kines 16 to 18). Now'it is to.be hoped that this ahcient custom will never be renewed, I which almost forced one to kiss 'the other as they meet, and yet there are some' good old sisters still disposed to kiss in church, and so delay the exit of the Worshippers. m - gi;,7 )!) kITghts - teupitab; .. a . .-. .-. . . . j : ,,if (i I w,jii. .TAKE NOTICE. ' , yv' - h . REGULAR ri Conclave of Charlotte - Oommandery j.Ntf..UD., .to-nieht. a f ."Uheh- ' A8Y- LUM . The members will take dne; no- jtice; 'and be punctual' in ... theirs .at ten- o'clock.' ' Sit Knights Who arein the city are courteously invited to be pres ent t. -i By order of the JC .,.....;.' ... , 1 . huglS lfe in , o ; r i ' 'Recorder. CHOICE 3REA1 .11 -l. Oi-.' HOICE 3REAKFAST BACON, at j i h. : ,B N 8MTTHi8k ugW.rM.M REBOILED LEAF LARD, at J " 'i.iiw B N BMTHfJ! I augl8,?l jt-:.vj-,.-si j r7 THRESH EGGS and BUTTER, at "' jp ...r.... , x -b N SMITH'S.?' augl8n-yd - ir r ' v nHARLOTTE BUILDING .AND LOAN i 4' ."Aesociation; i in A General meetine of the Stockholders' In this Institution; will be held at tha oflce of R E Cochrane, on Friday .evening next, the 2Utn tnst., at w men tame every memoer is requested to be present; as business ' of im portance will be transacted, ;t, ,; ' By order of the Board of Directors, t .-ti W f. J )- j 8 PHILLIPS, Pres'L QRYSTAL FLOUR. ivi; ,yA fancy brand just received, by ' - .yJ bu uhknb'wn ftfend all this same r$ so Ui "s f -The Age,' a gratuitous-.eVehing, paper,. is I, v to this place and beaun as a dailr. j pe' nded, wtth ho apparent prospect . i heDseryer, thf only daily paper in this State west of Raleigh, is doing ai good busi- 1 ! .1 i , I. j.i t VI. Mjf" 3ICr?aat Excitement ttoi iWttit -r -j , v; ' . v a a. u uv -. jui uiimvu . ' bm;NTAiN i 8 ENDING FORTH FURS ; CRSAU o ano fcV44 t- -5 1 ! v ttW ff W ma Kwao. J securea , -vthe iirsVAnsmenklnd made ar- St-- thereto furnish us ra- Wtixa wHgnlsirly,.4;Itlias been xa tbja oa ?:Mm&mm State, 1 dlotJ mo lil7V B?iIaU ia - and if you doubt it, just come and try for 01TAVH3WI0 yourself. Still WePG.o me ! ! .M.UAK.iTtJ.13J .1' 1 , THOSE Flhe-CanyasaedHams, which all Ute so weUi who have Wed them. Full weight gnteedrj - "' . aosv'l s tfWWPETHER 4 CO," First door abeye Market House, AM ;nosmii, 7 ' ,ftm . i . ' - vMCfecraeIyypihe!,frnewevr',offere in or marketisalsb-'largesountry1 side Bacon, nice sound.and clearofboiie, at , - -V"-. - . B N SMITHU 4 i-SIOOBafrel&v., PURE aX)PPE3"DISTILT,ED NORTH CAROLINA CORN WHJSKEY. for sale byin A'GITNT' CRAMER,- ., i Tbcfttiasyjlte DayidsOn Co., N. C. .anglS-.ijJy.KvC1' - - TTtT I vUi EveAY.y-y-ui. r.-s fid 1 -' .'.)j.-i'! fnHOSE fine Melons iaye arrived. Call at 1 Mj Davidson's; they are going like hot .cakes,;,.. '! ' . A FINE LOT .. , 4 . ... . .-. ..-v. . ;-t"u.ii wit M i'i?ii ;' PBESERnliBBCHES; 1 .Viiit-iirt iviifiii'iS -in' VVilVliitQNGr& CO. u ,t jrauBDfr aOBK uuww tur vbwtxbu. , W R BURWELL' A C0 P n-A A Vft. .A V V . 1 "L. AA I. jnl22 Agents for the Manufacturers. QAPpLtp,.'),,. 'uuii ",- b uiu , Browns' Ess. Ginger. Colrte 8oapa, just recelyed. ' VW B.UBWELL A CO. HEALTH I . PLEASURE niu J IV WSlrTT W II I lrl' t4. 1 1. 1 1 A-iVJ A. S SSI 1,1 . M V JS. J mHlSHooMi is well fitted and furnUhed, ..-7.U.U' attAnftwA1 Whit Hnl phur andXbalybeata1 water always on hand.- Vehicles' furnished at short potice. Om nibus goes' from the Hotel to the White 8alphori8pringtl, on' the arrival of every train. Table supplied :yw1th;ievery delicacy of the season."'! All lbes otmspire to make it a first-class Hotel, second' to none in Western NorUiSaioUnaV.nfB V No efforts will be spared make the guests ' eomfortahla and eonteuted.a-i v TERMS Board, , per mopth $20.00 ; per week, TIXOI per day 2.wi..lvwwren ana servants half price. ' . ' .i - - " For further particulars,' address A W MARSHALL. , Jqllg ; , - : : ;. - . f Proprietor. , OFFICE SOUTHERN LIFE INS 0O, ) Charidtte;N:O.ATJg,.'3'lb7o. J . OnCE. Sealed proposals will be leceiv Mlnntll Wednesday tha Q8thl eighteenth nsLl at the office of the Southern. life In-. surance Company, In the city of Charlotte, v N; O.,' for the erection of a three story Iron j Frontand Brick Building.' " Dimensions (54V r fifty-four feet fronting on7 Tryon street, and (108) one hundred and eight feet In derth on Fourth street, Charlotte, fo pa comply. -i by January 1st, 1876. '. . ' ,': c w ' v Plans and spedlc&Uonsin'aetan,'tosew.vr with conditions Of contract can be seen a the offioat of this company Cen Thoa F Drayton. General Agent, to whom all com- , mriicauons may- be addressed, marked. I'icposals for arecnon of CouXharn laiein- aurance Company, Buildiasr , The right to ect any ,cr, alb bids Is re enL " ',V".'r C P0WD, Building THBRLil, J' Cbm. au3 td ; A is, now open 0f xna ,x!OTnjouawuH ui yisltbrt and the traveling public, Ha rooms are large, well ventilated .and commodious: served oy wecom?any.,ifr, . - RnntVinm T.iA TnimnnCt COmMSV. W C MOTlTtlfl. EcperviciASg It 14 : i t 11 ii I f 1 . i 1 '1 V i MP 3ii -i : - - - it 1? 5 i Si-- Hi c - i i ' - si i . ft - NEW". 1 Jlw fim

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