... ."l 1 -) t CHAELOITB 02SEB.VEE, - j BUBCWrtlOB AT1S., v v t ' Daily i yeaM postpaid) ia Advance, $8 00 " 6 mos. A 4 00 JOD PRINTINO.- .an Tne Oxskxvks Job uepartmm : oh mm - thorooghly supplied with erery needed , want, and with the latest styles of Type, and rery manner of Job "Work can now be dones with neatness, disrtch nl cheaAess. ri;-!i? nail '.'vfiaH KDITIOH, J "We eaa famish at short notice lAIfIIS, BILL HEADS, - , 4VV" LETTja na vr3, cards, r2oanAiiaiE3, n akd bills, . ' Wf kly,, (in the county) In adyanoe $2 00 ' out of, the county, postpaid, 2 10 t 6 months, ' 'M- ? 105 pa. Liberal reductions tor elu&i;tfv Ma, '- 1 "'' 1 1 - I, 1 ,1 ' " '" ' ' 1 ' 1 ' ' 2 1 - ' 1 1 ' W :-.r "ii n 1 jiTToaaiAisa oji HAVK M ARKKOfiPWlftyWCJ ot,t :U Vl to :M M ILVS V".69 CV? K;a?lA Woetj-A.Al. JiMu.viul .. 'f 2.56 Zeiglera Ladies ahd gt,.............4.4..-4!a..uwirf.,u,i. 2.0 Zeiglers Misses ctottf Shoes.;.'. .aut.awi... J..i o K rf r sr I A VA A j wi nio iuis fcn swaicd eiJtlo K.Jioi I Jj , ff 'fl. iB'stKVCOT.-Sertlcwi rill .a, . w-T'iJt ! .'iArt Ml K i-!OiIlna-,wl ,iiwJ t;OJfc ,ii'o?.6ii .U .2 ..I t. .;f. y&lf 1.1 -ifcfjrUJ j j '30v ( .1$ lift baa vHtuob o ' , '..- . ...... - f. .... - - JJl L ;SEAUE0RT. H. C, .'flttitm1 By the large jBdu'oofs of BWJB ;FJSH, M ., . ..u,.... it,ji,D,t-,.T ! fc1iffttrtrHm T,i.iiriOli till lato in-tbe&H- - eturn, Boardda"" - ! Apply to I &i JrM.i Wi u-.it.i i i to i..i-. !(!.!? t WIIOLESAIE& RETAIL i i'i ! J iF ( H i-a CHnlnA:WiMK,'0,.J'" !H 1) Hi I' . If ' 1 ,?f;svf ;.ot ifcifrS xlltrUaeqri' I .sieJ? of it; XI U V B R C E n T T 0 J .LI A !l!JI KtVid'd .h o! hiA j.-fw tta bRs .iinalhtti fcevoTiqa ( ba H ii. 1011.: U S6t 7 I. ... 1 1 ii'i - -ribiif Jjdvii itt r ' dt 'fcS.iT r.J. Jj'' ,,two"-rioJti 01- iS .11.1; t'4om ii 1t tv ni tt4fif?t -ji!4v-'i6.--s e? j'j- T-ii ir vfciaib9inicii ,4Jia .v'i.':A Jt td i-Il a .A A .O v.q eifi 10' f laon lis! n v".fitaoJl i&tiS. ;;P1 ufvh Mint v. vjj AJ"3UJ!a "idnta V73ld'W.'-iiXi4'Jid- ni;9w 5vm's.w?Jibiif3Aa.wIOMIJ8 .laVVBhdrvt';ir'oif.vhV - W&MePJl PIEST-CLASS MEAT ill mh-fcJ lift te-:Vj. ,:J oHi v -'1 r., j l r J- - . IPiutof Smts, IV iSt ... . Ill .ClASH paying customers oniy. j-u cu,i.iiuw ' Malkei odoni;; m., tod Vr JuI2 i'"f-ift" ,flr ' rpHE GRAND DEPOT H ? j " " j ' "F6rMueraiyat;at'-'J2':iiyj70;l 0.. .tAA...a- MCADKN'S UKUU; blVfi ' jli'll'1'-' "" '" i -l,WF il'l , f,'f a if V -a, f -. y ur anted. y ; rn Ten thousan d'suAcrfbers'toihemKLY CHARLOTTE QBSERVER.onr of the larg- " v.rat and best papers' in North Carolina.,,.. ., 1 Addrew1- '-OESERVER,' ; ; s r shoes imiacM - sur ti ail ill vl 1 1 11 1 ii I liiiiiiuii; 111 1 i t .tut'?' t i't hjsh ii Tav: on Tos i i i - .'Oi, ill r A. dini eui '1. !)!'-'! 1b ?H,ti j 1 I 0 f ' - - ACKEKI, IBUMt, MULLETS, Ac, I ' ' ' tT -,rfw ' 3 1 U 0 Y ' ' fWJ 2.00 M m jsrs u A-.a A CIIARLaKE, Prop' . ...( ...J. t cbols Co-. r, , ni DEALERS IN TI!''R N' T !U,,ftf:':fci . i- :M'" 41 1 Vi" " : Kffrw Mi r P Ko. 5, - West c Trade Street-r 'II'. i iH '-:Ci CHARLOTTE, N. C. ' . a 2' U H JUST RECEIVED. it i OF in Hair Cloth i Also, av new. jnn IS C2 r AIL 0 Bi, TB A -5 II 0T EL; St E, f C .nJftl 1" !'. ! fei1'W onTrade Street, and next dooM A , betail dealers in ''"T': - ' - .' ,; t"''-- 'a-i'"- ! MABKET, AND SOLICIT TRADE FJ&M $ eacVday, SunMVcepted.-i ' - A itotti o;!; i It will not 1 tint. 1 ri . . f llfill All a in 4-.f . f- . ... ..r I K d 8M1 X!8 JiWl- ljV .f6f'jS f A. 1 ... t. i 4 2' 2 ailSarUUI i-r v A w , , Jv-ir. WXAki rVTki. kiiea!T,rSanar Oils. 4 lar qwtntitieai.ancL.tleiiov Clerics are v Varaishe. Aft-V t -'" ' -I u n" ta tneir eves" t worr; - ureignt nas I , 1 j otexpWa and is the beet in-as.-'1 Sold in Charlotte, by ' - O' it raaf; 7 ; , F . 1 iiiect ac counts for this , officer and receipt for the same, to receive subscripdons, tut. 1 Us sit dir!-?flcI48,JP52& It .!i!n3s,T,.aB'iox;!d va vJJ.ji sJx ( T-uilmooftrauthbHdtO 'fee S" 1 :thfjiirf irij i nieirff-r:..'.' Lft,W haye reeeiyecl .from Thomas Hita I the yprinmany of; wltoai,proteste4 that I ?t'4T44,m.fc?KWT:OT. 1':0f71&,J11terV:.seree: beftaUfuVttbehafhadnotbeei tol them of his' brK-l btl&n Jf A .hg-$tm BeMJ w'i$ro4n Bcooitb ; ItendBisT CuvacB.rSenicta. by tne'astori1! W Haltbtti at U; Alt and at 8P:fM,!Mnaa Wool'ai'WiusM.i ; f XX. K T.t! r ) M M 5 'L'iS TSTOH BTBXXT Ai. Chobch. -Serrices fe.aajrb 1M W'jVr B pmstorJiKeT J CarrawaTr,raWt;iJ: Bf . mabk's Ldthkraw CHvppHcrPreach ing at ll a. and at 8 p.nu, by Rev J Os Neiffer, of Salisbury.;: 8unday cbeol at 9 a. m. t iniouo lBDBeH.-f-Mass at 104 o'clock, , At pjeaame pdev1 Very Ret L P O'Connel will preach oh "Faith." The public are in vited to attend, v, ;f - a imam 1 FiK8i iPeksbttmiah Chubch. Services Ibli nomine at uiand fihil Evening at 8,' I oy xwt. luos, x. Allison, omauw. Sunday SchoOf 'at 4 45 oelock P. M. Bkos PaMBYTMtiAw CHtmc-Services fin tlrt corning ; at ill and evening ;at 81; 1 bv the nastor. Kv k h Hardinff. at tne I -rr;i,1 MlT Hooje .4og.t!tsummeaf.9s;iii.! 5, ; BjpjsBTatAiiT QifBCiiArviees' In the Chapel, von the corner, of College and'5th streets, to-day at 11 o'clock A. M.; and at 8i P.; M.,jby be JJey , M, Hunter, Strangers invited. Sunday Schop at 10, A.M. ; ..:.!.( , i ; 7 , ( , PiAtKB Mrarnsa. The : Young Men's I Christian , AssodiatiOh will: hold;.' Prfcyer I Meeiinff tbis evening t 6 1 'clock, at; their Hall, over the Cbmraerdal National Bank, ThepnbHc artftbrdiaily invited. ' : City Bulletin; fatfyt.iigft I;:, -; All.tPe chnrchesof theekwUl be open tot serVtoesidaVa " r!;.fir .7 .Tf. ;. . T IT-r .i.-.vit :iiM-,,leyUi Neptune and Mars are now ; in con-l k;eek.' 4 p i-.ilofjtrfyH, u .'.i ' "UTrn'las'f week' there Was: ly ;brie ;- . Watermelons are not so norjttlar ncfWi dous."- i-iJ-M'-J ' JJieSiiarpnjdii ance jcesteroay.anernopn. to piay tne maren It is pretty well settled that Charlotte Will have no Fair this Pall; wis hope ahe Wofi'ti But will we have any races. Thalk the jt.-2MLL. S .. i l.iH fwi.-1-' iir..; v. UUC9UUU, i . . . : fUl) :..., We noticed ItiniVabout dark ham of. meat 4n one hand and about a quart under his vest. He was slob - - . berinR an hadni'fijbut on,e eye, , He looked n ir. 11m 'Jill j iuv a n wv v mvv. f . . n- - . . . i ; : ! Tft'hnsinfifls-rikft raWn erinder has anrl eyfriWtheinAinchancec,riHAsavesh strengthQnalwdays, till the darkeys eet naid off. Then he and his mi)iM.1 1 t-ti iv.io34Li?.d ..air i s ' . 'I'' Mrs i?. M Murray, has sent ear of corn which appears to DeSforinea by the ; growbg''1 together of six,eaoea4iW Mlehst'll; standing A chanj two iTth the North freights' I. 7 ..-. T-.-vr -IT '. I 1 tu .TcnncmutA, . . . zyiiCL.j"lLV-VS j , it riv'rniikwlniKvM iH nn.jifi'ihi tnar i'ifrtiiierti&W4j.'ty ie drug- store'6 W . ' - : . .. , ,. w .. . . ! ,i. !WWJftTuo:.H ton HA; At 6 A. M.,.,2jKtMi 72 I IT 1.9 A M-ii. J3 " 12 M...... ............ ...iiHH.'.'4. " 8 P. M .....i,,76? " c p."M a..;-jw ilsufflj' .,1 W leamed from nassenters who ,.....- . a,l- llaaLI l- J! oaf; birtfOT whamotml w nbt- ifil VV 'XofAw; U't MAW thecaasev:v t-'mnd ndi Ju Liitoi tUXanftuW Central Ralf- hae1erf Tftlated 'for the patt' 36 ho inn. by. the running off. on. Friday night, of the weitwad bound train", near' Pplktop. It is due here about 10 o'clock at night and, did hot arrive until near 11 yesterday morn iaj Whetf .it: and the Jtrain due hereafe:e. m . rrvAd tnpftther. In conseanenee O: 111 9 msi mgns. xTmn ,.nd trainsjiu a, aL,m i ! 0 "J. Ji.: MSn j u dVt .-. . 1 is about xhade up, now. jrive, .henceforth asjuaL , There ii ' no complaint among rail- : foadmenofdqllesrJndeed.busi. . 7.? " i:J.i.Vi,- ness is rather more livelylhan they rjJtiJikAai W motnlftl kirfvtnV'tn' rim li 1 iiHiK iia a,'ajb;ui aa a a for two days, that road beins: unable to carry off all that is delitered.to it, and Apwards. of ,5. adAUionalpade.cArs. Vete sent td it; yesterdayb3r the other .... . j. 1 has six distiWt heads,: each frearj Tha Ball and Bat. this Tear"? in SeirlarVe and weft assorted nn itself. .1 ! gravely and wished that he would be hei iot 862, y era tliousandy ears ago, which i .i .'jtii r ,1 ,40, nay ba-lound, the,. best stock of up itself. Af, I muur. -fnv 1 ;;;1ewWwLeno Hewas u.The ieanberf.ofe.K1MBaae1,Ml-SS Splen- Se Will be made in a yorlo-gcrf,W .r.f w. yu; !" 1ittan- ainonk s of Club of ciJly, W "d guofci)gcffeighi trains en fdr7l&nV ' : " ? v :..'ni a toMiOaiWneheaWdtholi he 1 yeseydwmprpWeTi--: :pky.!! tc p ti Carolina Railroad.1 1 wb ';21T;: T. ' ..ui2 k' ced a bishop waarverregularlycahoiiized. game-with the StetnMe. , C!Inb Mch,'1 'TU KW FRll'lTS wUl ye daily, W before, had accepted,, 1, , , -ZTZZ"' iKVWiV.kAi.O'-'Uit a,"c'.a. -. yr uiiww hoihnsiain).- ftiould iteam that a ..h.iUn .frAm thm ..Tr.v VlI, ir'WfTfid(-iX:iails. is full It is now definitely settled that aytnondi the original Colonel Berim in MarJr. Twain's glided Age? will appear in the opera heose this tall. Mr. Kaymotwj a first-claes com; sdeoeatu FWeJealeVtain1 "genirsgeU sdclosi to Charlotte as Golom- a.r.he wiHigiyus; oall,; He'd better 1 ome, TinwiBUflonHn w. i; ; -f!J Centennial Pictures. : 1". I engravings of buildings which hay been I crocLeu ai ruiiAueiuia jur iue ieniennuu 1 J Exposition which Wocurs 1st that cUy ' nextTnsman found Ws way to the hearts o(, lyear; the. engraVlngi before us are of the many who'had only heard of him before.. VrikeW main 'littiMlniinortlcnitural t Jhall,mhinernaUitf agricdltaral hll. I FerlbliElr'-'r0''1 : ;"J1. i, : Gen. Eobrtiomot J wd' mVflfPft hjjf1 'city 'riast t GreehbTier-sWhite vgulnhur rferin.l ahd tool: quarters at the Central Ho- tel. (Va-' : ! ; j. JdgeSchenck arrived' at'ihe Cen Uasl; evening hd is 'ijtyvfor the .w'ork whjch J will aevpl?fe r;upon him th is week. The Coiirtf ;f.f.- ?, There were no cases for trial in th Mayor's Court on vesterdav. e aides, for keeping a - disorderly h otu e. Bound oyer. . s , , k.rn.. vu..i r u r.,:i : thway-f.4sanirift:warritoo- be re' a-ahw. Wk i ' The Bank of Hecklenbar. . We are requested to state, by the trustee rf ilna l$antr nf XfaVlAnfin'M1 tho'tf. a ini. jfot s4dreased to him by the creditors and arix- iom friends of Uie bank. A statement will be exhibited to all parties interested as soon as it can be made out,' and before any divi dend will be declared, v general - notice wilj be given to all the creditors. i - The Rain Cycle: I, .After all It seems that St.. S within has nothing to do with the rainy spell. Accord- ; ing to the astronomers, there is a rain cycle every twenty-eight years, caused by the con- arth. Neptune. and Mars are now . in eon ianptlon, excitinK electricity to an unusual extent-i This results in the condensation of theyapor of- theiatmospbere surrounding Ihe aarthv producing the eopious rains which 7-'. r i )..!'.. -.!;'-' Mr. Thos. Woodruff, the'Mrrtractotf for thepeaiinaurance building, arriv.-. ed in! thf city i yesterday, a nd to-mor-. rpw' wlli'begin work, by ''411 oat trenches! rid'ieitpectk to "begin laibg brick, n r Wednesday.; The imple- wentfl, &c; which : he brings firoto Richtnbnd 'will arrive by' tHmorroW ark. Ha k.f?lJ?-iW??1,' W I TO?J'.? ne, it;is said, byhe De id was carrying be expects to prosecute Very- igprla wfpe's in- A. ... .-. , . .i .r, ...i .1 I . 1 t , - 1 OUsVjr. I Anal.. 1 ; . . f n "i J . . i i ! l 1 i , ' ' 1 s. w i V A darkey walked lalona. the street. the tamTSraT? .5 T . ; Lwr I -xiunipn "said nev gtad "-at ain;t,Pe 1 air de nex' . 1 iV5r T-' U"J "pt' j . i I -f. Breaklff detiTroleili? Day'to beth'-pnt; i dai I m'lismarlnUfhlnlled.tUa aeaaoDKthatnm 1 ! T "'12 ""iTfl WT I niTTTnr Hsff ' ft 'HITtf II to s n fbrmbAytIdem thTlegend and! wiU ? t"?6 lWa h '3 UlilfculJwMf JL tllli I LLO, faneanm an! 'ded'atiaetf I fthU.ijlTKai bain h -b! it will bel j " ; ' uatKl to ioolt alter, the, laManjexi'JenTthUaiHesrJor heditwted'inat when he t.1BuS staie in (oat v counuyy. lor me - 'J . in. l", .;.!!.. .1. 'or-i i-. . m..:.'.. neiTS'Tn'oaruto'nroiins.' iiiere eeuiun ViLTnWMo rAfAWli tTili r.i . j. '54Avf!,,':li! ' ..5t will aimnaan in nhfiininoi t.na mnniiv I ... . . , . J O 1 .. I.f'1 Wu ,lW':,,ru deppjitted ihetsum pf fiQiOOQ wih hlmt rati phy tiient 6-. his aervicei! caae Ixirf niwsi'onMa' success fuh, Th estate estate 0 1 ; a 1 ju urraw wuu ftf I young r ; i -.4 waa; f Whe)ri Sfradgejwaa'cbmmitted.toiaiiV fafH niob thed aroind the prison for the purposed 'off lynch-? ing.himtwheii the Sheriff summoned TV W .ifKIa U lifelsrnexinlk'.vnO! naasiain nu ... ... . - m. .: motiumfenfc AS high asOlympuS a, b Greeted to his memorva IT) cr.j. iv:r'H:Vis:nw -:.-':!.; 1 'J,i'- - - f . iricip sttyesrdiyremeOouri gently menoneriglit after anotherindliaving ,poken to all, remembered, that w had vV rir:.- iTirL-.i. been called upon to- address Jeach one; as &&tf vtHi ' suggested he tnnf. that t this tit whpn militarv I'thorightthat I tltM ATA at S 1 4 1 v tfn -in n Avniahw Mori; Ut !W I ttaafyif' fif St Johri'a Lnthieraii Church. I IOWUl A11I.U AAA A.W , T, V A WMA' V. W Aw" w - . ; . '.'! .? ,. ' zcl -,i-ivL' iiiLitiL-il? 1it 1; U ?n f.ni aUv I the Lone I sucn instances 01 aicru resoive ji. 1 w wioumi; ,. .w-.. . discharge of . duty. ,f When lie 4tea atrpresent, ano;.naa. Deen .noneu,oi i Lnremium, foUowine'i underjh.is. ministrationA, , it aia the I pressthemselTesw haying had a-'nlcatj r- - " . 41 'v ,. somewhat changed 'quotation' from """S"""- 7 : . 7 f 1 fiT " wr "Ji!-1.! LARGE LOT, ALL' PRICISL RECEIVED TnrflPiaaDnronrikte-'j4 L ' ln: tioh J i' the place," numbering 17S ..terms pf tho courtesy wiOYwlupthey Milt;,, rL7;"!f!!?r- 5 membersj., ,Ji ' . v We'riceiVedand ireafWlbr -their vi,H:,lu3r..;-. ... orJtthegbodtogs tothi.gwerid : -.v;.wtaiiif-k'l - ,; around na, -ys. n. His decision -m ' vnisj matter ,iwm 7" n .1 ( .v-- l, 1 .a? .! r, The things most abundantly furnished. and. JLyJi fln in . rVftW 4ndj inpraiseof their rgentility. and 'polite 1! . . . 'A't I ;aDoa v . v . lofthecongregation.wiit he tarora-i-r'.-Tr "i . rr,v- -tr . - . . ..... j With respect to UielrttUea. U"oSqe-I ?J " - J?- -r j.m r'r ,.,W,7 . "if fKi!: 1 Vance at tne White Sulphur. yoang irieoa or oars woo returned yes terday morning from the Greenbier , White ws wh-u li-and othe distfoolshed Southerners. -Our ftiend says that be neveri saWannwmoreintellebtusi looking'group He says further thai- Gov. Vanoe, by bis three speeches,' oaptiyated al the guests at llancy. None were moreeulogistlc toan he- oruerjj, yuimhb, , pu our awuaguisae. i:t"" ' ' " -" ' " Death of an t)ld Printer. nr' " ,. rye learn, Dy.ft pot? lrom vvui a. K Lns, sq.t'of ,ihe SalUbury InteUigen- leer,. i&f '.Me. ; Jt.iclr4,; 3' ; Pendleton, JB.ornjnfc of spasms of tlie heart. He waa a, printer ty. trade, and was weU kAQF by fraternity throughout the State. He was sVvUed in W busi- neaa ,waa genial and inUlligene, and we are grieved to learn 'of his death. H8, funeral will take plce at o'clock this afternoon frorn v the Episcopal 1 i - e ciir.v w "il 1 . 1 1 vinurcQ.-oi paysDury, ana wiiiprooaDiy be attended, by . two or three printers J from this city. Superior Court . . The third term for theyear.of .MeCk lenburg Superior Court, opens tmor row, and there is a considerable amount of business to go before it. There are 71 cases on the State docket afc present with a great many presentments to go to the Grand Jury. Thereare also 332 cases on the civil issue docket. The most important cases on the criminal docket, are, one for arson and one for burglary. is in jail h This week Wm. Elwood, who here, convicted of murder, will be sentenced to death; theSupreme Court having sustained the decision of the Court which convicted him. The Haywood Homicide. We have received nothing; addi tional in the past few days relative to the recent homicide in Haywood coun ty.. The Wilmington Star has .seen a letter from the West " concerning the rLxAt TO l, - good deal in relation ; to the homi cide, and of the interest which is felt; in it in this community, we transfer this to our local columns : "After giving: some details; 'SUbstanti aHy the same as those already printed Hn the &ar, the writer of the letter, who obtained his information ronithe I Deputy Sheriff of Haywood county, re fers to the accident to the hack and states tbat Tominie Strange was trying toeoniWith Murray, the -driver, and j from this the altercation followed that culminated in the shooting of Murrav. I . ... - " I , ?4 J il 1 Ai . M J quest, wunessea me snooung ; nu Tommie Stated on the examination be fore the CoronCr, that he Bhot Murray in 6lF-de!fefice." ' St. Swkhla. ! fl! 1 rove or oernewii iri vne wei vuweui 111a snoma aie nw uoujr uuui . IK. a..a.jMmiiimi Af fK 4nnti in wTlfh 1 'rt-'-.6- nnoomforUble state it remained for nearly a Mftdredyearsi whentheclergyriaa body j , f . L. 11.. M.CjVfaA ! MWAfr KAmK Ia eCartiearal of Wteehester Thecoremony n es 1 x4in'wplch continued for forty days. The monks, 'who were , rightened by;he rain. monkswho Vera . Jrlghteped by;he rain, oainson the spot where 1 they lay buried Out of this incident grew the legend wnion has held a place in the popular mind, along with other traditions and superstitions, for so many centuries. , , ";.'','" Pirtor4lCaH.;t ' : ' A'. a 'irniWn An tvrdaw?n!irht:of' the .n,Ur. ixf th conm-eiration. of St , a --r- Mark'. Lutheran. Chra ji, j a . uhh; t n iVaiffA cau was eaienueu y u. . . as yet signified his acceptance or rejec- I ' ' J' f fv.ii UaII ixolintxi 1. , We nope; he wul be . -.4112. i--in, lwinAnM and of Wl't.- wardVbuilding upthe , church here, whiclAis.now xn.a.;weak. condition. When be went torSalisburyfiye years Wh Ii. wml toS ?.Lutber" m -disorganued Church there was ''1 af SL'Swithin4 ikr' naadfean ff. m1. Jnt Halt .0iui AWi.,M I IhA AAtinil flFtha mMtUlff. htlt hfl.8 not 1 "B , - - .Mlu.,.nj -M it.:Mt riAnnriiina. I nlaognnr mmA " ThAV Repair fn-"fiioK I' 'W t h. -.t -0-1 1 . THE TEADE OUTLOOK. rThat Seme Ladlnff Hardware Boot and Shoe Ken , Think of It. in' with the business men of the. city,! relative I to the outlook for the Autumn trade, .call - JiAg urKm the, hardware andjth; boot and shoe. firms; We found nipreWanlmitythan vu uiq usj.. prefiuus, lutj uuwuj W Ul firms expressing1 themselves M confident of . BBEiL.BBOWK A 00, oay mai iraae wm oe .iMtiecinaikvre it will be , late-probablyi'twH weeks 4 than usual. , We expect an i unusually 'gi jobbing tcade between tbemiddleof Septem- oer ana tne l&t ojr octabejc. The crops looc so promising that' cpuntry merchants will buy larger stocks, tjui opinion U' that'eofc- tuu win noi luru gut iQcau imiHVBf dvp as some seem to think. When it1 ns.( 0( much to weed as Jt has this year, the- bolls' do not open welL Cotton 18 inches high is better; than that 4 feet. ; The general impres sion is that there will be a very large crop, ananence cotton wm open low. It will take a rise, however,' when the amount ''off.'' iJ: i !iV'.'r ' P6r makinir pood MrtrftaJ . ' - " ' WAHEJV5REM Ji MARTIN Think: that the prospect is highly encour aging. People will come here to buy who never came before. Already we are selling goods to parties who1 never until' now had any dealings with Charlotte. Our advan tages are becoming better known with each year; and people see that it is their Interest to come here. Tamers , are better : able to buy goods thia , Pall than they have been since the. war, for, , the , reason that the mer chants have recently become, more cautious and did not sell a great many goods on cred it during the Summer. The amount of the cotton crop and the price which it will com mand, will be such as to bring prosperity to all classes. The crop will be sdmowhat later, and hence business will not fairly open until a correspondingly . later, period." We anticipate making, larger sales than ever,' and are purchasing accordingly . SMITH . FOBBES . Look lor a f fair trade. If cotton sell s at 14 or 15 cents, business will be good but if at 10 or 12, lighter of eourse. We have sold more goods this ear than last, and expect A cor responding increase, at least, next season. Cotton looks well jnow,- but it .is being in jured and may fall off very greatly 'from 1 present expectations. .Outside 'of cotton,' however, we anticipate greater trade, on ac count of the lowness of goods, which, are now as chep here as any one would ask. The retail trade be almobt certainly be better than it was last Fall. WADE A PEQRAM Are of opinion , tiat. buaioesB will . hot be ' heavy. There is no prospect for an, increase over last Fall. Money is closer.and there is little disposition to buy. The farmers will hold all the'fwtton they pn, selling outy ti buy what they are obliged to have. The heavy failures in the "North ' and West will affect commericial dealing ssordewhar, and t, can be noticed that these , are also extending, south ward. Upon the whole we are not great ly elated at the . prospect,, though jt is to be hoped we are mistaken, r-,-.. , : . -Jt-r is - SAMPLE A KLEXAXDmt ' Th hot see whV t'racle should hot be as go6das .twast yeW and better. The price. We do Hot think the crop wilfbV so' tremendous as many anticipate. -The'stalks cannot aUDDort all the bolls that are now on them,bat,tbere wttlbe a,crop whiichr wfu t there at 30 and left on their rettx: 11.30., Fortunately the grounds are near the depot and little mB,was lost. am resulted ;intfavor, of the,E9, by a ' rm j-. 11 . ? . .1 . . . 6 gameby.innmgs;, ; ' innings. 112131 41 5 1 l 7 1 8 f ' 8 i I ,.K 9, ', 'lit at 5 ( 8 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 ,8 1 o Stat'Ville'f 1 ) 8 1 6 j 0 f 0 r 1 14 t ,Q 1 16 4 x7 xurK.e, ui aMneavuwj. . umpire. T T-. -T .iOl.l 11- TT IJf-JV'. MrC Quinni' of- Charlotte;) andT S I Tucker, of Statesville, Scorers. t n - .1-: I Duration of game 2 h. 25 m. . utiadne i to: the- Statesville CluKto laav. that' two ; of- the eentle menwnopiayea wn. me --1. ,-wnD, I i ' 1, jt yy iafimf-. ftMessrs. BrockenfjOTOUgh andsPrince,)l . i - . aIaa- re regniar'memoeraorwvieiifflai K ttafJ;Br);to , , v t , rj .is -,5. v. -i:- .-.r i unui reucui t. auu umvcu ' niiui Lilts Centennials' in their3 rdcent game. v with je of: Concord. The' two Centennials are about the best belong !. -Krl ivu,....' tilav 0.1AAA CfclAU UlCAA : tlaj AAi I Ar-AV1 Ik. l,.A,.'!.l Al 11. " "? "l "-ff,. - wuuo-imiiwaMy pan m vne game, me Diaiesnue uao Ld a perfectright to: decline to.play but they raised no point About the mat- V i- fc ,f, . It was a finely played game, 'on both I Bides. , The young . gentlemen,; state, ana, now, 1 unariotte uiuds .npon.wieir reanniextrf AQ1!?' TlA'TT "VJ : I " ' 'f NEWT ADFEttTISSItEYrS, e enf j Of ibla4a cWnageolet, somewhere on Church or Trade street. The a j :i i l. i.j 11 in l . IA .a , , , , . .,,,... 1 RO 11 ; Wf 1 1 nrie f11"1? QUUdlTOUnaS nmts1 9V! 7H"' ll ajlaa.au jaaiku in vnpnirwmu M SMrrk & CO. tv 'f,.-t ( 7 i.v 4 r 5 ) i jjOTBf PAPEKatei crtiii acquire at :jn,i G SMITH & GO'S, aog22 Drugstore. Suffer FROM Indigestion. 'try Cregory'aDyspep-. sia Mixture. I i.VJJi :t.us$z:i,?iQPMITH A CO. aug29 itiry thiyat. raittno pftwrntn ! 1 ."T"Ci8MITH A CO. Otii Stock dfTea il one dollar a1 pband. "T-0 SMITH & 00'8. Chance's ENGLISH SODA the finest ia the city 15 cents a pound, 2 pounds for 25 cents. tJ'K" v? -af'-CJSMlTH A CO. INTERNAL MEHOE SALE. CoiAiAEctOR's OrrtcO, &rtt xist. N. C. ) Ktatesville, Ji . J., Aug. ' 1875. ) , .Vl! 111 V! i.'.'j 4-, .1'W.fi rnME following property having been for- 1 faitjMl tn thA niut nf tb ..nnTud MtAtM according to law, will be sold to the highest bidder, at Charlotte on Thursday, Septem ber 2nd, 1875; in' front of the Court House. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock,, M., by C V Aiarrison, Ancuoneer ; . : , u 87 Empty Spirit Casks,1' " ' ' ' 10 Boies Manufactured Tobacco, 2 Barrels Spirits, ,: ,.,.. , 8 Packages of fciquors, ' 1 '' 1 Box Manufactured Tobacco, : Several boxes Manufactured Tobacco, 5 Fractions of boxes . ' ,. . " J J MOTT, Collector, Int. Rev. 6 Coll. Dis't. aug29 3t s 1 1 E. M. ANDREWS, Honse.. Sisn .M Fmcte Painting ..1! u '-ii fin sh i-.j. m ! 1 r Aug29 :hii ini rj r , 'ri-- '-! V lifltil' rl,i ,-i.JJ (,'. V.".'. .'l , '.I -nil Li TOf "A T? T? TV A T . t ! !foiJ! i.f.'i ,:tn ..ii :!;w !-. t j -Mi, esrii THE ' yLP, WELL ' ESTABLISHED f Flowers, Corsets. BbroiderieKQpllars and fMEB Opera Tlamiels'. Beaver CUrtbk Cassimeres, I oni:nnl. T ...... jIta . . i Our Una of CarpeU Trunks. piankeU, Oil lithadWtiS th stat .' ""' -,j 1 .'. mv TV a laYite tat iwjiic ui uuuwm vlcipiry to call ' and 'exinrlnie "Oar Retail' 8tock, before poixbasing their' 0oods else where, t fn-rift ii;iaS'.s;'3i ue ul. i!Tj.' l.-A-Zj'-tJ.'a-A.Lj.'Afc.itVMi " AAP vve oner uvvker uiuumuniw ir i; -i-Wf '-f lit .nM ,-.r vi ' . a- 5 TJIANO TUNING and REPAIRING. t-kes this wietbod to 'lOL'' JOB. .JHRBTiisL-- I 1 1V.I..1...4 inwuiwmm-yi i na nu Dcruiaueuuig I Watad -Ih av1alAa i and ill devote his time to the Tuning ana Repairing of 'Pianoe,' Urgans, 1 Ateioaeons, I iVtfJZL n tv If Mr Wey haatoaa t-tMy known to ttto city as a piano tuner for twenty -three years. I TT. and lie has Deen in we ousineBs loixy yeara. thoronenir "ttnaerstanas nis Dusiness. i He will eontraefc to ? keep instruments in r -i. 7 ivi ,,T - ," (leM Musicstore wlU receive prompt attention. . , .tt , . ia QT7-lA:rT C I - K AK RA liliS I V GO'S. - - 1! s i 8 i: Ii 6 It I: ft: 3i Hi .. . "! aug20tf Charlotte, N. 0. roaas. -, v--?-,:':"';'v..." S .;.t:-:y.i'--v-; " ; ";"' ""-" ' " --.. '"" " 1 .