"V -m c. e.; XAjrcnr, S7. KKACHAH, UU1U C. C. BAILWAl, . gfclUCH Bir2$$ Wlt.MMS & CO,, :rn- NEW, .GOODS !i f " .DViSTVUES ! Thfl flaming heavens toaether roll : When louderveti andet njore dreadi 3 Swells the high trtgnp that wakes the dejd ; O! on thae aay tUM wratnittVuay.'v oii When roan to judgment wakes from clayl . he Thou the trembling sinners stay?-n j ( Though heaven and earth shalNpass awfey. WOtJCei TO THErfrHOXJSSAI .v :v iJU iir.i Jn wnrfTOmonlQwift RVt fflmir frsd. 600 Sacks Com vMeaL 1 ' ? VT -r t T !,0U0 8acttS TJoro. fiOO Sacks OatsrSQOO ! Country- Bacon. Give us a call. r ; apUfftf. T-y... ... .r.WT . j , , . . t f .; H. B. WILLIAMS & CO.; . Wilmhnjtou, July 18,1875. EELIQIOUS READING. 'it Of 'n-i',, )( I ,-f 30. NORTH FRbN ?" TRKKT, W ttlClWja iiNjfetfi-iaCAaottNA. . . .. r . "-..,- ffw . aaui a aruA ii tiiii ua CHANQir Op' SCHEDULE. it-K-B Jlf'il-1 lit' io Ht ( (w I-! Tiulr pbrvUloiU)f,thi.YQaa MeaU Chris. j - I autf wnji iwifwi wovr, ucuua will luu "t j . ' i ; ! . f over uiiifauwav as xoaowa : 7 A X tlan Assoc iayon or Charlotte. . 'i i M iiiiwiii mauii mihi mh I TJAVRTeoei sived And are daiy reeeivnur' large additlas to (hiralreayvutl and aft ' B?ea,pE3 wblcli they oa.jbjjbj) P " - mmm m -T-rltfjifl ITTTT1 r-' ft STJi m : r . t .f.l 1 1 1 1 1 ..I : II plete stock oricea. 4 -V; .- i ' ' 11 y That dy ot wra.th. that deadful day.T j Wbeft l6 JBaHU KJpsrf away What feower snail bethe-wnfiers At ay? ,;j How shall he meet thaj dreadful day . f whim. 'shriveling like a parched scroll .'r;;H..B. DIET;' MBBOHiOTS, " ."-r.:.,; 'ii&f-ZN. 5 " " ! M 6'. -rls.l.,' sill - T,fStfli tour and I?Alt ofJsJL dunds. CpUege street nett . ,js - as we no, for the-ttieans of carrying imi fqreifen missonary operations,'' we areseekiag the Burest and most effetrtuafr reforti a tion and well being Of Kllameoig whc ra these misaidnary labors are performed and the word 'Of ?M is brought in a fiy W A vtrystoirnf? tft&tfttion" is ji ist given in the Honolulu Friend, paper published iri the sandwich Islands. FpcfWiier8 beffje lgSIslat da of Micronesia, nTeouthern Ocei.n, were terribly p'rOverDial for the deg a- dfttio",f n,toctei; f inhabitants. Time and again the i in fortunate crews of shipa;Ahy5ell ii to their hands were massacred, and every tfcirtf bOTAnowrfritfthe dark places of the earth are of the habitations or-Cruelty.' Hut a change bas taten piftce , nJ.b5 tne JUicro le siad msIonVSSj It wl? leViSed, fi undeHakem JtediChTiBtiarjfri nf the Sandwich IaOaiidvndj-Lielirire. bore tbet Bibles rihbaeJjJrflandsJJaind began l' tkitBTur'aiarl WfJeSFChFirftfan lb never -flajja BMewIasAijjia.uccne- ryr i bloodshed and crueltjL .tbaiiihad marked the long past occurred cm tiny w1iereoTrnastonaff8BVer ret one, and where the Bible and he Holy Spirit "c46mpaoying ?Jtp h tve never.beetjLsentj' fcP&H$:fc ; hWh0aitk$ i AiAet like tb is tlrava tb Gospel cent ! abroad and read aodiiaiiht andr preached as ine irue Keiormerot tne worm anoj as the greatlha apso ejevating and mak ing Chappy lh!t race twWjll j6t Chiis- tian Ttwai lovers pt'i ttfefr;Hojen, all who wishC,theieAlweU '-b'etog of m ankifi$ gS their prayer and tb eir means for the missionaryi-causei that has this great object so largely in view. Truth. It will be acknowledged, even by 4hoie who wactise Uuotifiiat of man's nature, and that mixture of and silver, which may make the mfetaK' I I iM 1 work 'the1 better, bnrTe'eiribaset it. For these winding and crooked yCQubes are ine goings or the serpent; wnieh lOt not at doth so cover a man with shame, a)) to be; fcmnji.false, and pcjrfidious ; jand therefore t Montaigne safari "prettily, when bo mqnlred the reason why the word of thejb qudbecKajdis grace, and such an odious charge ; 8aithth0,". if it be well weighed, tojsay that a man lieth, is as much as tojsay that he is brave towards Ged aid a coward towards pewT?flor, jujlie faces uod, ana shrinks from man. U . , Ar. - BACok. - . i K it BPM floirfesiKi. 4 Plgennine. bona Me confession is about the rarest utteran The Bitters are enimwnrnl crnd are. as theitiaimel ir. , , . uin Si,,lTl2Ler! mitteiiUiilS After sickness or Disease : it - J1.1S no v - nu W A rti U XL III il X m A "NT "T A m C3 r'v io SAMPLE J ALEXAHDEE'S,i .f -? v f I 91 t. ... T t . Determined lo cbafine our business exclus .ms.lCTTO'SB . A J 3 I H A fl mauuwviureu uwws, aijuet, iQUJasn I .wri A T TTMOPT? sen, ana psraeauinuiy anjy t. ining in wen w vifl a avikiu y ,2 a 1 KSiiifiep SAMPLE & Char: jon 27 1 oarUife elwowlddO r-j- - I ' A FINE:' LOT ,,4 .3 ."K ,31T01AHO ..T UturanA ' nn fevffF ''heirsTWeiuWinWlFint beo- theiriuwdrjea.apd aid. ' .noi.nJ3 jfToiq f.viwn iliw j .1 !lAya2ra8S4s bfe wnfefaiqft tflnf uinjunaverfmB aaawittetn peil Jjtim es .19 mlgbtf quirddn'U-'Wrjgh but a., TTSTQlClRr JOE 1BE3OTVO SEAT VELEj F(?i:BtIlf;i iN; pR;' ltEB; t38 .KH ! 4 ! i i j !O0 Wsaf .Hid' ,81f ' ajirfeatiaarlotte,),j-.L-ii &30 am Leave Gharlotte, at - ; .W ami Arme-at xsanaio khf tfneioy, at,. . JO:30a tn Leave BofEalo, a 1 vti ., (a mreasunariOuei.i -w fjsi,j,,,?u r m Leave Charlotte, at . - v, r vuiJWW pbi Arrive fWilmingtoa, at , ? ; riWi pi FJilf;1 d" -'PASSEiraiB TP1TVQ Tt.!l fOr.nAmrmm AFMniul Leave Wilmington, at Arrive at Chariotle, ) - Iave Charlotte, at ' Bpedal tram DetweeB charlotte and Boejfty nd (be Cleaveland Mineral Springs,: Jeaviat Charl(jleen Saterduya ati:80 pnu,arr.re- BJllPfSvF'w'S I jN ESS te 'KlSEJj; -IK- I cm. rmnrn 1 xtt- emu rnTim r 'JV I AQ? VAS.Dl.Xli All OJCiJti X XXXjIU hi on 1 a hot ;wiwTm nA nrviYMMiJWEEKiiY-? 1. G. W. SIRRINE, Agent, oi ; .; 14.4 ;j ;.;!; hi fifll 1 " College Street, Near Fourth4 f Fast Freight Route,. 18 all Points- South anil East. Baltimore and Southern Steam Trans portation Company. C njLLTIMCRE n&iad Fridar. at 3 PHI. ind Friday, at 3 'SOX WILMINGTON WKDWCSpAY AND SATURDAY. .1 NEW YORK. Clyde's Wilmington L.ino "n ifroraNEWYORi,?; ( ) ! Tuesday and Friday, at, 3 P. M., AND FBOM WILMINGTON WEDNriDAYS andSATX'UDAYS i disorders aeBelted bx;Tbosivlfien J t I - n n v TvTT(t j ii a xt v -..J o 4 1 I JkTT ' i n V - WaroBia, Georgiiand AlaVmaJ For Nerth or East1 bound Freight, to Baltimore pjafc1n1 O tTJ I I'h adeiDhia. New York. Boston. I'roviaence, ran xviver anu omer riasteru v-uira O ISATS d "Pi XT Xaio lLYrP.gyi, viabtiuw, uiciiicm, Tbese Lines connect at Wilmingtop witb the W umingion, uoiamoia a Augusta rr??stv ' v S; ; I m-pj Steameta; witb" theironnejtin2 Roads. offeriDB unequalled facilities for the prompt trniiWgon Morjdaysat a4 iniu ,i' i Connects atWilmlnn wltihWHrnlngton A Weldon, and Wilmington, Columbia &. nadelpUbtpaners, andb.e Riyer Boats tr- i ... Connects at Charlotte with tbe riortn Caro liha EailroaaJCharlotteand Statesville Bait-' road, C?hrlotte A Atlanta Air-LJne .and f or AttKUsta -K&arpaa. uneto(theSeal)oard:,andl6pe.f, i . ' ten. Voter Tfthl! Afrtir'-rrTaiffeifthil 8" L infelSSfOrlT, ' Chief Engineer and Superintendent. !nlO(k unariotte Columbia, an Tluwaupplyinit .the'Wboi'WeSt Hdrtt west and Soutbwest witb a short Siit hea not iow ruaUty : Galfal. jtSmrwdineftaSijltl Boots at $1.00 ,-nM L, and RBregans a.Ja i mens whole t . ft in U' ' 1 i'Jj'TifPds w;oot sboxlJj; b desirable, and will five satisfaetloa to tbe'ttayer. Sopto ",icit r'(M1Eiill,'iW' ulT .viA'oiuoJ TIP .bi. t.., .,.1. b-Tr . ;;V, ,J Xt ,-tillevaj tJ -TS X A a A j 51 XT O. I H i (I .71: .oA .yrfyflbllf ,o,nnrf a iia ritJt lil'fi ;f GEN COM & PRODUCE MEROHANTj AncLDealers in I duceneally ConSignmei promptly made. apo Bona tea, ana A fx . rr- QAPExAR30rE&rNQ COMP'Y, General Coi8e)rs for buildings manu factured by Machinery, of select material, Private residences ' and public buildings, bridges, railroad cars, mouldfnglf,-orackets, bafastrads, newel posts, hand railbgs,'! win- TO THE PUBLIC ! HAVING ADOPTED THE : IN JMY RTjrglNESS, X;fIL MAKE IT TO YOUR - Ter4EtTSSle1ffbtiA'ail .ikrfiill. as the! Steamers on these Lines oa arrival in Wilminjr- loaatOB aiRaaroadAeot: the Freieht transferred under covered sheds to cars withoat Y nyr a forwarded by the Fast Freight Expssj moniSjtl Q I H, iNaiavftcr in Wilmington and to transfer from Wilmfneton Sofilh. Ra 9 II I W tes guar' W as by any other boats j Losses or Overcharges promptly paid. Mark J Wl VrVIO o on alTgoods via Wilmington Lines. ! .TU A ffH;H?M VfJ-AXM Wl VT?i- I'I ifberiiitrmation, apply to either of the nnderergned Agents of -fhe Line.! I , 1 W v 1 Jul T IklJti ii EDWIN J 1TZGEBALD, Gen'l Agti Baltimore Line, 50 South btreet, Baltimore. aug4 WM. P. CLYDE & COviU AgtNew Trk Line, 6 Bowling Ureea, 1 . A, I' haaiix, Agpnt Baltimore ana rewi jpra iWh M.,,,at'a.i,' 1 II I U.r. . ii .til' AW anil ftr TPriifav TnW 5ntT. H TbllOW- vJ ine Schedule wUl be operated over this . -1 V. I MJrJ " 'ferTMMitf IWMVtfdWhtM&ik. r n Close connection made at Btatesville wltn CO TO CHU&CH! . Ii rr XZSPJrtzX' , f Morganton and Hickory Station, I tenaii; bttavtlie confession of an no PJ J 3 3 fj GORLEYJ " r vianat o nis own ponsciemtt anq n jf juij y y j y juperijhjtendept. j uroxr otrgnc to oe parttctrrar. lief .rilHodf Ik (- f VI" 'K" Mi) A Vnnnrr nmA . UUUU XX. XUUUH. u. rfQo isBknc. . cr kt. ijr i tt. L lUHi aiooniegBion : i beat&4 Jhdeiatte. Af o sujasn ui a au -a:i u vJi; as w a aa mu o . not afeaild wiJ7iUM eenjCQlD!hini- Leave Davidson College, 6 56 a m r vf, .tj t iu. : L iri . Cuuvtla 8 Sf) a m ' tfrriJRieV of its tail, then IMP mkdfcFfS 1 li-xl) i:GOIek SOlSEab oi rix ifcno boa :nY"'-'" waYmm hiapet-psss on. , ' 1 Leave vmnm. "m A V... . Ar mere is tbe confesaWgsIl The ttXZLV?' Of, .VH Y", HAVE THE OVERALLS. ! vrv. i . v v lnf vivui.lt . i xuere tu wnjoinurarep aeicai ; t-itaKO TTTNTNO A RKPAIRINQ. ! I" I thii Dei ei d.-WifMfi(Mhipniioaoz lma .tiart. v Char .syliogwon twsvr "all men7ne sirjners ; I lot te, practicar Toner I am a man, therefore I arn a smner." I and RepairtT, (from it -pi fiTKitnrr r?:L'- rtvif.i honk store -"f,'t-Hfs,ir . frora town and coontrv noa pfeaeno. ftotrf-aanyetterDiiny i.tf rtA .It&nvtfrikitoitAM HAf) A ') 1 if-: , ' I J N B Arrangements made with Schools, There are. occasions .when aj man j Institutes, &c, to keep instruments in repair hUatnrhg'UJ'Bo-'wTtH'bis neigHbora; by the yr-i wben-hfl dieejand(Wbn 4idatatidsbe r Ju,z 6ni ' 1 foftfQojt!;? iadrijeftt-'searrM He had 'beteP.teie rhii' eighBoW'hten he t:?te4$ Sftr)Mf!i onWieTi'ktobe . JMgflP' Correct views exjnrriii (g the general siofulnewi of- the -race a e im- compared wftblcorrtw VAbwvdoncern- Mnr.'iiJ.Jinrl Wilnal aalva. Wd ti.a , bogus confessio a, irnkhkt was mearXffn t rporatejinrtWii r.-i -rt;j T..i i ii i rAnnivt uuk Droni. vy o cava auuru it as we nu ii ess oi manaina. r iut tnese,arv aii I" , " j .r..v 8 I transaction x i ao noi mtsw mnneuji uur ihw ' v. generat tredognifion of the general sin hs-Tj tiuatne hftf Wilfed; n that any man is.called on to do.' No penance apr 2 In penance Tim posed by pope-r k. ;i ir . i i ji i cd no pugrima eVMee'butNivburd humanity, conreasionthatmeana anvthtnz IlltutnUed Oirixtim Weekht. if) 4 dSdlMUZt SI V . Mr. o 8oloman Heffe. .arw.old much esteemed citizen "of Davidi " flrofinadldead (of heart disease "wb SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE. 1 Charlotte, NCJunegOA. 1875. j .tf. vLsxa -i KEEP OUT . 01 IHt-Ht J. A. YOUNG & SON, SEP COOL. ! AB,-Nisbet & Bro., WHOLESALE and RETAIL dealers In Grocers, nfectkrjeris,Fraits;jCigars, Snuff, Tobacco; Pipes, Musical Instruments; String4wiTradStj(e X3ajrlotte, Ni C. Would call attention to the fact thatjtKey , A now haye inTStore, the largest antf iaoat ex "rtenslvbBtock-'of Groceries in CharloUeJ which they are offering for CASH to whole sale andretaJt bvrrers,t rica loW''as ee Dongnt they can liiSuseio.be1ity, Dught from any naible i .fill, CtmsJstiBg i part of Molasses, ,Cbffee, Sugars, Teas, Soda, Brandy Peaches', ere. Ovstersr Candy. Pickles, aha various EXCELSIOR SCHOOL, CHURCH nVTOTICE.TO HOUSE BUIIJ)ERS AND IN CONTRACTORS. I have accepted the Aeencv for a 8aw MiUi arid bra 'prepared receive and fill all- orders for any kind of Lumber at as short a notice as possibly I jggp a.$ausfeVi Next door to J. H. Henderson's, oc29 (T r Trade street. From and After ! IIAVE TaTtl MjraiirlpfTr 1 1 t!J Jobn A. 'Ml & Sot PDOns caxv take; iuuu , ,i (lUSASUBE AJW fifJjp ANTEE A PER FECT FIT. ! Hyroino Tnhn A Vnimrr 2. I , IIAVE the SLEEPING SHIRTS.' iWAMU ETERTaioWw CINCINNATI. OHIO, ' : i . . J -E . WHITE I Attumsr Manuiacturers in ine rvorivi j t taa CSSIMERS.' XADIES' DRESS GOODS, iDS, BOOTS. 8i RTJNKS. CHINX J ;j:1U7.AX'-UA ji :l. l and GLASS-WARE. of School, Church and Office FTmitnre. F grades', to whicb l rnviUJyetiiattehtion We would call the attention of School rr in- before ourchasinie alsewhere. in which we keep an assortment of every tb' ieded'ln Sclioolal' Globes, Maps, vnarts anft a.ppivujqea, jo, oifkuujr w :ed- G iwav AWErniNCK iif o tJUIB. tYIULiSAyEiriOW- EY BY GIVING U! indrVidnal sejyes.f .We men ' as protta ' "Ll wqo were ummpeachably orthodox ui)n ftuu wd , utb tnuwp rata l,,, v . .,r , Tlll, . Afl ,,WE !Lh0.TlroMf lM,lH .V -aTxTwOTBE i f YCTftTit&blA thftn correct rp&Tte&iritr hu- I tsdau af VA tvuh'MvaW will Tf qA11 j w,lili 11 v t a ai.isn r i wtMMwvncimY n - m at m w a m rmi man nature in general, wnqf eeniy leu l . rTn ijfiwaiiaavaa . v?'hff t 'JSIMi&mjfife . FTJS- lTA'l YOUNG & SDNH ' - r . . . r- . -- j w- , . UM r . olin. o?tnoo yvxczxEmunui .IV 'i ... . a... . - T i . . v worn j,o ray wue x was cruei anp par credu saleaffiffttlitn wjtauo par- ( Uf Vl I irx v a. a. "- r A'j . j. . m ew matter, bat it is just the hardest thing . , baxQos.,1 mieblbelter have struck her a bWw-with-myMrfdfrawith tongue ; I have been selfish, broad, "Yours trul ' axlalae ttatariayiMl Simple .TSXuX arSxM CCT Try ns and see. TjXPERTS HAVJC XiSUXXJSX InJavor jofDjr GenJCagle Cigars the X U DMXXXl. aug7' 8pii k A : s- ruiy -".Y -.7. n t:t li.TV? 170 tvU iwJmTB i A, COY " 8ottf Agents. an 7 andl ion, Mil G' OLEMAN'S MllSTixilS 1 A bShO ' il'af :V Vi fin. T- set Whuaij xrmMvSnh!ei)inerjixrn BtarCU. - on his way to Salem ttfid day laitT - w R burwell fySSfLu 1iO fi nf thai 4 Of fine ancTcoarse Hominy at 5 cents per DcaUMat&luse. -. TradeStreet. ju 8 I'AWitoi AtS!JlgJ3t BRUSHES,! imbGini8heSWlWa8b7iJrn5hi JfiXtli atll La 3tod Wta.BDBAYJE - ft uuiij il AA 1 tKJJl pd7edroll, 'ri4 crttim Manufactured by S TO !JS LtjqpcT. 11 4.(56: .brtsi to1iu in'io jn20 ' " v ) democrat ana aome copy. TO GIVE ME YOU& THADE ! BOT TO THOSE WHO ASK CREDIT MY STORE IS NOT THE . .PLACE FOB YOUR CUSTOM AS I ..' ! '.H'. iiU.' i ' AS MTJCH OP StJCHr AS I WANT. !' Yocks, &a, f , . , i yj. HJEEi'OY. ,11;- 4 Sthjdr&qeN. -C. I Jl " ancf RETAxti, Oates' Boildipg,; .ii'l LooW U, . wnnTirol'ri DRY GOOmafadREAPy'MACLOTH JNKyr.!JwaOTW''Ctasl S AVING purcnased my Stock of aoihing Land Etar Goods of, ,tne best houses, in wTolkahd fhiladelph&fl arh now; pre- D&red toeihibif to thetwople ofthe dtt and mm r surrounding country, a large and well select. Uf Sciences. The latest improved seats and desks, of which we turn ! out-aearly two thousand every Week; in short, everything ! TiO i Li I aTA"p'r : -i i in rrKA u ! rsrrm i wean constantly setting .out newdesigns li)nEulpitS, Ce ws, te., and our Patent; Rev ersible Settees for Sabbath Schools, are un- themselves or by purcnasing trom agenu and drummers. 'X : !'f;A ft ?l lift , All I ask is one fair trial, .i!.tur J. LINDY'-,U' apr 6 ! equaled for comfort, dnrability arid attrac-, tiveness. p.ivm nt ivi' i ' We would also can "the special attention ofproJipJiay !9l fl'" -1 urnce rurniture I w a. ele gant, convenient and durable, and they need onlyto-ysWWapreoiaied. ; Orders addressed to our agent lot ;North i - Charlotte. N. OJ.'i ji?. ii i KJt r Slate Roofer, and dealer ia all kinds ' of Roofing Slate,. Is folly prepared-tot put on SLATE ROOFS fa apj par of (tjb conn try. X) ! : ' IttARBLE: be nrompUy filled, and illustrations of our amerent manuiaciurea seen. ; T "apt 23 to.' ivf ffttuiU ,', i ' -t "THOUGH LAST RARE chance for Bargains, . r Srlll sell ' tar whoia Btock cottsistlag of Watches,' r sroaraeevtaacaa ana 1 ill . i 1 'I'll A ea ta pnees o sok-umi usaswu tiw i - ! Xkca anaee me,-mean usmess. -- .t I l.i r. . ( . . , I . ; - T - It . D I 11 I VO ju22 . - Ujs TO OOTJNTRY MERCHANTS. devoted a lifetime to my business, Havi and ha ing'd vfiut c.i. i : tis'i;a UNSURPASSED fiTOCK of GOODS In my line v I feel satisfied formal j -n baais oJ Jdau d lKi vrtilW'-i. r.v.,) -9 Jiff .baJqrjiW 'frtCto ed Mr f:.-liiH.ifi; l(,4H 'irsi !dfI,lfc' 8iVJ Stinira ua Jil e'L : By JB ALENin the Central HotD iialUlial .bH',j-iu Toca7 oa0" ,,' isiJweii alu Jiu . .. fin 1 ,fe:.'cd8 Fori BALE8 ,iU wq OTilne sd4 mtfiJULiikt j .? -Vf " "i-rTn1; liffirw. ami ni .liinn , fu i J i.Ti ' '? " i K-jiiifntiji! 9fJt emnaos Woo aii?l TIlCHaTl'lttijla INVITES the attention of all Merchants Wd Cbttoti liririJr and apoa the roads connecting there, to the extraordinary advantage a eowwctijjn MUk i9: Northern Points and South Atlantic om enjeveavex iiaimeB- fJ. 1M . . a -J 1 t f . Th'e'Grea Atlantic Coasi line via'wuaaMaJ Wihniun4azH5PdrtaBtmh to )re, Daily, Insurance per cent. -.,.),) syr dnaJ 9 if) lo noiJilmo-) -ttJ ladelphia, Daily, Insured, i 1 . .. . , . . , NEW YORK, MONDAY, WEDNESDAtv THRSA?.i JaATPBJYjUlUjNCE i PER CENT. BOSTON, TUESDAYS AD TRTDATfl, INSURANCE f FEK ' CENT. PROVIDENWWtaAXS, , , 3d. By way Wilmington'aad'Dte BfJamWneid1 x&ftn&i'tf 'Mn' Sat erdaya. Insurances percent ' .....fno.-nui t: sninwuiL ivk'.h PHILADELPHIA, EVERYuWEDNESbAY, INSURANCA. PjjB CENT. EVf YORK WEDNESDAYS AND B ATUlRD AYSy : INSURANCE . 'EQUALIZED; , .1 , -I.IPJESAT OP NORFOLK. J'" )"'1 3d. By heCJfearlestpjt to Bultimore, WeekQr? JJtjj j I JIHHT0 - TO PHILADELPHIA, EVRY FRIDAJ.TO NYORK, UESDAYTHURS- daYs, a nd saturd ays, jro boston, bykkt actjeday. tttw xiim'TOiTail Htam T.itia fecifitiesb the three Pori Portaaaouih. .Wilmington M . - . x- a a ir m.. a J inafuuur quanuues, ana to va Hon. R. H. JBredo8. - 1 A' o iMKWS and Charleston, and the combined eqmpnwt&ei,tbe ;;ftjO. f,An.V?f.P HON. t. rv. xSRLDGKBS. - I ? t'J- 'WW. A. POPK , ' -. ' "J - -; - - General Freigbt'Agent. u . . i :i J. x 1 . r -ttf 1 1 ... BI STW . "WW TIT A t . a. jQeft'JItajnager. ."; j js; i.,. r law mo i jit CABOUNil CE 'X'Aiiy, HVJl tT At AS ATTJC .hiood .13 .oraaidD ai aioqeb bna ,v.ib THE attention of the public is respepwouy mvaaa.p wr. jaciftBawnj tWMn ve railallway, being completedW ePPessoffjri as at Wilmington, both via Ulreot steamer x-mea ana ra ty eiaair "'runBonvu, w tinna Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, lingsbfpmeotjrrog ajftd aR'asauona ocAUanttC, , North Carolina RaiJjNiadajas, w 1 Wnxxxinetonlfed aU JSasteMencs1 nti j m f xenneaSaM -ja i n t guaranteed Cow stolsndlPmktswsB rtaaiaed:4ygtfihand- aq oi saidixt879 qw 871 j iliw ed av,sV A Ohio, Atlantic, and, cbrnond Air-line and 1 points in OlfiUXvmAzaaa uxxjAxsAMa. as via any otner una. ao lenninai or iransier as the Xiewi nortu uarouna Munpfwivi : 'insnJEanda'lWm Eastern cities .mi RitM iIwiti aa . , if -iloqiiT aiX itTbSfl! ilAtrraA 1,,.-, ,,; ,.. ... .... ,. 1 wC 1 III r nu VJ, 3 M M 5 3' al 1 l liooal'Agbnt', C31iarLattetl .i) ol 8 Imltib JimJ tiln'jb luitvtU " fli!l .,1 hm,!..,,, .ih.: u.ij i inmioia 9vrr m-Mt la sftm-. i itiIiialf rri jfjvoA .t.r.uM ;i")iTrt ll r-i:inr liiJnoi.T-sbam wi joloqa A .ijiij. ' ItTHE PIEDMONT AIR UN fwfth its.Rafl and, wate.eprctionsard jnaieire fnl titfest 'and safest transportation of freight to and from Northern CUia i . H T O JT a J T Sliippersave Cliolce Rail to thPrla af RICIIMOND. WEST POINT 02)IJC (withoat transfer !D fitATEANliHAH- . 1 . ; -WV.5t rA i ' 'JlW rOTOVm 1$MbTmt4m llaes of Steamers, to Eaittmora, ruiadaipiu A" Of AVlAilAii- i . & w jfc .UMWCi f.h.fli b5)l invites tne attention, 01 juxmiects. Bolklers, and the public, to . the superior roofing uBed.br him, from thefOoarriea of Vermont and Virginia.' Slate ' fWf isbed of any desired color, i-.i.u siit ' jWie AKDOd tSiateiXseoi! . aBia "'- Uan'lmce AJrtintt rlre, v' 4 K& work gaarahteed.cesKeasonapre, Shingle Roots taken off and s relaid 0WA SLATE. wben.desiied. ! ?;a(a ... . Orderiwptattent toMii adaresBea to r. u. uox xo, vnaxioi.i, P4YNSVMEpYEi l)JEtlLX INK, Hagan's Magnolia Balm, German Cologne,' Labins' Lavender WatetJ Florida Water. ang4 " W B BURWEliU OQv.. 'tipiiBECMYm' ."wt;! r i AJotof fine Country Cured Bacon; at t i Xt iS AliKXANUJCK W,7r;. ii at' , O-S, vi CoUege Street. A ! New York Boston, Providence: rj..' . nd) ci faqoT? tiH sBtiall tWd d West. . rW IAa aiAat and moat direct line to all points North aa lo aa:rtfMt dt ? in w.wiWK I -dials "ef) una .shf-J-AyRgOa. Agen tti ttiaibaia;odlldJBa tn lii-Lli .via d)RS fl OcLUnatoppaS at. I J l"1 III i'lU Kl i CoC nranea. ViiiuiirCoW4ilra (vhe-Uewnnui drink,) at iCocaraneoff orf lid hha" ; i Piae- 'e Jii .mt Cocbrne'a. - Tbef fre Xr?chtnhet &t-te, every. ;TUST Reared a large lea of Jw Itaatej week, aug4 JUlXo U W 11 iuu0wviV w w. 4 f

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