V vi VLLJLiJ JL -JLc .f. t: rt. u J. j ' TELEGRAPHIC HEWS. WEATHIH PROBABILITIES, r -For the South Atlantic t Spates, Atationary or slowly falling barameter, increasing temperature and , cioudji j) jV norrtjeaat(Jtd) I sop theastV winds, and areas or rain 'near the coast.. - DISSOLUTION.! PRIMOESS CLOSING OU? CffARLpTTE STEAM SAUSAGE FAfiTOKY. Yf$ A3? iaanulactaripg Bologna Sauage.,and propose to compete with any house North -or WesL both inequality or Asaoon as the -season commences fthis I THE 06pathihljaereoforeeiisting be tween A H Creswell and L J Walker. i.3 .1.1 p3- was dissolved on the 24th inst. by mutuaL content, Mr Walker retiring from the firm. Mr Creswellfwill continue the" business and settle np the Indebtedness of the flrnt fjjnd to-: whom all i. notes and accounts due Jhe firnfmust be 'paid; -LiT l5-T --th:!jreswejx;? Haying purchased ,tha interest of Mr L J Walter, in the late firiirof Cres well Wal ker, I hereby ahnotmce tomy-'ifiends 'and tite public f large'lluta wiUaonthwe ue Grocery busiaesa aj. stand opposite the. Court House, wnere" the ;will at all THE GREAT FAI LUBE. KoopmaiiD & Uotlischild. Th Preiidcitfr tiVjal of nia Commiti Suicide-He irAiked vfm Ti(lThif Ordered ' from 5 ?- A Hi I f : ) tl: i 5;' 4 .i. If 5'? K 1? 4 ' i '0 ! tl 1; JH: 1 I; i i; )! ' It' H- 'it, .iMinpiwrMrtiffWWl,now Pend ing .SiMFjsidght, Aug - Intereatine Details. ' W.sHrKaAug..-ton i San Fbancisco, Aug. 28. A rocet :n.rih nirftctors reouested Bala- toto resign; F?che1ia,, .Jk : lited tU4t4itokO'p(MaQ ei.ort)gu- mfng intd tlrtf-iratef.IIe wa4'slill Uve when brought ashore, but the efforts of his -bhysicions failed to restore London, Aug. 28. Tbeimorning jjfi ouuura, i i v Baltimore, August zo.-uais uuumhv: - - - . . ,tioitjj' ' . says circular notes of the R.nk of Southern new 48a56; Provisions quiet Haying nod my few p ooil Knlk ahnnl- I vresweu waiier, iq air jl tx vnaweu,, x vimmK i rmjm vm .tki i X"" 'dear rib ii&ihlmYii by travellers, but they may soon n5 j "6" 9tn clear no at, nam8 AWorUiyhiEentiicwfidence WE are nowrepared t4-ooiwnence ihe4 closing out of our entire BJockof Ij. 1 MILLINERY FANCY GOODS. 4 sr aiS J j. t... wiwu iirm , B"" 6. --v.- "--fj UrtIM find a hearty weleonje and (flfttrciaBs higher; aales 2,216 bales at Mfai&fcjgQjg at1l8 reasonablftteesasatoByibduBe Elnnr without -rnaterial tcua.n.ge, rather i the city. - ,JfuhiI0 seT more4enind far ,topiMg. 1 Man.jacttUfcMataitK I. 3ir!T,Jow r iv.vr'ttHTfa UrUyiow drift th old firto.c and I hoc fall bivneaHiMW. DfOWAtWke.frward fW 'fii5i,J tod settle, -thereby bating trdnble iJex- com njon oc i 4o pehse. All those wtitftftarijpftWhfe appeal emulative, winter hrm good ( fAugust mbplSTS; .HKa-feXlAH-T mosiiy speeumiHB wmwi bu , A CARDtf Jt.vmA 15J ; Lard quiet and steady. forhimucontinnaircftf tbepatronageftbat J WALKER has heretofore beB uUlrellyTJt6wi IV. a T T w . ...nrrnva I UU 1010 mm.-,,, ,.,.,-u, w- M aug26 obseryj:r' BMce. ; Th cotton waret. iew tnierDribe 11-' " ,jiu,awjiu (u.i if - " , tit- )hTTCE ) , I, , Democrat and Home codv, . It is diffiujtofstae th- effect ofl rtxiumS. 05rFl875. ''ri Ralstcjp'sTftUdrewnpin hJi njanufoc- tunng enterprise. It is feared tnat - .w. - i ........ . . ' lQi 4 Corner C.aod Bevetttrrtreei. , , rru l.-tv noatowlav vna nnic.t and firm I '" 1? ' ir:in x rw, I u"ul" J"" " will be unable to stand the shock. " . The rolling mUlaye, A-JSi!T ' i M MMik ioeet . 13i liiareatoerTe uwu ; n- S.JKJ'?l,i-Wi!AW will be seriously crippled. The ef fects on mining stocks cannot be esti mated. All business in that line is suspended. Balsto&ii quot as say ing: "I tell you this failure is there suit of a persistent effort fo months to break this bank." The directors diy vjtb firm the entire paid up stock of ..tne pan; wo-ion ta nw mmmni, ano loodiand. 0 Brien on the.k , Buywg.RcUt. r?. mUlion meVsn.kalf 'in bank, and tUee??'?ZL L IC biuwuvVvl iu Ml scicu auu , kit IUlli4y pWnUC J(iVMl MfV the stock hoi ha O'Brien would assume the liabilities rejecteaanue :di suspect ,4KA99bA Uabiliei, the bik1tire-'foarteen' ailliojisv itiie assetts seen millionfif 'whlchwitt ' -i probably! sayrinkaijeiore :, tealixeiL The true condition of the bank was con cealed from the Directors till Thurs- 4 day JAithMll ttelinVof theDi rectors, terdajvv ,BfIsron; eredj and was asked to resign. He resign ed and' Va,i'r6t!ere,cr tfo eavethe .. ruorxi. .The board was, still in sessiop when the drowning was announced. com r3eTledl6'aiandi'aai assessment', af fifty percent. ; . au: -x Suspension of Two Large lsevr . v ai n 'Ybrk Rvtmv. rw a have suspended, 'ler.aitiese ' tfmated' -at $360,000 -to $500,000. 'eyTwere carrying j: large stock of JuJafloyUiM BneW thwlargest manufacturing firms- in -the JIhited. States made an Wm. B. Lathrope, v beralheir, factory is. They have a large&goWl id dx&yisf&y, ikMl city, and depots in Chicago, St Louis, J WitMl tut ' I T o??flXi& cays he will give up everything to pay ilOthJtofjfeBlrg thdjsgte t tf,eniareea my jacuraes jo mwt toeryb5 pnblrc.ai ahy fitiie.1 , i -Ine seenjed'iba peryides of ipertsi 1 PRODUCE MARKET. (., iprepa!& line, iatmay .W entrusted o 1 me,' and I Corn market quiet at quotations. anarantee to mease the Irtiost faitidiotrs jin i,:Ffoutasierbufearrivals light. worJtWfrice J B H WHITm riAnntrv m-di Mtim and in demand. ha y m. ?x. .Butter and eggs in fair demand. Other nmduce nnchaneed. ' VZ ' .V - . 'V .v ! D,wng Machines will be charged $1J50 lrf in advwlenfing froM tK I; tt SUAm T' unouiaers, isiax-jj T?6R-SALE THIS MORNING lsaiejp'clokjat Tthe , intersection of Trade' and !iai3iTTTyonMreets:'' Sale positiye.- ' - , Hog BowdL, 3U ffa. rjer doej rt 'FamCy.-? Pr sack. Kfjmoax - . . - . . . nf f. n Lr 2 00 2 25 12i15 3.25(3)3.50 Extra. ... SO A T.iHJa. JIViI)nedAjl4es. perjpoun, 8c Uremppta per ousnei. i;f' '- : 'y .7 i- r-; -i -v. i. ... , 2Qa251. . 1 25 i Ur 86 125 13 5 ftrnn ";' Kj Mixedw--- ,-:..t fF&M-Red. per bue. , v 'i' " White. i.-1 "ftattiS!ackV, .1 r' :. m. 055 " White, 55 " Mixed, 0 ffikSDryiV- .j. i . . 11 " Green, 7a8 tarrfrrOood. . 1? - " Common1, v - ' "rTV 2 W-Cff ri ' - Sweet. '"' i iw aizo tTot-Tub washed,' V. Unwashed i. ' ' o I Also, Miles' Alarni Caih Dfawer, 25 Coffee and Drti Mi Vs.; Letter Presses, Ae. 35 ... .. . 311 liroadwav, N.!Y 66 B;tltimor.j St , Baltimore, Md, i mH REE Thousand Dollars of Meckleitbrrg,4 FAlftBAKK, jCO,i n IL r- TMfl ! .it' County Bonds. Apply to 1 1 H(f S? j H ?j ipteciiapStrN.-O- COMMERUIAL NATIONAL UAJNK; M rAnCBANKa'A? OOV,U 1 i ! ' il. ... . . t . , I i . . t !..( 090. iy, 4 Ik. XT V '"VVdlllCU LU'ilCllli. rAifiUAaaoBw.. -n. .A.r.uwa JL .if .xoH ; FllBANkS & J ' ' or 4 moms, and sery aritTrom f ( FA1KUANKB, w OU , hi- rnnat hi in i Poodf lffSX- . 2 MiUt 8t;, Boston, Mass neighbrhood dconyen'ient l l nT" " A4rBf and we will offer for the next THIRTY DAYS. GREAT INDUCEMENTS Ttt BUY ERS. . ,-Pur, stock jjonsista of a beautiful variety ol Millneijr Fancy Gdods, Ribbons, Trim mings, Ladies' .Underwear Gents' Famish ing Goods. A' large stock of FURS, and a Kto rArula finr Htrtrb: mn&t b anld rpardleaa of COST. I 'Great inducements otterea to anyme wno wi8bes40 bny our entire; stock 'of Goods? fixtures and lease or storey.. t43iju. Respectfully. ArfeA.-'fe KOOPMAN NO X : . ,- 1 , ... . '.-A Sl'SC.I .'..A J V- sms?r WM'Kll.ll M "Hfc. V . .. ' j.- 11 111 J" 1 All those indebted to us, will please come forward sad ttltba samejwlth the firnaw Otw aftennnts; must be dosed hv ihe nnt eav of September.' Those, retnalniag Unsettled by that time, will be pWeed In the "hands of rrney for collection. I KO0PMAN & ROpPHSpHltDS. angl0lm k L i Oh and After' ' inwA .n 'I H '.7 i) fTlHIS date date, all persons who want to my office. D G MAXWELL, Genera Agent, ! Three doors below Tiddy's Book Store. ju!8 NIONS. . BUTTE o 3 POTATOES, i ff ORANGES & LEMONS, 1 . . : , :. . . . crasT, BAC0N1 HOMINY, MOLASSES, LARD, X)N, HAMS, VINEGAR, LES.iJF O T A'. S TA B C H 7 ill lv ii. lAT TKE'i ' ' 1 ... !,4. RISING SUN, ' . ' ' ' : i OBBOILEB LEAF LARD, at J . Ii B N 8MITH'S. r augl8 to the business portion, of the city. For WATRRANs MOI&P no " Tflth rrt?rala Trantm bavins sneh I yAIBANKSj MORSE S CO., Masonic Hall, Philadelphial Pa arsons havine sneh 4- AMP&Si V"-. . .1 ' a 7 f .1- 111 I .Q tro Kf I hiMon. ? rjfTTl-36 Walnut St., CihyOi niTriDivra iATau & m i i T f liltrA I' 4 w 182SnperiorSt.,Clev'tU), . . M.TTrTTn T TTI I 1 ' . . 1 . ' uxa baua l UKjsir oflttu, - j 38 wood St., Pittsburgh usignmernl(-Vart,,iD. IflTther particulars, person: ,pe. of BeTVa, gg-gj p.p paying tenant, FAJI THIS OFFICE. Doe tOSt; - FAIRBANKS & CO., .a-jfe 302 & 304, FAIRBANKS; Ciga Very Tofarid-sell them at. short JRiU T' i- :lt At ,'i.ii.ni'i.li, -i -9lof-p aug24 i ih-tiM.. - lNG,-; isrn i I irOSIT r YPlTOmQnV.lrlUn. Hill H. 1 TriVryrj TT? I Aff.IFOEEIGTE; ,f Ahfwrs to the tisnrtof M.littHi ruilberai Tw "U4U III .IfliUU lILl J.JV, r" i rcworu BIT BS f99JO The Royal 1 kmtikft" " U&P?ti&i Agsfckcie ftWi-Tht Tripoli- W flIi W t4! taSnHMaTtiKdA And are receiving every day, the ; fin''iWwafcWi'fci .J .rJSfcWMf ?TIl!fm SaiibiJoB Peaches iflJJtimfroiiThardiBtH Ste&i A Plymouth. feaA&ust0n rt.WR' the coroner's jury in the royal I . A-a-a 1 collision inquest, announces tbAiU ' K tali ; rji ra f- oklUS jmrn JCOOtomttW. -1 MM E R "AIN-'i IX . WQMiGLHaI ITS the urst Tnstairtuent and made -1 . ' 1 C- " ofh4ririf4J-Uteaii,rditli.of.aeoiTl A dental death, but differed as to the v Wauie attaching latheJlndiTidual pffh w"rtb roytrtJy af4ryTOong, some of them were molested on the street by a .mob. - Malta, August 28.-The Hartfrteaf w theTrrpomaMwlsAlWoMurVp tf IJ U J trLllftlS:' Itl tllft tatft day. ; An apology was made by order) CHIEF JUSTICE : iaA iami sWJ:mnf Vd W,4"is ! of. Ponte. The affair originated in and If yon doubt ft, joatl(eDaiia. 'jmJty&tl, -r ;7". - b vvuoui d j vr i na oucAbiuiir iau aj. m ( 1 1 x yourself. garden for matches. 'M?rl niitUV lit.. tL-..f SaasiBSMBHMaMMaBBBM " 1 ' ' The Eeportof Ealston's Suicide Pros bably Untrue His Property in the JJsco, August p. Later information tends sWnefyMpVoS 302 &304.Washington Ave., St. Iiooifc 13 & HU San Francisco Cal. JTCHINSON, em ri i BY :";J.V,7, 4-BBdLftMiniejra quantity, on terms that cannot Jail to please. . a lerms aie Oriciiy CASH, f Orders ollcfted aad promptly filled. Vf u-. . , OSE & JAMISON, yltfir.ViH-i ProDrietors jM - .-j.-i.i t. : i G H A R L Or T Ti;ETs N v; G ; TBYON STRECTAjtLOT cf ?, "A 'I ' ? OFFEBrTO THE TBAdB A liAKCxJS A U VAK1J5D ASSOBTMENT OF llRimilPWESTIC CICiARS, w--'AVHJSAlJfiJi WITH 1 ' SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO f OF AIX C2CAOCS, On better terms than any establishment of h kind in the State. 1 : . v : Jfeerechaum Pipes and Cigar Holders a spedalty. apr VSilj ' ' -- W. B. COCHRANE, Proprietor! DANIEL A. SMITH & CO., 3 -f T 'I Ui A P. F U N I T U R E AD B E D D I N (ji . TJ 2iT DEB TAKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES'. FULL STOCK MET ALIO CASES, COFFINS and CASKETS n ,ri:": r f , , . -ALWYS ON HAND. EAST TRADE ST., CHARLOTTE, 5. C. U 0 3Blf I REtU A T f flE as ifflmlWttl'' ... . - i jttnlO 3 NEWCSUFPIY ,,,,, ;;t, jj.-, W.. Iti WllSOM.: r j r , ' . , ILfiONABLAGK, - ' : ' ' ' ' '; Hah W,,J. SLACK OILS, CHEMICALS Rockbridge Alum Water, f-.f i, .vt!.,AHD... 0FTAiip LETHi' Water, D fresh from the RnHni vorv 'Weeta. . Wartha anthnriuxf aant. for the celebrated flprings,, and have perfected armrementa to reoeiye fresh supplies every week direct from the Springs.. Excelsiojr Sanrtog ,Fater on draught and hr bottles. J-OoBgress v Water, Hathorn Watelaiid BtarBarapi Water In bottles, for sale at :- j 1.j 'ieADEN8 : Jn Hi.,,- ... :.;u7 - Dmg store. CHARGE D ; BUSINESS. Ft W ' i f . . i . i : : :t ? . i i ! t J AYING remoied my jbusinesa , from my old stand on Trade tret, to one of my large and oooatnodiaos storehouses on Col lego Street, and having sod ourmy stock of Groceries, I offer special: advantages to my cusroers in ruy large and varied assort ;inent of1 " ' IvfcS aad tlQUORS. Makin a'specisUy in'tislinttl claim to xffer better ad lantftges thaii cun be found in Western North"fllns:J? U' . h- 'bw - ..W.'Jv-iBLACK. f ! WIOlirTEBEB, 0EC-ORATDR U tn moil i.iaitti . .!! , asp ' . UlattrfittR Jlnker TltADa 8raxKt. lM-piim OVeftrVnlkethars1 'Store- t, :T.1 W,J I. DO NOT FBCrET1" -A IM.ffiS W, in flffK1 jwrx f HISfKJM: ttK FRENCffBlACKl v Will give your shoe Ue-tesi wllah try itr .j T T;C SMITH & CO. c RYSTALUF1X)UB.; A fancy hrajadjast, receivedbjr THAT - : viul Alt uwriri4fl t2 JrwaHkenibal'S store T,v-"--.'i"i -tigagBiii iimmw... . i I will meeiTa nmmnt attention. ' feaSO-tL ft; peo- AAA OAAJuljly VAJ J3VA1A M a w 9 , .a s a. s a a w-fc-"w w i a. sls,,.! SrfaUTjrMOT I taortonerat wrkTor OS.' 5 iw 'their own ! dt m 4 lotklitiea. datinal Akeim star saoraents, oi ; UkI j ail tbi Uoj-y .thin else. We sndtis'roi Vr l.M , 3S , m' thbi. rpA BW.'l'irr la tte time. Ki3gd-ia. jnojAifSiro,!! elsewhere HoabiyI sv! -miriifliii- tagrned what we offer. i " TT I : f . ..... v S. U M M JS , GlTCr ju!22 -T.- f. - sasrsa' i-vsfT . UK I JPjLi-LtoYr ' IT T T TV A. n B A T TI Tf. T? I -4 i TttBETKETTIESTrj oi riMSf wV A. ; -WATr t'seieKocBnBplv'eft.islaidrQuaalJ -.Ver6ta to-be itrnd,ii'tnetfoRoney;TT c,. in at ALEXANDER, SEIgEE &XJO'S. thaftg&HelMag A Z JST ' J-afci . , ..., .. ( ,,,, f railtl(T,7.'UWi."'iJB ZJUJ KJJJ ja j M f MJ ft... IMF. A MAS. I h. Att. UB.hIA I - T. . iAiLJtIl.A't , , . : - to none In the South, and to offer Detterln-i TrT w m"qrooeT anQ Ine 8LaLC- ducementa in the manfactiM of Gravel trKUi fiTSiTSTwU i,- -"i.- i,. . , ? L , o ments of the attending uhvaicians eo I stoaaOTMOTirnieiiU thau Ua i v er been I Mr8taU6B'atBarikfbartoUe.H. C. Gentlemen will do well to: examine my iTri j . I aone nejeuii'JTB-iiaye employ ea a num-ii ntria ' .wv-iUiiiiTu . nif-i rAM .ftKra taarxa uituif fnartnis u 'Imma. amIf UAAnm Amta .a lower Chan Cie sanAeCan I ii. - . . r -ff ee 1"- v -rn cities. 't. . t. . . r. . TLJ I ..; .. . , t - . ..iIL1 .11 V ai au property toaenatox vy m.-Khiro! - : : r1" .VMhLii.. - CSSTJIESlWa ! & jrdaalUeea - . pledEedivhQnortoatatadjby-.bis old r-rtnraftt firn fnamanf Meiidoiaiid his own J , ,v.t it. u .; fT(4,TiIsgffAMr $6ee$c KTFa Of 1"DUY-Y0UB iXTJCJenESLI)IRE; the hand, of attVlJft:w?r ;now in store. r ur u, uy TOy.cj!r3 tf's m . .wa wuiifiivwc, Kvwiws k aupiicave lnyoicea rrom any i . : i. 1 nd tiAMHtk' PhriwlAMf Raw hv thg . gularlv. lthasbeen , tar i finest , . -J 8""- '.VM 4 ".uoii; t Aflfea. f R B ALEXANDER & CO'B, attttum& uu i oi e- dy,w j. icWedijroih. finest eyer offered in oar r market, a&q large country sldeliacp'n, nice SOntrc? and ClV Bfjnefatf--" boil U-OikiZ ilJ ni Iffj:?! ii JUtAiO H Aironer. Apply. HIS OJfFiUj I- Of X i .Mnsiard Md Spicei jnstr Tecefedf I ' 1 ;Te rlf R BCRWELL m CO. peck, LOW. Nice for preserving; Ac,, 'i vi ere,, in i tl . A .tMAGNIFJCEIlT TPCKV pyPtOTH- ling made arasien3sDw.iii ft first- 1 ' .v.? -s" - ' 4a d ft Ta. iV-AA iTr a!n.a-vi . s G at- r n -t.i a -l- . fr . N Ki J - I ..... . 1 1 f rn oliaJ'J tol flftmlas-Jibs rsfl P6ff rr T , "J MOYER f KJ50J J omeming new anu i inv"" iuvaajiajujm, ' V7 .o. T CWWRa.ijr. roMiGSAiJtfTic Havejust received and keep constantly on 3'and,lBaa A' Tennant'a Pale Ale, London stand, where he, Is prepared to dd all kinds w, HU( AH .A1UI . UAlC iDObUUAMJUUn ' piMll. flt! WA-Apuaea oi wm. Alford and Georeft IfflflKSfc: UN8, la ar.r.itft aaat d and.kacBeriiri aBdBavarian'Beerl tt.xloward. r K 1 Jf-ic.r01 ASena. ro'1 i .rAHiWaterand Beer Glasses, of aUaizea:. teadbrhAcharea.'-' " - 1 : ' - i M t.-t Arr swinr iKr I VI7 HaCU ffiey aitfselHnY at and under cost, to dosefieJorft gaiOrigln their Fall Btpjttln iaa! ,7JJ ,Jia s Portland, Me. TlABGAlNS wflfbe Ifven for Cash and no HTJKBOT vA ' -W!, lflU. . t A GOOD Assortment efCanbpyfito I 4OT - " . .'tt uB,r. t rm: am nil . a iav. w ueinui siuuuiiru - - fmii w- irninaciucui c lifli vineioYp.A u r iriiaooitin r n i f r jul31 h i jnfe threon'wlll.be deAlwtmccordiiii to law. R niltiii to flofseslnuoi tilUViVKLA CO., frta jfl8iosnoa sf.f ChSrlotte, N. C. I A. J. W. CHALK. )5 IliiOif- .A OrtlJ-aaaWoall the '5MirameHi,!,for-alerbv; 1 ' " 1 t7' iirrw BiBOIFWRL'l & i isisi0 '.UU..T iii:A.V" ',a I ; f- f - - j-. . f i . r ... . a " i 7 ri j 10 ti "if; uTT , no n lis Tri ' w xjj ' u i ii ii MMi zx2 Tj?.it-st.-aai!Arii, fiA ' ne nuaersijnea is pTejx r f w J I'heudeTsleW'Mrnwired on stion no- ) H A NTbt Ue fill larga erismiU order fori . so ior J;4,i 1 eanaLin crtielittftojenvitb thfsmiarket. 4l : I Alao Graham FHat, ,t Ppyi o. ftread, f r .m cnorcewneaiana miaw jaw jvr r.w Gram' bought t bigbest; Warkfetrice. FY3f V !':'P-iD .'TAarT'i "r:l'ici.l..i Uilf . f r.JI ,u " 'Ji cTFm-j j ;.; t.n i-tf. T ----- '. Uft'M wia i-aiijr'"1 a r i - aNTiTi . W m , f I I . mi ri I : "-? i ,vti iii Moki s i!i JS,iiAArif iUSAJ, Vy A. XD, ivi xL VlK : -JJAHLEY.-Ac , k. I.m.. wI.4A..f....J...... f f U III If I M V V w w a w -MiLL'AHW'fiiwji OAUJ!i3, WilJSAT BBAN AND SHOfflS., La SI TiVf. l.Xt'f ;. . . ... . ... .7 C. m n rrn r - nbsTAOB firtAMTPB.' at . . .. , : uy:' nU' vJ-yiU.Hf .w .-W ..it K'Oj. 'J' 1 -i-'U 4iJtlt i-y9ttirt nr. til y'd-OTBIFOY'S M J fl J l ,Of a.,:, Y3 oi ,H?.A0 .ot ...a ..psolfeVjP&tiWRP T?AT DTJATilT aU W A ATTA TTlt? T3 mTT T f7TS ri CTt l Jlw Oil, 8plrlt3 Varnish 'f Hi FOR PACKING COTTON Vlfl i;J j mnE TJNDERSIQNKD ANNOUNCES 4 Ta? Xu theicUixeiis "ef Charlotte and the trablte. generally that he has opened a.; & ?j . OOT AUD SHOE SHOaT in the 8prfa Bxond'ingat': A Soarv angi ; W R BURWELL & CO Ladies Collars and Cuffs to W nntj at' ti HtlTiPTiwniT-i'Tnr. v.w ,'rir? l.AjDJEg ,1 i. .iiil rl-fl 'Lock? Box 82 Utin In. I II -.. : lbs. Wheat Braav .reoeiyed and lioraalei bsnt-.aiuo- r 'J2tn ilo.-ii fvBii 01 'HI I JVMAIH.Al a fclii O0.l!v,ah ViiMWMtAHi White Ii at loweat-prices; ' n "io -nis L4 Siia'jiiJ lo 'u..lW; B BURWELL A CO. i A "r f ' . I . . -a i4"v. aqg;i:i ,i)p;2!f ffio eai('.i TO a 1 'I.J.( J.-.l 1 tit , Hli-ili . -u i linn i'ifiiy v J 'Siiw'ytiVtij hot, ttEMONS Ht,ktt Yil Refill inff'"' fif . ' ; ' iiiLJAJtL-i.A.to.-Jijti.A H1 VAftWfHl fElAimBETOAXJO'S. 'OfA'nlaonla,iwnlK.I0,vw!n ah h 'UlW Iriv Lime, tMollersiCod Liver 0.1. Whites Tooth I H j.jfnrrmrailt ' tuum.J.-. '1 ttE Iftiesl Pefi'il. c?ty. are at szib iid r AJtnBWa GO'S I nl24 talir. o)..x. fcld n I . - , 'i:1 I anl -iF - it1

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