ffiv-V4 9.IJ JnoOA rife f1 HrJS 'vfi fiiii JOD PRINTIKC. W 1L f t v.i:j Wa IIo ei 9T3t7'fj I rrfTuil il rnoit-1 -9--ivsriV-.te.il $s,w i o.ii AMI 11 1 aa , V ,tte OisHBVKb Job r-parfnefat aas beeir thorfrtigWy r ppy -t nedel - a."- . a. tl . . oCJype, au J . ailyTy5MVTp ssrpaid) in advance, $3 00 ft ,- iiili jLrir'sWii II . , . . .1 . . wuux. KorrtoN. 4ii5iiuj . jrir 'it 'i5drvM;"iVvr"iT ' " i '"111 TT - ft - -I---.- M W (iiwihcbw.ntyj1h advance? tx ouJtofthf rxuttty, postpaid, 2 10 6 months, , V.rl 05 fi"'f l friiiiTr'TTc.- ni mod ei" sfnod ill I 'iny ' Liberal redactions for clubs. i Ac hilii ,.ni i i t.i-,, il j. . i GREATS? REDU&TIOI -.inc. v l I Xavit,tfdirtia?Js'fea54, ms-s& dmtiMmetttt wilt b&inserted in this ttfiiktd ttt0thHhsht0) cents per, Jxi7forzeaehl insertion. ? iTo advertise ,AR fAJJn'J sJJ 1v i J-v.j-ij.1 .ill to mull 1 rt? I Rf ri0o? awrtje J&susoa AlrJSfiEJ MaKelJ. ! .C6himandery A V K M A.HKT5TJ TXW rfaltheir,ASY7 jfXtoinlght1 4 ii K ll 111.11 VII III f -v. w i i w. iff, a-". . -i a ami silt .sr , . n u y. d . III 111 Hi III til. Ill II till vr: rT' IF" III- III I 1 Twh Mq.o,i 'oJi -c-t Iwl'iflVIAyW.'fi MviTdiiucKs, &c iobii cvcuiiig, uj muiittuu lie ni uungraiu- i t a t Fn ; TJO'PTni' - . i - i - i.. ... I .. .7 '. . TT r J. 4 S....--. -' T t -mn ttt "ivi nns uuu a gnuic Uivsy uuu Uiav- I :, fs tjs. ' - fntiMwo TOi'IS OTHMRnTiKS STOCK orBOOTB & dHCFEb : i t-i us..ft i oJ" fenteUB offlceuflpieaaiuuireJennx PthrgfrW street! WW K? 4 Je.eraisseclotgho.... The audden chanf in thewedOi Jroig .J1!; wliuoYi&UituKttjalrtvi4ixiifiit, : cool to warm, haaciren ina&lteollaniDldi., nn.i. -"u"- i .. " '." -k3h mMuJaUulJIKi3.. diiiocUU rhlla. rfatmHd ' " , !. Tf 'v'rT MirnliS lSi Tftto: I ibv Tr r W IWV & Joy deeding and full of glorV -&?:immTM'&& s22tt&Z tnw& tSSISS' W YiTT otS n t t n -n n . -.Ti...-n irv. . rt.-r 1.1W1 .Y MHfcJf.-Ui)kklJri,iV?rniiiisnt'fi loot-. van md 1a nnr iihin &a Mr KuvIav vwvwuuiivjjj Ju ,ivc u .olhafm m0 Uuof, .ad fa .-Jata rlt m trfoIqm md JrsM sS&rik7 i .1 -.i-:-.-vfj lX!f iLli- tu. to ou? btismesg-men, ; upon whom -Iff U.I5I.Y..AmotfooU . of JloweV.InWSS " - . ' Tf ftTf ' V .-. t v.;vt T V r or Aift.f ! I CUUI VllUIuU BUU till TeSWIUBV tUU lUTCi tAlltin At tllA IA1K AmAA At- MMIMIrKMm.t; . 1 t -f r ft rt r I f n f ff -fat ff , t; . I 1 V.t ' I iu3l IJTO - Ulavnq di lo vua . hbtUdtB Weathrfor'yeBterdUjId Ihe ' V . Jt- ' w m mw ' SHHKBmH b mm mmmw mm immmw m uuu - - nuaauK. uaa x aua uvui 1 i ' i ra , l UOBUM ; t n-'iii'ti, .i,-a;!ri.,'M(lna,,i, W I 8ltT) of th AOlored COl 1' '-'-MlT wcl"'',') iwi fs ' ' 1 - , f-" .. ". .... fin .dmmr'Xa 'Is ridatioi&KM 1d 9ULimq:rvJi woo ... . ... .'fill r I luii iuu I'.uMii -j i i rn-' rt i . ut . .Lojinl ififubws sib iwrbitl sdT .ion j WEWttfnt;bf ilidtfV.lient until, niqiiuixj-jr;nxjTknT i m -c irreeations of the AUMVWnmmMWmWWRkm99 in tttfiffillv vWMyalMino- fclty t'Ate'&elr.okVerV kttieir ioi IHft1? Wlj9Rpn4 fflfeWT Vwl' ia-L aJ'.tlioXoU bnnoI .iivM early aoout i ana z cioca, ana along i n.uwwwwio wiatti.vB jiuywijce"! Ju'wwwvMirii.""" - there. . . ' rv terdaV-mftrriinW bttT w aadnwwff tn W a imthp nf th man the uartiea haviner revinsVv ' teen J way Company afe'jjrepilrini 6Mk ,m ithia who ate a whole watermelon on Saturday. Ffine'a by aIagistrate. ni' n c,Wa ! ""I agenbha'for ttnTe HfeWintoadrtig store ttt.higand There waOanjt-Case for Bellinidli- ?rbu?!f5th6w owanfe wanted soda water. J ,witKftt ira km t? lal f"" , office . 'Wash Idweleetjt tefiroa; if you don't of a misinterpretation of the ofoi?itf&&7 'Obt T rVr?4i- tyt iTTy 1 1 ahan't take you to see the animals," is the I nance oo, th euhject tLlTT-7-T7TT f I -a f i J, inieliokt ttaeathese aiah Aod Young l"'r''T!L''ir, .7T qw'OTjFjijjL 'AND WINTER TRADE, i!eXolEi(it the best Stock of ! 9 o vi MmiiANl) BOOTS, .femtt Misses', and Childrens' LL . mm uii-vii iij ul i-tla hs iaM j " ,i uioU iMai9-iu& VitM5i4JovtsiJ . . our citizens will rx, ... ;WwnMjjTA nail iK.vr" irW J I " wmcnupens . household thxeatthesa aighK And Young America washes those feetl " ,7- ua Mr andjllral'riiylor f iss quit the poet office. The latter connected with the office foe years past. lift .Utl'? 94 -9l ori ai 'iiuiicb :i ami' be 'punctual i'm tbefraUenr i iiJ iii-dancei? at' 8 luviueu mj o present. - -j , . y'4iTlJQXI0tf; !NDEPNDEXTS,nT j 5uf! jp(!oD jtivvrrn-i J amuJ ilo ? in lm m mr mamia - bbiv - v (,jifcjafti. 1 Jo oj J'jii(lili fiuftoiini Je.ii" Tf9if) 'Attenir regUlaV mieetihg of yont company 4 una; weaneaaay!eyenmg,cietoDejtn, at eight ,0'cVookJ,ebarp(t attendUMae! de sired, j Come, prepared, to -settle duea.fi i By order . ' " J W. SPEINBXeJ no 'ijiiHob uJ l.if hiis ' 1 '.' -presidenk-' i XJ!t)II '9voifi9l iy ifohi-;..ifoq : oi if : Vilrt Iwi') !iVjUno iaycnti' Jo -i 1 jit- tv tit nvnTin Yorisfactionitateed. I iT.i. "i t.. t .i-L j-J witu Am tnmiot wftKnvihQMKi.Tl.T T TVILIj sell - at 'ilnctibfl ' faW WednfeadaT . ' ' 1 " ' ' . '1' " '"'-.ir J Nellie"). h.TSl forJiviog tewthefclnT IWttlJadiW0, - , r J majrv,..Tne reaue"atwaa,ffrantedjthriitSj4J- minroa mn nirvb ntr. J aibprnoiikaa michaaei the inter-', ua"' I K V V, , FSON-1 ..&tfnXiir f&WMnU Thompson A Whitley, and will henoafort .MMi!f ' W3d,;!J,j ,d v,:!S S Urii dimU i HaiWHe kkiU-ifliillUiitUiii'11' 'f 5j"' '"- i .i. ' 'tWBBn the .WO.,. .-- ; -ra -.ft J' r .:; tii ilffiSllVM i..i ... .... Grand Duchess Oaloene,..,. ,., '.r , anena ine oiaie iiir.' i wc- v w rai uui wuw uuv -i ,i ... "t. . .. i . . i I w rv 4t 4 Ilia VM M V o'a ftAAn naojuwiul I I H ' : ' ' It is remarked by yogth who -Jis fosd fl 014 Thin; ft eoom ill e W Opposite Central HoKetr jgyA$esfpyl nyrgoods a specialty. nnpr,P- noTAO .awnciEsAi slang and puns, that the steam man which will be here wiih fellow." H4fbritbelraelmcbieofl6nwiththe Swtf&riK 7Hmt all VJI Jl 1 lOAJI JL uLnbUVufe au harl ,thatthe steam man which lSmcAd advent IttttnV foartli ' tT , " , , , , . .TS3a OLiaUi CUTN SMITH,;, htbechusis undoubtedly. tCTS34WeS ,,, . ,. " the best lo llrWe ayQ' not mfBiuimm ' "Ui1 " ""J. . . the I .dldate fohe' pri -!? 'fiuj uv H ' forTPSl1 th.jTjB9teUleVir Ir3si; PoUtoea for tabl use, The Krtiye,8keeter bangtth on and man who said that it .'had; disappeared th season. .arook, down hia net, yeateruayake'hehad been pepperet faqirTfchot ..is brT looked I "fSr ' Dollars for .Railroad P6Q1 when; 'called wnen.oaapa arewef ana maa iy. e IfJlo h Jkqttirhot. ..isb8iT ; C'l tirn, and cihnot'b revived.VE ikw .Confectionery. and Bakery (i '"T , SSSffi - The meeting at the Tryon gjreejk Ml E hiodestjr foVbida US ttf call pairie the following frnmi thfl .Columbia figj- r. . u ; r r Siieo H r Chntckg Wngprotia,rf rtice. which the rxto :ffeleo th'e'C 'OtfeA Roid wOSDElfe NJiVERlCilABE,' -; ! . We understand that Mr. Geo. M. Murry been Ihade obeugyfthineKtbevyic- mfOntjMst ar::andtheiirrdt!remt8:. fitrivej IMee rin drtllar. : : ij; .f' -.- -, ; ' -"DEW-DROP-hr-tlie Little" House WrcnAllielCortaerrViokCbOeeWfeet ?.9l!t''Vt7u.--:'X - -A VI ix k ixf h eMern bers (Mlebnrg HIsloTicaX Bocl e y ai e - hereby notified to attend a regular mcei ing of tbeir,8pcieljrat.the office of Dr llics J Moofe,if4'JHms'7fclfjowd,8 Building, to night at 7J o'clock. f ; Punctual atteadaBqe drfcired,. 83. Lusir.efs J.CPrtftnfe-wUlicomei ,e,fere IbejSc cietv ,f?WRot bin -;tii di ! .330 WD, 'jtSgSTi mm,m sum. oct6 hw o WHOWELK . p. -i?;?n .Tf.ntTis W .,.uli.i.lri-vti1- ine tIBEG'S 'LIQUtDEXTR'ACFBEEP, Nelson's Gelatine? tfeteraaiVslMnsaard, m-fUiUm iol rifc JBU.WJSI.l4( CO. OCt5 .' . . . . - . . yE.HAVE 'ADEDK io Ten Thousapd Ggara,, of Superior, Brands. gOTPALOTHIATJJR,, ..tr Fresh, athe drng'stonS bfv h;!T W iftiBUK WELL & 0. octo USE CUTLER'S POCKET INHALER, i!-i v.Mii tli:mt ti 4, ,x"ivJ. iiuoi. The1 great teraedy fbrCataiThv' J ,!' !W R BURWELL- CO, ,. .i i ff-AteM)aftttBturers. i.f ii .. ;.-v TtiKtf HtKti 3 ilt-ii;9 QENCY 'FOR'" '''m-' ' ' 'En gfishB reak fas tR Packet ' "te'a tJon pan y . Sold only by Druggists. " : ' ' W R BURWELL '& W, , oct5 i ., , ,i;i,L i8pringaCprner. Sale of Reial-E$tate. Bi :t :!j ! '-jiwUkjaAOfUbn.1 ValStTof thUcity, ropes to join .pro! Charlpttep in exce AugindmbeT.last tL. f -F'tb-Q'O1 J '. iNriil C, leaeionalclub. HeU certainly a brilliant '' MV'fcO.?'. yeaT.n Thia shows that while they, have pHE . , i iT?f?!ri.aa .aa.mti.als, rr'?- f . . . , delicate black moustache.. ja,,.tiie, very iiAn4. mAM;imW-w.iiiiMiiMi. -X.v f ' ' t . 1 1 i .t95u-!; ai ni t19)f:9 01 lHfT9f ii . , . .i ii ( w wsr a. j &av l ..... ,i i , a. . - : r - - t . : . ji m r nAiw awnnrtflna nrtM a rmra - ma w a . mi hit i An r a- air i-tniBia-an w ni'inrv jmi vr r i ? . I chIjO 4akrtf, K.U3Sf lTo agetoeritothelaft1 'tfee oMoeof rWc :.,,- .SMlTHjOS,. ; - ---( ' ' ,,.., j, jj'i ,asi n,"' ownership or a hoe, and though that was' Journal.' . t i . . .- Ur Ihft ro4' iXhtuqeyeaser in-I btuuiiess ia.- :'' ;- SV)VA 1 8 t) In ! ! ,:;'?,,T1 ij'J- itJSSJrrlf i2?irif !' t H-ioild. Hot havef been: beeomW in ' rather remtokaWehen fonrfer fpiPjTOP BLA.CKING BRUSHES,'! M.1.,IV?aJ 2fff iuade-iu the .parked xff A FULL ASSORTitoT now what to do with 'em? . i t rr: KL-OIB .,j;M i,fntn.rt-fT(r,:AHr v T C SMITH &! CO. , ; of- I j fr -a!g surisorne of our appreciative brethiW Una between 4b, -dtj. tod, Charlotte, : r Vi" ' ! J?P..l!S2 SS2M nw MW9 wfSp broom.. ! .feSrrr5-l -ikuilu Alrt a txkm i.-vi.i vL. r-" " ' ; 4JjLKAr 'U r' il'j' 'i ;iV k' firura well for itha ..fntnrft, TM-mwwts nf l-'i ihmt l- . i. . ; v ; - . . f pleased to stee them,- IV I H "'mrrniJir 5, .r- " l Nice-fording your.coat-W.cfntawiU whoimay give'be a fc. Ml5ii;WtfiJ Waaa I . 8ome Taluable dty propertyb advertised iqflQflO.aoanaa wft"Dear oiWDiusnipg i ouyoneas .t ct5lf " ..,.la r.v, T,0H3 1 0 WP , .i..,,r,.gi-at.ii.T. a vtrit ik i kl twb hack tola of tb Wllli.riWfln'-nmrTtv; 1 SLL J'LLX: ,a: 'i TiexmpiUqn tor t VT ., . If-' Hill l"wrW : ' :. 1 V " i imttPKtWarwU rorf -j fc'th.V tW.ol s ocl" I - i Astral Oil JL AM2MJLi)ML?KJ "'f:" 'u;' -"KiHf hrU. . i :l TT:" . ."w r: w.7.r.Tr".vi m-i ent;c.6eyqattafuilijBewa. I tuneia nunoa4)iK. mqj imuuiir. vu aauu. i, a laihi iw iiJxa-iJU.AJj.iM '.ri; ;;.! yjiik aia w uituawwuiuiraunuuu, it wo i ri n BH -JJ AB.la'lL l.'il i( it- ' n i i , trA tlf 19H i c4 ' J'i fr : : f w u .-5 H4fertrtft , $Mmmm D II D E R C E II T il A L HMjfT E L .; . mC'H A R L mWA$s!txr& JHlfr7if WAEANTBES A SAKSTACTIOir jan CO H MIV i I IU CAM , (- NEW .iflin0 HH1 2THH3 J - a-VM It I I fXl I rTUJLXX JL VJUL JLJ Jl fe w-mi -sz.jejtm. ml xm itto ifji"'1f.r iVu i i f.L fin ; ' '3KU iaiHOJIIQ ! All') ; .'ASV'YIl.V. ; yHiod ji v ah r l.bnooiiiU A iitjiiaajnountijeiniJW.,, je,itaAi .iuiiwi iwiiiiu, i ona or two amall bills yet mtstandlmjw of mineraipgy tke.SouUjeni States, and fbiJwabeialajala,.. vijhaye J r$ , , ... ; i . , ! I wear truly sawpaitei that.-aveiy T"' 1 -i-i. - . i hlwrtMWWt81' Wear!Toli'CWJk': nails1 lal orv th Utftr NtfT to f r 'r . I"."" '- .V, .'V! ?- : lr. brtheentralHLnudatr rwifae en wJajtnraoeifWimecim ' !',MJf.i , 11. V I i 1-2 .. heSi oaffif are Jhuikl., L J.M William Batebe Sm ai;h MtniiTir ro. manV J atlnLf,arrbntd uUlU-t-ii .ILui r-.hvu,. vt j Bbdtf aadcage sent t6 M'parjff the ft .a 'tvf bit;. .18 ( .rtAHilrJMUl .9VJ15 W 5 i ( Jt J'ii 1. -JHJW yf ..v . - - . - Willi aHT ! : - 1 J..:r;, i) rlil-Uf ll! .... . V ra- 1 N, ; WB KEEPA mffJP a uxi -,rir .nQtrimera.oniY ' iio vreui cunumw" . :. MatkWoperled from 4 a. .Jo 9 p. m.,each day, Sunday, excep-ted B"5ftiirtuejof as decree ;vOfi:the -Superior .Court of Mecklenburg countyy I will seil at the Court House dopr.-in the city of Char lotte on Thureday' October ltb .J,875w that Valuable lot known .as, he. Lbhegan, jpjrpper ty, adjoining the Central Hotel, fi G Springs and others, ironiiog 27 fet .xn Tryon street and,upning.back.JL9fteetw,) , jTernjs, ona, thir4,of jtb.puipase juoney to,b.paidJphld8y,.psaleI Thes residue on fpur'pjohjib9 tjme.'wilh note and approved security.11' Title'; withheld'' "until purchase money is paitl. " ' ! J' jS 'ERWW, it siwf. -. mutt o.; jQlerkuperipriCouri. X The pale of l be above proper v was- post poned from 17th of August to 14th of A.cto .ber W75, by -consent.-!- ,-,.: ; - . - ,i- nt f!,t.--,:t 4. ERWIN1;Clerk. oc'5 ,, , ,. REMOVAL. MISS ALICE HART begs leate to inform : ber customers and Yriendi? that Bhe has moved her work room next door to Col IMazwelTa, uVstairs, lately occupied bv the rioo - iTfci'tfMfrlkWtf FhsM' rflia1 will hf and'lrV to please all trial' orud-charge.' Fresh , Bannnas, makes a fine light; burns alone I , , wt.i .,. absolutely aafe and, costs only 50 - ft Vf J"! U A M H T T? C W Ail ail W A W m ai aV a U W A D.Ul 1X1 -w -l:; i day made the last L6"! Thttmgh: the Curtesy of Col C Jf Cowlea, itt ?rbo f7?0 -ir-lisqic. Food for iltVitcmtfiiaji V4 Several barrels of pavement infront tel yesterday afternoon. Ai tiona for the steam The Atteauated ?iWwVfHn .L arejthcebtatedfOrjrcw e jarnpyan 2nt,.theJcb kpy did Xo?mtlMFU4Ujs,ld!th,pubUC tthnotthaf 'at1 home Wittf J 7(Svt on A Co .iWW etdolor two WAr tbemo8tdarfajiaBSa bliVbks birse,' opened a New Stock of Millim ilu,nn . nf hnnomti 7 !l . . . .- . .. r . . .. .. : . ... : ulfwi'Vh WMUWHtoMi) atfMWTUu(ltl thin I the basement Of now nangeui wounu me wajcuu wa ihi agm toea tona oFCOpperv ""r i vf" y -rr "j',(v-,Arvsi the'latel hViifiandWaberl id . aetW in for him two widaf cotton thaeraediddlema r Dropped a a-iatei. ! ja iaCQnlAjprciytinoqeqWBdttaerttrtttoff . .77Tj ltimrWniLViiLiiiiiL1 i! vtM.pntf t- t imitii . ai.iBiai-.f rWhitentheatretf Tefweeh-Burr -ofithanoat, beadtttaliaerals $imifi; :1fd?iiSlS: nmfiLfr hli Wii'rwl Mori , m.. W V itf -p terdaym6rnlne,about 8 o'clock, a yourigi the aigMWiUtfuUeaU eveTy6! ,9, oi.fmTTMif 91; , , .4. . peTERBBOTJQ "TA fn 0'- man from Cheater C, accidentally dropped Ugbltt Wtfnbtieed AegintpeCibenVbf the, MWvf! STATES ' -r COMMISiOjI EBi , ut lJx1.& W aia a pistol which was discharged upon strik flexfbiefirid IbintAl Bapa'stoneand 9therJ-,1t,1,Ti, ,3 &K.1JPrJ?: " ni iUjJunoii ? w :i 1 jt hiatbaHMvetaat. FjrtaaatelnSjoW ias ! teneaVn w ft!Hl ''CHAISliOiTE 'N? C.d J ! SthlSirSjK AacVahSaers f ,m9.& v1fl-, inntmfmwlflMry '1.1 a .' -fishes to in-:I t v.f No,.10 Main Street inonwl,iVa. awevaaenaai .ioctazc bnt--:is .rr-i- no? 1; jhm Millinery uooos in. Alexander.. Seiele '& Cb's Street: She' keeps-"nothing tstylea-of Hatr and'jBonnetanUu 0? QvV ir tf'1'"- lanaeiDerienoe in- the bnsinesa veryjuwe expense, sne wut ieu , .,. , ti,.ifi, f,.:l4iua v.f . Ly..WWWD!W.. ioct ?Defore1vwte '0Bi PIWNTf NqBSI5fESS niBCTlMSfCEB'cQy ; V eow pner pnyateiy ior a rewweeas - 1 interest In this Well knowri bouse; fornierl E- PJ NASHUA' Cwww f J icocJiOTi! . - rrU t ukikllJtii.lMa1 VlF lltrlnol- pfthaittette8Hotel,oiISuy :tfcb ; rc last riff1 f. i-'i f Pn owa OrthJ Carolinai mountains,' iyini f"BeD?0 nr I ' May be found at tbtfiftf;0f. I .urtia ,eSWnK erde.feriirlirfiSKlrom all '1 M LX 7i-T flUiit oau, ana made. A similar accident occurred e;aVgS1W Wataaactow 6UrliedtheeyanAparflf,4he most. fast idi- , lf, .hmh 1 Jt -y-ggaSanl. t tiFK)f.iltHtHwh0fr.ii8 itdiflHi'he Ihit they OOTio'quarrles1 whictfwhenexA, fis f noma i aonaHfTO ' - .uVmrta i in"T ii :.. 1. .iK ..wh.i-h feUoafti-rtawti aW ASA ROGERS, Ja. fchatrJ'6l atemal plSredwiHsWai eTiBry'li .z. jAnm- .:-..., ..j mu.. 'A nVFRTlRI NPml oettatiLici utoa ?anfct . ;teW(iof uableaecihM jfPIllbl , .uM.au mmmmmmm ssss beanng tiqdamea i h 7?? ' iiffis&'ffi GOSnlHMfMilfe) ancnlture; t08e?whp dOj not ftnow, ati Jbf first feewtnryjpf priiUingy K-m.-.-t. '. wu.-u... . . )v for the General CollettiDg and Advertising ui aohoni'if i .utwriil U wm soxinjwri't ajtiha prea,mMfe.liiT : 1YxAXTjSaTI$SlC?iTS j Business, and am, prepared to ejye-my ,per- lK2 aiwua-.j 3 v,d i,w La . it-a'fTha InatitHte'WarWraloMlv havebeettamefwlnfanprobabiy a45rag ,1.1..:, aonal attention to coUectmg accounts and tnnrif; ni!rnr-;,hUB,W),'J ' f,17. -w 1 . ' ;T"k" tuwWtiac .flyilJui r.o 9i;inuw . mil ifli , 91 it fhd Interest to confer 'with the" aulH I?om wsilqxiwai. , nnnili will undoubtedrtlieifed. Jv ? --!r. "-V-jj? ' ' outrheMtireintereaVofiftDWaitiey. V.Buainesaentroated me.-iriUJprompt. wo i- -i vao. ? pnpiit wuiunaouo w tenieroa, the sclentlshi orTne country admpdestly; cf, the firm of, Thompaofi& Wbitleyi all FyW faithfully attend tof W 7 . . i -t w9.1 aaw Mmdl H9id il . i. jrt toiiambera &txi7&mto)?r te1! oar wandering: forthedirhWbeUbaW HUltX)ol Wm Johnston. mg; f (VI .'AV.ULr 1 b ;b . M A JJ)a .t. ' .. i. I A 1 a IL A. A 1 Ji I nrat lerm OI toe acuooi unuer h pres- sin oi ui sow wuui ia W wiuu J H THOMPSON. Cot Chnrch and Trade St.. odd C. H. ent administration, I not be converted into bread. octGlw ocietf sept29 jnl?4

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