UB3CXIPTI0S UIB.! WKXLT XDITIOir. ei!yr,aar)ta-dTMee,r- $200 months, ' 1 05 H & it OF A N ? 1 !li r ' AltR MR FORBES has just returned from WD ) 'JL : Stock 2fore ?uhs?int? i ehixxsWiW.k w is f1t 41 . mr irt i ! . o m Ti! .'i i 01 I f im xr t ..i ttVtl '"f 11 EW SUM f;vAKE W W . J .... ,T .,.-,--4 t-i --:6-.iiavn-)'! v;;.". ( n,.. ... QF 1 ,; i . i B nrOR rHR FALL AND WINTER TRADE. iWe ofierVto the Public the best Stock of MfMntfBHand and lmctiin$adf To be fdjiJia;Mtlietat!y, --ladie -MiBses'raiid Ghildrensr goods ;infenaiesa' variety. WeJrespectfullT solicit your patr. ronage. Satisfaction guaranteed.- .... 8 Ladies and Gents' fine goods a W DOLESALE & RETAIL c: .A1 1 T ! I ' rt'.-'':".-' .. .:-,'! ' --T-.VI.-J - ' i ! - - . ... 7 .''m'K' ) Supply i Lounges, ai graaes. tomne on.nfi.i5'Ia" 1 -. .- v. 1,J E?.iwy '':-' i C!i vtiSO T1T? ttvff!4-n K T7 ,P ilA.II V U tt AS m k'jtm h ' - D ER C E !HTJRt3AnS SrOTEL. U II ni j'.n oi o-J'!b C'HARLOTTE, N. C. ALWAYS OUARAN'XJtL HATiajfAi, iiuii. ian 30 utt 4 H fflW- MEAT m CttI ns.t MflOf JT .... ,--,.----:--.V 'H ',r. r f r i I M -I .NIHIH riXTJ Li i ul Ha vat im--..- s'Jl'! htAiMZK rtWAk,' Antral HoteL. on,. Trada Street and next door to - If .- f.lOH H) IITJIO '4t tixi 1. 1 T. AND WHOLESAt l'ENNESSEE BE Til: Hi 'X MEAT .I'iyn.rt Ha vtf vi ' hlnoil'i Ut V' w y l 111 I A rrrv . f T ri . I 46 i) FdrttfES .Mil it ana ii ro i. -fl'IftOUiH tif 3 D - jilt baa lh N.rftr..v... I -J lT.4 fieri! t-vnrf -."i.rr i y-'-W 'Hill r u iris b , idtSLshH - il" . - TRADE STB E-E T L tl ! J I arm in' . e1l.i 3 1, ; WADE & FEGRAM, Opposite- Central .Hotel. specialty. i-lOUIJI.'.'l M. n DKALEE8 n F U R N I T U R Jv BE'bdlN G, &c., No. 5, West Trade Street A CHARLOTTE, N. C . JUST RECEIVED. :: A FULL ASSORTMENT or i; Parlor Suits, in Hair Qlofh? -: m v.' I'-i- ' .j Terry and 'Beps. A& ISO, !a new A full assortmeiit uf Metalic Cases, 0sskets 'and Wood i :uik& ' j y ft a Ki !ri !:T)A T T. O P -a f - - - ' --ifi.fA nU":u-XK I "ri r?7 MARKET. A SToaaiQ I i.h si il t -S f ! I V.f V-031 VJ I HT.H TJ mm H ! .iiW.1 wtlfT mt Hiw ha wnuth 9d hna ,rtowiniia PHILLIPS . .. i .K " Farmers Savings Bank, -wiio .- r s , Mh.8)H ,waEa ; .Xl4 5J?l51, l,frII ihoY :W'- Til! 13 thu9 AiwXTwTl T1 ..,.;,,. iXt.vVsvbJ' Ui- MARKETrAD SOLICIT TRApB FROM nly. , !$ credit enstomers wanted. ; i TTiTAlt A KH J13T1A V ' ..... Ttoo A MVltU r to'Qi.: . 1 ' , . - 1 - ......... . ., . i i . . . - w- Ill IV-VMSMMAMMHaHHBMMBMB ': :ia oi it-to Qto t x i4 inoj -OS91 i3 l 0Cotton picking is prostessibe Vigoroasly. 1- Aattimh'S tiflts aion aimtist everything everything Oi'lOUI !-.' i The different courts a r: lots of 'basiness yesterdsy. v There was some of the eld time activity Sunday was a charming day, and all the churches. were well attended. The communication 'Grasshopper Papers' f Jjow idady aorrespndei, Jwill appear one dajithlsveefc vau i jl The news gatherer on yesterday scanned tne streets in yam ; nothing happened,-not Seyeral of om citizens left for Raleigh, last, nig&t, to attend the 8tate Fair. , Among iwwMayor.ioiuwtoiv. two or mree ftkdies'wer ftfuia hnmb! ; S , 11 I 11 jU llllica ''il I llil 1 The enenne and fixtnreaof lheiremAAhinA are being, moted .. out . : an the place that once kne w the ice machine will soon know K nor mora forever; i Vote!' vale'! J; , .Fanny B. Price, ia playing in Richmond his week.-- She is to appear at'the Charlotte Opera House ere long," and shels not one'of the.kind who promises and fails to ''fulfill. ' t Out telegrams' tbis morning announce that the Convention, adjourned Bine, die on yesterdsy.'' TJhq important work of this .body , will oe reviewed editorially in a day or two '.-": - The K 9 and the Nameless had another match game of base ball, yesterday after-, noon. The game was called on the seventh inning, dark having come on. At this time the Nameless were ahead.: - v 1 ' ' ' An anonymous ' cbmmnnicalion informs ns that the alligator which was sent to the Raleigh school girl, and which we mention ed the other day, was sent froroi this city and did not pass through. V " We should like to know why it is that no body is getting married. Maybe it is because the times are so hard. But people who have tried it on ssy it is cheaper to get married !mnoMk .o Cole's great circus exhibited yesterday at Monroe'" ' It passes up the Carolina Central Railroad this ; morning, exhibits to-day at LtpcolntOij, foiuoriow at Shelby, and then comes to Charlotte. , , . . 'Ml negro from Cabarrus county was lodeed vfii jail oi Ibis city yesterday, for assault and battery,- They have no jail In Concord, at present, the old one having been torn down and the new one not being finished. .k'1: Train Delayed. . The. train on the Western Division of the Carolina Central Railroad, raa otf the trac k on its down trip,. yesterday, and did not reach Charlotte until about 8 o'clock last evening. Nobody hurt and no great dam age done. Owing to the accident no con nection was made with the Wilmington train here. Disgusting. - The supremely disgusting sight of a very drunk woman, was presented on College : street last night. She was dressed in male" attire, and stood up at the bar room counter and drank like a man. Subsequently she went into the street and wallowed in the mud like a hog. . i.;,ud o.ii : ' ': ," DChe Teather. ! A threatening day was ( followed last evening about undownr by a consider able wind;-which drove the dust in .. -v. J -;' -. - 1 8bje?ta though the streets: tore many of the autUnnr leaves' -from ' tneir frail fastenings, causing &exp, "to mingle with the dusty and eddy and circle from side to Bide ; of street and. over . fences and houses, 5 This , was succeeded by a steady araitt which continued at inter vals, duringjthe " !n ight, laying the" dust and thus making itself very welcome. j j The ladyfwlxb attends upon the saloon 91 ,f esb a. tbuiviat speass ui tue mgn est terms of the respectful and orderly behayior on last Saturday night, of the .Tjval fcaseballigts, composing the clerks of the two largest? dryiVgoods . firms 1 the city, lessWittkowsky & Rintels a'nd! : EKaa) t?Cohen ' t cRoesslek That there should-' have teen naJ ' rude 1 or -J r fir e $2 young menhe thinks ipeaks well for the' breeding of the JDhard$tja i .youths.' ; - L - The Wty;Governmient;:V, A commuiii(yon criticising uie Board of Aldermen for its instructions too the City Marshal to proceed to the immediate collec tion of all the taxes due, is piiar file.3 ''It w wri tten job both, sides andneno is Reject-. ed. ;iiesides, we tnms: tnat iron corres pondent will consider this matte?: carefully he wj!Vseethattheosr4 is doing what is bestJto tiloneiaboaf thfa, as it has done about almost everything else .which' '.'has bbmebefore ii The ' management bf'tbi city's jlffairs unde 1jhe present : Mayor J ana Board 'of Aldermen, is almost above criti otsfh. THeiGMtir wai. nerhans. nWer ioern- ea more wiser JL-lii Darkey Repartee.. ,Jja It was at one orthelrains runjiing into tje.taairn tjcarkey was if transTerring a box of freight. It. was more loadithan,hs wanted,' and (be called to1 a iiilapidated specimen of his racenear by. I W flu!npnf f lkftm rponsftjtfih xnightyweaM all t wun&t; dat bexainthay oovsri Idas TAXTO&mtttV&vtei I isn't forgotf Bni don't y'otMnfnd ybtt hep me carry himi'fore Dat's so, J?Bf4ft; U (reflecUvdy) X;nebj hit. as:Bebby asflat nog yer earned on? ae; idgh.bHdM - ii j -'it ber got nufiij bat one hamfurit. ,j0; v .lilA - lilriBJ-K'l Utfs 1 VTlImlhertBn Evening Revletrioo A r , The firs two numbers of this paper are on our table. It is published every evening by Messrs: Price &James.!lTbe formerCieBe, genUemen lsa son of one of 'the founders df the' -WilnilriKton Journal kiitt tHn lntrr; mat j until' recently the city edi.tof of that paper; The Renew has started as a brikhtnewsv and readable paper and if .it keeps Vip to'the' standard at which it begins and we doubt! uur oesc wisnes are wnn .tnese gentlemen. nunc, .u, .cq .TTirTr. tn Uhnin. - i 'Catu'thearber. oinfc i .,n3Ki.9. The: DecatuBryant'who was .put in jail last -.vf eeTffobeing engaged in the jofchery 'of llr Jon; JUnkin,.near uo vivjr, w vuur tun usruer, us may not - be J generally known. Ha is very excellent t tarber and , had boine a good reputation ; im the community; 'Evil com munieations! corrupt i good luurartr-wneuM goou, manners. " ; PersonaL,;',h; :?'!, ';;:'.;i; ; ';. " l Thps rj0 , . Dunn (Senator, D una) of Soujth Carolina, who took such i an -.active part in the interest vof the Green ticket- during the past 'Gubernatorial campaign, in that State and was thereby elected Comptroller General, was in the city on Sunday. ' v 1 Ikrkin Smith, Esq, Secretary ; of the Atlanii & Richmond Air Line Railroad, spent yesterday in this city ,: Early. Rising-. , People who get, up early these mornings, real jo how close winter really is.. There is "an , eager and a nipping air," about the hour of. sunrise, which makes one long to hop back into bed and cover up one's head This thing of getting up in time to "view the gorgeous sunrise," see, old Sol as he climbs the eastern hills, dispelling the mists and bathing the world in a sea of glory,'' and all that sort of thing ; is no doubt very fine, but as for us, you really must excuse us from taking any stock in these beauties. IM . A Barber Who Has' "Taking Ways." For about five weeks past a white barber named Richard Dillon, has been employed in the shop of Grey Toole, under the Central Hotel. 1 On Sunday morninar. when Ferrv Noble, a colored employee of. the same es - tablishment went into it. he disco. ered that the razors were all missing, as was also some clothing belonging to himself and an other colored roan. Pursuit was given, and Dillon, was overhauled on the line of the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad. He. was dressed up in the best of the stolen clothes, and had with him about 30 razors. straps, shaving brushes, cups, Ac. His cap tors harnessed him and he now reposes in the jug,' because he was put under a bond of $200 for his appearance at Court, and no body has $200 worth of confidence that he would appear if turned loose, A Bath in the Catawba. On Saturday last a lady and gentle man of this city, started in a buggy to visit a friend across the river in Gaston county. Arriving at the ferry, the gen tleman got out and led the horse into the boat, but before, the buggy followed the boat got loose from its fastenings and drifted out. The horse began to back, dragging the gentleman with him, and the consequence was that -both of them got into the water. The gentle man sank twice, the water being deep, and was nly ' prevented from going down the third and perhaps last time, by the opportune assistance of the ne gro who attends to the ferry; Who seized him and pulled him ashore. " .Western Horth Carolina at the Phila delphia Centennial. The Western North Carolina Land Company, (principal office at Charlotte, N." C, branch office at Philadelphia, Pa.) shipped over the line of Western North Railroad, last week, for "the Cen; tennial at Philadelphia more than 5Q varieties of lumber,nine boxes of miner als, weighing 771 pounds, over one hundred varieties' of herbs and roots, i er with many' of' the cereals, all the products" of Western North Caro lina, i: .-- '. ' , This is the first effort of this ' compart riy to deyelope the mineral and other re sources ;of Western Carolina. .The cpm pany represents $200,000 paid up capi tal .-with the right and ability to in crease the same to a much larger sum. It ls$p:&tro business; men wjtimteres in the work, and, if met on the part of railroads and their officialswfth the ehergy'they; deserve this company will do much,, to. aid;in. the advancement nfyarjous mdustrial pnrsuits of.rthe' ;Siate."r;:-TheReTiJ. Rvlston, Di B.f of NorristpWtt'j Penn., is President of thfe anyand! W W1 Flemmg, .Ssjsqi; epirefits Pihe : com-j. pany.mthis cityfi A ,-UliK i,-.fVs; Turning a Man's Owu G uiis .Upon Him. t r,ifh city, editor bad hardly, tarned his back 1 o.thpfilce, last) fWufaji to; ie: absent! over Sunday, .when all Ahe .'old ? stifia- and bams in the city,: came Tolling bpt of law1 offices and other places, 'tobk(TosessidW1 of the sanctum, cocked their stripedl feet 'and dirty socks npch the1 table, 'drank up afl .'the' liquor triatf nid,s been jleftsittiBg1 aroundl luoiw, uejonuiAeejojis, jWera sent' up with the compliments ol t&ft senderl to i the local reporter and :. ftfentsita i writing: poetry (?) abemfe the absent one. ! ; IWe are pai tient. and. long! sufiering," and at least phe'orj these youag inien ha' previously J lidrfae a good chaaettli? We HoM?"ffl&? for he begged to be spared atJeast l-iooaifh to maite aenasvWPiSimisdoings 1- He ;wakti tol.4. to gpajfd sin. noi Tudre,? but' to ' possess htosell to Jear'and-.trebbline.7. to" tha tba 1 thatte might guard' agafflsf ' 'those' teisl r'hlm iSto'ifie' poertoVthe etrong man. lcnewot 'what hVdifl.1 ' 7T teXtonmXeAeeA With, tobacco,, he Jjflowed , ,Us .ar,onn4 .and An Armed. Courting JSxpedition:. jdiihaveLjfften,f,beardiof storminK Lthft fortresa of i woman's heartland now comes aione a; man who must Ifim'kolnmklin -a' Hterkl TOannerfjAtflewtjdar-he '1 passec? through here one day last weelL going yiL- n wui vmg cj( puuiuD as uia irienas saidhe' bore about bim a pistol and jiywieiuuief jeiHifa .tor onence or defence... 'The incident suggested a melody which possessed -no little in- feresi iqr ns in pur younger days : : n ''Tbfrog went a eourting he did fciride ,'--umrh bumnh? A , .The.frog ,went a courtinsrbe did ride. w iin a sworu ana , pistol by hif Sjqe, ;nin -ts. r .'-..;?osj i - M 9uJ s I ;-M.AY0's Cokkt.RB Dillon was.be :for Hisj'Hodorithe'- 'Mayor -yesterdtty elsVWHere and in, ,'jj20(te went to jail, .' . .-: i.r.EMza Davidson, colored) ' arid"' if ,E Elliotf,' white, for tn'aflaJJ 'Jlried $5 and,' cost, each. ..' : ' ' ,. ;!' -V,':-, Before Justice Davidson Nash Gal loway, and Sarah Gateway, colored, for fornication and adultery. Bound over to Court. Henry Stewart, colored, for trespass. Fined $2 and cost. Before Justice McNinch. James Barber, colored, committed to afwait trial until to-morrow. Nash Galoway, colored, for contempt of Court, sentenced to 48 hours in jail and remain in there after until he pay costs and jail fees. Joseph' Henry, colored, for receiving. stolen goods. Bound over to Court and in default of bail was committed. , , . Arthur Long, for larceny. Bound over, and in default of bail was commit ted. Laundy Sears, colored', for.issault; case dismissed upon payment of costs. Milton Fonz, colored, for trespass. Case compromised. Win Wilkins vs. John A Hays, for breach of contract and two hundred dollars damages. Shipp for plaintiff, Johnston for defendant. Judgment for plaintiff for damages in two dollars and fifty cents and cost. . Soicide of a Prominent Citizen f Lex ington. We learn from a friend at Lexington, that that town was thrown into a fearful state of excitement on Saturday morning last, when the fact became known that one of the most prominent citizens, Dr J Pinnixrhad de liberately committed suicide by blowing his brains out at his residence in the town, about 2 o'clock on the morning in question. The facts, as far as we have been. able to ascertain them, are aa follows : On the evening of the 8th insU, at bed time, Dr Pinnix told his wife that he felt very badly and requested her to leave him alone and to go and sleep in anoti er room. This, at first, she gently refused to do, when he re marked : "If yen don't go, you will regret it ;" or something to that effect. She then left the room without any apprehension of the result that followed. At about 2 o'clock in the morning the report. of a gun awoke his Wife and the neighbors. It was some time before the exact locality of the shoot ing could be ascertained, so entire - pected waS the event. Finally it' was found the doctor's door was locked on the inside. It was broken in by some neighbors who gathered in, when a ghastly sight met their view. Dr Pinnix was in the bed, with his brains shot out and scattered all oyer the pillow and bedding, but life; was not entire ly extinct. He expired about 7 o'clock , in the" morning, without speaking or recogniz ing Any one, leaving the whole matter en ¬ veloped in a profound mystery. He ased a rifle gun, put it in position near his bed and tied a string to the trigger, which he seemed td"have pulled while lying down. The ball passed entirely through his brain. The probable cause for the rash act has not been learned, as it is not known that he left any written statement. His brother M H Pinnix,; Esq., a prominent lawyer of Lexing ton, and the present Representative from Dayidsoa. county,- attributes it to his bodily affliction. He has been in bad health for. some, time, though not confined . to bed re cently. His fiaanancial condition is good as far. as, can be learned, and he was perfect-' y solvent,; . , He owns large tracts of land in J)ayid3on county and was and has been since the war largely engaged in manufac turing tobacco at Thomasville. " 1 - -J ' ; " : Dr'Pinnix was born in Caswell- county where he has seYeral brothers' w living; he some mty-n ve years - oia. . .. jxe , leaves a wife, aind, na son .;, his son jias. been; and is row a student at Uuignam s Military Bcaoou J Deceased was a strict rnember of the afetho- dist Chncch; was quietand exemplary in his manners and hkd a greas many' frierids in the-conraiunity' where be 'ijvecC.1 The im pression is gaining ground In teifegton, we. learn 'najpr Pinnix's sufferings were so ggreayt that he, could not bear them, when his inigfy4WAl-aniii.tb)appyev9eflait; -fol-; 8er tieei ir thSecohl Tre&li !ih f. 'Ml )Thfe first exercises lield;in the new ifiQ iojpieisWei interest,-!: the large artdri capaclousc room it was ' well filledi, bieegs'fip ttPpn ItheiChurch and aUj.who attended dt;oiiHestated.in ahort-address subselunt'to1 IMs ' that an a, iuiiuic nixie,- wiicu tue - vu(UAUg kwiC M prgnhr,; sqvkfped 'and ;ftrjhedDr8HumejrtwQuH yvu?H jVH cv Jf jPaACA4A;ai0UVE; jot tae-xshurfihancr Wa tnebrbner ner- sbti:i'6onSecrate3:t, Wftne' wo&hin i . : . . . i x t An m Si 1 ne Rev Alfred Morrison, so well known Presbterittif ChurcH, ?6ok? place, on Thte fficiattoglpa)W ft bekutuliMnU'to'uchmff nrftver"inVokinr NO. tout to this community, preached the oper sis, wheretGod commanded7 Noah and all his o'lonterlinto '.the sAr. ei'urn the mountaba tops, bones of earth an4a9tfie)r-oesiis pf an extinct race? provedeonclusiyejy that this earth sion and1ipheavall 4 A wicked andper . W fwPyer as o a wanpingJ ui they" heeded it not. j : Each day the sun be! a(flopd . Christ, wpirr Ark of Safety ana ne earnestly anvites all to enter hi In my Fattiert house'f!there is1 breadl r (Wrr Yirx'-W- ims usaivauon irWrrwere,;" can buy ttfhoutipnce.j Aa it was in the days of tne fioodj so it is now. " : Life is full waTteingfor'Tis1 tbreDare for . daatru - J.r fe ftee?ea a more con- .venient seascp. t In conclusion ne'maLe' an earnest appeal for" - all to obtain, w i tuuuu ueiay, an inneniance tnat is m cbrrupiibleana: .'.tnat fadeth not away.! 1 Mr Morrison has a fine i physique,, a strong voice a fluent and graceful de livery; a plausible manner, iand a pern Biuwiyc eiuquence in nis rone tnat en- uhuj me sympatny ana attention of nis auditors Where one is stricken down another is'f48Bia upin place, u The tall figureahd excited voice of ;the young preacher, bore to us a. striking resem blance to the oratory of , his father, Dr R H. Morrison, whom old age has com pelled to retire from the pulpit'at which we have listened from childhood. The large concourse of friends and relatives who heard Mr M on Sunday, were well pleased with his discourse, and augur foi: him a future that will be crowned with glory and much good. : COlMCiriCiTKD. The Girl and the Circus. . The Southern' Home, dear ma: 1 have The prettiest of the season; t -.; With the elephant and tiger too And everything in reason. Sure, to the circus I must to. . The cost will be but trifling ; I will from lady riders learn. ' How best to give the high Ming; My shoes are new' my stockings too, My "pin back" is just splendid ; ' For thanks to pins,; my dress begins, Just where Eve's costume ended. The eleyated seats will show That my new hose are striped, .. And all to whom these presents come, My termination's biped. Now, dear ma, do let me go. Thereafter I'll be sin-sick, And be much better all the time, (My Lord I I loll a pin stick.) Oh, daughter dear, you must not go, . The' fine as the Queen of Sbeba, To the circus and menagerie, And be taken for a Zebra. ' ..- . . . :r,:'i. : ::. : . 8.. " SPECIAL NOTICES. Free of charge. Your Druggist will re fund your money, if Dr Bull's Cough Syrup does not give you satisfaction and cure your cough. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS F OR SALE. A good secondhand Melodeon, suitable for a small church or school. Terms cheap Apply ac once at THIS OFFICE. octl21w. Twine, Twine. WE have the best Twine in the market for sewing Corn and Flour sacks, only ask 10 cents a ball for it. Call at the retail store of ' BREM, BROWN & CO. OCtl28tU Uhii ,i. . SMGEERS v J . PRONOUNCE our 6 Cent Flor del Fumars unsurpassed. . ,-r. ; ' . F H ANDREWS & CO. - octlO ; ' " ... MADE 09QOANUT CANDY, PEANUT CAN DY; ALMfjND CANDY, MADE 5 i tly J EVERY DAY FROM THE .r '-'u'.'iifu-' &-St 4. -n BEST MATERIAL, -T CANDlESO Y DESCRIPTION n'F OTJR OWNAXTFACTURE, u iilA J)9biominot3T K-toaoqa Ai i i-. .AJ BALTIMORE PRICES.- iVH -, - COME AND SEE1 tfs 4-" ioo aio a odi -.sri iium ban -i m ., ;b3UV7,b AT-TIIKi '.'"1 -6-'-- i - V i its ijt: 3 hi t t -o vfrAf TT(TU vrJusWMi. t .. 1 Qnlyo cents-51 vjo Had oaC ,ef!a sid.to I'JCI vtoQR'enne:F!6T o'Floima'iftgar.'at tuJL , F-H ANDREWS & CO'S uwi uigii ttuu vicar ux xne neavens, and thT Spnted ttt4 .ideW&ai there should FRESH HOHE JOD The Oasxavxx Job Department has bees thoroughly, snpplled with every, needei want, and with tha laUat itrles of Type, an every manner of Job "Work can now be With neatness, dispatch an! cheapness. ' "We can furnish at short notice BLANKS, BILL HEADS, , 4? LETTEBHE 1B3, CARDS, TAGS, RKCEIPTS.JrX)8TKBS, - PEOOR AJUUfis; UAXli BILLS, ,; : PA1LPBLSTS. CHECKS, tt II run Advertittmenli vjflT A ftotofiib at'tto rafe'qfien (lO) cmtt per Hney-for each iruertioti. No advertise &ext taken for text ihb 1wenty-Jivt cent. Eight words make a ims t r -JD8T Received, "40 bushels MounUia Green Apples; at W M CKOWELL'8. ,AFBW gentleman Oari be accommodated with board, iftth withqnt lodging, at that canpniently sHaated hotise, next to Dr Fort reSWen 'Jablsfstipplied with the best the market aTods.A Terms reasonable. - :OCt7:lwv: r :..,:-. JOHN 8HOLAK, WAREHOUSE. nORNm Trad etreet-.aad K. C. 4 C. a , DIRECTO-RobI McDowell, JC Bur roughs, Hon WlIson,'qen D H HiU; A Shorter Caldwell, Manager. " Cotton, Fertilizers. Floor, Grain and all FPdf ff Merchaodise Stored at Reasonable Bates.. Advances Negotiated at 8 percent Interest on Cotton iniWawhouse. ... Our buildina-haa baenhomnvhlv mmI. , wd. fitted np.,expreMly or our business. p- Consignments Sdlfd'tea.11'1 "octl0 eod tnti t,J :''- J-Li JJOTICEIfNOTICJB J -ts-i.. . We would resnectfnllv call thm attention of oar friends to the feet that we are increas ing ourjKoca daily, and are fully prepared to meet the demands of all our customers and guarantee satifaction in every particular , Respectfully, E B ALEXANDER fe CO, tUillege Street. octlO NEW STYLES OF ... .- t),?-' ViMi--. Wiltt .,1! . WRITING PAPER, FOB CASH BUYERS, AT TIDDY & 'BROTixER'8. oct9 FALL 323 CE3T I 23" Gh 'AT'' CABOLIHA PAEK, CHARL0TXE, S-. C, H0V. 17, 18, 19 - -:0:0: FIRST DAY-Vfdiiesday, Nov. IT. Fibst Rack Trial nurse S150 : second honie .Vi A dash of 1 of a mile. For all asres. with one hundred pounds on each. . Second Raci 1 Abd-el-Koree stake for two year olds $100, $25 entrance, P. P. Half mile heata, second none $mi out o( tne stake. Three to fill. Thud Rica Club nurse 150 : tSO to"ieond hors. One and half mile dash. Wtiaht for aea. SECOND DAYTharsday, Nov. 18. First Race Club purse $125 : $25 to 'second horse. Mile dash, Secobd Raci Central Hotel stake mils' heats 123 en. trance; Pr P. $300 added by "the Central .tioiei, xnree to nil.' 1 ' :1 Third Rack Railroad stakes two mils heats 50 en. traace half forfeit. - $500 1 added bv the Railroads,, entering Charlotte. Three to fiii. . ... , . , . THIRD DAY Friday, Ntv. 19. Fibst Racx ; i u. . Cochrane purse 11 mile dash. $129 ad ded by W & Cochrane. $25 to second hone. SaCQHD RAO -v, , ,,...,(' Charlotte Holet stakes-half mils heats, $10 entrance, P. P, $150 added by Charlotte Hotel. $50 to second horse, . Thisd Rack Consolation' purse. $J50-$50 to the second horse one mile dash:" For horses that have run and not won first money; 1 Those beaten once allowed 7 twice 12 and three times 18 pounds. . " " ' ' In, all Club Purses entrance free. A walk over or distancing the field enti tles a horse to first money only. Entries in Club Purses close at the Judge's Stand, at 4 o'clock P. M, : the day previous to. the race. If the races are not closed at .that hour thirty minutes will be allowed af ter they are finished. All stakes close at the Secretary's Office at 9 o'clock P. M.t Nov. 13th, 1875; The races will be governed. by the Rules of the American Jockey Club. i - it T"k r if iifnniTT octo:; f.f . .Secretary. HOLMES' 1 ; . . . ... ;'.(. :c -- ;-. (! .'.'.7 READERS : and;, GEAMM ABS. venable's 'artthmetics. Mcguffey's Readers. DOTEST i.'APSfelCS. N ATI ON A L -READ EES. WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY. QUACKENBOS' HISTORYQF THE MAURY'S'' SERHS 0 APH Y. CQRELL'S, 6I Y.0TS, And MON TEETH'S .7 OEOQRAPHYS. Jr. lfftTOS AT pujpefoi's: 1 ! 'J. - 11,1 mn !vn , Democrat and Borne eopy, a.-. ) v U 0LD.,yiiiai:ifiA ''mhm'vowfrmtiiis. itiisl .lqnD Jed) 1wi1aJjs r! sr- .-OUY t2 irtl iT liaiilaf ,0 - il a. lint; y bJJ CTPR gAJiE.iJt iawt cUjf CHARLOTTE 1 -frflifimirifi'i.Vt eSriliatKlbf rtntfl rr: ' X Will BCU i A.ui;uuii,.ii.,HUkau isoid irivate- iy,'oa l4th'Octr; tUuafui;Jtoue and lotiri ths dty oriCharfotwknown; as the Tem House, odnUTnib'g' eight'rooms, good weu 01 water, rocx smote ftousrafld a stab lot 99x198. jt-yimUunntrr . Terms made known on day of sale" CO'P VMV V (1 '" V: .' v. . 4 i - . I : ti l 11.14 . ;. i octio