, JOD PRINTINC. ; , . The Obskbtkb Job Departmenl Jas bees thoroughly supplied with erery needed want, and with the latest stftti AI I jpt, ft every manner of Job Work can now be " WltU neatness, dispatch and cheapness. - We ean furnish at short notice BLAKKB. BILL HEADS, ' ' :z . a vLKTTKB HE IDS, OABDS, . v '': TAGS, ESC2IPT3, P03TEI1S, ; V - : ' PBOGRAUMES, HAND BILLS, -PAUmLEXa. CUXCXS, e 4 1 V- COMGIXRIOX RA.TX3. ally 1 year, (postpaid) in advance, I 3 B.""i'i,'l v- -r 2 oo V J s vniiT mmuu taK4t A ekly, (in the cottnty) in advane ' $2 00 ' oat of the county, postpaid, 2 10 " 6 month,' , , 105 af Liberal redactions for date. voL.xn. CHABL0TTE, iN.; C,i J,TH0HSDi. OCTOBER' 14. 1876, NO. .2 046 Ji5S ii,, CnHLLOTTE 0E3EEVEB, 0 L , ti i S MITH & F SECOND; FALL STOCK, I -OF- A N D .... - V ' .'itr s r -, K. yjf. sj TJR MR FORBES has just returned from the Northern Markets, and we are now re eeivlnx ul Second Fall Stock of BOOTS. 8HOE3 AND LEATHER. which ia fall and complete In every Department, and will be told at prices that defy competition. r . WHOLESALE AND RETIAL ' , MjCRCHAKTS Are especially requested to examine oar Stock before purchaain , 17E 7itl.rn 0 T B E O n D E nS OLD . r 't otf O S M I T H- :& U O H 7 isnAiiLOTTE. n. c. ctlS 1875 NEW ARRIVAL. aw'j-cf il'woa moot -sim.'a: L f3.' fFOE THE FALL AND erio tliePublic Vf VllilGUlOtO JLLUllUJ mz sii fiiinii, at. X- To befbiind in tD goods in, enaess variety. We Vbriage 'SaUsaaioti yriaranteedHai al Ml yi cfXB WADE & PEGRAM, Opposite Central Hotel! Ladies and Gents' fine goods a specialty. ep21 WHOLESALE & RETAIL si Supply of Lounges, all grades. Ceflne on hand. . J. S. PHILLIPS, HE R C HA 17 T TAILOR, U lU I'R C E ll 3? iiU) y'-i". -ill. ' A 1 -ALWAYS CHAR LOT GUARANTEES m NEW MEAT ..J.i 77 it .-Mo! if. ff V ill V . .... T..1 irtihio lis.f ' r ' i'V: - G2rV JlPfV ....... i O St ' OS) oBiJ kj Kvtxzs, .y Vfjj,rfjr, 1 'Springs' BuildJfSg, Opposite CeMtral'HoWTrade Street, dl tA AXD WHOLESALE A 'rENNESSEEs,nBEE - -1J "v " - - ... . t V. ... I .... . . ri . . .. t - T -.--7 T -. - - I iUlU V ..v.- J : .'-w ... . A Ai-W r i r, l t nT .: ,Mr affectatheopacneCTMe ' 1 'HrEiiiRSTMJLA MEAT MAEKET, ANU BUUWi iJxium bltadnsssihatefowmrrrf Uty.; and Ugt deaW 'iiffiim.mVUW .mwamrii his residence a 1 Vf Mt JaJ!&Jr A I.,- -W.. miatr.mtS wanted. k I . . . -ii4-2::4fcTff frfr'fifJTrS !?WSS!r 5S7J s.vit&klaflM-liAnaaavnPrTmn atMt. I -.'t-- r ...... ;r..r...f .:An Wct..vW, . uf, pnyaic ru: I: 7 "'V? -" -. - 1 ? ; n.- jlt ra.aWiAfid.-et;n lPmttJ3WW and caused an improved feeliag jr. financial theaeeforth he fohnd athTeht,' i4sy .-j 1o V ;i ,.S,-rMet?InW rrom a.-m w - p. .r.v.. rrr -Urmi SA'W dmaeireleifvir ie sdi nl .taHSCr. 'r l.tl ' ''.ia'i ;. ii ' '.-. :vt ? urir.io frf(7 - v,t ,-,f(fri i . mi t A . -.!.'. j. v; wiW4" " t?wia 2iid OR B ES ' ! FORBES 6 NT BUILDING, TRADE STUEET, 1875 r'.. WINTER TRADE. tHi best Stookjbt WHIM JJJLMXIVViw iu-wwi arid ChildreIls, respectfully solicit your pat- 43 iv DKALKK8 IN FURNITU R ii BEDDING, &c.; No. 5, West Trade Street.. f CHABLOTTE, W. a JUST RECEIVED. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Parlor Suits, in Hair Cloth Terry and Beps. Also, a new A' full assortment of Metalic Cases, Caskets and Wood RaAs L H!0 T E L. U. C. ' v 9 . SATISFACTION. ''"I. I,&70: i!,tiigriM ,iTmw t'- v Et Ri KETAIL DKALKK8 ia : s(tf, v MARKET. 'I '- ? :n,t VL 1 . . IUi ' tQ ri.W'4 .fWavlasM f'MeBankWOM instenY&fr f deigned ttf Its prbWorouiJ ! hJ T H E Ci I TY '" '(m'.i:?. CSty. Bulletin. t (A ! -. V U ? ? fiir-cos day ! Hoop la ! ; , , . 4 . . t , Fish are right plentiful ta market,: and are rery fine. 1 "v'' ' r ! r.;n.'i n - Just as good nights' for sleeping parp oses. as are ever sent. 1 . . ; The steam man, the clown, the elephant and the striped male! i : ;.f And the skeeters, also the , vast msjority of them have '"gone to join the In fusible host." . .."ij ' . ' (. This is the season of the year to set oat bulbous roots, and ladies will " make a note on it" i Th h1a Af thm Tihflivan nmnrrtr. next I to the Central Hotel, will take place at the J Court House door to-day at 12 o'clock. ! To B N Smith we are indebted for a dosen of very fine large apprea. He has a good many more of the same kind. Grape halls haye almost disappeared from the pavements . "Believing we rejoice, To see the corse removed." There is going to be a merry ringing of bells in Charlotte next week if all reports be true, Atlanta will furnish the Bell.- At lanta Herald The 60 pound California squash, of which we spoke yesterday, ornaments one of the large show windows of Mr J T Butler's beau tiful jewelry store. The house fly is neither so numerous nor so sportive, but when he does settle squarely down on your note, he stick eth closer than a brother. The meeting at Tryon Street M E Church continues, and the interest is on the increase. The pastor, with what assistance he can get, ia laboring with great faithfulness. J,'. They look so happy and comfortable as they sit around the tables in the beer saloons these evenings and p!ay pitch to decide who shall set up lager, , The ladies of the Baptist Sewing Society; will give an oyster sapper and festival en fuesday evening, We charge the public to bear this in mind and give them V liberal patronage. As the dramatic season is about to open. we advise you in advance not to go out be tween acts. Take a "tickler" with you, or else "hoist in" enough before the play is be gun, to last you until it is finished. This will be one of the days when the average man wishes he was a little niggexso he could take the middle of the street and follow the show around, walking dose be hind the elephant. The sanitary condition of the 'city chal lenges comparison with the meet favored localities of the country, and generally the people of Charlotte have reason to be proud of their thirty city, and grateful for the in numerable blessings vouchsafed them Tolerably Steep ' It is said that the hill this tide of Spencer's Ford is so.worn down in the middle that the driver of a buggy cannot see - his horse without danger of falling over the splatter board. This Is pretty steep for Gaston roads but we insist it is mere hyperbole, nothing more. JEngiaes at the Fair. The Erie City Iron Works, through its Charlotte branch, under the charge of Mr W C Morgan, has on exhibition at1 the Fair Grounds, this week, four handsome engines of different kinds . as well as other machin ery. Mr Morgan never fails to be represent ed at our Stite Fair. Raleigh New. Very Probably True. We all know him well up here, and think this story highly probable, as he will insure anything, from a stove up. The Atlanta Herald, in its incidents of Howes' circus ex hibition, in Atlanta, says: "Clarence Know les is following along, trying to get Barnum to-insure his circus tent. Business is business, you know." Postal Cards. The new postal cardj are coming through the mails, and are a great improvement on the first attempt. They have no border, and the card board is stiff and elastic In the right hand corner is the stamp, with a sin gle scroll over the initials U. S on which is printed the words "Postal Card," and below it a line of direction for writing the address. Odd Fellows' Excursion. , : A number of the officers and "; members of Mecklenburg Declaration Lodge Nq 9 t O O F, of this city, left yesterday .morning for Monroe, j'( The object of their visit is to tablish an vOdd Fellows' Lodge in that flour ishmg town. The sxcursionisU will return! .rr.Tw.1-rrr r, , . , : : ; ! r Th JIuiIbmi of th A Afr.V.lBA '3pr oamesyiiie J iii.yv Southron, r-says : t-Freight on the Air-Line Is daily increasing, A new freight Bchedale .was put on a few 'dava since, and all the ratline atoclr.' fnclnd- J(pg:'ihe four new engines; is enga;m moving it. The management is giving en- tire satisfaction tothe people, and restoring confidence in this c aveat and .popular thoroughfare." ""J'tH M 3 sn qf. J Jin Old Violin nuna tla&3,'sM agents the eustanoahetween; the st and Ae cotton Air-Line Railroad, has left at the orabf platfm, WMquaUy fWl'TJ rtVnwlLn:hld ld lnHn!Jwli&lftt was the iam that the, dravs and other Col D O Maxwell, an: old, old vioUn.J which' belongs ah 'oloTientleman in Soath'Caro linSiaquwujwt ii wjuue, vu ion uuiao of the violin can be seen some Italian words, of that old ti tr rtiTf A tsad. Practiced and 'next OOr W 1 eyiaenuy me aaiu vi luc uiBxiuiaciurcr, o-j lonagwun pim m.H wif ouj uuu own i b.i , - 'fri th wiuiih takhichisnsiThi vears. Don ryou toowuthat - Thh( 14 frotg Achf-be ? ; It, has bejn, weMjeaerJly,upp ascertained ffiaVthe haiil of lookliigoutliheto railrc cars hlle the windpws are open ia exceedingly? :injoxiu I snarp arais w un air, cauaoui. pjr vue rapiu 1 jeeUOg prevalieaoa DOU Bluflfe i a iiin .i .m 1:1 : :.:,:,, -T -.TTi '- ."ij l -if.-. ?.-nnrt I -'!. i on Feaat ef Tabernacles .4 f ', To-day; the 14lh(is the. Hebrew) .Feast of Saccoa, or Feast of Tabernaeles.r. It follows four days' after the Bay of Atonement;; This, feast is pot observed as rigidly aa 'ie Rcuh Hasbanah,' the lleweai or,ylon Xapper,' the Day of Atonement, on bothVof-which days Israelites everjwbere"spapndbasinessf To-day their, storeiiiid othe ples bosiv ' ness will be kept open and bninesa f ,wUi. be ' iransaciea as wan io Tipe-Writrnf In the Mans, The ; Postmaster-Qeneral decides that I "matter printed or written with a type-1 writer" is matter to which no specific rate of J nostasie is assiened. and -si snch is sabiect to I. letter-rates of postage. It is also decided that 1 sobscriben to Newspapers should re- r move their names from the marzins Of such f papera.beifort maUmg wise thev Lecome. subject to letter-postage. The Courts. . !r':.! -; ' Matqji's CooBr.Hagh Shovelin , was be fore His Honer. yeaterday. morning, in two; cases, for affray, and was' fined. $2; and cost m each. ' ' ; " . jtj Anna Albright, and Josie Owens, : both I colored. were up Tot fan affray, arid ' were I each fined SI and cost. There was nonbusiness of a' .criminal na ture before any of the1 Msg istrates. An Animated Scene The streets were enlivened last evening with ladies and children. The latter seem ed particularly delighted by the bracing weather, and the vigorous glow of health that sat upon their cheeks gave evidence of a salubrious season. The shops could not complain of dullness, snd altogether people seemed happy, with the exception, probably, of collectors, whese faces looked as "tight" aslacrv, : Henry Frost The ground Was, covered, early yes- terday ; morning with a heavy frost, much the heaviest )f the season. There I ' -t v . . . P i ; ,1 of last month, but it was a ught one and did no (damaged Tboa opVof VeslJerday . ... . . -. - morning' . it mea potato vines, cotton loavfifi Tin dntiht. and- other vminir and I tender growths. I Soliciting Aeentl.: Where the carcass is there do the eagles gather," it hath been said: and una is suggested py me iact mac me town; was full of railroad sokciUne agents yesterday. T9 see the applica - bility of the quotation in the present instance.' ana muftti realize that Char - lotte shirjs iust anv amount of freieht. onrl that intl fcr the, nrMncA here of so manytt, of these railroad "eagles." - Cotton Burned. ... On yesterday 1$0 bales of cotton were burned on the 'Air-Line Railroad, be tween Charlotte and Greenville. It was through cotton; from Atlanta to New York, and was loaded on flat cars. The fire originated from a spark from the engine, and the destruction of the 150 bales was almost complete.. The flooring of. the flats was burned, but i the ranning works were not materially damaged. A Hatch Game of Billiards, French carrom, 100 points, was play ed between Dr CF Brem.and Messrs D J Butts and C E Moss, at the Turf Ex change, last evening. A large crowd was present and much interest was manifested. Mr Butts came Out ahead, Dr Brem second, and Mr Moss third. The playing of each, fell 50 to 100 per cent. beloW his usual game. ;" 1 if , 1 ; FenonaL v- :- , ' ' n We had a pleasant call last evening, t ir. 11.. j Vr,l'Ii, v - travelinfiirr the interest of -thew;! YorkDaily, Bulletin, rt uiuu uuuo ouuiui HfjHwu teem of commercial men, and whioh has a large emulation in all the prftf- Ce cipal cities of the United States. Mr. ,,.tral Wasron Waul'' ' " ' ' tlolmes will call upon our business, men to-day, with the view of inducing them to subscribe for the Bulletin. Ordination ef a Pastor. ThasRev W M Hunter, who 'has for some time past been ministering to the, congrega tion of the Associate Reformed Fresbyterian, Church of this city, will be ordained as pas- tor of the church on Tuesday next, the 19th test; s( commencing at.10 o'clock . A i ata jiner.wiu,e aaersauu or, cauur - dsM; Jtev. W'B Press)y ., will ' preach thef'lind go out by the same way that they enter? ordin. m propounu w ewwumuouw 'qywvwua, uii Rev JE PreasTy will address !the nisterr;.,. 'i1!!!? 1 L-oibYsPanvill Wresterday morntog.inted,r " L.ZLjiiJ. ilL'lil' LitiL -iLvitf ttf ii ! ith joy Ihe hearts of tteideutsjaiar,! q'jM&WiWtfatifalag until from the corner of Trvon to the old'foundrv j- T.; v . 4 ; ' .-.(, ' - , 4. " J x;an,yiwe xuuiroaa.wixn xne ounness men 01 hhuiiajilfwat. bloeked wtlwaMnt, and wtKEifttfj I'-Hsii irf ; grea was we jama rayanu ower it and the serviees of th!polica iwere, calleI Into requisition to range the cottori wagons many' at iane fTbers wal i'rintetf of last Wintift! nidla.r!3:M were a .lmrrwin J since last seasoa.Caad there was I much inthh A Cbalotte Hone Beat at the State Fair. t.'nWe see from,, the Rajeigh Sentinel that rin a race at the jState Fair on Tuesday, Jonanny, of this city came put third .best. The Sentinel says of the race: "In the second race, mile dash, ! parse $50 ; $35 to 4st horse, $10 to 2d, and $5 to 3d: "Same judges. ; Four entries': Joe ' Nanhii. rider'a ' weieht Ii3 M' ponndVr Mary Long113 ,1-4 pounds ; ' Flora,- 111' '' pounds ; Charlie Moore, 111 pounds. Mary Long came put ahead; winning the heat and the race. Time 1:55 1-4; Flora. 2d Joe Nannie, 3d. Stj . .'i... ,TM XlttCfl, Punishment.,, , ' " -? - We fear that some of oar peace efficers are sealoos over-much. Several instances have charged 1 with minor offences have been tried in two courts, first' by the Mayor and then by a Magistrate! "This is all wrong. A man ought hot be punished more than once for ! the same offence, and when this is done it amounts to absolute persecution. It looks toomach like kicking a man when he is down to . nab him as soon air he' es- capes one court, and lug him into another to psy more fines and costs. We are in pay more nnes ana costs favor of the punishment of criminals, but are still more in favor of fair play. We make these remarks because we believe in justice to all men. "A word to the wise," Ac. ' '- ;"" Dnprez & Benedict's Minstrels. We are highly gratified to know that this excellent company will occupy the Charlotte Opera House on the evenings of the 21st and 22d inst. Duprez & Benedict's Minstrels are famous. No company of its kind In the United States has, at finer reputation, and those who want the pure, unadulterated fun, can have it on Thursday ond Friday nights J of next week. As a burnt cork crew, I this company ia a success, as can be ; , , , A . was organized in 1852, and the fact that it has beei traveling ev4r since, is the i . ... .. , , , I nest ey Wence pi US menu. Jar J jo. I Laina. tha. ffentlemanl v acreht of the ftrodpe, was im our office yesterday. Re-! served seat tickets will be on sale at Phifer's book store. Great New York and Hew Orleans Clr This the day for Cole's noted circus to ex hibit in this city. The show was at Shelby 1 yesterday, and will arrive here this morning I about daylight. The exhibition, has been I thorouehlr advertised throughout all this country, by means of the newspapers, flam- ng posters ana more moaesi nana miis, ana every creature within a radius of 20 miles, who can raise 75 cents, or throttle religious scruples, will be here to-day to see it. We i are safe in saying to the circus-going popu- I ration, that they will see a magnificent show. It is described by the papers wher ever it has been, as one of the very best that has ever visited the South: and those who are fond of the sports of the saw dust arena will to-day and to-night have opportunities of feasting thei r eyes and ears to the com plete satisfaction of both these faculties. The Railroad Bace Parse. . In. the programme for the races on Caro lina Park, next month, is put down a .Rail road Parse of $500. , It was not expected that the railroads would subscribe this much and It was proposed that the association would make up the deficit between the amount subscribed and that named. The Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad took the lead, and with commendable liber ality subscribed $50, offering to double it if called upon ; Col W R Myers, for the At lantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad, subscrib ed $25, and will pay it oat of hi own pock et, with a generosity characteristic of the man, but will let it go in the name of this road of which be is the; President. The Carolina Central refuses to give anything at all( but Wers touring persona in parties or ten or more to the noes for half fare. The uVe notheard from. 1 of thefisotion wiUmake.. au. miuv eau aaj vv w v The members up the $500 1 nemetyBa. intt.iru,w given na u iu I railroads had actually subscribed it. . , k Tne inconvenience resulting from the I Richmond A Danville RaUroad Company ( having blocked - one end of the Carolina Contral wagon way, by building its platform immediately in front of it, thereby entirely . preventing access to the way ; by j that , end, was seriously felt yesterdsjv When there was a large amount of cotnn the city which had to get to the . cotton if eighers by thi way. The process of , delivery was greatly delayed through wagons being compelled, tarter aenvennK mar loaasi w mrn arouau I .ft SP:?- i wpn.oi wuura w booiw w great, uuujt lance, and the authorities' of the Richmond pttt4mimminti This taki advantage of rpositiont f s not ' very I 3 .d', --.:s .. a j, .Sftll'ii", 'WW.T UTth TTT. l to ; give un e of e' of tbe new plaV L , Ii. 1 wagons can c-xeach a weigher; from- either sideeither b) toing throngh' Trade street or Third.; . t'w -ija A ; J til!! '!) !" 1 1 . ; ' '- ' t4. iSFJi?CIAtNTICl';; DxjBnU'a-Oopgh Syrup-is, particularly r unman dad jfor children. ' It cures 'Conghi a ma a. . -rrva. - f f, Cough, 'pleaianf id gil taste audacta like rf 4 ' rrwm J . .1 a a .- j x e Road, were Spoken of by business 1 store, on Trade street She keeps nothing J:rnenmrauvroW,thaklandatofy teW rOf J5i .?S.ffi KNldHTS OP PTOHAB. - A regular meeU ing of Charlotte Lodge,, No,,; 17, KnigbU of Pythias will be held in their Castle Hall, in the ' Temple 1 Asso ciation n Building, to-night, Prompt attendance of members, desired Visiting brethren cordially inyited. ocUilt By older of the C. C, 1 W. L. BOYD, . -K.R.AS. ARCHITECT. (ZJ- 17 Ci W E Lcn 0 FFER3 his professional eeryices to the citizens of Charlotte, and Of North Carolina. ; ; . ., , Since arriving here in August 1874, he has designed and superintended the'- following work: The Opera House ! (and painted scenery), the 8econd Presbyterian Church, new Mecklenburg County Jail, Alexander. 8efgle & Co's store, Wittkowsky & Rintels' house, Bank building for Brevard Davidson, Esq , and several small buildings. Office, Trade street, Charlotte, N. C. octl4 , Valuable City PRJOPEBTY FOB BALE. TF not sold priyately ; before that time,' I A will offer to the. bifthesb bidder at public sale at the Court House, on Tuesday, Nov. 2ad, (being Tuesday of Court week) that valuable Cisy "Property containing eight beautiful building lota, in the very heart or the city; fronting on Tryon and Church I streets, and running with 7th street, through I the entire square, The two front lots on Trystte, are 49litfeet front, ranning 1 dkkwwh.' i wo ugouac go uaaroa ikw(. l 491 feet front and rnnning back 99 feet, four I lots fronting on 7th street, each 49 feet front and ranning back 99 feet. The whole comprising eight lots, suitable for buildini purpose, and being the finest property of fered for Bale for a long time in this city; ' Any person desiring farther- information, will please call on or address, ALLEN CRUSE. octl6tds The Circus TS here and so are T. Coleman A Son, Col- A lege Street, near Fourth, with , the cheap eat stock of Groceries, to be fnnnd in the city. Call and be convinced octl4 It Last Notice. TO THE PAX PAYERS OF CHARLOTTE TOWNSHIP. T Must call upon you to come to my office X and pay your taxes. The time lor my settlement with the State Treasurer in ap proaching. I cannot call on you in person nor can J grant longer indulgence. Up to this date very few ot you have paid up. This ia rav last appeal to you. M E ALEXANDER, - Sheriff of Mecklenburg octl4 lm RED AND WHITE ASHE COAL. EGO. STOVE AND NUTS SIZES, ALBO FOUNDRY ANT SMITHS COAL. A LL of the very best quality. Delivered XX at the Railroad Depot by car load or smaller quantities at lowest prices. All bouse coal well secured before delivery. O. G. PARSLEY & CO, S Water St., Wilmington, N. C octl4 2m , JACOB M XEHDKL, A B M.TMGAKTXH, TACOB M. MENDEL A CO I tJ xAjruracTuaiBS or C I G A XL 8 WHOLXSALX SEiLXSS IK TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, TRADE ST., CHARLOTTE N. octl3 '' . '' &C C. . pOR SALE. Acood second hand Melodeon, suitable for a small church of school. ' Terms cheap Apply at once af - THIS OFFICE. OCtlZlWij, .-.I: NEW '111 ; -i J MILLINERY STORE V.:' . 1 '' ':; f R8 M. C BEASLEY, formerly with foSSlZ WStSSZ JJX Ji.oopmann s Rotnscnild wishes to in i opened aNew Stock of Millinery Goods in I the basement of Alexander, Beigle A Cb and having very little expense, she, will ael Goods cheaper than any other house in this Call and see my Stock 'before' you pur- chase.' n octOlm rr.if. tJORTCRM' m - . 1 m '. i-.U,' .,(1 HIS OFFICE. ii it 1 a ii i ,iiTiug au wng expeneuce m iuo u-.isiuess TXTTTTDXT' AT TT?" 7TTl"TT,TT?,''' Q' A T 17 iaioi iM)injrirt:r.ir .! rsiTi v. ruLw i jau ri. 0dl IV I 1VJ 5 - ttft fJ.JO frXKZ foUowihg propsrty having been forfeited to the use of thenttl bfotes, according to law. Win be sold to thfihlgheBt bidder; on Wednesday, October Wtk, at 12 o'clock. jaletobejBjiade.ln,ph s,li; BxTobaccorfip -tRopaao 4 j a i m ..!iiii. .-a .arm an-vsaH ; iv.i m. v ,ii(iiiihi at 4. e.ilarness. M 'eiflV-i-4 v'V-ar rC W3t41flkCtl44ctaait 4 rja fifiil f' Waf.3o .atsfita H'atiiUtjfS- AdvertiiL.T.ent9 be inserted in this column, tit ; tk rat of ten (10) cwlls per line, far each in$ertidn&;No advert merit taken for less than twentf-Jtteeentg. j&gra word mate tmet u ,n it j JUST Beceived.5 bushels Mountaia Green Apples, at : W M CROWELL'8. -OCU2 tt- doi!o:,TeT.T.tr- NOTICE ! NOTICE! uioil art-i We. would respectfully call the attention of our friends to the lact that" we sie Increas ing our stock daily,- and are fully prepared to meet the demands of all our customers and guarantee satifaction in every particular . jtespecttauy," v. R B ALEXANDER A CO, " ' ' ' 7. ?i ; College Street. ocuo V-v. "AT - '' '' " CABOIIHAPABE, CHABLOTrE, HY C, MOV. 17, 18, 19 .:0.O:- FIRST DAYWednesday, Mv. IT. First Rack in , Trial nurse tl50 : second horse. 150. A dash of I of a mile. For all ages, withone hundred pounds on each. " 8sconD Rao' ' Abd-el-Koree stake for two year olds $100. $25 entrance, P. P. -'Half mile heats, second horse $50 out of the stake. Three to fill. Thixd Racx , " Club purse $150 : $50 to second horse. W tight for age. One and half mile dash. SECOND DAY Thursday, Nov. IS. First Racr ... Club purse $125 : $25 to second' horse. Mile dash. Saoon Racx Central Hotel stake mile beats $25 en trance. P. P. $300 added by. the Central Hotel, Three to fill,. .. Third Raci Railroad stakes two mile beats $50 en trancehalf forfeit. $500 added by the Railroads entenne Charlotte. Three to All. THIRD DAY Friday, Nev. IS. First Racx Cochrane parse 11 mile dash. $125 ad ded by W R Cochrane. $25 to second horse. 8xcoai Racx ' Charlotte Hotel stakes half mile heats. $10 entrance, P. P. $150 added by Charlotte uoteL $50 to second horse, ' Third Racr . t Coasolation purse, $150 $50 to the second horse one mile dash. For horses that have ran and not won first money. Those beaten once, allowed 7 pounds; twice, 12, and three timesj 18 pounds. In all Club Parses entrance free. A walk over or distancing the field enti tles a horse to first money only. . Entries in Club Purse close at the Judge's Btand, at 4 o'clock P. Mn the day previous to the race.- If the races are not closed at that hoar thirty minutes will be allowed af ter they are finished. All stakes close at the Secretary's Office at 9 o'clock P. M., Nov. ISth, 1875. The races will be governed by the Rales of the American Jockey Club.. - D O MAXWELL, oct9 Secretary. HOLMES' READERS and GRAMMARS. VENABLE S ABITHMETICS. McGUFFEyS BEApEBS, DAVIES' ABITHMETICS. NATIONAL BEADEBS. WEBSTEB'S DICTIONABT. QUACKENBOS' HISTOBY OF THE UNITEDSTATES. MATJBY'S SERIES OF GEOGRAPHY. CORNELL'S, GUYOTS and MON TEITH'S GEOGBAPHYS. ALWAYS IN STOCK AT PUBEFOY'S. OCt9 ,. ... Democrat and Home oopy OUR "OLD VIRGINIA 1,1 i lis. . ,. , . . t STITCH 1)0VT$. SHOES. :u.i .. ,1 WADE & PEGBAM. Under First National Bank, oct8 rR 8ALE. - ' I will sell at Auction, if not sold private ly, on 14th October, a beautiful house and lot in the city of Charlotte, known as the Terras House, containing eight rooms, good well of water, rock smoke house and a stable lot 99x198.' Terms made known on day of sale. MjAiX; F HLCfRR. Agent. Ui-oetTtda-sD.i ' ui,,(t...-ji Only 5-cents : 1 l?OB a genuine Flor de Flumar Cigar, at o,i v. miii -.PH ANDREWS A CO'S fnuQ6fi0t'f "'! nitum " e T h'VKllniJf'-'i fritz. Vt , J"t BUf! i'rtrT ttfri;TwpnWajnj jrti"flU saw v 1 1 i, r naaw. nra iiiiVk'rA rr .r ' rrri . ji- , . . Jiaent xMrreia iatO!W?Co 5w u w ;t:)M ,rvr .'Tf - wfovjft 1 A - v.v. ... - j ,