t ' 1- J un '.'-m j.4i L'iir.'jLiiai. p 1 1 r n inl . 1 --y ri"m . - r-. - - 1) -uvau wa JULI US $3 00 4 00 3. mo. . .. 1 kly, (in th cotratyjln advance, $2 00 ';, , out of the county, postpaid, 2 10 0 monthiL ..-i ' . , I 4. VJ Liberal redactions for clubs. ..,, 7fi! 1 r Am JM 1 1 "1.1 0VI .d1 5 - complete in every Deoartment mn -iiTki ' LtjA T T v y IJOEESALE; AID IRETAIL lCRCHAKta;SreSi.jljr IJOBtttrt'to .n.ln. ourSu.b.foro , w E J7 1 j t 2 -T ''ieHS5T;H N KV IRON FROST B C I , . CHARLOTTE N. C. octl2 !975pri lNEVliARRlVAL. ARE KOW OF FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE. We offer to the Public Ihe best Stock of To be found in the Cif luadipftV Mi'r, r!Ktf4iiii gobws m endless variety. Wc respectfully, solicit your pat roiiasre. Satisfaction ffnarantefid j I " rt 1 f mates awi iients fine goodrf a . i ..... . WHOLESALE i ii i ii ) i iiw uii!y if Lounge, a! k"--1?s. 'ornne on hand. . A fall assort . ' . INEW MEAT 110 - "TOA8 N-E; '& J A M Spring" BtwldirijpOprKjte (Jontral Hotel, on Trade Street, and next door to 1 Farmers' Savings Bank, S . CA U G H! AXttJVIlOJJSSUA f Jnj24 U M wiUfirV.. w rvrv tiw JyBtAOK wifsWiMck, '. -I.jaai iiOJIAT CAHOflH . , J r ; DEA LESS ; IX f ij ytlvi w l'AiNra oicnEJiiOAiAiaLAsSi; XJII AK 1 1 Jl., . l. . . wsMSl?if- tock prUiwarwear.Red FlanrvelGanton flannels, Whit8teakMliAerat m 1 s ,T ..n Kir.r -it vntrun r. cAV"a T 1 -- r i octlO reA-jiyATaaa- Supply of Key WetVars. W R BUR WELL A CO. 'o "? miI iawM Tftfl 3QdtW;. :... no- II Window Qlas. 2000 pounds Tu ty. Lin Lea i ' .r:'i rv att m 4 - a - . vs - 1 . ol;v?i'f ft?' OO "v'Sf?. d.";I htm ntir .tu-f '"n V.f-) ni.fiyuljsa isiftBiirKj'l i t '( niat Swift t Courtney Matches. .sinib'iH.'I i ' 7 - va 4w vslyva4BOa ,.MavWR: BDRWELL'A CO, WE KEEP A FIRST-CLASS MEAT MARKET, AND SOLICIT TRADE FROM CASH paying customers only. , Sirgfeu"! ' ' -" - '-i. r. ri..Vr ... 1; ,..,.i f .j, . ,S .t. ',! L. :..:.; ! f-gt VOL: XHi ' i -i FORBES' STOCK, arenl YAJry!.HKRiylch ,(T!Vi 1 uuhtsin B E 011 D E a s 0 L D F10 R B E S ; . 1. 1) J X (i , T.Il A I E STUB ETt 1875 RECEIVING A 7 Opposite Central Hotel. specydty. & RETAIL t DEALERS IN I 1 7 FURNITURE, BEDDING, &c, No. 5, West Trade Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. JUST RECEIVED. A FULL ASSORT2HENT1 OF lauui cuiis. in Hair Oolh, Also, a new STTeny and Reps. nent of Metaiic Cases, Caskets and Wood ... f . : ,. . .. pov2 MARKET. 05 SON ft I III T E R E R S , UETAILDEALEIW IX a mhemvws. ay.- ;?untmvs xcer)tert-a r ( ;! I'W 't.'.'V1 Jill 1 Dili TT V . O A N DSO M EST LINE 1,1 .ui uiM -rtvf.' 'ji-i .)i-oia y.'i dutf j 01 5ii!di7 I OfScarfs,'Tiart'Nreekwire.:a' " f - ; .v,tfA,!3fotarci & son's. LARD. LARD; L ART). MAYER. GREY MOSS. i octio ybQciyievJ A COMPLETE iStotjk'ofrfosie: lisritUh; i'J. -a tan St at T A "YOUNG fe SON'S, 'octic ,w-inMAYERGREY & JR0SS7 f nrtlO i tvi!l,v SE ClfTLER'S Iribalefoi' falarrfii tLe' 'er'tate iVrhe'dl 1 known. . 1 v' " rrri tH lit-- a vw. irfWi? SfiTTr3Tir.TTi'fl n Qies ofdYfertwentyve years stendiae are Pleasant aaither.-Martha -Williamson. ' w i w'tC"" "j V "1 T r w inT Insurance company, bui Monroe Harshaw Fanny JfartW, 10 (t&-y. KAPbi U aA fc : wtrbTebJeetpn toaayjEagjtbsldbKia- 7a&'aHaa1nl'CalIe Brotrn?' , I ' a iu.Mn.ti I nioitmaoooyawouicerssoi.ws compaoTi John vrraway.'Hamet Stafford: f ; Costira Made Over poatsjustj received, at A:v-A--r' iL Lv w.Vt - vl- s L ririnoin f it I ALEXANDER, SEIQLE an CO o. UCT, -" wuij-auj wo 1 waiiace omitn, juary fjoox, ... . " -1 ,oct3l . V4'"' '.know of, --SUiiBroirn.Tiuiny Hutchison1.1' "'"y3 AMI I' KM i ! 1 1 I I I I'TY n c rz r - 'T ! - City bttlletin. .tteary frotU cover the ground time ntof n-i (CP !if!t UF.-M -J...'' " .; ! !,,:: J ' i - A young man wants a situation. : See bis." advertiseBient, in -...,- v.; :;,..! .-Llh-J ' .-fee tKe..iSow ymlpfjletl Brem A Martin, je farmers. limnzl v;i n i .7 v?6iag4 of a1 basL nian VeM? flay was "as dull as it wabeu.tifal." Now for the smilinsr collfhi'nftin . f ' We've already hai 6riie- tper ience WitW Northern people ara alreadvWiainir to P roagb, on their way gonih ti'speod H Wfr, j-,ft rwt. f , rne nop season lias fairly opened outand ana mdulgfeU i' unseemly language, soeiaolr (thi, fharer:;B fot which he was nned dsti qnlteuent. V.-'n 'll Ttf76aMa beforeiiatirA haS.n The weather is briv ' aMiM beantifn,,.nJthe;;,8WS entertained that , the , present ,plt ma!y contjnned inaenntfel v.- r.-.-xi q --'.:-':'."";. '"..'"'.. s; of the two destLnte cWldVeA W Win ZUSZZIC TZ'T - ' and nfth streets, a few days ago. people cannot be too fetiarded abbnVfire K uiuB,. Bueu everyimng is so ary uu ma wmas are up. mere was a very natural nervousness on all hands, whew the alarin was given on Sunday morning'. : The Board of County Commiionfrs met on yesterday, tnfey drew 'T "k 1 'jury 'kg ; the next term of Court, and transacted a good deal of otbr necessajjly lirUj nnlftlobfieaper. J The sale of the pax room and, jestauiBnt privileges on Carolina Park,- dring 'the races, was to? have taken place at Cochran' Exchange lat ,night, but there, being no bidden, the sale postponed. -Th- mXntA--L.- . the AT n ift p 'in.1 ik. W A-Z jT7? . ........ xainaixiai. tavs : iiPHhin? X 77- ' " v '' 4" 7u :iZ L " rr u' UUJ,t " OI the true metal On ywterdaya mule : atf achld' to a one horse-wagori'.-took fright on Cnrfrch street, and got from nnde the, control of hisdriver. -He made'a break for the fence of $It S ii limmons, and jumped over it, injuring uiuiseu very consiaeraDiy in so doine. Railroad Revivalists i ,: Moody, the great (railroad) revivalist, was in town this week. 1 His headouarterS ft r the WilStAI ni ha it Oh.rlntf. - - r -. r. yu.iync, Burit uctl. pecfaSankeytojoin him.: While here he raaondevlbe portly management ofthat una u anagement ofthat a 8 Dir F L, SA J.-Aim-i7fe Land- railroad Hercnles of the Jenkins, Greensboro, N C man: Sent Up far One Year. ; uur neighbor of the Democrat states that at the Superior Court of Lincoln connty last week, John. Jetton, who shot Mr Cvrus Timmons of this city, in Liacolnton. about three months ago, was tried, convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for one year, at me end or which time, if he dors not ieave the State forever, be will be punched for numerous other offences. The Reformation. Sunday, the 31st day of October, was the 358th anniversary of the Festival of the Re formation, which dates from the dav on which Luther nailed upon the Church door at Wittenberg the ninety.flve theses against tlie salq of indulgences. The' divine services in the Lutheran Church .of this. cHy. . were s. crty,. were I of the event. of a character commemorative The church was partially decorated, and the services were with reference to this occasion. T ! I: Case Removed to Buncombe. H Ttr v -. T , ' '." -I ' ,,c u" h"61" names ot-the'Child-r V, R Myers. Jr., conductor on the Aj I i, ' . T i. - . r. j . , 1 . Railroad, saw youna Briiteers. at .wwm.mv', b0ocvi uunu iuq it egtem It'C ifaitroad on Batur(flay'iisli,uand'leafned from hint that the case of Mr Tbos Strange, for the killing of Murray, in Haywood county, had been "moved to "Buncombe county, and that this1 trial- would take place next March 1 Bridgers, having been releas ed; troTtt custody, was on his way borne. " t Bakers Prebabimies J; ,f. , fl MrJasC Baker has furnished u . with hit weather predictions for the rrion.'tj. of 23 and and 24..rain and stormy ; 25 to 27?littl b f 29 iml 30 cold... . . s rain for' the Pen-r - - - - - ' ilf ll I'J . i'J fi; If! I'J bruit to the Republican legion at Raleigh, and veslerdav aftornnnn b rril ,ks- city In Charge i6f'f3leriff' Ebbinson. wbo went on with him last nieht. His riaU U went on with him last night,.. His Jiamtfls John Schencland he tfa cotarfrA. He had advanced upcMH&if paeVrlal aSitestor with a razor nobablr forttiiylTbim ,vJ b' iSL $t PVJ& i m. id thought perhaps for some other, and so he got a term in the Pen. v 1 ; -. b-'u: Penn. Mutual Life Insurance Company Seekertfrasarance ii !ChaflctWest--n NoAhtJoiaVead pprS6tttVCaro- ern g:P.enh,Mutnal ;tesiirawsadmpatiy ol 1 T VjJ ji IiNi'ri A J resentedlibi officfd iiioverjtbei htew 1 &Hat Trade: must prove a gooa investment. The divi ny iota taeopas wu.y-i,nree; yearsy naye . -v ------ 1115 . n n v"v ti ill (TMuilrS1! zWm I RttM 1 (villi hi) Kfl .jvl,!h?v i nrsi .ill nioolL .U. rf'iw i i rTT-ri-: f t ?? ( j 'O-n ; c- i 1 1 Ttlfoi lenhAsJoyr yoanghito hause. When htumed the hodse burttfffi :ah.i;,;K,1WMithenimeof,thema tat it h, escaped our mem0Iy. I ' The Courts &iSaVQ Cpio'L-Nc.fase on the docket, yesterday morning. ii Before Juitice h Davidson. John jjsa n i ii ii i . fiii w -u w wa nw war aw m hy John j McCoys - Bound over iri tha ' x nuiu wuihj i,aroiuia uentral iui mv ( vrninanr Kir sum of 500, .. JiL CourElwood be. cameery disordAriydreifdhis pistol beJu. t! vj 'fehetdan'tfc'Maek i . .. ...i. sTx -!i . i . ,.. , B!!?W afa W:MrTow wemng. , xnefenosort oiqnestioa about the merit of the -Sheridan ' Mack ComUnaUott- The'mpany W in Wheeling West Virginia recently nd i " igincr. or tnat city,-conciodes a datait - ed and highly complimentary notice' of th perrormance, , in the tollo wine manners t in soort, the whole performance ii really ; v-ioao, hoi oniy exceeamgiy amusing, but attractive, hpcms ir. HiuarH. .a laing tDreadbare, and. isj entirely , frefeh - -w - vwviua V V VI tr ana new,",. ,; . ,:-,(!; The Receivership of the Air Uue. ..." This quesuon seems to have been smii i"n Air auiuc. at last, and Fisher is to have it. The Afr tanu lfei d pf Sunday, says ; 'We under- ttand ihat Colonel .Fisher'; cailwi' veeterdav on Mr L T 0,,. n-eaa receiver by the Cirrutt Court of th i ... . - --7 mt Btotes, asking rxwsessTon of the Attan. I tft a R,hmnj ii,ViL.D-i 7 tothe pooa form bad-to turn over ihrLtI- 'r fleer or the corporation. This fornian mavlakc fe.n . , J :. may lake a few hours in tli time-nfVinimtAi , . . ; . n -r". vvfvws ITiaVt al . . .vbk cuswayof tne property. But . - we nave previous- -unounceq lxedaod determined." All saints' Dav Yesterday.November dst. was All SamtVi Pay. ,,Tl,isfe.aval.i.kes its orirfn from tU conversion, in tae seventh centunr. if kk. w .r Lv Panlheonat Rome into Christian place of ; ia WWP, nd its dedication; Dy Pope Bon i, fa5e 1". be Virgin and all the martyrs, iv kt. " ' 1"iWU1'1 -fjf :e Vir andajl the martyrs. J?e& ?f h event was at first celebtd otha lt of May, but the dav was subseonentlir ftllr.l .1. i. r vt j veraber, which-was. thenceforth, nndtr the r , .u. uiui aiu- designation of the Feast of All Saints, set apart as a general commemoration in their honor. Immediately forowing this festival in All Souls' l ay, which U celebrated in the oainohc Church on behalf of the souls in ?fcUT!r? ,for whe lelease ih PTcrs of $50, which proposition was accepted. consequence of his duties as pestmas thefanhfulareotTered up. n annioainn WOfl raaA f n ter of this city, Capt. J. R. Erwin. A Hoy Seriously Stabbed. ' From a citU en cf this place who has just reprnea n-Qm. jsaltfhury, we learn that a fight in which one boy was seriously, per haps' dangerously cUbbed, occurred in that euy on BaturtJay last, between three broth ers.i agea respectively 5, 7 and 9 years; ' A dimeultypprang oprbetweenthe two vnirrW; est brother on the One aide,' and the eldest f . T "rr ln aMcea m odb, Kho J' knife eh stabfce tfee brother rf; ' f .'.j V'"" inunnttw.Mi alia QlP ln0S, and ften onr inform ant left Salisbury it ;las thought very prob bl that, the wounded boy worn Id die.' rcu, vut arv tmormeu-T.nav Tiiey oetonrro ,S False -Alarni. ' ' " i ' -' ' j : ' i i '.),' - ' , On Sunday mornJiir about, 10 ovir-ir "ii.i alanaoXrewaasouoded-on the streeta. and.in a few moments the pavements were crowded with neonle amrionIv 'innnMr w . ---"rj for the direction. The "firemen hjtn.i t their) respective ' nin osesanbr were soon upon the streets, ready for the action. Their services however, were I net needed. . it was 1000. ascertained that the alarm was a false: one, and was caused by seme- person 1 nnusnalry larfatrntof ffltaoka 7Pfc i!,!th dird Tirtlannjwych haar bewi raed in; f the cfty jiin lesa than . iwo weekSionii vAnia laloijiudj Bid boonlq ballad-h:d 1jiiji.,.1woj 4st8miautn ltUrrlawilB!Oettlie i wiiimmo-i MHWW F.TvtWfJMWf H SMfRt-!!?'! a9 't'col.. PKftC?SWrf The foilOwwi ate ihe aameat of4he4fjfort6dtesc;i j yas ,9ai;o on'l Jni ,"r,."t warraa! lS . .utv.. IJL 3. 11 117 ff ilJ;7') i!! J4hn!WBteele?Mary WtBwttg?8rf ' 1 ttifl v dAaLzsSunMja ZsU. -if kn! b-i d ir;sr".jm3Hiw Anfltf J RaaIT .JTmonr. IT Ti--A-' V a 0 . t a r rf- - -lnA 3-rA Oif'ohh ou b!uu -t HaniKBamfwyrtfem artt ueoKHaajaane - Foster iot'J tajiaiii sonoty, JastudS Benry;R JosfcpltC OeoSiiBi MilasJC . .. .. , ...... ... ,. . r or tnem overstepped the bound8 I thelpolice 4ook him in bther rated to an alarming V letter IhidiSi k ffiigfeW Engine mSS in reference taammnnirAttn 't&M - , , , " v blocking of endxf the plank way of the i i . ... I tu v:u x.-- ---..x J- hni.. v'rui. t-i-- letter Ivaa dated October 20th, and the writer stated that h wnnW .hortTir v?a5f andto lo ? M-corJd Thal(r.,tMilol. ix4 i.: J. iiiereucR ininftTitiim which hod timm. ferenee to the claim : which had previ i -l i - - A B Davidson, for damaee done tn hi nPrtno,H, rr-; cfr V-V v" iu.uiu: ade a conveyance of theiground used -m widening the street upon ! the condi 1 tfk n1' l"e euy Py iortne moving 01 the fence, the cost of which was 67. Hia Honor stated regarding the re solutions which had been passed at the last meeting of the Board in reference to.tbe Branch Mint in this citythat he had forwarded the resolutions to Dr Linderman: Director of the Mints, and i . ' J.Vad.?Iso wntten to;him asking his co - rP "- e 4 received 'tUMW $jit letter ( not beinrf?o7a ewcr That he , imtoEZZTT'!JZ 1 .iSSt.. iiJli , imuianuLo tu ueu iviiiimitii- who 11 nn 5.'- " T"7 luiruuuwu mem in tne invention, nut hlotrtbtliiibody adjourned. ' ; : 'The Mayor stated " abo' that he had ed for sealed proposals from the two fl..-- ,t . I eras enmnanim fnr 1!rfinv V10 I C7 " W V . VlUfa UUV ViVJ UU." I w w " nng the present administration, but that the Centennial Gasl Light Company had as vet n,,t. in KiH tK. as ne was miormea, tnat Mr Hardee, 1 the PW1 meA was not here Wd n been heard from on . the - .. .. SUhiect- : i, luhiectH Alderman Dowd presented a report r .u.".v.- itjAi of the -committee to which had been referred the nation nf ritin living v. uv wmmiwc w nujtu uau ut;eu 'referrSd: t'otcitazenaUving on Second Weet, asking that that street k v. . f.j ,L" ", -" . 4r s - n ' to widen the street 8 feet 4 feet on each side. Mr Ed Glavin was present and urged the adoption of the report. It was adopted. Mr Glavin proposed to take tbe r-ftntmAf nnfTAtKwAir 10 sranimc tne neraion. it nronns An application was read from Mr C L Adams, asking for license to retail liquor in the basement of the hardware r . 1 , . . ..I iure oi A.yie a nammona, on Tradei,.. rr , 4., street. Application granted and bond fiU lhe vacancy 'Squire Martin will . I nl.r 11Tr Vhi n?AM .t A A accepteu. 1 An application from Messrs Elliott. k. Rumley, for: license to open a whole sale liquor house in one of thenewHol tbn stores, on Trade street, was laid be fore the Board, and the license was granted. An anonymous communication re MVd hv thm fa 00 1 J"" osnillig ilUllil UWjJII UHI Tinn4Wn 'uVi ik.l cA.. L. 1. pi-fVj aiuiig uwys .uarreis oai this are stored near the heart f the cityswas read by the Clerkp ; - . j , Alderman Dowd moved to suspend xuies ana iae up, uie oramance re-1 garding the storing of inflammable sub stages ithe flr limits of the citj-, rk.i! ' tr 4V--- j:i Lamed. . He then moved to amend Chapter Secfion 8, of the! City Ordi 1. 1 .1 i nances, by striking, out the word "oil cellars"Jdtogether, and inserting in lieu of the words, "firelimits' the words; "two squares : from Independence oquare. uamea. 1 1 Aldermen Oates moved that dealers be alkrWed tii iei five Wrrels of kero- ielieinHheir' cellars; instead of tw6iTHSi at preseht,5 4SHi! frequently- rjteriarfedf iha't hbtiJe t'edtiirfeff inore than7 two7 bistrrels per ay for the purposes of traM Carried-.8 Ji,J ii't-n- . tit sndt -heOrdiiiahce as'aWdeif 1 'reads' follows: .no? That no-person or persons shall keen ) suffer ta be'ifpi of tt storeV Iderman OatAa mrivftrt that, the nilM bfiine RUBTpndrlt, li mifa. . nf bl ciQi; ibe Jxteaderlvaoias t6 cWer3tw storfc&'lte nTbje iQUOTujjsdliltiondr foc lop&lderr cdUectioti 'of the unlistecr poTll .taxeji t , ot tKa .tffic2l per,CebL,tothM;depulaeflk on,ialLcollec-! :WkeAf tA in9ra0io5 ttdf 3T.rroinabte beef .questioni iwaa cense tax be imposed 'uriorfain wood tb'parties"wrio WtfgTit wood-,5fxome "iWrf'AAtli tiqm.71?A?" mo vy-i ! diacuanoa 7 7rrrxn t . , . , . m 2 062 er- J Drunk and Disorderly. Two country boys named Bass -war the city ye&terdav. jheMp theknighu of the tr and tatoott therIid.-t tarn ' hi. brother t. eaed Vv I lL , .. J ' 1,0P"nes of l sncaiaoooae. m vh i I Knocked Senieleu tor 24, Houn i hf. - - - 1 Satordav hiKf iaf 'xttrti-lJ--.; . I nreiearn irom rilrnri m.n T Jamestown; on the tfn'rtk h.w. d' rtwe? Mr' Walter Alsop, the engin- "0 lf nich left Charlotte at l oa the night named, ,. nd the pump- ati Jameafown. a white man named poon. It aeems that Spoon iwa, in uT i deal in' a'nnifmf 'Wiii'ivli L - f . be Wa P111, a warm colloquy sprang -I no between thm h.A:. ki... J -naaavancingnpon the engineer, As he did this, the latter 1 dealt him nowerfa blow in theiaebwith eithej.bjfwood or piece of, iron, rendering him nneon- this condition all Sunday and until 8unday night, when he began to recover, xesteraay he was able to eet no. and tt I. thought he will recover from the effects f the blow! ; We are told that he is a quarrel some ana a dangerous man . ! ; . . i ' 'l i - ' : Railroad Employees Relieved. According to a programme made up some wee ki ago, and which was mentioned in the columns at the time, one passenger conauctor and four baggage masters on the Richmond Danville Railroad. m I v v jujt , ui moi 1 aorHnnur - . 1 'int u 1 . 1 I 'ZLTT 1 . 'A . -: J wn me iaav conauctor to go on the road, fo baggage master. AATin?ton.. ooe. Lindsay SSSSf'; I ' trtins qwed to attend to their own baggage, as only three banraee masters are left, and these are for night trains. The object of this "slaughter of innocents" to reduce the expenses of the company. Six conductors are left, and their positions T.Xf. raeans - in T. .JT, mt" oni at - iHl : ;u aavnei : Hnn lea vm .-w aw m n v I . .. . " P ""6 5:45 : arrive here in the morninar at 8. leave i2iai mgot at 7.io. The distance from Char- lotto to Richmond is 282 miles. Perhaps tb tm ; -u, ruiJ. rt-. u that nigbt at 9.15. The distenoe from Char iotte to luchmond is 282 miles. Perhaps the steam , man with Cole's Circus could stand this run but men of flesh and blood ftan't n.. ... ... . . . . . r - Aesjgnaiion ana Appointment of a w-Vi.-,. - VUkliUVUh Vl "y W' R E McDonad KsQ - one of the Just,ces of the Peace for Charlotte Township, having resigned as such, in ClPrk Of the Snnormt f Aiirt Vn , . vyVu.V ujr kUO of authority vested in him, on yester day appointed A. H. Martin, Esq., to ..UUun UUic, umg his office for the P'esent in his private room over the store of Jas. Harty, on Trade street. We are really glad of this appoint ment. The new appointee is no new . . i - . nanu si mis Dusiness. tie makes a most excellent .Magistrate; he under stands the law and' deals out even handed justice. Nearly everv eood ' j w . , v v. . '-vm y sici; ffUVlU ?f?"er nffliA tiIjab nil! uinSito lU.I I.. "". rjuic iut ue has been re-appointed to an office which' he has filled! so lon-i and' so rm ai , . uwu: vJfSL f tL' "l a f th Indian Summer. The bracing air and , . , . worm annsnino i.umon a rvavwviinap day, and the city turned out to church almost en masse. There were services in all the sanctuaries except the Cath olic; and Second Presbyterian. The congregation of the last named church 0 - - - - - - Nnw'n w 01 me uirst unurcn tfuneral serviceAofJiUle Mamie tion, and muchieelingwas manifested among. the youngerjdrt of the congre galionr with i i whom the little girl was. a great favorite i The funeral ser- mbh, was- preached' by the pastor of the charchf jKevY'A. Wi MfllerD. D.v and a large concourse followed the re- mams to E1to wood Cemetery, where byterianiii: a. - - - - 5MorningadriinBBishdp Atkini 'sorii preached a th Episcopal Gb'nroh: of the iertti 6ns' were Of th"minent'4ivinef ! 't t:Wq orilyotnerTisitinif ;minifteil3wa TV Ulfr . WDfu .Preacnea Afttoff-Sknd eemntf'ittfne'talbairlr SnrSneP wksl arlrnfVi1-tAr,nkA. thserylcweInbo Feai!vutof theRermaaonlkso- ,2&&L&lW&'WP(h'i JlH geuvieuiaa i. out-nr ait o f-ilni a" A.YQUNG ffc S0NU ; vJoo'Rintihfi. The Osssbvsk Job Depart meQ1 .ha bee thoronghJy supplied with Tery needed want, and with thelateat styles of Type, and every manner of Job Work e&n r..i with neatness, dispatch an J ebeapnesa. w on inrnisn as snort notice - -BLANKS. BILL HEAE3, - ' LETTEB HE VD3. CARDS, t i ? t'" TAOS, EECEIPT3, POSTS B8, ' - PSOGSAUIOS, HAND 5 SPECIAL SQTICBS. , a ' Call for Enreka fipool Silk and EnrtLa Button Hole Twist, if you want the best. A blessing to humanity is what Dr Bull's Cough Syrup can well be tormi ft, u k.. of done inorf good .already ihsn. any , other Ten Cent blumri. ' ' Advertiiement unit h ? M 'Af rate flf,immper hue? for each innir v . ----- - UUfTTIHe mer faXnr Man fwtnty-fiveefntt. Eight words make a line. 20ACRWARV A a rv.,1 n nov2 2t nt 'ffffl.SK WEluildinc lot rwLYYxr T. cneap. .aii at iS Warehouse and see map. SITHATrnw w vtb i " . : raised in s,.rfor;r";s,r; "P- qaainted in the dry;? of good moral charac ter.sotn experience and a good English education. An J, t this offl B OPEBV tfOUSEi :o: ;o: POSITIVELY ONE HIGHT OHLY. :o::6: - WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3rd. SHEBIBAH & liACE; WITH THEIS QBAHD MUSICAL COHIDVCOMrAS r, ! " IH THE DRAMATIC BURLESQUE, XHTITLED :o: :o: fl&t fiAla matr nnn WA V 1 i. -n i j " w uwi Bi rairu i book Stork, without Extra Charge. o. , W. 8. IRVING, Agent. oct28-lw TEW ADVERTISE HE T8 AT COST Till Deceulier 15111, 1875. IN order to make some ehangesin my busi ness naflMaitatins II. STOCK into CASH. I offer till December aoth, my; Large Stock of ROCKAWAYS, PHyETOXS, BUGGIES, ';. ; SPRING WAGONH. AND "JACKSOH" Plantation Waxroni. m r AT ACTUAL COST. Parties nf-edinff flnrinimr m :n m MJ .H.ub ,u Mil 1 411V, TV I I 1 nCTAr n&T aft unrJ m amu.ia- Am BUYING LOW. J v. Remember DECEMBER 15TH is the dav that closes this opportunity. I WILL SELL AT AfTTTTA T. mar tut THAT DAY. G W SIRRINE novS - j -o ' MR. M. K0PPEL HAS. just returned from the Northtrn Markets, with the f-j SECOND STOCK OF FANCY DRESS AND MILLINERY WHICH is unsurpassed in this Market. declining market, FOR CASH, I am pre pared to offer my customers better bargains than can be found South of Baltimore. J One trial is all I ask; MRS C N BODFISH, Under the Central Hotel. '', . On Trade Street. , oy2 tf ' An Excursion Train WILL leave the Depot of the G, 0. A A. Railroad, at 10 o'clock. A. M on Tnes day, Nov. 9h, 1875,CS a FOR CHARLESTON, SC, WAY STATIONS J,.; : . y AND. RETURN, ..',,; . AT VERY GREATLY REDTJCEp RATES OF FARE. The train will 1mm im, .Pi.'tn- !'LL' v-t Tr0Y -?f the depot, Ub N. B.rRaU-oad; at ten o'clock, a. m. T'l , , ;J BpeuUl coaches for white people " " ; Refrefchments on the Trains.'' r nov2 2t --'')', i..--ins8 ei t....i Plow Test. ( 7 lite. a CR CRftSRV i i cnr a -,r u- i. r t. Ohver plow, is here, and wilt exhibit the plow in a lew dava. nan Ku fnnnA. i If OtiCB Will , ba -Inn nf Itm. -- -.1.-. JS? A11 fkrmen' invited to attend. The exhibition will be open to all other plowaibroonipetition.; tno ,; r 7 ttr a tWvwvm tintaa ,oTZ2t r-VriiTqitjat -fist Mii: diAants.1 1 Sojx1 -VV3nTfrli' ijn-;ikv: ! A-f fii taaibm Wm frl . Kw , -.VhSim i ri conaiderable experience as Book Xceper ?l snutm,iiM. i raeiewcea gtveoo Ap ply at .aTHISj QEElCKs't nov3 -tw!K.1 'atU lltj.,r ti 1 ; eR'4?ALE.;,i JySA'3TM :':aoLawb iiil 'Oabt two tr-tnU Ai! V ' iftaf.iMi.y denctyon Trade street. Also a few Boarders Waht TenBa moderatei i Apply at q' JLUUiTJIABK It KOTHSCHILD,S:w i;OCt2j3b 6tii iitJlii JlJW I a'i' -1' O'Oll BO'( airrcnwo nttf i ttvth Coleman's Mustard,1' Arrow 1 fecit'tern SUrchJustrecetved,1 1 - ---- 'i- -'i1 .u-. w. K. B UK WELL ft-CO: H' .Oc31' J- JJj?j a ttT ENGLISH ja?vfi ?"- c'1' I 4 .vcl &.U I.' nr3i ".TJtl: j bjcIo "Breakfast Packet Tftaj!i(ofl nnl nVl' glsts-iTeffflne;-! .'-' " -'- i--Mift.f fl r oct31 b'T ru-'-ji Agents. oct31