TELEGRAPHIC flE7S. history of, taxa'bn and details of its ri-it r FU, R.N I TOREi; FURNITURE! I coiiecuon.- 101 1 27th,; 876, confirmed, to Hugh and lino'MaxfreliUhe grant of ninety-six thousand acres of land at the forks of ,JlQ v4l.ThecYiinirepJj loathe Srj&tiish nble wai sfcnf, to Ktlj rid yesterday.' The "Vatican " accepts tbet deckwliotvMof ' the' gorernme'rit that it is desirous to, come to an un derstanding, and has given the papal .Mt'1dr 1a it is, No v., 1 Lf h fte i a, !eorp'6ful8,000 francs. WASHINGTON. "1 !!! YVaSHtxtfrb), WoV'llPdo,nlrftiTictov ry opinions regarding Wilsoqta ondk tin'n this mnrninc TTa war reaflAsa ..... . . - .! 4 aunng tne night, placing nis nanus on his heart ndeao .and4.YjtWals had spasmodic extension of the arms. He had vrinal Uot bdfoefat Sctforifnd whiskey, and opiateg have been, injec ted under the skim 'He is nJwdT6W sy hd is hot paHiaT to' bbnveraVtfoijt Dr. Baxter saUVatJLl o'clock that he was "resting I more comfortably, and thinks he'wiTi Recover1 irlthih himself. Hesajdypyal. v ; UARfNE flc Wriv Anotlier Pacific samTor Picked up San Francisco, Nov 11. Another survivor irom the Pacific has been picked up from & raft. He says tha T "7 ;;r, L !SfJS rToMDsud 1 about butidd and forty. sail. Capt. Hoei hrePthbusaS dlLhe chimney this raft. Galveston, Nov 11. The tug Buck Thorn has returned. It saw on, of the Waco's boats considerably burned and floated pff, and some pieces of the cabin furniture. There was no trace of the passengers pr crew. . , KENTUCKY. Deathi from a Poisoned Well. . Locisytlle, Nov 11. The family of Cha$. Massey of Fordsville, Ky., were taken suddenly ill, and two sons, daughter and the wife, died, Strychs nine or arsenic was found in the wel used by thefamilyY'Th6 tofoW mem bers of the family are recovering. . . - '.. : . --t f NBWj"X0EK, r I A Caihier DefaulU-SuiiieiidTB jrirms jaore adoue tne nagaaien Wind oa the Hudson-. . New York, , Npv. 11.- The Cashier of the WeaternUnion Tel graph Company here, is a defaulter o the amount of thirteen thousand dol lars. Misappropriation of the com pany's funds, or it speculation in, Wall street with the expectation Of return ing it when he; won isHh'e cause of bis downfall. : It is . thought that his friends will make the defalcation good. C W Elltfjf bankers fand" brok ers, of Broad street, notified. fhe Produce- Exchanl&'yestertiay that they were unable to meet their engage ments ft appears thalElKe-we-th bnl1' A $ 9TP 0n 0ctfn The firirfdeaa both in securities anti produce, and also does a banking busi ness. ThesupcMftn was' caWeti by the refusal of a firm to pay up tbe amounts due on their shortage.' ' n The young mistress-of Thos B Whit? more, who committed suicide on 60th Avenue Tuesday erening, iataupposed to have iWnmeFE&iiaojib Rhane It is said her friends, reside in Rich mond, Va. PocafiEt; fNon jiiUAl heavy5 wind prevailed along , Hudson Biver last night.". Tbei Z steamer.; Drew U ashore-near Stckhrt. J!She',Jies high and dry ifritfi Xewbels out of water, but u. toakhi t " hoV seriously damaged." Anatfier steamer with a large number of. boats in tow, is ashore;- t Slid-WigtitDispalcties-. WASHWQTOir, Nov. 11. For te( fa&( Aabtlcf afid Qulf States,' Tennessee and Ohio Valley, falling barometer, southwest to south east winds, warmer, jud dea, vether will prevail, pMyviiowed t A last HA88AbHTjr8ETT8. Kffleitfilroftd Track. MIDDICTOH07NOV. li:; Edward Murphy liis 'mbb'er,oth under the influence of Jiquor, attempted to cross the Tauiiton Ball fioad last night in a wagonThe: horael tUlked and the young man was instantly killed by n a iawAii mLSmk? a. m ,iff""I.Mi tut . '.i ff wwi boa .ni' .u 9i'ta.ti nnnmn '."iWpS tta wn Kb ;muti ivmn- He venue, i Ileceiptf Lands granted to CWamtjf ea wiaviutWUMtfg' Condition improved. WA8HiKCTOJt,,Nov.4ll.-r!.The 'repertiii TJpwaihsd A'.ui.' . as Eevenue, h.ows r thes ractoalamounta received in ( the '.TjeasuyTrdrh1 fln sources, exclusive of loans and treas ury notes, from and after June 30th, 1871 to June 30th; 1874:!inclnsive; was H305,G38,341. The report gives, a full ent Maxwell in lw by the Spanish LMpyernnwnliN Th w larfe4trict oTIan'd BiteitetftJ Missouri therefore declared to be long tothe'clalrrunts presented hero by Warri5ttl!(Wfl8.telUi o.-.i.i'a'.i'! i General Land odice, has, resigned. Wm (J R lev. of Virginia, has Wen It . k-Th e- Preside nt :Tet h ru'ed: t h is m orrV-? YiAt-rd'tibdkTW WilioWfralMaveTl slept until toward evening and took s6bofe ?nounshment. The treatment nawjvillbe of a tonic character, com' mencing with valereanate of quinine. DWBaxterxpe's - id Tute if ni ' out ' In in NEW HAaPpmEE wv m, pirt oa Stat Itliftd; ; Portsmouth, Nov, 11,-r-The elegant Oceanic House at Star Island, one of the isles of the shoals, was burned early this morning, together with most of the cottages on the island. Aa seeTfroOhJ Oasftjse jb re thel Aiian nc nouse ana an ancient cnurcn were saved. The cause of the fire is Snknown, as it is impossible to reach ie island, owing to a heavy gale and rough sea prevailing. The hotel was imney is the only remnant of the Oceanic House left standing. A tug started for the shoals, but was obliged to put back. The fire wa distinctly seen from this city. 4 mt ' il I i ( ? Bpothi flurraV Jackson : q i s' The Washington corrospondent of the August (GJ Chronicle and Sentinel, in a recent fewer sayS: r "However much John Wilkes Booth may have erred in assuming the assas sin's role, for which good men must in all time denounce him, there is no doubt that his distorted intense tmade him, believe that he was performing an act of patriotism. Vlhilp Booth has been severely animadverted upon from time to time by southern journals and people generally for his rash act, there are those in the north who regard him as 'a great hero.' A' young New York lady stated to me that she revered the memory of Booth, and would freely vthir own Bfief'if, she 'could call into welhgthe young actor. T would esteem it an honor to kiss his foot were he alive,' she exclaimed. "I met a Christian statesman the oth er dayepd asked him if be could in form me" where Mrs. Suriat was buried. 'Indeed,!. cannot, sir' he resDonded. The kflKng Of that womau was murder, and all the waters of the Potomac could not whiten the 'souls of her mur derers.' , 'But were you not in the Sen ate at the time, sir, and might you not have interceded for her ; poor life?' I asked. 'Judgment had fled to brutish beasts sir,' and it weuld have taken a man of more Courage than I possessed to have even sueeested that she be nar- doned,'' quoth the ex-Senator. John aurrat married a Virginia lady last year, and is now teaching school at a village in Maryland, about twenty miles hence. Miss Surrat married a iTRafinry . flerk, but immediately -after the nUDtials ho was dismissed from the llebartmetit. ! " ' Y Colonel Ellsworth for tearine down the Stars .and Bars from his hotel is a clerk in the Postofiice Department. She re ceived her place through the influence of. Colonel -Mosby. Some time since she was discharged, hut 4 upon hearing of it thertsintiitithisdownto nis creaii mstruciea jewel mat wis worthy young lady was to be retained as long as he was president. I guess Miss Jackson will hot oppose a third term." , Ml CHARLOTTE MARKETS OBSERVER OFFICE Chaklottc N. C. Nov. 12, 1875. The Cotton Market. '' There was a visible improvement in tbo tone of the market, yesterday. Tbe demand was good, and the market was firm at quo tations below ; Inferior 9 Low Middling . 12 Middling.. 121 G6odMiddIingMW.,.-........ 12! PRODUCE MARKET Cornisii ughtiemanUi I Floor qtiiet, Bacon firm. Batter ah anil ill U f I ' j . iisvymqtiaiet. Bacon-Rama.pat " Sides, .j:t.klZi'J ' '; " Shoulders, " Hoe Bound:'! ; ci ' ' 1 3l618 141S Butter Choice, , ? . ?-, ;- - 2500 Brafidy Apple, ' ! i 5 a 2 00 " i Peach. 2 50 a 3 25 E77, pe dozen1 " 20a25 Flonr- Family, per sack. , . . . 3.253 25 " Extra, 3.00a3.00 " Super, 3 75 Jhtft Dried Apples, per pound . .,9c "Peaches, ' J 5 " Cc Green Applet per bushel, I" ' G025 j ' - Con. White, per bashtl. r v;80 " Mixed, 75 New ' ,m . ,70 .r-- Wheat Red, per bushel. v , . 1 25 "f, White, ' ,r- e' 1 35 White, '1 ,71' v , 55 , Pi-Pure clay, '?r 90 1 A. , "'Mixed, f - '85 173 Dry,. n i"irJQreen - 78 arl Good. " "15 jnxatoairiBti, . , f - ooalOO ;l?t)R R1UST. f l-J J-.i4l yr'i ! :s s "r'i ,,5J'i.i' f ..f unifj'i.f 'ii rw. n' I am willing to tfeiit,'fc reasonable terms', to a snitblit nfrmnrv whAnwIll hn&rd tn arut ttiyfanjiiy, mybouse. sitaated on Tthe'oor-4 ner or raoe ana V treets. Houw contains aipej rooms, ttod on tJ: neceisarv ont-bnildinn. T . . :... WE ARE WILLING? JO TEST THIS PLOW AGfAINST ANY PLOW MANUF A CTURED. AGENTS, CORNER TRADE and TRYON STRERTS. no TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. New Orleans, Nov 11. Steady ; Mid 12J ; low mid 12 ; good ordinary llf ; net receipts C.978; gross receipts 7,608; salea 10,600. ( Baltimore, Nov 11. Cotton qniet Mid 12 jalS, sales 469. T Savaknah, November 11. 0 o 1 1 o ri steady, middling 12$, sales 2,273,;' 1 WiLMiKorbk, November 11. Noml mid 12; net receipts 236. ; Galvestos, Nov 11. Market quiet ; jniddling 121; net receipts 3,570; ex coast 493 ; sales 2,127. Mobile, Nov 11. Firm ; mid 12 ; net receipts 1.713; sales 2,500. Memphis, Novtliieidy ; in id 12s; net receipts 4,046 ; sales 2,900. Augusta, Nov. 11. Market quiet ; middling 12; net receipts 1,371: sales 1,009. Philadelphia, Nov 11. Quiet; mid 13; gross receipts 609. Bostow, Nov. 11. Quiet; mid 13 ; net receipts 501; sales 2K). . Norfolk, Nov. 11. Dull; mid 12j ; net receipts 5,127 ; ex coast 2,462; sales 500. Charleston, Nov. 11. Steady ; mid 12; net receipts 2,512; experts coast 308; sales 1,200 . NewYok, Novll. Cotton dnll; sales 1,123 bales at 13af. Money, good supply, 2JaS; sterling firrt and higher, 483 ; gold 14ai ; govt's dull and steady ; new fives lof ; States quiet and steady. THE CHE A TEST STOCK OF DRESS GOODS, IN THE UNITED STATES, AT- - Alexander, Seigle & Co's. no9 Valuable City P'KIOPEBTY FOR SALE IF not sold privatHy before that time, I will offer to the highest bidder at public sale at the Court House, on Tuesday, Not. 22nd, (being Tuesday of C ourt week) that valuablt StT Propertyr containing eight beautiful building lata; in the, very heart fit the city.' fronting on 'Trydri "arid Church' streets, and running with 7th street, through the entire squarev Tbe two front. Jots on Tryim Btreeta, are 49$ feet, front, running back 99 feet Two frontingion Church street 491 feet front and. running back SO feet, four lots fronting on 7th street, esch49 feet front and running back 99 feet, t Tbe whole comprising eight lots, suitable for building purpose, and being the finest property of fered for sale for a long time in this city. Any person desiring further , information, will please fall ion m address. I f 1 .0 Jikl ALLEItORtSE. , POSTPONEMENT. The above sale is postponed until Tuesday November 22nd, because of a mistake in the former time of sale, at which time the property will be positively sold, if not sold sooner. ALLAN CRUSE. . novS tds . , t t 'NEW MEAT -.n i i i I JUL & Mi U? I HAVING rented the sew BRICK STORE of J W -Wadaworth, .opposite City Clock, I wiiL open 4 on; the 9th instant, FirsVClass jtwrr ' &4Z&&&i.;'-?i H.TMiRE Will ke coostantiy'onnalalt klnda'of Fresh Jfeats of the very best quality will taaKe Sausage and Souse a specialty ;aiso. Oysters and Fresh Fish daily: i W ' A 1 t Satisfaction guaranteed, both In quality and price. t - .- . ,. ' fc -I will also contmuerto 'ell' First-Class Meats at my old stand at the City Market, wnere my old customers will be faithfuily walted upon by Mr Sam Wilson. .TTESWiG, A FISCHESSER. ' V HiveTtmened their new Baloon. Vh'ere thev keep" as heretofore, all kinds of Domestic and Foreign Beer, Ale and l- Porter. "Also, C3's jtets fresh from Noriolk every day., except Monday. Tneir Restaurant will be supplied with Fish and Game from Richmond and NTfolk Their, fitock of - Wine ,haa been selected with care and will not be surpassed in me cuy. ;-- , ;.,r .vlio tmmises -Tfi'ai cai-I 1 edldMl use. ' I MPeu accommoaauons mimeiug I TeS1 " -1 f n . - f.' - .. i-s.f . . " v. K. uUnwELL A tAJ. ;r.v " r 7 1, . "; -r . AV.rr' . enures. ENTIRE SATISP&CTIO N", i i t t i.l ! IV, PLOW 2WETBuimESsPBflnL GRITS. TWENTY;! : FIFTY BOXES SOAP:- ' FIFTY BOXES 'GITEESE'1 50 BARRELS 2 5 B U Of 'E Of Hams," Baeoa, Hour, Rice, Salt, Sugar and Coffee, v - ' ' & ' -AT LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES, -BY EliTSTISR, GREIT & MOSS. novll LARGE STOCK FASHIONABLE GOODS, TO I5F. " CLOSED . OUT AT. COST. -O TTAVING MADE ARS ANQKM ENTS TO Change my business, by vrbioh ! tu com pelled to dose out my present business by the 1st of February, 1876, I now offer my entire 8tock ofOoods, at Ne?f York9 CosC Consisting of a large, new and fine Stock of FASHION ABLE UILLINERY, Felt, Velvet and Straw. Hats, for Ladles', Misses and Children, new Styles. A great variety FRENCH FLOWERS, large Stock Ribbons, Plumes, Tips, Wings, Ornaments, Setts, Velvets, VelveUeen, Laces, Netta and Crapes, and everything to complete a Stock of fine Millinery Goods. x A large new stock Hankerchiefa, Gloves, Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Corsets, Bustles, -Net Goods Veils, Veiling. Ties. Hair Goods and .a great jVarielv, fine Pancy Goods abd NotiOtia of all Jtlids; f The Stock ia new an first class, bought for Retail Trade, and will fold jwithout Te- serve . ' ;:- - " ;' . j- "- - f-arge purchases have recently been made Mttow pilces, and will be in Stua few daysand will be sold at cost. - A Rare Chance for Bargains in fasbiona bfe'Goods: Mrs. Pr QUERY, ' novS :. 4;' FRESH. ORANGES,! T EM0NS, Bananas, Apples and Jlalaga '4U Grapes, lust received at ' '", -Dr IVIostaPositively VJ17E will not sell Goods of any kind after ?! I this date to anyioae exce pt for dash,-! r 7 rA , .tidily- a bro. n6v6' ' . pJNE-FRENCH BRANDY, . , ? as Crape VelCoIars and; finm. Dress Trim-. AND TO BEAT IN... USE, CHARLOTTE, N. C 3 7 . MASSES. T'S"5SiyAicRcDT:, 5 CAROLINA PARK, sO: FIRST DAY Wednesday, Nov. IT. Fibst Race 1 rrm pursel&o ;secoiW Walpursei$l)&0 :.,seconJ horse, $501 A Fdash of rofinileJ JTor all agef, with one nunorea pounas on eacn. 8K005D Rack Abd-el Eoree stake for two year olds $100 $25 entrance. P. P. Half mile heats, second horse $50 out of the stake. Three to fill. Thibd Rack Club parse $150; $50 to second, hdrseJ One and half mile dash. Weight foe age. i SECOND. DAY-Thnrsday, Nov. 18 FlEST RAOT-wii; i'- C i" ii-siUL Club purse $125. ; $25 to second horse. MJledasb. ' V" 8lSuSHotel stike niile h'iliE-jJo ' eL" trance. P. P. $200 added by the Central Hotel. ' Three to fill. Thisd Race Railroad stakes two mile heats $40 en trancehalf forteit $400 added bv the L Railroads entering Charlotte. Three to PUIS - THIRD DAY Friday, Nov. 19. Fiest Rack Cochrane parse 11 mile dash. $125 ad ded by W R Cochrane. $25 to second horse. Skcoko Race Charlotte Hotel stakes half milt beats, $10 entrance,. ; P, , $150 added by Charlotte Hotel. $50 to second horse. Third Race- ' , v; - A .i.. Consolation purse, $150 $50 to the second horse one mile dsh. For horses that have run and not won first money. Those beaten once, allowed 7t pound a, twice, I2j and three Umal8jieTinds, :4 . " In all Club Purses entrance free. " " t- A walk over or distancing the field enti tles a horse to first money only.. . Entries in Club Purses close at the Judge's ttand, at 4 o'clock P. M., the day previous the race. If the races are not closed at that hour thirty miautes will be allowed af ter they are finished. - . J- I All stakes close at the Secrelary'a Office at 9 o'clock P. M , Nov. 13th, 1875. , . T,be races will be governed by the Rules oi tha American Jockey dub D G MAXWELL. iect23 Groceries 1 urnrpriftQ i WE still keep on' band: a good stock of everything in the Grocery line. ,?jnm utveus a cau. :: nfi.-j novio n i- Hstoney house; Corner Trade ihlf efiurcblstreets 7--r ; sTCHARLOTTEriNV: C-zSZa. a 4 a. iiAisiia.wiJrprietont .v i.- FALL MEETIH-Q-, I Fiirnltttrl B3diiiJ Window Sfia(lese.i IS NOW CO M PLETK AND WE INVITE ANNSPECTIO ffiajftl I ' BtjKOCK OV IS ir?rtJ81?ALI.Y LARGE and ATTR WE OUARANTEE I A It qf ! JflyJU A N D SO M E S;T O C 1 '. '' . . $. ' . hi:;.; '.:':-.'.i-. QFJBNITJJRJSIEVEB EXHIBITED IS!WE8TEEN NORTH CAROLINA ANT) T PRICES THaT CANNOT PAIL TO MEET TOUR APPROBATION. ' I li8T 'ADE REJTs:r oct3 . W. CHALK. GT w . C H COTTON and PRODUCE ALSO PROVISIONS AND GHOC6RIBS, ' ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A (JO I NO AND TIES, Sa C KINO AND MAT E R I A L B Seed Wheat, Oats, Rye, Corn, Barley, && milland stock stuffs, wheat bran and shorts. FOR RHODES WAND0 FERTILIZERS, Beard & Bras.' Net FaM M Tie-tie tet aid m jajeaMe. FOft' PACiSJKfi COT' ON. LATEST NEW GOODS. E LI AS , C OH EN & ROESSLER, A RE DAILY RECEIVING L ARGE QUANTITIES OF FANCY AND STAPLE Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Notions, Groceries, Crockerv and everything needed in a country Store, which they will sell LOW DOWN FOR CASH. OUR MR ELLAS has just returned from the Northern Markets, wh?re he took the ad vantage of the late fall in Dry Goods to buy extensively- Wholesale and Retail Buyers Will iave money by examining our Stock before making their purchases. Another lot of those Cheap Black lpacca.justreceiued. Call and see us at Masonic Temple Building. Lin, COHEN & ROESSLER. oct23 Burgess BJiclxols eS Co., WHOLESALE & RETAIL Supply of Lounges, all grades Cofflne on hand. NMEAT MARKET. X Springs' BnildinQppte Central oteI, on Trade StreeC and-next don to Sl A U ,C;K7t E R E R 8 WE KEEPA PIT-CLA MEAKOT.tANllSOW " ; CASH paying custornera Only;' iNo credircustoSera wanted. jul24 1 uul a- m' ro y PHEAVY" - '"I'M'?- t ! I ACTIVE. ikilVK? A"?AWAM TO: SHOW THE OPPOSITE MARKET HOTJ8E. A L H C 0 . ), COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DEALERS III- RRIVAL -OF- DEALERS IK FURNITURE, BEDDING, &c, Xx 5, West Trade Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. JUST RECEIVED. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Parlor Suits, in Hair Cloth, Terry and Repe. Also, a new A full assortment of Metalic Cases, Caskets and Wood nov2 IN Pnl? ea?h dY Simdays excepted. 5aOOO POUNDS Pare Lead in Oil, direct from Manufac- O.WXLLIAMSON'rvvii - :-. - no7Vy'1'- r; ' ' VU - . , VVir XM SON'S. . c-:t W R BUR WELL A CO, . i. ;. :. Springs'. Corner.

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