I fens cit&7r3. TO M13S ? WHO BAB A PAIR. The eve aclow with splendor : The brow as marbiaXair,,, n-vial Kv (IVul tvmaaotr' Of softest raven hail; k . j The nose, of Cretan . beauty v v,.- ; With ruby lipsbe&th, . " v ; Through whose half -opened rrta1 01 earn gems of pearly teeth l" i-R The face may render perfects k;. With loveliness lpiete-.i''" r'- Yet it most hide . . Its charms beside A pair of pretty fett J H The lips? may lose their freshness ?xO The eye be deemed witti tears ;: Tbe marble-brow. be, farrowed . By sorrow, or by years ; -5 -1 ' The face of angel-beauty - Qrow wan with grief or can r " t 1 he tnowDf A ge may silyer The wealth of men halxr - cj , Tbe features Time mar wither v 1 With desolating breath ;:,. . r All elsemav fleet,- y - iJ 1 But pretty eef 1 ' - Are pretty to the death 1 Ml j. - if " rvj , 1 . . tjrt n .a. n? s AT-- hi o a1 a. SAMPLE &' ALEt ODER'S. 0 IAVIKG STATE NfiW8. A dolt at' the1! WetiohY fairbroujjht kOfi fnr thA Orfnrd nmhnn. Mr Li W KoTnayTanfcieileW citizen of-jpiinomity, Is dq. r . On last Saturday James Stilley, near Germanton, Forsythe county; had his discharge pi, a gun. ' A pony ran away Jn ,wbern on I corner one of the w nee Is of tne dray grazed the shoulder of Mr Jacob hood ing, 'Sr.,' ktiocking ' him ' dowri and shocking him considerably, In his proclamation setting' apart Thursday, Tfov. 25, as a day of thanks-giVHCdta-bor-Brpidrtqueslathat collections-be taken up in all churches that hold services on that day for the benefit of the orphan asylum at Ox ford and Mars Hill. - - (. The Winston Sentinel says:that'on" last Saturday night a row took place Ht some whiskey f wagons which yere camped on the outskirts of that town. which resulted in the boss of one of the wagons getting a lick on his head with a Uilie f wood, that laid him in sensible for nearly twenty-four bours. Winston Sentinel: A youue gent of our tow n on last Sunasy 'sent aoioie to a young lady asking the pleasure of escorting hr :ahircb, and jivus mch surprfsed Id receivein reply a taessage from the young lady's mother, saying that hernuts hiaiustCuhoeel l)6r ana put nei totoect.,-"!rioi; being weir Determined to confine our business exclus- tvely to Gboda of our own Manufacture, we offer our entire Stock of Northern Manufactured Goods, at Cost, for Cash on ly. , ,. Such an' opportunity' to buy , ,' Cheap Goods, seldom presents it self, and parties wishing any .thing in our line, would do t j well to Giye us a Call J SAMPLE &, ALEXANDER, ChlARLOTTE, N. C. Jun27 GOODS, AT RIGLER S OLD STAND.' I V Vt Jrf .WILMINGTON; NOilTII CAROLINA. 1 J. Througliv Preiglit Route to all Points South. tiL- VThTSine-being fnfly equipped for business, offers unequaied facilities for the W ILMINGTON AND ALL" NORTHERN AND 'EASTERN J- CITIES J TO CH ARLOTTErSTATESVI LLU,rf A P HE VI LLT1, T. UTTT 0RDTON, G REENVILLt8PARTAN BUKfALI4TATIOiw-U-i.TiI- ATLANTA AmCHMOND AIR-LINE, ATlxANTlU, TENNESSEE & OH IQ, and WESTEIlNsN. C. RAILROADSas welNts alLpoitiina-v i I' GEORGIAil' MIT 1 4 GUARANTEED AR-tfiW -kSr VTA -- ANY-COiirjJT G XINE, -AND f. INFOB MATTON FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION TO .1 4 i: v-it, at O T OWSO NT r Slate Roofer, and dealer in all1 kiuds .ol Roofing Slate. Is folly prepared to put on SLATE ROOFS io any part of tbe coun try. " .1 MARBLEIZED SLATE AND MAN TELS A SPECIALTY. ! , ... "... ' . tflu. Invites the -attention of Architects. aUdcrsr&dtbetpabli to the superior roof r- t" J tVf'- f-?-f :r2 c iarries i o( C fTerr.cnt . . CL.3 jfiroishedof anydesiselscolor-J9 V ""Vji Arood,tC v ! X aji Tx. w AAgalnat Fire, land will last a Y e3 . : t A work guars Prices Reasonable. Shingle 'Roots taken off and relaid witk SLATE, wbendesired. t Orders wCl receive prompt attention, when addreedtaPrO. Box 118, Charlotte, iNi 0", rrpzr-wi- , u feblO-tf. .L t nanoiio Agency licijtL;.7; 1, 1 1- t- Ddlltcd The Gliarlottci Columbia. & At; DJVITE3 the attention of all Merchants an4 OottoQ Shlrpela Charlottes ed upon the roads connecting there, to the extraordinary advantages of connection with all Northern Points and South Atlantic, Sea Porta enjoyed over its lines.--" . " lt. ' The Great Atlantic Coast Line 'via, Columbia, Wilmlagton ' and- .Pottunouth , to Baltimore, Dairy, Insurance i per cent: i , c.1 vi 4,' - -j . Philadelphia, Dally, Insured. r 'r -ji-r:"t( V,t --f ' NEW YORK, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY INSURANCE 1 PER CENT41 JB08TON, TUESDAYS AND FRTDAYB, INSURANCE IPSE 4 CENT.- PROVIDENCE, WEDNESDAYS AND , SATURDAY3i ,? OT JNO G YOUG tsoiicitu septSO F W CI4ARKI- ;$ent& C D., Charlolte, if. pjTHLi 1 1 x. OJU11JJ.) Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. R I M S . fPHJ5 undigne pFer for sale their en- X e memn.erj. foxmanuractunng tiuos, Kin 94. By way Wilmington aad Direct Steam Line to Baltimore, Wedhepdays and 8t urdayB, Insurance i per centf--V,.: f ; ' f - 'w:-? ' PHILADELPHIA, EVERT WEDNESDAY, INSURANCE i PERCENT. "NEW YORK l -Urn WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, INSURANCE EQUALIZED ' X- loinn OtMMi.fQp NORFOLK. . ' --x-' i ,v i : . .- 3d. By the CrlesnLiPf toBeltinaore, WeUj132a i- , TO PHILADlSgIVERY FRIDAY. TO i NEW YORJf; UESPAmVKS- -4 nAV9- wn h 1 TTTH Hi vh TfivwwrnM wvmv fllTTWni w r i unriTaiiea Line iacili ties of the three Portd of PortsmoQthv ,9UmingteM 1 o TEN YEARS EXPERIENCE-IN THE CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS, ENABLES me to offer to the people of Charlotte. and, vicinity superior advan tages in thrf-parcbase of 3 ri i FANCY GROCERIES AND CONFEC- n 1,7; TIONERIES. neTrcforr m.V-r. in 'thm T7nit Will be sold mt J frV wnwi w wu m wmvu i.uUc ia n iiauajul 1" r"" ;r"-fl.r f'n w P a wn!??" "0"1" Hreeaon iromaeienwon BRH)0KR8r b5nf.?rf7j Carolina Agricultural Works, or by letter to sepRTt fjis. 'Al)ERsON; A.F0M,n jiS i r,.;. Gh UarlageV. ,n Pridnt. - - General ScpexiAtendeot. r .. r r GeocjLFreighAAgant. "A" -J T M "i to J;i Walker, , GREAT. RED U CXI QN, I y:;;P;Rt.G ES Fast Freirtl Route I JAM BALTIMORE. I am just now daily receiving Fine Cream Candies. Fresh Chocolate Caromels . and Cream Chocolate Drops. New Nuts, Raisins, 11U rfl?AJ a A - J - , I ... M mm ' . 1 HI sortment of CANNED GOODS. Peaches Hi i f Aik4kk dnLvJanV i Sailing from BALTIMORE Tuesday and Friday, at 3 FM. ahd fe0 wiCiinrOTOK M ! -. -ft ... ... -t i t- WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. r'ror ia Tin -jt K rf' H . 4.:..4w.-.t k:A .A. i. to all Points South - liUM IMIS If MWT NEW YORK. PI DXALE 1ST ' f . FAMILY GROCERIES AND COUNTRY r n jl a tfPRODUCHf i BOOTS dressed hianotfelo ai lUttefouriyfeajC old sister. rpOT. T! rrr I'.CT The NewWrtrtoumM 0 tbmmerce of Thursday says : A horrible accident happened at Uoldsboro . yesterday, as we learn by'pjrssenKeTSbn the down irai laft nig)St. blr Charles Nelson, the engineer fn charge bl the shifting engine of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad at that point, was crossing the track as the freight train on the North Carolina fUilroadf was backing down. The trail was only a short distance off when Mr Nelson's foot slipped hnd hiaJ fell (EJfefo're he'eould recover hir eqlibnuirrf life rarest ruck him and the wheels passed over him. His body was terribly mangled, and when it was taken from the track, life was extinct. Wadesboro Herald: On the night of Saturday the. Dth " city while Cole's circus was at this place, some peddlers got into a 'fracas' with j some of the crowd connected with tbe circus. Nothing was thought of it until re cen Irom Pineapples, Pears! Strawberries, Tomatoes, Corn,1 Jellies, Preserves and Jellies in Tin Gans. SALMON, LOBSTERS and DEVILED l 1 ! t MEATS OF ALL KINDS. Pickles, Chow Chow. Fresh Mustard, Brandy Peaches, 8panish Olives. 8auces, Catsups, Ac A very fine article of Tomato CatsopYpnt up expressly for family use. - brought tcUhe dty(coniPrWoga,Cream,l Butter, jgg, vryster, Boston,' uranam,sc., iiv endless variety ft r I PErjNES,5y the povuid oxin glaasjars. " Mince Meat,' the best iDrandX by the can or by the pound. , , ' 'Auolne' Albnin Chewing Gum, only live cents a package, every package contains a pri7angepiy--be found fine Albums. Bplendid BterescopTc Views and first class Sterescopes. No blanks, no t h. Malaga Grapes, Oranges, Lemons 1 a a foil supfdv of APPLK8, fin and large , ways' on hand.f r j I Wilson's Corned Beef, in 2, ad 6 pound cans, ready for table use. , TOYS! TOYS! TOYS TOYS! TOYS! Of every description. Bread, Cakes and Pies of every variety, fresh every day, and delivered in any part of the city FREE OF CHARGE. Jure. caodiea rnadedauy and. sola at r . ' . T -J X S B 1 rcedT" D M RIGLER. Opposite Central Hotel 1 Cl MfrYb: ML Li r t-I J RET ' Tuesday and Friday, at 3 P. M., and: it AT THE L&W PRICES OFTHBIOQOD OLD TIMES BEEORK iTH E 1 W A InMSledafirst- iA T TlViSttT6 nUaai Famirriaibwfito-w in the new4i, H . lUTAUW. AU 1 A' AtAJIA-iJUAA: fAXi V l&JXK3f-' Holton. JBloe-K on!TriM!Btreet, opposite 1 f lege gt.pectttuly aiks his jriends and ttat public generaHy to caw ana examine n stoclc and piioe8,beiorpurchsnK their sttp- plies. xlis stocx -is entirely new, . ana ' ui EH.' J ytiiuz'j?. -I IT .npovjftlt' ! t il fHOx wLiaKaTOf . mr jaiit-rnnin chn. as the cneane t. vxitt, uabh.? r ait yrnrr in nmrvn rnnnnnn uiT TQ np T-AnTTCfl to aII nointa in North aud South FFER TO THE TRAE" THEIR LARGE STOCK AND COMPLETE ASSOBTMET BOOTS and SHJES. (beine Uie-lamat in the 8tate) at such low rates as defy com will" keeTco-nstantly on hand all Wndrfqf PWjobb ITamilv nnwriM whirh . he will sell las I fAv.w b case, xncu n urav uibujuiuuj wMU1f''aPMi w w.j Family urocenes, wnicnne win nu m i -tr.-. , u7nmtm'irinit): Otain-TUJii atil CO iM ttJ Women p rime A Calf Bals at $100 per pair, Children's Polish High Cat Copper cTjP ; t "5 cents and all other styles at equally low rates. I , Personal examination ana omen soncrtea. -; my friends will please understapd that I keep no books: Friends will not ask credit-, strangers will not expect it. v L J Ws oct20 lm I , 9J Wholesale as cheap as in aav othe mafket. "Come and see me andoe con vine octSO ARCHITECT. -. j . -, 1 - G E O. W EX C II , QFFERS his professional services to the ritinni -f PViBrlnf ti and ofWrtrth Carolina. t ly a young bo who hauls, freight j sfhee arriving herrlif AVgttst 1 874. , he has n thedepbt,Jfoiinafan'der& bile Of 'designed and sUpehritended the following ,a a nr Kruoh a luinHIa whuh 9 WO me UDera MOUSB SBO paiUVCU m . J. a a. aj 1 Tm n n H tt! V-t ri 1-1 r ' r i thought to have belonged to one of the peddlers. We also learn that there was a quantity,, of .blood found where the row; oqcurretL The peddler that the pack was thought to belong to has never been seen or heard of since. It is thought by.soroe that the show men killed thepeddleT.andoncealed .hint in soa&Waylldrhere. is certainly a mystery connected with it. The Salisbury tyy&ma sas :anf Johnson the youthful slayer was be fore the Court on Monday last, and after hearing the testimony of the coroner, his little brother and sister. dVineofr tW tihers,it was agreed l vtween'ttteSolicitor and counsel for prisoner, that a verdict for man-slaught-er shoulabotakejj,yind; the punish ment fixed by the court at four months imprisonment in the county jail. It appears to have been a case of unintentional and perhaps justifia ble homicide. A difficulty was cause lessly provoked by the brother who was killed, when; -one held Sim, while scenery), the 8econd Presbyterian Church, new Meek Ira bur Uountv Jan. Alexander, Seiele & Co's store. Wittkowsky & Riotels' house; Bank building for Brevard Davidson, Esq . and several small puiltungs. i a ' Office, Trade street, Charlotte, N? C. J oc414 , JACOB K KEBDKX, A. IUFMQABTEN. rACOBfMMEIElIdlirO, ' JL JB jCJ - WHOLESALE SEALERS 15 TOBACCOr SNUFF, . PIPES, &C TRADE 8T CHARLOTTE, N. C. oct!3 . 1 I ii LtNDY, . R. FRENCH tfi0H8, ' AI RCi Witt Oates' Building, Trade 8t, Charlotte N WHOLESALE and, RETAIL. a LiverpoolflaofrHeHV 0 rrWerp ahd" QtheV etifp'ean drts. WtlfMinvtMK-.nAliHiihia &. Augusta Railroad. WHmiDel6n i WeldoflllaItroad,-and trotinft-Antral ttaiiway ana apereariKY uuuiana iui-JtAV Vx River.SV3.mers, with their eooect,iIon4 .'SrlSSC ING, Eyery grad. warranted; Cb delivery Ol ifretf KHoaH poiavaa mofowaaiera u, PMf 7?Tfs:iS; - sept2$ SEALXB - OTKTE.-miTQ froUgaDILPEKSAMW FeAndaJilaalMooietTSttaiMnd aji plank. L. W OSBORKE; o ixextttoor too. jp.enaerw.a, d sd fcvtb n?ij .ass edJ ola. niiJi jlan MWif V iim wuMt t;; toh-febp i atmilroaiidepot, theFtiihttraiJ8ierred! tinder eoveiheato tears- -without delay, and forwarded oy ine jf ast r reu?nt impress .m uiuiuiuK. Ko drayage in Wilmington ana to xransier irom iniuuugwu , anteed as LOW as by any other boats. Losses or Overcharges promptly paid. Mr all goodsjj Wihniogtpn Ww. . . . , , . ' k ,. T JnA EDWIN 1TZGERALD. Gen 1 Agt. Baltimore Line, 60 South Street, Baltimore. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., Geo'l Agt, New York Line, 6 isownngureen, . a . A. D. CAZAUX, Agent Baltimore aad New York Lines, Wilmington, . O. -tf. ' ... -- . ..... ' torn -made, and of the; latest tyles;v HAVING purchased my E and Dry Goods of the G. Wi CDALG & 0.i TRADE STREET, CTARLOXXE. ;C. i best houses, in GEN COM & PRODUCE MEKCxtAMT, Stock of Clothing H Vork and Phlladalrjhia. I am now pre. nnwl n hihirtn tha nvnl of the dtv and surrounaine country, a large ana wei eaiecf i 8 j And Dealers lq : Flo:ur;J OratoV and Pro- ed Stock, embracing everything found in first-class Dry-Gooda Mouse, sucn as IWOST -trNTILfT)ECEMBERri5THri875. promptly made. UAOom AXaO, .iuiv vvw ments solicited, and returns WHITE GOODS, BOOTS, 8HOES, HuiTS, TRUNKS, CHIHI and GLASS-W-1RE. :0:- t. INORbERTO MAKE SOME CHANGES IN MY BUSINESS NECESSITA- j TING THE UUJN ViSiKlWi vir 15TH, MY LARGE STOCK OF BUGGIES,! I -OFFER TILE DECEMBER Jll grades, to which I invite your attention before purchasing elsewhere. ; i ' TO COUNTRY MEROHANT8 Having devoted a lifetime to my business, and having an LATEST STYLES ) . - ' .' : .-' : Felt Hats, at . J A YOUNG & SON'S. - bctltf- - ': '-" GREAf" VARIETY t i j'.i, - - Of goods too. numerous to mention, . bu. belong to a gentleman's out-fit 'are to b n - iV f I A Y0UNG & SON f . octlG , ... . 1 . 11 . . . -km W . ' accommodation ror Traveling rairena, 8 a One aquare from? Depot. Unaarpaesed 1 tss Terms--lliWperday.. septl2eod6m til arc '7 NEWPESTAaAJiT ,-XvKXv: IIHDIRr PHiETtlllS, cnic 1 1 V"' -ASP- u JACHSOU" PLAI1TATI0II VAG0IIS T AT ACTlTAli COST. tt L '. .wwUW' UNSURPASSED HTOU Ql Wirt ;;nlA In my line, I feel satisnea n saving toat l TO3U!f) iM f eUi24av;ift III Wil WHi r . . - 1 . , , :Il I ' ; J ' v- arioite.N. u. Country iferchants can supply tbemselt C i at my store, cneaper wu yj : isuuta, wiw themselves or oy purcaasing irom gvB and drammera. PARTIES NEEDING ANYTHING IN MY LINE WILL NEVER HAVE Lumber; Notice. WE call the attention of the people of Charlotteas;weliasof the country, to the fact that iwfi have; a large stsrply f Lumber, at the Lumber vYard. and itwillw sold at low wiceff. Wa are i.jO rared.to fill thiongh bills toiutUders and cc tractors ..fit..' m a 4M4a4sraw( ma .r-xr c a tSft 1W another beat him oyer the head with Tryus with your Iter : i bills and . ueav , ueu, biv wuicii me,- jmukq i will IftaKB - l wnatre s?.j. jjivihhm pronounced a deadly weapon and j Flooring iaetty.?TV'e c always be when he tore loose from them he I found at tne iuraiKr yara c j 8 "I "jobbed his knife into Fred," to nsa his rwa expression, producing the wour.u irom wnicn ne aiea. -m crtTTTtr nauftTTura wo or a Kl V W A u WAAAiWMAM U M Ail W W . Dr. Richard E. Wylie, of Lancaster, w.aotrjk;wtfhB Hide fch the m'ornrni of thtf 2tf instlrlt But?lilearjDcj.1e2tjijgd ofjiis; recoverj-. The contract has been "eonipleted Fair Bates ! Good Risks -WeBeloiitonii.CoQliinatioii ! ! INDEPENDENT &. NON BOARD. 1 VZPt?&j&m Ustdek of Hosiery. English, British, Balbri- gan Stripes, uoiiars, ttc.i at .i . 'M- ' i J A YOUNG & SOJJ'S, n-nalfiN6ti&e. : XL. -A.i-K AN tbe first day of October instant, F B McDowell. Esa . purchased a half inter- '.:.u",r' "aV"V" tiaiha OBSERVER establishment, and wnn tne uoane j iron -uoropanyr. "feotWyeceseary that all outstand lay the track Of the Lenoir narrow guage "railroad I inz claims jraeme un to inataaie ue bwiku, Chester taruj l thr hv Aale or account at once, as I must ' from ,1 iytC n MdiMbks. All claims due me f I I 4:ronv;tlo tn.rtallaa v.. .v., mdivi !' .. contracted prior totnacuaoev An old well inr.ayara in- Columbia,! cemhe text, witbbtrVreserve, willbeplaeed caved in on fWednesday nistitcarrvr in the bani j oroinMr iorraueciion injr with it a patch, oh-cabba to the;' r.v?: j JH AS. R. JONESw; great consternatlori of the o..;.cr, who. : octlftry ?. y j - looaea iorwara-T. n pu aau.iff .M-a.is-,., t-- time when they woulclDei reacijr iorr v.v IMUIIUC eating. . Accordini; toiha AVtri a meeting o H TffOOTEN'aEipress Company having ef; W . a, 1': HMe. ma rt ffAm Art fa Vll the citizens of WirmsUro was taJiaTaiTOSSS fOct--29th. 1W been held on Tordaydjito; ro-J yjjg-fgyiin-Mations on the A.,T.& As Good an Opportunity of Baying low. Remcmljor December loth, is the day that closes this Opportunity. -JrJ ask is one Air trial, - SIGNS! SIGNS! SIQ-iN" S TAINTED, IN BOARDING ; HOUSE. THE Restaurant under the new store of Sntrth A Forbes, htfdyandei the proprie torship of Jfeesrs West ftDaniels, has been purchased by Vfr H: FTDanlelai who ' be comeU bo)q pretresW Mtltn iM cater,to he. wishes an4iastes, wjm LPto merSiWmyie'ftnd' innewh1ch ' eawnot fail to please. '.rJn-wsx. hna- o'JSiii v' OyBtfitewsw.,...w,fri-"s;30 cent. Oysters Fried..V................!f , w cents. Single Meai..Mwu.i.Ui DdorBts. Tables Board has beefedujoM per month. , , MRS H f DAaEL8. hdv&?tf -tV - tvvpw.i'i! ,;-i0V rtf j.'.iff U'.-j iTfl'lil vI;orir?iTtti" ... -'MrfrT 6.f BRANCH OFFIC CHESTER, S. 0. CHEAP GOODS. Pmpt! AttenlKia -ffim to luHu Driers. . Omce at i. w . unaiK ,k vo , ft ;00T0 BUTLER'S, ANY- STYLE i;HV it . iJii I wilt sell at Actual Cost till that day. S. E. Corner Trade, and College Streea. mondr. Silver and Plated are; Spec- . . . tadesanaFancyGc-rt wto N. B. -Future contracts Dougns ana worn ch j T BUTLER," r , . . oct2G ' w-' (' Watch Maker and Jeweler, OX Democrat and Home copy. sept28' U 41 THUIIOiPEIIOElitlllitiSlf J rOffice Over Nesbitl & Bro'au Btorej Trade St. b j -i -a. 1 aa bj ; - f - Charlotte. N.J.J s - - . t.i . (n THIS Fire Insurance Agency has no con nection with any cotabination ortLocal ABSociation. and (DOES NOT oneejaJl to the TARIFF OF BATES t tbeoawl O iFire Underwmewfcfi-iiJJtswm Kiwiiti-a The companies representea at iai are among the strongest in the country. , AH wh wish ndemhftyiagaJiist?fire at .', FAIR RATESv-'ffi'i L will do well to call oa us bemrInuxmg, or renewing their policies elsewhere, : .vuva writtAn thnm?hout this 'State ana '''General Insnrauce Agent, . oct30 Charlotte, NtB. B J Vi , H'i J if I i. "t a f oaf anrdina f Tnrtmn, practiced bv I n.-i'p.u-Mi Western North Carolina the Charlotte, Columbiand .Afigostaj'iuiIrOad. Brough freight i to AshviUe noiW iZ.t hintereaTofWlnris-1dire6taspecialty. All freights consigned to frChesterrRVck HiU and all ship, our re,k will V?Wrt pW ts saij Bofj' A- 1, "-aiStriS-Aff, AieU ; A tramp answering t the name r octSOlm . -- obn Dire was '"picked iupotvJ the ' ' , . . ol Cill street qf ,Wjnnsbpr9Afcw,dajago. fcUreKa ODOOI OIIK. The next day, he was bronght before - theMayr,QtirIJasptef:re'Il id-- YQDlESrbuyithElJBEKA toxicatWn.aVid -ras 4et bwk " for iM 17. T"T . BEtT .,.- tL - Av Un wnn rerin- Pj DlJjn.. It IS UH3 AX.OA. manded and ordered t tenVtt. TWflrm.Tit.Rd : : full SIZE, full - A FINE LOT . OF - I.. ' IfT'l li ! l"i .ll -.-?.! it .! K A- A An CbeBtefTR v.:For Sateby 'Eh&J 6Heh;& ed thHitgWA.pwntdiiiard,. wssIeV aiicl Alexander, Seigle teacherofa negro school near Carmel rwesii - i HelL UfUtowDi.oni Tuesday.. evening &;.Co; 1 b'uwUAu-M W t octoi . -. . - Vrv ilrnnl- -tnn rimnk almost tO . find . . te ' . .u.. liAriawl room tot nirnreu wr,j"' - ; -m? ATTTTT7TTT. gon. and nobody AllelgfJrow, A BEAUTIFUL What anrt nf nprfn 18 new- team I . : ... .i.,..R,,tLjiif W,r the idea how to ;shoot $7 or, as wgjor , ij Judge Mackey expresses it, tou"pread LDm, " j:aY0UN0 A S0N'& and FillReb man's. . . ----J--" J v .-. ---:- - ct22- st Notice. TO THE PAX PAYERS OF CHARLOTTE 'TOWNSHIP. : Musi call upon you ito come to my office and pay your taxes. The time for my 8H0RT NOTICE AND CHEAP, E. M. ANDREWS. septll BY! I- James rmi&s ri Harty, J SAVE Pi.-, - . .n . - -i . :tk THE PIONEER -CITJNAMAN,qF WJ5x- rnm the cheapest to the fineatOoooa. I v-kv AVimTT. aT a TT TVT a 'Trade Street, Chariot ii. N. a; T- J. and pay your taxes. The time lor my . . at 1. fTTITTalTtt settlement with the Btote Treasurer ia ap- A M M KNShj preaching. I cannot call on you in person, X3l. 1 J. AfAiU. J-JX 1 KJJJ nor canIgrantlonerdndulBenc:&Cptc hfa 'lhflU h I " STOCK OF aAHusk'refceiTed iipfehaid :8tocki of China, Glass and Earther Ware, together rith a mat varietrv of Fancv articles for this date very few ot you baye paid up. This in my last appeal to Voo. c --1 ' j tl4ilnv..;c.jii M E ALEXANDER, Sheriff of Mecklenburg. 'Wgnts Wanted iT ?3Ti .sfiic'i iWu5.e!raoIis7 stieiO mit varietY bridal, birthday and holiday Ladies are especially tnyii see them oct24 tf its: to call and jta young & lynra : am U - i"' r n For Sale. First -ato. plantatienk staining 1 acres, within four miles- of Charlotte. I rn tha remiaea is ' fine1 larcebarh. and two good tenant luaaralli.anda. -be location to jtmia iean ber. Much or tne iana now in ootten, wm 1 .-i- , FOB THE ,sh;ih i -!StiKSoi.l. ,5: FenR.LInti.al Ufe-.rar:.Co.' OF. PHIlltDEPHti, 1 1 Grocers.Confectioneries, jnruits, uigars, 1 oqmeTHINQ ;NEW., u o hj 1 vr lo 't3 found elsewh; lust ut ah attenaon v7i fo ladies; otgenUettemr ae Tenca-rweB6 !'tl?- EC .STVfiL -A- fiTraV'-ti-n' 1 ,5tJ i f now have tensive Stock THIS Company r is' purely -tautaal. No stockholders to.absorb profits, ,Eveiy po icy holder Is a member or tne company, entitled to all its advantages and priyiieges, havine a vote at tbe annual election aor BOYS: ANT) YOUJHSCVOTINCj A Isale uid "tWeijTM i ixfiiEi-ii SPECIALTY I itneycan oa poogui uuiuau; twA ! I rMit'n ii n of,, Two Sugars, TeaS,18oda;3ranayeacnes,c . "i t s 1 iOk i"'"' a 5 itera;-Oysler8janayfc rcajayau weir no uutM.Hf if miy 1-- aept25. SS:.Vh"TwbTi Terr ib Ot'Siauehter . - a. - kA.AUraaKaM m -AiFaaaAwaB iyat i - ' - ' - ' mtw : i i u . . DecausaWRlvwaBuaiayt. b.-r t . i ;,Ur.i niiaYW.r; 7 H ika aaaaAn that If haa nOTIHrWI YUnTf lJiTl I V ; r - I Vw " 1 - t . . centaee than any Company, in the United States. : Official reports show this. For ex I ttt ample ; Policy 16, for ?5.aoov has been paia 1 jf w. jc nave to-aav reuueeu ws vmcw va r i . :. . :r i . aChoice Cuts to 12i cents. We shall f lA j tiotbot oo w -LEO ANT AND BTYLISH ,.r. r,q : mF5iAduNa octlft - ni 5;u - riitf to the widowrofa-Phnaelphianiechantl-rn m in tbe past, nothing but A flmfflSSVffi' :.ilM3 nnon" wnicn twenw-mree uiiueuu iuu been declared, averaging (57) fifty-seven per cent. This Policy, at tne ena or -a years, had tbe dividend? ,0660 usea to purcnase aa MM best -When; ft winter. 'a . . i . mm uam mi aM nwar. umnn bdiith i . you taia aooutBausaRer " , fj . "-,"r7.V.V Ii" JT. J mvr 1a1A Hi al Waa awardad IO ( S&tsio -fclaiM,.HJfl lEalttO-ld. Weiith. and see wnatT can wuyiuir w r-.iWiiWVat.'lfci v;"4 r .ri Tr;, fiefa' $11,048. Any reliable agent who wants to I c,-load, ofr7KRrTeflnesteei ? fwrk fef tbif cpanyill address, - fcematfpply ii Wat i ath: and see packed j lar rot instaaeev s . v-ais . k4t?ai:rfl tyTiAarrir C'Ondfiuear- -' - .. General Agent for N and S C, oct31 d2w wlm Charlotte, N. es.iritK'i I Zi uaiipas Aioiassee, r 5 ?n ft i Sack good Flour and lb Soda, 5 lbs best Cream Cheese, . . ' i 10 a Ubs Jsodalxackerf'jji Jiaiin 1 ger Mauulactorine pomy SUte Fair, held at Ralegh, Oct IftlvlSth. mEItRf34fiE RKrViil NEW YORK. TBrwT&tmdVia men 'kflletf, 'arid ilW try? MANblON HOUSE ni i r . 1 juw i m i I -nob ?'lREiENVlLLR;.d -.- .: lw TCP BAD0E2. ltaaxer; gBQVTTTTS ffT TTTT 8 Tg, .i. . w S Ji,vJiA M .IV. II iia d.:BttlnfV BaildJng,;TradSt.J And many ther goodsal jTsry low Jpiwf,-b iThe followinf: is selfxpkritbSry : I 1 M i " ' "' s. raoor aoover m. aa: auir m-dub . v 1 V tf k Bft imPPWRl' -ZINC & TIN OILERS, f All kinds Country Produce wi 1 ,tJrT ;ati' r.ui9a;i4 J COLEMAN' r-AJiuv 1 T atAoIr that Ita WiT Men DZUUEnS. I i I ine to -et thlatest style bilk "-Hats, wmu rSAi J -A YOUNG & SON'S." ttaAtlaataaQ r I ' ' I "7 " til 1. S. . S I J B B 6 -: . : Qveeirv yt .otl THE UNPERSiGNED ANNOUNCES Tc tbe citizens of Charlotte and the public generally, tkat n nas-openea a . . , BOOT -AND SHOE SHOP in the Springs Ruilding,' at D Austin's old gtand, where h is ' prepared to do all kinds of work in ms lino. ,oujwiv" a"" first-class Hotel, refarnished1. . T ane31 4krn ' ... .v -: . jr Tecenuy xenovaveu - LWwnld rectfutlv-call the attentioh-rlol xorz,iaowre,n.JfroTnce. T-tifout tbe saxne cost as roost com-vertodjotherobern-clUeswith-JTo A SON:; I DjubSi .W have leet;Tsart yo t.'i .twj'T.ZL.t Frtillx. knonUCAlI3, rn rrta imnw 1 innated on" tbe!Air-une 1 -r . .v Kar MaitHHtn?hth -iM -aaw-.L I-.-i-wl vn 1" ' - -- ' totmark FCTSaT I - vr..r.ia a-ail f ae tha m. Knaual Mim.4wmmi VV-aw, I . -4. K.t . .have .heard nothiOC jtaiiroaa, aoou xuiuway ywtaujVM-.; Tvnvri nuniuwuro - 1 'w OL,Vt;iia UWUU? UJ ?u"ZrZ.ZUkr Llltt tha tHecrafias of the tau store ratTOiHllril L t,V v--i' Hie &-C61umbfh-RaflroW wnere Mflttl,,.M.v,1ti.ww,t nTKhav n f Ua adMed to out aine two pledi tourists may stop and enjoy the comforts o 1 .XT0T1CE NOTICEl nor r M f;, addltionsJEteamers.'ari'J f.e are bow "tfirCTthatlbe Fanner can use, ae he " i. . !-. ai mi 1 ' vi.T7i n . rt -1 l 1 ..Tni . n -1 'fti a t a tau mvak av t v in: t n pnntfn 1 w a a - aaai ai -T"!. aw -A stl aa AaaV MlaaaAitAiaia HANDSOMEST Of Srarfa. Ties and , n a jj.ivnrr at young OCtlS: etdrs iiTiRTbtRCXp SON'S. Af oar mentis to ine iac uu mininwt rxau mrciNiu DuiwAiuiiucfUjUuc' 1 .'i. tegpurstck 'dany, and are fully tareparedtorjtjdelay.r ..t rr;arr r.o 1 r7Zk hitVTtlOUAX ' Jf-W'CliAiiiV, ' -n Gen'l FrafKhtandTicket Agent. CoHegafitrpeti :.-fe cv .'.. : viAjenU i;f;s A U'T Wwnsw.W! -BrirTJrnra. die ; . tfiSK. .1 noO f,. w, . -iS ! ; n?TV i0 ,mt niJwsn taJ v.-. LINE V 1 , andgtiaianteesattfactiottiftmrrf jj H RespectfijUy, .v'.-i 0J1 nr P 'J"0 NeSkware-'at - ''ti lW XALEXANDCS ; Jiti Wlttl ii fe ll 1.. 1 1 1 H i 11 (1 i i i- 1 i 1 oc6 HUM. . JM.." WlJjOJJ-tiX 1 children of the country. v-