CHARLOTTE OBSEJtVEIfcOT I " - . . - . .W. , . rt .1 j -..iJ i. . . -: .. , I . . 1 - - - , . " " "T'r'oir-pinTiTinc ifc-A- 1wa . JpA Ki BVBACKIPTIOa BATES. Daily 1 tear, postpaid) in adVancVj' 'M'OO p - The Obsxbvxb lob Department baa . thoroughly supplied with7every neeUt wantand with the latest strlea 6? Type, an every manner ef Job Work cr i now bat f- with neatness, dispatch ani eiieapBew-- AWe ean furnish at short notice : .-' mo. I llDlt. ilv, in the county) in adyaoce, - $2 00 tiiaAJXILti, HilJj UKJU3S, c v LETTER HX IDS, CARDS," We out or the county, post paid v 2 10 - 6 months, w '"i 05 vol. xn. Chablottevn: ; c;;;:YflDNsniy 17, 1875 " : 5' TAGS. RECEIPTS!, FOSTERS, -H-Jat., , NO. 2 07. c' PROGRAMMES. ZtLjlX sr rs Ti'.r- u ii- s - in xi in ... ii . . 111 - . .in-- 111 , rinw ii - ---. 'W". uii.a 1111 5i SEGOm) EALL STOCK, -OF- i.;.iAiyji O UR FOKBE3 'iatntii refarned fAm the Northern Markets, and we arenl ceiTln Second Fail Stock of BOOTS. 6H0E3 AND LEATHKR.whic his Iw xmf)ftf fa fflfXf PpyAftnie&t; tai .trill Aioid at prices that defy competition. W HMI IV U A I k MERCHANTS are espectallrTeqtiesteU to exttftfrreronrSwk.fore p mimi ?4 hbtiscs are beginning to Tlf TT uj 1TIT1 I 4-rr ffl T? nTTnHOGnT Tl 1 Those wbqcare VI .Ii,,, i 1 U 41 Mil U A O O UilUanDUUU. ball, can skip this S M ITH''1 &7F, a.R.(B,E, S , .. N K W IRQ F ft0,X BUILDIN O T R A D K STIi EET, 1879briGX9!N.)VRRiVAL ARB NOWI RECEIVINa A ' OP 1 ' ' FOR THE FA LL ' AND We "offer, to the Public Gentlemens Sand and Machine-Made GAITERS AND B00T8, To be found in the City. Indies', Misses', and Childrens goVWen65esyarl. respectfuUy solicit your pat ronage. ( ( Wl4tibjori guaranteed. T ' W A U jM iilib HH liild Ladies and Gents', fine goods a gpecialtjv sep21 . oni mm wm - IN "BITSIINTJESS '! ,-..' "f- - - - . ; '..if- , . . ' ; GOODS TO BE SOLD AS LOW AS VER n .' ! - i ! CALL AT ThE NEW STORE UNDER The Central Hotix vou GREAT BARGAINS A3 "BELOW STATED : Bo tl g0 oiaB' op ixrsr competitors, AS! tUS ME ANT) 0 0 8 W 3 V, YORK TIIATI AM SEUilXO C00U3 BKIX)W , i i i - , ! ' f - .. y : . i IS ANNOUNCING TO THE .- ':,), .! .. If' tJO CHAWCE 1 :.- !1 '1 r OfjOrJ3 wia8 SOIiB -CHEAPEB THAIT BVERi f.;t, FAIR PROFITS AND QUICK SALES. (i 'will- ft V O Enifi it.; TAKE HOTICE OF THE 'Hi --r. i i'J - VERV FlNE Ilfei MsTIC MANIEICENtCK OF ADIEJ best Velveteens, silk? FiNisHtDjt only do cENtftYAm a .'iJfc? liVt 1 1 j :') . j, :iu: i.t. .f . , i.... f .' fnrjti ft bvw'n.TH:.J f FOE 03STXnr 15 CBITTS PEE YJLTIT, ' i fr'h"iY " ,f7i". ir: firm',. v-m1 J - A st a ORWyABlETY of OTH ER G QQD3AkEXTHEMELY IX) W PR ICES. HAVE BEEN BOUGHr WITHIN;Tt , hmM Wmn 1 . . ;i , t- LLnii-Amx' T,,.', '. r..-.r rtf- - EE8PECTFULLYrrn U f 1875 WINTER TRADE. the tbest Stock of ? f i I 1 T f HI KA IVI OtDosite Central Hotel. A. 1ST G E - rae MALICIOUSLY MISREPRESENTED INFORMED MERCHANTS, COST, AND I. TAKE. PLEASURE PUBIJi TIAT, THERE JS, 0 '' J III llbli lAiQ JO ! :ICJ i BUSINESS it!.' ASH r FOLLOWING PRICES, TI, ONLY 25 CEA( , j, :i f -gii t - . -;--- ,-- ie'1 T.v?'f v ' ?-"v U .ryrivji teiljiij hii Tf'wi ot .iu-na,itu ti' 1 . '.. . ...-i . j .. .1 if.....-. m T 1! J 0;I KHtHf. i i IT H E C I T V: 1 ! i "i'bWyof Lvon'i ib Opera noBre to:nigbti; i ' , ; , Ji V.J, every probability, no that 'we, shaH bve fine weather fpr the race3. ? r y, The'rerBtuccoirig of tb'e" front !o t ' lie" llrsf NationaVank bantling.' was comnwhccil 1 A good many people have' arrived for the races, and the -hotels and private boarding fill np. , ' nothing for races and base page, for the next , three days and turn to some other. ,, The managers) of the recent colored excur sion to Charleston! did not pnt money in theirpurse." : ' 1 "" -f; ' -J x Dr. C. F. Brem and Mr J AV Hubbard have established a tobacco factory .over .the office of Woo ten's Express, on Tryoh street ii The work on the College street pavement has been completed, and the improvement which has been made is very perceptible. " An important dispatch relative to the At lanta A Richmond Air-Line Railroad, ap pears in our lelegrepbiecolnmns this morn- Jng. . 'y-;' ' T; The depots and Court House are jiewsless Likewise every other place except Carolina Park and the offices of the officers of the Park Association. All interest now; hangs around the races. The increasing popularity of colored shirts as the cold weather approaches, is becoming so great as to cant remark. Colored shirts don't show dirt, and it is noteo comfortable, on a frosty morning, to stop, in the midst of one's toilet, to put 'the studs into a clean shirt. The Central Hotel has just put up a new register. The lastojne jw as opened on 22d of March of the present year, and closed the 14th of the current month. There are 478 pages in the book, and an average of 25 names on a page. This statement gives eome idea of the business of this hotel. Death or a Cadet. We learn that a youi.g man named D. Nobler, from Charleston, who had been a cadet at the Carolina Military Institute of this city, died a few days ago between Columbia and Charleston, while being taken home. He was a delicate youth, and died we believe, of hemorrhage of the lnngs, ..... Personal. The following gentlemca among others, registered yesterday at the Central Hotel : Hon Kemp P Battle, of Baleigh, W A Davis, Esq, of the Oxford Torchlight, Messrs R F Simonton and TS Tucker, of Statesville, Maj J W Wilson, cf Morganton, an Col S L Fremont, othe Carolina Central. Mr P C Wilson and bride hav; returned home, j Tht Iady of Lyons." This evening the Watkins Troupe will pre sent the dramatization of Bui wer's splendid novel, "The Lady of Lyons," at the Char lotte Opera House, with Rose and Harry Watkins in the leading. Those who have never seen this play should by all means at tend to-night, and to those who have seen it, it will well bear repetition. There are few finer dramas, and the Watkins Troupe is said to surpass itself in it. Reserved sears can be secured at Phifer's book store. .... Theft in Providence. Night before last a negro named Ander son Massey was brought to town and lodged in jail, for " a matter concarnin' of a hog" belonging, to Mr W. M. Mills, of Providence Town&hjp. He had concealed it in a chest in his bouse, and when the officer went to search for it, the negro ran. He was -pu sued, and, after a mile chase, was captured. He admitted the theft, and said he could not give bond, so they brought him right on to the jag. A little boy was put up at the Same time for stealingcotton InthY san'ie' nelghDor-Hood- 'J ' t I I ? ' ? V Tlie Courts. Mayor' Court. Robt. E. Allen, colored, was up for an affray. Submitted and was fined $1 and cost. Before Jwticc McXinch.Qeo. W. Ayers, was up for an affray with G. W. Johnston, and pas,aed$5 and cost. - :uien .McE wen. "colored., was lip ion a eace bond, and was bound over. .Ed Scott, colored, for stealing cotton, was bound over in $200. Same, for trespass bound over in $100. Jack Copeland, colored,, for an affray, was q4 $5 and'eosjt. V I r ' ) fin Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ac. Mr. J. T. Butler says to our 'readers this morning, thathe has a large stock of watch e3, clocks, jewelry, fancy goods, Ac, for sale, cheaper than ever. His establishment is a perfect gem oi its kind, containing ait man ner of the most beautiful goods in the watch, clock and jewelry line, and all arranged with the utmost taste. The most attractive -fea ture of the place, however, is the low price at which everything is sold, goods being marked, dpvrmto prices at which 0 oue can have the face to complafii- Besides all this. I Butler is one of the very best of fellows, and "Well deserveane large patronaga.wnicDis bestowed upon him. , ; Talikiidr complaints' ar tittM -gerieral of high rents. In view of the truthful and uni venal complaints of hard' times, which in spite of all that can be said to ' the contrary, nevertheless, is , a - fixed, fact, asserts itself thrnnorhout the eraai reonblic. at this crisis. it might Be a very propir iubj ect for the con sideration of landlords and property- holders as to whether reduction of rents rnay,,itiot be demanded hy the. emergency. ' .'High rent is a tyh "jde4 f V1 to heavy: for moderate JnmesVw-lfof meritorious nersons lust embarkinir in a new . business whose promise is meetly in the . future.! .n-i terests are so interwoven 'that the interests of tenant and landlord are dependent' the one upofl ! theothtr.!iAapUttort;t-ttaie and circumstance and occasion, is a secret ftrthe tersatilitybY iaind angeniua'nec prosperity, -:,-v.- f The btreet Committee! of the; Board of Alt ermen,' consisting of thei Mayor; and : Al dermen Brown,' Sfyej - Jlillef 'andates; nefyesterday iUorning; iite1 hibst,s fm portant'ofei? business jWas'6rdjlHngUhat tue'elaxhlch'iiad: !b.een pppih4'inab' adaBjjedJwprk fn front, of tie Central Hotel and outCtf jege-. Btr'shou fee frepiivedf and ita place supplied withjfcnd or' gVyfL, This, wi'U be done in :'aery. short itrhite;- y? Hi me'n8 Tbtcu.- 1 .Last 6YeniDg,.we receivedf: Uie folio whig Married in ThomasvUle. Ga on Novem ber 10th, at the residence, of ,Hon. W, M,: H. TreEevant, and5 Fanny,, daughter of Mf; H; B. Hammond, of Charlotte, lf. C. ':i In addition to the, above; ' We 'have re' ceited more acceptable proof of jthistnarr riage, in a package which contained a tot of delightful wedding cake. NVe beg to. tender our acknowledgments for , the remenibranccs,' Sueak Thieves at Work.'i : : " ' ? On Monday night, irbile.tbc faniily of Dr. E. H. Green; who lives at the intersecticn of Sixth Btreet and the North Carolina Rail road were at supper, a sneak thief entered the front' 'door' and stole' Dr. Q'sv overcoat, w,hich'was tanging bn': thejbat, track. ' He also picked up a: medical saiched and eanfed it a short distance, but concluding that it would be of but little value to him, dropped and derated, with tbe ;cont as his only- booty.. . . . . - 'i .'. We have -warned our people on several oc casions of late, of the danger to which they expose their property by leaving their front doors open after dark. Just at this particu lar juncture it is especially1 important to them to , guard all the approaches against the igbt-llogered gentry, . : " , Historical Society At a call meeting Of theMeck!enburg Cen tennial Historical Society, last evening, the laectiog was called to order by the Presi dent, and a quorum being-1 present, on mo tion; Gen. John A. Young and Col. E. A. Osborne were elected members of the Socie ty, Col. Wm. Johnston then moved that an Executive Committee of five as required by the Constitution bs ejected, and after a "-"-7' ' -r few well-timed remarks, the motion wag adopted. CoL E. A. Osborne, Gen. R. Bar- ringer. S. Wittkowsky, Gen. T. F. Drayton, and Gov, Vance were elected as the execu tive Committee of the Society for the ensu ing year. On motion the Society adjourned until the next regular meeting, on the 1st Tuesday of December, when business of im portance will be transacted, .. .... Keep Your Children at Home. The presence of diptberia in the city, should warn our people to take all possible' precautions against its further spread, and one of the first things that Suggests itself in this coarse, is for each family to establish a kind of quarantine as it were ; discourage the visits of other children to thiir houses and uK the same time keep their own at home. There is no telling how much dis ease and death may be prevented by follow ing this course. The seeds of the dkease may be in a child, and even before this is known may be transmitted to another. Com mon prudence therefore would seem to dictate to parents, at this time, when this fearful malady is abroad, and is blighting se many fair flowers, that this all important measure be adopted. True it is a depriva tion to the children to be cut off from the society of eaeh other but far better this thau have them encounter the rish of a disease which is so often attended with fatal conse quences'. 'Prevention is better than cure' any day, even if it is certain that cure can be effected, .and we think that the suggestion which we make is worthy of serious attention Race Notes. The races open to -day, when the pro gramme published .elsewhere in these colt nmns will be observed QThe Monroe Club, which will contend to day with the Nameless' Nlrie -arrives this morning 6n the.8 o'clock train.1 ; ; ' Yesterday afternoon about 25 of the horses which have been entered for the races, were paraded through the principal streets. They made a splendid show, and were very much admired. ' Pools will be sold to-night, at C'ochrane's Exchange, on the match game of base ball which will De played to-morrow between the Lone Nine and the Mecklenburg Nine. Mr. J. T. Butler, with characteristic gen erosity, has presented to Carolina Park As sociation, a handsome silver cup and pitcher, the first to be given to the successful club to-day, and the second to the successful club to-morrow. The articles can be seen in Mr, Butler's show window. '' " - The pool selling on the races to-day, -took place last night at'Cochrane's. Little' inter est was manifested and the pools sold, low and slowly. , 'Iu(the first race, i.m'ile j.dash; 8 starts, First chance was the favorite; in the second race., mile heat,. S entries, Libby L was the favorite ; in the third, race, ; li mile dash. 6 entries, Vanderbilt, was the favorite. :'- : ' ':-:. New Railroad PrJeei-;(; '' ' "Troni reliable information, we gather that a bill will surely be passed through the next Congress, to finish .theW. . C.' Byroad. There will be a'prpvisp, to the. bill, thatJthe Black Mountain must be taken in the course, the railroad being graded around the cliff from base to summit. Engineers1 have computed that' It win have to encircle the mountain lStiiny id reach TAeapeii All the' convicts' in the Penitentiary' of "New York are to be engaged in' thif grand wprk, their service being obtained from. the State at a comparatively low figure. A Clock ;RIver is to be rendered . navigable clear to. the base of Mb Mitchell. ' r-:-; 1 3ee iBrei we begirt- to see? prosperity d'awnfne'dTeif' ouflaWdlPTlkhrielt of the iron; iiorse ana :ine neu oi- tne sceamooat- Wiu ecnp again ana aiiain in qHTmounuun s'olkude8.'rAU the . freights, ,from. the 'great I marts of tb$j West,i Bt,; Louis, Chicago,,lic. will pass through dear old North -. Carolina. Not 'only? wtlli the alghal A station . ; on ; the Black be benefitted Uj this grand ! add con sumate arrangement' ot-ova- legislature, but it will be a source of. Immense wealth to our native State. ,God bless old North Carolina, mayj ahe in pne.hand holdweaith'.andpow-. er, ndl riches," and ia jtnejotheryeart and ages of peace and joy. t-ffa Mausoleum fur, .the Recumbent Statue, of .GeavRl Wiley, the representative of the J ie Memorial Asjociatwci , io receive contri tions to, the fund for the erection of a man- BOleum. for the n tfce rennrnhnnt. ' Diaiiio ui ueneiai ii Ji, juee,.wnicn is to oe placed over the remains1 at Lexington, Vav, is In 'our city". 1 The statue has been provided for, and is considered a beautiful work' of art, and -a eorreet4keiiees:To prepare a suitable nwlmotitrucl areYo'rHlie tomb of General Lee, is the most sacred tribute that can be paid to'his memory, and doubtless our people will contribute liberally Ao, the. fund.a All will giyg something. . , - - . : ' " The Reporter- and the :Palr: - WeidWn3tt 'wish'td'naVe the nambfre- joicing over the misfortunesof our brethren, but we cannot forego the pleasure of smiling to ouraelf as we look at some of our neigh boring papers, and see .great, -long reports, of AgricuJLturali airs, and refiectjtbatj wj aye nOjBupn worses tbat to- do this season.. AJ poor devil of a reporter never f;eis so sensi bly tb'at this world is all ;artiielSisiori ahd'a snaril. 'a he 'does 'wb'en'af'fer snatching a few hottrs sleep, h -' gathers-Tip his note book and. starts 'tortbe Fair Grounds,-there to stay and be bored doring the liveo long day: At.dark be' returns to; the ofiSoe. and writes till 3 . or 4 o'clock in the morning, about squashes,, and pumpkins, and cab bages, and potatoes, and about what a "per fect success'' 'and how '"highly enjoyable'' the Fair WM. ' Theii at 8 'o'clock'iie starts out. for another day, and tthe Jsame pro gramme is bbserved. ' " ' t'': f! We ate sorry for you brethren who have this to do; for our own part we have served our apprentice at it and have retired -with our laurels. These laurels consisted in the titie bestowed upon us by our discriminating fellow-citizens, and that title was, the cham pion liar of Western- North Carolina.' We won it by reporting the "Fair of the Caro linas' the "2Tew Fair of the Caroliiias," &c, fcc. and we deserved it'' And now, think ing over those times, it is our deliberate con viction tbat if there is any one thing in the world better calculated than another to send a reporter off on a ten .days' bender, it is an Agricultural Fair. : We are done with 'em. We wash our bands of 'em. If Charlotte ever has another, we will employ a substi tute and stay in bed till the Sunday after it is over, PROGRAS1MB OP FALL MEETIMG OJT CAROLINA PARK. First Day, Nov. 17, 1875. Match eame "of Base-Bar! t:bet ween the Monroe Club and Charlotte Nameless Nine Game to commence at 11 o'clock A. M. sharp. Premium, Silver Cup. Races to begin at 1 o'clock, P. M. Fibst Race. Trial Purse. $150; second horse $50, a dash of i of a mile; for all ages, with one hundred pounds on each- TRIES. R H Barnes, bg Jack Harkaway, 4 yrs old, by Knighthood, dara Penelope. M Jordan & Co., b g Trios OKeil. 4 yrs old, by Lightning, dam Zingara. J H Barsy, br g Eutaw, 4 years old, by Imp Flatcatcber, dam by Monarch. Burcb k Walker, b h Joe Nannie, 5 yrs old, by Jack Malone, dam Flora. W R Babcock, ch h Egypt, 4 yrs, by Flahet, dam Lady' Berry. Barton & Medinger, ch g First Chance, 4 yrs old, by Bay wood, dam Dot. LA Hitchcock, b f Mollie Darling, 4 yrs old, by Revolver, dam Skipper. J W Crawford, ch h Vandal, Jr., 4 yrs old, .. by Vandal, dam Dew Drop 8xcoxd Race. .4 bd il Korcc Stake. For two year olds. $100 $25, entrance p p. Half , mile heats, second horse $50 out of stake. ' Extbiss. . , Barton & Medinger ch f Libby L by Bay Dick, dam by Joe Stoner. Bennett Barnes, , b f Abd-alla, by Abd-el , Kader, dam Fanny Jones. L A Hitchcock's gr. g Johnnie B., by Fire ball, dam Jennie C. Taisn Back. Club rune $150; $50 to second horse; one and a half mile dash, weight for age, Entbies. M Jordan & Co-, b c Jack Trcgg, 3 years old, by Lightning, dam Sallie Morgan. ' Burch fe Walker, ch h Abd-el Koree, aged , by Imp. Australian, dam Rescue; W R Babcock's blk h Vanderbilt, 4 yrs old, - by Vandal dam Melrose. Barten & Medinger, br e Charlie Cheathanii 4 yrs old, by Lynchburg, dam by Lightning, L A Hitchcock, ch f Busy Bee., 4 years old, by War Dance, datuJLouisa Spillman. ftBJraaghimhif Miss-MgggijAjyrs old. byMuggiBBTdanvby BUCbeatharu. DIED In this county, in Berry hill Township, on the 15th inst , Fannie Mmftrard.' daughter of James S and Lizzie -J Berryhill, aged 4 years,' 1 month and nine days. .m:. : i' ' 'Of such is. the Kingdom 6f Heaven," SPECIAL NOTICES. f LadieSjWin; aexpence,. much .les'a,trbble, with their sewing if they use the .Uureka machine Twist. Try it . once and be con vinced. ! -i An old Baltimore negro whe bad emigra ted to Liberia years ago,: ordered a. quantity of Dr Bull's Cough" Syrup a short time ago, stating that although coughs and cold were. Hot frequent in .Africa, he would notlike4d be without it in h's family, n 1 , . , , lt ; . . : ': ".' i " " JlTSTICX- TO THK SlKQEk SiWrttaMACHIJiE f CoThe .foll3wing letter explains itself ? ton V iN--C;AGElDX,riJEAI. 80CIXTT. , 7 r- V Raleich, N : C , Nov.' 6, 1875 J TjH'Heatd Esq.4, Manager ; Singei 'Mahu- xfaettixtes! Co ? cuMiifiani : nn - . Mt Dxab 6ta.-Oa examination; it ap pears that the gold medal awarded to J and J Johnson, Managers of the Wheeler & Wil son Manufecturing Co for the best sewing machine with the most useful attachments, was ao entered by a mistake of the reporting committee. - --"-'-' ' s.; - The Executive Committee have ordered that, the medal be awarded; you, nd ; it now; stands in your riamejm, tba premium KNIGHTS TEUPLAB, ! ' r : - J 1 - REGULAR Ceinelare ; Ch arlot U 'CommafiderV No. 2, U. D.; at their ASY LUM to-night The members will take due notice ; and be -punctual in their atten dance a t 7 Kfilghts who are in the city are' courteously invited to be present.., . tsy order of the E. C, '"l ' ' ;E H WH1TE' -novlT v, ; . , ( Recorder,; mew; uestaimt 1 .. AKD- 1 HOUSE, rpHE rRestaursntif under the uew store of Diunu a, r urDes, uiieiy nnaer tne pronrie- w nBwn uauivia, xias oeen purchased by Mrs H F Daniels, ; who be comes Eole proprietress. She will in fntnm cater to the wishes and tastes of her tTDtn. fflers, in a style ,hd manner which cannot 1411 to please. Straogers who visit the city during the RACES Are informed tbat the New Restaurant and Boarding House under Smith & Forbes' Shoe Store is in full operation. -Oyster 8tews....:....... '30 "cent. Oysters Fried..................;.,. . 40 cents. Oysters Raw 25 cents. Single Meal... 50 cents. Table Board has been reduced to $t5 -per. month. MRS H F DANIELS.- novl7 tf . , . H'.V.''v . PIGS FEET, AT THE RISING SUN. ALBEMARLE PIPPINS, AT Tl AT THE SUN. RICHMOND DRIED BEEF, ., ,. AT THE SUN. BOLOGNA SAUSAGE; at 1 AT THE SUN. SELECTED CREAM CHEESE, AT THE SON. BEST GRADE OF FLOUR, AT THE SUN. GILT EDGE GOSHEN BUTTER, AT TTTF RTTN- FINE large PICKLES in Barrels, AT THE SUN. FLORIDA ORANGES, . AT AT THE SUN. MALAGA GRAPES, AT THE SUN. pRESH LEMONS, AT THE SUN. PEANUT and ALMOND CANDY, AT THE SUN. OME MADE CANDY of all flavors, AT THE SUN. CALIFORNIA PEARS, AT THE SUN. GOODS too numerous to mention, AT THE SUN: yAyE DEFY COMPETITION AT .THE RISING:-' stTK,-- ' c. s noLToiv & cos. NEWGOOBS Watches, Gloclxo, ASD- PA1YTCY GOODS, CHEAPER THAN EVER, -! it U i I-. ' ii f.'i :r" ft . 1 . . . . . . IT:, ) J. T. BUTLERSt nov!7 MOLASSES TAFFY, . " Made this day. : v v ;, - , ' ; v F H ANDREWS & CO. ',-1 I, 1 .7 k '1 ; u, 11 1 - .1 GOOD ) HORSE FOR SALE. i ! .V. 'Apply at' ' ijii-.-'n'y.i A3iiTjar:MEijfo. II 7 5i V4 :or ;o: JO!11 ' Last appiearancS tbhs Reason of Iht EmYhnt Adv the nehsrmjns ;yoang. jAreai Aad Songstress, , Miss Amj7- tec. -Tni!0?dy .aa ram. s'tfppbrtea by a 'ii ret duss'DrancjTroupj,1 .B? . Seats.can. now vbe secuwd,, wiibou t extra charge, at Phifer'S Book. Tstore Admission 50 cents ; Reserved Beats $100 , J H Hopkins, Manager, .iviiiiIu,i..s.. --;--eii,.-r -;'-'--t it '''n'eVIO't' - V--' tit- "1 .-..;-i: ' 'i. . s tr.i ) so ' : a f ft nt r lifi-o't hi.. PRICE LIST : ; " H IK " OK O -E 3 lb 25 2.75 Peaches. 2 lb Pine Apples, : 2 lb Strawberries, .. 2 lb Green Corn, (best) 2 lo Salmon, 2 lb Lobsters 2 lb Oysters. 2 lb 25 30 80. 30. 30 25 15 .2.75 3.25 i ..$.25 ni $25 3.25 800 ;L60 11 The above prices guaranteed for one week . Out Canned Goods are 6f the ' best "brands, known to the Trade.' ,r ' ' T H ANDREWS & CO. " novi" . . . ... Humphrey's H'OEOPtHVPJIC9r':eaDe to hand yesterday. . , . : T Q SMITH itCL' , ' s' ' '$ole Agents.; nol7 -" : ; ' ;( : " . ' ; We Offer TO Merchants one- hundred dozen Con centrated Lye, in one pound cansno trouble about the price. J .... .; T S SMITH A CO. nol7 Not a Leaky One TN a lot of 50 barrels Kerosene Oil we have J. in s store. T O SMITH 4 CO, Opposite Central Hotel. nol" More of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL, landed to day plenty for all-rit gives a superior light 50 cents a gallon economical and safe tir it. T C SMITH A CO, Bole Agents, Corner Drug Store; nolT GREAT ATTRACTION CAROLINA PARS, ? r.J lir -: IN addition to the Races already advertised for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, of this Week, the following' Base Ball Clubs will play : ' ' ,: ' h WEpNESDAY, NOVEMBER- 1TTH. Mosaox CtcB1........u.-.....V1 PasincM, CHABiiOm; NAJiixx88Cu;Bi. j StlVey Crr. ;, , ' THURSDAY, NpYEMB jfclt" i TH- Condom Ubx 'Jrjr"'-CttfB"'.' ' PaiirtxTw; Mecklutbubo Cix,!.;.iL"'s snvxa mciE ' N6 Clobs re-orted sa vet;to play oh Fri day. - - -- Base Ball Games to commence at 11 o'clock A. M., and the Races at 1 o'clock.P. M each day. ' '" ' " ' '' " The gates Witt ' be oiiehed " 4auV ; 'at 9J o'clock: ' -"lh-" V Admission per day. 75 cents '; Grind 8tand free : Children half price ; 4 Quarter Stretch Badges, including admission to the Park $5.00. for the season. ::' No charge for horses and vehicles. ' D G MAXWELL, S B AiixAiTDKB, '.' ' Secretary. '-- '-'-President.' - - ' nOl4.: --r $..... r.i If M .'V 100 Barrels ROSE POTATOES at L J Walker's new More on Trade ; treet,' wholesale and fetal liw for cash.' '.- i---: -n' "'!' t'novl4'lt ' ; " ; ' 1 i- '.: ' NEW A K RIVALS.! THE FOLLONVING 1 GOODS HAVE JUST. BfiElSr QEVPVjC.: ...BEST DRIED SWEET' : ',"-.11 BEST MACARONI and VERMICELLI COLEMANS'. MUSTARD. W,i and i POUND: CAN9,lGMUWB,j., SELECTED MUSCATEL ' RAISINS. NEW LAYKB KAI81NB; IN WHOLE AND i BOXES: " MARMALADE GELATINE, ' MINCE MEAT, APPLE 1 BUTTER, WALNUT AND MUSHROOM, - CATSUP',,!?i! H" OYSTERS, TN i JARS' ANTtNS, NEW, FIGS AND 'ABTJTLL., ; ASSORTMENT OFNtoS,., jellies ANDCAKr PJBEPARED j DUTCH HERRING, , t Ft- j ;ready sfor j table ps,o, i 1 tiry m SARDELLES, jANCHOYIS, CHAMPIGNONS; SARDINES MESS MACKEREL, in barrels and IT .rf;nr?-i ''-'! BEST LEAF LABD. !ff tu and JW lb. ROASTED COFFEE, a specialty, and ' a foil Stock bf FANOYfahd w; ,1 gTAPLE GR0CERIES,: -i ;alWays;.,1 ! VutV ictpi rfr iNn REE. AT ;tJ r'ositeiCripHptel. , 1 'inol2'Wf- - if 1) x,i-i -a TfUUo