A Duplin county ewe gave birthuo four lambs within seven months. Hall's Combination-was asirrntug 1 ion night before list AntfAtnfghV J Munroe has an Ethiopian ' Min8trl Troupe, composed of the tiirniber of the Cornet Hand ana oterC? f,Z2 A Milton man has a c&thVSoi&rtd half of which is cat, tttflfeVihe rear half is rabbit. ; , J" 4 J Mr JpeyB. Walters, . prorninent planter4-of-CaaWel I coftntyy-roently lost 17 hogs by .cholera. . . ehanipiprajup of the State as a chick en eater, and is hot afraid 'to'ntef the Hnts against a PjQ00 The deputy sherm of TSW Hanover county, on Saturday ,lai arrested iraniblers who had been, tflejeoinr . unsuspecting at the Wilmington Fair. Te Wilmiigon pipers are engaged now in telling7ust hbw great was the success of their Fair. ,The retrospec tive view or 4 Fair1 fa always" .theWeafir antest view for a reporter." .;JY 1 The following poigfrttayjrje cently been established Mdchange"d in this State r J&ftd-HTuscaiisiOj Brunswick county, N C ; Laurel Falls, Yadkin county, N C. Changed Town route from AVilmington to Charlotte. On Thursday night of last week,' as Mr Joseph Wells, f Wayi?V comtw was going horne MvWJj aokf a bate 41 cotton, he was assaulted on the road by'a whrWin&ri rind two taegroes'whd cut off a portion of his coat and rob bed him of $40 in money. The Advocate 'Says that it is expected that tneJM .iH Wrf flojuse,ancl rast Office now m course oferecfion in Rkf- . .m-.wJ... w f eigh, will be finished by the 4Sh July 187 . Active work began ' tar it1 in April 1874. It is estimated that it will cost $325,000. .- ' i ? tr ' ,' 5 ' The Biblical Recorder believes, on what seems good authority, that the nunc " no iuastcr ur luc LrtjagO'IO Alexandria, Va., is now in possession of the Masonic .Lodge in, JJdenton. N C tnat itlWas Mat thUherfosafe keeping in the Revolutionary war. The Goldsboro MessengerS$f $-thnk on Wednesday night last, some one hailed-atr Wtf 'rVpfr Heorj H Smith, vritd eies is Greene count, near the Wayne line, and aa Mr Smith opened the doarito iinswer the call hi wasatuted bythe4lUaea gall evidently aimed at him. Only two small shets tookjeTffcdt in ftltf arn ar(d side, the entire load having lodged in the door.-TQItX iBXYLC The Goldsboro Messenger has learn ed that there are only thirteen salaried postmasters in- North Carolina,- and these are, Wilmington!, salary $31300 Kaleigh 2,700 ; Charlotte $2,700 Fay etteville $2,300; Greensboro $2,300; Newbern $2,500; Goldsboro $2,000; Salisbury $1,600; Asheville $1,500; Tar boro $1,400 ; Wilson $200 Elizabeth City $1,200; Wa8kirtgtou.$l,100. A11 other postmasters work on commis- t , 8mar.Weed for Tanning. A, writer in the-St. Louu Globe Dem ocrat is enthusiastic over the discovery that a variety of the smart weed which grows wild in Missouri in such pro fusion as to be a. riuisance, surpasses bark in its tanning qualities. As its only cost is that resulting from the labor of cutting and stacking it, say $5 a ton, while bark costs in that State 112 per ton;iit 19 argued iHafc ;heeif ter millionV cThldesVill irtfitrairy he made into, leather in the West instead of being 7' Sent to the Eastern States to be tanned.' which infOlves the expec- sei of transaortatipn botlvvwavs for tl leather aoniuiiffed the Ves, besides paying ine isasicrn- capuansis anu mechanics for work which could juft sis welU be done ai-lxome. It ia.said that this planryieldlat least tea J?ed cent. oPlaiacMnCayT4yf the Nebraska State chemist gives nearly twenty-two iBeBQfnm.'hr root, and seveateetl to nintteen $&c- eent from the plant nemioct ana oak bark yielding from eleven to thir teen per cent. Hut even 11 tne results Matedjbyf tnerpfcbrMka ;cbemist are ... rrfct, It cToeai not follow 1 that this wetd wi'l make as good leather as bark. .ThereaM? ftfctJTaTljbfpperties fOT"tn1iiinggtJrjd MllreHbnndHnbark that, so far as is generally known, have never been equaled in any other material- More or less tannic acid is found in aliribst 1 every plant that grows, and in some the percentage of lanri!i is a HirK ns fmm fortV-follT tO fifty peV bent. Yet the leather prtf duced , iy.iBe use 01 tpese piania ntn never cdmer lnfofavorand that nAda from some of them is bad in color. I 1 s . Womm.-Mr. Wendell Philliwiin a rArrt I lr?tre.it bff the fdflJwir God meant.that the sexes shojutt&ct and react tmoh " each Other, and tbaX each, should be liftetLhigherby the ihs:irati6n ofthe thVr. The reason wby the northern half of Europe is so fur. aViPoft nf trm other in - industrial enterprifi S" jtafiaf lf AheftirtghefJ nnait.inn df W(n ahi AlbhfnirieA cap tured half oTufopeTbtlltm pwer dwindled: for his was male civiliza tion. Sophocles and Euripides were purer than Ten ny son jwm, grwi. uco nmfr than - Dickensiahd-Ivet a mil cannot read eitherfifcilbem t-Wa daughter. Why ? written for mek LWbrnc.i uivi- noT read in (hoBedaypiThe.eiTilizatipjDj AtliPna wm . mile civilization.' Af man was panion urtrpd hia hearer on woman, flrril rtorm'slht feesftt us." said he. 4iitib.3 co4nterPurrent3 that appal ihfjtlfWgqiMpt men in lespet toome?af suuerugK in these rottine citie irJLhis. oyer whelming feudalisnrdf thefatum; lei the State rest upon 0e eqnalitCof man and woman, with theertaujtjr that we shall outridd the storm." , Si&iDif&7? Ar .m ax. "Minnie Roane, the youriggirl, who in .freak;.o passion With ' her lover killed herself in NeyfY, York, fm several years resided in Richmond. She was bfi&a Wn2 WanTounty, of the mdrelfeclerei8.tn dpd her family was One of the high est in Eastern Virginia,vand beranees u vm anrnn nf tha most exalted po- sHkBtf Iff lh ?ft of tbf people of Virt inTrfA She-ftilher sfster about foui or five lears ago, left their comrorw .t.il4iThWi;Hrttftf,and came to vn aa-vsai W SM -w j - -Ri.v.mnnvi aiirt'atArtedaDdn the road to ruin. And uncle of theirs living le -'rfrceivinr ntelKgence -of their whereaboots soon induced tnenv io retuH Horoe.p(Bak7?TOfiWS' mond they came iftaUttJevAlUe: They, .loved, sin, and,4po ; persuasions, natiii nr tpars could turn tnem from heir;courBe.' Tbcy were beauti In cojicrasigiry rf ,a ' y 1 .j tf force tne ballot f,u niuhed. Both are . bow v. in 'r w M Determined to confine our usmessxcidS-c4sly-to XSooda-of our wn Manufacture, --e-offajcIxxHT of Northern nrManfa self, and parties wishing any- ting n pur line, would do f wefltd Give us Call. SAMPLE & ALEX AND 1 i : t i i V -e ' . j 'J "3 1 1 t a , . 7 .1!. 1 TCHi,-;;!! 'if! 4 '' GOODS, -AT RIGIER'S OLD STAND. A E 0 L'.JJ TEN YEARS EXPERIENCE LN.TIIE CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS, f -i 3-r . IpNABLES me to offer to the tteonle nf I M A-nariowe ana vianity, sup-rior advan V ia th tt'ctew ' ills 1 . .... r. FANCY GROCERIES AND CONFEC ?. :'. i Jj.TIONERIES. I am just bow daily receiving ; Fine Cream uannes, Fresh Chocolate Caroraels audi eajn nocoiate Drops, jNew Nuts, Kaisuis, so: bans. SALMON, LOBSTERS and DEVILED V -.'MEATS OF ALL KINDS. Pickles, Chow Chow. Fresh Mustard. Brandy Peaches. SDanish Olives. Sauces. CaUapsT&cJ A very fine article of Tomato CatsupputTip expressly for family use. , Tba best assortment of Crackers . ever rotght to the cky.dn$ieiao3da,Cj6eara Butter, Egg, Oyster, Boston, Graham,c., fn endless variety. Mince Meat, the best brand, by the can or - Auoins'-Aimni CheWiAg Gum, only five cents a package, every package contains a prize.; Among tfee prizes may , M lottnd fine Aioums, upiendid Hterescopic views and first class Sterescopes. No blanks, no t h. Malaga Grapes, Oranges, Lemons a a full supply of APPLES, fine and large ways on hand ' T ' Wilson's Corned Beef, in 2, 4 and ptund cans, ready for table use. TOYS! TOYS ! TOYSj! TOYS! TOYS! Of every description. Bread. Cakes and Pies of everv variety. ftesh every day, and delivered in any part of tne city FKJSK OF UHAKGK. Pure Candies-, made daily aud sold at Wholesale as cheap as in any'otber marietr Come and see me and be convinced. " " D M RIGLER, Onnosite Central Hotel. oct30 - . . . ) . f ARCHITECT. GEQ. WE LCH, QFFEBS his professional seryices to5 the desizned and supenn work : Toe Opera Hoase (and paintei scenery), the 8econd Presbyterian Church, new Mecklenburg lxnnty jail, Aiexanaer. Seiele fc Co's store. Wittkowsky & Riutels' bdusej Baiik baildtrigfor Breyard DividaonH Esq . and several small buildingi t 1 Office, Trade street, Charlotte,' N.C. - H octU JACOS MvMEBDP-L, A BAUJ EM. t i Cf ACTUKKR8 OF 3 A C s WHOLESALE DEALEBS IS TOBACCQf SNUFF, PIPES, TRADE ST.V CHARLOTTE,;. C. octl3 LUmbef UMc6 aw TTTE can the attention o the people ' M IT Charlotte, as well as of the country,; to the factHhat we Mye a.Iarse Burpirw Lumbett tbe Lumber Yard, and it wiu oe old aflow crices. We are also prepared to tIlbaough.'bills to builU and contractors f f hw hfc material. f TSS iOW as tne iow- uint , t,;ii" fiit.. f rryna w,in Jv- r wnuwi a wrill mAKA fifoou. n W6 B8V. XTtiaotJU Floorings 4pextouri5 Wecan always be 1 f; B BHANNQSHOUgE 4 SOlJ. A 8&eirW Hosiery. English, British, Balbri- garf Stripes, Collars, c-. at - . - ' J A YOUNG & SON'S. octlft Jim Notlqe. GN the first day of October instant, F B MeDowelLEsq , purchased a half inter Mt J th tBSTlRfcER establishment, and y-i . . . . j ft ,a ahhitiiv neresarv tnac ail ouisianu , -- , - -., , .... , m AhtoiiA mi me nn 10 luatuato ue senieu, rYtk ri-r nflrnnni or nnm. as l ill us L -itid. hookk-j All claims due me incividualiyrwncraciea prior 10 mat uuic, remaining BOwSttleipn-the-lst day of De cember. aext.wioutFeserye, will nepiacea e bands 01 au cmcar ior conecuon. VM -JTiCttAB. K.-JOJJJJ25. iNotice. It- 1 K'W'i'wpi.aaii . TTTjpOTEN'a.EabresS OOmpany naying er if "f.orjrf YxTmanent arraneements will fflr .nH thla-dateOct 29th. 1875.) re- ceivw freighriof kl stations on the A;, T. & rv Ki rrosrt Mrarweeiern nuriu uuvhub Railroad. Through freight to Asheville direct a specialty. AH freights consigned to octSOlm Eiireka Spool Silk.; L SILK. It is the BEST.; Warrantea mil oi&ej, iiui libesslei and Alexander , Seigle & Co . 1 . oct31 BEAUTIFUL v Line of ! Haftkerchiefs YVAvlH A both Fancy an4 Domestic, at : "do I rr. . , urea woods. stUost, for Cash If5lVd-?PPPrtuPity to buy ; I .. .. ,v awqqs, peiaom presents it- 1 Ci -T;T rtment of CANNED GOODS. Peaches. . r : 1 1 . t, rr, "i:' i f tiortsuoxii uomcsnv ? t t x rn JeibeB. rreservesjand Jeltiesin Tin citizens of Charlotte, and of Jforth Carolina. Binrs arriyiog her n Augtfet1874. he has tended tne ioaowine ur care, will be promptly .aeuverea io goji ftgnees atpoints de8ifrnateM l " T J 'M LEAK.SAgerft.5 'A(yOtJNG & SON'S. Klip VJiLWILMINGTONf Through Freight Route to all Points South. This Uuwb$irig fully equipped -for business, offers unequaled, facilities for the ff" rransnortation of Freight, from WILMINGTON AND ALE NORTHERN ANI EASTEKNmTIESTO CHARLOTTE, BTATESVILLE, ASHEVIIJjE,UTHEIlF0TirrT0Ni ATLANTA & RICfiMO TENNESSEE & OHIO, and, WESTERN N, RAILROADS, as well as all points in IjrJliUltUlA, AliAJJAWA AtKt MTilTlSTPPr GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIAANY ; COIpSlNbvLINE, AND INT0E M ATION ' FtfliISHifbW.XraiflCATlbNiJtb" 1' Y. F W CLARK, JNO G YOUNG, It' General Freight Ag't, Wamtnaton- N. fS, Soliciting Ag&yfjf C. 4, Charlotfg,! Nf C f I I hk.'.ij r .Ir T SMrtlf, ' V L.l. sept30 Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. WILLIINGTON NORTH yi1 BALTIMORE. Sailing from BALTIMORE Tuesday and Friday, at 3 PM. AND from wxLjniaioif ' ' WEDNESDAY AND SAT1JBAT. Fast Freiffht mi an 1UU I GIVING THROUGH BILLS OF LADING to all points in North CarorBa,fljaF PyTaddpfcW&W.Yf; -ALSO- Liverpooliassjow, ereme, CArffwArpi ancBOlhiir Eucppeao Ports These Linea connect at Wilmington -with the Wilminffton. Columbia & Aneusta Railroad, WilmWgtett We1de-Raite4 BdCwdm Raitw$xan4 Cape Fear River Steamers, with their connecting Roads, offeriDg unequalled facilities for the prompt deliyeryrFrifeight tq.ajl points, as the, 8teamer on these Liaea on arrival ia WilmiDg-. tosop-aMlayroad depot, Ihe Freight transtered indr ioejeq shedsv to car8 without delay, and forwarded by the Fast Freight Express that morning. No drayage in Wilmington and to transfer from Wilmington South. Rates guar anteed as LOW as by any other boats. Losses or Overcharges promptly paid. Mark all goods via Wilmington Lines. J! or innner lCiormaiion, apply to euner pi xqe unoermgnea AgeDiaoi iue fiiue. EDWIN ITZGERXLD, Gent Agf. Baltrmote Line, 50 South'Streef, Baltimore. WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Gen'l Aet. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent Baltimore -tf. AT COST "UTILDEeSSBERrSTH, -1875; :0: IN RpERTOrAKE feOME TlJSti THE i S T O O IK1 IUT O;i OS SIi IFFER 'TIL'L"'DEjEMBllRT ifivf niirTniin - AND "JACKSOU" PLAliTATIOII WAGOHS AT ACTCAL COST. PARTIES NEEDING ANYTHING Afe'i(flo(l un'cOppo'rtonitj of Buying low. Rememler December loth, is the tf , n ?JUSl will sell at Actual Fair Bates! Good Risks H e Beta to no Uiiatioi ! ! INDEPENDENT & NON BOARD, f THE IfiDEPEtlDEHT INS.AGEHCY. Office Over 'Nesbitt ABro's Store, Trade St. :tv v-.:;; tnarioiie, jm. , ., . :... . , THIS Fire L8urance Agency ghas, no con nection,,with any combination in Local Association, and DOES NOT consent to the TARIFF OF RATES of the Board pf Fire Underwriters 4 ) . The companies represented at thi agency are among tne strongest in tbe country. ... . 1 ji . : i. Z n will do wello call oousiefore insuring, or renewing thei pofejes elswheje. Risks written throughout this State and South Carolina: rr V T&V A iNLALR .m &&& .General lBsataeaia.genc.. oct30 Charlotte, N. B. A FINE LOT OF m. J OST RECEIVED AT i,:v.i u:.' 4 F. J. Rebman oct22 - - .-4- rjERRIBMrIOIfNEW'YORK. - Three htrtdredlrtaen kined, tnd all th' fry ing to get tb latest style Silk HatswKich areiust,received,at 1 - -9.fu.Ji... -j JA YOUNG & SON'S. mHE'TJNtJERStQNED ANNOUNCES T X the citizens of Cnarlpte.and the public generally, that ne nss opened a j , BOOT AN pHp SHOP in the SDiines' Building, at D Austin's old stand, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in his 'line. Batismcuon goaran mA nr no r.haree. -. TMR RATE - NORTH CAROLINA. ' .'i I, , f CAROLINA LINES- Route to all Points SoBtk M last. m&Hmm if law? NEW YORK. Clyde's Wilmington Line, I I 4 f r 'f'' f f frhmTmwYnpirf t . Tuesday and Friday, at 3 P.M. , . . ( , AND rSOM jWILMINQTOW 1 ' i 1 t WEDNESDAY arid SATURDAYS t aud South or Ea ojuJStgJio BaltmwrjI. Fall Rrjefi EsUnjPit.ea. Jft New York Line, 6 Bowline Green, N. Y. aBd New York Line, Wilmington, N. C. -:0: STGES IN MY BUSINESS NECE8SITA- OONVERSION OF 1 15TH , MY LARGE STOCK OF niinnirp nnniim iiinnu i.If - IN MY LINE WILL NEVER HAVE day that closes this Opportunity. a Cost till that day G. W. SIRRINE, Agent. TO, THE PAX PAYERS OF CHARLOTTE I Must call upon you to come to my office and pay your taxes. Tne time for my settlement with the State Treasurer in ap proaching. I cannot call on you in person, nor can j grant longer inauigence. up 10 this date very few ot you have paid. up. This m mv last appeal to you. ' r , , ... M E ALEXANDER, Sheriff of Mecklenburg. oct!4 lm - , . ....... . , - Agents Wanted -1 -. i 4-' FOB TAX Pena, Mitnal LifB Insnrance Co. ' 7 OFJPHILADEPHIA; mHIS Company ?W wurehr mutual. No JL. stockholders to absorb profits. . Every policy holderis a member of the Company, having a vote at the annual election ' for Trustees. It is the safest company to work because it gives satisfaction to its patrons for tbe reason that it has declared more Divi dends in number and of a larger average per centaga than any Company in the United States. Official reports show this. For ex ample : Policy 16, for $5,000, has been paid to the widow of a Philadelphia' merchant,' upon , which twenty-three dividends had been declared, averaging (57) fifty-seven per cent. This Policy, at the end of 23 years. had the dividends been used to purchase ad ditional insurance, would have been worth $11,046. Any reliable agent who. wants to work for this company will address CARTER BERKELEY, MANSION HOUSE pHIS hose i j k)cate4 a ori thev Air-Line Railroad laboait ..midway between v Char- 16ttsfidATlaBta,-at the terminus of the tourists may stop and enjoy the comforts ol a nrsb class ttotei, .recently, renoyated tad refHrnishei: - CALNAN & ROATH it au31 4im Proprietors. LI ANDSOMEQT LINE 1 "Of Scarfs, Ties and Neck ware, at - v rtf,,WA- lUUJNGdt iON'W: s Slate Roofer, and dealer in all kinds - of Roofing Slate. . Is folly prepared to put on SLATE ROOFS io any part of the coun try. MARBLEIZED SLATE AND MAN- f TELS A SPECIALTY. Jt Invites the attention of Architects, Ba?'ers, andthe pnhlicto the superior r --susedijTtimromV of Vermont andirgiuiaEIata feishld of aay desirea6rrf SSSi M - A good Slate-Eoof Jj m la an IiiatiraneeAg Jiiat Fire, aod wTl last a life tiin"r" AU ivork garanteeKPcgf Reasonable. Shingle JBoofa taken oS-aed relaid with SLATE, when desired. Orders wilt receive prompt attention, when addressed ta.P,0.:Box ll8 Charlotte, N. C. 3v: feblO-tf. HUBSMSROKES AND RIMS. fjlHE undergnedSffer ibr sale their en II tire machinert for manufacturing Hubs, 43pokes and imsf the- machinery being all new, and purchased for cash, of the best makers in the United 8tates, will be sold at a great sacrifice, including 40 H P Engine fihaftingr Behnr,2Ac.r r i j . For terms, ipply to W Whishant, at Carolina Agricultural Works. or by letter to J"iJft8rsigneq atweitora. . u. T & SONS. J) Walker, n-'i DEALER IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. .'MiHU' H51M Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. THE undersigned haying opened a first class Family Grocery Store in the new Holloa ; Block, . on Trade .Street, ; opposite Wilson & Black's Drugstore, South of Col lege St., respectfully asks his friends and the public generally to call and examine his stock and pi ices berore purchasing their sup plies. His stock is entirely; new, and he will keep constantly on hand all kinds of Family Groceries,' which he will sell as cheap as the cheapest, FQR CASH. P 8 Haying commenced a new business my friends will please understand that I keep no books.. Friends will not ask credit, strangers will not expect it. L J W occsu'inr - ' ' J. LINDY, Oates' Building, Trade St, Charlotte, N C. WHOLESALE and RETAIL, ' -BCAXXB IH DRY GOODS and READY-MADE CLOTH ING, Eyery grade, warranted Ous torn -made, and of the latest styles! . HAVING purchased my Stock of Clothing and Dry Goods of the best houses, in New York and Philadelphia, I am now. pre pared to exhibit to the people of the city and surrounding country, a large and well Select ed 8tock, embracing everything found in a first-class Dry-Goods House, such as j OiSSIMERS, .LADIES' DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, H.4TS, TRUNK8, CHIN4 and GLASS-WRE, J 11 grades, to which I invite your attention before purchasing elst where. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS Haying devoted a lifetime to my business, and haying an UNSURPASSED STOCK of GOODS In my line, I feel satisfied in saying that Country Jferchants can supply themselves at my Store, cheaper than by going North themselves or by purchasing from agents and dremlBBrs- . f . , r y-v A.U i asK rs one"iair cnai, - J. LINDY. apr 8 SIGNS! .'SIGNS! SIC3-3STS rAlAltD JA AJN bllL. ON SHORT NOTICE AND , CHEAP, ' BY E. M. ANDREWS. : AN, IMMENSE -AT- BOYS' AND YOUTHS CLOTHING A SPECIALTY, Terrible Slaughter iff. t its Ah WE have to-day reduced the price of our Choice Cuts to 12i cents. We shall keep in future as in tbe past, nothing but the very best - When yon talk about 8ansage and Sauce, we (Challenge the world. , We don't make Sausage of bulk meat, packed last .winter,: pu? rrem r tresh nogs, Juiiea daily. We are now receiving hogs by the car load, direct from .Tennessee, and shall keep a supply constantly on hand during the winter and spring. Can furnish butch ers and families with dressed hogs at tbe lowest market price. we jnYiie you an to give us a can. . , . ROSE & J&.MISON, ' ' i Springs' Building,;TradeBt. BRASS, COPPER, ZWC & TIN OILERS, mil ?cm? WW v Largest sUek that has e&rjbeen brodgl vLarf est sidck that has ejterlbeen brewjght to this market. For sale cheap, two doors above Stenhouse. Macaulay & t o,, at the re- fl?SHH VriWu-- 1 HttVtc t'-'t v&lifrJtXli xi r Wa wnnld rmnectfullv call the attention. of our friends to the fact that we are incrMs ing our stock daily, and are fully prepared to meet the demands or 4111 our jcosiomen and guarantee satifacaon in eyery particular, - - i 'Resrjectfulrr.' v-" 0 -t.i'B B ALEXANDER, & CO, 4 hYial - - - College fitreef: CLOTHING ' 'Tne, vnariotte, Uolumma. & Augusta Eaflroad INY1TE8 ttie ttehtidif of 111 Merchants "and Oottori Shippers in .Chartotte.and upon the roadsiinectmg there, to the eijraordinary advantages of orfflectkn.wJth - alLNortbern i -PomteuidSoutkAtlanBea:Ports;enj0yed::ye twSWfl.t PER CENT; 2 BOSTON, TUESDAYS ,!;JC.PRQyiDENpE HTt-il in'-.iT !? vi-..--jr, d. u 'By way WihwnaiaBd Direct sWm Line to, Baltimore,. Wedaesdays and Sat turiaysvJpanraaceJr percent. , , ,; . ' ' v- -u!Pfl PHILADELPHIA, BVrERY WEpNESDAt, INSURANCE i PER CENT. NEW YORE V : ', ' ) "WEDNESDAYS AND SATUKDAYsj INSURANCE EQUALIZED t4 r .By, the Charleston Liit to RaltinKM 1 fnouisuA TQ. PHILADELPHIA, EVERY FRIDAY. i " .-4A,a5-av oafUHUMB, TU JOaTONr EVERY SATURDAY. . , ; ; jriTedlteM,1ne Uaof the three Porta of Portsmouth; lmWgtolto r '"' and Charleston, and the combined eauipments of the CLC. A A W, Ci b- A., n other! roads, enable us to, bid for .cotton and al other; merchandise in unlimited ' Quantities., sad to assure ur patrons of absolute, freedom from detention. " 1 VTTf.'a.. Jr'" HpN, B. BwbGJtts. - ; - - OenaMsiMr.' fa a xrn a n a mviy a -w-a i AP0PK,Z. G RA T:: ItEI) Ef!'PtQN 1N-!P KI'O ES ' BOOTS ANbSHOES; ; ; AT f Tli LT PRjrjEs OF THR GOOD QLi TIliES BEF. Tlfe Vi " V : ; GEO.- R. FR OFFER TO THE TRADE THEIR LARGE STOCK AND COMPLETE 'AS86RTMET of BOQTS and 8HJES, (being the largest in the State) at such Jew rates as defy cent Jetition by any jobbing house in the South. Men's Stout B.. Kip Poets at 428 00 and 30.00 a case. Men's besjrst quality Brogans at $1.50 a pah-, fcJen's first quality L. 4 B. B rogans at $1,124 per pair, Women's prime Peb. Grain Bals at $1 .CO perir, Women' prime A. Calf Bals at $1.00 per pair, Children's Polish High Cut Copper Tips at 76 cen t a nd all other styles at equally low rates. ? ! ' ' ; Personal examination and orders solicited. ' ' GEO. sepl23,., NOTICE. TO HOU8E BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. I have accepted the Agency for a Saw Mill, and ain prepared to receive: and fill all orders for any kind of Lumber, at as short a , notice as possible. I have on hand . a ,lot of flooring and inch plank. . L. W: OSBORNE, Next door to 3i H.' Henderson's, n oc - " Trade street.-. G. W. CHALK& CO., TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTES N. C. GEN COM & PRODUCE MERCHANT, . And Dealers in Flour, Grain, and Pro dace generally, ' Consignments solicited, and returns promptly made. . ap5 JATEST STYLES . Felt Hats, at J A YOUNG & SON'S. octlft GREAT VARIETY Of goods too numerous to mention, bn belong to a gentleman's bat-fit are to b found, at J A YOUNG & SON'S. . oct!6 ' ' - OOtL?T02ST ronmlssioii Merchant, BRANCH OFFICE, fjHSTBf 8. 0. Pronijt Attenfioii fiirea ta Mini Orders. Office at G. W. Chalk A Co's, . E. Corner Trade and College Streets. N. B. Future contracts bought and sold oct26 - . - ; ,r . Democrat arid Home copy. James Harty, HE PIONEER CHINA, MAN OF WEST ERN NORTH CAROLINA, - Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C, HAS just received, a splendid tock of China. Glass and Earthen Ware,: together with a great ' variety of Fancy articles for bridal,. birthday and holiday presents. Ladies are especially invited to call and see them- oct24 tf A. R. Nisbet & Bro., WHOLESALE and RETAIL; dealers in ' Qrocers. Confectioneries,' Fruits; Cigars. SmtfTy Tobacco, Pipes, Musical Instruments, Strings; &c., Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. YYouid call attention to tbe fact that they now have in store, the largest and most ex tensive Stock of Groceries in Charlotte, which they are offering for CASH to whole sale and retail buyers at prices aa low as they can be bought from any responsible house in the city, i , 'pji- f i - Consisting in part of Molasses. Coffee Sugars. Teas. Soda. Brandy Peaches. Crack .ers, ''Oysters,. Candy, Pickles,: and various other articles not mentioned . - . ju20 --: 't Democrat and Home copy. - Citizens g Charlotte X ND vicinity don't fall to go to' Ihe New J. Grocery and Produce Storeof Tx Cole man & Son. College street. ' second above 4th, and see what you can buy for one dol lar for instance, ' ,. 1 1 11 Pounds of good Sugar, : , . . v L , r . 21 Gallons Molasses, - ,A , 1 Sack good Flour and i lb Sojhi -r . 5 lbs best Cream Cheese,, . v . J i, 8r. lbs Soda Crackers, i ,f. Wi, i 10 lbs Rice, ..-. 1 Good Tea at 80 cents,, . -; 3 Boxes best French Blacking for lOe. aou iuaiiy uuier guuus m verr row unces. Don't forget the place, College street, next door above K MmerBoBs!r---- All kinds Country Produce wanted. , , - J T COLEMAN' & SON.1 oct29dw..,- - , . ;::' Snctiiilciiwto8!)icrsi -wAunt-a tU us. fee? jcit)m -oifl 1I7E have lust had added tbooor-rlime two IT ,iadditloial8teaiaers, and we are. now prepared to furnish: transportation through to New YorkjBaUint3re, BostprpProvidence. FaU iuvera OUet WortbMn cities, with out aeiay. .-'e j Agent. ,frt-:d BilM'ff - insurance guaranteed same as by other: lines.'5 l-nZzi ' ir. i P-W. CLARK, 1 ! -. . e.' iiGea'l Freight and Ticket Agents i ANDf FRIDAYS, INSURANCE PER. : ' SATURDAYS, .Mil! 1. .v-i - .. aVawf.-v'!' ..;r ';: . . v in-: l,-ji .?. . Weekly', n iT TO NEW YORK, TUESDAY8, THIIRB- t FRENCH & PUIVATB . BOARDING, , . . iVtjt!.t VJ YARBORcHOvdE, SOUTH Elm .Street, Greensboro. N. C. One Square rom Depot - Unstrrpassfcil accommodation for Traveling Patrons, B- Terms $l,5Qper day. septl2 eodem -'"' NEW RESTAURANT "irbi-'j' - BOARDING-HOUSE. THE Restaurant under the- ne' store of Smith A Forbes, lately under the propria-: torship of Messrs West & ' Daniels, has been purchased by Mrs H F Daniels; whd be Lxtuies tolepropiietresa.' She will In future . cater to the wishes aod tastes of, her custo mers, in a style KAd manner which" cannot fail to please; . .:.?"' . .1 . t I Oyster, 6fcews.-.f. 30 cenM, Oysters FriedU 40 cents. Oysters Raw.............. 25 cents. Single Meal.-, 60 cents. Table Board bas beea reduced to $15 per month. MRS H F DANIELS." nov9;tf .r.'-.t . k j.i ;:f.. AND- CHEAP'GOO'bS, , .;-.GOv;toa. BUTLER'S. FOR Watches, Clocks and JeweleVy? Dia c monds. Silver and Plated Ware Spec tacles and Fancy yoods, at wholesal retail cheap. " " J T BUTLER, e and Watch Maker and Jeweler f- Charlotte, N. C, seot26 -J"0 SAVE TI55i5"lIOILEY' Call on us as we wHl -not be undersold, from tie jcbpe6t Jo the UOXHU. . , J5A)0 oct!6 '' "& SON'S. For Sale. A, ..Firsts rate plantation, containing ISO xL acres, within four miles of Charlotte. acres, within four miles of Charlotte. Ori the premises is a fine large barn; and to good tenant houses, all new and a. beautiful location, to build. JIalf clean' and half tim ber. ' MQch of the land now in cotton; will make a ba'e to the acre this year. : BJLaHAJgNjONHOUSE 0013 tf IFM0?TJA J QOMETHING NEW, And riot iabe.Jbun4 iSlaawh&el jot ofc i (or ladies or gentlemen.. The French Patent Umbrella. Sole Irgents;" J A YftTTNG J?ON. OCtlb .. ; "LEG ANT AND STYLISH Over Coats, at- . -J A oct!6 YOUNG & SON'S. "THE1NGER iMi.u4. J. FTIHE Gold Meda was awarded to the Sin JL ger Mannfactoring Company, at Ihe State Fair, held at RalegbOct.1 iah;' 15th, 14th, 15th and, 10th, iorethft :UBEST SEW- 1KU MAUHiiS js witn moss nseitut ano,.aP proved1 attachments." -" ';r The- foWwintf self explanAtory ; DKAitSrwWe iave. been, selling your ChemicaFFefHlfsetFknOWijr r HARRIS' EMnR15XTtUNRoariy-omyB, aad mut say that we have 4ar4, nothing bat the most favorable reports ; in 'fact the farmers who hive used it afe toor than pleased'and wiU Use double, the amount the following season... We consider it thechap- esc reruazer that tne Farmer caw use, ma aapwiQiypr:.xhfiBnicai: oaktiabon onr Tons at about the saraaceet aajone ion .01 most commercial rertmsera. xoura Tnuy , u.rflov5:i ?' -WILSON SBLACK.s )i l.ii : J t-? tn.i:",:h " a it, i:,?-:::1!? rrrr nXpnPi4Al Peaclr' Brndi4 ffonyjt to't V. .inoyia.'.t. ;BNJMOT'S 1 ''octlft mar9tl , S. M. GILBERT nniYimitted sniciae. 'lfiU.-- VI V ItW V . vv.---- -