v. tzccas: ITT 1f --K P.BREVABDMcDOWELL, .-Editoriar Proprietors. 4.1. Lii. Saturdays pepen&ber3 1875. fetter oar freesBornj-eaMO." - "OBSERVER" -IS THE OXLX r.i ; .r- i --'.j i -.; -2 : ..i'j.'. ff PUBLISHED 12V THE STATE WEST - - r- I SUBSCRIBERS r -"I ? tot . JSMbI -r , , . . ntee 6roorfattbr r j Inrn rejected communications, nor can wm sera tn&anscrf dcs. cttMtJUtfdeABCa. sheet of i paper canno celebrit y for 1 ts fund" of quaint humor, spark: '-llpgilta.S'Ories,- jkefpne. etnce general literature, chess and puzzle columns. neW4. Afti WeavA'arrndey la dub botb tdfttons rlSfW 1 lying .in : jail ,d from 1.0W tin the first of January next at thteluvg'rtrfefjoVtation Joyce istpiekfl iffixitfttirmi iVesi, u toiflyf Ym& L-:tv i Tl" '-P" t.Ji.flO Always caSA.1nafttca. tf-r-:i OBSERVATIONS gilul Pomeiey faaa 1125 worth of ele'an o- LatX-pUDLir: Bii-jr.xuj; iie s1 r Foodled last year an inmate of a cbai 'liable .ioetftu -it-' plngwalmVWMJjo tq Jgonddu', where better prfcfes TitAlned1 TOin in this conn jt itrtfeWftteiiHltwi orn rSileniLtLa.rLaa kbockAd otf .torft toflgl dJiBii iilhii ! nitiJaa from thr tnn l( .IF fS -n-n. r. i h w.t w . MHW-ffy fffj-iHYfy-"- LIUI lUlWWW UtllHJBUW WBIIIWIfBM . iruill I 1 Hi. WbeUj you .hear i man loudly asserting" his motw. Ja-J?prnclplefti' not men, keep your eyea- open, tx will never pay borrowed money. back vWodOn't' help to make the ire fellows who. persist in wear ns and samherrawers al at,owhave' the newtp4pdrs of thli Rkoftjenewecretary of the in MrBarw Jtoretlre froratha beaatlfal basttaeflft'oriH np adOdrtnring Qod's creaCfireV('(brtiv- innsmene of4 man The ------ , L - "wuiie or poiax TPear- will- un esoeeraiiy s.-rbfwid A!:? Tt ChHd-"Doe 'the rf)Bd take the papers?" Motbe "No my ehild ; why- dtiyou ask ?" -.; !.-..'i . s .1 , i natloi ingdf winf The ite SmmeyU. Bbc. of 1 Boston - feft.Mibitfrvck' fil mor fascinafed bVIthfi chartale6suamoaBtlng85;oa : ilZWViiiL aermona BaljU.raupppae that . Presldeat Grant or .W-T,, rr.Ti-r . TVTT - . i "I jT . FX Homaotimr -DolUlolan: ahonld Ue tuddenls thwn.toiriihhinaW;!' iiiafiS through the whole cotttryfVt i4 hfeaen it mlgnf -nie'itnawn' hi "'Brother I MobM'V-'borfettoTislfi HAyn the B Rich, mond Enquirer. .a; . - Gastave.DoreiseaKagedona picture 30 by 20 foet, rrpreeeuttof Caviars eatrjr inlo'Jrd-; W4a,...'I4-5''f .jtm!1 o WitJi vv. Unak Ifore pivi faftotjjytfltpys "II I wnt0Ufc punish. b enemy ltshonld bej by fastening na him, taetronbteof constantly htlng somebody. . r In 1778 there were tist cpm'ra tt b 1 cabts ii number abonrJf.OOD.Ooa. A 1 ! In . TAIra i?r(5 nly twelve years'oidirises at 4a m.. milk an3 Um JSdfi? BerMMs aFekelofifi be? oafWWilj. ) ; ;U to rcance HOTWl l-Otte-lotit of every fceven lnbabi. (mlMadlJMdeJbestiithSotieiry twen Austria 1 only Z5.O0O or 30, COO Bap 1 Known oCc ine worKI as tbQ W HltB P lie. . I JSAefj mTe MowMloo FTI6u2R1bof U;:.rf2 L7i friMTiBe jjramb 6f ine'Sjvania: the ay:1 .. . SLhejiLajlt was a. rare and touching sight a mAJSf9t BT' SWther day, I 8ea04WW i-WJJo7or Abtbrne) uenerat cnased .through . three cars by a .'. .-i wiTOjwwwn ireve ienmt oeaind rti '. . rfk iBOiVtsieftit fplants ; o; J aBHlWfMtfWerobof Iwhich tij.djjaiapapvf htJJ5lcans profsr it to i'OPW,,?immx1Mi9tKmty matet jand WTAiihU'Jk. - 4lll ?V rZi!IwJ?Al!T? M pretty tptaiaijrfin jTituMivoua resunaea-ine latt afshe goods.' t ?4oat,.old,rapots jujia wooden tube alaniiled.aa'iur n&w.' . ., . ' : -.rt ttMr.t n A-f t : f . ; t . : Alf4rotb rain Tfell fthTT bfe'mW Af-St . vi--. - - 01 were Pugnt sixteen goats, ten oxen, 'HKSSft.i ArjrBea80n of OM Htiiumeuse u uaiititV if bauariasrDlatt- " J tuIC" uay8 f i Probably one of the most trying Meai in a aan'a llffdt4H 'tik'4Tn.yiv.L .. . wife, seventeen years old, to his ifcighter, m eiaesi aaugbter of Gener- llClViJl-1ii3f' to marry a Ihoflroi car AnoweonTf jrTpaiseriKers wunin Mven miles t Cpt fbrir-cs. ArK.i and ltl .limattaibMrniJiMUt January the traTnsInlOaad, sfeletlCltf feet . Hotspriag. themselves, i MdMSdiWmile Tote? wlA Wal wen supplied ne maidens m atpresennanjet ad yonrig Uii rmiklO.1 .tajauW xn the street corners and qule as many more la playing billiards every day for; . the reason, as they have it, that llfeis a lone some, aching void.Naflonal Republican. TUB ST. LOUIS CROOKED WHIS- .8 .Qua of the liwettyrf kifiAj cresidimt Grant1liislnordmat6 lavtfortne. tegi I tattle, floermoloarv known as corn whis- - cj u . mjHhflrtcular article man ine lo-yflWLWArfi isr.firt.ain to' be a lues ...v.v . more clearly.euapnajrated recent delo pmcEfs, the trials at St. Louis ons of the IT fTB TT Tf THI " 4. : . 7 , 4 i I I. . i I - E I kaElWljieftyreoftr rflr)ifjlbttheTeter fflmjajMritehiiaia, gallon. Rights therei 'was wherdihey It iyAjilLiJ mane a misiamTU rue? wcjoiurhio iiJ.M!Niiit1ll VZ Zr; . . - r . - JT i.--'-7 " . I UlKO IVHimiUll SIJFCiVCfU tVW3il' -;WiKW I '' Il . !6wtWe W5iiai4etK Grantfl llalnlfrtl ai1irtlltrrtii4ooj l5"01 .... . ... , .... .1. j! - e4t man1 mieFiytimrevr t uveal their one. Thev well,- knew .his weak- -iies&fojBUtefJvetingfl.beverige. They fnow; behold. theirf follyvbut jtislpoiate; ihgockMh 'the' Pehitedtiary; Averl . .... . . . . , . aH.'uS uia. .uJU5' . "1 bosomriena,'.;Babfeock, is sifting on thefaeeededee. ' i ' ' , ' . - I ,, i DESCRIPTION OP A NEW -ANDl MTESA AND HIS COURT. . . html. A'.. . ... -., JhinkiDgthatanieyVaccounVofii . , . ' estmgt our reaaeis we piace ooiore th6m 'ortioris of his letters After de scribing an attempt iy tne natives to fob him, in which three or loiir ATri: cans were shot, he launched his boats upon the NAPOLEON1 CHANNEL THE CURRKNT.' "exraTrulrirreet Diy crowing sro?er a we auvani bly growing1 troger a we advanced nr,h Wfi Prntftr rhe Nnolfion r.h . . ' " . an- 0ei that separates Uspga from Uganda, "i I ! " . . , auu ujeu-- iwi,!. aw uas o ine wganaai fand. we "pulled down 'aXt and Towed towards the Ripon falls; the- noise bf -Ttwhrmr -rratew-ou need-kud aUtt tflflhT 1 'OitT ar tlKie hike shoal ed rapidly, ond we halted to survey thespemtafoaj-spot half a mile from the irit mAis bf foam cWdfeyjthe escaping waters. Speke has been most accurate, wjiis des4ptionQf the out- flowing river, abdJniapehcil has done I fair justice to it. The scenery around,! on the Usoga and the Uganda side, has t nothing of the sublime about it. but it! ia picturesque and well worthy a visit I Jvfejk Bniafl islalds ! do rtb4 cbainel and lie close ashore ; while at the en-1 toiaca oi. -,Vie main 5ctaan,eU, looking f sauiastneisaTefl liianas: -ot ain and Wanfcfstrttfch obldWof4b'tAhwe8t, toward Uvuma. but the eve of the Van kslr spelling foam and leaping waters than by the uneven Contour ot I.I I 1 - 1 .L . .... 1 1. i 1 anu i me ear is awraciea py 'JKmza music orixpeirptay,? aespiie th Trf orVhich tnenrhaginatioh painjto us, apd it abSjarba. all our at' iennon to watcn ine smootn, nowing service of, tha 2akey sridrtenly broken by the rocks .of . gneiss and hematite I whldft protrude; 4 "white and ruddyJ aboe th e waerand w hicb, threaten. instant doom to; unlucky navigator who would - be drifted amng,, themll i j ontr nimVifiiia nouse tne King rosea tan ana sienaer B? surea anynoof.hl 6gure, dressed in Arab ostumer-ap-household -attempts :. to appropriate preached me Vfew pae, - held "out hw ?.SS?f fe!ifiV1 MS1? ?!SS lowed -b 6rfeatcaptainTsriibotit on belonged la iLe "same nolltical ,CXeeaJOI KwtirtVrtri inLntimherJail mte-fitf ttoubtPtftM' the tyjetidrt ujbar,,aa ne appears to r tk ored eentieman,w,h.c 1 Iws arista . vi j r-Mcr;ftoor??T e ' 3 L-ij'iit j Dean courts, whence he mZfmmm Ax"? fEertalnblJSli arictease of fear thatrb,e would. mini. two" gallons, to I a rfiouht lof lhere is a charm to the scene that be-lizem and voidierrTJiB-'tfifUfipr-BAyB longs to FrSS1 ym ia outflowuifei ih'eW alft 3 diitsoftii,Witothey ' river, w rlif Victoria Niyan-lseent za discbarges from its bosom, becomes Pfect lK-i WhiQhcunuallv re8dC,t I ftlohff the coiiUf Ikira sCuth Wesi df?4 ti edifiihg th'g hbBpppte Uziiir Arrifnjffttihe isle of KrJva we se- curejj guid637Who ' Voluntarily oflfef e r. A MESSAQE TO KING MTE8A, ! p:iiHJMPMy,jpB iprcgeeiiiipitftatu, where a-rwg fihoMefeQbape4 bay was discoyeredi 'AfroniUkalus'We disi patched messengers to Mtesa 'to ap-1 nounce ine arrival ei.a wnite.yisito? inr uganaa, alter oeing-moM jlDapitfabiy empJfarhahds sateng the p,0astyf Uganda. vf, ! -Sty r Arriving at Beya, we were wefcbmed by afleetSfccaeseW by. Mtesa to coictiMVeh&o4 cteek. V ! - Arriving at Beya, we were wetebmd VouMirse of 2.000. people. wh-C- saluted I rv ana wftviner 01 nM. Knio tirrl ho KSoiKlnctedffm ste'Comiortable tainsweet TBiAffitoeai 5bfesM r1 chickens, milk, rice, ghee and - lAttei1.'! I 0au a ;lvU.ii.tu.iJt'L.i . -r, ..t I j felt mord chribsify than ever jto .see the generous monarch. "-".t.lii MTESA !a RECEETIQiH, In the afternppn,'? Mtesa, ,havmg pre Daredf bMOTRhann rforr m v rfifiention. I sent to say Oiat he was ready to receive me. r Issuimr oufeof mv-cHiftrters-5 ound S i I ,aw"it",t?wtM,ir aw icnpcinwvc fnaatiaeitl a Waff lb king's audiehcerj houseiiEbwhq6a,hadow I saw dimly T - t - 2 it. ; 1 : .ri,? . 2 wits oxguro pi tue King Biituig-m uu. As 1 advanced toward him , tne oi- ' diers continued to fire their gun?. The : Utuiamtfj drums, sixteen in numt allthi mAfiYAhyaki far mctits, ancL ccmsedtientlY embaiTateed by $6 "flattenr tion. -. Arrived before the audience hand mutely, whua .the drxim uea tneir temDievsnrOTsa, ana ; i. i. other a few f oreaPcJas, Iiurejed- fchelhjtfrtJ a'hd featureslof thlft-'lrtvekftil mnarchs MJVyf?.1 Ktt lallnd slender km build,, to ;I haye .,. j j u.. . .:iv. i j .reiiayHW,: "-mww- aers.;,i b .Srei?pipwiMJU llllllll Llll fWr . i Ul a.'U V J.J.V.A kV W V AiAU' OiltUVil VMiUiVU HJl-BVfc'W .... Tt ' j .1 1? " ' J t10a. wt WOTmreHpenBK ana eammgniter, o.'.M .iam As soon a"KItSea& bearl tdfpiee I r e wiatonce Mendly vit s- I had found and an intelti- 11IBH gerit rulerTn He is inftmtely superior Leyd yd Burghah,- the Ai sultan of Za aeuKe.ajcot visited Eiil-o-j has caught a nahh errand information which'he has collected fox tW improvement of, hisl race. If. you will recollect .wat Mtesa w anative-of Central; Africa, and that he had seen . but three .white men 1,; will, perhaps, be Is much astonished at this as I was; "And if-pu will, biif think of the enormous extent of country he rules, extending fVnW, nsf 1ntiTimi1 R4 to Mst lonrftnde gi.fid Tromorth latitude 1' toeouth latitude 8:30. vou will perceive the im mense influence he could wield toward the; civilization -utif . Africa-Indeed, I him in any other light than the Augus tus by whosameaiaiwe light of the gospel will b-Vrought to be beBjghtf d, Middle Africa.-. ... . . - .: Undoubtedly the . Mtesa of to-day is whom ibntcherv of rrien orwomen seldom one , pxtrtiin riniavme nSbeke and.Graht left him a raw, vain youth, and a heathen. He is now a eentle man. and. Drofessinz Islamism, sub mits to other laws than his own erratiq will, which, we are told, led to severe and fatal consequences.; Alt his cap' taips and chief officers profesR the same creed, dress In Arab "costume, and " in other ways' affect Arab custom. , He has a firiiard of 200men--renegades frjm Baker's expedition, Zanzibar de fa lro tra n 111' f imo ni O 111 thfl 0 1 0 t C' ivj.o, it v. us.v. wv - . Uganda, HIFATJTIW. A Specimen of Mobile's Fine Writiing Punctuating a windy JSditonai Chicago Tribune. 4 'Ntiiuuitiinni' i hlpjsspxl lvith .a rjvnrlt date for - the , United States Senate whose erection iwill produce some re markable resultsr Senator- Alcorna terni ddestibt erid until March 4. 1877 but . 'as tbetate'LegisTiture holds only biemual s9?siohs,ihis successor will , be chosen this winter. He has aspirations himself, bub probably no chances. rJ he candidate atoresaia is uenerai w mneia Scott; eatnerston,' about wnom we nqw nothing pro or eon. but whose (ectiun, according 6: the Mobile Reg- trcr,' Will be celebrated by a, whoop which the -throats of 11J,0(X) Jndian could not produce, and b which would drown even the hurroos and tjudgel whacks w6f an old-time Donfivbrobk Fair. "The (white) people of Missi sippi," says theWriter, " from the hilF- tops Marsnalrto the glittering auds of-the Gulf,' from, the dark, -shadowy- cane brakes of. the .MississippiBiyer tp. the sunny jprarej p0iet.Tombigbee, would, send up Jong lbng, vild shout lat the ereCtioh Whifiidistingtnsled citi- t hypefdritjcal pergona.f.'to be alloyed- to such ta degree, that they. ato little more thaa pinchbeck. Ifiey arcoxrecuy.;ae85rjpeci, gQijvi) iwords ?re Mttle jjetter tftan gejenback dollars: t ia verveasv to write such stuff . Everi our "'!prentice' hand could HUTIifeteiR' 4i UllilVliailU mO lvll,j l-V. LUtlOlttUICj UIIO people of IHih'ois," froni th'ei precipices oi uooe "county to the yeuow mua ot, Cairo; from the! foaming torrepta of the canal to tn e storied te ai pies, ol k au vOo from the flowerrsprinkjed rmipes, aial enaftOith towering peaks otour. prai rieauirpini the braacT." lakes . .that, lalve the. Dpuhdihj ridt and rdar ablla'bridg and wisoop and shriekf untilsaxangjela . 1 . . i i. J : 1 jut. . - mi : aiuir anir u v i is miuifr- - i ner ep . i ' rj must be .Seolden,! jdiamondtstudae rjearlsdsBd Mwdsje aceordins? to the WTOfAPPiG between f, tne natooaL Qhances 6i , , Featherston and the cbnstabilMf phaiaces'df Smith- Whs? ts-; -. '. ' liisT WSfitissrae Sdmjyfe of Ben rn ' Wilsbri h'avfrig kttenlibted Id nut intd'i8 mbtrttt m ASbnpi'ousidyirjg jnt- ... ;il.- m..i.::i i ynri. -:- . t . 1,1" veruuue, tue.vuuiiigiuii jnTajmne ue- clares thaCthe; ,Vjce-rjesjdent bad no idea thaVhis end was-near, and. op, the morning of his death, a few momehf i befoxe life,was fi'xtinct. he said to hi lattftndant. "T muxs?T irSR tnke'snirip'ninve vj wttytv Yibcf ivuiui r : ucu uq ii.uJC .IJIVi the waters :Tof eternat; 1 Ife ?f ard wholesome. Augusta Constitutionalist, " The, Washington, L'tironicle - says? pf lh 'De tnocratus paTrfy iv 'Theif ' real uiuwvca oic vaiciuii; vuuvenieu uuuei Uf. V CVIM13 fUpUICU 11 CJ U dice and -mistakerr Jthebries. r; It' is office, rpositiuurratrd power they aire striving.tarebtain.i.u ihis- last count in th4n4ictflientrsj we fear, too true: The great merTtPfthe Chronicle's party is that office, positiOfi ahd -power xnd tfriiagei they, iiewtily. 4laspise,and can,'.t Courier-Jowrnn). .. ". -' " I fri-i Jhsv.. Lt-a I wri t. ;A New Or teantr physician haaaupv wi.Btreuriogr.. nis -lee f wbr a .patHjjnfdies, ; Hemakeaa. Opost;irnor. tem wninatmn,,ands. carries.aon'ie portion of the body to hia offipp and fiveu-M.tlce l.h,at he win "turn it when the bill ia paid. KWr- ' V42R Beware, fi f - : - Biiemiv unziuit at tjauu i 1 t t i t n t r it n i mini Trwrni rmiiiniBiiaiaiifima niifimri i i n- t 'I . ALrwiit.n.n . 1 1. thon inrhA . ' ' ' ... - . . . I'r i . . ! .I r.) t. i.n.j ui I . . . ' tt. . . . s . - w than ever. JLSut soon riaaeyeaiUQmin inem 10 siuusra.s vej trict; inenarep, iiusporo';a.Hj and tfteesult of oppressive .noise pf,, the, .huge ,druros higli-fo 1 i H I for the alleged and .violence of thq mfvpy-; screamirtg. together; Jbew Vm'odds ;operandL'V "La- . ; Question 20 was Then taken up Igaid "M v.,.:,'i ill fliscordanl mes. i was - invited to suMuiessay-jLam -a -laoor-saving Hiwaeiai;-1 me toliowmc names were canea ana billows that "swefep with f Ocloeky IhiM? BJsfiBn ' Hpfland W Me- wotild8 hdwlahdVelll -rwdii.l.i.-i A3 t.... bey&rid my The way panes ben jnujDaisa to sf a felt reAtlv the nejViinvtntiaj J atxt ria agent e4 thenejvjinvfehtitfJiiaW n 4gent es-j husband's eye fell upon the' agent a wicked thought flashed through his brain, and he determined to be re venged. ..T-'. ... :v::'. r."T". "Thio ia nAva i n w ah f i n n ,r harran r.ho Till . .ill ..HTI A. .' . " . n- ,nto.efiWf HdH'KMirur ae their skirts nuich ' tighter than 'a tdr.'!tha'trI anV an ver lasting- '"WaitPV shouted-'. the's iioabalid; .pieaseiptainats wericings ewi 1 e ajson u ia so 5 -f ; . " UOl is hi ore- particularly .designed: for' la- dies." "-w-i;:.r;vr "" The husband sent f&r;r his Idaughter to examnie thhnfventlortii js rh?taH a "Thisjs a- e.iVKrtinfiaraJledupright, nn7it.uninn.l sniifl.rp-shflnen. nerriftn- dicular. two deereea. south . bv .west. upvpuft back'dres invehtlod whicbf T il SE,T-jt juu'-uS i-ir j-f . Jn ..j.-j.T hi ueuriiK ior oniv one uouarr uhuiw aKottted thetebnutband and vJ'atheiViViUiHil Ie..calfc twty ath5 daughteriand ibe waltedCMitri pt the room and returned with the hiredem and the chamber maid. see, ladies, Ibegan the agent, "this is aflon dVervfind mwl you-up, magical; tragical, two. strings to the right and One in tba centre, invention aor. pulling back youx.skirtSiV and he went .ou,. lor half, ap f hour, , during wnico time, toe nuspana, suppe,o, over to the next ihdQse.atia lnducfid Xhe irt- iriatek to eoine Wdf dMt tlie agerit talk. He " returned with ai f bnf en and children ! jnst asUfe'e agehttwas winding up for the- fourth time. Es corting one person into the room at a time he pad; the., agent tell ..each one about the "invention, lie stationed a small boy out in Ibe hall with a lead pencil, who was instructed to make a mark on the wall every time the agent Tepeatea ris storyi itie stocK ne naa --. i Mia ft'." brought' in was exhausted 'about noon, when he sent a messenger around the ward to aendtia the, neighbors, and thet agent, wasiJkf)t telling.; JSi stoiv .withouth,intermisaioa, .till near, mid night. , As the sun disappeared behind tne western hornzoh the agent 'began to sh'ow signs of fatigue, but the husband was as tresh eter.-- Elien minutes to twelve o'clock, thef agent,:who had just completed his yarn, ior the two hen dred ana -wetiti wi looked up and gasped, AlaeSjjOf water was inrowii in nis xace, anu ine nusoana told the boy to run in half a dozen more persons, for he thought be could finish the agent now in about an hour and: aSialf. -Theboy left to rouse up toe neighbor hood,, to hnd half a dpz en who had not vet -heard the story o the 'invention. When he was ab sent, frcqjuent stimulants bad , to be given ine agent. 10 prevenk,nim irom famtipg. Shprtly the bby returned, saying that no mofef neighbors 'Con td be found", as they bad all gone onran excursion. Tlie husband, on- hearing this, was in despair, but he had the agent repeat the story to him a couple 01 limes, a coupie 01 times to tne ooy and once to himself. When he had fiitished he was so far exhausted as to be unable to sit up: A fiendish smile stole across the features of the husband as he said Young man, 1 haye hoped for this moment. 1 have been haunted a most to death, by agents. The last man that came along swindled me out of two dollars, and 1 then took a tern ble oath I would be revenged-upon the next man: that attempted to se duce me. Know, then, that -I have iuduced these persons, who have lis tened to your eloquence, to come iu that I might turn vour own weapon against you. Youhave talked your self to death. Tha'nfe"Heaven, 1 hkve succeeded in my revenge. - You can H?e but a few momenta, longer, but before you die I- pray .you to repeat again that well, known stpry." Tim nvont hrartrl himaclf nnairainit tne side 01 tne room, a jjlass of Wa ter waff giveri him,ahd he began: 8 ""You see?l have a double duplex J A'ndhd was dead: cjc '- :Thecoro'ner'8 summoned, a'in quesfcheld, the jury returning a; ver dict that th deceased came to his death by too much circumlocution of the jaw, and ttjev contributed their' fees to the husand, and caused a dW ploma to be awarded hthi: as a testi. monial of tbegood, he jbad done the pubUc,., or J$ged trjim' tneWtfinlnitbn'JottTfial. J S U&TH UAaQLIAA C0NFEEENCE. :n!v' i,"VVtLMrxoToxl"Dee.',,l87o. ' jlR8T DAY. 'itsx 4 .' UL.,.. ; - , i mi " m : . : . c r Xorth.,X!arolina, Conference -uf the Methodist JEnisoapaL Church, Soutl,. 4oayehed. in the Frotit. Street .Metho- - i ... i - -I I.. r J4ina Sre We ivettHalivr, which was ungaftSi:: which th err Bishop lead in vmx&tpioK leiectianatrpm t-fte ertp tpr.eil Roniap .ytfc.3 Wjaa.read. ; .and lth e,hy fi n , J aungace !.pw sweet, S Burkhead, D TJ, closed "the opening exercises. , " ' - - niti rolWflhe mifiisterirm embers were ordered t6 bcialld.2-r " On motion, -Br Craven- was elected Secretary, tfet-a hu? r ai f Rev J P Mpor e maved that the Pre" siding; Elders be appointed, a Commit tee to nominate, the Standing bomm it-. 'teeToFthe Cdnferencei 1 'nReV "JB Bbbbitt4 moved that J the committeOB public Worship consist of .Eevs VV vS:! Blaclci J T Gibba, J E Manpwd.0ap1r;B Jgget.r ..r,K' 1 T Qnmotipn.thePp:nimitt.eon.Stand ing,Cpm..V?a1W al9T 7t retire" to prepare report;. r ." The bar of the Conference "w.ai th en fied.v: - : ; "i - 1 -The Secretary react a resolution ap pointing a dommitteetb inquire il the pt iriting iif the ' in inuteft' cannot . eorn,r mence: i m m ed iately v "instead of being delayed o 10ng.fter Conference.- .t . Rev LS Bnrkhead, D D, moved that a com mi ttee pf twq from each, District be. appointed totake.n charge the, sub ject, of., the. .approaching OentennlAl, which motion' was carried, and the 80 lecttdn" or Hhe committee Veferred to the Cbfrrmittee ipf Presiding'EHers on 8tadtiigConfn,mittee8.5?,:.iJ:is; a y,, w Oni.mtroh of Rev J dB.Bobbilti ibe pxAtniuatiottof ;eharacter.waa ordered to,be:QOjducted witb ppenn-jdoors f ; j fti1The,pi:ea;hers.were requested tp pre pare f heir 'reports iaJTull, so, ttiat when the question of examination of char- actera was called, they could each read u iejuri wibiiuub ueiay. : C "AJY hj?tpat wpnldiwajtc a, good bay - ' IUC:- JLn3UVtr kutu - u -tno uvuiu. :TheT Bishow) thn-fcalled Question 20ti; Are thfe preachers blameless In JVetrd q'cil adminsitrtion ? JSeTuniui P Mp6t?f?E, of the Bileih l astifictvai calTed and .charr n inrr mrt wt. u .nil a m. n u nvDvi l flm i hi iiim iiiit T.V3 ; "T " 4 NHD Wilson, Greensboro' districCnsrt-io Adani5,t:Eay.etteyille. district ; -R A Yates, Nerberne district : W S Black, rJrSifjfolhf4ilfrctt Robt G Barrett, She lelby district ;'J "S Nelson, Charlotte passeu: vn'raT JU. YTII J U Thomas; J D isuie, John Jones, D C Johnson, Benrrett T Blake, John W Floyd, WsW.Albea, . W.ll Mecharo, H Gray, Superanuated. . J B Dozier. Geo E Wvche" reborted insane); Bujfer&huated'. When the"name or ' v v uiegg was 1 called, it was announced that he died in March last.,,, r .... ... , . W M D Moore, s.uperanuated. ti W Kihg; placed on J the affliction ist." ' ' ' -". .-ysivTs--. Rev A D Betts, called on the Bishop to ask .the Conference s to engage in prayer for the superanuated, preach- The Bishop ealled on Rev Wm CIoss D D who led "the Confeferice in pray Eecommendatfernof vttm Quarterly that Jnp.TBrpgdjfn .he., adnitted inp, ta traveling coqpexan,(waa presenteu and the report bf the committee on examination into studies being fayora- ble, th Conference voted to allow the Presiding Elders to employ himpp work, : but he -was not taken intp the Conference. . J M Rhodes was recommended by tlie earne circuit, and was taken bn trial. ' !'- ''' ; - ':: B:R Hall was recommended by Fayetteville station and was taken-on trial,. , :.- .... ., . . . - , A B Carpenter was recommended by Rutherford statibh and he was ad mitted on trial, . 1 " : J J C Carpenter was recommended to be-re adratttedjoinlo the : travelling ministry and was received. a O.VV Carr. B, A Clark. A F Webb and .j A Hetman were appointed as- "A. 'J ' ' ' - ' bis tan t secretaries. The Conference then adjourned. Affii & Railroad . SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. Charlotte, N. C. Nov. 29, 1875. i 0' N and after Wednesday, December 1st, the following Schedule will be ran over this road, dailv. iauncUvs excepted) nntn otherwise ordered : .-f , GOING NORTH., t' - n-TBAIHSO. l. TBAIH SO. 3. Leave Charlotte, . it T-w ryi 6.20 a. m. 2 4.5 p. m 6.48 " 452 " 7.19 ' 534 " 8.20 " 640 " FT I Mooresville, AJ I1 1 D UlftlCD T11IC, GOING SOUTH. TRAIN SO. 2. Leave Statesviile. 5-20a.ro. TEA IN WO. 4 1.45 p. m " Mooresville, ' D: Col lege. Arrive Charlotte, T.1G " 2.49 ' 7.i8 " 3 22 ' 9.85 4 45. ' Trains Nos 1 and 4 make close connection at 8tatesville with Trains on W. N. C. R. R Tickets on sale to Newton. Hickory. Mor eantnn. Marion and Old Fort All charges must be pre paid on Freight offered for shipment to Section House, Hen derson's. Alrxandriana and CaldwellV These being "Flag Stations," the Company is not liable for loss, or damage to freight after it is unloaded at either of the above named "Flue S'ations." No freight wlli be received by Agents for ehipnunt unless the name of consignee and destination is distinctly marked thereo.i. "J J eORMLEY. n0v20 Superintendent. LUDWIG A FISCHE8&ER k '- . . r ..- ' - - Have received 25 kegs of Choice Milwau kee Bock Beer, which they will sell at the usuat low prices of inferior grade-. '? Best Norfolk Oysters in the shell. Hone Radish; and freth Mustard, ..also genuine Spanish Olives, by the gallon, quart and p n. nov30 ALWAYS REMilBEU -r-., v .. THAT-, ALEXANDER, SSIGLE & C0,: JEEP A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF DRY GOODS. Goods all new and cheap. We keep large Stock of Shoes and Boots. We keep a large fetock" of Ready-Made Clothing.' We keep a large: Stock of Sheetings and Skirtings. ' We keep a tremendous Stock of fKentncky Jeans. We keep a large Stock of Men's and Boys Hals. We have the largest Stock of DresS Goods1 in Charlotte. Jf ypo want w nice Calico . Dress, we have it prettier than can be found elsewhere. "'6ur large Stock Ladies' Woaks,T;juBt re ceived', is not equated in the city. : .Cay.and pay .yosur .account. ? , v v ; ' 'Alexander; seigle & co. TnovaO JIST KECEIV1N6 A Ftfll Stock" or WATCHES, CLOCKS IHL and. JEWELRY, at . r ? - HALES A FARRI0RS. V oct22 , . . VRITTfctf AT TEW YORKATES. . . . r'RET A MNCLaIR,. . . General Insuranre Igent, . . nov30 tf , . . . , , Charlotte, N. U. ! --' t. f-- .-- i . - -Hi EOS 'BALE OR- RENT. - -,:; .,v rd' j,: : ,;.-'t! tils ;" A splendid two story .Cottage, containing 8 rooms, situated on the comer of Charcn and Third Streets' 'Very-convenient' t' the business portion of the city. Thjs 3si neT and desirable property,, conveniently. Seat ed, with good .water, stable and garden. Apply at once to "v - " - ' r i- W B COCHRANE, - - . ... or 8 M TIMMONS. .Tr. !p"ADSbxiEsrtiNEv": f Of Scarfs, Ties and NeckwareVat ti? J A YOUNG & SON'S. OCtlQ W R-B tiff S 0't dNDrtJC AjisiirajfTce bornoratiort"- 1 uU JSortrt Stat'!l.ynhborelDSurance m. - mb HjJoyal" - North' America.' Office NEW- NOVEL, six My r 1 1) II E S T 1 0 IF If m Nr ' x fly. CHRISTIAN REID'S LAST & 'BEST Ji'OR SAI45 AT,, : t- i If... ay, tuglO. JJAV1NG removed my business J"ni mV old stand on Trade Street, to one of my large and commodiouafttic lege Street, aadfcavifig poid my tct k o GrocefiTT ofTei speclat adfantagestS my old customers in my large and varied' assort ment of i... , ,r ,,.r . Making a specialty, in this line I claim . offer better advantages than can be found in WesVern orti Carolina V.'BLAt jnl35 ttr: rrr G. C. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, Wilmington, Oct. 2d, 1875. t . : ' ; ;'" j CHANGE OF i8CHfi.tiUl.E On and afteisS?dajnC3tc Sfd,c?u LB.jer tbisJt4llWjLMtoJl0iyi will run PASSENGER. MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS Daily, Sundays excepted. Leave IFilmington, at - - 7:00 a m Arrive at Charlotte, - - - 7:30 p m Leave Charlotte, at - - 3:30 am Arrive Wilmington, at - - 7:00 pm FAST FREIGHT and PASSENGER TRAINS. V f ;. Leave Wilmington, at - - 5:00 pm Arrive at Charlotte, - - - 8:15 am Tave Charlotte, at - - - 8:30 a m Arrive at Shelby, at 12:20 p jn Leave Shelby, at 12:50 p m A rrive at Charloite, - - 4:40 p ia Leave Charlotte, at - - 5:00- p m Arriye at Wilmington, - - 8:00 a m No msn'or express carried by this train beijEfienChaHctte Wilmington ; only arTotte7and BiTelby;. " NNEG3$0NS.f f Connects at Wilmington with Wilmington A Weldon, and Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroads, Semi-weekly New York and .TH-weekJy. Baltimore, and weekly Philadelphia Steamers, and the River Boats to Fayettevair - 1 r : t'ir'I CnnectsatChW lrna Kaltfoad, Charlotte and Statesviile Rail road, Charlotte A Atlanta Air-Line, and Charlotte. Colrmibia and Augusta Railroad Thns supplying the whole -West, Northwest-and South west, with a short and cheap line to the Seaboard and 'Europe.1 " " T Paper? publishing' Carofiiia Central Railway . schedule will please notice changes. :t - B L FREMONT. Chief, Engineer and Superintendent. oct5 . COMPANION. s. AT - ' ' i J M. M. W0L?'S STORE. nov23 LARGEST VARIETY -OF THE BEST' KORTHEBfl ABPtlS, IN THE CITY. BESf BJ lfOApf0 GOODS. FLORIDA ORANGES. FRESH COCO ANUTS? j FRESH LEMONS. ALMONDS' APPLE BUTTER' MINM4IEAT, ETC., : BtC;". ETC. Come and see how cheap we nill sll above Goods, the 3336AJQI51 .O F. E ANDREWS & GO'S. novSO J 1 J's iSML- ' :JS ! M I KPro'llmOTM? corporations. I A II 11 11 J .--..i.JL t JJ i i r f I EIGHT jBarrels Criislicd' Sdgar. 20 barrels Perless Potatoes 3 barrels. Onions! iThe above will.be closed out' at Kw York ost. freight addedC 1 G W CHALK & CO. nov23tf . TJ R !A:iff;p;3H . "Magara'W'Georgia, Home "National' '-Jill and Banking Oompany",,Firemei's Fun.r E NYE HUTCHISON A SON. Acnia 2nd Story parks' Building, Tryon 8tr-t. T. IT. -BRKM", -f. 1. OR BORN K i i " l- CHAKLOTTE, W. c. ,jk . & -muflwa (TBiiua Tiew Build ing, Up Stairs. ari21tf. i 'HavingrpennaintryHiocated oflew-l w professional services to the ishlzeos 6f CHAUtbTXE Alfii VsCIfIT Calls left at my office in the dav or n residencci n Myerr Stneet, at eight, will j jm.., anu y to 4, jr. Al. janzz-iy. y yr. FL:ifMiGj y ; . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Charlotte N. -3 ?p to suits for and agaitiM, jau2-l fA.krlexand6fa SURGEON DENTIST, Offers -a reduction in WorkybS Suit the imes. i - -jT " umce in the Parks building over Butler' Jewelry gtore. Hours' from 8 A. If. to 5 P. M mar.,11 . .. . fifSZt-jPELEGET Eear .eBd R M Miller & Son's Building, 4th Street. f ' ( f? l CHARLOTTE,. C. 4tJRC3BITjBCT ANP- AGEJfT FOB ALL iCtKUfi Itoh Ffonis of BnilfliBL Galvanized feci Ctemsp.' ' AIL KINDS GALVANIZE!) WORK Which he will sell Cheaper than any ''-- ' - - Person; - -- Officeiaurani.Ltnl2-nw and 2 to S wiaaes to-anforiu the public at large, that he is prepar ed to furnish jPlaps ,of all kinds of buildings. fiWoxfc drawings in full, which will be found todch plainer than those of anv other man in the State, he being a practical builder, having ac experience of 15 years in three of the;, largest cities of the United States- He can answer any question or give any information in regard to the construv. tion of anv part of the building, as he is fully qualified to go and do the work him self. With 15 veara as a builder and 14 as atf Architect, he knows just what ; is neces sary tor a mechanic to get: along with, and with this experience yon will at once see that he has a pretty good knowledge of the msmess4 You can judge for yourself as to whether a man is-an Architect without be ing a practicai builder. ; Somelaf this 8tate ciaira tobe Archhecta.when they have no knowledge of the business and can only be called draftsmen, 'and need some one to in struct them at all times should they under take a job. For the last .sir years be . has been employed in this 8tate, and has dene all the best hnilmngsviwith only a few ex ceptions in Raleigh, Goldsboro and Greens boro, and alropst all -over the State, where persons can ee his wOrkT" - Iti - Charlotte he would call attention to fi P Smith's Iron Front Building, and 8ims & Dowd8 Store, and a number of the private residences here. "HeTefers tarhwwhsre enrphryed him as.; ad-Soperintendcntas to his abaity,- Hcafrfarnsaif ny desire them, the rtame t)f parries afta bttildingS, Bat can not do so here for the want of room. . . He can show as many fine buildings a any other man of his age; and; will tak pleasure1 doing So; Any persbn visiting Charlotte is in vited to -call and examine his drawings, whleb! be has at least 500. He guarantees to have 50 to 1 of any other per son in the State; AU are invited to exam ine thPVWhether they. are going to build o? dot. The ladies are specially invited, mats - 1 . ' i 'j : . 1 - .:-'" ; " . . CLOSING-" OUT , . .AT ACTUAL COST! TT AVING determiaed to move on January L 1st, and desirous of redncintr mv Stock of Goods (WHICH IS VERY LARGE,) con sisting of - ' Gents furnishing' goods, dry goods, BOOTS and SHOES, I O FFER THEM AT A C ttllL COST. Th's is NO HUMBUG, any one desiring to purchase can be convinced by calling on me. ifespecfully, , , J MOYER, , ppv2 , Irwin's Corner. Trade St! THE BEST HOUSEHOLD OIL IN THE WORLD!! C. WEST A SONS'.ALADDIN SECURItY OIL. Warranted 150 Degrees Fire Test. Endorsed by the Fire Insurance Companies. "SB- Read the folfowinr ci4.in&tA: red from many others : 1 - Howabp Fib Ins, Co. or Baxtpwosx, ) December 23, 1874. Messrs C West & Sons Gentleman Hav ¬ ing used the various Oils sbld in this city for 111.. . w 1 11 ummaung purposes, 1 take pleasure m recommending y out. "Aladdin Security" & Sdt?Su?rnfyrUn USe ANDREW REESE, Pres .T VYJLL'NOT FJCPLODE. Ask youf Storekeeper fof it. Wholesale Depot r C W EST A SONS. 113, 115 W. Lombard St. Baltimore. ug28 6m ed' iv y - Core CLOTHING Htimphy's HOMEOrVBlU 8PECm came to hand yesterday. '.- T C SMITH & CO, nol7 aDltOl4 SleA8enta- .t Final Notice., ON the first day of October anstant, F B McDowell. Esqf Vpurchased a half inter est in the OBSERVER establishment, and it is absolutely necessary that all outstand ing claims due me an to that date be settled, either by note or account at once, as I must close up my old books.'- All claims due me individually, contracted prior to that time, remaining unsettled on the 1st day of De cember next, without reserve, will be placed in the bands of an officer for collection.' CHAS. R. JONES. oct26 lm .''