K 0 !lf URlMJIURfefeu i FU RNITJJ REr! JL - 11 -- 1 ' ' - " - - - V)t$VtmiT8&F ?- 3; The ';f schooner Hesperus, alter -J03ing iour fi :. ft a. ''-- I men. reBCueatne crew oitne scnooner . t . - 1 , , i " , "--jT-::,Jm turret. ,.'..' .., t - iV . Didn't Purchase Canal Stock Tne son' &r a a net i,- proprietor oi -w Erirfift-tlETayatf TrtuMetfl1 w BaltUraor 8ui la jteftiiA Ifo ba$. eD Beeus, Pec 8. It is reported that vu u.ri .tu idi sfuiw nuu .v. ..r. , . i r" j vf vufnV. am . . :-i I twenty-five thousand donaTS, a of thjl niuxder or Mr. Birch, com- ipjiilj!! aand; other -oxctrpanteimainwterr saya the Jrrencn Minister ui xuicigu iffaiM afaic t.hfc thii reason wkv the government reiuseu wr poreuBBc-woi- (uiuauaiui Suez Canal ataM JJp ttA'lW. ... tA-A fr. .1 iVa ministry. Darrei nas oeen jueunucu as iu v I Tw 7.: : r.TEMiiTP. Ada, the wife a WAS VUAV WUV av I . i i J . ...JverommeaA hardware dealer . rMm pon.n 29th of No- cuy. one was uuriea on me i 1 VvA!P.irT ""JvJiv. iWm)MhiMiuiii)?rvlinfMai1ttulaj)irAn vember iiy nara servant hir 'wt-TOS'-ri ;Tr r i .a .-wa- AWv i.MVA udd ui ji . vv liutrr iui nuvui wi hiWcWflWrWWttiy IW aBBtii -d.o Il ban aotioh y?, f,V? oJ sir id.i- ,sh Mahrasnabliela U constructipg atrong tockCft'rtlidtff the latter, n,l IrWMIalarans will rMU4nti4(4ttMoaV Sir EKP7oypp otHtbe Strafw'3eUrelonla at Pajg. iaafc) -HAM a?lA 3CXAi& aaSIJS .U-OIdai ing preparations for attacking the Ma- layaas. The MeisageTJioEigMftowiI.aw; Beport of ti'Soret .Bamce-H; ' The Proapecta for "the Sfleitef M and Clerkship. - WAgHixGTox. Dec. 3. The Secretary collectors oi customs, to wnom eauors f plgcf QQies. .It is said the message will not be Veady AirnnriTueaday Jioon.i i . will mnliiin ohnnf. AioVif.Ppn thnnannn iriB&. Hl)35DirapH heretofore 3. Sarah Cflnk-1 have oeen apout ten tnousana woras. fw&S read in the vabinet Wateetown. Dec 3. barsJi linp. . a fourteen Tear old f ij j. .i . j i . rvi&nA 1 to-dav. and aDDroved o f uw bdaV ft" ' th dwty hom "from l'Ebesciefciofe thes bvireau. Bteaii 1 evidence ITiat' a aixKin'Vear1 men named Rutar, failing in attempt ;of ; clfittyJMTf nl' ravishmcoUrkuied herlk.witlvAn.ha- ftliPJl111 of work and . nence t has be- VctrkWffMlfi stjbbAe'cheaper to procure much of the ch fits the work formerly executed at the yard, arrested, from private establishments." The report of the Chief of the Secret LUUiSlMfJl. Bernco of tha..Treaanry fipparfmpnl 4 HI. Rnt tnXhA .PenitAnLiarv IS are wa.it- S The races ' ilU : i IX ii- taj? l! ?ct - action oi tne granu jury, Saeea Postponed acuoEacnoaAY rpdsptfna sa'nyri Tii: .;oiM:.-.---aiai Williams and Ferguson, f the "miir derers. have been respited to Decem ber 8iaiwH4n &4y wilp fcarig certaifF lyiUnesa.te supreme Vourt grants a new triaLj) ;aS adi o? ;r.;? . ;..-. HEW YOBK revenifelihd poetat iawsifcc 83 were have bien acquitted, and he bajaiice turned over to. the SUte authorities and released on bail or nol '.prosequi. Thirty counterfeit plates were captor The amount of fines imposed were 9M,oob- It is reported that the friends of Kerr and Bandall have some uonfi Hence ' neither' ftiiift' Xrprit.nrPB ViAavifV -iBflift tns&M on bets, .though bavy men in thVt BrifikUjara' , PeUtion - Perriei Know-here from Philadelphia and iSSkAnV. " nfT .York... There are some fifty laaWP3..ConoraA1 Raidairihiore aaeuiae friends claim The Supwme,ikwt:rej'4!g jntgr. almost certainly lead the field on that ttmbree fleroesTrho vote and ohit Will murtierHlJttbnTlJLar.T M PC .n k. ... wh is 'strength, Doimeortireatezday,t a petition waa ef Qhio wdi come to thefacey , He feelrepmteV 4 ApOWfliMf fthir iee-rrThe Bricklayers 'AsaoclationVaskraJrtfie fnens efbr. ox are warmVnearn; passageof an ondi nance authorizing ataduUigiV&Miri gobJweijebce their em PX5ppta thejaiblic works, but when they eavo- him as ibey na It recited fliatf mjir Ttsfdciation con- turall; mutK they will doubtless be aistedisof upward -pf- fiYe.;thoua he balance of poorer ahd will really lttie"mr8, ?itlSatG1i(Jt mote Hhn ode Wmftft -the :oTawftiiation. "T -Thiar is fifHb 9f tbipBoanibrs wereorto:; about all they hope to do. They give that they had passed through two no sign as to. their secpud.choice,, ji ii.i . v 1 . - ' ' tal could not or ould not employ cojint of determined opposition, he thew-'ftey ilf hot be abTe to m'mimklkW sustain their families dnagAhe pree- erballofc i Adms,)f Kentucky, wintej- p4,ihhe1,cJt1y,:Wu8t 6ftc$ifc$m&tfofc&li 1 ' GIVE ENTIRE itTiA.TlStAaIQfii! AND TO BEAT ----- ' QTJvSTOPE.mOF -A.T.T, OKZHsTX)S . .-. -aJ;- A'J-iiii A -ill? ij'iit. - -t" ,r .... , ' Furniture, Bedding, Windpw Shades, &c, IS NOW COMPLETE AND WE INVITE AN INSPECTION OFBAME. OUR STOCK OF nr.4. -------.r-s5 IV7iao AO- IS UNUSUALLY LARGE and ATTBACTITB. GIVE US A CALL AND WE GUARANTEE TO SHOW THE- r RGB AD-- a n ms; 'g x8 o'c II ft V U T A T T r fur a .,. ...(,. - r.,... I. .. . . OF FITRNIT tJlCE1 jEVilR EXlilBITED I5T WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA AND AT PRICES THaT CANNOT FAIL TO MEET YOUR APPROBATION. 8V .'. '':-.;- GUARANTEED TO jasof. -4 liiw hvhV.J sdisi siasxa : TEkST4 TRfAt) '3 I TREBT, OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSE. WALTER BR Efifi IVlMRTIW, AGENTS, CORNER TRADE and TRYON STREET&IOHARLOTTE, N. C, L A T E S T T A R R I r A 'L i i 5-.. -OF- !E 2" i hiladelphial iec. . p. i mm 131 Bobtom. iDec, . Sir Quiet : mid 131: net receipts 818; gross 678. n Norfolk, Dec. S. Dull; mid:12: net receipts 2 847: ex coast 204 ; CifARLfisTOK, ! Dec. 3. steady ; mid 1$ net receipts 3,763; experts coast 160; sales 1,500. " 1 x - - New YoRKi Dec. 3 Cotton' - qt sales 3,042 bfflitA3lJ16. J Futures closecr dull But ffeadv, sales 12.000 ; Dec 13 1-16, Jan 13Ja5-16. Feb 13 5-1611-32. March 13 17-32a9-16, April 13 23-32ai, May 13 20-32al5-16, June 14 3-32a, July .14 7-32al, Augubt 14o-16af. Money, mod demand, 4ao; sterling; Suiet, 3J ; goia lot ; govt s ul and heavy; new fives 17 J; States quiet and nom. - ' B ALTfMORB,-Dec -Oats dull 'End unchanged ; rye nominal, 80a85; pro visions, order trade active ; pork stea dy, 2250; bulk meat dull, tend down, shoulders 8 ; clear rib 11, jobbing packed bacon scarce and firm ; sbotiU derail, clear'rib 14a; hams 15al6j lard rehned, steady at 14 ; coffee strong, buoyant, jobbing 19a22J; whiskey ea sier, 16 ; sugar firm, 101. - TWEKTY BARRELS PEARL GRITS. TWENTY-EIVE BBLS. IRISH POTATOES. ..2 . r H PAVTTQ SO A P v,h SI i T. a ifi T All id r. -u . FIFTY BOXES CHEESE. C II ARL,TTE MARKETS ; OBSERVER OFFICE CHAaLorrs. N. C, Dec. 4, 1875. The Cotton Market. Sales were light, yesterday, and thV mar ket was quiet; indeed there was verv little feeling In it. We quote prices : Inferior...w.....:.....M... 911 LowMiddUng llal Middling 12i Good Middling....-...-., (avenge) 121 ' Sales of the day 1 13 ba!e. ttfel .rMV aantubln ' nlitan. nn Tha ttyfldldseditl! Htefndatfr aeni ITl ':o&WMa&:faLi mimmmiib WhhoW stigpwti outside df thrown ISJT .Sfeate, w,hihlj8 i solid; tor ;.h!ih The sW RWf AV'fcPf,Ji - Tr 17S,M lTfrpttldts' are-net so loseItfii JedrivnitofchitfeeitwmUy ! fivasl,,fc,f i CWfi&trKK titth PRODUCE MARKET! Corn is in light demand and declining, Flour.dall and nominal. Bacon ceclining. Batter and eggs Sn demand. 1 , ": XBimaRattA Boom Hams, per lb . Sides, '" Shoulders, Hog Round. Beeneaz I ' ''- Butter Choice, Brandy Apple, trt lPeach, , Eaa$:ve down Tonr Family,?per sack. Extra, . I 'i r r PruUDiied AW8f peTfio "Peaches, Crten 'Apptaper bushel, '- Fowh hlcketts. each' u Turkeys. ' -T Docks, f Grain White, per bushel, 1618 14 15 I2i 12 TEJU TIEROBS TjAJ&ID. Hams, Bacon,' Flour, Rice. Salt, Sugar and Coffee, " .. ;7''" AT ' LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES. " BY ItiLj&.insn&, HSrMMW cS ROSS. rfovll ' ELI AS, COHEN & ROESSLER, ARE DAILY RECEIVING LARGE QUANTITIES OFFACY AND STAPLE Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Notrohs,, Groceries, Crockery and everything needed in a country Store, which they will sell LOW DOWN E0R CASH. r - i. y-, iv i 4 : v OUR MR ELIAS has just returned from the Northern Markets, where he look the ad vantage of the late fall In Dry Goods to buy extensively WhoipsalQ and Retail; Buyers VFill cave money by examining onr Stock before making .their purchases. Another lot of those Cheap-BhCk 4ipaccsp Justjreceiued. Call and see ns at Masonic Temple Building. ELIAS. C OH E 4 R 0 ESS L E R oct23 NBVV MEAT MARKET; "Unquestionably the bestsastained work of the kind in the World,". HARPERS MAGAZINE. ILLUSTRATED. .jgyifRW the race for post master livefyV;Tbe . have Ibeen 'discontinued North of first . pool. irg3L':'Bh!Clatl 1, Mhtim The steamer H M Vel la mmMM Ak . wa9tift4oaiy icevadySwohe0 at ' 7i-t rfiujo Barry town. All were saved. "Wisdom," quoth the sage, "cometh vdnrii -is.a nen manure woesfruseo-Hiisompost .y41"1";'''- ; Lwith muck thjs decompbsedfsay lt 4la!60 nMBPMKrt'rrxn ,t pnftparfften jnaflQre t to three r the fiuoii ssuiKn'I ?ua?lio sfaafi. i-i ji f mack.-itever m,ix t,ll4t time tog vvuiswa jqoaeTqvo tna .tmo'oT baa nimi t U8e ll ana cover H)0Arter ypu.arep ''"ixiJA-limwanal it. it u a safe precaution to put a little . -.!-. 3-mu r l nure a.na tni ppn com ni nrn ir. nn ie muck contains much lfs ' firy wttfcoage.'Si: t'i)Oti quacked a Journal,1pJCf';c1 ;,;-.-... -,.-uji df:n:iM !.', -.va ,. WWKWAiratejmipaea ipaywanna. posing it hPAm nTou -fttlfdaiallynTBttiooiiale v S W U;yI('cajaafoni9Rtaiio9Anl set :Hifc wawor,ey( ;i doi .jf i tne ammonia tree, ili7fll 'I?on- et, by'th'e develdnment of heat. A bushel of eood hen manure has beeh khowi Ito' iprWIuce ten tons of beets. Always save every ounce of neji .manure U .ia. worth . about, as laich asscuan ifit 4a tuDerJv sved f4 and husbanded jT that Js.keot drv till bWsedt , willcbenefia the WEATHER PKOBAt "HI mTQE ;TOFfi fefd,ytb Jarfxtentalioat'edbal i m.M I . J 1 ; w 'iS C I . j - V fJS-t tTtiXJ.lt ii: -,- i .i wr " a wtMttftfTa ano Washixgtok, Dec. 3. ! 6i tAfiKbof liiaiodfi: States, farW bWirfeieT, northeaat to 1n?rVTa?mi.lpudy ,tfd eccVCfliHilrija f.ins. . - bo ,bVhi TEKlTifl tfarlgation Cloaed The Sannyiide CapUin iSMerated Death A RotW)CT,'Dc3,ThaVfc.tigition - .The - Coroner's jury exonerated the CaptayifVndews 6f thehSnnnyside.j t rWxjW iir jaa u Armsoy, an eminent surgeon, la deadi.yu Rochxstee, Deo3jthanSprague, colored, for two years employed? in the pol-oCcas afrmi:! todiy for teaTingklUinr.r Fourteen were found n bia possession. jr. t1 in&life' toViraV 6orh tBefe'ehs Vm 1 Ifiw'DiRiASK 2Dee;37Xilet; MiU 1? U Iof Ur? bfdMiry lOTt nef receipt 3,224: gross .receipts Mfd ttfc'ffales' 325 t 5,70S; -sales 8,60a iu i imu a Galveotok. Dec. 3.Market quiet ; middlmg fI2; net receipts 1,916; ex coast ioi sales .yu; x ii w vh JUOBILE, liec . Vulel v irrM net receipts-1,118 jaleslA500. - it Augusta, Dec. 'k.-tfa&eoiUy n iddlipg;;2i; net receipts .1 5?7aalefc 1,380. , - - jji .'wno'l t ai 'iSpHift Dee-Steady; rnid 12JT net receipts 3,135; sales i,oW.'? Noticed of the Press. The ever increasing circulation of this ex cellent monthly proves its continued adap tation to popular desires and needs. In deed, when we think in how many -homes impenetrates fevery.montb, we,must consider ICas one of the educators as well as ehtet ners of the4ublic mind. Boston fifafej Jthe character which this Magazine pos aeases for variety, enterprise, alaisticrealth, and literary culture that has keep pace with, tilt has notAd the times, should carti- Its nortnductors To reeard it with fastinable com l4J ma . . " . . -Sfc- t fzuacency. xne Magazine oasoonegiwwia I I t7inlm "Borne or kbe most copa - u - - - . JARGEST And best Stock of Clothing, consisting of Cloth, Chinchilla Heaver, Melton's Tnoco, Scotch, Ac, at J A YOUNG & SON'S. octld R O S E & J A MIrS-0 JS Springs' Building, Opposite Central Hotel, on Trade Street, arid next door to Farmers' Savings Bank, SLAUGHTERERS AM) WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALERS IN 1 75 S0( a 25ah0 3 2$ popu ired -nil : . r n 60 6a57n White, Oats Black, Oi-ture clfayi j i , . IV Mixed, ' " i,rr Common, Onion. (57 lbs to bushnJ). PMao Irish, 8weet, lTew-TBbi -washed. .ii0awashedv 1 35 lar o&Haodern. nov- this qis, it 19 an ex-cemnt rvea ts great sue- . ri.-7-7i.' 7 - 125 V - le u xfk iFostage fieelo all SnWsvibeiaJn theUnikd i , Tt, w. States. 4RrxB's MQACiKK, Tme veaf, m40 $4 Ogincludes prepsymentjF JJ. 8. postage P4a 1 lie publishers. rar nn arlrfrftif ir on vmi gQ l vfc auuicf tut vhc wif i.w , i-njoiLag - ?6t00 75al00 76al00 ..!- .- 8 1 "LXiAn-ExtfaToDV of eithcrthe MafizThe I 111 uiie rciuiiiBiiwc , vi i j. hpr flf ATE OI? SORTB CAStOLIlfe) SiSi Mat KLKHBCHO CODRTT. j Court, J Haves. s. -C T. Allison W .D nfetraMlSefiffiCJi nder, Deceased. " The Dlaintiif ia-behalf of himself and ill other creditors, haying commenced a special proceeding ApainM lbe,idefndnts. lor the settlement of the estate of their intestate and the summons having" been issued in the said proceeclngretornable before me on the Wh dav of OcU 1875. . J?6w theretore it is. ordered that the said case be continued jatai til Thnrsday the 18th day .or,l)iovembe next, ana nouce jsuereoy Riven wj ait creu itdW qtU e ewaMotJtheidjeT-Alexander, dec'iM tile J.Dil'pini,p 8fcfe-ie at m office in Charlotte on or before the said 18t day of Noyember next. J K JkWIJM. 1 ies foT $20.00, without eXTTa copy : postage fee. , Back unjbeis can be supphei me. t.. A coir Drfte set of Harper's Maeazrus, now comprnesHy. volumes in neatoloth bidinj;, Hill be sent Joy express, freight at expense ff purchaser, for $2 2f per vpipnie. Single volumes, by mail v postpaid, S3 0U. cloth. C A c&pletAA)tSGl IndpAUC the Ifirat THE BEST HOUSEHOLD OIL JN i A .fLTHB ORLDJl 8ifriArf, flWSbmliw'J 3w4-0 o tt 0 n anjet,ddlrng:l2t;ales?2,112. Iv. , Wilmington, December 3Qie0)SHTAFjffiei5?iJ IUB! Ul,UUlUUyiUl,GDftTM I Magft c Wat enSmen-S C. WEST A SONS' ALADDIN SECURI Endorsed by the Fire Insurance Companies. Read the following certificate, select MJQcomjpajpthers ; j jfor iri as ing used the various oils sold in this city 1 imtmnatinst pnrpesesf 1 . taxe pieasnre recommending yohr Aladdin Becarity' tb&aafest aod-best eyer used in ,ouxThQuse- iquIt W-iLL'KOTilMpilai i:'ftfABlt 6np'StorelroeT fer4tt:i ' ;oiesafe7bepbf u'jb WEST ft SONS. I L 113115 W. Imbard StBaltimpi. rxrnipletJArlftl tlcal tnOiJ t' the SBrsi Fiftv Volnmea. of .Harner's Magazine haa just beeffpoblfsbM rtTHia-ihg available for reference the vastand varied wealth of in-fortia1iAlKatcicdnstiHtesj a b&f&rinffit&fel literMwblapedia 8vr Cloth. $3 00 : Half Calf, $5.25. Sent postagrf A series of papers under tLetifle of "The1 Wire 0tUTf oiOie Rejypblu:,y contributed by tne most eminent amencan pQDticists, is now heingpuWished in . Hajpet's Maga zine. This series of overtwenty papers gives a comprehensive review of Progress during , the pentury now cloaing, in every depart 'raentof ouraational.l5W.' j rHi' -; Wewspaoere are not to copy tnis aayertise ment without the express order of Harper Brothers. Address . - . HARPER & BROTHERS, decl tf New York. LARGEST Circulation of any paper in the counties along the line of 1 the Western North Carolina Railroad. To the raertbahts an business men. the EXPOSITOR is now tne oef-t nieamm tor aoyeriismg. Tne pro prietor has greatly reduced the terms, of ad -vertisingrln order to induce the-business nn-putiejsonjnIrJ5 lo advertise. : W lannts noerai4 iAOfess j it WESTERN EXi-OSITOR. : .'.deetT h f-w-, AsbevJ'ls NrC. ' i " TENNESSEE BEEF AND MUTTON. i."4 r, "i, , 'yfjr' MEAT MARKET, AND SOLICIT TRADE FROM CASH navine customers onlv. No credit customers wanted. STMarket opened from 4 a. m., to 9 p. m, each day; Sundays excepted. ju!24 J . O W. CHALK. R lsv. LI1TLEJ0HN. JOHN L. HARDIN -I i aT THE RISING "SUN- ALBEMARLE PIPPINS, a AT TfTF RTTX RICHMOND DRIED BEEF, AT THE SUN. BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, AT ' AT THE SUN. O ELECTED CREAM CHEESE, . AT TH F! Snw CEST GRADE OF FLOUR, ' ' S- AT TTTR STTK GILT EDGE GOSHEN BUTTER, s AT THE ST1N. FINE large PICKLES in Barrels . ' AT THE ST1 AT THE SUN,. FLORIDA ORANGES, " ""s- J'--: ' ' AT AT THE SUN. y ALAGA GRAPES, AT THE SUN. pRESHLEMQNS; AT THE SUN. DEUTd ALMOND CANDY, , . 1 AT T1TR STTK o CAR JaOAD SEED OATS, , CAR LOAD SEED WHEAT. ' CAR LOAD WHEAT BRAN, CAR LOAD LIVERPOOL SALT, , CAR LOAD N. O. SUGARS AND MOLASSES, CAR LOAD (BEARDS' LOCK TIES. HP FSF O CARLOADS -FLOUR IN SACKS, HALVES & QUARTERS, CAR LOADS S, H. SYRUPS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 0? IHI 1HL IIS IES CAR LOADS FLOUR IN BARRELS, 100 PACKAGES MACKEREL, 50 SACKS COFFEE, 50 BOXES CHEESE, 50 BOXES ASSORTED CANDY, 50 BOXES ASSORTED SOAPS, 50 CASES C ANNED GOODS. ABOVE MUST BE HOME-MADE-CANDY of all flavors. Y 4 ? J J ' i Ji.f.ATTHB SUN. 0 V CALIFORNIA PE ARS, , AT THE SUN. , j AT iKHE sun. n i 4 : SOLD IMMEDIATELY. TO MAKE ROOM FOR . .. Art 41 f ft MB T ji t i fj v'ijj a ( lj'ifcFY'aiMrtTiTioi .&ooD.dlnU C. 8. D0LT0N & CO S. $ipt IXJDS OF CORN. G. W. CH ALE & C O. nov21 riol7l' LAPSMSYLES THE TJ einfitlMte &WtC Yarble 11 Worts, my aim la to make it second to none tnjihe. South, and to offer better in ducementa ini.i tha anniactare of Gfrave- stonevand Jiontaments than have ever been done heretofore I have employed a num. y ber of eonr.petent artists, and am prepared to manuraC-ure uravestones ana Monuments of every description lower than thr sa&iecan be purchased in any; of the Non hern cities. Parties ltying-at a ditance can receive all necessary information by writing me for Price Lists and Drawings.- Satisfaction enpranteed In everyrespect. JAMES A JOHNSTON. Jnl20 r:- ' n 7T - r 1 w ; -J 2 r .1 dv,r LtiLMJj S - .t - , iju i X'VB. ,.ALEXAPERy,;SElGL!te1ii&i CO'8. decP-1 ifa "hfuT CALL AND SEE THEM AT " t etm X ' VAN HISS' GALLERY. nov27. I California Pcai?s, MALAGA GRAPES 8. NICE APPLES, '.xiT'RECEWEDAT'"-' ' Notice. more of TRATT'S'ASTRAIOIL, landed to-day plenty for all it eives a superior hVh ! "50, cents a, gallon economical and safe try them and all persons indebted to us will U 5 I jL V. JJJ&f SO oometo the captain's office and 'pay up. j f . J L T c SMITH! 4 SCO, The notes and accounts are in the handa of ! r Ai flr this dav dissolved hv AH having claims against us will present tit . 1 , . . . ... ,nel7.. 8oleAeents. Corner Drug Store. Xf T. W1lla .nT V IIIIIm ,,1, r.fi; J R MILLER. BROTIIF.Tl . m.: - ? LI. RIGIaERS. noid 1 - Not a ieaky One IN a lot of 60 barrels Kerosep e Oil we ba 'in store.. ., 1; "J-C i -1 1 have u' Opposite Central Jlotel. gQBUSHEL9; ....... 1 T 'i;6ii1 - w J i : Laree Sweet Potatoes. 20' bushels Green Annies; - some verr large and fine, 80 sacks of Extra Family Flour which I will Jf aR- RANT..',:j. ;n; . :,; , B N, SMITH. nov,!,v ,vLf Uf . ( tii, 4,-. " ( .L--,s-iIir ciuofjv-'., f n-r.-i , i i 8

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