A W Graharoi(.Esq.was on Tuesday night elected Mayor of HUUb.oro', vice John Blackwood, resided. trfV, It is Vuiuofei tlia.t3an'aiveuup.)i Wilmlngtonian has drawn the capital prize of $10,000 jiytho Louisiana fciate Lottery. " ' ' ' &;U-. Mr. Garrefc.ivf ;,Kewf Hano?er, wh was bo dangerously shot by Mri Ever Ht. oruChnatmas pay, has died of his wounda.' Thd'tlayer iaiield io-ii fond or $1,000. ' V'-&?&v. -t'';-i '-7,. The contractors on the Spartanburg and Asbeville Railroad are at work westof" the Dlue Ridge, Henderson county, and fen additional farce of con victs is engaged on the Polk" county action.. - :. TV? The KaleigU Neics fcafTtnat Qo Brogden has received information of the arrest m Missouri of; one 'Lewis Ingram, w site, charged with ha vine: committed murder some, years sinaal in Buncombe county; A requisition 9- for toe return or tae raurderer to this State will be issued. K The Richmond correspondent of the Frank H Alfnend; Ktoefermerlyf Richmond and Wilmington, but more recently? of 'Atlanta,-b as r been hand so'rnefy poviAeato the House of Represses UtiveV. . fcl The Star says ItfalSarsa AlrAi Graf ham, a little colored" child about 3 years of age, djaag hter 9frBeiiHanBafe Jane Graham, miiie at'irrfat is kdWK as Quince's IflT,aborTour mites northeast of Wilmington, was acci dentally buVKed td eath oh I Wedhes dayafternoon of last week. ' ; . . SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. v4.-r- A little colored girl in Columbia was struck by lightning during a thunder storm pn Wednesday. Her clothing was "torn "off and she -was paralyzed for a time. Last Saturday a, viXmatf a'qM John Morris, living at Langley, S. C, laughed so heartily ..at a,cpmpany of masquefaderi tfiafc herniaensued. lie went home immediately and "3 died the next morning. He leaves a wife and several children. n A y - ' On Thursday fast, Sarah "Taylor a colored girl, while passiug through the steam mills of. Hardn, &r,Black, at Black's Station, accidentally! caught the skirt of her dress' on the main shaft while the mill was in motion, and was jerked to ihe floor with such violence as to tear her, (clothing in j- h reds and "break -oneOieg2 besides otherwise hurting her. r)n-Wedjnedajr5 night iasta- burvla1! was .ahafi aVtbe jailttMKUiepWi atl Darlington by the watchman while he was attempting to force the small side door with a crowbar. .The man ; must have been badly wounded, as? he was trailed a considerable distance from the depot next mpyning iby af stream of blocl. ..j j i :i ' ' ' ;l We hear, that a new daily pper will eoon appear in . Columbia. It will speak for "the beys" who . consider themselvm " badlyo treajtedi Lbr the Union-IIerdhM. Wie-tre sincerely la&4 of,u,ilnere is ani undoubted vacancy -at h present in the journalistic field. WeThjggest .n : appro priato nam e for it. at the risk of being considered im pertinent: CaftH "The JVhipper In." WithJ Cbarfey iLesiietas editor and Frank Moses aa business manager,' it - could noWH Of success. UntOn-tier aid: Wjfi&'jtr. SffFi if' j Fatally Bursed at? the Altar The New Qrleans Picayune says : . "On the 14thgisapl several voungladies, an anirea in pure wnue raimeni, visited St. Mark's Church, on Chartres street( a short distance- below, . Jackson SJurfrefnorVnro1I their "-nameis in the .Society of Enfants-Marie. Each one wore a flowing veil, and each held a lighted rcaifdljeCfc While they wereatj me aix&rj tone i ine posuijanis acci dentally brought fier candle in con tact with her veil, when the gauzy substance I blazed like powder. She fan don tbe-aiTe, half craied with fright. At the same time, another young lady was discovered to be in a like 8itnUai ; she, too, ran,: frighten ed out of her Mmves,- but 'a young man succeeded; in quenching the flames. Fire had done its werst, and Friday evening 'Annie" Julia Planchard, four teen years old, passed away forever. She was a beautiful, lovely child, daughter of Mr. J. J. Planchard, a member of the New Orleans bar. The other unfortunate will recover," In Hindoo districtsheXBrahm ins, for a consideration, promise the peo ple immunity from 4 small-pox. At one place an ingenious chamar.Jiav- i0Sioadj?.JjLim hole in a rock, gave out that all those who jpaesed through the hole would escape Stuk1'p6xSt'-' 'People came with their offerings, and at last the Thakur of Marwar brought his child to pass through the rock. As some people who Were actually suffering-with small pox badjbeen through it,itis notstrange thalf- the; cbildvcaoght Mfte-'disease. The Thakur was so angry that he had the chamar seized ; but the chamar ; was equal 'to the ' occasions, and de clared that the chijd was bewitched by . a village - woni an. : She was Therefore burnt with hot copper "iicr till the authorities interferedV; The people still - believe tn -the pOweif !rof the chamar and s irvhii tory ! about the Witch. ; .s-iisf;.' . . . irnx Thing3 tifie is made,; dp of little thuigs.! He wop; travels oyer a continent must' go along step by stdp. He who writes aij-iok mnst do it sen tence by sentence. He wbp.Jearns; a science must master it fact by fact vnd principle by principietwWhat is-.the happiness of our HfeTOade up" -of ? Liule courtesies, little kiiidLie8s; pleas ant Trords, geniatsmiles, a friendly letter, good wishes ;and good -deeds. One in a million war do, oneinr- a lifetime, a heroic action butthe little things that.'mak up our' life come every dajr'ancf every hour. , P.al!-bAckshrretheirdiftWj'backs, as a ydung'wmn of Keokk44.Vf6ttiid when sh weni tdif -Madonlfehter-tainment last week. She looked at f he banqaet Ublewith11iorr6r .acla- ting to her escori .VowT.K.H: Are they going to sit do wn I t I jan t expect tbat-II in't fixed.vto it down,". He found a placefor-ber along-side the'man tie-piece, where she could lake her kuppelf standing . TN lot of 50 barrels Kerosene Oil.we tsve 1 JL 10 tiaxm.l. 'i if -; i:irtr T 0 SMITH A CO, . Opposite Central Hotel. 2T 3D 1 -. i --mr ji li t 0 ' .Jt-.:;-, Determined to confine oar business exclus ively to Goods of our own Manufacture. ?f We offaansnf entire Stock of Northern Manure tured Goods, at Cost, for Cash only. Bach an opportunity to bay Cheap Goods, seldom presents it- i h'J selL' and parties. wiahing any- 1 7- ( thipg immr- ltBf,r wouM do l Tfev Gvt; ns m y" jan 27 latest Aiuiiv::, :'Ct l l ra'i. sr ur jt's: pniLLiPSi MERCHANT TAILOR and DEALER I&J HAS removed toonMof the New Stores under the Central HotelTrade St.and is receiving bis Winter Stock of Goods for AleuV Wear, and will wake them op at short notice in the most fashionable man ner, cheaper than the same class of Goods have ever beear offered in this market. H . i CirilenfcSliirls a , Cutting and repairing done promptly. All goods and work must be paid for on deliv ery, as l ira compelled to dc a casli business. A J-S PHILLIPS. oct!7 EXTRA BARGMS IK- HOLIDAY I Have fitted op a Bargain Counter with a : large variety of Fancy Articles- for Pres ents which will be sold at extraordinarily low prices from this day. until the holidays are over. Call and see the bargain counter. ' f Hi ; JAMES HARTY. deel9 Five Cases ALT HOP-JTONIC, !jfV received, by W R BURWELL & CO. decSO House for Rent OPPOSITE the residence ef GovVance; Apply to W R BUJEiWELL. 1 Stockholders Meet- THE Annual Meeting of the StockhoMers of . The Traders' National Bank into wbfeb the Farmers' Saving Bank has been recently converted) will be held -at their new Banking Heaseon Trade Street, in the Citv of Charlotte, on Tuesday, January 11th, 18 S, at-12 o'clock , M. g, ' 5 dc39 i ?' . Q N ; G. Blfrr, Cashier. Piedmont Airline Railway. Richmond & Daxvillk, Richmond fi Danvtixe E. W., N. C. Division, an North Westers N. C. R. W. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. In effect jon and after Dec. 19th, 1875. going north. STATIOSS. Leave Charlotte, ""Arrliine J'nct-' n, " Salisbury, " 'Greensboro, ' . 'Danville, -" Dundee, " Bnrkeville, Arrive at ZicbroontJ, ' MAIL, 0 45 a m -6.25, 8 20 " 10 58," 1 39pm 149 " 6 51 r 35 p m GOTNA ROCTH. , 8TATIOK8. Leave iZichuond, " Barkeville, , ; " Dundee, k.-C'.- :: " Danville, " " Greensboro." ' Salisbury, J' Air-ItneJ'ot'n,. Jifrive it Charlotie. GOING 8 A ST. STATIONS. MAIL MAIL. 5 60am 9 00 " 135 PM 143 ". 4 28 -654 ' 8,62 V 915 r I Q0IXGWS8TJ MAII Ar 410 pm Arr 1105 pm L've 8 20 " Leave Greensboro,! 1 00 am Ar Raleigh 349pm "atGoldsboro, 6 40 " t STATIONS. r , j.- ACCOMDAtIn TBAIK. LtveGffepfiborol looV nl K Atf OOeam Arr at Raleigh, 5 Wa rn r Arr 7 so pm Arr at Goldsboro 11 15 " J Lv 2 00 pm Leaye Greensboro. . . 4 45 p m ': ' ' Arrive at 8alenl,' - 45'" !'t - XeavS Salens," 11 ' SI5sm ' Arrive at Greensboro, V s 10 M1" Passenger ifaio?.Ivokare!gb:kt 11 05 a m connecttat GreehsborolwJthtbeSoatbern bound train the quickest time to sll Southern dtleS. ' . Accommodation train leaving Raleigh at T30' m, connects with Northern boundralns at Greensboro for Richmond and, alt.'point Ease Price of Tickets same, as via other routes. vAca)mmoionajnles;Pg .Greensboro at 7 00, y, mwaoects-W Goldsb-ro with Northern and Soother n boaodTrains on the Wilmihton afld, Weldon Kailroail-' Xyncbbari;Afccommodatfon leave- Rinhf inond a J9.00,a m, arrive at Barkevflle 128 p m,' leave Burkeville 1 20 p m, arrive at Richmond Jf4 pm. . inzTSa AV.'!t J STo Chanee of Cars Between Cn&rlott x,:tJvi& Bichxooinf , 2S2 Xlilea., ,vu , that ham arrangements to adver ftise the scbedule of this company will please print as aooveana wiwhu ww-v-. Tar farther inforwattofl address ( 4WF 7 JOHK 13 UACiaJRDO, I Oeni passenger geu. j Richmond, Va. dec 19 CD J Specialty VIA WILMINGTON, This line being fully equipped for business,-offers unequaled -acUities- for-the , j- .. ,' - :.'- Transportation of Freight,irom'- v.V WILMIKOTON ANP ALLn NORTHERN "-. AKD -EASTERN CITIES TO , CHLOTTErATESVILLE, ASHEVILLE, EUTHERFORDTONl i , n QREENVILLEv SPARTANBURtr, ALLSTATIONS ON THE 3 . I J ATLANTA Wte RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC, ' . 'IHTENNESSEE&OHIO, andAVESTEBN X C. ' A.i 1. f RAILROADS, as well as all points in, -: '" ? -Uii GEORGIA, ALABAMA anVl 2 - ' ';-:'.i- :.f 1 MISSISSnTC:--r ' ' ' I2STSTJK,lTOE GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA Mill A iOlifw if INFORMATION FURNISHED wiiv vj : ( se mi ft:fl . A Soliciting, AgentC: C. NOETH CAROLINA SEMI-WEEKLY. ill ;?JWWt Fast Freight ,;R6Dt6 to BALTIMORE. Baltimore and Southern Steam Trans portation Company. SaillBg from BALTIMORE Tuesday and Friday, at 3 PM. WRD1VESDAT AND SATURDAY. GIVING THROUGH BILLS OF LADING to all points in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. For North or East bound Freight, to Baltimore Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Providence, Fall River and other Eastern Cities. -ALSO - Liverpool, Glasgow, Bremen, AntWerp and Other European Ports. These Lines connect at Wilmington with the Wilmington, Colombia fc Augusta Railroad, Wilmington fc Weldon Railroad, and Carolina Central Railway and Cape Fear River Steamers, with their connecting Roads, offering unequalled facilities for the prompt deliver; of Freight to all points, as the Steamers on these Lines on arrival in Wilming ton stop at Railroad depot, the Freight transferred under covered sheds to ears without delay, aud forwarded by the Fast Freight Express that morning. No drayage in Wilmington and to transfer from Wilmington South. Rates guar anteed as LOW as by any other boats. Losses or Overcharges promptly paid. Mark all goods via Wilmington Lines. For f nrther information, apply to either4 of the undersigned Agents of the Line. EDWIN 1TZGERALD, Gen'l Agt. BHimore Line, 50 Sooth Street, Baltimore. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Gen'l Agt. New York Line, 6 Bowling Green, N. Y. 4-. D. CAZAUX, Agent Baltimore and New York Lines, Wilmington, N. C. .-tfi NE W MEAT MARKET. l O S E & J Springs' Building, Opposite Central Hotel, on Trade Street, and next door to . . - s ' Farmers' Savines Bank. . SLA U G H AND WHOLESALE A TENNESSEE BEEF AND MUTTON. WE KEEP A FIRST-CLASS MEAT MARKET, AND SOLICIT TRADE FROM CASH navine customers only. No credit customers wanted. J&Market opened from 4 a. m., to 9 jnl24 . A T. & O. Railroad. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. 1 Charlotte, N. (X Dec. 29 1875. J ON and ' after i Friday, December 31st, the following Schedule will be run over this road, until otherwise ordered : GOING SOUTB1! Leave 8tatesville. " Mooresvllle, M D. College, Arrive Charlotte, 6.00 a. m. 7.23 " 8 09 " 10.00 " GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte, ; 3.00 p. to. " D College, 4 66 " MooresvUle, 5 42 " Arrive Statesville,' ' 7.00 " Tickets on sale to Newton, Hickory. Mor ganton, Marion and Old Fort. All charges mustpe pre pajd on Freight offered for shimeijt4o SeciioiHouse, Hen derson's, Afeiandr!ana Mknd CaldwellV. These being "Flag Stations," the Company la wt4aMe fcr loew. damage toifteight aftee.lt Is unloaded , at either of. the above named VFlag Stations." r ma i No freight will be received by Agents for shipmtnt unless the name of consignee. aud destination is distinctly marked thereon. - J J GORULEY,; 4ec30, .... ,.. ,v':Lr0'!!--Superintendent. A House and Lot on Mvers street,formerly . occupied ;by:Dr L Wj Battle.'; IStable, garden and good water end rooms in boos. I Possession given 1st January Also a Cottage on Hill Street, containing three roomsr-Apply to "t;-- Destin the i JUST received a fitockuf BUETS CELE BRATED SHOES for Ladies. Come and see them at WADE A PEGRAM'S. nov5 ' V ' " N0RTK QAROL1NA. :5il 'VvVjTii Bontc to Jill Points South. BATES ANY COMPETING f LINE, AND ' : UPON APPLICATION TO ' ; .F-W-CLARK, vGeneral Freight Ag't. Wilraington, N. C. D., Charlotte; N. tS t'd . t 4 t T T SMITH, miEs. all Points amk ani M I NEW YORK. Clyde's Wilmington Line; from NEW YORK ' Tuesday and Friday, at 3 P. M., AKD raOM WnjflHQTOR WEDNESDAYS nndSATUKD ATS A M I S O JS T E R E R S RETAIL DEALERS IX p. m.,!ach day, Sundays excepted: 1 CLOSING OUT AT ACTUAL COST ! HAVING determined to move on Jan nary 1st, and desirous of reducing my Stock of Goods (WHICH IS VERY LARGE,) con sisting of CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, I OFFER THEM AT ACTUAL COST. This is NO HUMBUG, any one desiring to purchase can be convinced by calling on me. JRespecfolly, J MOYER, uov2t Irwin's Corner. Trade St. l.WilluNateKeep;it Unless uGood. A YOU can bay -from ) tis ;MPeter Hanger" i (pure goods VNVE. Rum; (the best and old). B. B. Brandy, Gin, 8herry, Port and other Wines all pure aa I-can buy. : r.'y.U:'. Ji S WILLIAMSON. nov21 Board e rs tjritecl ! THEundereigned ' would ; respectfuny an nounce to the public that she is prepared to entertain transient, daily, and permanent boarders with meals and lodging at very 'vSs&S&R fos2c0oi guaranteed. , MBS JOANNA BROWN, , , Over Creswell 4 Walker's, comer Church nd.T,eetrft .Jt-j. ' dec23 ; . . : .,, : , ,, ; j.-. .. . Fresh Cranberries! FRESH CRANBERRIES, by the quart or bushel. at v'v -1 ' dec22 .DM BIGLER'S, IISCIXLAWCOUS. -t-r-r 1 HUBSi SPOKES RI M:S:. fpHEndersignedoffer-fbr sale -Hjeiren-A Ore macbiaery ibrstajQafacturing Hubs, 8poket and Rims, Ihe' machinery being all new, and purchased for cash, of the iiest makers in the United States, will ba sold at a great Sacrifice, inclndinar 40 TT P Savin Shafting,- BelUng, Ac ' " ' For terms, apply to X. W , Whianant, at Carolina Aericnltnral Works, or bv letter to the undersigned at'WeifbT 89 tti - -n a PSlmiSNANTTSONSr septZltf A aXUOXT,- x i . .-a. w BSJtLaT. r Lateof - :iU. iAm'er1ciis,Gi. Formerly , with WJ Black. NEW f IBM MKGOOE ELLIOTT &REI3LE7, GROCERS asW LIQUOR DEALERS, yy ILL keep constantly on hand a com plete Stock of Goods, to which the trade are invited. ' Quality guaranteed and prices as reasonable as any reliabfe' establ&hment in the city. novS Af COT FOR CASn, Till lie M f JANUARY, 1876, READY-MADE CIXXTHING, CASSIMEBES, BLANKETS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. AS I HAVE A LARGE STOCK ON HAND AND MUST BE SOLD, I DO NOT WANT TO CARRY THEM OVER to ANOTHER AS SEASON. J . L 1 N D Y declO CHANGE t BUSINESS. JJAVING removed my business from niy old stand on Trade Street, to one of my large and commodious storehouses on Col lege Street, and having sold oat my stock o Groceries, I oner special advantages to my old customers in my large and varied assort ment of WINES and LIQUORS. Making a specialty in this line I claim offer better advantages than can be found in Western North Carolina. W. J. BLACK. TO MY PATRONS. Those who owe me for lioaorsor groceries are expected te call and settle bv the first of January next. Ail unsetuea accounts alter that date will be placed in the bands of an officer for collection. W J BLACK. declS Rockbridge Alum Water, AND BUFFALO LETHEA WATER, RECEIVED fresh from the Springs every week. We are the authorized agent for tha celebrated Springs, and have perfected arr mgemenU to receive fresh supplies every week direct from the Springs. . Excelsior Saratoga TTater on draught and In bottles.' ' Congress Water, """Hathorn Water and Star Saratoga Water in bottles, for sale at McADEN'S ju 11 Drug Store. NEW MEAT IMI .A. 12 IE 32 17 1 HAVING rented the new BRICK' STORE of J W, Wadsworth, opposite City Clock, I will open on the 9th instant, a First-' lass MEAT MARKET, Will keep constantly on hand all kinds of Fresh .Meats of the very best quality will make Sausage and Souse a specialty ; aiso, Oysters and Fresh Fish daily. Satisfaction guaranteed, both in quality and price. : , I will also continue to sell -First-Class Meats at my old stand at the City Market, wnere my old customers will be faithfully waited upon by Mr Sam Wilson. J W ADAMS. nov7 Uimbe Notice. WE -eair a 'attentionof the people of barlettef as well as of the country, to the fact that we have a large Bupply of Lumber, at the Lumber Yard, and it will be sold at low prices, g We are also prepared to fill tbTOUgh bills to bnllders and contractors of the best material, and as low as the low est 'Try ns with yonr itemized bills! and we will make good, what we . say. - Dressed Flooring a j specialty. , We can always be found at the Lumber yard office, j , B SHANNONHOUSE & SON. LA CAROLINA. v V.-Vl The best' 5 cent Cigar In the city smokes free good flavor six for a quarter; t r t lH'i , . T C SMITH & CO. decU ' . ' i . BUY YOUR GOODS - In the drug 11ns at T 0 Smith A Co'a rices at the hot torn of the mat ket - , decl - The Charlotte, Columbia. & :cia nillrcad - Kdr 4LnaiX Aio-Hv ' ' V INVITE3 the attention of all Merchants and Cotton SLippers la CharUtis.4tnd -rpori roads connectingthere, to the extraordinary advantage- of epnneciipiis yi'-i.; A I vP PoinU and South Atlantic Sea Ports euJoyed over its lines. . iT JAm,- . t,e lit The Great Atlantic Coast Line via Baltimore, Daily, Insurance i per cent Philadelphia; Daily, iMuredT NEW YORK, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY.THURSDAY, SATURDAY INSURANCE PER CENT. BOSTON, TUESDAYS CENT. PRO VTDENCE, WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, Bv wav Wilmineton and Direct 8 team urys,Disuranci per cent ?'.U ' uxl "Ai . PHILADELPHIA, EVERY, WEDNESDAY, INSURANCE 1 PER CSST. NEW Y0EX ' , . r , " .r. Hr- - m.V -.tv"" i: iit 1 t i WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. INSURANCE EQUALIZED v ( v. TO THAT OF NOBJTOIdL.1 3a. By the Charleston U to Baltimore. Weekly.' ' ' TO PHILADELPHIA, EVERY FRIDAY. DAYS AND SATURDAYS, TO BOSTON.'eVERY 8ATURDAY, X : ; f . TTTF unrivalled Steam Line facilities of the three Ports of Portsmouth, i Wilmington and Charleston, and the combined equipments of the C. C A A, W. C A and other . roads, enable us to bid for cotton and all other merchandise in unlimited quantities, aad . to assure our patrons of absolute freedom from detention, r n ;.-. 1 Hon. R. R. Beidgkrs. - . - Genl Marat jer..i k Col. Johk B. Paucsb, - - - . -. , , Pretrideat . , jAs.AirDEBspjr, - " - - - - General Superinteudant. A. Popk, , - - - .- General Freight Afeat. ' 1 GREAT REDU CTI0N IU Pit I QMS ; BOOTS AND SHOES, AT THE LOW PRICES OF THE GOOD OLD TIMES BEFORE THE WA Jt, GEO. R. FRENCH & Wilmington, X. C. 0 FFER TO THeVrAUE THEIR LARGE STOCK AND COMPLETE ASSORTalW of BOOTS and 8H JES. (being the largest in the State) at such low rata as defy eesa petition by any jobbing bouse in tbe South, $3 0 00 a case. Men's best first quality Broeans B roeans at $1,124 ner nair. Women's crime p rime A Calf Bals at $1.00 per pair, Children's Polish High Cat Copper Tips st 75 eeats a nd all other styles at equally low rates. ' ' - Personal examination and orders solicited. GEO. sept23 6. W. CHALK & CO., TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE N. a GEN COM & PRODUCE MERCHANT, And Dealers in Floor, Grain, and Pro duce generally, 9 Consignments solicited, and returns promptly made. ap5 J. s. SriNCKR. P. D. ALLEN. SPENCER & ALLEN, 3- :r o a 33 iRj s AND Commission Merchants, OLD 8TAND OF HENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO.. Teade Street, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Consignments solicited and prompt returns made. novlO ly 25,000 CIGARS, Imported and Domestic, selected for retail trade. W R BURWELL A CO. dec3 JJAKER'S COD LIVER OIL Ard Wilbors' Cod Liver Oil and Mollers' Cod Liver Oil, jos received at W R BURWELL A CO'S, dec3 Drag 8tore. Final Notice. ON tbe first day of October instant, F B McDowell. Esq . purchased a half inter est in the OBSERVER establishment, and it is absolutely necessary that all outstand ing claims due me np to that date be settled, either by note or account at once, as I must close up my old books. All claims due me individually, contracted prior, to that time, remaining unsettled on the 1st day of De cember next, without reserve, will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. CHAS. R. JONES. oct26 lm LATEST STYLES FRAMES. CALL AND SEE THEM AT YAH NESS' GALLERY nov 27. Corner of Trade and Church Streets. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Unsurpassed accommodations for Traveling Patrons. J A BBADSHAW, decl9 - Proprietor SUPPLY Of Fresh Bird 8eed, just received. W R BURWELL A CO, decS Eruggistg; YOU CAN HAVE your WATCH nicely repaired and warranted, at HALES A FARRIOR'S. 0Ct22 Vlore of PRATTS ASTRAL OIL, landed to-day 50 cents a gallon economical and safetry ! T C SMITH & CO, Sole Agents, - Corner Drag Store. nol7 . - t .'' ' to thx FtrBZJO. '',J:;. THE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCES Ti the citizens of Charlotte and the nubile generally, that he has opened a " ' ' M BOOT AMD SHOE SHOP in the Sorinss' Bnildinr. at D AmiMn'a old stand, where he is prepared to da all kinds of work in hia line. Satia&ction iruaran- leea or no cnarge. - mar9tt -. M GILBERT jgaDFORD Alum and Jodine Moss fresh fronitbe Spring, Just received, by , - - W R BURWELL & CO Olnmblsyfe Wllrnlsgton 3 mud , yortaaoalS to . , , - ."-ita AND, FRIDAYS, INSURANCE i PXSu r ,v i 1 Line to Baltimore. Wednesday ana fiatr 1 TO NEW YORK4 TUESDAYS. TBUSS W. W. PEGRAM, Ageat a. - . . 3 V?'.ii.XV1 .-Jv ni)ir$. - hc vli i : Peb. E. FRENCH & S0TS, WUmlngtbn, N. C. PRIVATE DOApDIRQ. YARDOnO HOUSC. TraTeitup ft. Terms $1.60 per day. septl2 eod 6m Pearl of St Louis.' A Choice FamiW Flour, for sale by , R B ALEXANDER 4 CO,, ' 'TT V College Street. novau COMPANION. EEST CHEWING TOBACCO, -AT SI, 91. WOLFE'S STORE. nov23 500 GALLONS Aladden Security Oil. the best in uae. for 8ft 1 6 by ' W R BURWELL A CO. decS MANSION HOUSE GREENVILLE, C rrtHIS house is located on the Air-Uae Railroad, about midway between Char- lotts and Atlanta, at the termluus of the Greenville A Columbia Railroad T where tourists may stop and enjoy the comforts ol a first-class Hotel, recently renovated and refarnished. CALNAN A ROATH v , ang31 4m .. . Proprietors. Flour! Flour! ! A New lot of Extra and Family Flour just received by- ' - , SPENCER A ALLEN, Comer Trade and College Streets. nov 10 THE KING SHIRT SIX FOR NINE -DOLLABS, HALF THE PRICE FOR ANY OTHER SHIRT, ARE OUTSELLINO ANYTHING EVER OF FERED FOR SALE -IN THIS .MARKET. ; Alexander, Seigle & Co. declO ALEXANDER, SEIGLS i CO, HAVE THE LARGEST AND FINEST BLANKETS JUT THE CITY, FOR. THE MONEY. 1 A SPLENDID STOCK OF BLANKETS ALL GRADES. - ; ALEXJLHDEB, StUGLE & : 60. dealt- 'i '; o -. 1,1 , iOur4aixl.c; rriHE 1st January approaches.' We : desire L toclose aU accounts outstanding On our books by that time, Clothing and furnish inggoods as cheap aa the eheapest. J .A YOUNG A SON. dec9 - . Alexander, , Seiglo; & Co, ARE CLOSING OUT THEIR STOCK .OF DRESS GOODS,: , P , M& CALL AND SEE THEM: G AleianSer,-Seile-& fo. -Humphrey?c i 1: HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS, came le bAdd yesterday. " "r? nol? Hen's stout 8. Kip Boots at foo ss at $1.50 a pair. Men's first onallty L. A B. Grain Bala attl .C9 tier cair. . Womau'a SOUTH Elm Street, Greensboro. N. O. One square from Depot. Unsarpassed accommodation for Traveling Patrons, - 1 3 i nol7