mm an si ' Am JoTinxili . Withdrawing Of-fefiiiteXatiffe-rorellftrta Bile5 With , Strong - Hand-Propose! u Etilirty Between Vienna tnd Con stantinople ; ; ( : . :- 1 LoyDpy. Pec. '311$e, Times Jliis netting; has a Special 'telegram from Berlin; that the meeting of Americans recently held in fba .city, 4 to , protest against the "strictures of the -German , pees in Associating American, emu- zation with the Breme Haven dy A. 9rntif horror,- has ) thoroughly at tained its object. The German jour nals have almost unanimously with drawn their previous unfavorable re flections The Morning Standard air, ' so has a special telegram from Berlin qntb aame subject, which is corrobo- rative of the above. The t National Zeitung alonfe reiteffttei offei ?ivecom mepta. . .ii-ri-iv-r " Deo! :;3LA The El Crohwta, the v ministerial o reran, asserts that - Gen-VeTljirithe newly appointed CaJwpnersl of Cuba, ;' is to put an endj jjaU abuses in that Island. Quite irresppstiye o( persons Otposition, he wilthtrtdf all offenders tolull respon- Constantinople, Dec 31. Negotia tions are pending : fwilh bstria with regard to tbe construction of a direct railway between Vienna and Constan- - tinople. ma litiy 9t WJrivmos Sic 31. i For the ; South Atlantic - and, East Gulf ; .&fa(es? ;8ionary;;tbwqm'e'ter id .temperature, southeast' tff south west winds, and partly cloudy .weather. . NEWOKDeoBottoii dull ;, Vales, 142QJ?alest ;Sh;a?eeW'Befc rc- Futures closed quiet, sales 18,500 Jan 13 5 82, Feb 13 5-1611-32, March 13 9-16al9-32, April 13 13-16a27-32, May 14 l-32al-16, June Uia9&2,July 14 13-32a 15 s2, Aug 14'1732al 32. L i AraxjQEiiatErarTs f-'M. t! MISSISSIPPI .. Killine of a Drunken and 'Intoxica tMEMPH JDec 31. A- special from Vicksburg says that Jftwo CaldwelJ brothers, black, went into We street o? Clinton intoxicated, and challenged the wliole town for fight They finally-retired unmolested; and about sundown Chas Caldwell, an er-State Senator, appeared on the streets much intoxicated, and declared himself afraid of no one. A pistol was acci dentally fired in the rear of a store into which , Caldwell entered.-. . He ran into the ..cellar, and, as the ,citizens rushed intqi. the , iibre, Caldwell ' commenced firing.; At ..the second fire; Dr.' E; J. Banks' fell seriously wounded. The citizens returned the, fire mortally wounding Caldwell. Fearing -more trouble, the Mayor telegraphed- to Vicjgfeburg for assistance, and at nine o'clock last night one hundred . men left that city on a special train. No further trouble is apprehended pin HEW YORK. Advertisements tty tmxrt&i in this column at the rate of ten (10) centi per line, fan , each insertions 2f 0 advert ma ! men- luusen jvr tea uum i wcii i y-jivc c. i a. Eight words make a line, v -:o: to . -:o:- Mrs Warinj will resume ner School at her 4 residence, on Tryon 8'reet, I beyond Mr Yates'; bh.Monday the 3rd of Jannay.'r i l . jam 9WM.mimvji: .t :n ' -. "T" i ' ;' '-" " ' iTTVI ,To T i i - For retttf. a'hoose with' fire, rooms, 5 Fos- sesaion given Janarr 10th. 7Apnly td dec3l . " - P NEVfaEaET. pnTTWT nJ laff of hla 'i ImV Io RETURrlUF inbrAfUiu ik l postomce Key, whicn tne owner can nave by . s 4 I proviDc nroDertv and ravine. for this adver- THDBSDAT MGHT, JANUARY 6111,1815. U'T HAVE A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED 1 LOT OF TOYS AND t FANOY GOODS, EMBRAC- 4 1 ma j AT.MosrriTcvTciiY. ' ; i (REAT ATLANTIC COAST LINE, "toano FROM ALL POINTS NOKTH AND EAST- THE PALMETTO-LINE, TO AND FROM CHARLESTON-,' S. C AND BAVANNAH, GA. THE CHARMING YOUNO ARTISTE AND -r- SUPPORTED BY ' THE BEf rYOE . raro IMPERIAL BAN.D, v,, ORERATICi ORCHESTITA, IN HER REALiSTICPlCTDRE OF Pronounced ly fti' Bootliern and Eastern Press to be tbe most Natural Artistic Impersonation of Mcdern Times. -:o: :o. Dense Fog Navigation Suipended .i u i '.i Daring Eobberyr, 4. A ense ; fog nrevailsjand most of the ferrys are Inypeuded. ; The ferry boat Morticello collided (o-day with a schooner which had a man and a boy aboard, and it is gUDDOBed the schooner was aunk. Purnfglasl night thieves'--effected an entrance Juto, JBqoedict, Bros' jew elry 'store under the ' Grand Central Hotel, and on some pretext managed to tlwarnv thy gnspicioTrpf the men tn chafffbloroforined tbent when a ftVilabfeUportdnity occurred and robbed jtb saf ftenty-five thou sand dolltti"wbrhN6if jewelry and dia- IHOllds. 1 '--: 'v '-?: "i ' ., , t' mm : TENNESSEE. More Details, of Abe Keatacky-Ten- NAsa'tLiV''Ded';3L The track of theioraaiio was three - hundred yards wide. JUr. Church's residence was btawii t fragments andhe. family je& linfmred, At Winfre Mr. CSnnelr residence is a wreck; and the family badly bruised. Levi Matthew's orchardtha oest iaVe3t Tennessee, was complefefy demofished. Four negroes were .killed : a train of cars on thM6Up and Ohio Road, was blown from the track. It was the severest tornado since 1825. .J - " T -- i Drowned River Opea Bank State 4 , ment Vessel In. Oswego, Dec 31. Wm and James DickiiiBokf, aged 8 and 15, broke through thef ice in Oswego Riyer and were drowned to-day. , , ,' Hudson, Dec 31 .The river here is partially open. The ice is very poor. New; York, Dec 31. Bank state ment Loans increased) f million ; specie increase 3 5-8 millions; legal tenders decrease t million ; deposits increase 1 million; reserve increase 1 5-8 millions. Sandy Hook, Dec 31. The steam er City tf Chester;- several - days oyer- i tvf ct LITirr f. - l rt Ark anef arriyea OH anuy xiook i air yesterday afterriobn! At 8 o'clock this evening she was still outside in a dense fog. .". : .... J. WlLDMAN. -:o: :o:- WASHINGTON. Award to be Paid h,y Mexico. Washington, Dec 31. Sir Edward Thornton, Umpire of the United States andlfexican Commission, has awarded $683,000 gold to the Abra. Silva Mining Company, of New York, to be paid by Mexico. Admission 50 cents, 75. cents, and $1.00. Seat can be secured at Phifkb s Book SToaif. i See Daily Programme. C. A. H. HATCH, janl Business Agent. OPERA HOUSE! "GOL MuTdERRY SELLERS." "There's Millions In It." Mr. John T. Ford has much pleasure in an nouncing, under his management, an en gagement, for one evening, with the emi nent American Oo median, Mr. John T. Kaymond, who will appear in this city, supported by a SPECIAL DRAMATIC COMPANY. ON MONDAY EVENING, JAN. Sbd, 1876. 0??A rrOUSE ! ma. :5ole Vi5Ksai:jEw, Dec. 31. A special to the Herald, from Summit, Miss., the place to which the troops were ordered, says-that no armed band of men were in $cf;nlt; ai ty tjtne on Wednesday before Christmas. Several young men from Amite county on a drunken spree, talked a good deal about Redmond, in tending to annoy and frighten him. Redmond had a personal difficulty with one of the men, when he became frighierfed and telegraphed for troops. The despatch says the citizens of Sum mit are able and willing to protect Redmond "in the discharge of his duti&J -' ' v;-- tr i-ihl. all OHIO. Decrease in the Hog Crop Catholic New Year. Celebration in Cincin nati. ; ' ' ' - iCiSciSwATii Dec.JS nrice ear . rlnts h Jgatibtics!iftdi(iate-W falling off foKthe feeasoh' at-Interior points of 57d,Wd?hdgsi vrfth -k possible falling off ( at the-leading citiej) enough to make the aggregatet 'decrease -750,000 com pared withTlast year. Taking the in creased weight Into consideration, tbe rejt alcafci'ihatthfprpp sUl uuk vary maun irum o,uuii,ua, against 5,556,000 last year a decrease of ten raariceat. q FM ; -ti.-iOlf "Mil ft i' lill 10 CiNCdiUTi, Dec. 30. The comnfit te -of . arrangements, for. io-mqkjo'w , nigw' celebraiipn '''having sentTre- CHARUITTE MARKETS OB3EEVEK OFFICE Charlottb, N. C, Jan. 1 , 187G. The Cottonj Market. The market, yesterday, was dull and un changed, at tbe following quotations : Inferior 9al0 ljw Middling Mi.Minv - 12i (j i MmdUni;........... (average) Wgali 3dies 1 the day 15(3 bales. PRODUCE MARKET. Corn is in fair demand with limited re ceipts... Flonr dnll whh light demand. Batter In tullapply. . Eggs and chickens in demand. Buying Rate. $aait Hams, per ft Sides. " Shoalders, Hog Round, Beeswax . , Butter Choice, Brandy Apple, reacn, Eaas. per dozen Flonr Family, per sack, j!x(.ra, " Super. wit Diied Applea, per pound - ' vpeacnes,. Green Apples per bushel. Fowls Chickens, each . " Turkeys, K t "i " Ducks; Grain Corn White, per bushel, " Mixed, . Wheat Red, per bushel, ." i-J- M White, Oatt-i-Blaek " " White. Peas Pure clay, ' Mixed, Hidet Dry, " Green, Xar 3 Good," " Common, -Onions. (57 lbs to busheh Potatoes Irish, ? " Sweet. Tallow, Wool Tub washed. ' . Unwashed Tbesal of teat will commence on Thurs day, December 30th, at Phifkbb Book Stork. The scale of prices will be the tame as those of the standard New York Theatres. Secured places. One Do lar and a Half. Ad mission, One Dollar. jan304t . . r Manager. Director. 121 25a30 2025 1 5 a 2 00 2 50 a 3 24 20a25 3 25 3.00a3.25 2 75 9c ' . i 8c lC0al25 20 100al25 30 65a70 65 1 25 1 35 i85e0 65 85a 100 90 11 a8 ' 15 12 75al00 75al00 75al00 8 35 25 :o: .o: Alex. Calhocx, J. J. Sullivan, w TWO EVENINGS AND MATINEE. ffiSIIl?- Bee. 31st &JaB. 1st. SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 21 O'CLOCK. America's Farorile Artiste 1 The Peerless Comedienne and Vocalist, MISS KATIE PUTNAM, A5D HER UNRIVALLED COMEDY COMPANY, FRIDAY EVENING, DEC 3LST. Entire New Version of Chas Dickens' cele brated Creation, the OLD .CTOI0S1TT SHOP ! Little DTtLwltSbngs.) ' Thx Mabchiomess, Kati Putsam. - with Bongs and Dances. J In which characters she is acknowledged without a rival on the Continent. :o :o. 8ATURDAY AFTERNOON at 2$ O'CLOCK. . , Tbe beautiful Domestic Play, UTILE BABHOOT'I Amrt, the Little Barefoot. KATIE PUTNAM. :o: :o: SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1ST, The Great Society Play, JAHE.EYRE ! Full Cast of Characters in Programme. SCALE OF PRICES : Parquette and Balcony,..r..... .'' $1.C0 General Jdmiasion,.;........ 75 cents Gallery, .50 cents dec25 4t , FOi2 RENT A "house with four rooms, kitchen, good water, stable, fec., on Church Street, between 8th and Stbu. .Apply on the premises. - C HILKER. '." dec30 2t - -' " : ry ' : FOR RENT Three or -fotrr rooms, suita ble for a small family, in one of the best localities in Charlotte. Apply at once at KOOPMANN & ROf H8CHILD'r. dec302t APPtBTOPiS' Ameriean-odia. rttfff v .' s til tr. 'r n Jg m E V IS 4 1 piTiO N .: Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on every subject, . '- Printed from Lew type, and illustrated with seyeial thousand Engravings and Maps. The work originally published undertbe title of THE NEW AMERICAN CYCLO PEDIA Was completed in 1833, since which time, the; wide elrculation which it has at tained in-U parts of the United States, and the signal developments which have taken place in every branch of science, literature, and art, have induced the editors and pub. Ushers to submit it to an exact and thorough revision, and to issue a new edition entitled THE AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA. Within the last ten years the progress of discovery in every department of knowledge has made a new work of reference an imper ative want The movement of political affairs has kept pace with ; the . discoveries of science, and their fruitful application to the industrial and useful arts and convenience and refine ment of social life. Great wars and conse quent revolutions have occurred, involving national changes of peculiar moment. The civil war of our own country, which was-at its neignt wnen the last volume or ine old work appeared, has happily been ended. and a new course of commercial and indus trial activity has been commenced. Large accessions to our . V. GEOGRAPHICAL KNOWLEDGE have been made by the indefatigable ex prareresof Africa.' : - ; ?'. The great polical revolutions of the last decade, with the natural result of tbe lapse of time, have brought mto public view a multitude of new. men, whose names are in every one's mouth, and of whose lives every one is carious to know the particulars. Great battles have been fought and -impor tant eeigea maintained , of which tbe details are as yet preservea onjy in tbe newspapers or in the transient publications of the day, but which ought now to take their place in PERMANENT- AND AUTHENTIC HISTORY. In preparing the present edition for the press, it has accordingly been the aim of the editors to bringdown the information to the latest possit le dates, and to furnish an ac curate account of the most reoent discover ies in science of every fresh production in literature, and of tbe newest inventions in the practical arts, as well' as to give a suc cinct and original record of the progress of POLITICAL AND HISTORICAL EVENTS, .. The work ha been begun after a long and careful preliminary labor, and,, with the most ample resources for carrying it on to successful termination. - -. None of the original stereotype plates have been used, but every page has been ; PRINTED ON NEW, .TYPE i Forming in fact a new Cyclopeedla, with the same plan and compass as its predecessor, but with a far greater pecuniary exwenditure and with such improvements in its coniposi- tien es nave been suggested by longer expe rience and enlarged knowledge. " ' " THE ILLUSTRATIONS . Which are introduced for the first time in the present edition have been added not for tbe sake of pictorial effect, but to give great er lucidityantl force to the explanations in the text. They embrace all' branches of science and of natural history, and depict the most famous and remarable1 features of scenery, architecture, and art, as well as tbe various process of mechanics and manufac tures. Altbonghrintended lor instruction rather thanembeliishmenW no pains have been spared to insure their T ' . i r TTTTNO Tiff 1TV T.TXE OF BUSINESS, . x LilND ALL -U ' OP THESE I i ' v WILL SELL at GREAT- LY REDUCED PRICES. COME ! AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. I HAVE dDi.A'HTrg'Hj ALSO f. . ; ; RAISINS, CITROH, APPLIS, NU TS, LEMONS, ORAHGES. GOCOAIIUTS, SOME VERY FINE ' - r y i j. w ij i a t- f - HEBE IS THE PLACE TO GET CA KES A PIES. RATES GUARANTEED TO and FROM all POINTS NORTH, SOUTH, EA8T 4, WEST. ; K. U. JOHHSTOfir, 8outh-Easlern Agent - '"fia? . T ) jik j r 1 ' Office Trade St., 2 doors below Tryon 4. f OPE, Genn Fght AgentV Wilmington, N. C ! oecii lm- .. , W. CHALK. B. N, LITTLEJOHNU, ' " ,13 JpHN L. HARDIN V- -CAR fcOAD SEED OATS, ! ' ' ! CAR LOAD SEED WHEAT,.- ;, ..: - v " 1 CARfLOAD "WHEATTBRAN, 2 . GAR LOAP BEARDS' LOCK) TIES. lmO All . ' h H CARLOADS FLOUR IN SACKS; HALVES & QUARTERS, CAR LOADS S. H. SYRUPS, -. WTTATTTRAT,R A V Tl RTfiTATT - 1 :"i ?! r" . D. HZ. dec!5 Notice- i TREASURER'S OFFICE, Charlotte. Columbia & Augusta R. R Oolumbia, S. p., Dec. 27th, 1875. THE Coupons on Bonds of this Company, which become due on the First of Jan nary 1876, will be r paid , at the Banking House of Jessup,Paton & Co.. in New York City, or at the First National Bank; at Char lotte, N. C, or at the Central National Bank of this city, or at National Exchange Bank, at Augusta. Ga. c JOHN C B SMITH,. -s dec 50 lw Treasurer H q rh e-mad e S h i rts . EST Wamhiasetta Muslin, three ply Linen Bosoms, No 2100, $8.00 per half A lull Stock of all other Goods in Jour line, at similar prices. - .1 A YOUNG & SON. dec30 CAR LOADS FLOUR '100 . PACKAGES MACKEREL, 50 SACKS COFFEE, 50 BOXES CHEESE, 50 BOXES ASSORTED CANDY 50 BOXES ASSORTED SOAPS, 50 CASES CANNED GOODS. IN BARBELL THE ABOVE MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY TO MAKE ROOM FOK IP O TO lEi CAR LOADS OF CORN. v mhG.t V.-. CHALE & CO. nov21 LATEST ARR I V A L " ... OF- .4 B1 (dozen. SANTA CLAUS ques cathedra,. midnigh reply : lArcWjiaop jrceil ; iTkt' th e L.-9Utnes,. might, be. rung at i, jrevLVsu- iue lonowinir "rXes.kt theh-ljavof aUpMtQhurches ogiutSm k nwinightjiiif Wefgrat- n ml. unae-oi-a rrarroir oi rreeraen lOTrtne notal dav of -a new vear nf r.ivU , religious liberty, and let tbe fervent prayers iaicyndh 5 heaeorithat the blessings roWaWned tm?r hundred Xea4agp njy. last, till timo shall-ha . . & i - - -Gh tCAtto, Dec.31 It Ulumehllhat dollars will be "found due the s-overn- in this citylJ' iW. named Hockersmith this evjening shot h& MWi M Itoner ilirkeriarilea Geo. Scott, kirttnp betn. Cause; jeal- OtlV.r - - - - . - . Salt 3 (3H(Hl2 feet deep on a level at Alda City, and there , are nd mails.'1 tlie jCOTtrat .fiip trainiWas JOitwrrs behind at Ogden, TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. ; -- i ' f j Philadelphia, Dec. 81. Quiet : mid 3 ; gross receipts 906. Memphis, Dec 31 Dull; mid 12; n et recei pts 2,3T , sates 3,000 Bostom, DeS ol. Dnn; mid 13: net receipts 468 ; gross 906. Auousl-M 'Die. ' :31:--Market firm ; middling 121; net receipts 620, -ealeB 762. A- N0EF0i4Oec.9Puilmid 12f; net receipts 402:. ex coast 2,322; sales 378,:;r- ZX-ri CHAKLfesTON, Dec: St.Pteady ; mid 12tal3; , qet -receipts 2,619; exports coast ; sales 2,000 New Orleans. Dec. 31. Fair : MiL12Jh lQwjmid HI ; good ordinary 10J ; net receipt 15,154; rosa receipts i.,uy; saies iz,ouu. '.Mobile, Dec 8i; QuieC Vmid fl2J) net receipts 1.877 f sales .OOO.' u 1 DRIED GREEN CORN CAPE COD CRANBERRIES, FRESH JELLIES, MIXED PICKLES, ENGLISH CHOW CHOW, . HOMEMADE SUGAR, MOLASSES AND COCOANUT TAFFIES, NORTHERN APPLES, MALAGA GRAPES, LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PLAIN & FANCY CAKES, AT 1 t'-.i F. H. A N D EE W. & GO'S. decaoiJeinr -redrnuJ ARTISTIC EXCELLENCE. "ha rfi Af thai ia anAmnni and il is believed Ih ey will find a welcome reception as an admirable feature or tne Cyclopaedia, and worthy of its high charac ter. ? - This work is sold to subscribers only, pay able on delivery of each volnme. It will be complete in SIXTEEN LARGE OCTAVO VOLUMES, each containing about 800 pages, fnllv illustrated with several thousand Wood LEoKiavines, and with-numerous colored lithographic Maps.? .t' PRICE AKD STYLE OP BINDING. In extra Cloth, per volume, : $5 00 In Library Leather, per volume, 6 00 In Half Turkey Morocco, per volume, 7 uu In Half Russia extra silt, per volume. 8 00 In Full Morocco, antique, gilt ; edges, Der volume. . 10 w In Full Russia, per volume, 10 00 FOURTEEN '.VOLUMES JDW READY; RESPECTFULLY informs tbe people ofl Charlotte that he is now at bis old I . . . - . ! HEADQUARTERS, J i a At Rebruan's store on Tryon street, where can be found all sorts of good things for the CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY S. flet old andyonne rich, and poor, come and set soffped while-the good things last. I am determined ; to' close out my entire stock by Jan nary 1st, asd will sell goods re gardless of cost for cash. deezi - - ' J fi&DxAn. 300 wlNIKW '- A low figures for eash. W "R BUR WELL fr CO. dec3 JN ALMOSX INDISPENSIBLE Family Medicine : Gregory's Dyspeptic Mixture trial bottle 75 cents half Bize$L50 whole bottle $3 00. I 'J SJ- T C SMITH & CO., decl4 Agents. WEW: GOODS; tLI.AS, COHEN & ROES SUE R, ARE DAILY RECEIVING LARGE QUANTITIES OF FANCY AND STAPLE Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Notions, Groceries, Crockery and everything needed in a country Store, which they will sell LOW DOWN FOR CASH. OUR MR ELIAS has just returned from the Northern Markets, where be took the ad vantage of the late fell in Dry Goods to buy extensively ; Wholesale and Retail Buyers - .... . : -. .. ' Will save money by examining our Stock, before making their purchases.; Another lo t I of ibose Cheap Black llpaccas. just receiued. Call and see us at Masonic Temple B&lding. U;fJ:' E LIU S , C O H E I &f O -E.SLsE fl oct2S iir'All . r nr. ' I-; A Change. HAVLVG purchased the Charlotte A'arble Works, my aim is to make, it second to none in the South, and to offer better in ducements in the manufacture of Grave stones and Monuments than have ever been done heretofore - 1 have employed a num ber of competent artists, and am prepared to manufacture Gravestones and Monuments of every description lower than tbe same can be purchased in any of the Northern cities. Parties living at a ditance can receive all necessary information by writing to me for Price lasts and . Drawings. Satisfaction gue ran teed in every respect. .... V r : , 7AMJSS A JOHSSTONl jul90 tf f - - -J s.. gaeceediag f olmnes unfil completion, will be issued ODceln two months. -Specimen pages of the AMERICAN CYC LOPAEDIA, showing type,illnstrations, etc., will be sent gratis on application. FIRST-CLASS CANVASSING AGENTS WlLMlSGTfiw. DV.cp.mber.Sl. Onifit mia42ht receipts 192,'v ,i . SavIhiiAr,' December 81.-0 o t to n qalet; middling rl2rsale 2,080".' TBALTiMoBaE, Dec "31. Cotton quid; xnia izt. ' net- receipts,-: 5io; cross re ceipts 140. - - ... i,3i9 GALviSTOit, Dec. 31.-Market '-weak : middling 121 : nefcLreceints 4.258 r sales IDD t WANTED. ? - T11K rUJMlBUJUM, D APPLET0N A 00, 5494551 Broad- ' way, New Yokk. - janl Democrat Office.7 Uj writ h -W-M iJtCii ftdt rnHE Office c4he CtojuorrK1 Dmocka Xf will be removed this week the new building with a red iront, nexttothe comer building tef Stenhonse,- Macanlay A&: Coa Trade Street,', lopposlte the Merchants and jrartners fiational lsanlc, andAlso opposite ine UBgiKvnt office. rz y.f - - i dec30 tf K10II 1 Dividend Notice. COMMERCIAL NATION a L' B AKK,' J I , , Charlotte, N. C December 27. 1875. 1 1 ATl meeting of the Board of Directors, JX held this day; aiDIVIDEND OF FIVE PER CENT on tbe Capital Stock of. this Bank, was declared out of tbe profits for the pan six months, payable on and atter Mot day the 3rd day of January, .1876. - '1 - .11, -s-A. G BRENIZER, Cashier: dec30 3t vf '.t Jr .-: - iVataablelH'duseahd mHAT valuable' Hbnae and Lot. tbe prop- UiJU ertyi of i J S Broadaway. : eitnated ton Uhurcn Btreet in tne centre oi ine cut, con venient to business." ie now offered for sale. .The lot is well located, the house contains six rooms, in eood repair, good garden, sta- hlesand out houses, excellent .well of water fnibe premises. , , , rjornpr Tlrnir Rtnre. :'ttrWsoldbyrthe' st January, 18T5)t dec7 til Janl l1 ,''rr- i ""Sale ,Jowtv L:6fsJ iACOB M MKBBKL, A BAUMOAKTKN. ACOB M. MENDEL Jl CO.. MAUVFAcrcBiES ' or . C I G K S WHOLES ALB SEALERS IN TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, TRADE ST., CHARLOTTE, N. octlS Has Arrived and is Holding Iforin at F IT B I T IT E B S T O B ' B . i ! CALL AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS OF XMAS PRESENTS FROM THEIR . y . Superb Stock of Toy Furniture of every description. .Azr'"1 t wrr.'-v" v " ' ;'; ' ". " ' CAHTS. WAGON?. WHEELBARROWS, CHAIRS, BRACKETS, WALL POCKETS, &C, It is THE place to get durable and handsome presents for wives, mothers, sweet hearts or children. Remember the place. L X). SMITH Sc CO., EAST TRADE STREET. OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSE. deelO NEW YEAR'S AC, , C RAILWAY, B RASS, COPPER, ZINC & TIN OILERS. Largest stock that has ever beem brought to this market. For sale cheap., two "doorsr above Btenhouse, Macanlay & o at the re tail store of BREM, BROWN & CO. oct26 - . ' QRYSTAL FLOUR. A ftoicy.brand just received, by GOODS -FOR THE- ju!22 SPENCER & jILLEN For Rent THE sale of the Crate lots bear bV;!Epis copal Church, heretofore advertised for sale, has been postponed till January 4th, sitively tafce iwwelte ALLEN MACAULAT, rt,,eM 1 s 1876, when the sale will positive! UCVUV kUO v S V BillTil. i DWELTJNOon B 8treet," betweenHfth and Sixth; beloneiny to Mrs M X Far row. App y to : ' J A8BURY. a-decl8 tf - '' ' 4 fpHE GRAND DEPOT - . X y;- iffttt i l Fr KineraJ Waters, at -JIcADEN'S DRUG ?T0RE- Unj f fVrtT ' 'iT'' ' JUST RECEIVING Full ' Block of WATCHES,; CLOCKS A and JEWELRY, atr ph-i . i I ij HALES A FARRIOR'8 , ' OOt22 y'' ' '!'lI-' i'1- A- '0.1: For Rent T71R02I the'JTrst day of Mirch, 18e. I J? rent tbe store lately1 occupied 1 by I will Me- Murray Davis, on Trade; i- '--.t 77 j ; . B -A OSBORNE, Asalcaeel-. -decSl.tr1-' . .".v " .--..'- MILLION ! ! SOHlTHfflG EOR EVKBYBODY. PIGS FEET. DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNA Sausage, Cream Cheese, all grades ot Flour, Goshen Butter,, Pickles in Barrels, FloridaOraoges, Malaga , . Grapes: Fresh Lemonsjarge . .. ... - Cocoanuta, Urge North- : ' 1 ;.::? m Apples, KuUo,rv,:'ti;;:; dies or an- . - flavors T:. 1 '; 7':; ; homemade, ' "r , ..: ':. ;';'-' V3allfomiaPear-''V;.y;" i Ptnnes Canned Croods I a . .. .1 tj w i t , . . oj every oesenpuon, large , . v. Stockbf Groceries. Ground Peas r i , aJt Wholesile and 'Retail' French . CanJiM fa jimrernns to mention. Mia- oellaneons .Goods Arid Notions, Candy;XIs ORNAMENTED CAKES 'A SPECIALTY, BidsittH'oTSCftr6n;fTffes, Shelled At i moadaf viWr intend to offer Goods to . ' as;.- anit the times Oar motto i quicfc ; i -; sales and Small profits. Come to !t SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 1 Wilmington, Dec. 16, 1875. j CHANGE OF 8 HBJ)ULE. On and after Sunday, Dec. 19, trains will run over this Railway as follows : PASSENGER, sAND MAIL TRAINS Daily, Sundays excepted. Leave Wilmington, at - - 7.00 a m Arrive at Charlotte, - - - - 7:30 pm Leave Charlotte, at , 6-0 am Arrive Wilminaion, at ' " 70 pm FAST FREIGHT an d PA8SENGER . TRAINS Daily. ' Leave Wilmington, at - 1 80 p m Arrive at Charlotte, - - 1030 am Iave Charlotte, at &80 a m Arrive at Wilmington, ' , 10:40 a m SHELBY DIVISION Daily, Sundays ex- , cepted. .1- Leave. Charlotte, at Arrive at Bbelby, at Leave Shelby, at - -Arrive at Charlotte, - CONNECTIONS, rnntn with the A. & R. Air-Line Charlotte at 7:30 p. m. and 6.80 a. m. Connects at Wilmington with Wilmington St Weldon Bailroad ; also with Wilmington, Colnrabia A Angnata Railroad t , a. m., nTUne from Wilmington to 'Allan U 4 hours. Close connections both ways, and on 1o the North. ' ' " 1" . , mJ Papers publiehrng Carolina Central Railways; schedule ? will 'please notice rrV" . '-S L FREMONT. Chief Engineer and Superintendent. 4eclD : 0. S. flOLTON -S CO'S. dec nr n 7.-00 a m 11:30 a m 12 :30 p m 5:00 p m in .. Butter,, Butter, TTBESa arrival of that Superior Virginia 1? Sutter, i qual to any Goshen, at I 4ec31 8 8 CARTE Commission Stores f"'

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