joo pnirJTjnn w - '-.rfT.l-Ul CJS -ill IS: . Tne DfiSZHTDt Job Department be - want, and wtta the latest atyles otX7P rery manner of Job 7ork ean naw iw UHOBZFTIOir SATIS - - t-1 Y? 5? Tf Daily 1 year. j in advance, sroo " 6 mos.; . .-m 4 oo " . 3 mos., ' 1 mon : It V eekly, in the county) in advance, ;- 2 00 - dtfof fflcooBtfrfaid, 2 10 LEXCSIS ; r, . jar , Liberal redactions for clubs, CHARLOTTE OESERJEBi 'i 1 "V Til ii 1 1 1 iiri,n. t,t If H If II A' "3 f 1 I I II I 11 - I II III V I , l , . II I I I I I it I Vm i -wl II ill- 1 1 r"il' ..,""1 1 1 Ml 1 i 11I-1U' 1H 111-' I 1 1 f if I II f I II 1 II 1 II ft II j: : S' rM? , Ti. At r. xLtrr.V Y Vi LIAXT NT Itf f r 'f -- -i -V B - " - " .. .S .IYI4:TJH & FO R B E 8 " SECOND.' ' 'FAIaB . ST0GK, Uuit cuksjws dm jai returned irom ine'Rottnern Marteta. and, wei.are fiviBf;ur Second FalliStock pf BOQT, SH0E3 'AND LEATHER, which is complete, in every Department, ana vUt pe sold prices that defy cotapolition. . , , WHOLESALE .MERCHANTS are especially Teqnested to W E V7 1 L L: II 0 T BE , UII DEflSQLD. 3MJrm, F :iR;B E S ,,, XKW IBpNFRQ.NT BUILDING.-TRADE STREET, octi2 j fi 'MDirCTiaN Iil PRICES fl-rrr BOOTS AND AT TH R LOW PRICES OF THE GOOD ftB. R. -FRENCH OFFER TO THE TRADE THEIR LARGE STOCK AND COMPLETE A6SORTMET of BOOTSmnd SH JES. (being the largest in the State) at snch low rates as defy 0ohj i.PtiMftn fcv inv ictbina house ifi the Sonth. Hen's Etont 8. Kip Boots at $28Xaa 43 0 CO a cate. ii tn'g best first quality Brogans B rogaDs at $1.12J per pair, "VV omen's prime and aliothr styles at eqnallj low rates. : , - T H r, , Feisbnsil ta'Tnlnatfoh tod oxOera 'aolicitedV'1. ' S -? 4 v ; GEO. uept23 W V Kt.M.-.;I. .T. U R; E ss Michols S ik. : .1. . WHOLESALE Supply of Lounges, all grades iCofllne on hand. 1 Has Arrived and la f it tJKmWKtm BBBBHBBbV 1 sfcsssW - - TT I T XT S T O BI3. CALL AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS OF XMA3 PRESENTS FRQM THEIR ,...- : j Superb Stock of Toy Furniture of every description.. n arts ' WACOa. WHEELBARROWS, ' : - ., ; -POCKETS, It ii THfriJace to ret durable and handsome pnwenw for wires, motners, sweei- heartsfor cbiliritinRettieraber the place. EAST TRADE TREET OPPOSITE MARKET. : HOUSE. no DR.:SB. ; NYE,! ! OOBLISTOPTICIAI); ' teiJftA-i'-iH Val " i ' NEWYORKi i - fc T E8PECTFULLY atlnbttrXN to . tr : Band vicinity'ina,n, has taken rooms at l.CeVfJ15gS he may be corisutted pon ' DISHASES pF THE EYK and where he ecfally repre-. T a r-T . its ' Tlavlnir iadif rtb adaptat i6 SpectadleVttoa Opiical Contrivances ial studjLwhkh this profession demands, hf fAWnaBir Ail fMl M teW vffll l"c c ! t1 Very.iespectfally. f v svn r tion Iree. V-rir. t-. m tjtjtnii-fiadv Butfefi? Butters , ' It (Witt - s TJRE8H arrival of that Snperfor,yirgiD a' V 3t ; ! declir:'I MooCbrnmission' ;SBcf e1 ' iO E .CT ' I.- .now folly AND RETAIL , ciamlne our Stock before p vulffcin; ' .: i ' SHOES, OLD TJMES BEFORE THE WA8V at $1.50 a pair, Men's first quality L. A B. Peb. Grain Bals at $1X0 per pair. Women It. FRENCH & 80HSj r Wilmington j G. P & DEALEE3 IN FURNITURE, BEDDING, &c, No. 5, West Trade Street. CHARLOTTE, K. C. r JUST RECEIVED. FULL ASSORT5IENT A OK wM Parlor Suits, in Hair Also Cloth, Tprrv and Recs. Also a new s n A full assortment of Mctalic Cases, Caskets and Wood - nov2 Holding Forth at 1 .brackets; wall AO., &C ' CHRISTMAS I A-. 'I. .. . . : '- ; i PRESENTS OK ALL KINDS IN HIS Lllf KOW tO BE SEEN r.. tut PHIFER'S BOOK STORE. Mil WMeanWliat Sth ill. 3rTit4nW'.P 0J6!:S8.Ci Ci I fllHE Proprieiora of the OBatowfWi Wiirlthintheheten andsettle or hand the Jtanda prompfl J totholhictarvMr WIT A? Brownvwh he J tenia - ii.Tuvanrt t. hi r n,,ri m uu nr i ! 1 1 T1WXI11 If AW 1 R'Jfij i. r I ierjwtth good, elV;pf atr.,and 1 - dec25 44 AW -toC??',J VUIW tTTH fti nm J23l2Z$- i " .".V.-A. .i i.M. CHARLOTTE. CL.V rOtf and kiler th!sydafe,ttalla will open and Kotthern,, delivered 8.S0 a. ia close 6 00 out fionthern, J7 .ht .8.80 r., " SOpm' Air-une, 'V 8.30 ",-8-30pmJ aCJ.Eaafe lrg- ,A 8.30 " , 9.00pm xi. xi. .; eou v, -i . .ox p nr StatesviUe,,' ts".-i fiSO-,-," Money Order and Register i -.ii ,pk.,iibbJsrALD'. m it. TUG cnURClIEft TO-DAY. ( atholic Church. Services this morning at . 10i . o'clock, and sermon by the Rey PahfRly of Raleigh. St. Petsk' fJT.) CirtrECH. Services this mormnatlland this afternoon at 4, by I xne erar,-teT ntf ionson Jt Schooi, HocssSenrices at the School Hoase, neartheCity MUla,;thia afternoon ' at'O'olock, by'Rer W M Hunter, . , . - 1 Baptist Chtjech. Services this morning at 11 o'clock, atfdrthis evening at 8 o'clock, by the pa&orr Rev Tr H. "Whitfield, Sunday School at 9 A. M. Fibst Pbssbttxkiaji Chckch. Services tills morning, at lUxan4 his evening at 7 o'clock, by$5e,ppatotReVW Miller, D.D. Seats free. Sunday School at 3:30 P. M. Tetoh Stbxet M. this morning at 11 .E. Chtjbch. Services A. M., by Rev W H Bobbitt, -pi&i th -vening M., by tie-pastoV Rev-5 at 71 P. P J Carra- way. Sunday School at 3 P. M. A. R. Pemt1kbuk Chtkch. Services in the ChapeJ, jon the. corner of College and 5th streets, pf 11 "b'Hpckj byhepastpr, Rey W." M Hunter, and at 7 P. M. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Second Pbesbttebiajt Chcbch. Services this morning si ll, and this evening at 7 by the pastor, Rev E H Harding. Sunday School at 3 p. m. - SacOKO Mkthombt Chubch. Services in the morning at 11 A Mi J F Butt, and at 7i P. M.. by Rev W 11 Bobbin, sunaay 8chool at 9 A.'M CITY BTJLLETTN. New Year sermons to-day. First Sunday of the new year, - The street crossings' were scraped off yes teaday. - ,Tbere will be services to day in all the churches except the Lutheran. New YSaXjCfdJers were not very numerous on yeBfeday.SOme, however, were out. The Board of County Commissioners will meet in regular session at the Court House to-morrow. The banks were all closed on yesterday, and this was the only indication of New Years Day. A sight of the moon was caught, last even ing, between a rift in the clouds, and the peep made us think of old times. . . ' "At' times, yesterday, the sun almost came out, but it way be said that the dreary weather of the past ten days still continues. The guests of the Central Hotel had an extra good dinner on yesterday. Quite a number of invited guests were present, too, including the police and City Marshal. Reserved seats for Col Mulberry Sellers, are going off quite well. Remember to morrow night is the time. Don't fail to see Sellers. Tbere s millions in it. 902 people in this city on yesteiday wrote "1875." tried to rub out the "" witn ineir fore finger, and then cussed the luck that that had made them no more thoughtful. Contrary to a custom which prevails very extensively in the South, the colored people of this city ba4iolebratioii on yesterday of Emancipation Day. Messis Alexander, Seigle Co., by a card I biitier io&nf , teg their debtors tne entire propriety of their walking up to the captain's office, Ac. There is a vast amount of civil business before the Magistrates these days. Every body seems to be suing everybody. Tnis would aeeni however, to be a very, wn-civil business. The voung ladies interested, are requested to meet to-morrow (Monday)" morning at 11 o'clock, at the reaidence of SI McDowell, Esq,; to ajrrange for the prooosed Ieap Year Party. . f . Yesterday was a day of unusual quietude, A large number of people were in town, the most of them. negroes, at there was very little drunkennessVand almost no disorderly conduct. The property' of Mr B Koopmann, on Church street, was sold yesterday at public auction, and ? was bought by Dr J H Mc-1 Aden, for $3,800. ' The lot is a half acre in extent. . -: In the raffle last eyening-at Purefoy's store for th4arge and beautiful doll baby whjch 4aJitlractea faoCinucB Sft60Ttj I tToIm was the winner, throwirig Tl. The doll was valued at $35i ; : ; 1! i! While With.ceSseliess course the sun Hasted through the former year. it Many souia their race haye run, KeWooniere fs M Si -FWeCT rn"trjeiveteTBi awif - : They have done with all below We a little longer wait, - , I B6t tow little, "hone CT hnow. r, Baker, the weather prophet proposes ti uM v,i "weather work" tnis year, no tired serving th nhlW toi nothing and will e will . - i r-ih nn-Aipt onlv for money, lie huddIv families at 50 cents per year ' eacn, f Positively ge .no'chranaoa ..,' ntna ateaaenua- Hh statements Ahnte C92iAa& ikmttn.bcDusteS Receipt for 8eptember, r;253 bales. ' " 1 OctobW.': 7,489 Vnmmhff. 6.004 at - .'j a-- Total, 4-t 1 hours from 9 r-r IWetorUOntteaeath terda tnotning at his Residence, p? ;erjsipe J lai' Mr Fink was a natiiw of Cabarrus conn-1 imr hjiMiiA ha mnvniltia liViav: but t had been liyingiXiarhtfiine4hel war. 1 . -' ia:;wji . .. i Autwancement j.iAji-rj ,y js a - j J , -t; " 7 7 7- -1 ienior editor and ororctiefor of ' this paper i 1 management. , Register ef Dee4a WorkHj i. ister of Dceds'of Mecklen'onrg County issued 59 xnarHage Jicensea during Jhe, year just ) 'ended lie 'fsaue&Sld'; llargesttptimber of marriages that eyer toox place in tbis coun- i -ty in any one year,, was 325. , The Register, darine December.' recorded 6 deeds and ttortgagesV daring thepast year;? t&9;j m i.m,tm i IM 1 1 i i n" I S''! i ' !s;,ill fence question, met in this city onFri. day, according to adjournment, J jrnce, Eq ; m thVnair. Acommittee was "ap pointed to let out the contract - for building the fence, and to report to an adjourned meeting, to be held in Charlotle .on Friday next." ' :'r..y . - - Safety leeks. Mr H Kelly, of Raleigh, is in this city for a few days, for the purpose of supplying houses with the window burglar-proof lock advertised elsewhere. '1 It is a very excellent contrivance, and those of our citizens who have apprehensions pf being troubled by burglars should have them put on their windows. Ran Into a Tank. On Friday morning the water tankat Luru berton, on the Carolina Central Railroad, fell across the track jest before the train arrived, and when it did reach the spot the locomo tive dashed into it, the engineer not seeing it in time to stop. . Fortunately very little damage was done. The tank was old and rotten, and, as a great many people have don in the last week, it got too full. ; Cutting Down Forees. ' : Quite a number of railroad employees sus pended business on yesterday by request, or will suspend in a day or two. The Rich mond & Danville Railroad' has dismsssed two of the depot Clerks in this city, and the Carolina Central Railroad the same number. The Piedmont Air Line and the Atlantic Coast Line, have also dismissed one solicit ing agent -each. We do not know how it is with the last named line, but we see little sense in the Richmond fc Danville Railroad ever reducing its force or taking off trains, Since it rarely ever pays off, anyhow. ; ,:, Marriage at Yerkville. A friend informssis by letter of the mar riage, at Yorkyille, 8. C. on the 29th ult., in the Episcopal Church, of Mr W Black burn Wilson, Jr., and Miss Isabella H., danghter of the late Dr W R Miller, of Ral eigh, Rey R P Johnson officiated, and the attendants were as follows and entered the church in the order in which their names occur : Miss Willie Miller, Mr Jim Wilson; Misa Susie Willianas, Mr Robt ualbraitn; Miss Maggie Dunovant, Ifr Robt Latta; Miss Sue Lowry Mr Robt Steele; Miss Willie McCorkle Mr Johnnie Wilson; Miss Florence Latta, Mr Sam Wilson. Irvin'a lane. A gentleman who is very much interested, asks us to urge upon the County Commis sioners to take some action at their meeting on Monday, looking to the improvement of the condition of the piece of road known as Irvin's Lane, lying between the Air Line Depot and the town creek. It is in such condition now as to be almost impassable, and not a quarter of a load can be pulled through it. While this is true, there is ev ery probability that the road will continue to grow worse as the winter advances, until by and by the bottom can hardly be found at all. We submit; but must decline to com ply with our friend's request to urge an im provement, for the reason that the last time we did this we offended the Commissioners, 1 and we have no desire to do so again. The Matinee Yesterday Afternoon. There was an excellent rowd, mostly la- d5 nd children, at the theatre yesterday I afternjon, to be.' charmed by Miss Katie pntn.m and her first rate company. And cnarmed ii were,' for Katie was never more bewitching than as , "Amry, the BarefooV j and she was well sustained in nearly all the parts. The character of Ary is one of the sweetestJmagtnatie, ana miss ruiuniu a conception, arid her extraordinary histrion ic ability, made it quite as irresistible as its Creator intended it shoul be.'5 ; The support Was good jthroughonti anjd was bet ter taken than that of Jimmie, tlie brother of Amry. All in all, "The Barefoot" was one of the most charming entertainments that Miss Putnam has ever given us. D.n... fiwt.h .rik.,.t. : Waw, yesterday' a", hlghiy Iaughabiel pictnre. - It was a representation of the not inthis citv on Christmas Day,' and" was i drawn on pasteboard with a pencil by 'a life tirnegro bdrlZ yearsMf age'inthe employ (Mr Jaa MoCokle.'wThe stores of Brenr, Brown &CWand Smlth- jfforbeSwere? Vir r!"fr. f- the windows; streets below? were; filled .tiin mrMuA thrnnnf whites andblacks hootin pistols id throwing brick-bats smoke emerged from the ends of revolvers, land tha 'air wkV blaci1 with" all " manner of I - 'UltiXMm 'danlatod' missiles,' The most striking scenes depleted. are tarns on norseBacJc, using mspisioim discriminately, and Shepherd Johnson j ly lag dead in the jmosx oi inerusniBgBeeui & - . . Jk. i - : 1 , I The darkey apo ogixesr.nyttaccuracie gan, be got scared and took to his heels. This piciureTTie aajs. Is just what he imagr ined. fromithef IW seer how; ma I fight nrobabl v looked ' It is a fanny picture, .:tA ..Ut m menBrder of talent oaf taTidftte:' . j Hftar taten an interest iir me iroQiesaie aou i th. n .ft1,rtfftn wMrtifilg and wnft t rAtr - 7 - rl . r 9.00 d m LhiA,riju Pew WM an attCUOtt .ofarl0ie8 80100 1 tive that were she to adoot the stace as , . AUU r -t ; 1 to naicuiousiy nign prices.' - we are giaa p-tv-'- ; iij ' v Jn- i; i " iNji ! m , duties !MnttnlkilHeer seiw i thaithVbjcaaidii wiSaiich a ;ifleaWni.iff!:?xIVK: .?rY.!&rmnk - ilThis erent' tookplace :co Friday night. and was yery largely attended. We are glad to hear from ; partioipanta, ; that it'watt the most dellghtfnl hop that the society has erer had Thp daTirvd hnt iha ' Did' vftar ' arid danced iff the tew; tod; the tfe tinned until 5 o'clock, yesterday morning. I E number of inyited gaests weranres- eni, among otners, his uonor , .ayor aonn-1 4 t. s . :i i iv j ! I able pneV awl regret ' that bur husidess en- I gagements1 were such as to prevent as .from accepiing ine pvue . ,jnviHkiwn. Iyuivu.twtf been extended us to: attend, the, hop. Shlpptne IJae ReriTCd. Attention is called to the advertisement, in another column, of the Great Southern Freight Line,' via the Charlotte, Columbia fc I 'i ' tf i il it " l 'r? J. 1 w;i t -.j 'Zi "1 Charleston to and from North and South Carolina. Charleston ; and ; Eastern- cities. This ronte was the favorite otte td ahippars when being-formerly run tothis section; d .. but conrratulate our mer- and . we cannot but congratulate pur mer chants on its being re-established, und trust it may receiye a liberal share of business, as it offers unexcelled facilities for the transpor tation of freights. We are assured by the agent, that cars will be run through to and from Charlotte and Charleston, and upon a 24 hour schedule. Mr. N M Johnston is agent for the line. He is a popular and effi cient agent, and we have little doubt that through his instrumentality the line, will soon get into a fine bu9in(3. The Courts. There were no cases before the Mayor, yes terday morning and only one of any moment before any of the Magistrates : that was against John Kirkpatrick, colored, for urg ing the negroes on to riot on Christmas Day. The defendant was acquitted and discharged from custody. Judge Schenck opened his Chambers Court at the Court House yesterday morning. There were only two cases disposed of da ring the day, and these were Whitley, Guar dian, vs. A A Alexander: Bailey and Vance for plaintiffs, Wilson & Son, Jones fe John ston for defendants. This case was in the Supreme Court at the June Terra, and was remanded for further hearing. On argu ment of counsel, it was re-ieferred to the Clerk, under instructions from the Court. Stewart ys. Salmonds was argued by Wil son & Son for plaintiff and Yaace & Bur- well for defendant. The facts were found by the jury at last term. The Judge has not filed his opinion as yet. The case of Sharpe vs. Williams, from Cabarrus will be argued on Monday, and the important case of Stitt vs. Lookabill, on Tuesday next. 17, S. Commmioner'i Court. Andrew Hen derson was before United States Commission er Bailey, yesterday afternoon, charged with retailing whiskey and tobacco without license. Messrs Bailey and Jones appeared for the defendant, and Deputy (lector Mc- Alpine for the Government. The examina tion began before sun-down, and lasted oyer eight hours. The Commissioner reserved his decision until the 14th inst. "There's Millions In It." Mr John T Raymond with his fine corn- pany will to our people at the Opera House to-morrow evening, the dramatiza tion of Mark Twain's last work, "The Gilded Age." The part of Col Mulberry Sellers has made Raymond one of the most famous ac ton on the American stage, and he has immor talised Col Sellers. The play is highly hu morous, and can be appreciated by any one. One of the Richmond papers speaking of ita production in that city says,"it is the leading theatrical, sensation of the season." We sincerely hope to see the Opera House crowd ed to-morrow eveuing. Raymond is the greatest comedian we have eyer had here, and for their own sakes we do not want any of our citizens to miss seeing him: We give here an extract from the Richmond Ditpatch of Thursday, concerning this play and this T.i.m'n a .- v v.,f,. r,A itJZSfXrZl ZTu. VOionei Jttuiowry cwic, u Twain's 'Gilded Age,' gave quite. a large audience an admirable piece or acting lass night. Those who ventured to the Theatre . , 6 . ,i . j a j o.v - inrougn wis muu uu u.F.f, ness, were amply repaia mr weir enterprise and trouble. xne xoionei is au admirers claim all that tame has pictured' him yet must be seen to be fully apprecia ted. He is wonderfully amusing ; he is 'great' indeed. His mission -is to astound and please, and in one or the other branch nf fh nndertakine he usually succeeds. , Last night the audience was kept laughing almost contin- J ually; Avar went duu care ana au tne little vexations of life. Sellers was the Idol of the hour,' and for the time drove bat of mind all other matters. Many who from over-eating of Christmas turkey and fruit cake, and oyer-d rinnng ot unnscmas egg nogg, had been down almost to the depths of despair, were raised to a nappy leyei py the electric influences or laugnter. The Opera House Xaat Might. Katie Putnam and her Comedy Com rjahv nfeaented "Jane Eyre, the Or- pUa of liOWOodjatjUie Opera House, J night, before a yery Jarge and cul- X r mV : " tivated audience. The Dlay waa cast Li . i Al that of the mucQBirongw iuu n night bejEbred gave unbounded sat- I istacuon. - : t The stan as Jane Eyrei was immense. She Tjlayed the part powerfully, ; and J Hii(iW','mucH; at home ih'the -ntioni 'drimaM in low , comedv TMMna xtn jWt , kIWa ITati a Pub, 'nJu A Kftrant.Wi'differentfrom -V, u, w"7T. ? wThe Marchioness , or "Fanchon; : l have btit toflfee ' her to "Jane Eyre," to c;$&;miM;: inria.v She iniade a anlendid linn'ri ineir opin- ession, 1 Bieht.- and added, another wreath to 1 ItLu. nr - i MafVf---in g :il! fvrj k-1. . i , ... - i .f- Wrtrt'.lftTi Mtf Sul -a -. . i - i v,. . ' '' - 'JlLii;- U-'t t? 4 -T 7-" other members of the company.,;-'.- , Miss Putnam and her company Have i wn most flattennely received here, i and - it sives ' ta' ereafr pleastixO' to fssy the I that thev will re-appear here bm the I evening of the17ttKWstant. ; A Petite Debotaate. Little; Julia .etoney, of. this , city, ap peared last night Vvrith ihe . P.utoam Adele.'V , '6heactedttheiipartyery '."'"T.iW.,.!- V nave unagmea mat was ner nrss ap- pearance on thV boards, with ' BttQhjan easy connaence ana grace Old, fine, may . ' . , . ';U' vvr FUifERAIi NOTICE. The foneral service of ! Mr.' Israel Fink, will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock, from, his late resideoce kn B Street.; MARRIED. i uncie, air. j 4 ivewia, on xuesoay eveuiug, Dec 28. by Rev. Mr. Huff ham. R D "Wicker and Miss Alice Godwin. ' ' ;- t. DIED., Died, suddenly; in Hillsboro, on the 25th of Decemberr Willi Woodell, sqo of W W Woodell of Raleigh ; aged 17 years, 3 months and 10 days. ,; SPECIAL NOTICES. To mothers whose ehildren are weeping Sweet and balmy slumber secured for . the little ones, and cougns and coias rapiaiy banished by the use or Dr. Bull's uougn Syrup. : CUT THIS OUT, It May Save Your Iilfe. , There is no person living but what suffers more or less with Lung Diseases. Coughs, Colds or Consumption, yet some would die rather than pay 75 cents for a bottle of medi cine that would cu-e them. Db. A.' Bob ohbe's Gebkax Stbup has lately been intro duced in this country from Germany, and its wondrous cures astonishes every one that trv it. If von doubt what we say in print, cut out and take it to your Druggists Messrs T C Smith & Co., wholesale agents ana re tail druggists generally, and get a sample bottle for 10 cents and try it. Two doaes will relieve you. Regular sice 75 cents, f dec 31. Nervous Debility. VITAL WEAKNESS OR DEPRESSION : A weak exhausted feeling, no energy or courage ; the result of mental over work. indescretions or excesses, or some aram up on the system, is always cured by Humphreys Momeopatnic tspecinc It tones no and invigorates the system. dispels the gloom and despondency, imparts strength and energy stops tne d-ain and rejuvenates tne enure man. ceen useu twenty years with perfect success by thous ands. Sold by dealers. Price $1 per single vial, or $5 per package or nve viaisana3 vial of -powder. 8ent by mail on receipt oi price. Address HUMPHREYS' HOMEO- PATHIU llfimuiJ!i uuaix'Ai'i, oo Broadway, New York. g&r See large Advertisement;. no9 ly Scisle A Sons. Coal and Lime Merchants, Atlanta, Ga., Analysis of our Shelby, Ala. Lime 98 65. The strongest Lime m tne United States. Monte vallo, Cababa red asn, and Coal Creek Coal. We have special rates of freight on Coal and Lime by car load to points in North and South Carolina and Georgia. We solicit orders, send for prices. ftJlfl Ed Cb BOKO, . dec30 Atlanta, Ga. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Notice. THE Merchants, Liquor Dealers, Hotel Tnsnrance Agents, and traders of every description, are hereby notified that their semi-annual returns are now aue, nu r for the purpose of receiving b same, I will j be at my office on each day, until the 15th v . T ' J -1 in dtmtlfl. 1Q8I. liquor uetuera u reiiuun o.vwi comply with Section 10, Schedule 'B" Revenue Law for lS74-'75. w i MAA.WiiU xtegieier. jan2 3t . mHK COMMERCIAL DINING ROOMS, 1 under Smith t Forbes' Shoe Store, wtll be open Monday. MOTEASDALE, janl jrropr.OT. Partnership. rrmic tTnderstened have this day associa I I 7 ;hf aa general' partners, for i - --y Aj.m n .n . p-p ruTS. LikSr.w i whibuwu UUi""r " XVV- ,.7 aIZ7t der the firm name and ' style of Mayer, 1 Tinam fe .Trmes. at the old stand oi Mayer, T - -r ,frM. nh.rlft. N C. r?.V" - V.. iRTfivpn . friends: - MO MAXJUt,? , j- a Ross, CHASR JONES. Charlotte, N. C, January 1st; 1876. School Notice. fflHE School q Miss M H Barber, will be X resumed on Monday, January 10th. jan21t ' ' ' ' -: .. ft an nnw Vk& r a nv hvMWhr olrTOn" I i i ;,. THE GREAT SODTHEHN mOnT:,IflIE, VIA CHARLESTON, S: C. BMWIIH CHABIOTTE aii CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA . ' ti . : ; i . ... . ' . t i i i I . . i . t . 3t HifcHAlTTCOtiiiA nnmtT;i, rtT-i-w. vitr wiV SSufflroSSf iira THI LiSeS rvv -TTlll" tWY AT1VANTAGES df the GREAT SODTIEmi "Oi With the AS3URAjTfe& THAT TRANSPORTATION shall' be ' as. QUICKC' 'RATES Afl WW AND SAriFACTW Afl CO business. " '" " f ' ' ' ' ' " ' ,-" ' ' I mi Ju .limr.-n.r-ytta . K For ra"tes,"cla3sincationi and all reformation? eall en the andataigned, 5-;J-: ' i! . i ...1 t ,J ;."; l"-'tc'j t.U ti! 4"i t--i)l..( ill-,.. , - . oj' t.' . w i 't'i'i; fi ' paot ' ' .'-' nAAMl Vraio-Wt; lMt;fj jiL A A R- IL. (Colnmbia S. C. y-.l9'M'AssIl.I'?vSSi'', MA 5an2 SPtiiiiiiiLES! TO THOSE thxt;; WANT THEIR 17 V 17 : X CT17XU frl IT I SELL THE BEST PEBLE IN STEEL yu l ; FRAMES, , FOR $2,0(X, AND A3 GOOD AS THERE 1 IS IN THE UNITED STATES. It A NDTAII) liVE Awb TE3" DOLLARS : FOR A HUMBUtt ULASS, srr SPEGTJIGLES A SPECIALTY. -ASI WILL SELL A." GOOD " PAIR OF SPECTACLES FOR 25 CENTS. '. .iftfl'.algaitH!. VSS.t;vtiT SATE YOUR II0HEY f AND GO TO OLD RELIABLE . , . "' -1t-ift(- J. T, BUTiiER'S, FOE YWB- 8PB C T ACIi B 8 - jan2 Jt- ff.s: A FINE BAR and BILLIARD YARLOR A is connected With the COMMERCIAL DINING ROOMS, under 8mith & Fortes' shoe stow, - ' TO OtTR CITY AND yOUR ACCOUNTS OF 1875 IS NOW DUE, AND WE NEED THE- MONEY TO 8ETTLE OUR BUSINESS 7 FOR THE YFAR JUST CLOSED. YOU WILL CON FER A SPECIAL FAVOR IF Yptf WILL CALL AT OSCE AND SETTLE UP. Alexander -Scigte' Co. jan2 .u.i'r, Dissolutioji.: rriHfi firm of Mayer. Grey. Rosa, la this A day dissolved by mntaal onaent. MO MAYER, ..Axr BR GREY, --vi u! J;B R08SLi Charlotte, N. CL, January Uit 1876.- , All parties ieJbt' W'ina laU'Iam of Mayer. Grey A Rosa, are requested to call at once at the old stand and settle With either of the undersigned, who ar only authorized to settle the business of the late flrmu, , , . MC MAYER, . -V'; RBosa. Charlotte, N. January lst,:i876. , tlUB rjn . lull 4v t OJiti' ALL P01M Mil aiiiAST. & AUGUSTA RAILROAD, Ail i I f ) .4 i i f H i 'il!i .tirl Ha nnnnawtta RTAMRHTP LINES at U VU Mlllflfl'ft UUJllKf I OF RAILytYS CONVERGING THERE . - -w "A ' x. fiS AU t at p 1 LUiJ f v I . iBoliciting AgenV CharlotteVK. C. Jt r. . I ' ' .! i frt. . . Will 1 t 4. "'" i t ii 4 1 ii - V if - s 1 I, i I , rqcn tft . If-1- ;W I