CHARLOTTE OBSERVER DBMUITIOI UTB. want. nd wtth latest styles ofT" rSSfcannercfJ-SVc rbdos V ms( 1 tAtAirfcs;!!) jjrrj- cYerrtanner - ;e c -i r ' tnui IDITIOH, - '2 00 oat of the county, postpaid, - 2 10 6 months, . ai . Al 05 cr Liberal redactions for 4 o WKsMiy-j , , i r-s rt " ' 1 m.i.iwi ilHWmi ,M ,m .M m 1 f' - m, tj , ; "Wi'WW fc. ll 1 I m f-" . - , , illMlf ,rA' '..jSV.,,; r "VI ..i T ril "1 Jl iltl Itrttf - rui' V..lll. : III. ..far .. .Tf7li fll - .. 1- ". I II. .'l. .. . i t - . . t I ,A1A A I .J 1 1 II III: II" II III llCrift IVVIW If ritIhl 1, t llla 1-ViJM n lf 7M 1 Y" I r f I lUM II 1 II JILll: Vf-" I I Ir HI I II I II I ll J ll f 1 11 111 SI II- I II J M l , ,AVa I V 111 III. 7.111,111 -W ,4v 1ILJII u 1 " i tea J ... . . .?- i 7. ..v- FCuA-. -j 1 - - ;'. - -- 'i ' w r-T I- ,-. r-r a i ' - - f - tit "SMITH & FORB .. ' V"f 1 1 K.773x: STOCK OUB MBQBES bwjtTeUiro frond the K'Marketir knd we pvWourBewnd Fail Stock of BOOTS, 8 HOE3 AND LEATHER, Which- is fully complete in fevery Department, sfid Vlll beeoTd prices thatdefy eorapetltlon. - .jk ;f ,:i:OIliiENI)IBETAIL M KBCH A KTS- axe especially requested to exfunlneoar Stock before' p nrcl N E W..iK0.2?. F E,0 HT' B-JJ I LD I N,G , 3T R AD 'BliTffE ET, .W .ft 'sffiiaa to jffeiAet20hlS75j OiTima'after ttirs e' ftlalli wlH open and fcloee tar this office as Ibilews waoM. ' aotuer&j Hoatnem Air-Lin States villei C Money Order andTReeistCT i.otirs from a. nr. to 4 n.-Tn:' "- ' .-'i,'JM ttj . i ichl of weather was never before known at this I back. Beasoa. :,Tnere is 60 explanation of it.' and I GROTS DTI,OTION IN ,PRI0E Bmfgmo .iflii tf .i i-roV 1 it Is u5InimoU8iy atrd that sdi TTHTJW """"a OF.THRJ300D OLD TIMES BCTPEE THE WAB, Taasjo-HRg, French &- sons ' , ::T;M3l,.llinlnii,,vgiiliflv rvFrKB TO TBS TBAlSTHIB LARGE STOCK AND COMPLETE ASSORT MET U 'of BOOTS and SH JILST tbSng the largestia the State) at wch low jrates as defypom petition by sdi $30.00 a caee. J B rocana St tl J2i: nrima Arfbilf Bals.i .nd alt hdiAatvles'at edilalTy ToVrateA f GEO. IL FliENCll & SOSS, tc Doing oone in me cuuuisjuwcuja "'ir en's beet first qnalitjkBrogans at $1.50 ft pair, 'Wetfs first qnailty L. B, pTir Voznen rs mime Feb. Grain Bale at 91 .00 perpalr, w omens attl.00 wr -DSir. iadldre's PpM8hHIsh Uut Copper Tips at.76.enw P U McDOHALD, P.'M ' 5 ' -.-T eolips;of .the Qoo cerapiencingj in Kew England about 12k a. rn March 10 Second and annual eclipse, of the sra March 25, the moon tncealiBg the son's diaeVwcept a jinf rbnndthe boMer.'Kttw&glandtt ginning apon 5 rflinmeitb4 J? " Third, partial i ecHpse of A Wtiv " CMted ' States,' bnta visible ir. th Sonth Pacific and Atlantic The City Marshal w yesteTday moraine receiVed a telegtam from A G Wall at tiles fillet Anson eouhty, . asking: WatC to wrest one George Taylor, a man with , dark com. piexion, smooth,. , feoe,. blacky etirljr, hait. abont fiyd.feet highland shabbily,. dressedV for stealing money. Policeman Blacxwelder took charge of the case and shortly picked his man up 1 though he then . had on a new coat, which be ti bought 7wilh a part of the. stolen, money. : About .$3 .were foond on his person. 4 He was put up and the fact was telegraphed Mr Tall,. wh sept for him bj last night's train. He irill . be, carried down this morning. ' ' ? Hi It CITY BULLZtTIN. We hare just heard a Utile story which shoiri bow strong is the natural fcflection of ,1 "5 ''.J' r . . I . t n1 ftlfhow ereatisitasaracitT. Dur saore sunsnme yesteraay tnan naa peen t t , ur.:.-' .j . r,aT homeatthtIms,toVwMtiUaw.Weri ourccto Buuiwnai oi weir wonieu appear i . , , j . i v ; i Tagmg uaTioB airaujTuifiuiwiiiwiWBWi ance. - . I . -j.. . . -..--:. . ..-'.j., ?j Dpne; schwored ff,n, is . the response f if nossible. hW' offsnrine. It was too late : which is treqenUy gmn now, but in abont I bad already been licked up ty the a week, the addenda, "but I won't count Tflimii; -a niently the oldTcat emerged 1 I from the burning' building, ', all alone, and spell 1 with nearlT all the far siiiged rom her prospecuye earthquakes, and. eruptions are suggested. Col J Hdeias ,Caepcba'ge of the Air Line JSaiuoaa, as BeceiVer His circu lars of instructiqn hure been forwarded to the employees of the road. '' Col Baford has also issued Ws, ciruUrs relinquishing the road. C mm SKA At, 5arJiViT!ttrt.-1 Wilmingtoii, C. .1' hi- 7- ii-itli'A ..LlL -f!T JTTS MLJLIJV'trCTBJ-" jstiw sdt C-J ti 1 inciiols c Co.. i t-iUo jutrwdJ tnut aay nittu a m-, : . Mtt!()lESXtt & I RETAIL Bf order la Kkhmend County. A yery brief not from a friend at Laurin burgk dated "10 clock, A. Mi, January 1st," informs us that Nellie, daughter t)f Jennie Patterson, and wife of Charles McKae, late- ly, married, was snot anacueajnzy ramuwra, at the hoase of Daye Fairly, near Smyrna Church , i& the- vicinity of Laurinburg, Rich mond county. David McLean is the suppos ed murderer..- The above are the contents of the note. It was written very hastily and handed td a gentleman on the Carolina Central train on Saturday morning. We have no informa- Col John A Gilmer, of Greensboro, is in 1 lion of the cause of the murder, or when it the cifyrtbe guest 'of nis brother-in-law, I was committed, but presume that it was on Capt A G Brenfzer. " " I Friday or Friday night. The.AaMUBAelnes,W 1 ', I eot hashed by a Train. The number jf marriage licenses issued in I On Sunday morning a colored train hand New Hanover, county, .Pender included, for J on the Charlotte; Columbia fc Augusta Bail the year juaLpast, rsached 257. Here in rroad, named Ludns' Clarke,had his left foot MecaieBburjs idej nagsber was 316. from l badly mashed near the pump bouse or tne which we would judge tha. though fewer in i road, in this citv. The train was maling a number, we are niQre p( A inarrylng people j ranxjing shift; he had cut it .loose, from the Personal. Col J M McCorkle, of Salisbury, one op the brightest legal lights of the State, is in the city, hCPsnftCt he Central Ho- -rU i I -"2 rf 111 V-lrfi,-3l i- '. , DEALEE8 IH FURNITURE; BEDDING, &c., No, 6, . West. ,.Trade ritreet, . CHAKLOTTK, J. C. ;3A JUST RECEIYED,r " FULL ASSORTMENT OF tn Parlor Suite, Terry and Bepa. Ha,ir Ooth Also a new Supply 4f, Lounges, all grades' A falletttpf MeUlic asi '-.Oo0ine fi'nand i sm mih w Caskets and Wood !).' - nov2 Holding Porth at Week of PrMver. This is the week reconxmended by the ErangeJical Alliance as a Week of Prayer. to be observed by aU Proestani denomina tions throughout tbeouatryj It will be'ob- served by some of the churches of this city. Those of which we have learned, are the Tryon Street Methodist'ind the First and Second ' Presbyterian. " The services in the First Presbyterian Church will not5 com mehce until to-norrQ'w night :! T!hey,com meneed in the Second Bresbyterian ChurcbJ yesterday auernopn, and seryices were tela at 41 o clock. . Beys. Messrs Carraway and Hardintr will have joint: services- in the church of the latter; throughout the remain der of the week, the services beginning at 4 Pi1 M. of each day . To day, the tb. the pravers ' will be for the church of Christ; for the. 'members , recently added to the Church ; lor the union of true believers in fraternal fellowship and active co-opera tion ; for the removal of error, the increase of godliness, and a clearer testimony among the believers to the doctrines and power of the Gospel of the grace ef God. probably conldn6f fcate been aacertaia whether r'na the cliil&-.Ji4d'-mcfiT!dlli There were certain signs; which jindk-ated that it had neretjreceTnyettenaon wbAUrer'but the eubject i too disgusting .tobe handled. and. we willnot go After the remains oad been seen, the juxr adYournedYo ihe Court Houi; where an fn- Vestigation' was gone Into with closed doors. W ItcCombirwas examined; any testifled in subetaboe as above. The next witness Was a white woman who eave her name as Leona Clark; She said that she UTfd.dowl 1 4he railroad, a, .short distance, and that, tut Sunday morning she passed ,Jby fhe pump house and sw a white man and twe negroes sUnaing at tne door, loosing at aomemmg and talking. She was attracted by theft ac tions1 and went up. Saw a bundle' lying there wrapped np It smelt badly and they were all wondering what it was, but nobody would open jt,. and the so shortly jter- wards. ,wen awy. Wness then, went to house occupied by.oplored .people near by, ana tola vnem wa loer was m muiwww bundle up there. The people went up, and she with a pen knife cut' the strings from than onr down $a&t neighbors. , Meetinge TeXht. The Mecklenburg Historical Society will meet this eTen&gt?t o'clock at the office of Dr T J .Moore.. An address will be deliv ered before the Society by Maj .0)poi tThe x M C A' will meet this evening sc 7 o'clock, kt theirnew rooaiv in Yates' build ing on Trade street, third floor, room No S. City Property npr Sale. B M Miller and JWWadsworth, as Trus tees for Grier fe Alexander, sell to-day the yalaable business house, lately occupied : by that firm, on Trade street ; and A Ma aulay And 8 P 8mUi, TrusteiMof Ulien Cruse, sell thst yaluable city lot fronting on Tryon, Seventh and-Church itrers; known as the Crdae tMtiperty. jFewT kniire. .Seiirable locaj tions can be secured in the city. Stationery and Book Binding- Eatablish- engine, and attempted to jump - upon the steps of one of the cars, .for the purpose of patting on the brakes "(the i train still run ning though detached) when heistepped up on a plank, which caused his foot to slip, and threw him just off the track, bi foot on the rail. One wheel of the car, passed over it mashing "the bone and cutting it badly. . Dr J P McCombs rendered the nec essary surgical aid, and the patient is doing very well. , Meeting;' of County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners met at the Court House, on yesterday, the 3rd day of January, 1876, present, W E Ardrey Chairman; Thos Gluyas, B L DeArmond, T L Vail, H M Dixon. The following was the only business of interest: On motion T L Vail was appointed Chair man pro ten. The resignation of Bey J B Boone as Chairman of the Board of Examiners was received. ' - The committee appointed to examine the condiiion of Clear Creek Township fence, made their report which was received and committee discharged. It was ordered by the Beard that the pray er of the petitioners of Mallard Creek, Long Creek and Charlotte Townships, in regard to enclosing their townships, be granted, and that they be authorized to levy tax to bear the expenses. Ordered by the Board that the Trustees of and she told thai womebody else must take off the balance. The colored man who bad come up4rom the house then unwrap ped another cloth, and the body of an in fanfe was exposed to Tiew. Hilliard , Washington, colored testified that he is a train hand, and stays at the house of a colored woman njimed Martin when he is here. That on Sunday morning, the white woman who bad ' just: testified, came to the house, and said that there vku a dead body in the pump house. Be paid no attention to it at first, but the children kept running up there and back, and he finally went up. The balance of . his testimony, in ti:tfenM nf Mr D M Bizler. in this City, isntteeTenin?etttbe 300i Bot P rcarraway; mWf Lethco al Mlas itrte-8.i r,-rf!:-i ; A tmr MMrttftmMsIoatf Water Street last nighahiyeiiag with IherefciUniahtair. and drawing niaoTeicoa juj ewuj he thought, "now is the" time for colds and oougiis;dtifjomortta oaty knewwhat a certain OTIlrBaU Couch fiyrup is how few wonkl kng sneivd then it only costs W11 aiJtnlawh9rA-I OX U m incet rniserahle-ielttgi- in-l the world xethoaa uffering.fom y.pepeia aaa iiiver complaint. More than aerenty-flTe per cent of the peo ple in the'Vhlt tre afflicted with these two diseases and their effect such as Sour Stomach, 'Sick Headache, Habitual Gostiveneas, Palpitation of theHeartHeart imrn, Wterrah, faawinic end hnrning pains St the pit of tie Stomach; Yellow Skin Coated tongue and disagreeable at 14 the mouth, coming up of food after eating. low pirits.iGo-te lVne.iStereof Messrs T. C. Smith A Cbboleeale ayenU and re tail drurgists generally! end. rgfc.W cent ont hotttei or a Sample BetUefor lft cents. Cmmm t&etferchanU, A tlnTi ABLrsia . aot Shelby Ala. Ume lOSsS&j" Tbm ssrosrgeefcv Lime . in the tTnlte Gout? MonvffotCanmt)CTdeah, andOoni CwekHOenb We hwre rpeotalrates of freighlpnCoaj andyUmehy car wan to rtoints in North and South Carolina and Georgia. decSO We solicit orders, send for prices. SCIPi S SON8, ai .it?f j-tl 'f-wj)tlantai Ga. HEW ADVCSrHSl VSTSM i i 1 1 j u r i. 1 1 ii .1. ji i, i, i. 1 1 1 if i i. Partnership; T F. CUTHBEHTSON nod L. B. I . 1 ii il ! mlitiil Ihmni reeard to the unwrapping of the bundle, partners, id the. oceryJneM. Atthe After some discussion among themselves, the jurymen decided to lay the case oyer until yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, to see if some further testimony could not be ad duced, and meanwhile the woman was com-, mitted to jail. - ' -' ;'' Yesterday! afternoon, the jury met again according to adjournment, but no further evidence CQulu be found in the case,, and a verdict had to he rendered that "the child came to its death from some cause or Causes to the jury unknown." The ' woman was accordingly released from custody,' and the awful crime has been fixed upon no - one. While few think that she is the mother of the child, the impression prevail very gen-, erally that she knows more about the infan ticide than she told in her deposition. The great interest which she exhibited in the mattm. vi . BUBoicious. . It is stated that about tne lv Groceries, which we are determined to sell cheap for cash. jam The Proposed Leap Year Party. A meeting of the young ladies interested if deemed necessary, to defray the expenses -n -'! : i Mr H L Koellsch left, yesterday morning, for New YorkvCity, wheie he will purchase a stock of books and stationery, and make arrangements fori putting a book bindery in operation in this city. He will occupy the stand now- occupied by;D M iZigler, who will move to the house lately used by W B Cochrane for 4 tobacco store and factory, which, property he baa -bought, t v Pecllnes the Call, . t .(.t , JV ICIMI WH iwcitsu jRwiuaj uivuuii in the Leap Year Party, was held, according to notice, at the residence of Mr K. 1 Mc Dowell, on vesterdav moraine. Miss Flor ence Brem was elected Chairman, and Miss Emma McDowell, Secretary and Trtasurer. youn g htdies' compote the various committees :, Committee of Inviiation. Misses Mamie Wilson J Sallie Young, Maggie McDowell, Lizzie Yates, Julia Bryce, Mamie Black wood. M Executive Oommittec.llisBeB , Minnie Phi fer, Lou "Young, Emma McDowell, Alice Springs. ' ' . Floor Manager Misses Sallie Steele, Pick ett Myers, Maggie Spratt, Bene McDowell, Annie Jones, Ella Dowd. The party will be held at the residence oi she was the rst person seen Sharon, 8teel Creek, PineviUe and Provi- piace, and mat sne leu it a nvumeu ocv- dence TownshiDS. meet at the Court House era! times during the day. &ne asaea nu- in Charlotte, oh the I5th inst, to levy a tax lhved Washington to do something with the body, so that it would not oe eaten oy me I .4 ' , iff .""if ' 3 T O R 0B3 THEIB i SI ill' WiWOU , '' " ' 4 ; (-!- , g iix iwri rUA1tk YOTJB SELECTIOKa .OF. XMAS .PBESENTS . i , .-ji t.;.- Superb Stockhaf .Toy.Furniture of every desonption-.. i cjABm'-WAWNSy BRACK ,W;AI of their township fence. - Ordered by the Board that the Trustees of Clear Creek Township be directed to have the lownthip fence buHt around the same, strictly as the law directs. : .:- Adjourned at 10 o'clock, after making a- large number of- orders for the payment of moneys-, .... . Watch Night in This City, We regret that in our notice of the watch night services at Tryon Street M E Church, we omitted the name of Rev W H Bobbitt He preached on the occasion, delivering a yery excellent and appropriate ' sermon, and indeed took the principal part in the con duct of the services. While making this njmnA will ( Vof tf 'f'ho (rtcnn Mrj S y.l'oung, on next Tuesday night, the and maing of the observance, which will Htn.. , ., , , nrnve interesting: Before the introduction nf MAthodiam into Eineswood. the denraved from Bev J B( Haskill. of Charleston, declkvf I Tho Theatre-There'. MWMns In It" spen4 the last night of the ing the call whfch was recently extended h we have seen 061 Mulberry Selleni. i 1 YeMm orQBketi.reTel and Bacchanalian hun, to the pajstoraw oi o Mara autqeran i sprnething to. be able to Say tbis. Ana we The Methodists changed the meet- .f kt.irf XT. TTataf.a Yi1 I 2 ' i.tiltJi'itii'-i 'SivLmm Tfnnu l m 1 . . . ....... , ings into religious lestivaia. rr eeiey was aa yised to put an end to them 'but,' he says, 'upon weighing the matterathoroughly, and comparing it with the practice of ancient i i "nww - - - I cnrisiiaas, j. couiu see no cause 10 loxmo w. . f i it t i - ii i; -t fill Ju jmiikl THE place to get aaraei? na hearts or chajdrea.,.cmerapr tne piace . - - i Mi J;l ! ;.i if - : "- ' OPPOSITE n M ABKET - HOUSE. era -il.." ! m.u. .'!h21tfLL Mmt' for wives. -motJiAiftC jlwenlS? 1 MxffifWwMi&. ontb: qf31 irj""; : .; :; .awflrfhjannhecans .or cuuarea. . rjuiiun a irr i . . . , v.. - - - - - tituatibn lB thtf year, it ii Wtispectrte tp. Church of this city. Mr H statu that he Is I no belieye ' that "'ou Opera House has engaged in the work of securing1 an endow J ever held a more delighted crowd than as- ,metiiuod,for .Banpkf 'S osleseiffiof tabled Init.lastight. .' Sellers Is one of eihithloeaiWtlfDlrt happiest imaginations; and quish that work at present. , . u Baynmnd faskes a very Sellers o himself. He is great indeed; immense. -Hi 5ie Bather, t believe it might be madempre f H ' : i ii'.f style or "get mv-.auapis mm aomino ior i i. t .Pnf them word that I desisned r The present month U named fron Janusj t6a d his acting of it is absolutely to watch witn on tne Friday nearest Italian kingwbO; was deified; jaaueh perfect "The crowd. last night, roared and ihe full moon, that we might haye light worshipped and represented with twebeada, laughed nnm fliey were redrn thef thilier and back again. On Friday abun- m W ,M; S 7m Jm W'WW $m m lano of people came. -I began preachrng dogs, and bt fore the jury came to hold the inquest, asked 'a stranger if he -supposed there was any danger of her being arrested. Her testimony was yery crooked ; she said that she had come here, from Columbia, to look for her husband, who bad run off with her child. She said afterwards that she never had a child. She acknowledged that Bhe was begging about the streets, last week, and had a child With her, but said that it ' was not her child. In many parts of her testimony she was badly twisted up. - Though evidence could not be found sufficient to fix any crime upon the woman, it is tolerably certain to our mind that she is in seme way or other, either directly or remotely, connected with the infanticide. The case has caused great interest in the community. All day Sunday, Curious crowds were around the pump house, and the street and door in front of the Court House were crowded while the investiga tion was going on. The crime was one of nnusual brutality, and it is to be hoped that the guilty party or parties will yet be appre hended and punished. , ' THE RISINGSUN ,Jfl;uRand ct, and we are now in ila place, and are wWeAawakei.-H ne wt-of the public; tbwboi to tender owr most sincere thanks lbs the yery liberal manner in which they have bestow ed their patronage on us in our old stand en College Street, and hope by -a oontiauatioa of adherence to the principles With which we commenced here, vis : "that fair honest dealing servea-alike both, buyer and seller," to continue to irierit and receive their Javor and patronage, and' to attract that of . those who have not called on us. The place new occupied by and known formerly as the Biting Sun, will be called in future the WIDE ftWRKE GROCERY STOrTt. Give us a call arid we will prove to you , ' -;. . . ..- ' . that we are wide awake to your interest and wQl fcelL yoa. everything in oar line at the closest living profits, as we want to live and let live. Yery Bespectfully, T C0LEUAH 4c 80V. REMOVAL. The Courts. . .;, Chambers ,Coukt. iShaxp e4,' ,WU. liama, from Cabarrus, occupied ' the rnorniDg session. -,lVn argued fcj Bailey. Montgomery, and Wilson : for plaintiff, and J. M. McCotkle and Vance ' large 1 .i ! .U.JIIV.i '-: DOLTON & CO . deelQ. . - r--Tn yeat5ji WDAJfl Ceadltlen et JUleya. TTT-r for defendant Tha 4uis to a An old I aUajsiiional burst of merriment, either, but I 1 nlantation in Davie, and several town began with the beginnipg and only , ended Ki,, - ttta bevondthenooir of nieht. siwr- lots in Mocksyille, arointelved in thut .with the close. , lnVprying,and'priaisin pri- Anere is not a great au.m we Tt has generally been an extremely solemn f nPn were fnllv disoussed. season, when the word of God sunk deep J aanded up. ,-:r into thjheart, titn ot those W gpe SneiL fromCabarms., Ap-, j ERY, CONFECtlONEBY abt FAHI- .?rr mm.. V bealtrom the judgment of the xTropaw riTJT? Tarn f - a r- , . ! f " 's " liU.' ':'! OCULIST 'nn i mm mm M . ill Vf f "I '(i -rctrrwrfT'T.V.MtifMnncstD'tae b n. rv.-wtjt and vicinity, thai tt CI. 1ZZ: cntrml Hotek where He may oe consul ie y"JTrzLZ2ii THE EYE! and where bdJeipioiallrjWM' . . . w Atesim a uiiri.'. sects his AUSTRALIAN ukjed auw-vj, Timra. u..i mult the adaDtation or AntMlU.Ml.,f aHAAFllllllMfeS... r KVerytreapeotijuiywii m -erpj.Mf r-.- For 'psrtleulaw .'.seetfoiwwv " . tlowfree Kt M$hb i . I mr TrA annld be. - 'But air Interest ties. In some localities water howeTer.i yery fair one.aad the star was 1 Supported much better than4 we'had expect- centreain was Pa-1 fJ AVE" REMOVED THETR BAK- and filth' day before b is forgptten here, and his colossal schemes with the millions in them, will Fur nish a subject for many a day's talk. We are 'V v f i sorry that hestays with us but onenighi,. fy oowrflemorated Uhrpughont i bi;.1 ? l T . "'" -- ".'l I Methodist; world by this solemn festival. ; .'.'LINE ABE NOW TO BE SEEN V -.. . '. iO. commiOgtedare coaling stench that is present nuisance to residents, breeding, as it does, malarial vapors, and that promise to sow seeds of sickness which should be avert ed while now they may. This matter dfc man, la nromot and efficient action from the ' , a . s L r onnoay wee a real apring-iiM oay, ana at- 5. f nf tSbugb thes didnrMme ir was t,H wmW measures rintandrstreete Asa to answer in this matter; Be itlo, however, the impression then made pn many souls has never since then been effaced. The' redeemed, colliers of l&ngswopd; are the The Churches en the Sabbath, Sunday was a real spring-like day; and al- A Horrible Crime An Infant Dead In a Pomp House. Found PHIPEBTff BOOK MAZta "Hi t a nA e:?T STORE. dec21 -S4 vtact-1 ft! It: gomery for 1 defendant, BarriDger for plaintiff. ? Judgment arfirmed and ; ap- 'pealctaken. '. len i Exparte Waring, from Mecklenburg: Motion to reform a judgment. BiUey for the motdoir, "VTusan A Son contra. Case remanded to Clerk, to find the facts. Allisdii ra.'Bobeson frorfC&baMiiaj motion to BxriKe put an auiwei. otu: SapprcselBjr Sim. kvos i l4 &ov cnurcnes. aii were openea ior-emeea. toot it wu nojed ahouk.oh tnestreets that an l ringer for pUtintaH,' Wilson contra. ' nio: . ..Th.Jwinkim aeAueuSta: c Sean dead in; the f tlo bveiruled. 1 ' nJ Itye toeur own ca el.k -,w and -wefirfsfer tTto our columns. t Augusta Battroad, ;in i edge of thecHy. armVw Vu, h. trusrmg-rnalwll nnAeaa impression: churcheseOatholioand rf nnnd the fi m atated. sCoro-1 Cowinssior J5ot.-Wiley tdisffl, I -may be kept' feo iv. nnkl ii; "lVn nf tha nun I ' A boOTibm rime?was'4 deviloped in this city on Sundaymorning. Early in the tARGi A CpMMOpiolpS BTJILD ING, FORMERLY CKXJPEED BY THEIRS ; OL7 STAND, WHERE . .. -una ...rr.t ifl'Jt -i THEY '-BOFS -W MEALLTHEIR FORMER CUSTOMERS, AND ALL QTxtEBd 1 THAT .wot?i lif ii j x THEM WITH THEIR PATRONAGE. !! Jit; ,! !VSt pteonexe. w,aw Bentoeheqnsi wmnesaaw i ian-wWMy:w.wu-r,.M.- miles Ion tie charge of haying jnjvi JBsee-ff a TIEIITION, PI0EERa ) arriv-fRlnn unstamrjed whiskeri Wilson Al. U- trton for whom theMocal' has feehags m4 we.n " e . ing, ummoneatne iouowing jury,no,pr- jgr the aetenttant, veputy juoic-, "''.'.'ir MeridshVand then comes the aWWW ceeded; aboutS tfclbek;in aftsmioiiV-fof MaAlnnin for ihe Government- WeTWeah'Wifvvei tne reouesi oi ure ixreuu, uu u (Tll 1$ I ail iJf l t - i3fin- ; tne reuues ui wv u imu, - -.n . i nes. bf-bavimt -dutsrltoPfi 7. .. 'i.kT WiUiSJi-Kr W ihW i Btreet ana peoona memoaist; n uw tne pumm IJTfJ rButtpreacbld mibetaomini ri In ait the other lurches.! the i services 1 vs-ii-in w t.m5ftn,ht Tl WflVina.' A A seotshis AUSTRALIAN CKYBf AW5Wv- iUdm cUmn raTOff'JT" 7 I Bey W H Bobb Key W H Bobbitt. Presiding1 Elder evening' The first ttw I H B STestJerlr J FALsbbry: RW.Henne- a comer . of the hoose, . ;It,wae asickehing pgin MAYoarfl.(TJB'&-Cicero Smith.; 'ooW ored, for a disturbance abont Mm. liar- ,1va4 tTMl A eanH aWt. v U Baroai JcBTidB JXiYirJaoHfJira Pat- J 1c ,blod ti-ioi ril:5e 1 SrtMrAV Hownwhen be; present. tbAV & jjjjl i y i i . i i e ir. 1 1 1 if ii i ii rti - ButteBQtfeei FRESH arrivallenthat !tifJeri.irirKin Batter, equal to any Goshen, at I f ,rfVfi.'ftCJJtlEB'tf, declt i'Ad. yfiaSommission Store. tt a r F6r' Rent, i between Wmb desire circle, taste, is included iff but ordinary courtstrQuncirrpuDy renottief wccm .proper journalism, we shal giye, 5U 5 mjMm Vf A&rrv. e.k: mA fittn. beioneins. to InVT. vhi7 ASBUBY. n .7 . ', $: ruw. A.aa..iv to fbV JOY wwwtttte Tesf fiwitfentthiir ttmt ei'ih M-wKatj.4i : arehwsp gnTar meeting' of jfout, CteniwmT HaU Wetel- a lutt oeived PwbeUierit was stfll-born or hadeenkilhi feAnnd td the rcerrxWmatt BeH J LSwl ,TSfl -o-, , v - ..:.,:. i.,s..TT.I . .. .....i.j- m.. A -,1.: -T.l t,, ..,!. ' nroiBi,.riwj.wH -. the spLerecofl aflea,yaTy aytauw;,winawuH. x i could not oe toia ipTi.uur w colored, for embezzlement; retimas tne t gttendaneereqolred; Byfaeror . ; a has been known- totace piace u tne i Simpson, oi. wearicreek, ror oDtaimng r w w v ?-?"r'rTT rIf-rt?V 1 E case; uwuw uuw.!,wj i , , t ffeaften i s Avrwn'ISndaV MrM andTelt! jeitereAy'.T Key n X - " . . . . . r.Lw-tl, tr ft' f prwAed:fanH ikcellent; termori tfryom f)eeemrxt4onnadbesa WWtmned, rjntrtojda r6iSoM I so far that the body was hot cat open. ltrBndrj)dJ S'tna Fdrotber ITeW AdX ses4ai bige.

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