V r V CHABX0TT2 0E3 - - vrt. t-- A rr rt ." vr wr v. aa. -i ii, a,V..cs tti x a mijw,i i ,,.HJMOumois.;,.vr.1. J- .J The Obsxktxb7 Job Departmenl r-.Vir"' t .1 A , l. -1 MLMJ - i w . A UJ Jt UlOD " t. V ! - 4 I. .V-ir'-'?:OT. 1 A e -klv. in the county) in advance, -: 2 4 oat of the coanty, postpaid, 2 10 - J o months, ear JJberal -redaction t fovelnba. -?7fV lift H I . I WMA f IV I! II 111 -.III III ' III Ul nl Tir lit ilr-Ti i n, i&lii Mf nl -T ill 1 II I All 1 f "HI IIL. THVWnir 111 r VYl f: - ?ype.aa r be donj 1 ww 1 1 r t -m -m -m b l vb m& m i Kr & i - k m m a t. m m m- m m m w - m m mum n- - I 1 11 1 "u 1 U i 1 I ' ' j-h j. - 1 1 1 . 1 1 ' l . t.m 1 1 1- n . 1 ' ' .' ' .!. i u .1 1 .i.ii 1 11. 1 111 1 1 1 1 11 in 1 I ivJ. .... " A - BILLS, 1 - IMI 1 , ,- . Z LI Ll""' IfT --V.-3te - il-r. -J - 0 S M I T H & F,0;R !B ES ,r 1 of: .-r- ''7 '' - :.Mf."W mxv xuttiuio oas juBv reiurDPa iroiu ceivine oar Second FaH Stock of BOOTS. complete in every Departmenft, and will, be eold - WHOLESALE-ANDIRETAIL : , rtalERCHAKTS. aiff eepeciallj; requested ioxamlntfurBtok before puul mi & NEW -I R O'N FRON T-B U I'Ll aREAT;;.RED.IJ,0TI0N IN PRICES boots! and shoes; 3I'I T H Hi JXW t'BICES'WTHg 00D .la 0 KR LARGE .oCBQvTS and fcllJtB nemicn tv ar.v lYbiii" hf m in U t htnth. 1-rJlif f S0 (0 fate. n bet fi.rtqoeliy Bxoeans at fl.50 a pair. Men's first quality L. d B, V B rolawraltlllZi per fr;HWinV b- Grain BslsatlXO perpabv Women's -yrlmVif Oirf BaW at rWtripBir,TtiUdren,8 Polish High Cut Copper Tipe at 75 cent ,ndiailbweiyle ucmj , v .. . , Ijjaa! Piirstwbal iUi4j!!rderi solicited. : . - ' -1 .. - spt23 - - .-T . ltd W OOtCSALE & RETAIL i ; f -Hi.' 5 ' ffihLivii v"";i!. .t:,m 7 '3 U' rr Supply Of Loongesi all graded k Coffins on band.' - ' A fall assortment of Metalic Cases, Has Ainrivedati .If-': In CALI ANOMAKK YOUB 8ELE0T1ONS OF XMAS PRESENTS. FROM. THEIR t -4wpeTbf 8oekf Tey Furnituroefvery desepption-j ,, ,5 3 CARTS. WANS. WHEELBARROW, .HAXRS ar.lt Js THE place to get durable and handsome presentn for wives, mothers, sweet- ifa'.sit4ren.. .RiJmLhe place. i 4 '(..; . ; , 3D. !a.. &m:io?i3: ac 00., 31 )at4 f s ,?-:" Z, 4 r. NEW t,,;v r,'jir4 vttfY 1 1 r rpecTFUixr annefmces to cw . it r-ns of Charlotte and vtci W f as tiketv rooms atme ueniw noici. wmi-b ' TW tear heonsblred -updit 1XA8J53 vr THE EYE; and Where-lt especially epnpa 8euU a is AUSTRALIAN CK xb A Aa ?. XAU ahe&hey, feels him jttirerofittofa7 M mm 7 BBBBBW wa usL-ssi ssv e-w ' im'k-WUW-B CjLBTBU, oecll 9 coromissioji fliore. ,v- 'is, W U v W J. I tl?I SBBMB-W , .jp 1 . :self fnlly competent to meet ,lbe re-iihpse iudeburftof .are fVffS .T Teryrespectnuiyf www f - 0OTmaiaie-i"r'i : 1 OfBce hWfror VSft- jaui , .. - .. 7 . 7, -. R 1 itx at Rtlf ii - - Jfe.' l ids oTUM3Tn-ALUKeta. ana w are SHOES. AN D LEATHER, which, is noir fully at prices thai cteljc coufetitionv '-s F.O Rf ES,. " I W V T B A O'U rT B E ETt i? OLD TIMES BEFORE Tl!E WABi t ETOCK ANDOMPLETE AS80KTUET (being the larefct'uv Xh Stata) Btnch.Tbw Htea as iefv com iJi'iunH3. Kip Boots at 18 00 and Wilmiiigtoii, K. C. ; ... - -.; Hi I 7W 11 9 .-i Jf- .' .1- . 7V DKAXSBSrjf. FURNITURE, BEDDING, &c7, 2?o i, West Trade Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. . tjtst Rwmrvim j A FlftX ARENT Parlor Suiw, 1 Hair Cloth, Also a new Terry and Rep Caskets and Wood nov2 Forth at braetallJ , Kit Ti-.ir i!,ntib t iAt-! &rt4 jai-'t' 1 j t . ir" MH cY 1 - ;; tyy... 7. 4 .- ' Mnufita. '- i fr-v. r'TbV ciln MW H X Brown.when he P5fftcDOWEU.H W "A WU U, ..... ....... . 7. sa a . '7 . Winter itenu: r v ,'wr- i 'x ar w a : f -irTnto J aoSUai fliatf GILm ns E G I TV Hr.U.0R 1 t CHARLOTTE. N, C.. t fa l December 20th. 1875. On and after liiis msil will niwn nA close in this office as follows : - - Koithern, I deUvered sioain, cfot-e9t)0pra uuwt8, " . 8.9U " " 7 BUpm Air-Line.' v-? sa - Smptu ftotertilleV:; H OO: 1 :.- ',2j00p'itt 0. C. East D 80 9.00 pm C. C. West " " 6.30 p m " 9.00 pm Money Order and Eegister r hours : from 9 a. to, to 4 p. m. 1 R e Mcdonald; p. m dec2l if The son has dried np the; mad and the streets ai pin in food condition. 1 - v Proba' says' w shajf hare 'no .change ia temperature to-day. i " - . .The moon waa out last. nigbt brisht and beautiful. It was pleasant to Itok at her face once more, ' " 'Therewas a large crowd Of passengers On tSe North "parolin train last night; nearfy an oi inem, hoyevfcr.wexe'billed through." The services at the Second Pxesbvterian Churchy yesterday afternoor., 'were' well at- UtdSSmViM poet oflQce of this city, has been appointed a depu ty cplleorfjnteroal revenue. A cenain youth in the city keeps away from the hops and, theatres, .On account, as he I says, of "matenialseruplea.',' ? ThediaV thelt)pera House can be Seen to day lE Ph : ifesbobk siore, when're enred seat for the W41dnlan entertaimneiit to-morrow nights ciS'aechVed Jto further tacts hart! bjMW licitedi regard-.' tog the dead tnfant, and it Is probable1 itbat its hi(yfitujivs-4 .owouy myscery- i:,ut Perhaps the most siHUngand novel even of the season in society circles, will be the A tvflq, ayjuev iaoaoa i ww .o,mw: fl ; Jxceman Beil calls opon us to say that the, statement published' t tb effect that jie had been fotradguilty of embeaTeraent jbe-1 T H fore one of the Magistrates of the city, iA snierprtee. MH5totiet we" belieTehas par mistake. We hereby comply with his Vrs-T chased a interest in the AehevUk ⁢ quet,jsnd by these presents set hirirright ! andU hieheefbr assist Mrttraaan''ih .-. 7. ... . .. j '-, ..iA bs-' 'To look genteel, black your boots ahtf wear the El mweod collar," says an adrer tisement in an exchange. Now wouldn't a pjajoejueffgiapmiorrai la TAnmng collar and a pair of spurs. Yesterday was a lovely day. The return of the cool weather was most welcome, and eyerybody-felt better for it. Business reviv ed, too, many people, were pn the streets brought about a better state of affair gen erally. New Year Caller. Onr acquaintancea jiEe,rather la'te about making .CcOelr calls. We bad quite a n amber of callers on yesterday, but tbeir visits wou'd have been more appreciat ed if they all bad not made some sort of re refenjca,to Qiatnitb4"liUle bill." Notice is herebi'VkjIiK'Wa'have ceased receiv ing. "Appreciative Aualenc." We met up with some few people, yester day, woe)ilaappcinted in John T Ray mond, on Monday night They weregenr&Uy the people who, after seeing John E Owens as Solon Shingle, thought there was nothing remarkable about him,and JTo had seen "maay fatqpian)opV.and lalk just that way." These are the people we have refer ence to, you know, - when we sometimes speak of "appreciative audiences." I. o. o. reM At an installation on Monday -hight. of officersf Charlotte. Lodge $To I3, s the fol lowing wreT Installed by I) C Barnbardt, D. D. O. Master at Odd Fellows Hall : : N G C TWfI V Q J Wpi . R8--J,A Bixby. . , . ; K8tJckwori,. .: tTreawre-irXeiidrk ' 'si -t Mit.. The Season. - . We reporters are. la, sort of a bad way, j ust no w. 4 ftwtfofitbs ago we cou Id talk ahont th "ras&et leaves" and "the manv- colored 'brestsy and all that sort , of thing ; and in a, w montns trom now we can taut , fThsmmf arwa the Itaade buds the genial sunshine ;" but now (espeeirf llyWSif thi Mwepief bsi Wff as cool a Hat WyWftbw toU) wujects are ab&t as scarce as was Col 8ellers' dinner. Ballna4 Accident. . . . Traln Wo one CaroUna Central RaH- roadi dnj here oC be East, yesterday morning, had an accident, Monday nigntjj near-iRosindalevl broBd lAtirinbarg. Bf fore reaching a trestle, the train had jumped tbe trtcV. aucT while running over it, the whole deck of the trt stle was torn up and tbe fraiad to atop? thVVngiae got over ZZiiiteUF'ti enlr Bwk-roonrwhich was recently eecd-1; JTKe speaker tccpe:iubqt re off the traclc, tin ttetrestle, and; Were only t,,'p.,r-Eh.R thmw w?H I r-LirZul . Zr a-.,- iPtSIS pins MUM .a .fl xrffLjk tasaasi Waa nvtfV over, as if ready to drop at any moment, train was made irplat lrurfn burg and. sent 00 to Charlotte -"X , J iw A R hfVnlTrain. On tbe other 1 ?tt!!?,S522K-J' JSa3K2ffiltei2S w -------n. rfj.. . . mT fWT m.. - 1 mm - . , . r a,, pffender and said K Mada mtsf l&ra'mo- mBt,li4a4iiid sgrtoftr hi his ignor 1 n um h - , w . w , . you must be a 1001 ; wny 1 1 this wine!" Tne Vew CeutltvUcn. rshrriff Alexander and, Bfdster llaxwelL: I ceId i' Je box ontautia g 4 Mt.jwupaiei w.iu iu ameiuuneafca w lud i Conatitution of JforihCroUofti proposed by J the Conatitntional OonTnfcioiof 1815, and. J the Constitution ; aitt will readi as fQ-opcted 1 to beamedded. -' The panihUt eontaina.70. 1 pages, and was prepared nftderordlninees of i Convention by JohrihefJoriep;J the" Secr; j Tbe pamphlets are fotdiatHbnliori,.Bd jCan be had noon application : to; either the Sheriff or Register of peeO : :i 7 r, $enriM 'j' i;fbjjio at 4 o'clock, bytbe tongregationa of the Tryon Street Methodist and , Second Presbyterian J qhtrchs.4kt the church o latef, stod 1 this eveningat 7, o'clock at the First Pres- by terian Church serrleearfl jJba4 by selves. The land in controversy the "Con that conlregaUoBVtfif pfaytt ippototed rad Gold Hill Mine,V An Davidson amntyT for Ml&j&fopiffl The case was argued by Col John A Oilmer ior proaigBi sons; ror cniiaren as scnooia;ior those entering upon proiessioial arid com- mercial life ; ror widows and orphans ; ;for sons and daughters in- .foreign .lands ; and 'Wlw are mentally or , otherwise uuqeau The Wfidmati Comedy Cempany. This troupe -re-appears in Charlotte to morrow night; and' Will "present Tiotj the Actress.,r which we Understand is a very charinttig little drama: We hayeno doubt that the cbtnpany will get a good bouse here. It has never.yet failed to do that,' though wind and weather have , almost invariably been against - it This fact is evidence prima facie, that the . company possesses merit, Clara Wildman is an earnest and pains-taking actress, ndowed with ' vocal powers of no mean order, and well cultivat ed! while Wildman himself is very fine . in low comedy, and does himself 'credit as well in the.beayier parts. The Wildman Comedy Company is so well known here, however that it is unnecessary for us. to go into a Jangthy recital of its merits and demerits. withdrawal yaledlctory' of Jordan Stone, Es, asasso- ciate editur of that paper . He wss one of Us founders, and to his tact and ingenuity is dds to rW smH degree,! the, successor the the conduct o'f that paper. We regret very much Jtqjoje him.Xrgin the daily press We have always fouha hfm eourteoas and agree able, inboth our journalistic . and personal relations with him and in noting his WmMSmmBM if 7 were bidding adieu ti artoW fnend -who is atartiDg on long jourpy, Wherever he goes, becanies with Mm oubeet wishes, and Ji one X0l re3lce more heartily than we, lOrs iJrosrjertty Badly Powder Burnt! TheAshevilie Pi&npcr recorda the "follow ing accident in a family which- formerly re sided i a this city . "Early after daylight, on .the morning of the 25th, while the children of Mr Wm Gates, and those of a neighbor, were celebrating Christmas by the firing of crackers and Small arms, a painful accident occurred to Miss Alice, a daughter of Mr Gates. She was, standing : near the' table upon which was about a quarter of a pound of powder Tbe servan t girt lighted a crack er, and it burned more rapidly than she ex pected, it frightened her, and she tossed it to one side. It alighted in the powder, which instantly ignited and flashed in the face of Miss Alice, burning her terribly about the eyes. Up to this hour the unfor tunate young lady has been unable to open them, though the attending physician is of opinion that her sight is not destroyed." The Case or Mr Klrkpat.ick. Mr J R Kirkpatrick, ef Pineville, tells us that we did him great injustice in our re port of a case against him in a Magistrate's Court in this city, last week The charge was that he had sold land which he had al ready mortgaged to Gen Barringer, and he charges that otir statement Was altogether ex. part. He acknowledges that the land was under mortgage for th ran. of $800, but states (and it was so shown 1 on the trial,) that Geq Barringer had abundant security ; indeed, held notes to the amount of $3,340. on his1 (Ks brothers, for the lifting Of the mortgage ; that the land was told to Smith with OW Barringer's consent, and that this gentleman Jiad only asked that the . papers be held until his' tnortgage was satisfied; Mr Kirkpatrick' elaims that it was a pertect ly upright Easiness transartion, And his statement does put a "very different phase on the affair. It is but justice to him to say 'ilAIWMWM: on oi tna anais gymiyrmase amvvUstoir&tait VXr - -thf nert 4y after the above trial, had Jlf (Smith, the proaermslhdlcteffabr perjury, and, the Wa ItoriAved tdfaJT came up yesterday in the Magbtrate's Court:' (Noted UfcwltCNrt 3 i i sz Svstaess Changes. - ?r Messrs J-Young t Bon are-removing loca ti0n.1to.thfi store room on West. Tryon Df.i am . k.1a. V Vin Viimnil'l 1 hw Slass JroatpUt ia.the hose, which I 111 X- II. mTmrnm mmw mtnnY, T.rt jsmkejvit one of the most., attract tfve stores in the; city They weret engagfjotJfclfianAfarring their Ahelr business success .wiUhe1 M-great aJ was atthold,n a5. v :-:r ;iwiiaAiwii - .?!!f!' -1 outer, rur aoopmnn propusei ewde fltter,ltead rffra oMr Rigleh ia ikj.s uuLUUBiuuu a nrii 111 is in uiuai ftZ " d. the firm ,IQ heaceSMCBhatabit D6ng.. : ,0 Onevf two other business, Jtibangesjre a aua ux. st ssw ,. vkma ; aMwMavj ..wsv r ' ' "We BATelosTrecelred the firtf a omUr of this pa&S H I ( four page e&iyV pab- uuku u .njuningun or ; jaextn teeir -s MaBjnbe3t,p47rrtended.Wtthei of ihe.Knighta o fytVftf 'lhroaghoj tbtt world. A portion -of the ipacewiil alaa.be deroted to ijie.ioterestf o(t t b, K'V and A 9 & A 'MllanirtMM niatter wifif not W laealne In Wcfolnnins. francei ,s"-' t -y J , imm, - rt- The Caurta. II . i '. both Submitted to His Honor: The plain! tiff claiw dee m mh&ritF deed, asainst ,Canafla an Jfustee, And . tb dtedant daim as the curt. I que trusts of Camtnan, with whom they endeavor to connect them-' tnd J at JlcConue for defendants and VTH Bailey and E C Bobbins lor plaintiff. The papers Were handed up for the opinion of the Courf. ;- '' ' - '( 0; "The'sessiotf of j-eslerday finished the sit ting of this Court, and Judge Schenck leaves this morning . , , , , M atob's CouKT There being no business for . this tribunal, it did not assemble yester dtty mornings . - tt . -mn , -. BxroBB Jostics McNihoh J P Smith of Pineyille, was indicted in this Court by J R Kirkpatrick for perjury, and also for selling mortgaged crops. There were 47 witnesses in this case, nearly all of Pineville being in jyolyed in the case, either in one Way or an other. The tril was postponed until the last Saturday of the present month, and the friends of the parties hope thatmeanwhile some compromise can be effected Baroax Justice DAvnwonRobt Simp son, of Clear Creek Township, was; up for obtaining goods under false pretences from a firm in Baidmore. The amount Involved was $130. The defendant paid the amount of the bill and the cost of the action, Mr Brooks, who was. representing the firm, giving him a receipt in fall, and. the case was settled. : ; Th re Was not a trial of a criminal case in all the city, on yesterday. SAJe of Property. On yesterday the store house 'of the late firm of Grier A Alexander, was sold at auc tion, by tbe trustees, R M Miller and J W Wadsworth. 0 P Harrison, auctioneer. It was purchased ' by Col J L Morehead, for $9,000. This property Is situated on Trade street, between College and A, and is ac- nrtWtaA ob imAno 111' no net tralnnKlA Ini city! The building is two stories high, with oh a ti a basement, is 90 feet deep, by 371 wide in the clear, and has a back yard of 10 or 20 feet. The house is of brick, and was built for the grocery businesi. A large safe was bought by Sanders & ' Blackwood for $190, and anumber Of choses in action,' office furniture, and other property of the same firm, was sold at the same time to different purchasers..;-.. ;( ..' .JV' v The property known as the Cruse Lots, on Tryon.Ohurch and Seventh, streets, near the Episcopal Church, was als sold on yester day, by Allen Macaulay and S P Smith. C F Harrison, auctioneer. Tbe property was divided into eight lots, and the following were the purchasers: J M Smith and E A Osborne bought three lots between them, Dr J H McAden one, J A McLure .one, Allen Macaulay one, J W Wadaworth one, S P Smith one. Messrs J M 8mith and Osborne bought the two lots fronting on Tryon street. The total amount realized from the sale of the eight lots, was $5,070, Six $100 shares of First National Bank stock were sold yesterday, and were purchas ed by Dr J H McAden for $106 per share $6 premium. , The sale of the property of J:W McWhii ler, was postponed from yesterday-until to day at 11 A. M., when it will take place at the house on College street. Meeting; ef tbe Mecklenburg Historical - Society. . f- Last evening the regular monthly meeting cf this soeiety was held at the oJfice of Dr Thos JjMoore, and the call of the roll axhi bited the fact that a majority of members were present Tbe President, Maj C Dbwd, upon taking the chair, ordered the proceed' ings of the last. regular ; meeting .to be read,: after which the names Of Messrs . John G Young, and Thos S Armistead, were propos ed for membership, and they . were duly elected members of the society. i " '- ' After the transaction of some; other busi ness, nertainine only to the society; the Pre sident called Ge9;DHHHil8chahv and in accordance with 'a resolution passed at the last reenlaf meeting of . the society. I fatpceede4 to deUver n , addres before the I members, on the subject orrour aegiectea History, and Our -Neglected Dead." ! 7he short time in which we are allowed to pre pare these notes, prevents bur - making any extended allusion to this admirable ana wen timed address, to-day. We hope to.be able to publish it, however, in, rte7o, when we hall have been furnished with a copy. We cannot refrain howeveri piciB. making ftwrunning comments, which will, if noth- fflg more; prepare our readers to properly appreciate the address when- ft shall have hen riven to the' rjubTie. f- s CawUidtltewWeS I A. - J " - - ' iiWay aadare forgotten H had sought In I 1 dlfireawhicriTiaVe i alwayacharacierteed j e hiatory pf. pox State, k Be stated that in fcr' Amartmeht tof JUeratnra;. sdencelln - SMtMMMafMMi -HWj- i M.ha' ith dnri mil Uricoi&r' tzeeiH tion' of the'department df btoryifBe re feirredin fittlne terms'tolhe creat B&drift- M irtatwh? epe inW a rnsinnnsi wi rn in a nsi wi a r. i aM a.nasi laraniin. Tm ton has e xttnded, beyond the seas. lfierethelibprofofis hive oee quoted wi v .1 raa nasrai Lnswrimiii hiiim Jnb Hirhwler.lir the front srank.aadre- gfetted that his sketches were not what our grand ofd commonwealth had a right to expect from her ehUdren'He took occasion to say, that he hoped at aome nbttvery dis- tant daX.agrteXal publiO CNorth Caroling !,! ky Aona .arounai, wui u some substaaUal.. way, attest their appreciation, I of his ardent and affectionate exertiona.it-: newti np iai pisiory 01 some, 01 uw imminent 'men of "our ealy ' times, and, lOjiiteu1';B'&tf wulel if fibinev. eaue poucyor vwgmisv ma seautf qaro- uui ia nouuuaj vBfar u,Ha mezecvuig stataesand monumeataiq honor tbeniy with, that ipf oriCaiplHiaf whosa State or as a, community in any paxticular section, had, never carved' a line, or raised a stoae In htmor bf ahV anbSreVe? oTsfinguished. Berudec! with? s&W ieelliri'fofhe bet that North Carolina, 'as roie,' hadnearry f always failed to 'honor mertt te her. w, childrtn, and although he, did D0t aar so4 be might very prpperiy have cited the names of Janws K, Pplkyife White, An drew Jacksort, Andrew Johnson, William Allen, Allen ' G Thurman, and; many others who have reached honorable ' preferment in other States.'"" The addrts? as all and' fool ftair WastM have been expected from the speaker, Araicb, Is saying a great deaL and. we only ; regret that we- bkve not time or space at commsnof tosay more in regard to it. Meeting' of bounty Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners met at the Court House, on yesterday the 4th day of January, 1876, present, , W E Ardrey, Chairman; Thos Gloyas, R L 'beArmond, T L Vail, H M Dixon ' The -following "was the only business of interest.: :- It was ordered by the Board that the build ing oommitte and J R, Erwio, be - and are hereby directed to make such improvement and alterations in the bar and court room as thej' may deem necessary, ' ' . The following jurors were drawn for Febh ruary term 1878: - ' , " " ' 1 '' Z L Moris; j M Houston, John T Alexan der, J C Beard J Mc Hunter, D L McCord. Green W Hoover, Wm Stedmaa, ' John M Wilson, Sr.. H C Severs, t N Johnston, Jas MJc hnston, J F Ferril, WmReedy, Charles Mason, E A McKee. S JMcElroy, J 8 Hoover J S: M Davidson, C W Miller, W D McQuaig James Pucket, John Kirk, W D Cianton, Henry Bryant, Wm Caldwell, Joseph Wood sides, R F Weddington, N S Alexander, E D McGinnis, E A Morrison, J N Thompson, 8 W Alexander, W 8 jJmith, W W Grier, W H Taylor, Wm M Boyd. W R Hrkey, J L McLure, W V Wolfe, Waiter litem, Martin Icehour. Jurors for second week : Jonas Rudisill, E 0 Johnston, H M Caldwell, J N Hunter James A McNeely, R N Tiddy, Zen us Porter S A Solenberger," J M Davis, W RStarnes, Larkin" A Hipp, Alfred Washam, Saml Por ter, John McCorkle, J W 8wearingen, J W S Todd, John R Morris, W H Sossaman, T Y McConnell, Jesse B Johnston, J M Alexan der, P P Maxwell, Noah Linker, John R Hood. A lengthy reply to the presentment of the last grand jury, pronouncing the Court House a nuisance, was read and adopted It is too long for our columns, but we will present its salient points in our next issue. SPECIAEi NOTICES. Workingmen ! Look to vour interests and save doctor bills by using Dr Bull's Cough Syrup. CUT THIS OUT. It May Save Your life. There is no person living but what suffers more or less with Lung Diseases; Coughs, Colds or Consumption, yet some won Id die rather than par 75 cents for a bottle of medi cine that wouki care mem. TUB, A. BOS em's Gxsicav 8TnfJv has lately been intro duced in this country from Germany, and its w mdrous cures astonishes every one that try it. If you-doubt what we say in print, cut out and takf it to your Druggists Messrs X U smun UO., wnoiesaie agents aqajv tail drugaists generally, and get1 a sample bottle for 10 cents ana try weooses wui relieve you. Regular size 7j5 cents. dec 31.'. VITAL W B AKKESS OR DEPRESSION : Awealcexhapsted' feeling, no energy or conraee :' the result of mental, over work; Indeecretions or exeesMaV or' some drain up on the system is always curea try f - " Humphreys, AAomeopaxato upecinc tuKxa. ; It tones no and invigorates the' systemj dispels tha gloom and despondency imparts strength ana energy stops tne araur ana Min.ann a tna untiM min. KHin nana twenty tears with perfect success hy thous- anda. .Sold by dealers. Price $1 per single rial, or Sa per package 01 &ve viaisanaax Tlat nf nowder: Sent bv mail on reoeiot oi price. Address HUMPHREYS' HOMEO- PATHIO MEDICINE COMPANY, ,662 Broadway, wew xprK. . - ; ; ,i t See large Advertisement; n . . 7- no9 ly . I Bcile ft Sons. Coal and' Lime Merchants. Atlanta. Ga- Analysis of our Snetby, Ala. Lima Bfi.fiS. The atromreat Xime in the Uni-ed Sutes; Montevai 10, Ckhaba red ash. and Coal Creek Coal, we nave specup rates of freight on Coal and Lime by .car load to points in rtortn ana Bouur varoiras ana Georgia. ' Wa solicit orders,; send for price. . - , - BUlTjl JB. DOSS,8 " aecsy ,auuii, ui. AEW ADVElSTISEItlEUT! . 77- . j REGULAR ry.r-.x -. - wu i.i. isvm 1 .... klnt Commandery No2. U. D at tbeir A8Y LUM to-night Tbe roemben will take due notice ' and -be punctual in their attea daneetat"v7 o'clock. Bir who are id the city are coarteously invited to be present. .. . uiuci wi w v, J - j-V janS Xfeptaiu;Generaf. -ft fiLM W7- m ivo yi VMM, V 7 .71 -.-7 7 . ...i. i'y5i i tt."periow'lodeUe?loVM !il Brother, are mrged to call at the Book 8tore aad settle s no longer indulgence can 1, ossibiy be given, dui too e aims will now ivwy owpus ib bom- wiiwnw ue,7y' " n u 1 raiBwi, jan5 Agent for Trustee Khlehfa I4 - tatM rtw assist .f atcwun-a RETURri OF.THC FAVORITE -r-t-t;yT tit -l v2tt fc vi,'AW rTOaVSt TltEtlH'AEMTJWttdlCRTIS'rE AND is aVKS&jJp-B eBla9BSlaBEr TaaxTirw w VlOjMj'Ai,atbKi t s$outhin aad Eastern Press """ "lm personation e? Mtdem Times, stamrauAxtisuc 'MB- GsiMiLOI, F. J. Wiumav. - '1':o:i:o:i.VlV,'-'-' Admission- 50 cent.' 75. cents, and $1.00; Seats can e secured at PHtysa's Book Stoaar See Daily Prcstarnme.''"' -j - .,t Mkf ' CtAJT-BHaVTCH, janl a afehisw fcBtiiwaess Agent. ., t 1. a . niii w .! .i ' ,1,1. m ,. i.n 1 Aderf isme1tfs eloiiwArKf'n tkh column & lM txa& tyt&n9y eert$ per line, for eack inieriiotXi rli udvertm metUJqke for lMiluuktwmty-Jiw cent. Might words mctaea fees! - i . . 1 . 7 .! n An!.. Ijni: i w a " . ' WANTED An unfurnished in a private family, by ftntlmua and wifo. deferences exchanged." 'Address' 'T. O. Box .113.; J w 'lanftlt F0il6fD--JL steal ring withjthreAkeys bo it one of them a post office lock-box key. The owner oaa recover property by calling at this office and payiag for this notice. THE last opportunity you will have Everybody come and see, only three days more, so don't procrastinate, 'but call at once, at Ha.LE9 dt FARSfORV, jan5 3t 1 Jewalry Store. THE Ladies of St Peters' Church are re quested to meet air Mrs Onraton'a, corner Church and 7h streets, to-day 0 o'clock, p. tnM punctually. M, riisi&:tml 4," j;tn4 it "uxrt"'t-'--irt4''" Mrs Waring wilt readme be School at her residence, on Tryon 8' rest, r beyond Mr Yates',' f-n -Mor day the 3rd ofnuay. janl St . ..,, .,,,.,,ffj For rent, a home with five rooms. Pos- session given January 10th Apply to dec31 A P NEV RT. FOUND, and left at this office, a lock box postofHce key, which khe owner can have by proving property and jayinf for this adver tisement. -,i :' ,'i"-: 'r-y-'ji '. decSl tf 1 ' "'- -'' ' JEPORT OF THE CONDITION ... OX TH COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, . op . ' Charlotte, in the State pfwih Caro lina, at the close of business, Friday, 17th December, 1875. RKS0URCK3. Loans and discounts, . $804,440.50 Overdrafts... i . ui-j,,- -.3.8717 U S Bonds to secure (urculatioiv- 100.000.00 Other stocks, bondsand mortgagee, ,198.33 uae irom approved reserve , . . - ' ' 3 In kko on Dae from c4;her'lfatlonafTiahks; 2,849.00 Due from Stata BaaKS and bankera, 935.18 Real estate, furniture, , and ftx ' ; ' '"tares.. JL . ... .-V, 1.1.987.20 Cuxretitxnsesa,Jl -M0-2 OheekeaoOtterk!te,T '.81 Billrof other National Banks, lo.3M.oo Fractional arrency; (including ' ?-deklea)wnv.- - Ki( t 350.es Legai-tender notes, . RedempttovfudwlthtTtrTreaa? -. urer- s per cent et circulation, p,7WMO Capital stock paid in tmyJ. 200,000.00 Surplus fund.' . ' ; i;ffjv 'KboVSOO 00 Other undivided profits, 15.643.45 national isana notes outstanding. 143 mv.uu Anoiviouat Lreposiis, ; suniecv check; -;vi t.veoatll4171 Time Certincateaof Deumt t3ft66.48 Due to other National anks ej 1,441.84 .BiH;payaWe, . , . .jff: 440,000.00 Btatx or 17obth CAaoUKAGsy'dflleckVg. L A G,Breriisex. 43sAhier'4) the above named bank rtn anlnmalv awaar that thr above statement is trueohAijfat of my SubiwribMafdawomr.ta Jjefoisne this 4th dAVjof Jabuary, J876. Correct Attest: y ; 'txsit C Dowp, . ) i ii jt m Waryt, " -VPratcyoaa. :aM0ltjemaT;?i:'r''"' -jafiftV. . 1 .aKw-M'.'is. ,. hi .i' j'.ib ii. i'1i ill M'i. If'' ' " I T is filled up in eleganiatyiehwCommer , cial. , Just calVa&daee foxyesxseli - fTTBE house siiusted, on Tryon street, ad 1. joining W J Black and tVers.lkasown a the Mc rackett property,- TLU lot Groats 125 fret on Tryon street, and rani tack SS5 Jeec to Church streec property ,wui be offend for sale to th h!rhest Udien on Sat aiday tha 8th day of January, IS at 12 P'c1ck Mm front of tbstoartHoiaa. . xnu maoeanowK p ry 01 saw. V-'- JAMES MOikJStlAtent. jaaotds . . .. - ,.:,,., .: mBlSso the .JLOommaTtnBnderSmith! aAV.-Forb' Kc4fonrterBtecfetyed: every day and eTyed Itf Elegant irtyle at the l'JairiM'--' : V1 OYSTERS on balAball at thCpmmr . daL fresh and flnej Au?m-r! tu-f janS " ';-..'I8!iilW'tSH'

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