1876. 0 : S WI IT & FO RB E S ' ,sEco'NB'::iXrsToeE, BOOTS URlMR FORBES has jU4t returned from ceivinc oar Second FaUStock of BHTS. romplete in every Department, and, will be sold at prices hat defy cotapeiitioo. --WHOLESALE ATORETAIL: , MERCHANTS are especially requested lo examine bur Stock before p uutttin VlBuimk -n-jBT B E UIIDERSOLD. S-MI,TH -;& FORB E S , . NE-VI-E0I. FE.kMt.t-'; BUILDING,- TRADE STREET, CHAIILOTTE. n. C. GliJI,KiEE1tJeTI0N IN PRICES BOOTS AND AT THE LOW PRICES OF THE GOOD mo. ii -FRENCH & sons; Lff liuiiiigiuiJ, -a, v FFER TO THE TRADE THEIR LARGE J of BOOTS and EH JS. (being the largest oetilWn bv arv iJifein bent B tbe Kuth. $30 CO a cate, 34 fn's iet firs otiality Bxogans Brogana at $1.12i ir fair. Women's prime prime A. Calf Bala at $1 W pr pur, l. uioren's and all other styles at equally low rates, , i Personal ftxaniniaupp p opJers . solicited. - r" j -,I - , ' P 0EO. R. FRENCH & SONS, 8ept2& WIIOLESALE& RETAIL ,:-J,t ".i!- . . Supply of Lounges, alt graTe (oSne on hand. A fait assortment of Metallc Cases, RAKE OUR ENTIRE F UK N.I TURE, .4 WE ARE I TEEMINED TO CLOSE J GOODS- WILL HiS A SPLEN1 ID OH AXCE For. an y okr EAST TRADE STREET, janfi: T TlTr PTTrTT 1 n n oan cts ta tLe Cltt- XV xnroftf?riottfvjind jir4ffi. tht he has taken rooms at the Central Hoteirwnere bn mav he mmnltnT "r"" Tt,"u "'' f THJC E.j lodwbew Lhe. especte TACLESTHaving'lnade.the adaptation of Spectacle-imd PpUcak CootriiranceB' feels hi welf'"y competent to meet the re-qnharmormaices.-a " -Vrery reopectlully, . v . 8 Br Yifi 'Vbnuuta- T DR. S. rB iyVE, AWIflTATI i Ftff'rSIIEBlaXir'sfr 'circular. the 'Northern Markets and we are now SHOES AND LEATHER, which is fullv SHOES, OLD TIMES BEFORE THE WAR, STOCK AND COMPLETE A8SORTMET in the State) at ench low rates as defy com Bdfti's tiont B. Kin Boots at $28 00 and at $1.8Qa prfir; len'a first qnality L. 4 B. Peb. Grain Bals at $1X0 per pair, women's Polish High Unt Copper Tips at 75 cents & -f - -fi ,1 ,? ?, 1 Wilmington, N. 0. DEALERS Hlichols cS Co., DEALEBS IN FURNITURE,. BEDDING, &c, No. 6, West Trade Street, CHABLOTTK, N. C. JUt?T RECEIVED. :tA FULL AlSSORTMNT op Parlor Suite in Hair Cloth, AJcK) a new Terry, and Heps. Caskets and Wood ' nor 2 STOCK OF- BEDDI NC, &C, OUT OUR PRESENT STOCK, AND SULU AT AUiUAL WISHING to ENGAGE TiUStNESS,' OPPORTUNITY . fc i i'e Wmtimtm amirnkm OPPOSITE MARKET HOtJSr. PRESENTS "OF ALL KIND3INHIS LINE ARE NOW TU BE SEEN i "vt:.i inn ?! -r- .-.-.;'. :o t-fii-'H: ' i. PH IK ER'fl . BOOK; STOREl ; m i ; r,iw:,;jy:5:'t:-'vi"' We lWeab:WHVe BBBk. rw m tr . . mHEPrbpriefbWof the Obsibvb wiU en rl ,deav r. within the next.ttsn days, to co j tect all arrearages dutf them in the citySAil those" indebted to tt aroirequested -tocaU and settle or hand the ftmas promptly tr us ttrt collector, Mr K A,iv "1 Humohrev s TOW WfjfaKW McJJOWL; T HE G IT Y CHARLOTTE, C.?. - December 20th, 1875. On and aftf f ijbjs date, mails will open and close in this office as follows : Noi them, delivered 8.30 a, m., close 9 00 p m Houthern, 8.30' i 730pra Airline. g.3o ggo twri Statsville.v-UOO " J 2.Wptn X 0. Fast D i 8,30 ; ? 9.0 p m C. West D., " 6.30 p m " ' 9.00 p m Money Older and Register hours from 9 a. m, to 4 p. m. -. - vtr RE McDONALD, P. M dec21 tf , ; ; . ,,. .... . .... , CITY BULLETIN. Tb Wfldman Company at the Opera House to-night. The city was calm and serene,,' yesterday and last night.4: There was not a disturbance of evea the .moBt trivial character. ". i- Donf forget , Jiolet, ,or the Life f an Actress," at the Opera House to-night. Messrs C F Brem & Co. are fixing up t cigar stand in one corner of the front of Messrs Walter BremA,Martin's store, cor- Unless the Governor interferes, Randolph 9ntton will, swing i if Ooncord'two 'weeks from to-morrow, for burglary committed in this county. Mr Aleck Beth one has established a tailor shop in the front room over the store of Messrs J A, Young fe Son, and invites pat ronage. He will give satisfaction. There was no session of the Mayor's Court yesterday morning, and no criminal cases before any of the Magistrates ; neither were there any civil cases of interest. Engines of passenger trains on the Air Ldne now run through from Atlanta to Char lotte instead of stopping and transferring at Tugjdo and Central. ...r : The track of the Eastern vision of the Cvolina Central Railroad, is again clear, and trains are running. Several cars were dumped off the trestle at Rosindale. and were almost entirely lost. , - Yesterday was a day ' when variety of weather prevailtd. There was sunshine and shower, then threatening clouds and sunhine again. Last night was cloudy and rather, warm, which dots not say much for the clearing up prospect. A bad month is predicted by a gentleman xJaOiis generally preUy wall' up" on matters pertaining to (the weather. He says that we shall have some suntbine, but it will not be of long, eontinuance. We are afraid he is Edwin Booth opens a week's engagement in Richmond on the 17th inst., and there is now no doubt that he will come on here from there, to meet bis appointment on the night of the 25th. He is traveling under the management of Mr John T Ford, of Baltimore. Miss Katie Pritnam's agent nas written to have the date of the company's re-appear ance here, changed from the 17th to the 13th The change has been made on the Opera House books, and the company will be here and play. one week, from this (Thursday) evening.-; , i ' 'Si 'ii ..- ilK. Marriage. Mr T biramons Clarkson and Miss Lizzie, daughter of W J Yates, Kfq., both of this city, were united in the holy bands of wed lock, last evening. Personal. W P Cannady, Esq , of Wilmington, registered at the Central Hotel. is Th&AtlantMjtaB'i Gaa begins to-iday, and W CSiiffitt' EsqTaod ladyleft last night by the Air Line train, to attend it, The Wildmans To-Night. The Wildman Comedy Company will give us "Violet, the Actress," at the Opera House to-night.-' Notwithstanding the indications are that the evening will be bad, Judging from the a8jt we predict a good attendance. Tlie company has great popolaritrjit n ere, and has never failed to get a paying house, though U baa never played here on any oth er than an inclement ever ing. "Violet, the Actress," is well worth se from' all ac counts, and our citisens know as well as we do, how it will probably be produced. . ' Weelref Prayerrr- r r r:rr ijThje aercesjfacaental himSt pTayer wfil be' continued to-day bylte'Fs aMfleooid Presyrian and J'rjon.Btreet Methodist congregations, in the first named chtkchUJsayepiagat7'c4cwknd.by the two ltf WmW&$xi& s the Second Presbyterian Church, at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The ; jprayers j. appointed for to-day luce for jruloiiir knagisiQxites anl.Btites men ; for soldiers and sailors ; for national institutions ; for philanthropic and charit able societies ; for prisoners and captives ; and for the persecuted and oppressed. f, . Capt T O Evans bas taken charge of the local columns of the Raleigh Keys, vice Mr, Stone, whEIote33fi','itischarged also the duties of local reporter. Capt E yans' Isf by no means 'unknown in the State., ;He baa, been connected at diffWrent times with several journals, and hi reputa tion as a paragraphist is established. He burg Bercud, We welcome him upon his return to the old orth State, and upon his again ptttting on the ; reportorJalcihafeesa. He is a good fellow and as bright as A dollar gratulat upon hi wion to its Btaff. Capt S ;S Bett,jCvnntJ Tteastirar.'is4 no paying' the interest falling due semi-annually, on the fGO-.Waw'OTth of Dondawhich the county 9fflifelMTFlbhalf of tenet Wse booda, ia HOQ tbe interest fell due 1 aemi-annttatly fn- J anuary aafi JtotfJ Beikli rtniothriugh pa ihe January ;ntree42J0Q t K t j & Vi Too interest oithe bondB which, thecoan ty issued &WAtltiS, Tennessee A Ohio Railroad, ! sjpyql temf annually, and is due in Max ahdWWherri Theeounty baa 100.0000 worth of stock in tToad. The interest on the $200;0)0 In bonds which $e onnntr has in the AUaaU A Eichma4 Air LUelRiiIroad";is'drte alsoi ' J May and No- the Wilmiagton, Cpajiotte wepra JWbad-CTbe amount Jpannuall llink- A Beyai Jap liijured."--''-" K- t ' Que Tare f one of Che TfinclDal members of the Japanese! tionpev now performing at the i SayaoBah. theatre; waa.wjt badly injured dj we explosion 01 a amaii toy cannon & on Christmas evening Mistaking the cannon ior a pistol, yue xaro neia : it in bis hand, and disctiargetf It. ' ' The result was an' ex plosion, which tore1 the flesh oT the index finger and thumb Sand -otherwise -badlv in-" jnred the hand.-fCWumiia Union-Hera d. t . ! Qae is. preUy Txy whenhis countenance is at perfect rest, and we Sboald like to have seen his expression at the moment when "be first ascertained the deception wbich that 'pistol" had practiced upan "hirau ' Suit Gone Against the C. C. Tftallroad.'' i We see from the Wilmington Star, that in the Superior Court of New Hanover county, last week, in the case of, in H Haidey, ado ministrator, t. the Carolina Central Railway Company, the jury found all issues in favor of the plaintiff and assessed bis damages at f 2,000. Judgment for saine and for costs:.1 Judge Russell and Mj evaneappeared' for' the defendants'and Strange and Messrs. Wright and Stedman or the plaintuT. The suit was brought by the personal representa tive and for the benefit of the estate of the late Mr Calvin, engineer, who was killed by an accident on the road. - lastallatioii. ' At a regular meeting of Mecklenburg Dec laration Lodge No 9, 1 0 0 F, on 'Tuesday evening last, the following officers were in stalled to serve during the ensuing term , P G Bernhardt officiating as installing of ficer: G F Duke, N G, JKP Neathery, V G, ! J Bunyan Barnett, R S, Thomas Led well, PS, L W Ofcborne, T, Sidney Redding, D C Bernhardt and J O H Nuttall were elected Trustees of the W and 0 Fund, to serve one year from January 1st, 1876. Christmas' Tide. Christmak-tide, properly speaking, extends from the evening before Chiistmas day to the first of February the eve of the feast of the Purrilc&tion, or Candlemas day, when the Christmas decorations are removed from the churches. The great holiday season, however.may be said to end on Twelth-day, the feast of the Epiphany, that is to-day, January 6th. In Eagland, Twelfth-night is second only to Christmas eve as a popular holiday.- On that day these vereigu, in com memoration of the adoration of the Magi makes an offering of gold, frankincense and myrrh at the altar of the Chapel Royal, and at home the Twelfth-cake is eaten and the Twelfth-night games are played. The Commercial Dhilug Rooms. It is "well worth one's time to stioll through tbia establishment ' It is one of the handsomest places of the kind to be found any where, and is being kept in just Up top7 style. ' Thehc4e" arrangement of the establishment is stylish and tasty, and we have every reason to believe will be so kept Mr. Teasdale and Mr Badger are determined to make k all that it. should be, and we doubt not they will succeed. They already have about 30 regular boarders, and their transient cus tom is very gratifying. The bar is hand somely fixed up and is stocked with the best ia the liquid line, and the billiard ta bles are drawing large crowds to the place. , A Bad Arrangement. When the North Carolina train arrives at the Air-Line Junction, near this city, at night, all the express for the Charlotte, Co lumbia A Augusta Railroad: is taken from the express car and put into a freight car, which is shifted upon a side track, while the express car is given to the Air-Line train The North. Carolina train then shifts this freight car into ita train and comes up to the city, by which time the Charlotte, Columbia A Augusta train is very frequent1 y gone, baying waited already beyond its schedule, Besides the danger to which through pas eengers are subjected of missing the coanec- tion. tbe delay is a great annoyance, and something should be done to remedy it. , Whicn Is the ITorae T " -NowiierearlBes a question which just gets 1 L A.J 'j .Li'; t r MH Monday evening, a friend said to us. 'I wish you would pitch into the people who go to the th eatre and whenever, the applause commences, begin to mow xnose nornme whistles. Jast give 'em fits ; you can't say nighC while Sellers was in one of his"best pars, we cast an eye around and observed our indignant ' friend munching an apple hich, when bit, made Almost as much noise as a whistle, and, made everybody in the neichborhcbdMngry toTJoot, If twelve godtf and lawful citizens will decide between tbe whistle- and apples, we will abuse the one which tbe jury pronounc es the most an-nato-ing at the theatre. The 8wearWgOff-Pelo(M The New Year vowists are holding off pretty well so far, and the bar-keepers com Diain of considerable dullness. They are very patient, boweyerf for they know that when tbe dedoes ia again (about a week from now), that there will be millions in keeping a bar,' ------,.." v - This suggests how gradttally'Hjrreaking over" comes neoBJt feflow He-is atrone in Jiis deterniinitlcm for aifew days,aAd when he sees some poor devil staggering along, he t'bl'aM.STA.! fnlirmanlfanr) utril ' "Who Who ..UUVl ilUI.MI vs ......- J - knows but what f CmightnaTe been some day or other fencing? alpng the street just that way ifTaXqwtJa.;.MJte right proud,'1 and,- being saved" himself e Wants to work out someooayeise's rerorma- tion and so goes. -to lecturing alt hi iriends. He is certain; them that" he ia . cff', for good. In a few ways, however, he begins to thiak how good a-latnto would taste. Then .iokutJtrPresenttjr; hogget? low-spirited aboatsemeihing or other, and the. "I-don'i-- care-if-i do- ftebng comea overnina s?T i tint th'onzh ihe resofation to do 'right is. well-nigh' gone, tb determhiatioq to,' . do! wrong has not yet takenpossession of the, young man, and be goes oja his way until he tnkea no with a crowd just "going in.' "Come, let's take a drink,'? salutes him, and tW ia "the last weight In the scale of '"shall I or shall I not 7" The next .moment' you hear him aayingJ' Yes, thank you, sugar In it, and theaelaasesjbMajdd 'the spirits got idOWn anq wasa oat me recoru of the New Yeafi resolution Itoesting-High.-' r -sx- r;"".-;. -An old turkey viewed the passers-by from quite'afi elevated poBition. yesterday morn- "ig- mo wy mi uie uiug uin ui v a our well A i n ha hsuf 9ftnpd fmm t.hm Bfnm. of, Capt X'f cit, and being'punuedvfiew. np to where he thyohght he would be.saf,jThey went up titer him, bat he flewxofi and; we don't know whether theyKveru got hinV-or b6u .This remindana that a small boratop ped uacn the street," yesterday mottling, to ask ir we knew who lad lost rmrtcey, and saying that" b 'bad caught pne:3 'J -Same ttir key npt'iit oflSoub of it,' but W ifever inougni, oi it ai we ume.. If we . had, the rightful proprietor, of the turkey might be again exercisjng hisgqajdianahip over bun. Rockiag a Train. : We are informed by a ' passenger on the accommodation train on the Charlotte , Col- urn ma x Augusta Kauroaa, that as the train reached Sugar.Creek brik3ge, on itsway.np, last evening, a rock came crashing through one ef the windows of acoach. Fortu nately, nb one was in range, and th only damage done was the bieaking of the glass in the window. - ' Incidents of this kind are becoming more numerous ; nobody is ever punished for it and the increase of this, the meanest species of vandalism, is the consequence. A man who th us recklessly endangers life, should be tang as high as Hamaa, and a conductor who would shoot such a scoundrel down in his tracks, would be held blameless. " Charlotte Institute far Young Ladles. We experience a sense of profound grati fication in knowing of the success of the institution named above. The new year term, opened on Monday last with twelve accessions. The roll of the school now shwws 90 pupils, 17 of whom are boarders, and in less than a month the number will most probably reach 100, as several are promised. We feel more than an ordinary interest in the welfare of this enterprise, and take pleasure in proclaiming its merits, knowing full well that when these are ap preciated, its permanent establishment is secured. There was never a more: accom plished, christian gentleman than is its head, Bev S Taylor Martin, and the' faculty is in all respects competent to instruct the young ladies of the country. While the course of instruction as to the books, is thorough, the tone of the institution in all other respects is such as to commend it, in the warmest manner, to parents and guar dians who have daughters and wards to edu cate. The Carolina Military Institute. The following very handsome and deserv ed compliment to this institute and its Superintendent, is clipped from tbe editorial columns of the Augusta Constitutionalist of Tuesday : "Col J P Thomas, Superinten dent of the Carolina Military Institute, of Charlotte, N. C, honored us with a visit on yesterday. This gentleman, yet a young man, is one of the most distinguished citi zens of the .Palmetto State. He has been eminent in letters, arts and sciences, and possesses the rare intellectual combination of a iove for the beautiful and the; practical. He is likewise a gentleman of the highest moral toue, and, though not now in politi cal life, takes a keen interest in whatever concerns the true civilization of the South. His Institute has proven a great and deserv ed success. This was to be expected from a scholar and philosopher whose claims for high consideration are based upon common sense and inflexible principle To bis guar dianship parents may safely intrust their sons, and we rejoice that his career is on ward, as it has been upward.'1 Reply of the County Commissioners to the Presentment of the Grand Jury. In yesterday's paper we referred to the fact that the Board of County Commission ers had filed a long reply to the presentment of the last Grand Jury, which pronounced tbe Court House a nuisance. The reply was written by Commissioner Gloyas, end would fill a column and a half of this paper. ; It sets forth that, emanating as the present ment does, from gentlemen charged with such important trusts as is a, Grand Jury, it is worthy of careful attention ; but while commending their interest 'and their zeal in the general good, it expresses the opinion that their judgment is at fault regarding the necessity for a new Court House. The reply says : "That the Court House needs some remodeling in part and some repairs, is evi dent V but owing to the present and pros pective onerous tax, the Board , have kept constantly in view the most , rigid 'eoonomy; with regird to county finances, and .hare contracted for no work only such as teemed of imperative necessity. - The present court room we think ample to accommodate all persons who have business in 6urt ' and has sufficient ventilation." The Commissioners acknowledge that the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court Is too small for me purposes oi inoiucer,uu Buggest no plan by which ' it could be im proved except .b) building a newConrt House, and in thia Connection again express their disapprobation of this idea, -upon the score of eoonomr. A great deal Is said of the oppressive taxation whichr:weighs"upon the people, and they say Thatthey are nnwilUDg to levy a Ux for the purpose indicated with- hnt brat : submfttine the oueslion to the qtfalifledibters of theotfllhry. This lai? Wnaeeia naedr'We shouldhirecreaiit to the trust '-reposed ft'oyipedplsf the county, sh4w7$T,aie1r' money upon objects of ; doufnl necesatty." The cnlMia exnrea that a new Court fiouselwoald cost i $30 090 to addition to f what might ba realfted from ths sale of the pnrsent property, ishd it ia thought tbat the people will hot wiHinglybeai ' Jlhis burden for such a purpose, " "The Comsotsssoners hope that if the United Sutea, Branch Mint is discontinued In !flis:'dty, ihat Congress may be induced to present the property to the county, .f-epurr -bf erecting a n.inrt TTnuse thereon or ' of- changing "the present structure so that it jd Unsed ai eCort Houses with the. lupuiawoq tnat ahould aUotbe i used ; by . the. United States District Court, should u be moyea nere 5 L i The-reply concrodes as toitows : -1 "Anere PiC'id ft tareAsons sel forth ta the fore- J . . .. . .... , ... .-....-...; . . ... going, ws would recommend that the neces- sary steps-be taken ts improve, me . par anu room of the present 0oart Houav and that jdo ne w Court House be milt "nn W . greater necessity exists than spresent.aN ; Courts Hetue'lmprevemenis.- ?-! ' Under an order olthetloarc? of County Commissioners, made slits session on Mon day, Capt J. R Erwin, Clerk of tbe Superior Court, in conjunction with y the. building committee, on yesteroUiy took step looking to the improvement; of the Interior arrange ment of the court room.. A plan has .been drawn up for the contemplated improve ment, and the change proposed to' be made iif the bar is abbut'as "follows r" Have, tto Clerk's desk further back than the : end of the jury box, ao that a person having busi ness with this officer, can walk around the aisle-way in rear of the Jury, box to him, instead .of going through, the bar or leaning over the railing close by the Judge's seat, as under the present arrangement ; next, to close up the front entrance to the bar, and have two entrances on either side, at 'the end of the jury boxes and immediatery ta front of the prisoners' dock and the box oh the other aide which corresponds ' with? it. Tbe advisability of these changes will -be seenatonee. n . . .,: , I t proposed also, io make the seats of the spectators, each three feetjonger. Lengthen ing the seats three feet on each aide of the aisle, will leave six feet less . space in the aisle. Further than this, it is proposed to put new pulleys in the windows, and also to put new Inside blinds to them. Also, to put a new floor in the room, and to have it nicely carpeted. These changes wil improve the room very much, and since the county cannot have a new Cou t House, tbe contemplated arrange ment is about the best that could be made. Several contractors examined the plan yes terday, and bids will be put in as soon as the estimate s can be made. We trust that the contract will Speedily be let out to some trustworthy person, x who will begin, and finish, the work with haste. The court room as it stands, is a reproach to the county. Important to Debtors to Bankrupt Ea-. tates. Hon RobtP Dick, Judge of the United 8tate3 District Court, has, we are informed, in pursuance of power ia him vested by the General Rules and Orders in Bankruptcy. Rule XXXII. made the following rule for the guidance of assignees in bankruptcy. Rtut. Assignees in bankruptcy, when ever they have claims ta collect belonging to tbe estate of the bankrupt, above the amount of $200. and shall deem it advisable to bring suit in tbe United States Court f st the col lection of the same, shall, before commenc ing suit, apply to the Court for a special or der regulating the return of process and for appearance and pleading in tbe same. Reg isters in bankruptcy will notify assignees in bankruptcy of this rule-" Under tlff&Sole, assignees may sue per sons indebted to bankrupt estates, and have a special order by which the complaint may be served with the summons, and an answer required thereto within twenty or thirty days. Wnere issue is joined, the case will be Bet for trial at the next ensuing term of tbe Court. Where no answer ox ; other plead ing is filed, the Clerk will be ordered to en ter up judgment by default, and place an execution in tbe hands of the marshal. This will greatly expedite the settlement of bank rupt estates, . .. '. - Some recent decisions made by Judge Dick are of especial interest to persons indebted to the Bank o '.Mecklenburg and among them are: First, That certified checks are provable against the Bank. Second, , That no certificate of deposit. certified check, or other evidence of debt purchased after the failing of the petition in bankruptcy, against the Bank of Mecklen burg,' to wit ; The 18th day ef September, 1875 nor any such evidence of debt purchas ed after the act of bankruptcy, to wit: on tbe 7th day of August, 1875, with a view of making a set off, will be allowed as a set-off in bankruptcy. Married. On Thursday morning, Deo 23, at the resi dence of the bride's mother, by Rev Dr Cra ven, G B fiverett, Uq., or Concord, and Mas Mary jc Graves or xnnuy. -At the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev P F W 8tamey, on tbe 15th of Dec, Rev A N Wells, formerly of the S C Conference, and Miss Anna Jane ; Dorcas, daughter of the late Col D W Froneberger, all of Gaston county, N C. ' . Tn nallas N CL Dee 2S. 1878. at the teai- dence of the bride's mother, by Rev P F W Stamey, Mr Julius Alexander, to , Mary A Morns, all of Dallas, Gaston county, 0 C. - In the Methodist Church in Lincolnton. N 0. Dec 22 by Rev J T Harris, Dr G L Con ner of South Carolina, and Miss Ella Lan der, daughter of the late Hon Wm Lander. 91 SPECIAL NOTICES. Always keep the bottle bandy, Do not place it oat of sight; - . a For it cured onr little Andy, , ; Who was coughing day and night. Dr Bull's Cough Syrup. , Aujrust Flower. : The most Wiserabla beines in ' the world are those suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver complaint., ih,.- ; More toan seven ty-nve per cent oi me peo ple in the United states are afflicted wtth these two- diseases. And , their effect such as 8our 8tomach, 8icky Headache, Habitual Cpativefiess,Palpitation of l Ve Heart, Heart burn,' Water-brash ' gaawtnc andlmrniog pains at the pit of theStomach; Yellow Skin Coated Tongue and disagreeable taste in the month, coming np of ; food after eating. Jow spirits, Ac . Go to tbe Drn Store of Messrs T. O Smith A Co ' wholesale apenta and re tail druggists generally.; and get a75oeni cnt bottle, or a Sample Bottle for 10 cent. Try it. , Two doses wiJJ relieve yon. rdec90. 5 i, - ' " tmf'":' "'''I i':'.'" i Sciple' SonsCoal and XimeMerthants, Atlanta. Gai Ansirsis of our 8nlbr.? Ala. Lime 98 65. The strongest Lime in. the rjnttea fltate Monte vailo. Cahaba red ash. and Coal Creek CoaL Wo have speda) rates of fteift on Coal and Lime by car, load to poinUTQ North ana South Carolina and Georgia. We solicit orders, send for prices. jrj r mixtiiS a::8CtFt-X ?BUV-f j decSOrr.r, , ; 3...? Atlanta, Qsv WEfT AVEUTI8EIrlEirrS tailoring. i1 - IS v : i - A BKTHUN K'8 Shop, .rlrst floor front jl4 room over J A Young dc Son's Cloth ing Store. Terms moderate bat invariably , jan6gw, .j..1 , SM i iii i imm SOmmm mm . ' i ?dood Soua're Meal aTe Commercial. T?VERYBODY is vlessM with the Com- Ali.merciaJU j j c-i ft jan& He -- . ncTunfi of THit favoiiite oms'fi mm iosnxwi THUESDAT NIGHT, JAMEIfa 1811 THE ((ARMING TQUNG iBT AND a. ? - T-A'ii SUPPORTED BY im.EI.IOBKMBCirJPiHI, KB IMPERIAL DAHD. - IN HEB BEaf.rSTIC PICTUBX OP , . i i--.-s Jfewftte .Jr "j.-X .mw.t r.'t'i-Jrt-tW -riTR"".''! 1 . .. Pronounced by the Sotrtbern" knd Eastern Press to. be. the rnost fiaturar Artistic ' Impersohstloia orMtdern Times. GaiMiLDI .". ......F. J. WllDJUX. Admission 50 cents. 75 cents, and $1.00. Seats can be secured at Pafia's Book Stoek. See Daily Procrammefi' l ; , , ..; OA.-HV:HATCHk janl r.hfitfft 31 ?;fi Business Agent., Ten Cent ; Colnirin,: AdvertiieineMi.wiUibikinterted o thit column at the rate t ten (10V cents ver line, for each intertiam ' No advertiee ment taken for k$ than Jwenty-Jive cent $. Eight tuordi make a j;;. FOUND A. ICasstwMkn among other vajluabfe mnois4iduJBS, eon- tains a cnecs: or cne ira&,-Mauonai cans, for thirty-four dollars. - The owner can get the book, by. proving property -and paying lor this advertisement. i i WANTED. A situation as clerk in a Gro cery Store. The heat references givehV Ap ply sf ' fTHl8 OFFICE. jan o-3c ;f ....;;' 5Mfa?T' FOUND A steel rinsr with three keys on it oni of them a post office lock-box key. The owner csn recover property by calling at this office and paying for this notice.' TVTITh last. rmTVMnn4t. . wnn .will httt . Everybody come and see, only three ; days more, so don't prbcrastiaate, but call at once, at - BALES fit FARRIOR'S, jao 8tPv it irrH'"-n;eweiry:'Btore. TTAT1 . sn J XW m tUtm Affiita e aaIt Via- postoffice key, which tbe owner can have by provipg property ivnu.p eying ior inia auver tisement. "" ' " decSltf r" KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS. . A regular meet ing, j of. ;harlott Lodgtv N"o , 17, Knights of Fithias wUlbe)iehiiotheJr Castle s HalL - in the Temple Asso ciation' Building, to-night. Prompt attsadanee of members 'desired Visiting hreihren cordially invited. By older of the C. CV ... yy . Ij. 0UIli jan6 It v K. B. AS. BADGER has aometbini for you st (he Commercial , ... . . . ,; jano LIVELY times at the Commercial REMOVAL LY GR0CEEY STORlKTOfTHE LNG, FORMERLY CjCX3UPEE1 BY iih. ;lwftwiit -3 tntb-tit- ai eU THEY SOPE to-MEET ALLTTIEIR FORMER CUSTOMERS, AND ALL THEM WTTB TnEIR F ATTiONAGE. Jsa4 js'tt ,-r j v m the arog nne at' x vsmiia ;ss -. wi Prices at the be torn of the raaiket V W" wdeeleia'a e' ief&i ;a9s-dt 4 -i Yk'tk rrsoWmdebteVeTd, JX Brother.' are urged to calVat theJBook Etore and settls ssno lortr iadJc---si?asi possibry.ee given, Dtrtxi c airrs v-j posi fayeiy be wit ia suit wiAout teUf jsn Agentfor TrastJr. yembar. nol7