. ,. - r . :Y " PIT 1 Tt TT i .'jo, ? . w f v . , .,' i t M ii t '-i.il :K ST 9 tnon. vuut tomcat. ekly f lif f caStyjfil advance, $2 00 oat of the county, postpaid, 2 10 , -6 months, . a I 05 Liberal, redactions for 1 aba. riCH4BL0TTE Cr Sil'ltBDA JANUARY 8, 18761 .. HAKU BILUL .h-.r -xjaa-v.. xv- vr i sy mr in i ia -mmmm- ... a v. i i-, ; i k vi m v jl w i i x J. fi i w .i i i . x. "V. - i i- m i w i w in i iv in w v iuiiv' iii ffr. , w - h V-I.tx w a W . a. a w 1 V Ill III 1 X. -aw I I II. I 1 IV vl II . 1 K'W . III-. 11 III- lll-. Ill I IV m. . 11- I I U r S : I II I I , I II w it I II i4ll- III VI 1 1 f: ti...' ir" - rM.vi v iivtii.iiM in in in' xv - i i in in hi in ill 1 1 1 1 it i ir i if i ii m ' ii kw i ii i ii ii , i n hi in iir , i j- . . Km ' mm- h .ry . n "Ti,v- jb m mm mm . m m -i. mm ' mr - - - . n . SMITH &T'ORB ES SECOND FALIi? STOCK. 4 OF- A N D OPB R TOBBES las Jnrtort from 4be Northern Market 'and we ' are now ceivtaK our 8ecoDdall 8tock.of B K)T8;"8H0Ea AN LEATHER, which is fnllv complete m every Department, and wiU be sojd a prices that defy -cdiupetiiion. " : - - 'AttfBXfflAKTO ir espectaily Teie9'a98tock' before p eu tiiin IBrtMlIt tD E A? OLD . n k w i ro x'-'t&Gft.Zi;px N-ia.;VT ra p e street, CHARLOTTE. II. C. G R$P fftl) U C T 1 0 N IN PRICES BOOTS AND SHOES, AT THK LOW PRICES OF THE GOOD OLD TIMES BEFORE THE WAR, GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS, lyF?5 7SLTH5 cT?DQE J?E1? LARGB.TpCK AND COMPLETE ASSORTMET v oi bwio wucflJ?. iwiDE "e wrgm in me mate; at snch low rates as defy com eitlon;t.y ty bba4 r.ut- in tT ft-otb. Mrti's frttrot b. Kip" Boots.at $28 00 and Brogans at $1,121 ier rar, Women's pnme Feb. Grain Bals atfl.LO ver pair. Women's prime A Calf Bale at $1 00 pr pair. C hildren's Polish HIbK Cnt OnhTr Ttr r and all other styles at tonally low rates. V. Personal examination and orders ?solicited GEO. (1 WHOLESALE & RETAIL ' ; tiu)p1y of Lonnges, all grailes mi on band. A fall assortment of Jl etalic Cases, RARE -OUR ENTIBE Ft) KNIT U RE, J 2. t ; v1 AT ACT U WE ARE f:rERMiNEC - t6,C!i6SE OUTPOUR PRESENT STOCK, AND Q 3 fl SHyS ?0LD A T ACTU1' 0ST- A SPLENDID CHANCE fo asy osb WISHING to ENO AGE is BUSINESS. x V EAST AD E STREET, JD6 PR.gMfiQyYE OiDUST-OliTJCIAII, It rui or Cnatlotte' and vkan t r. . that Jm baa Ulwn room at tha Ontral HpteL wbjere he may be tdnsrjlted upon Dto fcASE5 OF THE EYE. and where hft' specially Trepre fenu his AUsSTR A LAA V jCKYtiT A L 8PEP TACLf 8. HaTingfdjAljadaptation ot Spectacles and ijp ical Cunlnvancea Seo ial 8tujyhicprp4o4hiaiM3aT feels, hijustflr fullji cwa patent teuel) nnj.elsfpprtBalea.tt iKttftb Office hours from 8 a. m., to f&nu W janl . . ' ; ; Butten.-'Bulter. WRESH valtof .V Btrpertbr VirjrJnia xaner, eqnai to any uosnen, at - ? a CARTE VS." ?cll i y OommiaBton'Btoro 4 Of Frefh BaASaSa.W-' , . WilBURWItLLACO, ltf IL FRENCH & SONS, - Wiliidiiii, N. C. D 15 A L K 11 S : Co., . , .-,; DRAT.T.RB IK , jr FURNITURE, BEDDING, &c, No.. 5, West Trade Street 1 'CHABLfrTTB. N. C v . JUST RECEIVED. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Parlor Suits, in Terry and Reps, Hair Cloth, Also a new Caskets and Wood nov2 STOCK OF- BE D D INC, &C, A L C OS T , .ii H it" i jar OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSE. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS OF ALL. K0DS NXHIS . j , : . . ,4si-Sie ' 2 J - . i LINE tARKKMKTUEsSEBN -ot .fWKl-K? -r-ri.- i ft' . ' ' ....... . .. '" .j---Hi3 4ata1p. r - PBIFER'S sBOpK STOBKT 4 e 3 1 far? rt- lectVafrear id 'SS&Htw? totheejHe.'MrJrJI A present! Jtherbiys, fc m ri titan OaJ.:"11 U I 'MllTTlDHreV OPPORTUNITY e3fxheJilavtkiUXSrVdn :M m9mwmwVltriz rtTf r" m ;f?Wftfr? ithla-fhxitett'day sees one mem raineciiy., n i.i ,. . krt Toif fHn tt eicuona oa nte&er eroonas man tne nauwr Brown, when he I 9 ay f J v m ntitanoD CHARLOTTE. N. C, v,,Ieceiuber20tb, J875. I: i n 3 after this date, mails will open and cleee in this office as follows ;: NotthemdeStTered SlsOaiin close 9 00 p in " 7 80pm : " 830 pm ? 2iXJpm ." 9.00pm AirLine. :-M. ' 880 . Statesville, " X 11 00 ( C. C. East D , 8 80 " . C. C. West D., 6.30 p m 900 pm. Money Order and Begister Itoars from 9 a. m. to 4 p m. :.v -v. s : r e Mcdonald, p. m dec21 tf CITY BT7LLETIN. . Hand in church noticrs to-day. Katie, we see. was to haye played in Ral eigh last nisht. Charlotte is her spot. We are waiting for her now. A first rate rock drain, perhaps the beat in the city, ba joss been finished at the inter section of Mint and Fourth streets. If anything could he mjre "tacfcy" than written notices stack on the lamp posts, we would like to know what. The police ahold be instructed to tear them down. " The return ol the gocd weather brings out the ladies, eyen if -it had noother good ef fecT. "They werenpon tfie TtrtUst eyen ing, "not Singly btit hf battalions." The weekly, papers ,qf the. SCate are just recovering froni iheir Chritmas frolics, and are gradually putting in their appearances, one by one. . s " Yesterday was like a spring day. The morniog and evening were cool, but the mid-day w'faJ4XtgEifttlljr plesaut. and the air was as balmy as the April breezes. The imitation whistle- man had an Illu mination in the strtefci last night, ana dis coursed and whistled for the delighted na tives, until he got about all the money they had. . The m mbers of the Independent Hook and Ladder C mpanjr. will give a hop on the eveningJjriath; toatu compliment. ry totaeir vapiatn, Mr jonn w Sprinkle, and his bride. An indictment drawn hp by a certain MaKistrate in this connty, alleges that the defendant, a negro, ''did insult, shoot at - and tieti xuh against the peace and dignity of the State.",. ..v.. ' There were a great many people in town yesterday and a, gooddal of business; the street scenes and events were more elaborate and numerous than usual, and the pano rama was strtkiaglyiovjBl and attractive ' -" m "' ' ' - : Couflagratien In Prospective. Wonder what the Carolina -Central Rail way Company proposes to d with the old foundry building ? It will illuminate this town, beautifu ly one of these nights and ine item. wuiTary -from a nan column to a column and a half in length, owing to the direction of the wind, . - Gubernatorial Ticket. ,The Wadesboro Hera d has hung its ban ner on the outer wail for the campaua of add baits folds are ascribed the names of Z. B. Vance, of Mecklenburg, for Governor, and Geo DayisofLNew Hanover for Lieu tenant Governor. " On this line the plucky little Herald announces its determination to fight it ut if it takes all summe.. ; '. - Bad Road. Trade street between Church and Graham, is in a very bad condition. It is as rough as is the pavement in front of Mc Aden's drug store. The wagons bave cut through the old macadamizing, and first a hole and then a big rock, make anything else than a plea ant see-saw to one riding over the street. Week or Prayer. The three' congregations which have been holding services during the week of prayer will continue the observance to-day, when the prayers wilr be for all nations T for the maintenance of 'peace for the cessation of tumults, wars and -civil strife; and for the removal of intemperance, immorality and infidelity from the land. Arlington's Circus. , This mammoth exposition is expected to take the road about .the... fitJELJehrharg, an e Tfflidentt of this city who have, heeev . notified to report promptly at that time, for duty: ; The keeper of the porcupine ; the candy aan; the performer upon the ateamt piano; the bareback rider; the dog trainerf the keeper o( the kangaroo, and the bos faiker or principal confidence man. . Notice is also given hereby," lo'' ihe" keeper of the elephaot,. ap the North Carolina Railioad, the keeper of the white polar bear, up the Carolina Central, and the keeper of the gi raffe, down the Air Line..- . .t- Oral Imitations. ' A perambulating genius dropped in otf Charlotte, yesterday moroiug, and during the day j gsve imitations; to the street' gam'' in and the mob, in general of varjouajani-. mals and birds. The sounds of the mock iag bird, cahary, dack aquealing "pig; little poppy, young chicken, &c oYc.were,faitb. fa lif imitated.'' Be did this by" means of aeine kind of a whistle whichhe had, ind large number' of which he rapidly sold to . Uhe delighted eana: He held the crowd ft long as he chase, and not even theeatic- Ing strains of the 'hand organ could take it Manv of our citizens remember the Rev , Jflh' 6ifiiiatfoJ,5JiloOTl whd was in Uiia.city not long ago andv.adyertised ta. Ueeture. We notice that he has stumbled in- tpitnifBam,' ma in w .iiwacw Chapel HiiU wilHectnreiffc V, tbia evening, Wednesday, January 6th A IMfT&llUbA n,lHf(iAr of Ti VibMset' to1 ihwFotindatton Of a Great Masarite Temperance 'Order of '..Nphillty of Sons nd Daughtrf -The Lord God 1 JfoMts4fbOrewn ofGlorv. mant, and for Strength to them lhatTtorn thebatUelo the -Gate.' Admission Fee, 25 ceata." - -Th. Rev -L-Cdiiiuni late from J fc ?lfJiteM km W One It Cot's. ,Cox hasn't been Jn town for a long while. now, and we are all beginning -to get hun gry to see him again. !- The last time he was in he was vary madnd cussed on and quit swearing that he was never coming back any more. Speaking of Cox. we are, of course, reminded of his sayings, one of the best of which there no need lo keep any longer,:, One day about two year ao Von Meyerhoft was standing on the street, in conversation with some one, when -George approached him from behind. Seeing only his back and mistaking him for Capt Fred Nash, he clapped h.m affrctionatefyon the should r and exclaimed joyously : HWhy( hello Nash ! ' You've growed shorter and' your leg's comepdt "' . , ...... Those who remember the Von can imagine how he would receive this little pleasantry, coming from the source it did. The Homicide to Richmond Couirty. We referred briefly, a few days ago, to a homicide which took place in Richmond county during the latter part of last week. Our information was . very meagre, and the Wilmincton Star supplies the following ad ditional : "On Friday night last, in Rich mond county, by a shot fired in the dark by an unseen hand, Nellie McRae, colored, was instantly killed. -The circumstances in the case pointed to one Daniel McLean, col ored, as perpetrator of the deed, with his brother. Jack McLean, as accessory. Tbtse are the facts, we learn, as brought out by the Coroner's jury. No cause has been assigned for the deed, as no particular threats were made. Daniel McLean rah off and has not yet been captur d, but his brother Jack: has been lodged in jail to await the action of the grand jury of the county." The Monthly Reporter. This is the title proposed to be given a pa per, which is to be started in Wadesboro, the first number to be issued some time du ring the mouth of February. . Revs B G Covington and G W Harman are to be the editor.. The prospectus sets forth that ' the Reporter being deYoted to the interests of the Baptise denomination, will be out outspeak ing and unmistakable in the exposition and defence of the distinguishing doctrines and practices of the same. It will endeavor to incite in the minds of its readers lolty aspi rations after Christian piety and usefulness, and seek to arouse them to a deeper interest f n aft our denominational enterprises," It will be published at the low price of 50 cents per year, and pastors and others are urged to send lists immediately to the first named editor at Wadesboro, or the last named at Monroe. , ; theatrical Companies and Our Position Toward Them. A gentleman who is a partitaa of the Wild man Comedy Company, spoke to the senior editor of this paper on yesterday, in condemnation of the strictures which wee made in it upon the performance at the Opera House oa Thursday night. The gen tleman acknowledged ihat it waa very in ferior, but said it was wrong to criticise the nj that Wild roan was a good fellow, and al ways pays his bills ; that to speak ill of a company kett them and perhaps others away from the place. &c., Slz. Now, these remarks afford us an opportu nity to make a few. We grant all that is said of Mr Wildman ; we have always found him personally, a gentleman ; and to say that he pays his bills is but a plain fact. To say, however, that these things should pur chase for him immunity from criticism, when he appears with a company upon the boards, and essays to entertain an audience, is to lay down a proposition which is pre posterous; yet not more so than to ask ex emption from criticism for every company that comes along, because, loraooth, this nay drive It or some other from the town, at some future time. o We trust that we have some appreciation ofat least 'the fundamental "principles of journalism; and if ire haye, we realize that there is a duty which we owe our readers which is higher than that we owe any stroll ing company. It is due oar readers that we tell the truth about these things, and it is aduty which cannot he disregarded. If everything is praised, tour praise sjon be comes worthless, and J;ubli6.' confidence in the reliability ot the journal is gone. Thus it will be seen that any. other than the hon est course in this matter, would be bad busi ness policy, even 'if jhere were no higher con sideratiom top rompt iflfc iNtf.,;?., , It may be said that all eur tnej 'ndieea are are la' favor bribe Wiidman Company: Tt gives us pleasure to say a good t word fojr it wh'eaeyer we canj'but to bve salcl any- , thing contrary to. what ' we did say; of Thursday, nbt's performance, would be to pe'jure, and not only sp; but to stultify car eelCj. A combinatiba or jus individual going before !the public, may xpect criticism if it, 1 he or abe deserve it; tny 1 have no right to expect anything ebe' :he 'righe to critTcfi any person or any company, going before oar people and asking their support, is one which wa shall always reseryeTatid exercise as our judgmeatdictates' '7 - : we'ajay wvlturtiir that its i vn of the goWea rttlee o thirpanejp, jjeyer to admit into -i editorial orlocal oeiamns, any4niat ,ter.fof.w.hieh .Aice ie asked or paid. ' We could net preserve-' Uhe indepe nce ' and eharacter i tt-Jieifti?i and iadepeheehi Joiirnai, upon whise opin ions f the poblaiajely Jdidwe, .in. any Maaper fetterthose pinions, fallowing awers i ph wiwuv jvjiv jrf anye as are fnlljayoideoS avea, besemblMceof jiaadeiv ing tpjces, M)n OP:etaoae and things aire yiewed'and disi eusavd upon then merits or demeritts,'ahd oerinferanoea are dmwhacbordiugiy, ke bvL4he aasero - U - i: fiE iortAiuAmi th the puhlio ; when e shaU hava reached that degradstioa in joojaalism? which for paltry will permit us td a0 ehticism, enco- uma, or opinions, to go forth to pttr read are, that are falsersTnipir lor the sake of lor gaiai'wJelmiErlabwnthe pen, an duo inteiiigeat people as those who now make ap the readert of this paper. txain The Cearts. : in a tub b voubt wm jtoouuon was np for creating a disturbance by flourishing a pistol arouad, and in other ways doing vio lence to the peace and dignity of the State. Be was fined $10 and cost, and released, and waa subsequently arrested. and jagged tor-a repetition of the same conduct, : ; ' Mr John , Roberts was in tha. court for havng fired in the stret, dn Thursday, at a prisoner who was, attempting to escape from custody.7 ' The case was continued for iurtbef hearing.- -' --w - Bxtokk Justici McNikch Charlie',!Beil,' colored, tor trespass. Released upon piying the cost of the rase. The Fetner Reward. It will be remembered that a reward of $500 was offered for the drunken engineer, Fetner, who caused a disastrous accident on the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Rail road, during the month of November ; last, and that he was picked up by two affection ate brethren by railroad fraternity, Vkkers and S debottom, conductor and baggage master on the Air-Line Bailroad. Vickera proposed -. the capture to 8ideboUom, who tied the unresisting captive, and the two were to have divided the reward. Sidebot tom went to Columbia and got the money, but de vil the cent of it has Vickers ever seen. The news comes to us, and ft is in the mouths of all the railroad men, that Side, concluded that $500 was too small a pile to divide, and so made off with it. This is what Air-Line men tell us. We don't know whether it is tine or not. but we are not sur prised to hear it. However guilty Fetner may be. we have more regard for him than for the men of his own brotherhood ' who would take advantage of his misfortunes to put money in their own pocke's. Meeting of Township Committees. According to appointment, the various committees on the Fence Law in Mecklen burg county, met in the 'ourt House in this city on yesterday. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr J J Price On motion S A Sollenberger was made Secretary.. The chi-irman having fully stated the object of the meeting. Mr Julius Alexander moved that it proceed to select a starting hoint, and establish a line of fence. The motion was carried, whereupon the fol lowing line was agreed upon, to wit: -Commencing at a point on the Catawba River about 2 miles above Rozz e's Ferry, thence along the boundary line between Paw Creek and Long Creek Townships to a point at the junction of Capps Hill and the Pennsylva nia and North Carolina mining property, thence to the Beatty's Ford Road, 5 miles' from Cbarlo'te. at Mr James' R McDonald's plantation, thence to Deweese Township ence, at Jno W Morris' . plantation, thence following the Dew fse Township fence to the Cabarrus county line, thence along Ca bartra county line to Clear Creek Township line. Commencing again at tberCIear Creek line at Mrs C -, Morris' plantation, and ex tending , thence to; Providence ..Township line at or har Mr Arthur Grier'a. ' A fter some vtduable. suggestions made by thehairantO;ths-,dljreat: committees, and a request that the city - papers publish these proceedings', ? the meeting - adjourn- Meeting of the I2x.ecutive t'ommlttea of the Mecklenburg Bible Society. At the last meetingof the Executive Com mittee of the Mecklenburg Bible Society, J R Hutchison, Chairman and W M Hunter, Secretary, the opinion being expressed that the bible could be more easily and more ef fectually circulated by establishing special depositories in public and accessible p aces io the county, it was moved by Geo J A Young that the following persons be given charge of sub-depositortee of the Meeklen burg bible Society, viz : Messrs R 3 Hun ter, at Huntersville ; Elam B -Cochrane, at Query's ; Nat Monteith, at Monteith's Mill; Cyrus Wolfeat Sardis ; R D Collins, at Steel Creek. "v.- These gentlemen are appointed and au thorized to call on Dr F Scarr, at Cbarloue, and receive a proportion of the bibles, Ao. forwarded te this county, sell and distribute them under his. direction, and-report to him one month before the annual meeting, in August. ' '" ' ; . - D F Dixon, Secretary of the S6cietf; was requested to direct a letter to each pastor or congregation in the county, asking a sontri bution for the , bible cause, to be forwarded to the Treasurer, Gen J A Young, at Char lotte, on or before the last of March . The-Secretary was instructed to furnish a digest of these proceedings to the 'city papers with a request for their publication. Ad- jonrned to meet at the Associate Reformed Presbyterian.' Chapel, In this cit, qzV the first" Monday In February, at , uVclock a. m. . :rt ;.. 7. , New lawyers and Changes of Old Ones- i Col John FHoke, df Lincolcton, is about moving tojthis'city, to enter' upon the prac tice of the law. '. He has,' engaged: the roota recently occupied by Messrs tthipp A.Baley, over, the: store ..of A H CreswalJ, corner Trade ahd.Chnrch Streeta, CoK'iLi tie too well known to tha people of Chdttotte and Mecklesiburg. to need"anf totodletiori: We understand that Mr Geo' F Bascn of Graham, Alamance- conoty;; contemplates locating in Charlotte; for .the practice of the law. ' He. ni'ay" beiiwnto ' some ox i oar soldier leaders as havg belonged, orgxnally tolthe Sixth North. VaroUna Regiment dor ing the war, andiiaving biear promoted for gallantry-to a poitio c the staff of Gen Pender.- jf H&i- fU v; -4'fa-'',yiV- Mr C Et3rier,of Steal Creek; whose laiUag hoatth compelled ' hfmV about'the. time'hii secured his license, to forego the practice of the Uw. has so far recovered .as to,haye04e. bide.t.SiipttendooW aga;. He 'sta'yjiiirti theffi! occupied by mteo; states uoptmisewoer Jaliftsauey, orarrJresweifa storel vHe will ao doubt do ' a j . - - .i-i -.'J t. weu. since ne is native nere, ana to in inanner born ' Messrs Shipp A Bailer- now baye their ieffice.Qt erTy's:boolt stores! ih tha roonts occaed antil- recently' try ' Capt J O Hills, who has reraoved to one of "the rooms' brer Meesrs Bm A Osborne have moyai Iheir ofiito; &ft:rooatajW Jflem'n4ngEj, Jn,thero ot Aha i)e4;ij&ii Flenuning has moved into one of the rooms over the Traders' National Bank. Miss Katie Putnam, . :S TV f. j It will be seen by an adyertiseuent in an other column, that this charming littlelady will certainly re-appear before oar people on the evening of. Thursday next,- when Fad ebon, the Cricket, will be produeed-'Trlt need not be told our people how wU-KaUe plays the part of Fanchon for ; they hatt seen her, and having seen her in it once. will never forget her. We look forward to this as one of the greatest events of our thea trical season. The play itself is highly dram atic,: and in the part which she- assumes Misa Putnam has no superior,' according to the judgment of competent critics is certain tht a e do not care to see it played better than she plays it, and we are not less critical than the average theatre-goer. We that our Salisbury friends will al so have the privilege of witnessing this com pany on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings next. We can : assure them ' that a treat awaits them; and we have ao idea that they will miss the opportaniiy of witnessing this reaJly first class presenUtion of the leglti-; mate drama . Trains will he run from States Villa to Salisbury, for the purpose of carry ing persons to this performance, and half fare tickets will be issued. It is worth a hun dred miles' travel, any day, to see Katie Pat nam, and we expect to hear of a large num ber of the Statesville people uniting with Salisbury to do honor to the bewitching lit tle actress and danseute. The Recent Warm Spell. The weather has regained all the necessary coolness, and now the old people are trying to Btudy up a parallel for the spell which ha just ended. Oae of the oldse people in the world, (we suppose) told the reporter, yesterday, that in the winter ef 1829 if our memory serves us right there was a spell of weather very much similar to that which has prevail d since about toe 20th of Decem ber, except that the weather was warmer, it anything, and of longer continuance. Then nearly all the meat in the country was spoiled ; the trees budded and the flowers came out; peopleput on their light clothing, and everything animate and inanimate, seemed to feel that spring had come.- Pres ently, however, all at once the cold weather. foreclosed the mortgage which it had on the face of the earth, and then there wot a de struction. The fuits were cut off and rained entirely, by one night's frost ; the flowers, which had unfolded their petals and oared their bosoms for the stroke; re ceived it with deadly, blighting fores, and next morning were no more ; people did not get hack into their flannels and othr winter duds quick enough, and colds pneumonias and rheumatism keDt the doctors busv. , . - w And I mind." said the old man. as he Dst in another chew, 'that I come mighty nigh going off myself, that pop laid up with the noniony for six weeks." Then we said we were sorry he had such a bad time of it, and hoped there wouldn't be so much sickness after this spell, and the old gentleman said he hoped ro too. And then the reporter moved on. MARRIED. In York county, S. C. on the 21s ult, at the residence of Mr 8 8 Smith, by Rev D W Thomas. u, Mr I D Bovd of Mecklenburg county, N. C, and Mies 8. N. Smith, daugh ter of Z D Smith of York county. At Woodlawn, Gaston .unty, on the evening of the 6th inst., by Rev J T Harris, Dr C 8 Kossel, nf Denver, Lincoln county, to Miss Zena Davenport, of Woodlawn. In this city on the fi b inst., by' the Rev B Branson, Mr Thos 8 Clarkson and Miss Lizzie Yates. Unequalled in effectiveness, uaapprcachsd in cheapness, and unrivalled io popularity is Dr Ball's Oough 8yrup. 25 cents per bottle; large size, 50 cents. A ugast Flower. The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver complaint. More than seventy-five per cent of the pec-i pic in the United states are afflicted with these two diseases and their effect such as Sour Stomach. Sick Headache, Habitual -Oostiveness, Palpitation of the Heart, Heart burn. Water-brash, gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the Stomach. Yellow Skin Coated Tongue and disagreeable tane fat the mouth, coming np of food after eating, low spirits. Ac Go to the Drue 8 to re of, Messrs T. C Smith A Go:, wbolesa'e agents and re tail druggists generally and get a 75 cent o-nt bottle, or a Sample Bottle for 10 cents. Try it. Two doses will relieve you. decSO. -. "in. . ' iJ r:C Sciple A Sons, Coal and Lima Merchants, Atlanta. Ga., Analysis of onrSaelby, A s. Lime 98 65. The strongest Lime Jn the Unied fiitatee. Montevailot Cahabared ash and;Cfai Creek CcLi haTAspecJW rates of f'erghton.Coal andXisae by ar load to points irrortrr and omh Carolina and Georgia. We solicit orders, send lor prices. SCIPI E A SONS. , -def30'" ' Atlanta, Oa. T7VERYTHINQ is handsome at the Com Airii ercial Dmihg Rooms, '. ' -" AUCTION- SALES! C F HARRISON ja..aMy Ti'WJLli SELATtitJtmdNWDAT! Xcomaseooing at It o'clock; my enttreStock of FANCY ,000,18. via : CHINA : and GLASS VASES. TOILET SETS. ' GLA 83 AND CHIN A- MUGS, CROMOSr;TOY8 Jfm TERMS CASH. - J. IC PUREEOY a-... jans " DEVIL AMONG THE, TAILORS, who can make the largest count .at the Casn- merclat Dining' Rooms f Offlce.ia ims 4 Dowd'a Bttildieg,oppOaU . -i - A P. -ook;?oatalBtag-; a small sum IX of money.sndafewvainaWepapeTs.f 0 the back is the name W G Wysaanj. Liver more FU!s,-i Maine, a The Jnderv wiU.be liberally re ward sd, and receive the thanks of the loser by leaving it at s f 'V' - THIS OFFICI.' jaaS! ytf&Z'&rMT!i ING8 , t TDESJDAY ; AND WEDNESDAY, JANUARY llTttANDniZTH. ;:o: ;o: . m. i a r ONE -EVEfNG pNtY, " THURDaV,' JANUARY 13TH. Farewell' Appearance this .season of the Peerless Gem of the American Stage, MISS '-KATIKBOTITAM, UNRIVALED OOlaY?iC0MAinr. The celebrated Domestic Play in Five Acts, .rt?-.. disentitled :- on, uriciset, FANCHON, Tm MKaav CaftaST, vi ua wngiaat srangs ana uaocea. pjaSTSainttlra ceats, Reserved oeau si w vaitryoo ints. Beats can be secured at Photo's book store. T U E S D A Yj AND.yJf rE D NjS S D A Y , JAUAJRY, 11TH AND )2TH An extra trains will mn' froto STATES VILLE to SALISBURY at HALF TT I D v : O&a AMnial stfvft janS ST Ten Cent X;6iuiiiii. AdvertUementa will be inserted in this column at the rate of ten (101 cent per Hn, ' for each intertiffii.' Tfo advertise mtnt taken for lett than hcenty-five cents. z,igrit words make a line. WANTED A sitoalien as eterk In a Gro cery Store. The best references gftn A p- L -i , , ..n,i vitrii atri'-; FOTJND-A sterr1nr with three tevs oa it-eae ef them a post office lock-box key. The owner can recover property by , tailing at this office and paying fox$hs noUce. FOUND. and left aVtbia Offloa. a lock box pnstofiice keyi whioh the ewnertan have by proving property, and raving, for this adver tisement. decSltf ' J" a .'-' LARGE Fresh Oysters oa the half shell at the Commercial, ' Try them.' ' TOE AWAKE GHfiCRBY. FRESH Richmond Sausage to arrive this morning. Also. Smoked Banssare. Dick ies by. the dosen at 20 cents; read for use. very nice, try them. - c. - jan8 It Ii .. ., . ! i. .i . ii T. . i. i ,' JU8T arrived. 1 barrel Fresh Norfolk Oys ters. at the Commercial Diainc Rooms. Removal of Lumber Yard: : THE , undersigned have-, removed - their Lumber Yard to Rock; Island Taotory lot. and will keep a supply of Lumber, lAths, sad the best Cypress Shingles, al ways on hand also a large supply of light wood for kindling, pat npinbnadles. They are prepared to fill bills, foe houses ettber long or short leaf lumber at short notice. Dressed Flooring a specialty. . ..... - B J SHaNNONHOUSE A SON. jh8-- --- - , ROOM for one. more at ,tht Commercial 'ill f 1 s-rta !! ONE THptfSAND FpR4;4(X00 -' n.t&n -rT3'fe .ii- TWENTY FOR, I......JJ0 '-.f?7'?Jff'W'i WW FIVE F0R,....MMM., W.I or vrm NtATOCB: .-lsta,'i. Kt il?0.eXfcV . - sri'tuiitt Mttjra ais4-. NO,' DMETJPN. 1 1w-jifsifros' nm Ai reW b dm l p 6l t il t! XX Brother, are urged to eaU aAtW fioosf 8toee and settle es no longer indulgence ena possibly be given," but the c I'alaalwlll peat-, tifely he put in suit Without de!y; , ! in -wWiisw1?- .W''T PlJJJCi,'1 IIOn npmm ;.rqts3Sf .V31 titt ,tf?l& xl,jowoTerJAyounf A Son's Cloth log 8torc Terms moderate but inTariably CASH, t .. ; . . .; .--T - jao9Sw - ' : : . ,. ; " mum ORIGINAL n y 4 i't r V -it v i trJ ! r .- tt ) w i s nolT