Ik (ft CHARLOTTE JS JOB X The Obse&Vxb Xob Der " imcrt ha bee tViT"Pgfrly -mrrplled with. fc needed wanWand with thelatert ttylea o. ."rpt - .... , rooiiBMam?; 1 Daily 1 Teftr:(D09tipidlin aTan6r,, vexyxaanrcref JcT .;5canno. begone " 3mos. "" " ' " -00 ' 1 mon. " " '5 with neatr sa, eifi-at -a ana cneapr vj We can famish 1 1 1 oi t notlee t 3 J eekly, (in the eownty) in advance, out of the county, postpaid $2 00 o in YiS Acr. . "IT - 2, posxiEa;t . "VeC - 1U-3. BlLIA. : . t PAMfHlXS. CHECKS, A ; ft mnnt.hn. 1 05 CHAEUrS-rc:; SUNDAY, JISUART 9, 1876, N0.2120 sir- Libera? reductions for clubs. .- f. , - T , nt-- '-f l ... ill ' rrsrr til fit - iH rfl rfl v H- 11 . II ... - . vvXI.lll KiHi , . -III - "JIL-JIU I .J. . '" ' '1 ' !! T J' 1 : : : r : ...,.! J. :t " . 0 S:VIITH &FORBES' 8EC(3NI. - Etel STOCK, VB JJK FOBBES ba jqst refnrnf a, tr'Mn ceivinK our 8econd Fall Btock of B' K3T9. mniplete in every Department, and wnl, be cold at prices that defy compeiuion. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MJ&RCHAKTS are especially requested lo examine our Stock before p i-nlttiii V.E)r:V7,li.L IT 0 T BE UIIDERS OLD . S 'M' I T H &. F 0 R B E S , X K VV I R ON PROS! , Br 11, DING, TRADE STREET, ehAblotte. n. c. G R Ei tSBuCTrO N IN P R I 0 E S BOOTS AND SHOES, AT Til K LOW PRICES OF THE GOOD GEO. R. FRENCH & Wilmingtoiia, N. FF1SR TO THE TRADE THEIR LAEGJ5 V of BOoTSTi H 41.8? (beine tbe lareest petifion y atw', id bcme in tbet-nth. qr in me tn'a ht first oualitv Broeaiw Broganst$1.12 rer pair. Women's prime prime A Calf Bala,at $1 00 ir pair. Children's: Polish HJgh Cut, Copper Tips at id cents and all other stylet at equally low, fates.. Personal examination and 6rderjSolicited. 00. sept23 F C 11 51 1 T V II E 3BurGss Klicliols S Co., WHOLESALE & RETAIL i !'it t f r ii vrf':1- h -i sujply of Lounges, altf grades Coffine on hand: AND SELLING Mm AS m . - i 3 .AO! 10 3AK A BLACK AIJD WHITE 1, CENTS . . . yj yt 1 Alt OTH ER COLORS WORSTED, AT 15 CENTS -OUNCE. (THESE W0B?ipSjC01lfflG FAVORABLY IH JSEHHf TO riKB flfHER.) THE BMIAIffHilR SWITCHM ijiMlB $250 ALEX&NDERiKin GL0 YES, AXISiUiSiN rca, (DISTAKTLTjRSD TO THE EUBRODBBIESrA SPECmLxY, iljj w- to' iatt-c'i -111 - J-,-. .ta Biooft V31 brtail it Ana a Great -MlW Oilier Merit RESPEOTFULLJv,-, TIB lonrat A B U U Wi 9, I - o . tne KortBera utiKets and we are 8HOE3 AND LEATHER, which is now folly OLD TIMES BEFORE THE WAR, TOCKAND COMPLETE A880RTMET fn the State) at snch low rates as defy com f-ioot 8. Kin' Boots at 28 00 and at S1.50 a nairi Men's first analitv L. s B Peb; Grain Bals at $l.t) per pair, women's B. FRENCH & SONS, Wilmington, N. C. Df?A L, B K S X)EALEKJS IM FURNITURE, BEDDING, &c. No. 5, Ye3t Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, N. C. JUST RECEIVED. FULL ASSORTMENT OF Parlor Suite, in Hair. Clotb, Also a new Terry and Eeps A fall assortment of Metalic Cases, Caskets and Wood nov2 YBT GOODS .t i Bl MI? WOBSTED, OUNCE. EVER 8 FOR 25 CENTS. rt . - ; i APIECE IN NEW YORK.) WEtL:KSOWAlJ 1 -it'VA'M rrrmti "i-" ' cut 3 & uoottsrAtoo umeroiw w ExtremeirWiees. - , - ifiB'KBlfl A. r.t sKkwdfMl a. . bn. 4. Ja- . J ? CITY CHARLOTTE If, 0., f December 20th, 1875. y On and after this date, mails will open and close in this office as follows : , Noi tli era, delivered 80 a, m., ckwe 9 00 p ra innthtrn, " 8 30 " " 7 30pm Air-Une. " 8 30 ' " 8 30 pm States ville, " 1100" 2.00 pm C. E8tP, " 8 30 " " 9.00 pm C.-West D., " 6.30 p m " 9.00 p m Money Order and Register hoars from 9 a. in, to 4 p. xn. r e Mcdonald, p. m dec2t tf , TUB CHURCHES fO-DAY. ( atholic Chubch. Services this morning at 10 o'clock, and sermon by the' priest, Bey Father Hands. St. Peter's (E.) CHUEOH.-TServices this morning at 11, and this afternoon at 4, by the Rector; Rey B S Bronson. - - - . ' - School Housx Services at the School 'Hdose, near the City ' Mills, this afternoon at 4 o'clock, by Rev W M Honter. ltay-" Miwtow -Chi1 auH.-"!' i ices in the marninertll'AM, and at7 P. M., by Rev W S Hal to m. Sirndav School at 9 a.m. , Min ? Baptist Chpkch. Services this morning at 11 o'clock, and this evenins at 8 o'clock. by the pastor. Rev T. H. Whitfield, Sunday School at 9 A M. Sacoirn PeesbtteeiaiTChcech. Services this morning at 11, and this evening at 7 by the pastor, Rev E H Harding. Sunday school at 3 p. fajr. ts inf. - Tbxojj teekt M. E. Chukch. Services this morning at 11. o'clock, and this even ine at 71 o'clock, by the pastor, Rev P J Carrawav. : Sunday School at 3 P. M. First PBtsBTtiaiAS Cbcbch. Services thia morniag at jil. and thia evening at o'clock, by the pastor Ker A W MiUer, D.D, 8eats free. Sunday School ftt 3:30 P. M. A. R. Pbssbttxbiah Chtbch. Services in the Chapel, on the corner of College and 5th streets, at,ll btyjlcki by?tfe pastor. Rev W M Hunter, and at 7 P. M. Sunday School at 10 A. M. - CITY BULLETIN. A lively" ffa'urday, was yesterday Tbeie will be . services to-day in all the Churches of the city, except the "Lutheran. During last week, there were only 3 police arrests. 2 of these vere whites, and one colored. ? '-Ooi John L Brown has beeti -appointed administrator upon the estate of the late Is rael Fink. $ -. .. t ? j'.j Second Sunday of the now y ear. How many of the good resolutions haye been kept to Jar? ' J H Mills, Esq., Superintendent of the Oxford Orphan Astlam, arrived at the Cen tial Hotel, last sight. The Hornet firemen are wanted: at their engine boose, to-morrow afternoon, for pa rade and practice. The passengers business on the iailroads ia giKM ; many Northern people are passing through daily, on their ways South. A few :ays ago it was mad ; yesterday everybody was blinded by the dust which was hurled into their eyes by the wind. Mr Koppel has a large and attractive ad vertisement in to-days paper, which is worthy the attention of (he ladies. There was an unusual amount of moving about on the streets, last night, and a great deal of hilarity pr vailed ; bat the crowds were sober and, consequently, orderly. Cigar standi are multiplying aH over the city. There is one at most every turn, Soaae bdd"y iuggeita that affefi fwhIIecTeaTtrs wlfl bf Id oflfer a i:h4owfth Crt ry daf. The Clerk of the Court and his clerks, are busily engaged at present in making oat transcripts in eases to go ap to the Supreme, Court, when that body takes up the cases' from this circuit. : : Everybody in town has pne of the whjstlea which the man was selling on the street, Fndiy, andthecontinnous imitations which aieg ven upon them, have become just a trifle boring. St. Valentine's day comes n Monday this year. And it's leap, year too. All Fools day, May day and Christmas day also occur on f Moody. ' The Fourth of July ocean on Tuesday, as also does the anniversary of the J birth of Washington. " : Charlotte began the new year on first rate noral principles. Las - weec was one of the most orderly the place ever knew. There 'wa hardly a Single case of drunkenness seen on the streets during the week, and dis--turbaricts were almost unheaid of. The uietnbers of tbe Hornet Steam Fire Company, did the handsome thing, on yes. terday, by presenting one of their disabled merabeis, Mr Oeo Rigler, with a suit of 'turns - ' - About tbe meet striking sight with which to tSt ZJ?Z y g8,'truttgh the streets to the' city pound. LTbJa at oo of the etreet sight last evening, 4 aad it was exhilarating. The city authorities made the whistle man suspend operatiueaterday morning, and he lettK itb the Hth thr nrrari f thinkng Mmmif lew of nuistyioa tnaninan RJW- we. A A AA t Jhemdrtnei esda iwaa on the table bt aid as as we writ thtoi attia weqiaMul i6e4 tniaprgiuae, aa e day rwbila r9gS4 ing atflfiaofc feHaaygnlM Tlled plae f Mr merry' wticeathe- F"f2aJl KIT RTrS WwJhtWili in her posseasioB, ror acir wor Cousin Tom Arrington has arriwd atthf irclaaib tVahe; worfdl4'hMd. o n this opinion, is hereby nouneano morning from on of th "haunts," and"tiiafc it will be sent to him In a lew days- The PJeneer Ball-.-- - The new hall of the Pioneer Steam Fire Company is claimed to be tbe ' handsomest of any fire company in the city. It is oyer the room which was, nntd -recently. Coch- m ' " " 9 . S m . -1 S ' rane s cigar lacory. u w wtn iuruoea. the walls are hung with pictures, and the. general arrangement is verf! good, The Pioneers are qnite proud of it. . : It Brings Them. The stray horse, sdertiedin Friday's pa per, by Mr J W Wadworth, was brought to him. during tbe same cay, and the "bully dog" advertised by his little son. has aLo been returned. The advertisement "fotcu" em. Talk about a stov- drawing, or about ropes and derrick; compared with an adver tisement they are less than nothing, and Vanity. ScarcHy of Material. Yesterday was a diatxtsslngly dull and un important day for item.' The Five Pointers were as quiet as lambs; thera was almost nothing in the Cour. s ; there were nambera of people about the Cburt House, but noth ing transpired ; got a solitary dot could be picked up at any of the depotsa-d, in short, it was a dull a vexatiously dull day for an uem gatherer. v Amputation Perhaps Jieeessary. Dr. McCombs has apprehensions that it will be necessary to amputate the left foot of the negro. Lucius Clarke, who slipped while coupling cars on the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad, last Sunday morning, and had that member badly mashed. Gangrene baa already ell-nigh .destroyed two of the toes, and the whole foot will probably have to come off. Salaries. The salaries of. the employees in this city, of the Western TJnion Telegraph Company, have been reduced in conformity, with tbe general redaction made all over the United States on the 1st of January. The redaction was made according to the position of its officers, vtl ; tbe president 25 per cent. , the vice president and -general superintendent, 10 percent. the operators and all others, 5 per cent. , New Ten, Dollar Bills. We see ft stated that the United States Treasurer his commenced the issue of the new ten dollar legal tender notes The de sign is not materially different from those of the last series. There has been added, on the right hand end of the note, an elaborate scroll work rurrounding the word ''Ten," in each letter of which has been introduced delicate engravings of Canterbury girls. Tbe Holiday Hop. Mr Drake of tbe States ville American, hap pened in the city on the occasion of tbe late hoiidoy hop, and for a few moments was a 'Jooker on in Venice." These were his im pressions . "The Ball at the Central Hotel, in Char lotte, Thursday night of last- week, waB a most pleasant affair, the ladies charming, the gentlemen nob e in beiring, dancing splendid, and enj-yinent the highest." The Cenrta. - Mayor' i Court The good order continues in tbecity,and again, yesterday, there was no occasion for tbe assembling of this iribnnah Excepting two mornings, there was no busi ness before it during ail of tbe past week. Jtyors Justice Amdson. -Five Five Points women for creating a disturbance in the vicinity of the Market House. This was the only criminal case ' before any of the Courts, on yesterday. They were fined $2 each. Doubtful About the Name. ' An old negro man was in the office of one of the Magistrates, yesterday afternoon, after a warrant for a man whose name he said was "Mr. Jnstifler" or "Mr Sanctifier." he wasn't right certain which, bat thought it was ''Mr Jostifier." Owing to the extent of the doubt existing in the mind of the suitor regarding the name of tbe individual to whom k was proposed to "put the law," the warrant was not forthcoming. ' : Addenda. In the report of the meeting of the town ship trustees, held on Friday and published yesterdavan important part of the proceed ings was omittd,; This was, that the chair man of the meeting instructed the several committeeeyto proceed toletouteontr ctsfor the building ot the fcncei these contracts to be completed by the 1st of February. -Tfl vielv1 or the short ::ttb. ieft them, it is especfaliy dMraple that th4 people begin at once making preparations to keep' up jtaeir stock. . . . ....... Th Carellaa MBttary Institute. 'Experienca teaohe us there , is none in the land where better discipline Is exercised, nM healthful training Is practiced,' and more thovuhgtf teaching is Imparted than at the institute established by nor "friend; Gol Thomas, in Charlotte, N. O." ; ft i . This i ths language nsed by Col D Wyatt, Aiken in the January number of the Rwrti C2Ma.iCot A bad a soi at the institute for two years, ahd bfs cmio'therefore based u pon' actual knowledge, are of some account We are glad' to'see that the press of the two ColtUaafn wlting jib' jreat'an.' tere in -tfaVmatitutinT Withaneh', oennten-r dent af :U has, and such professots aa Messrs. Lynes, Cain; . Bonham and Bronson, there is surely no "similar . instit utioo anywhere more worthy of dts encomiums. .; ' . ...... : - ,v - ji . .,n iii at' t-.t- A fPaJnterxCosstoe; t Charlette to JEx eeut a TTark-ef Art. : We lesWtoaAtffcrir Queriytbe d& tjguisEfcci rfa'4$w ritWfetTh09as, SOMint& i&ndent CsTOliM.Htiuia:. W,nl;'ljlMi ISW ngageAto atjP9rtraJf f, atonewaUiJackon,and Ihatthexdeaires.to iexeouf fcis w94rkoer& lirari Jacksong 'thaji hOTorwt "widow of the greWf5onfderat' Geneva?, having 'consent- jt is likely that Mr G.Tft me W this city Jc the purpose named,' 4?m .iiil aT M43nerrVEai exeeuted 'several fiho toor- ittlU &.,ik&!& . iilinteiW we haferTerreasoV W dojosticeto thecreat subjact that he pp poses to put on canvas. Hebrew laaiea' itep. The second annual hop-of the Ladies' He brew Benevolent Society, took place on. Fri day night at the Mercantile Reading Rooms. A large and much delighted. - company was ureaent There were as many as eighteen Couples on the floor at one time, and tbe revelry continued until 3 o'clock -yesterday morning About midnight an elegant re past was sprea i by the ladies, and the dancer ceased their pleasant occupation lor awhile, and, in common with alt the others' present, among whom were several invited guests partook with a zestof the viands which bad been . prepared by skillful hands. We are glad lo know that the occasion was one of so much pleasure to our Jewish friends and their guests. . Death et Julia Stouey. We record with unfeigned sorrow the death of little Julia Stoney, which occurred early yesterday morning, after a period of sickness covering not more than 43 hours. Tbe whole coram unity will . read this announcement wkh a grief as jinoere as that which fills the bosom of the writer. Few children were better known in the city, and none was more generally loved. Her brightness and amiability impressed them selves upon all who knew ber, and the most casual reader of character, mast have discov ered in her the germs of a brilliant and no ble womanhood. The sudden and early demise of this bright and beautifal tittle flower, has left a void in the heart of the mother which the world cannot fill, and we commend her to the pitying mercy of Him who is too wis to err, and who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb. Bankrupt Court. Thos B Keogh, Esq., Register in Bank ruptcy, has been holding a Bankrupt Court in this city for tbe past two days, at bis room in the Central Hotel. The bus-mess of public interest which has been transacted, is summed up in the following : In the case of Dr Wm Sloan, bankrupt, John L Bailey. Jr., was elected assignee. A petition was filed by a enditor, to Judge Dick asking him not to approve the appoint ment. In the case f Jonathan R Kirkpatrici, R M Miller was elected assignee by the credi tors. In the case of P M Murray, the examina tion of witnesses was postponed. Many proofs of debt were filed in the case of the late Bank of Mecklenburg. Business in this line has increased to such an extent cf late, that Mr Keogh has de termined to pay Berai-monthly visits to Charlotte, to bold Bankrupt Court. He leaves for home this morning. A Stroll Threngli til Outskirts. Ihe fact that one-half of the world doesW not know what the other half is doing, can be iutly realized if one will take a stroll through the outskirts of even as small a city aa this. People of the better class, who con fine themselves ; to the principal streets,-! know nothing at all of the people with whom they live. Poverty and degradation, it is true, are seeq every day upon the streets; but these people most be seen at their habi tations, and their habitations must be seen, before one can have a proper conception of the squalor in which they exist. There is an appearance in the countenances of this class, which is distinctive They have sallow, care-worn -faces ; their clothes are tattered and dirty, their hair uncombed, and their whole appearance indicates poverty and de gradation. Their bouses are unfurnished, saye with broken chairs and tables, which are cast about with an utter disregard of ap pearances, and children in rags crawl over the floor, tbe dirt on which is as thick as on their faces Everything betrays a state of affairs which is but little removed from brutality; and so accustomed are the denizens of these boles to their situation that they seem to desire nothing better. And there they live, year after year, in their poverty and crime, and finally die and are cast as de, with not a tear and often with not even a sigh for their de parture. These are tbe opposite of those who dress in their purple and fine linen, and who dash through tne streets in their elegant equip pages, ignorant and careless of the fact that beggary lives next door to thtm Escaped From Jail by an Artifice. We have had occasion to refer several times to the notorious Stamper brothers, who, about a year, murdered a man in Allef ghany county, and had theii cases removed They were known as bold, bad, Wily fel lows, and Solicitor Cowles knowing that it would not do to allow them to be confined in the same jail, sent one to Statesville and the otheto Leno-r. About three weeks ago, we" mentioned the escape of the one who was confined in Statesville jail; be sawed a bar out of tb window , and. swung to the ground by means of his blsnket, which he tore in strips and tied together-1 - How we have information by gentleman just from Lenoir", of the escape of the other, by an artifice which is not new, and which b too often saccessfuL .fihad a wife who was very much devoted ta him, and who visited him frequently in prison and waa al ways allowed aocesa to his oelL A few mora ings ego, she called at the jail before day- light and told the jailor that she was about starting over to Alleghany ; that the jour bey was a long one aadjths had started very early because of this, and begged to be al lowed to seejher husband Jot-fore she should i go. The kind-hearted jailor a Imitted her unseasonable a the hour was, and she was allowed few moments" private " conversa tion With her. nusband. - She present'y i emerged fW.in the.celii her face' covered with ner panaaercniei,, snu wrcpmjs iwu-, The door was closed behind her and absot in, hf yehicle ; which . WM .waiting, ffa. jdrove away, " . j -s iw-. aids ' -. ' - . At the usoiil breakJjayoar wejairor as mnded the atens to StamDCT's . cell, for the iidrnclfta?CBTrfts& him tilk bfeakifasti Ar- vini,tee iooke4 tod'fVund b?is tttter.constejnwjo, jjnai jasper caj'tlBiii;jii njarnidvifi bis staad. heteHwaa no mystery abent, it aney liadcbanged clothing dtrring the short timei alknrad them together, aad it -waa the mur- eret' Whd bad pissltedrWeepingly-' ftoni t& door, irfthe garb of hiff' Wifc. The flown bird has not been re-captured. Col John L Erosra, Trustee,, is closing put the stock of McMurrayA Davis, quite rapid ly. The goods must beJ sold and they are going off at almost any price. -Though the shelves now look very bare there are stU) many valuable goods left, and bargain-seekers ongbt to call at once before they are all, gone . An advertisement in another column give a rpecimen of the prices at which goods are being sold. Calvary Mission Church and Its Paster. Rev I C Thomas, who was appointed"! the recent session of . the North Carolina Conference to th pastoral ohare of the Cal vary Mission Church, o1 this city, has found it necessary, owing to failing health, to de cline the appointment. Rev W H Bobbitt, the Presiding Elder of the district, will, in a short time, appint some one to supply the vacancy. It may be stated, in this connection, that the name. "Second Methodist" by which this church is sometimes known, was given it without, authority, and improperly. It is not, stri ;t'y speaking, a church; ; but is a regu'ar mission, and stands on a mission footing, being under the charge of the pas tor of the Try on Street Church, and being partially supported by an appropriation from that church. The church council, at a re- cent meeting, re-endorsed its old name, of Calvary Mission Church, and expressed a de Sire that it be so known in futare PUNKRAL NOTICE. The funeral services of Julia Stoney, will take place from the Episcopil Church this morning at 10 o'clock. The friends of the family are invited to attend SPECIAL NOTICES. Life is full of sorrows and disappoint ments, but the most sanguine hopes of all those who try Dr B ill's Couh Syrup are al ways realized. It never disappoi nts. CUTTHI8 0Ur. It May Save Your XI fe. There is no person living but what Buffers more or less with Lung Diseases, Coughs, CoMs or Consumption, yet some wonlddie rather than pav 75 cents for a bottle of medi cine that would cu e them. De. A. Boa chee's Germ ah Stbcf has lately been intro duced In this coun'ry from Germany, and itb w nnrous cures astonishes every one that try it. If you doubt what we sy in print, cut out and tak- it to yoor Druggists Mesrs T C Smith A Co , wholesale ageots and re tail dragttUU ,enerlly.:M.nu get a sample bottle for lacents and try it .Two doses will relieve voU.""Rfgulaf size 75 cents."Tdec 31. r :;) Nervous Debility. 'VITAL WR 4.KNES8 OR DEPRESSION : A weak exhausted feeling, uo energy or courage ; tne result oi mentai orrr worn., indescretions or exces-sea. or some drain up on the system, is always cured by Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific "No. 28. Jt toaes up and invigorates ' the system, dispels the gloom and despondency, imparts strength and energy Btops tne drain and rejuvena es the entire man. Been used with Derfect success by thous ands. Sold by dealers. Price $1 pr single vial, or $5 per package of five vials and $2 vial of powaer Ment oy man on reue.p ui nri,. Address HUMPHREYS' HOMEO- PATRTt? MEDKINE COMPANY. C62 Broadway, New York. ar- See large Advertisement. ' no9 ly Simple & Sons, Coal and Lime Merchants, Atlanta. Ga., Analysis of our Snelby, Ala. Lime 98 65. The strongest Lime In the nni m) HtAtfm- Montevailo. Cahaba red ash. and Coal Creek Coal. We have special rates of f-eight on Coal and Lime by car load to Doints in North and South Carolina and Georgia. We solicit orders, send for prices. SCIPl K & SONS, - decSO Atlanta, Ga. NEW ADVEKTISEIT1ENTS 0 N THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The only one in the 8tate, and it Is a very fine one too, THE COMMERCIAL DIN ING KOOM8, Trade Street. Everything it man ca call for to eat at.d drink, and serv ed in excellent style. Just tbe place our city has needed. Fresh Norfolk Oysters re ct ived every day. jan9 HE NICEST PLACE IN THE STATE, THh, COMMERCIAL DININU ROOMS. ,jan9 . fr . THE LARGEST 0Y8TERS EVKL COME TO OUB 'ITY, ARE RECEIVED EVERY DAY AT THE COMMERCIAL DINING ROOMS. jan9 .. For Rent. A house in Mechanicsville four (4) Rooms. A house corner Sixth Ptreet and- N. C. B R with six rooms. Apply to WE B JURWELL. rjan -'-' JJ0RNET8, ATTENTION! tit -Attend the monthly parade of your Com pany, Monday 10th, at 3.30 p m. W R MYERS, R R Rat, - President, pro tern, j. Secretary. Jan? ,; . -. :. . - . . 'lr CHARIiOTtK, If. C. 1 H ; ' Col J P THiQMAS.......8cP5aiHTKKDST, ABLY, assisted by Professors J.Colton' ' Lvnes. Wm Cain, James Bonhamand. the Rev B 8 Bronson. ,i f - The next term begins February 1st. next. The Institute also open today Cadets, resi dent in the city,' qualified tor enter the Pre paratory "Department. or any on of th Classes in, the C-oUeguteDepeftment. . For term and other Information, apply at Oft' Institute; or addressbr letter, tbe Super intendent,,.'n: l-id, ':. :, jan9 3t . : , , '... ' ... ; - I T Ji- 5 ' t ? . i ' ; . I -' i '- . V i ' small bine Loeietl-Return to thl of xVfioe. A liberal reward will be paid. -jan9 It law QntrU$mr&. ptf.t tt- ff'-tti . rr30.. t M Wl' tTE hsye fremoved otrf office to thi room II OTerTiddr'sboekstorei ti f"a,t jan94t Attorneys. Democrat copy 4 times. " ' ' "fti ' S1 ,tJ7'0tIF? i v . ' r - r t - - HerraliHalt-vMsliiiy; i- TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, JANUAfeY'llTH5 ND ; 12TH. -:or ;o:- ONE EVENING ONLY, THUBSDAY; ' JANUARY 13TH. :o: .o: Farewell Appearawce- Hbh season of the Peerless Uem of the American 8tage, MISS KAJTIK -PUTNAM , - ' KKV HE' " UNRIVALED COMEDY COMPANY. The celebrated Domestic Play in, Fiye Act4, entitled 1 a acaoa ,:ib.Ctick9 1 . FANCflON, Tat Mkbt firaicKM, :.'Mu KLaTIE Potnam. ( Mfj&ila Pvu&S General Admission 76 cents, 'Reserved -f 6eats l rjO'GsryWcenttf: eats"can" be 8,, at PaifB's hook store. AT SALISBURY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY1 , JANUARY, 11TH AND 12TH. An extra train will run from STATES VILLE to SALISBURY t HALF FARE. 8ee official notice. jan8 5t ' -k-Pf-i-'W v-u'i Ten Cent Colnttxn. Advertisement $ wtU he inserted in this column at the rate of ten (10) cents per line, for each insertions ito advertise ment taken for less than hemty-five cents. Eight words make a line. ' . LADIES' HOSE HALF PRICE. 10 to 25 Cts ChUdren's " " 7 ," . 5 0,20 eta Chain Corsets, , 50 and $1-00 Nice Men's Hats, , 1.0( General stock in proportion. JOHN LBRQWN, Trustee. , jan9,2t . : . ..-j.t ; FOUND A steel ring With three keys on it one of them, post office lock-box Key. The owner can recover. property by calling at, this office and, paying lor this.notice. '"lanSlt " 'rv;, -.)' -..J-... , . FOUND, and left at this oflicey a Jock box poatoffiee key, which the owner can have by proving property and j'ftying for this adver tisement. dec31 tf . . POSTPONED. ON account of continued press of business, Dr Nye, Optician, has- determined to protract his stay in Charlotte.-at the Central Hotel, for another week, where he will con tinue to represent bis world renowned AUSTRALIAN CRYSTAL SPECTACLES. He especially manufactures LENSES" FOR PRESERVING THE EYE SIGHT, designed for the use of persons suffering from weak eyes. (Opthalania) and particularly adapted for the use of those who work much at night by artificial light. He also' manufac tures I en sea with faces of various colors and tints, which are used by persons with DEFECTIVE V18ION. otten bpectacles called Pebble are offered at cheap rates, but they prove disastrous to the unfortunate purchaser, for the Crystal from wnich these Lenses are made, are cut at random in every direction, that will yield the greatest quantity, hence they produce lenses worce than useless, and do irrepara ble mischief to tbe wearers. In . the -manu-turel have adopted th Coscay- Cc-nvex shape, so similar to the corneal lattieular ar rangement to the eye, which allows a larger field of vision nd collecting a greater num ber of rays than is secured by ordinary glasses. - - Dr Nye begs to state that having for many years made the adaptation of Spectacles and Optical contrivances a special study, which this profe-ioH demands, he fel himself fully competent to meet Ihe requirements of the most difficult cases. Very Respectfully, ' S B NYE. . Testimonial from every part bjf the coun try can be sees on application. Office hours from 9 a. m., to 7 p. m. AUCTION SALES ! C F HARRISON,.v.....u ..Auckovxeb. . , i . . . i. : -I I WILL SELL AT AUCTION to mortow, coraraencing at lLo'ctoek, my entire Stock of FANCY GOODS, via CHINA and GLASS VA8ES TOILLT SETS, GLASS AND CHINA MUGS, CROMOS, TOYS, AO., AO. - ' ' - ' , TERMS , WABo. j. k: purefoy. jan9 CALVIN ;(RIER. ATTORNEY VJLT CHAEIaStTE, N. ' Office in Sims 0? DoWd Building, opposit- the Court Honse.' -a jan8 5t , k . . Removal of Lumber Yard. THE nndersigned haye removed their Lumber Yard to Reek Island- Factory lot, and wUl keapv supply of Lumber, Iths, and tbe best Cvpres Shingles, i waj on. hand: also a iarga supply Jlght wood for kindling, put up in bundles.Tney are prepared to fill bills 'for houses, either long or short leaf lumber at short notice. Dressed .Flooring aepecfaityi - . 8HANNONHOUSE A.BON. Notice; ' v.- i A LL persons indebted. te Messrs Ttddy k, JX , Brother are, urged to call at taw Book 8tore and settle rs po-looge? indalgncean possibly, be giveji, but (he c alms posi tfvely beltxT b suit WithonUelayTV, jan5 A'geneirTmstie;n A! BETBTE'rDoplri?flo7 J, room over J Young A'SonV Cloth-' Term moderate but invariably CASH. "' -.--.--i .' jan6 2w , mm i 7 1ST A FEW BAYS. JiUlfl

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