k-l . fl 1(1 'fl I t T t V ;J1 T! H r- ifm 1HICLL. AM KO US- There arc now 257 prisoners in the I enitentiary. J Parham & Bonn, leauing'TOemseri merchant, have faijed for $18,000. ' Hon. Wm. II. Battle has been eltct o 1 P resident of thej Huleigh Nation) The young ladiiBB.imtmiOgppa. give ft leap year party nextTuratfay evening. A lii tie daughter of QrfWat o New hern, had a nurrrjkIlgcape fn iiisim t dentli on Thursday morning l heinie knocked ,ff; Ahd.wakiyJ n runaway-horse attached towcitt- f City Attorney Fabushee, W Rat eigh has codified, all ihCoWkialrfcf tiiat city, with their amendment", in the past six yeajftjajid Jtlttjiudt them in Cuiveii4eitforniw ;? j vol. oiwi iu. xutoiimonf me x resi dent of i tic Kleigh & Gatun jlroad is Pres iden Ck ioUri bipiirtant rat I wy liiu tj and one line of uteaiuera coii4 priHinj; two score, vessels, and he is hardly forty years old yet. This from the Kuleigh Sentinel: VViV Didn't know it was' loaded, of course; miii tlml'it hfiw Riillivmi Hurrull .f Bertie county, came to put a chunk of leau into vieorge-ooBu, ioBA)MH r uay. 'J be wound is not quite extensive en ough to ensure 1J- iirfewaseft the bondage of eartuanjl Jie anjiii The Commissioners of Raleigh and the Uas CX)a1pmr ar al logger-keads The othttiiiaffttrfe ConiWitl)rvst 5 Ua1 Mfty r ral logger-beads. htfViRBtlrfc Cona..yrv8.t - cd a hill of Si.t&O fr gas burning in the past three niynths, the Couiinis fiioners eaid f aljioonuctt, aid wouldn't pay it and the company Bhut oli the gas. So an) s the News. M r. Robtr ni usqn o , .fy yip rt 'ouiuy, says ine itajeign pefwingu she mornig of il$5 iust; hid rabbit-nuhiing; ner -1iavrfig eatev a hearty breakfast, atid apparently i'i n.bust henlth, He had not proceeded Kir when he sickened. Calling at the house of u negro, ho aked the woman to allow him to ail io tlie piazz-i for a lew nionients, and as he took hi, seat fell qyerud iPjred Anpoplex fell over .and expired AppQplexy is ! a8snJdth&fefoldh.3 m Raleigh iS'curs : "A well known citi zen of this town, who keeps a small shop just outside the old corporation, dreampt a fo phjleVgiif eVtfr he came upreeit oU4htaidtiAf ih.Qovf ernor's palace he wonld immediately die. He had this dream three night in oifi-aslmi. It h)4M liPPn t.WHlitv in mo uustnes p"inuu oi toe city -i.ce. He owns property here and always sena some one up to pay nis taxei, wndj w-hfu 1ierfCerthtiMting and fidliing he always starts fiom the other aide of thn city j "T , 4 j Raleigh Newt: Tbei wooda are full of yop.iig nien hunting p aces. A tall gi.sUn'im ll-tiiiinstred trava alikl smoking an imitation meerschaum, took the Yarb.ro IJoAije inn a?iUe yesterday and WMnteUuVetSaSjIeVk'a pUce. Ho tHid he in i 111 a hurry about business,' 'bnlyt; We ' trougtit of getting married soon, and his wife wouid rather hoard ut the first niontn than to keep house-'fYou khow'liow it is wAftyo&igqrleQ salihe.- Brackteire&rettid3)r. Ixtussorn at the Insjjue . Aj luii and offered to call a 'policeman' to 'show him the . 1 Charles Sullivan has been arrested! at Spartanburg for the murder of N ton Coxlast October. The 6eirelr4n rSA tifedtnat 'Cungreian. -Raipey declarea the action if'the Legislfctdre.Hrt grrirr us Moses for Judge, a calamitous blunder, which j'U's in jeopardy Republican 1 . i.J.u.ife... .' 1 ifn RkcenoiHWjwA if'w'i I Recently some one concealed near the roadeidr, telow:eHeevCity, thot at Mr. Joh,n Cary, a merchant, of Sene ca. 'Ihe bill' parsed through the back" of his coat. It4a, aupfveH bnt the niA tion nt ttieona woosn, it wa to ju .. - --r -4-, n'wT;i.u On F ''dy night last Dr; ",0;C. Priicharn. native of Chailet-ton. wri'fV resides in Hie village or BUifUjaefviir", m ftXArttof , .FOlWV own residence by a rubber and would MBtf be murderer. wlmkywQevcre'y the head. Dr j&ileJiayfe ttotinda are considered dangerous. t . . h tf. IvU A 1 ? 1 ' -ft i. UilnJ f & The iVeaa i .aBi-thafcaHa Sunday morning ht aa agedplred'wonaM; named Bfill GeKory;ws' furid tlead in the rtad X' 'mtfes below Uiiron Cmrt.ao.1.T3fCTlML infirm, and there IS Jiu ilouW.that he felt damn w4a WjM nonlo w agami :' 'la jf! .? tt i ?. . i , b ' s .r it : i.j'ivi .;,'" W hoi'fS'rl.iitetti and tj-aineth a feoW lor tne Uisi!uniein uw, uiiim ber of &rieU.wJDoj&e Ar&s1.diy iil nigh'-i'i private as we'd as in public. Hewill.fincnrtfeMdJ Xf W . will t loawJjilila. ' tfiklJbbvel. will any fear cwuieover him and dishonor his heart,. KM11T A'V (IU .n;). Lei your colt ne aomesticnieu aou 1 an docfle add fatigue. - I It vou have vour Iwiwe to serve -sop on the dy of triaJrif you. desire him. t be a horsHrti44tmfcii ber, at'CUa cuaUftfjVtr td hatd'IVoilr'Wd in r.. . to them in a hnd tone of voice; lo . I . . l .1.. l.lk VlAi.1Iv B0 IUH l)e BUUTY Wit IT lirtiU, mnrairnip - T prove ter tlwT' the language of mauapdUJ., en-. If you have a long day s journey li ri is ar. -a - . - 1 1 oeiore you. tr-y W irf'f f Ml l nWUliMtfmtU he has sweated and dried three times, and yon may :itJli4lJll.fffer Jott please, he will not leave you in diffi culty. (, x t3TT O JA II 7 Lse your horse as yon da your leathern bottlejcilMITO f HJte&y a SLtb Uhser your pfe" dnnkineat a hrohlf. "XT In bnntfn wirnoui iienoinjT'nrS'TTmi) fie pos sesses sterling qualitie,? and fJall Four things he must have broad-- front, Jicheii loinilklaltina t;) fiKiH "nnirs ionifneck. tiresst,Torearnano7 ihort-Dastrrt ivejvjthou Iron, his, jJJfo a.'w&eu a nirae.aie up iuct Y-fthrdfaritflnuretindiaTdaJ r nu Eraauniiv von ran easiiv control 1 the iraierwlth&'iaf if yoiTp&5)r tot and nothineroainvloqfiendj. S, tuirwi. - . Cf: "7? CHANGE OF SCKILTITTT v C lUf U, T1m IO t-nln sill ryer thisji,ay fWlow. : PASSENGER. AND MAIL TRAINS . 6:30 am 7:0O nm ,Am'e wnmiiirton, at OMR lOTl? MJPAfiSENGEK ve Wilminsrton. at - - . nn , XtChMlote, r f . . ifswim Mye Qharkte a ( . - ' . 6:30 a m Arrive at Wilmington , - . 10 40 am SHELBYiyIONDaily, Sundays ex- LeaypbaoHat,. . 7:00 am Amye at hbepjy, at , ,, 1 1 :30 a m Leave Shelby at . - V - 12:30 p m A rrive at C&faita, - - 50 p m CONNECTIONS. Connects With e; A.'i R. Air Line in unanoHe at p na. and 6.30 a. m " ; 5iv" iwmiuim ; mo wun Wilmington, rolumMa fe Angus ta 'Railroad at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. 4 aJ- ipe from Wi lmwgton to Atlanta "oe connectiona lth ays. 5aa- Papers publishing Carolina Central uyu,f schedule, f will rplease notice . S L FRRMONT, rtlef Enginr and 8iiperintndeDt. -decia . Q;IrHilVyd. s. fc. . If . ii 8UPMjEST'HI04jf Charlotte, N"C. bee. i9, 187 rvN and after Friday. December 31st J the following Pchedale will be run over tb ro&dnniii otherwise ordered : i GOING-SOUTH. teavePtateville. Voi.resville, 6 00 a.m. 73 " 8 09 " 10 00 U Colleice, GOING NORTH Leave Charlotte, D Glletre, Mneresville, Arrive States villa, pnp m- 7.00 " J Ti kels on sale to Newton. Hickory. Moiv gant-.n. Mai ion an Old Kort All charaes must be pre paid on Freight offered for shipment to flection Hou-e. Hen derson's. AWxandritina ar.d Caldwell' . These being "Fhw Station", ' the Com pany i oot.hanle for loss, orrtamHe to freight afir4i aatoait et-eitWr of the above named "Fl.g 8 ations." No (reigni will be Weived by Agent for shipm. nt unless the name of consignee and dt-bti nation is distinctly marked thereo 1. J J WORM LBV .v r. .Suofnnteu-fnt. Pfiuilt Air-Line lallway! RioBiKsn Jc Damvtuus. Richmohd Dahviixe R. W , N. C DmsiOH, anf North Wrstsric N. C. R. W. CONDENSED TIMETABLE. In effect on and after Dec 19ih, 1875. aowa kokth. STATIOH8. Leave Charlotte, " AhMJneJ'net'n, " - Salisbury, " Greensboro, matl. 5 45 a m 626 " 8 2D ' -10 68 " 1 39pra 1 49 -r 6 51 ' 935p m Danville, . Dundee. Burkeville, o Arrive at Richmond, QOINO HOCTH. LaBtATtOHS. - i MAtt. 5 50 a m 9 00 " 1 35 t m 143 4 28 " 654 " 862 91 ooiMawssx. Ail llffi ATrUOS-par Leave ifichiuond, " " Bnrkeville, " Dundee, " Danville, . . " GreensbOrb," ' " Salisbury, V Alr-liniyefa, Arrive at Charlotte, ooixa bast. .j irxjiolra, i , j LeayeVieetfsbore.lv 00 am ACCOMBAT K TAI!. i'Te Grfensbootlep 1MitVMi am Arr at Kaleigli, 5 00am I Arr7.i0pm NO! Leave Greensboro, Anive ItlSatnr ! Iveftlette' 4 46 p m --8!5ra:m 10 aa Arrive at Greepsboro, rassengewai aUlWa m nOnnectaat Greensboro with theSoathern boundtrain nfakiAX tbeqtucttfet !limet U Ifaying Raleigh at 7 30 p m, connects with .Northern noane- irmaa ta lireensooriT mr R chmond and all point- list Price of Ticketstame aerhrtrtberputes, vr A dtwedatkn .-Train tegGreenbor at 7 00 p m connects at GiHb r with Northern and, Snai hY ; boanrl.Tralns oil Ihe Wilmington and Weldon Railroad y awhbpr Accowimw1?wy'Jti' p m.'TeaTeBarxeviTie z zwir-nr, -irmif mt lRichraond 4 34 p m - . . -- --I i tLLtM tKait kava imnuramanu ti nlviir- Oel the schachfle e( t.Us domamvyvfitl please ivriat as above and forward copies to ueni - . - i. ' - - . -j - . k i . Tfw r maom nRDo. rOT luriner inmrniMiun huuictb i I UIT2SaU .1 Richmond, Va. dec 10 TOWSOiLrhi PMt2 6W BW R Iain Wry vavsti cenfeountry. - iv ;!:-.t RBS2lfETjr'IfiATi MANTELS, CAJ gpgoIALTY: fLATE. when deeired. AOr aftt WMfaftMBi attentkm. when addressed. O. Box 118. WiarkKte,. 1 va 1 1 svaiijw - 1.-1 booi luor risnw f Maa , m m. U at Mm -t AH wort froaranieea. rrwea oeMumwci 8bihff1rQ -talwah affiaad jaid'iwirtij mLIffilGTOH- NOttTE, -lim HI ADA OkU9lJ?EKLY Fast FMikt JBoBte to ' B ALTWORK Baltimore and Southern Steam Trans- Sailing from BALTIMORE Tuesday and Friday, nt 3 ritti M raOX VOKDI9TQM.': i . WEDNESDAY Alt D ATUBDAY. GIVING THEOUGH BILLS OP LADING to all potato iu North and Sontb Carolina. Georgia and Alabama. For North or East bound Freight, to Baltimore Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Providence, Fall River and other Eastern Cities. Liverpool, Glasgow, Bremen, Antwerp and Other European Portk Ttese LfneB connect at Wilmington with the Wilmington, Colmnbia & Angnata Railroad. Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, and .Carolina Central Railway and Cape Fear River Steamers, with their connecting Roads, offering nneqnBlled facilities for the prompt delivery of Freight to all points, as the 8teamere on these Lines on arrival in Wilming ton stop at Railroad depoJLhe Fjteieht transferred under covered sheds to cars without delay, and forwardeat ttf WrfFaslTreiKht Express that morning. No drayage m Wilmington and to transfer from Wilmington Sooth. Rates gnar anteed as IAW as by any other boats. Lotwes or Overcharges promptly paid. Mark all gonda via Wilmington Lines.' For fnrther icformation, apply to either of the undersigned Amenta of the Line. EDWIN FITZGERALD. Gen'l Agt. Bnltimore Line, 50 Sooth Street, Baltimore'. WM. P. CLYDE 4 CO.; Gen'l Ac. New York Line, 6 Bowling GreeD, N. Y. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent Baltimore and New York Line. Wi! -tf. ' v THE 6BEAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT LINE, VIA CHARLESTON. S. 0. BETWIIN CHARLOTTE aafl ALL POINTS NORTH and EAST. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA RAILROAD, CoxumbiAj S, C, January 3rd, 1876. j'HE Cn AHUrrTTE. COLUMBIA AUG US TA RAILROAD, in cor.nection with I the UTH t ARiiLIMA RAILWAY, and its connecting HTEAMSHIP UNkJ4 at the port ot'OtlAKxE'iVON, presents to Shippers of OTToM. AVD THE MEK sHANT of CHAKL'-TTK, AND ALtlNG THK LlMtSdOF RAILWAYS CO$ VERGING THERE ON, THE MAN l ADVANTAGES of the GREAT SOUTHERIi FREIGHT LIUE, With the AS3URANCE THAT TRANSPORTATION shall be as QUICK, RATE3 AS LOW AND SATISFACTION AS COMPLETE, as by any other line that bids for their "business. For rates, clarifications and all mforenation, ca'J on the undersigned, A. POPE General Freight Agent, C , C. & A. R. R., Columbia, S. C. N M JOHNSTON . Soliciting Agent, .Charlotte, N. C. ,W. W. PEGRAM, AgentvC, jan2 C. C. DISPATCH LIBIE, VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Through Freight Route to all Points South. This line being fully equipped for business,, offers unequaled facilities for the , Transportation jctf Freight, trom WILMINGTON AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN CITIES TO CHARLOTTE, STATESVILLE, ASHEVILLE, RUTHERFORDTON, GREENVILLE, SPARTANBURG, ALL STATIONS ON THE ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO j and: VVESTEKN N. C. i RAIL RU ADS, a well as all points in GEORGIA;" ALABAMA and t 4 I MISSISSIPPI. , i i .... J : . - u , : M fc' V-.,W.iVi5.'-'.iJJ'.'ii. if .-.-'"- GtTARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA ANY COMPETING LINE, AND INFORMATION FURNISHED JNO G YOUNG, 7 General Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N. C. Soliatmg Agent C V. v., unanotte, jn u 4 T T SMITH, septoO a - fx: OBEAT BEDUCTIOH -IK A. 1ST 3D H -A. 1? S r 'a 0 0 SAMpie jjragjri: 8;,: : i Detrrnine? (o coaline bur basfiirM' ;exola- 1 ' hre offer bur enttr 'Stock af KeBthra Manafeictared Goods, atOost; fovOaah- only. neh an- worramty to Day Cheap Goods, seldom presents it- sell, ana parries wisning any thlnf? in a well to 7l Butter, Butter. If4 IlKEAHl U Batter, 1 i I Taitortng. CASH. n Store. Terms moderate bat invariably1 on d& niw' voiq.-, f.- all mtstfrH Clyde's Wilmington Line,' from NEW YORK Tuesday and Friday, at 8 P. M., AXD FBOK WTLMINQTOS WEDNESDAYS andSATERDAYS C. & A. R. R,, Charlotte, N. C. UPON APPLICATION TO i F W CLARK, Agent C. C. Railway. Charlotte. LATEST ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS J. S. PHILLIPS MERCHANT TAILOR and DEALER IN GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, H' AS removed io one'of the "New Stows nndt-r the Central Hotel.Trade Ht.and is vtRK bis Winter 8tock of Goods for n's Wear and will make tbera op at short notice tn the most fiwhionakla nnan neri cheaper than the same class of Goods nave ever been onerea ta tms market. ; 'QrM Skirts a Specialty. Catting and repairing done promptly. All goods and. work must be paid for. oo de'iv erv. as I am compelled to do a eksn bn sin ess. J SPHILLIPS. IlfHOLESALE RETAIL it If OWr.OTrr4ctterteriesfllTt SnufT, Tobacco. Pipes, Musical Instruments, Strings. Ac , Tfad4rra. jOhaxlotte, N. O. Would call arieHTioaer4 Jrlat ijey now have irf st6re; Hiergest kncTmost ex tensive 8tock of Groceries in Charlotte, which they ararioViirASffla whol- Mia ana retail nayers as pnees, aa tow as they, can be bought from any, responsible uim awaa w awa&aa ii utu bus svavusMvav a AmaarSL Teas: Soaa, Brandy Peaches. 'Crack 44 Oysters. Candy, Pickles, and vanotu otber articles not mennonea. s la 2D A5D - R 1 M S,.! ftUIfi. andenugned oi&i fof sale Mhalr ab iA- tirt machinery for niaBU&ictarm iiabs, Hokesnd Rims, the mtithinery beng all new. and poixtiasied. oeksatot th beat makers in the United States, wHl be sold at a great saennoe, inciaaingW rl V Engine baftfti(r Ittofrt ' !! '; 1 For terma apply to Tri"W Whianan. at Carolln ARiicaJtaral Works, or by letter to the nderigned at Weirord 'ff.'V J ; LtJ ' P.AHISNANT &,80N8,S ept?l tf , - . t , , .,. 11 1 1 11 I I .1 . 1 I 1 I 1 11 m J ,A WOJOTT, : J '3 -t' i 1 : .Formerly j, with ,WJ Black.,, t, s J W VKICLaTJ ;.Latef,-i AmericupiGa; Ef . f IBM M ::Bf JffllllS. ELLIOTT & REIILE7. GROCERS anb LIQUOR DEALERS, VI7 ILL keep constantly on hand ajeom- p'ete 8 took of Ooods, to wnicb. the trade are invited. Quality guaranteed and prices as reasonable as any reliable establishment in the citv. nov5 AT COST FOR CASH, Till Ihe 15th tfJAKlIM, 1876,1 KEA D Y-MA 1 )E CLOTHING, C AS 81 MERES, T LA NKETS, LADIES' DRFJS fiOODS, SHAWL?. AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, AS I HAVE A LARGE STOCK ON HAND AND MUST RESOLD, AS I DO NOT WANT TO CARRY THEM OVER to ANOTHER SEASON. J . L1ND Y , declO CHANGE g BUSINESS. JJ AVING removed my business from my old stand on Trade Street, to one of my largp and commodio-ns storehonsts on Col lege Street, and having sold nnt my stock to Groceries. I offer special advantages to ny old customers m my large and varied assorV ment of . . . WINES and LIQUORS. Making- a specialty in this line I claim offer better advantages than can be found in Western North Carolina. W. J. BLACK. TO MY PATRONS. Thope who owe me for liquor or groceries are ezpecti d t call and settle by tbe fiist of January next. All unwuM accon-it af er that dare wi 1 be placed in the rtnnds of an t fflrer for collection. W J BLAlE. declB - " THE BEST HOUSEHOLD OIL IN THE WORLD I! CL WEST & SONS' ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. .... Warranted 15 Degrees Fire Test. : i Endorsed by the Fire Insurance Companies. Read the following certificate, select ed from many others : . " Howass Fibs Iks Co. or Baltixoie, V " December 23. 1874. ) . Messrs C Wat dr Song .Gentlemen Hav ing osed the various oils sold in this city for i llnminating purposes, I take pleasure it recommending your "Aladdin Secority" as the safest and best ever used in our house hold. , Yours truly. ( ' ANDREW REESE, Pres't. , tPA.IT WILL NOT EXPLODE ' Ask your Storekeeper for it Wholesale Depot: CWftST ASONS, . US. 116 W. Lombard Bt, BalUroore. ang28 fim , " B UY YOUR GOODS v 'I In theiL of line at T C Smith s Co W rices at the to? fern of tbemaiket. , . . dfM.., ?y u- ,. t-u : Darris Enpirc Feriilizcr Thfr following la ielf eJrIanatdr MR HARRIS, ne?' . , , . Dii'Wa'Ta!eati 'ilirri Tour Chemical 'Iinser.knnwT'as HARRIS EMIRB GO POUND, roeirfy'efteyearl abd mustaaji that wej.tisva:-beant; nothing o jt tne moit tavorapie reports i in , jact toe farme ri whq have used i it, are more !,tban pleased and wijl use double the aiiuut tbe following reason We consider ft the ch-ap--est FeKilizet thai the Virmr can'nse.asne ean. witk ' your hemlcar make -about far Tons at about the same cost' as one ton? bf most commercial FerjJuers.oaa.xraly, R e m oval of Lu m be r -,: saaiT 4 ,5( )is9-t.'fT ! m ;j rnHE .ndefBign lot and -Jll 'keen' Utbs.iatd thet'Cf r84 Bhrhgfei. t r - wood fnckiitdlinr. cat ao.in tawdJleTnt'T . i . Jiii Lit,- & tF hr. shorj,!, lpmrHrt short, nytice, irf! lod 'f j ff,- ttv 0-il Jpj? hose & 'J j it .Hit. J ... ; ; . .... .. M V! Vl! POSTPONED. ON account of continued prcs of bnsiness, Dr Nye. Optician, has -determined to protract his stay, in Cuarlone. at the Central Hotel, for a short time, where he will con tinue to rppr'wnt hin wor d rencWned aCSTRAMaN CRYSTAL SPE'TA' LE8 He espeoial y mwnfaetqrts" LENSES, FOH PRESERVING THE EYE SIGH r.delgiod for the ue of pers-mx suffering from weak eyes. (Opihalania) and particularly adapted for the use of ttiose wuo Work aaeh-ai night by artifi iial light. He a)sK niknutao:,. tures Venseiwith fjcuioP var6u t-aJori" and tints; which are used .hyOers'JnsJ Wit DEFECTIVE V18ION. '., ;T ; ( Mien bppctacles calleot Pebble are offered Mt cheap rates, but ihey prove, disastrous to i he unf rtunate purchavr; for tbe Crystal from wuich these lenses are made, are cut St random in every r'imtion. that wil yield tbe greatest quantity, hent e tdey produce lersea. wore than useless, and do irrfpara ble niirchiet' to the warers. In 'be maau ture I have adopted the Concave Convex shape, ho similar to the corned laHico'ar ar rangement to the -ye which allows a larger field of vision and collecting a greater num ber of rays than is secured bV ordinary glasses. . . V Dr Nye begs to state that having for many years made the adaptaMon of Spectacles and optical contrivances a special study, which this profes ion demands he fe Is himself fully competent to met the requirements of the most difficult caes. ' Very Re8pecttully, S B.NYE. ' Testimonials from every part of the coun try can beeen on application. ; Office nours from 9 a. m., to 7 p m. . . . . THE HOLIDAYS ARE NOWOYBR. I ' . . .. ' . . i . BUT we wonld call the-attention of the public to ibe fact that we keep, every day of the year, New and Hanasome Goods, which ae offered at lowest market prices and delivered free. . ;!; ;- BEST SPICED tRIPANT) PtqS' FEET, in 50 lb kegs, pnt op eipieasly fur 1 family use. -!., PURE LARD, in. 3. 10 a 4 20 lb buckets ' and-Tdhs. MINCE MEAT, in 6 itf backets and In bulk. BUCKWHEAT FIX)UR. APPLE btjTTER, ROSSI AN SARDINES... , CHOICE CAP COD CRANBERRIES, in half gallon cans. CUT LOAF AND POWDERBD 8UGAR. FINEST CIDER AKD WINE 'VINEGAR. NAVY AND MOUNTAIN BEANS. GREEN AND SPUT PFAS. OiX'S A NELSON'S GELATINE, . and a choice assortment oi" TEAS AND COFFEES. We call particular attention to 6oi Coffees. 8in e introducing them we baye been favor ed; with daily Increasing, s'es sparing no pa n a to give satisfaction; we ar n6w,on.ao oonnt of the large demand,! roasting .every iiay. Oar Coffee s giving better satisfaction than those brought roasted trom the North. Roasted- lffee have to! be fresh, as . ieactb of time will, destroy the. pleasant aroma for roa.-tedj ihsn for greta, eiet what it really loea ,in weight. w.r., 5,,, , . Save trouble and expenses, and be no more annoyed with baHy roasted eee Our Patent Roaster is a Deriectauccessiand parches onifirmly. uati ana ne conviTiceo ac - ' 1 s .. U HASHAGEN'S, Opposite Char! HUr Hotel. Ual ,4il 4- 'l " FRESH C0C0ANUTS, FIGS, RAISINS '3 i.f tjaauBiBiaiar raaiiiaviiaija ' ' X Tlin(n ,-it;a? '" ., .! .' -"A bid ,3!f !.';.; I RECEIVED: THISAY.AT, d ,1 ; . 1 . .: . jlifrj I - ;'7'CH1 0I 9VaiH 1 j !h s 'm! ol tlf( 1. I.i in ii i ,l '...ii i., , FinalHMotice. o-T i i 'J'Jull ON tbt first .day .cOcsober Instant B McDtiwell Era . purchased k half inter est in She OBSERVER esubUshmentantf it In nhaolnrrilT nirinft-ir thai AlliADtatand erase ar pM'Qoo th wit BMimwancbnaa wwivwuauy, eontractea pnor to-tnat ttma. Uiffnaipinsnnseiuea on we ist daV'ofDe ,-withoot resenrej wttt bepUead mt ! I i i i ii i i i ii 1 1. ..f! .... , L.. . .. f v TOO DTTDIDVi T Splruigs' Buitdmg, Opposite Central Hotel; on Trade Street, and next'' door to-. ! ' ".,Y'' Tannars,' SaybJ8stnk ?tiT- 1. " o L' A' ,y,C! H"T n-Ev'R E'R'S . JjmGLESXLZ A EXT AIL 2BAIBS OWj.j- -.no9 tkn-4f ' iennessb& a j s eef ; ,M;;emifjir;;. ; WE KEEP A FIRST-CLASS MEAT M ARKETf ANt)i &QlI C T " , ' , CAH paymg custoinera only. No ereditciutfWjbkt.' u ' e ' 'Ma,rket' opened from 4 sL m., t . ;,ietehay; Bundayw eeeptetL' ;is it? Xtf. t?i ! ' 3ti i wwmj 4o. . -: Mfmm I rtaiMCT't s-rii livid tvtxto ; Jkt-..' - wmmst ?.'o,ii t ,w 1 t- . I I HAVE A LARGE ANDaWXLLf ASSORTED LOT O5tT0Y8 AND FANCY GOODS,. EW1J&AC. ING AtMOSTV4jRYw THING IN MY. LINE OF BUSINiSSS, OF THJBUB0Isfftia WILL SELL at GREAT LY REDUCED PRTCE8. COME AND SEE FOR Y0irkSELP.riT HAVE O , v ?sull erij it. r-'jibi. . i. '"iauo-il o'fihiin) let.. , -"it 9ti f!;ft'tv ior(fi9t . ; .NUTS, LEMONS 0M6ES; WAIIuTS, : Y 18ST. was 5 0 M E Jf ERy 1 N Jj B A P t ? 9 , &C, &C.y &C5 v- r! "o'5 T -mil,.) y!-i,.' i TH PLACE TO GET CAKES A JPIE8 : , D. M. RIOIaDH, dclf. . , p- .a m, -,. ni:,i f.tta tis 1 1 7. A Uf liOT ! 'ti. : Home-madehirts. BESTj.Wamsutta Muslin, threa . r Lfnen Bovrmv ITo 1W :top? 5 d. kea A loll Stoafc 4f all: MlNt dMaa in our line, at similar prices. .l! J AlTOTJNO.&XEVa 1 1 deoSO i m ttf i;; : 'i'V i ! i.i !' flfc ' t v 'W . '-,.'- i " "i .' 'in ' ? I f ., C. & , A.' r;1r. "P.M' in - X ENERAL PASSENGER1 DZSPT, 9 'V rr CHAWrT,'oi.oau Apatwa BJL r , . . Columbia, S. a,;Dec it,,, On and after 8unday, December. lthfcthe following schedule wUl be ofienatet oathlt ' ' road t AND EXPREEOOCffinORTH. r,eaye Aagusta, dally, 4 J5 p. m. Arrive at 'olambia, 9 00 n, an. Leave Utumnnvl d no x$i&3Ltt;$imibTt.'j Arrive atCharlotg.AjA i. ; -.i GOING SOUTH. Leave Charlotte. , viiar oiie v.vt t j-r . t j. ..!. . . tt a i k ... arrive at Columbia. a Leave CeJombja.-ii fll,;. tUmwLiU'i ' Comfortable sleeping cars ran on this train betweenfbafkjte and Augusta. it S ie ACCOMMODATION i ?RAIK 8On?0 - 1 ?i u.vtl 0RTH.u jrr, Leave Columbia daily (Sundays u i ' r ; 'excepted,) , , . , ,. .... iINabii Arrive at Charlotte, ' 80 Ii. tt. Leave Charlotte. a i -v . NEW" ft! EAT itinWiite tid ,4t1 Mi-; UrsMlas nrni Fresh vAtaVl RineicaA aa.t fiAiaamA a insnl tear m Qystetsand Fresh Fiah dally.- " ttefisfsction gaamiteadrMtirisi quahty , aiAAK ftia wui aiso coniinue to sau airst-vnw LM eats at my old stand at the-Chy Market, JAMES ANDiCKSbVr5'10 " ; m, -t;- Gaa18vpt?(li o eiox.; . . V- ,,,,aHiclS2,M '5'" 'ldecM'ni 8,1 u4- ,aMK egiitla ei f'iij(L.;i LXoT S ,N . Wadawonh. oppo-ite tCUj ' ttmki fmU ot-ea;ther'tiiaktai''' tlTJl-JtO f!!0'l -M-t'S lltli lil J Jfeetaof the vara beataa-a&f b wnere my oja enswmera- wui pa. tsitanuix waited upoklyMlfiaiirWliaoti ffi JACOB, M, MENDEL if&ii j ) i -uii j jtaftk'iiSI 9.1j jjj iioisilioa vd ni n; uoiiio x,J in u i iWastMCrAimiaXaavet- Dart 9t3 I 'M : &Ht3at liatnfiiltLA -u:Ja -jitl II 1 If it a f 3 i (81 s I? 1 F7. 5t ft 1 if- fe: is aFS! sr .5' laii A;.- J-f J "Pi muT 'tnrngs bck, cars and tail. andttoaia eopy. janS aec8 Craggisrs. 0601