.-'- tir Hewt tad Viewi froa"cr?;j Paris. Jan. 14. SayfuT 't, L and others, were present at C;a cl it dinner . given by rl e Slither io'L?, who expressed thapV f- .3 ctiieaet Dement of the trribV ZVXlffi Vxsxsa, Jan. lr&: votfyTf sons from Russia saecre- - pa rations are making orjteirRiipOjP; tation of troops orj a hiecaleelt spring, m the Qrteniurs; roada4 lines running Wet from Moscow. A third trc iWeyh.gW ife'road' from Moscoif Jiotok Lfturana; night n"l day ':-, -ltT m- Lojidom, Jan. 14 The Standard' Berlin special s;i v itwoiiM aeern that an armistice hiiceinWgceed upon between the Church and State. The Human correspondent of tfre-CrVr fluuwLthe ultramontane orgai that iaduaitedly? Bim arck is an states Wklng a modut vividndi with the Vatican., The per, av that" j,yicvi basckarged certain German pwlaUs to report the ajpiajlpaBSWSJSrwwf'W"wwv n conditions underahich the Prussian Bi-hfpQrSllulmlhel m law. if j f i ft : r j ! u Rev. Hertry Vartey." the celebrated revivalist, is reported hopekss'y ill. It is run TyjtjfriX en"Vj oria is coming visit ioUbburg, has reference to the approaching betrothment of her daughter Princess Beatrice with a Gerraab' Prince- - niss'ACHirsETTs. Bill Eegtrding Cbildren and Reli gioQs':Celsbrationi. QBoOTpy,rJjih.:ri4r:A bill:bss een introduced in the House excusing school children from participation in any religtoua exercise upon the re questf mrf4 ei?!MTdiaii, but not excu(4ta6ce U'UWol during auch exerciae if the ruled of the school required burBRtepJceJ , I S m . T a- . There are indications of a general strik fyifWj! A ft HEW JERSEY. lestrnctive Fire in Jersey City. Nev'To&k. Jb 11 Th&nfrnimi the planing mill and lumber yard of Keeney & Sn-iw, inT Jmey Oity, was entirely burned over. Tne following are thelloier K'eenJy & Snow. $4(, 000; Sullivan & Co., Mh and Wind makers, JMSnlHVV,fSHOw, moulding, $8000: Barnes & Eran, ab and blind makers, $1.50' ; j Keavev. carpenter. $7,000: Michael . f Maione, scroll sawing, $1,5(X); Penn sylvania Railrotd staples $2 000; Banderbick & d I lumber. $2 000. The fire was undeniably the work of an in cendiary. . . . m t&IUsmnptiLaw. GLEAvlK,kor4tle meetii g announced last week for the purpo-e of adopting a course of action to secure the repeal of the Resumption law, was held at Srauquowill opera house, I aft night. The audim-nce of five hundred was called to order by George W Migatt. Addresses favoring the repeal of the lawwjjiriatle. Jy ilon. John Ilutchino Jii(to Burk and Rolert S.hildetrt.1 A T-eat)rur) n "ws aVivCptetT that in the dgejiwfepieeeung so nmdvS sB reUhiptti Iw aa provideabffcSped$i payment in 1879 BTsc2isapross i Cardiaal'JIcCloikey on the Religioas Uaeition-Failare. '" ' New Yoax, Jaii. 14 Cardinal Mc Cloakejfadresed the CathoUc Union , alluditfg tebe discussion inTelatioti to thetftntftf the public sch'oolllte said: 'ir this peevtio wfajich ap pears CJit ifareatAiieft is4o:comi, let it come; they wouUf enierge from it better Catholics ? than evt."i jThia trouble hacl, Was not going jo he a rel igious out poliuca trcple' The Protectants hd Kbted 'the fire and ex pected Jhji&th e' Cathal icWiMild spft- ply the fuel. He j urgehemaoot throw faggots on jthefieeVWt as "cau tion and sntreate them that should the7 struggle come, to be true to each utimr tuu tim mufuii. tud eacli Ulliur Illli above ail ta Y'Woi v cent cause of it, their children. - the Lxffi' ke the stock exchange this morning that state that th estaie.miroi efclltttfft-.'itt. 4 fcV ifri ceeu wnf ,ntwtivsv Mvta -.nope to tm. sume s; .WuK- I'Jr.- teimaM 14o it New -t- y h.-u imp tm tm a Liverpool U belifte 4o'aV fcee sunk by collision in the English cbau- neL She had a cmrtrvttinxtiKpsaona, they wrian26Wtfre Stbeil" effi tractsudaPftxggrnen. .TUy an ei wnomje kji, Tltbo4 doibwlof order xne aveatuer Aariatic, wbicb reacuedr oere ouuuay laar, coirraea ""witir" et- seiab4&h2l'i affair- as -of sofficiepj -importance to jnUon tm hifarriTJ Tire Adriatic sistajne tfejjittle ?cs loJL Milage, he owners of the ship beliere she left QtteerlAown, where she touched ttordert;oii,Iedeljiber 30th, but the If dja,tch first reporting the loss says amajeivinere-onsjanuary otn. n tne r?-' i b correctof eojjrse it could no avefbeem V..3'J Harvest Queen, Which theAar1atic struckl Some of till Adrlatio crew sa 4hj heard cries lor neip4at tbeptairnpr tne steam er (?ecJarf f tbatjtwb boats were lower ed tuck the : AdrIado dioeef ed in the vicirfltfcic. upwards Jffswe hour, bjiilfl-ealffid ; the vessel mean wbj& baying ftdetf silently into the darkh. One: of the Adriatic's sailors "says he was awakened by the shock, and heard a Rood deal of fault fouttfiwiih th4CaptHiiiifr tKt lower ing the boats before backing , the steamer, "e positively denies that the Adriatic han sunk the Hxrvrst rQueerj antfliraeds the entire etory as an idlJ fictron ort the partW the -sea men of the ateanier. 1 FLASHES. -JSeW Yokk, Jan. 14. The Union League Club elected Jus. A. Choat, President. ; Chicago7' Jan-14? Nineteen, car loads of fatef iair for; the Japanese build igs at4 ihe - Centetrfrialr-pawed iSast jlaat nJght--r- - . Miti)ighr -Dispatches BABILITIE8. 4 . WasHtKOToa, Jan. 14. Forthe Srmth Atlantic States, ris ing temperature and clear or fair weather, a iih lignt, variable winds, rising barometer during the followed by falling barometer. night, CONGRESSIONAL. Introduction of Bills in the House Lirrly Debates oo the Amnesty Bill -It Fails to Secnre the Ec qaisite Two-Thirds. t WasHlSGTpN, Jan.,13. HocE Bills iatroduired: By White, to rtdoce 8ataries over $f 5,000, 20 per cent. The previous question was moved but not seconded, and it was referred to the Com in Uee on Appropriations. Morri rtirted from the Committee on Ways and Means, a resolution direct ing several Committees to enquire in-, to any errors, abuse or frauia in the admiuihtraiioti or the execution of ex isting laws. , Morey reported a bill repealing sec tion 2,803 of the Revised S'atues, which coi. fines the disposition of pub lic lauds in Alabama, MiS rsippi, L uiianaA rkai ga- and Fj ojida. . Jle exi laned iJiat the P Act restricted the di-pal. of Jh public Jails i.f the United Mates in those five btates. The oi jct of the bid waa to reufio e that restriction. There was considerah'e i ate. Sailor said the law o P. P- seennd ) ased upon the principle of 40iacres to a mule. The bill wax re- ouimended with a view to extending Ha provisions aiiicb were moderated to all public lands . iu the interest of homesteads.. ..... Knott reported back the Amnesty Bid; it reads: "Tat -all the disabili ties impost d and remaining on any persi-njiy virtne.fth- 80ih section o;' the 14ih article of tile ametidnieiitrt to the Constitution f the United States, be and-are beiby removed; aid ....A . : . .s .l.ii l. frever relieved tlerefrom on his ap pearing belore a Judge of ariy dnirt of the United States, 'or '"Of any Court of record in the Siate of which he is a reshlent, and taking and subscribing trje'foflowin oath to lie duly attested and recorded : 'I A. B., do solenmnly swear (or affirm! thai f will enpport and defend , the Constitution of the United States against all enemien; fir eign and domestic; that L will: bear true faithand allegience to the earoe, and oiey all Jaws made in pursuance therevf ; that I take these obligatfoiis freely and without any mental reseva- tion or purpose of evasion whatever."!' Knott moved th previous question on t h e parisa ge of th e bi 1 f. McCrearv, of Iowa, a member of the JndietirtlCoinjaskea taKt4 yield the floor for a moment. Knott replied IrHat A toulaff(prd bfrn pleasure to yield to hia colleagues, or to. other gentlemen on each side i f the House, but that he f-h that neith efjthe peace of the country nor the harmony of the House required an further diacusaipu, of. thenr.oposl turn. mf. lilt If f i 8 - f ' Maine, a member of the Ju- -dieiary Conunittee, asked Knott to jKrjnjt himo Wk4itemria?Vrijer AiAn.atnd Oox. of New York, said: frtf jhave bar enough of talk 1" Blaiiij.if Join : . ':VU1 -the rarAlet iiisju lanovii auwnr uie, winiuuvone KQrdf delte, u have a letter read ? ' "kCw, Randall and aeverai ether gratic Bggf3eflf!R r Stnintt. "I cannot connent tn nrun ?eralTj 'insisV cthrjrA-e r ' . . ' we 1 f t . w m m.. bTjxidknarTraAUtskiicnTwd ljT -xlTJ t-ai Jal air au bfiitMua au ($i4rttcurooarriwCaal ;tis--. tlemin t oy Laughter. mT BUne- aa - t - . : 1 understand that the gei. veathib-tik; ei';I-' simply; destre1' td'isk f ' ou B'l - t r-, r, r r ttt fw A' ? -rt - al - ri ri r tir 11711111 auiHaiiiiiHiiK cir in iima nh 1 t.i?ati. .MLi.:t. itfiwt u . f t ' cratic side. f : j Jtirf ie Randall ; (in a tone of remonstance) Cox, Xsomewhat more angry) : "You have been in the chair yourself, and ought to know better." Laughter. Blaine: ,rI wantM atmct under standing." (More shouts'of order from the Democrats.) The previous que-' tiorrwas jeconded A$ he.a1tt CiUes K tion ordered, yeas 183, naya.c ; Seely, of Maasachusetta 'called aii tent ion to the fault of grain mar in the convti'acttort of Tthe bi I ri th e'pb rase' "each and every person being trat ed as in the plural instead of in Ihe single case. Xhe error waa or4er44o be corrected. . The Huse then pro ceeded to vote on the pa&aage of the bilk- The vote resulted ; yea-182, ufajS 97, eobe rquiie twot birds uot toting li ?(avor f itj'tbeitl-'was te jci chit Thref -aa n x ehee- ffcn ej-esi ..fanrrlrteft of1 tfleas and hay preceded, twime fif thfproin inent Republicana brou ht their in fluence to bear on some of the nieu. bers of their parry who had voted aye on the preceding vote, either o vote in the negative or to refrain from Toting. Rainey, of Sonth Carolina was con spicuougiyTthe object Jf 7Bfb' Mtten-' tions. He did uot answer when hia name was called. HaraUlon, of Ala bama, who was in the same position, withheld hia vote at first, but finally rose and announced his vote of 'aye," amid the plaudits of the Democrats.- Wells, of Miss., tried to explain why, although he favored general amnesty, including Jefferson Davis, he voted no, but the Democrats shouted him down. ( Lynch, of Mississippi, however, man aged to get the choice in favor of the belt; he voted no, with a view of let ting B'aine otter his amendment, al though he (Lynch) would vote against the amendment. Alphabetical Bales Worthy of Adrp ticn. Actions make a man's character not his words. Argue not with tools ai d bigots. Benevolence on all worthy occa sions. Cheerfulness and consistency in character, and charity fur a.l men's opinions. Duty in us t be done und-r all eir ciii. stances. Despite noining except sin. -. - Earnestness is all reMgiua dime. F'delity iu all liiei.dthips and trusts. - Gratitude to God for all his good gifts. Hopefulness in all times of tiial and soirow. Innoc ence and IutU-i endmce: have a usinea oJ jour own il" poacible. Justna in all xlfMiins Kindnecs of h art anl manner. L -vmaiid laburing : ti.e greai la-vs of life. . ' ; Werrifulness in al! times of we -. N-atnesa but not eiirav nc . in eveT habit. Oledieiice to lawful authoii'y. O'ier and istem in busuicBi- opera tions. ,-"'.- - " - Patiencn and purity and puuetu. 1 iy in aU promises. , -44'iail nut at ihe dev'wV fingr: a"d quietfyli aubuiit to Vi e aya ul lrovi dence. " - ' - Reverence for God and Religion, yinceriiy and awtetnts of temper Truttifuiiiess and temperance in ad things. Ui ders'and thoroughly, if poss ble, your calling and piMlexooii. VfiiMire i. ever into the habitation of vice and sin. WiJitiKi.tM and isiing to learn thf trntti and H.e tinht. Excising y(ure:lt when temptations aci-ail vnu, , f , . , H s , . . Yearning after righe Ttsness. ZexhmiieH iu all well doing. thristunt Athocute- Wf:tTERN EntirtTTE. A Yankee traveler out Weet has written to his mother, i elling her his experiiu e, as foliowa : "Western people are death op eti que te "Yon can't tell a niau lie lie-, without fighting, a few data ani a man was 'elling one oihis atighlx rs, in my hearing, a pretty large story, fcfaya I, 'rftranger; that's' a. whopjier.' "ty8 he, 'Liay there; stronger. and in the twinkling of an eye, I found my self in the ditch, a perfect quadruped. "Upon another occasion says I to a man I never 'saw before, a woman passed 'That's isn't a specimen of your Western .women, is it?' stays he," You're afaid of fever and agile, ain't you ?' . M. "Very much says I. .rWell.' reblied be. ..'that is rav wife !' and if you don't aiad gize in two tuin- xnes, by tne honor ot ' a gentleman, I swear lhat" these twe pist..! which he held cockied itt his hat da,' "shall cure iou of thatt disorder , entirely.' o I i elt down and politely apologized. 1 admirethe ; s V estern 4 country ,ery nitith ;tut dufn,me f I van stand so much uauetitelt always takes me linn vara v-tntm U unawares. The f illowing was ,a part of . a young attorney's peroration oi argument v demurrer in a court recen Ty : -4,AIay it pleaeeybux UondrptfiiaiBKetopetNl ius iqueatioo.lt?s decision Ty - 5Jotffc this tdaywill live in JudkbiJhiaory lone 'after vdll aridXBa veT passed rwm ry vanity : wnen iue tower ei nsa snau be forgotten- inlih-i.fiHt.fiki Borodino shall giow dim in the distant cycles of reeeding c-nturieaJiaA Napoleon b.ao longer reiunib red; wnen ipayriqa,,oi 4tiisriiito ihe vr InUesegaJ fore '&frvh Jgj pep. 1 anu iu,xpcxuu)oi -aBjiiu MJUjquel ig Thriipaip yjfrabboppei-or a Cvkado pOlakl blfW M70 trS'90atte tt iV-t'-r. it ' t I . i;,.'f ,f- ?--f-t lafStiff i W- houAUvhi ioot 'troVAhe scirit-1 uai.auieri)i tne xwme, vta., lYSit's. that be Is not on hearing the New speak of him as 'thatf flannel An out bed uegT6 squeering, hefHrinliAg blood- filr.' P MsAMn ''Mww4is-H4X I fT t Mtvaku A. ak .Ma .kaM.I . W M L.. 1 i ltati ve N ile ; enrenthri Wr ro)frijif 1 u ' ? UDo i Clrta)dHwirrl' wilf s ili survive irt '! ! 1 rm -"-.i -' "'- '"! md or Z on." The Newt ought to . S IUffJiJV,LJllaTvH d Ize turn as "that Jlannel-motithed. en- I gTo-queezing, he W-mntlBgt)io6d bound of 2ion,'5would 8eemaa.indicatt tnat the writer thasn't tha wspectrfqr per sonA4jrin debj0oht - - - - - . The great need Of Brooklyn housr keepers at the present time is an op-, nortunitv to emnlov -ervant tiria whose relatives make a practice of uyfci mg their own provisions. Argus. '"""' ' OBSEEOPFrCE ' Ohaklottb. N. C, Jaa' 15, 1876. The Cottim Nirkct, 2 The Liv-rpool cotton market for all grades fell off ytsterday fuilya l 16 d, and Boston and Sw Yirk,:a Well as H the pnncipai cotton port quickly ollowtd- Tue mr Ket co. s q lenny weakened hero troui i to i l..r iw g ad. s '.nl and U.e turket cluwd Uull. iix.d grade maintain the prices ot tLe past wtek. This dec iue it U thought is icabstd by the heavy nceipts far the past iwo nks, added to theuuil state of trade turougiiout the coumry. The r-veipis for tt.e past i wo weeks are now 1j5 OOu baits iu exit-oo of the same period tur list yea at all tue poite; whke the receipts at all the porta siuueihe first f Bepteniber the b-ginnitig oi the the c aioti year are now Si mething over SOOiOJ bales in ei--39 of the tame pe riod last y tar. We qi te: lulerior... - 991 Low Middling .- 11 j Middling .......... ... ..... . 121 Good Middling. .... (average) I2i PRODUCE MARKET. Corn is scarce with light demand Flour easier at quotations Bacon a shade tinner. Oihex produce unchanged. BuyinglUae.) Bacon Hams, pel B Sides, " ahuulders, " Hog kound, Beeswax '. i5iie 12(3)14 9a 0 12l 25az 1 ;& a 2 00 4,2 50 a 3 'I 16 8 3.5 butter Choice, Brandy Apple, " Heacii. Egyt. pe" uoz.-n FUmr- Faiuiij, per sack,. Extra, " bur, Fi-uit Diied Apples, per poand PMLhs, Crem Apjde per beshel. Fowls hickeus, ea& Turkeys, " bucas, Qrain Corn VVhi'e per bushel,. A. id. M Aeat K-o, per bushel. White, ; Oat BUck, " Wiiiut. JV Pure clay, " Mixed, Ilits t, ' tireen, --- -t - t Lnrd GckxI, if' ' ' ' ' 3.00a3.25 2 75 9c 8.-. lC0a!25 15a 0 76.liO 25 60a65 tO 1 3.V 80.85 60 11 .. ; - ' ; IS 75al Ui 76a I0U 75alOi 8 3. 25 " t uiiinmn, - ? ihiumt, (57 lbs to bushel i IStUtt' Irish, ttuul Tuh washed. I'nwasbwl Gotten Markets January 14. The f 11 w'rp i the telepraildc rrport of he em nith'ii ami qiit)ijjij n .l the'Conou murk, t thr prii.cipl )iort. at the clofe ot tranfaciion. Ibbv eveim g : Wilmii gu-ii Mid-Hit. 12$. 8t ady. An. tibia -Middling 11? I A. Kttady With fair . mSUdT.ii' T . ',?' Hojion V ii'ding 13. Quiet. Pi.iladelphia Middling i3i Dili. Bait-ni.-n Mid-ilii g Eaby Norio k Middhtu 1: i bull. N w Heam Low u.. d:irg Hi, good or dii.nr It b-iuand lair Saviln ni. h Midd linn l?g Q iieC. Mohiie Midd in? l.f Jrre.ular. Memphis Middling 12i- uiet. CI arUton- Middling, 131, , Steady. G-iestoi iddliiig'i Quiet. Nw Yoik Fn ure iiose1 quiet and stfHtt t-ai-s 24.fi' 0 hnh a lo li w- Jmi. 12 7 8- 1 -i 29 32; K b 3 : 1 3 ; ; M r. i 1 3 -32; Ai ri 13 9l;Mrt 13 25-32 a U 13-16; June 14; Julv 14 6 32 a 14 3-l ; August 14i a 14 ft-16 LL -IKDCEBTEDiTO SLIA8. f COHEN & ROESSLER for 1875, and pre- a u n a n? ji d, AtiE HEREBY KOTI FI EtVTB AT fKBIR ACCbUKTS MUST BE 8ETTLED ia? tjXC-U OR THEY WJLLL BE PlAEP J ' f i qo ccj1! fcju-iiit sijw te t a jUf Tf IE H AM D 0 THEIR ATTORNEYS v!t i mi i i- t n. January Utb,lU76. , i . slrTBDUISOD ' tM Ilf.n hie ADa ,.CTKEin-Jl4BLQTXB. 2' fi J W,i fkA BW;f S -t& Jit:i f i vJart iiB tier to tbe trad a well. S JlnrlriraTledVKtfcr tot MMYi -4iaimdl KICKING AGAIN COilE ONE, COME AtL To the SUN PUPE PomMna4eCa0die8,Cakef every description, Kre of a'l kh d. Nuts Raiams. Fi. Prows. Ci'ie'anttti. Pates, eyed4.inoids Jt-llvra P:kla!dHiesJ 'Oysters, VeaChes;Totniitoes.1ians. Lobsters 1 Deviled Hum, Potleii Turk y ana I ounces. ck.r8 of every jto-de Aip'c1. OrantfeB, I eiiioos. Butrer S.soich. Pme poles. Green Peis Mrififr enr. MaUg" rap-8. Oias, Tobwceo.' 'Ruflf tpes. Floor. BteoD Lard. Molase rhe.-BiWFirKa Meal. Corn. Hnirara 'offe. R -e.rii,T a Pepper. 8pice Maie tini?pr B onus. Fu'k U Wah B aMs. Bra dy P;h-8. PifS Feet. 8o-p, Htart:band!e- ant many other goon ro- nini cloned." On wind Pets atS'M Howelfs o.d stand, Trade Street,' Charlotte, . ; ' i t ;; C ftlz-ks 's i C. S. H0LT0N & CO. lanH Removal. ti; E take this metho to inform our cus iT i o mers and the public that we have moved our thop and business two doors be yond ourt-tand. to the rooms reintly oecu "pUd by the i omrne cial hational Bi-.nk. where we desire to bee our cuttomers and the public generally PETHEL & SUMNER, Fashiorable Barbers and Hail Drehsers. jan!3 tf Country MferBHants CAN get everythii g in he Prug line, at , , T 0 SMITH A t OH jBl2 orner Druj 8tre. J H. McADEN, DiUgiUt. Charlotte, N. C. Is now offering the best and finest Cheml eaN. ami the t a est drags, at prices to suit the times. jinH HotiteUer's Bitter, 25 cae Vinepar Bitters, at MiADKN'8. jarl4 -- Drugstore, IjUKfALO Lirui 1, J-arktotfw aridtKockbrifcUe.Aium Water fie-h tiom the Hprinfc8, at ... , - J&ADEN8, jan(4 . Dmg Ft Te, A Th e bi a and, Aa est oil or UlU.minatiBg Dtrtioseaiu the worui. at korlii. at -; -.S McADtN6 Drug Store. t'i ..?.. i ' MCA j i li 11 EfcTASOVaKEKOSENKUIL, For sale in larpe and mall qnanitle, at McAl E.N'h, Drug fctore. j nil I)AK1Mj hiWDthB, Horgtord. Roj al P wo fin, at janU l oo iyV und 8a Foim iiAl b, Drujj btore. w 1NDOW OLAbS, Pimy. Linseed Oil, I abricaiing Oil. and lai.nris Oil, at McAth 8 jmi. 14 lirng bUre. tf PHE V JttSX taaWi N G 1 OBACt O. i At d the best Imported nd D meatic I it a . at McA I'KVti. j jut 4 J rug Sbure. OLOGNK, tX IRACT8. Toilt-t 8oi 8 of taperior qua'ity st. j n 14 AicA DhS a, 1'iug ttore. AliE&'S OEkMAN I Ol.OGNE Ju the fvoriie per um ; pr-U-rred by the lad is to ai v auor ed i-erimuerv. j 4 ' JLi at.d'aii btus ea, at. j i.l4 M.'Ai-EN'S Dme 8toie. TEA! TMpFRlAL-O-hmg. Yure Hyson, Gun A H K'wd' ai d 4.nirlisl BAaklart Teai-, oneci miorta i n, at Alciaeu a urug oiure, theaje i nan ever. jaul4 f A I'EIRA. PORT&8HRRRY WISEH. 3 Kreiiciinarawljr and Whiskey, all of tliwer-bestriidity, t Wd cal purpfwea only at Mca.DE n'o Drug btore. . . a... U .: J. .... I'm V ISECHEWGTuBA CO, Jnst received at . W K. BURWELL A CO 8, j tn'l4 Drug tstore. A FEA SViK OfEvereseea GnuMTSeedTat . rr Bp.ingu oner. jan14 Q nEeAM B MUSfAKU, Spiets, Ci rn Starch ,'N'efs6n'ii Gelatine. W R bLRWELL & CO. ft ; If You Have COUGH, and get a ten cent bottle F yrup irom jai.l T C RMITII CO wanxea. H i Partner, with a rapUal of Trom three to 'rive hundred d mara to ei gna In a tofrrimn e b sh mi. hu n onvrti Hi e 111 va ike.i. Pfu&a tnMH (hre 10 five nua. eie t pfeta?nrd ,i a -llV e .' I A ' juouer ana Baaei tae Tecona aoor belnar the Firat .National Bank., where he Mil be glad to Sea his old custdmera and Trlends. - B? bas jast rsceiTcd a fresh stoclr trf Con feet ionexigu and can aoijapplyjUia Haw -tofjua f lauuo t-iu; .ttV.tjV; h 1 11r.1m.1-v1 5 mwmsnvati'i -.IL- d t Fall Htora. O-g ATTHKn,. UUK 1L: aud JEVN ELKY. at . . ra8isa(Sir'rVtnt:,epABL GRITS, PEARL HOMINY, i.fH'a.tttiMSia.y4lffwk srilM,fe.aa;. ti'V'' .;;' 4'- . MU ,1 BEST NEW.biiLEysjtfOLASSES, o w. A IJITLEJOHN. CAttLOAD CEET OATS. m t n n" srwtrp w;'"'."; vaM i.. v i ryi CARUDADnYUEAT BSAN, s CAB LOAD LIVEKPOOL SALT. ; CAR LOADOfe S0OARS Alily MOLASSES. - - , A vAJj LOAD , BEABDS' LOCK TIES. ' CAR LOA DS 1?X OUR IN SACKS. H A LVES & jQTJA ETEli? , CAR LoADS S,.H? STROPS, WHOLESALE; A N O RETAIL D? iHI IHli IES IES CAR LOADS FLOUR 100 PA tK AUKS MAUKEKEL 50 SACKS COFFEE, 50 BOXES CHEESE, 50 BOXES ASSORTED CANDY 5o BOXES ASSOhTED SOAPS, 50 CASES CAflNED GOODS. THE ABOVE MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY TO MAKE ROOM FOR IP1 O TU IS CAR LOADS OF CORN. G. V7. CIA LE & CO. ot21 EAEE OPPORTUNITY. -OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF- FUKNITURE, BEDDING, &C., AT ACTUAL COST, WE ARE DETERMINED TO CLOSE OUT OUR PRESENT STOCK, AND ALL GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT ACTUAL COST. A SPLENDID CHANCE foe aky oke WISHING to ENGAGE in BUSINESS. X). SCrTEC 5c CO., EAST TEADE STREET, jan II A US M USE TALKliV', MISSUS II IG GINS' SOAP AM DE EOAP!" V :"--"r7 . ' L 1 -tie i.Uee m Miy it 3 rkea f -r ke- -T i he uld te without it ; ihe lar!i-s me rwpei'tlul'v invtiid to tiy it; ut d iiy rlmlies here it i uei i We alsf keep a hill line nf Ptgple aid Family GneitM. lonaiating in art fugr H-: u-e MolaBM- the I est made a 95eei.i try it. alo oar Golden Drip KyiHr at 75 cent." ; het oliii-e f-made I'lirvi ider Vmetai Ken.fere 01 30cent, Bacon. Lant, F.our. Me I. M gar wDtiitiiaiet and raw. C ffe Tas, Mhchtoiii alio Chfem. Rice, Perl Grits i In itanntd gooiiaonr Siocfc is gnar-aiit-eit freih. Irench Bla knr, Boh-no Sausage, smukid aiid iresh ftichmorVft 8au 8ae ai-aays on land. a't, Sweet and t-rch ei.uff. hmnking si d Ci ewtme Tohac ev. i "onfeetinneries, ytier. Milk anrt Kick aik Cracke s Pej j-rs i'e', Natateps Gir ger H kits by the d sen, Ac, at the Wiile Aake. Butter. Ege and Chictens a ppenaliy. A hare of i he city trade tespecifuliy 8iic ited r uli weightb and atmlucii'Mi gttra teid. A cli'ld knnwintr i's war t' can do as well uf the m-t ezper eni ed nu er. Very Kepect utiv T COLEMAN & SON. Jan 13 , ANiei4-ice to board. The Cummercial D i rung Kor rus. j nl3 FLORIDA ORANGES, Frcsb Lemons, Northern Apples. Fresh. Cocqanuts, FIGS) NUTS, Raisins, Candien Cranberries, ft! arw r'-yi: CANNED k VLGETABLES, Tileats, PICKLES,IJELL1 Es AO:, AT- mm ai 13 in ; x i 1V'?3I J jWm?r--l.iri. rad RSC "UNCANVASSED 5 HAMS, AT AXD ThfcEQS&!I3iOTft 1 nAK is iaung weu o cents eacn. When YQur Food r.AliAtiidiit baekdas)a r 3rtxry, I in SALE A i'ytpecuc aiixia'e. i- m JOHN L. HARD! . i T in bAebeu. OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSE. 6. W. CHALK & CO., TRADE 8TKEET. CHAKLOTTXl ff. 0. 1 GEN COM 4 PRODUCE MERCH ANT, And Dealer 1a FJooJ-TGraiarafld Pro dnee generally ".V l prompuy made. j JSF- . 4- a srwrcaa. . . Aim. SPENCER & ALLEN, O- Jet O C E S -AKO ' Commission HercHants, ll STA.K0 OF :STEKBOU8E, JdACAULAY t CO- TKApK PfBEET. ' CfTARUrTTE, N. O. J&r- rontiigiimei.ts solicited and prompt return niade. ' not tO ly Notice t b; Tax Payers. A 8 THE B0ART OF ALDRRMEV con vene on Monday the 17th iiat . and as ina is their laat Bi feting ia thi mont", no tice is hereby given to all reta lers. who de sire to continue r app y Ur new licenses, to appear I efore the Hoard, and male ppli cutioti thereiot in to forrutty to the regal -tions adopted by th B ard. '( ' Many peroOhs'Sre ttill in arrears of Taxes to the Cay. The City is in dbt and most meet her obligations Notice is a en 10 all such, to call at my i-ffi e anrTttie between now and th 1st day f February, or pro ceedings will be conimencd eotape pay ment. C AUXANDKR. jnl(20t t iiy MnhaJ. LATEST bTVLES FRAMES. CALL AND SEE THEM AT YH NESS' GAL 11 BY ''' 9 v'r': nov27 -; ?- - - 50 Barrels 1 T7ER08NE OIL, at hottona prices. ty the f Jl fc' rrer. . ' T C 8M1TM tO. "ja-12 -- . . ' - te Best laundry SOAPat'lO cenu a bar. -, TC 8MITH 4 CO. jan12 ' - ' t H L Tfi ADLfl b', HiTl 0 HAL BAN K 'MsniS sruTS writ fe,? t?-?ftf.' - CHARLOTTE, N . 0. ' :' y ; - -TBoAaa Daartoas'f :! ? Joho EBroir '7' n WaifirMti, Hon W M Sb'Pft j i - Al,n -; PbtUfpScWfr, r'VQlohhsoo, tf.p Smith. ' LAP Smithy Presidaolr K O WW Cashier ; l-H- .1 X4SHBS,fB5.,;l, jui3-tf .v mU r- - 'it - L J-iyrm -sSr!!- i-tn 4' i A irtKMi iajutai y nse vi iT h.rshei,a' r L;" r:i- tit?) i 'ilisia Scat "I1U9I ,.,,jfi tn ' ft e g