Ti W CHAELOTTB 0B3BB;tit! ST SCHOBITTIOa RATES Daily 1 year, (ppttpakil in advance. . ; W want, n4wlW thlet tyl0t?7W&i ercry manner & Job Vort can t - t be 1rtthMftnesi,Ufpatcnr ale- 3 mos. 1 mon. 76 3 WEZSLT 2 i ioii't u..klv. Jin the county! iu ad vapoa, $2 00 oat of the county, ,p paid 6 months, ' ' ' er Liber! reductions for clubs. . i .it-.i tiiuri. mrait, i t vhR umrsw 11 m iitiii nrtriisnr 7i r mir " " I T : H E C I: T Y . SM IT H FO RB ES' SECOND ' 0 STOCK, s-OF. 7i7 0 UR MB FOB BBS has javiretnrped fmm the Northern Meiketo and we are ceivinx oar Second Fah Stcck of BKT8. 6HOE8 AND LEATHER, which is complete ro erery Department and wui be sold at pneee that defy coupetittoo. now fnlty WHOLESALE AND ' RETAIL - -- " ,a,.'V -y t-'.-r 7 v MERCHAKTS are especially requested to examine Qr8tpck before p nni-cem WE 7ltL II0T BE 'UIIDEASOLD . S ''tSS F. QIRX S , EW IRON FRONT BUILDING, TBADE STREET CHiBLOTTEn.K UHAB!X)TTE. IfC, I ' : December 20th, 1875. j On and after this date, mails will open and close in this office folHws : . -, .f Notthern, delivered 8.30 a, m., cloee 9 00 p m Moutbfrn, " , 8 30 " " 7 30pm Air-Une. .. " 8 SO : ' " 8 30 pm 8utjTil "' 1100" " 2.0Hpra CCKuBtD, " 8 30 " " 900bm CC WestD., " 6.30 pm " 9 00pm Money Order and Bfgi&ter iiours from 9 a. m, to 4 p. m. - . i - : b e Mcdonald, p. m dec2t tf octl2 (i R'E'AT ' 'RE DTJ CTI ON IN PRICES r ' 1 BOOTS AN D SH OES, AT THE LOW PRICES 0F THE GOOD OLD TIME8 BEFORE THE WAR, GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS, Wilmington, C. CITY BULLETIN. One week from to-night, then Booth. Old John Robirson's Circns is heading thia way. Messrs T J Patrick A Son will pat their cotton conn ress in operation this morninn. The number of shwp reported at the 8tate Auditor's cffite this tar. an picking an ex istence off -the' bills ol Mecklenburg, is 4,646. -r ' ' ' :' ' ' : nFFEU TO TBE TRADE TB11B 1 AP6F f-TOCK AND COMPLETE A8SORTMET I ) r.f BOnTfi ardJ-HJlS (bthieibelBiett in the State) at such low rates as defy com notitioTt , a it tt n i t ii tkt.tl . & ti-'t t-tt nti b Ktp Boci; at $28 00 an d bniAnnw , V fiwt oneHty Bioi(arat SI 60 a pai, M first qualify L A b-i Brotai( si $1 .121 1 1 Bir Vnfn's' junie I t-b. Grain bale atfl.tO prn e A (all PsIb at f J w i ir. t niiorn a r and aU otbr stylef a qnally 1 w rates. s Wt-Bjfcatent tier tair. Women's ( hiloren a Polibh High Cut Copper Tips at 76 cents apt23 GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS, Wilmington, N. C. We learn of the failure of the Cape Fear Building Compa y, and the consequent cts siiion front work of all its employees at the principal works at Abbottsburg, on the Carolina Ctntral Bailnad.. , In View pf the existence in this city of a band organized for the pun ose of stealing, and of the teent events on the highways near the city, webnggestto the citizens that they move their ash-hoppeis into the kitch en at night. Mr Christopher Bechtler, who, while liv ing in Kuthertord county years ego, maie coin dollars which were known as "Bech tler Dollars," under authority of the General A eetnbiy. has moved from Shelby aadtaktn up his residence in this city. Coi&iBltted te JalL. - - A negro named Jim Harris "was before J uetice Davidson , yesterday . .afternoon . for the tecent assault upon Mr Jess Saunders, near this city. The Magistrate th ugUt the evidence sufficiently strong to warrnt him in birding the negro over, and he was com mitted to j-iil in Jefault of bail. Arm. Broken. c . - 5MrPossaman, who lives jast across the town cefc. beyond the Air Line Depot, was oomir-g into the ci'y yesterday afternoon, and when near the bridge, the horse which be was riding took fright at some wagons which were coming along the road, and teir ng aud-'.enly up. broke the girth oi the sa t dle. This threw Mr Sossanjin,. and befell 15 ft et down an embankment, breaking one bone in his right arm, between the elbow and wrist. Dr Robt Gibbon administered the necessary surgical aid? , : The Churches on Sunday. A delightful Sunday was vouchsafed us The bitterness which had characterised the weather for several prectdng days, had abated, and though the clouds covered the skies, shutting out the s - nSbine, - the day was net le-s pleasant for this reason. It was very spring like, and brought cit number of people. While the bells were ringing the streets wew throngel, and by the time they had all ceased, the churches were better fill ed than usual. All the sanctuari s were open ior services except the Lutheran, and the services were without change from the usual order. Ail the pastors were in their rtspectivepulpits andinnoneofthechurches were the services marked by any feature ol more than the generai Interest on the Sab bath. Aftrenemlcal tTealares'ttf lStft, Tfce astronomical features of 1879, "wWle not ixtsaessine aov particular marked fea tures,, Are yet tof sufficient .ioteresV to. ... . t ML !t I ? ' ja U'y menuon. i.ue year wuhuuduu ouu days, of. whjch 53 will be Sundays. April, 16ih will be Estr Sunday. r : , There will be four eclipses in., 1876-f-two,, of each luminary. -n -jni.lv First. A partial eclipse of the mow in tne nient roiiowiag jsaron wn, visible from every part 6f the United States and Canada, if wea her p-f rait. At tb mid die of the eclipse.' 0 3 of the moon's diame ter will be in the shadow. Second. An annular eclipse of the sari, March 25th... The annular phase will be visible on this continent only at places very near a line from Vancouver's island to the northwebt shore of Hudson's bay. It will be visible, as a i arv'tal eclipse, from all pans of the United States and Canada outside that limit, except" in; Florida... Third, A partial eclipse of the moon at 3:30 p.m. of September 3, hot visible on his continent. ' " Fourth . A totar eclipse of the sun at ha'if- past 4 o'clock in the afternoon of Septem ber 17th, not visible to any part of the American continent. The ban will rise edipf-ed to the eastern half of Australia and the phenomenon will be visible from a lare part of the 8outh Pacific and Antarctic oceans, the limit of the partial phate passirig very near the eouih pole. UBS 'I T'.T'.B,;'!; ! A L U It Ye Ken H'ha." It the fair one who has written the same leap yt-ar letter to several gentle- Uicu ui luia uijr, uin iug oigiionum, will make known her identity , the may have thrir watchti and horres. J?Jicliols cS Co., WHOLESALED RETAIL Jdeaixks ls rx (1 '',i,ggss,ik 4 FURNITURE, BEDDING, &c, " No. 5, West Trade Street CHARLOTTE, N. C JUST RECEIVED. ' A FULL ASSORTMENT Rlehange uf ClrcuUs. The Raleigh Stntintl says that Judges Bchenck and Buxton will make a partial ex change of circuits during the next Spring terms. Judge Buxton will bold the courts ol Gaston and Lincoln, pnd Judge Scheuck those of Auon and Richmond. Not by Any Mraus. TheRaleih Sqdintl ayi bury has'taken the costrac lenburg no, bub Josi&b As- to build leck- county' new court house." Oh, nut a new one. Tne contract was Tagged aud TurueJ Loose. A lit le chap arrived in this city Sunday morning, bound for the Western part of the 8tate. He had no company, but a shipping tag fastened on his coat indicated where he was from and wheie he was going. So they just put him on the train and let him go. He was taken chatge of, first by one person and then by another until he landtd tafely here. He spent Sunday at the Central Hotel, Where he was an olject of a gi od deal of in terest, and left yesterday morniug onthe Western Division of the Carolina Central KauroaU. Tbe boy was cot more than six years of age, we suppos-, but be It id a look about him which saii tbat he Wouldn't have cared il he hadn't be-n bat six months old, as long as people treated Dim as well as they Lad since be had been on this journey. His situation became known to a good many )ersons, and be was given agotd deal ol money, though t e bad asked for none, a tbongh he bad not a nicket when he arriv ed here. OF Supply, of Lounges. aU grades Coffins on band i Parlor Suite, in Terry and Bepa A full assortment of Metalic Cases, Hair Cloth, Also a new simply to improve the old one. Can't build a Court House up here for $275. - Application for Consulship. The friends of Dr Wm Sloan, oi this city, I are endeavoring to secure for him tbe Unit ed fctates Consulship co Kio Janeiro. Strong recommendations g up to the President for him. He was a Union man throughout, the war, and has never wavered in his allegiance to the Republican pany since. Caskets and Wood nov2 4 AND YET Diphtheria in Hickory. We learn by a private letter that the diph tberia bts been prevailing to a frightful ex tent in tbe town of Hickory, and there have been recently 19 deaths in 14 days. Tbe dis ease is contined almost entirely to children. Mr Macon Seagle lost three children out of fo r. Tht- letter states that the disease is abating somewhat. ' ' . SEliLING GOODS t AS LOW AS EVER ! ! BUCK ie WHITE BEBim WORSTED, 'H,j. AT 12:;ENT3 OUNCE; All 6th Quick Pafcsage. The bunerior and eapadaus steamship Sontb aroliua Capt Ku-kerson, J tbe Iron Line, arrived here lout evening about op m., making the rapid run of 82 hours Imiu the p er in New oik to tbe wbMrr in Charles ton Charleston A'ew & Courier 15th. This steametbip is operated in connection with the Great Southern Freight Line, be tween this city and harleaton. Salt for Uamsjes. Okpt Paul W ifrtitrhBed, lonjt a- popular official of the North Croiina Railroad, is in i he city to orsig suit a.aiuxi the Richmond A Danville Company, lurii juries i-u tamed UuriDK t e Kua- banu g .by which be has prerannratlv lt tbe use of bis right trui.hatmyh Sentinel Capt Crutch Held, was at one time jcopduc- No Speculation to be Allowed. We are glad to be informed by the mana ger of the Opera House, that he has taken steps to prevent any speculation in teits for Booth's peri 'nuance in this ciqr on Tnes day night of next week. He has done this by forbidding tbe sale of more than five seats to any one person. This is exactly right. A specu'ator could otherwise buy fifty r a hundred of tLe choicest seats and easily se 1 at a pn fit to hirm-elf of two or three dyllars on each seat , but it would be very.-unmst to the buyers and we are pleased to kn w that it will not beat towel In the case of a Ierson applying lor more than five sa's, if the applicant can show letters f.om abr-a i askiDg tbat seats be reserved for tbe writers, they can be marked for him ; otherwise not. There wi 1 be a perfect rush for seats on Thu'sd ty rooming, as soo t the box sheet is opened. We hear, already, of several per sons I aying announced th. ir intention to sit up all night in older to be in time lor next morning. rrn.i, rrl HDC VAnRsTFlI torWthe itlantio Tennessee AOhipKail- L'!: V,W l-V- lW wwwiavia-a-, weU kDjwa .Q thi9 AT 15 " CENTS OUNCE. city. TOttBS : FAV(WLY? MMPl W m ?m) Mottoes, 8 for 25 cents. 1-7. y j AIiio.CEJTSTABD.AVOETH 78 ' CENTS. 9 m BIST REAL HUE SWITCHES, all sfiafles, at $150 lacl. ALEX mm KID GLOVES, AT75 CENTS, (distalVSQilIted to the well known Alexanders.) j,. EUDEOIDERIES a m V. A U EIG 7 i-O i CENTS, ft- : - ' ". H WORTH ftw. ..... : - 4 t-.at t" ' .- ii Affray Betweeu tw tliixeus. An affray teok i lace, yesterday morning, between Mr J K Purefoy and Mr John Sbo lar. growing out of a dispute about some building w.uch the latter was doing for the fo'tner. Tbe lie passed and they fought. This occurred in Mr P's store. Mr Sholar received a black eye. Tb parties were Mun itioned betore tbe Major ; Mr f urefoy did not report, and the other combatant was bound in $50 for bis re-appearance this morning. A Capital Company Coming. The Fifth Avenue Company, wnlcii is traveling nnder the management of Mr A agustl n Daly, was on J estei day booked for the Opera House of this city on the evening the 2d or Feb'y. It enibjaceB some splendid. talent, and the n sme of Mr Daly is a suffi cient recomm endaticn tor it. He is the pro prietor of Daly's ew Tors; Theatre. JThe company has bad a highly successful season in ihe principal Southern cities, appearing chiefly in "Divorce" and thBilBnan,', and is now on Us return Wiw xrk City We congratulate oar citizens upon its com' I ijDepoty jirjl'arrow Has bad,. A The Cotton Crop. The crop for this sason, it is predicted, will reach 4,600,000 ba ea. This prediction wps made early in the tall when the season seemed unusually fav rb e for a large and prolific yield. 8ince then, however, up to Christmas, the weather has certainly been far more unfavorable thin last year and much that on September 1st promised fruit, lias rotted and fallen off Tbe lollowingare the total receipts for the season, from 1870 to the present time : 1870 4,352,317 bales - 1871 2 974 8 1 ; 1872,3,9 05o8; 1873.4170,- 8s8 ; 1874. 8,882.fc91 From r-'eptember 1st 1875, to Janua-y l-t,l76, 2 340 68. The to tal receipts at the pons on the 15ih day of December when last year balf of the port receipts had been received we-e 1,889,' 65 bales, and on the 22d of December when last year, half the total crop bad been receiv ed were t 095 130 bales , Hence, if ecall the corapitife oiovemenVqf the crop the same as last year, the total will be about 4 190 000 bales. 12 15 -25- M " 60 for. twq weetrpast for James 8tone. for ; 'irray,'but tfthe&r b1i.bre :tand bJ capioJ ! IB. And RESEECtFULLY i Mentiwiifriauely ow -Prices IaABGIfSS-Jtffl A Church Inrldent. A gentleman who was at church the oth er Sunday, and who sat with the "pea-nut crowd," iu the gallery, mentions an inci dent which, though small of itself, was so suggestive as to have deprived him of bear ing the sermon. From his seat in the gal lery, the gentleman looked down upon a lit tle shaver, four or five years old, sitting with bis mothe in the body of the church. Tbe minister hld' lierdly taken bis text, before the little fellow nodded once, and then com menced fumbling around in bis mother's pocket f r ber handkerchief. . Finding this. he spread it nut carefully oyer her lap, con suming about three minutes in geting it fix ed to suit bim. Then he laid his bead csue- fnliy on tbe bandkerch ef, so as not to grease his mother's dress, the n. other caught hold of his teet, raised them up, and 'stretched aim Qesraigb$ on the seat. f AM tb iiemahwfio Witnessed tiii incfdeht.'tbfnks that tbe sermon was not more completely lost upon tbe boy than it was upon him. s'tffeWu his younger-days to MfLssCKitoigfa year ago, he b atf gtme tbrough thai tery7 same' perform ance, Saaday, after Sunday. He fjllowei up Meeting ef the Board of Aldermen. The Board met in regular session, at Mar ket Ba 1, jeterday afternoon ; present. His Honor the Mayor, and Aldermen Myers, Miller, B own, Heagler, Alexander, Oates, Gordon, W alker, Sims and Dowd. Tbe minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Artuiste; d Burwell, E-q , appeared before the Board as attorney, in two matters ; the first was in reference to a claim of 8 A Har ris, against the city for rent of ho ose of Miss Sterling for use of Ff re Company ironl ' May la70 to January 1st, 1871, which ws, on motion, referred to the Finance Committee; the second, iu regard to a claim of tbe Rub ber Manufacturing Company, for hose fur nished tbe city. Mr B. asked if the answer filed in Court in sait the agaii.st the city by said Corn y indicated tbe policy to be pursued by the Board in the matter, urging tbat the claim was just, and that the hose was no iu use bv the fire comi anies. On motion of Alderman Ltowd. amended by Aldermen Sims, it was ordere i in reply to Mr Burwell, that while the suit is pending iu Coon the Boa. d do not deem it necessary to declare any policy in regard to it." An application in writing was presented from Geo W Howard, recommended by va rious citizens, to be appointed on the police force, in ca e the force is to be increased. Ou motion, it was ordered tlat the applica tion be laid on the table. An application from J L Orr was present ed, it referred to bis loss of $20. by reason of the suspension of the Bank ot Mecklenburg, leaving tbat amount in the checks of said Bank on his bands, it beii g pertol the sum paid to him on account ol bis salary a short lime beloie. and asking that tbe Board wou d remit bis taxes for '-he j ear 1875, (amounting to $5 50) on his re turning taid $20 in checks to the city. On motion of Alderman S.rus (after tae los of a motion to lay on the table) ordered tbat he be paid $5 50 on bis returning to the City Treasurer the $20 in checks. On motion of Alderman Dowd, ordered tbat to the policemen owing poll tax to tbe city for the year lts75 there be paid each, as compensation in addition to tbeir present salaries, the amount of said poll tax. Alderman Mjers stated that he voted "no" on the a ove motion, not because of hi y unkind feeling toward any of thejolice nieu, but because the present finandal con dition of (he city does not, in his opinion, wan ant any unusual or extia expenditures, not necessary, 4 c. A petition was presented signed by sundry liquordealers, asking that tbey be granted the license to retail for the year, on making the payments of the tax quarterly in ad yance. Alderman Myers thought tbe hard times as to getting money should induce the Board to fyorabiy consider toe petition. Anr a discussion of tbe subject by several Aldermen, it Was finally ordered. onWtion of Alderman Brown, that Retail License be $150 per "annum, payable in advance and that Wholesale License be $120, payable in advance A letter addressed to W J Yates, Esq . from Messrs Honey cutt and Bellingrath, of Atlanta, on the subject of erecting water works m this city, ras read by tbe Clerk, with an recommendation, by Mr Yatts of Mr Bellinttiath as a skillful workman; It was, however, consideied by the Board, that this city it not in condition to con sider the question now; and on motron ot Alderman Dowd, ordered that the paper be returned with the reply tbat the boardd j an effort to indupathe V$P Vops to. rej establish tbe Branch Mint ai thi place ;. v theJiayor also spoke jon the same, subject . presenting a letter received, tp tne city re cently by Col Cbwlesl from on Represeute tive, Mr Ashe, in refaetice to itr5 ' T , Alderman Myers presented the folk) wing; which were unanimously - adopted by the Hoard: -7-i :..-cv7;iv t-c;; Wbemaj. It is tbe Dolicvof tbe Govern-. ment of the Clnited States t increase its ca pacity for the coinage of both gold and Sri W HsaXAa, The Branch Mint Buroing at Chariot e. N C is in' good order and coboI ' tion; and tbe machinery - previously in use, is m ioogtrol of, the Government. , ; - Seso&ed. .That Col. William Johnston, Mayor of the City of 'natlotte, be commis sioned to go to the City of Wahirgtin.J to urge upon the Congretfg ot tne Uulteo ptates, the impo rtance of restoring and maintain ing the Branch Mint in this place, as a mink of coinage. , .; j; , . -: , A. Alderman Sims reported that ihe lea? ee oC the Maiket Bouse would go out, after the present month: whereupon. oh inodoil of Alderman , Dwd, ..the Ooramittee- which had heretofore V ased the Market' riotte.waa inslructed to ascertaiir and Jreporr to the Board bow much could be realised from the sale of the Market House; with the power, in the m-.n while, to rentii by the month. TheflL'iestion. as -to. threyaoCJ.e, crosaina in front oXthe . OperaHoUSe. "s referred to a cofhmitfee consls tlnknfMer. man Sims, Chafnhan;W witif ' Aldermen Walker and Brown. On motion, the Board adjourned. T SPECIAL ,.L'OTlCp3L' ' i i"peto-AWit-WnaBra4Hg Cough Syap basjn, germed vbr parents, wboee worrylfigand coughing cliiJdribave been soothed and eared, and- cured sweet lumber by using thiaexcelCejiJreed, R fVKliw. q X Jt V:lW m ThA mnat mtanrabia beinis in tbe world are those suffering lrc Dyspepaiaand Uter complaint. .rttfii '.-." i MireJLbajeyenty-fiye percent of the peo- pie in tbe United tttates are asuctea wua tbeae two diseases aodrtbetr sfectsuehas Soar 8jmaehu Sicb Headehe , Habitual rtostiveoess. Palpitation of Ibe Heart, Heart burnt Water-brash, - rnawinc and burning Whii t thmt oreBtotnackl YallOW Bkia ' Coated Tongue and disagreeable taste ia the .. month, coming up ot ioodatter eaipgiow. spirits. AC- Go to the UrueHtoreor Btesers T. C 8mith A Co, wbolesa'e aeents and re tail druggists genefaBrran get a 70 cent ent bottle, or a Sample Bottle for 10 centa. Try it. Two doses wm relieve too. iowxw. Sclple A Son, Comi and- Liaaa MercbanU. AWaBiC'KJaX AnalJsteel out 8nelby;r A4u Lime 98 65 The strongest I4m'te the Dni ed States. M ontevai lo, Cahabated ash; and Coal Geek Coi-1. We have special rates of f-eight dn-CoaFknd time byeaf toad to points in North and- houth Carolina and Georgia We solicit orders, send ior prices. r iSCSPMdfc SO8, . decSO --AOWtihGa,.- camo rTBDPEBirHOTJSE,' A The Highway Robbers Two More Ar- restedvSeyeu Mow In Custody. Two more of tbe sooundrels who have re cently be- n engaged in tbe business of rob bery in and near this city were arrested and held tor trial. One of these, Ferdinand Hen dricks, was arrested by a negro at the Noith Carolina train, which he was about boarding i u order to escape from the city, and the other, Dennis McCoy, was taken, by Mr C Orr, in the country ; he bad gone to Mr O. to hire, and being pretty closely questioned, took up an idea tbat he was suspected, and ran. Mr Orr gave chase, captured him, and brought bim to tbe city, Bttortlv after noon, tne whole crowd of 1 i m robot ra, consisting of the two just meuiion-, ed, Ab. Work, alia Potts, Alt Davis, Jim. Poindexter. Adam Phi ft and Harry Lyons, (woo was. arrested at bis place of residence), were taken to tbe office of Justices Mc Niuch and Hilton, for a preliminary exami nation; Justice R E McDonald was invited to sit with these gentlemen in the hearing of the Cise, and did so. After the trial had been gone into, Ferdinand Hendricks turn ed State's evidence, and divulged all the se crets of the clan. Il , transpired, through him, that the gang-namtered 32 members, aud tbat their organisation was perfect. Alf. Davis was tbe President, Neal Knox tbe "Captain," tnd Ab. Work the Trtasurer. Thev had regular meetings in the Five Points. Harry Lyons furnishing the room, lights and fuel; in this room tbey assembled on Sundays, and at such other times as they were not out on ' business," to play cards and otherwise interest themselves. The Piesidenr, so the State witne s testified, rarely ever went out with the gang ; he pre sided at tbe meetings, and mapped out the routes and programme ; it was the duty of Neal Knox to lead in these expeditions, and to direit the course of the others when they found a victim After eich robbery, a meet ing was heid and tbe booty was divided The witness cave accounts of the recent robberies, which accounts tallied sub-rtan tially with those previously published in tbe Obsieveb. . He stated further, that tbe operations of this clan were not confined to this city or community, but that their terri tory extended as far as Raleigh and Golds boro, and that several of the members are now absent from this city on basinets for tbe gang. Several other witnesses were examined and the proof being regarded as conclusive all those indicted were committed to jail in default of bail in $1,000 in each case, Harry Lyons among the number. The negro Hendricks is a mulatto, uud ia very sm m. His statements are credited except as to tbe extentof the organizttion. Although he alleged thit tbere were32 numbers, be was only able to call over the names i f 16. He stated that he was from New York, and that he came here with tbe last ircus. Upon his person was foaud a nolfr-b.ok, and in it tbe following entry, made on the 22d of De cember last. It is of interest : 'Ferdinand Henoricks, born in the 8tate of New York Albany June 10, 1852. Has 4 sisters, moth er and father both dead. Was with Dan Bryant's Minstrels sax mon ha under train ing for a comedian Leit Dan Bryant and went to Duprtz fe Benedict lor four months; was with Haverly two months; was with the Great Eastern. John Robinson's, 'Adam Fespore's, the New York and New Orleans, Great London. Chicago Circus i and; P. T. Barnum with Howell & Brothers and other "They are coming to the play; get you a plaee." -SHaxxsraaBB. . Thi mcst Eminent Actor of., tbe Shakes -' perian Stage, MEt WIS BOOTH, V, The popular Tragedian. Mr. f. ftWAlDE, of Booth's Theatre, Kew York vo - .--. .AJlii..--7 . v. : DRAMATIC COMPANY OF GREAT REPOT AT lO si t IN r HAHLET, gnnn www m hsiii ON TUESDAY EVEINO JANUARY 23TH, 1076. Which will be their only performance , . this otatev . Secured Pl aces, .......w"'00 Kaoh. S- The sale will commence on Thurs day morning, January "tOth;- at Fhiiers Book Store.5- ' . - . . ; v r Orders trom neignoonng towns or country, can ne sent-at oooe .-'".,. -i "-f janl It A 8pecla' meeting ofrharloUeMo if, Knigbtsof Pythias, will be haldast heir Uall,. to-night, ( ruesday.) Mem bers will please be prompt in their at tendance aa' busi ness of importance will come be'ore the Ldge. Mem bers of1 the Order, itf thedtytgood etatiding j-are. 7eor ditUyribViteav W. L. BOYD, K. R. A 8. YOU WILL FIND medal at the England i Exposition in 1872, was hurt by a fall from a balloon in . owa. was, on board a revenue cutter (or two years. Been in Charlotte, North Carolina two months. Weight 133 pouiids;0 feet 2 inches in height. Belong to the Lord oT8biloh. No. 1453. F.C.B ; also to the Good anri- tans, No. 2, and the Red Stockings of Baltl- oombination troupes, - Receiyed the prise not deem the erection of water works expe dient at tuia time. Licenses to retail spirituous liquors were ordered to be issued tothe following parties, for the year beginning on February 1st, 1875 on their complyii g with the regulations and oidinances prescribed in such cases, yi2: CO McWhirter&Co, M 0 Teasdale, W B Good ine. J T Bchenck. James Piatt, J, Black, C Roediger, W R Cochiane, Natireous & Co, BN8uiitb,J MKendnck, J M Kendrick A Co, Spnnale A Brother, aud to retail - Wines and Malt Liquors to Ludig& Fiachesser ; ; Applications for retail license from; Jamee f has "been around." Moran and from Peter McGowan, being op jected to on account of their locatioriB, were not.granted.M " . " : . ' . r, On ntotion of Alderman Myers, the Mayor was authorised to receive applications and appy before the next meeting oX : tb Bojtrd tilC CiXj Subscription LilStS (provided no license shall be graced to any one IT TO YOUR INTEREST TO BUY t FLORIDA ORANGES, Fresh Lemons. Northern Apples, CAPE-COD CRANBERRIES, FRESH NUTS AND PIGS, PURE HOMEMADE CANDIES, FRESH JELLIES AN? NUTS. CANNED GOODS, MASON'S ALBERT BISCUIT, LARGEST FIVE CENTS CIGAR IN THE CITY, AX : F. E AUDREWS & CO'S. : jaHl8 : -. : .;. , . I AH NOT mGLHH TO sdopt any particular cognomen for my store. Everybody knows tbat the-SUM rHes in tbe East, and that the STARS shines at i ight, bat it cannot be denied that I am WIDE AWAKB frt the interest of y cus tomers, and that I keep the iaigest assort- ment of Fancy. Imported and Uomuo Groceries i- tbe city. Have Just received tbe ftfllowiag Good : FINE SUGAR CURED HAMS, FINE BREAKFAST BACON NOT CANVASSED. FINE . SMOKED TONGtlES, )S0T . .CANVASSEP-r?:, FiNE SMOKED BEEF, NOT C AN- VASSEDi'"' ; . . FINE DRY .SALTFnSI&Ea. FRESH PINE AILECHBESE AND - LARGE : BOXES; SARDINES. , Of course the idea that he ha eYer been DRIED 1 AFPL El A,UN. mtertained YX&UUJ rtHAUJUS. . M ESSEN A and HAVANA ORANGES , and OAPE.C0D, CJLABEjSBiES. MINCE MEAT APPLE BTJTTER (i AND WROT;RADI8Hi CELERY SALT3CaMe PEAS, EAGLE CONDEN-iED MILK B6ing unable to tmnscribe j 'jr'jjyijgjjE. GOSHEN ANO COUNTRY 1TUTTEE. POWDERED avnd COT LOAF. SUGAR. .t.Kin ttnif .f (Piva Points." nor be-1 Tin natierhas "been- stooDed 1 lltfxRTD !t c'a . . I rr i tvjipr all this, is too ridiculous to le ehtertained for a moment, but the record shows sharp- neas; and there is no douct that ; the -t writer. mfitr AuvEimsEfiENT! ber of priaotieri to jail, and was fo lowed by I m f 'thought : thus sng Rested,' ,nd an-Waoni.cw!.!; "!Ww. W"1. P 7-1 wit atfll pantos Tax, lue over, even from; ybnd the business part of tbe city), on theijt conforniing to the city , or Jinanoerf in thas j Oa application of Col John 1 Brown,' or- feid that a lot in Elmwood : Cemetery be yet A Patrons m tbe city will jooam arwuuvi f was iull raaning ui iuo over, even iroua i r-- - - - - . - . " A .:.-r-- r:r- d, and thought of his Uia boyhood days," when the minister said: assigned by the Cemetery ' Qomm0e o,tAe t rjjg -- CASBLr't Stone in -the erowc L., ' Part of the i t.ii. and Stone emoog them.. He htaiix. his Barroaadings. ; by . tbo more luBt cone ta to noit around, aad he is edll I meut ol the congregation all aroand bif in there. Joetnooaiag areano.-' acre arrow i ; These t&oagnts,we recaon. come oaca to L:fcimvBK:6f,''1CfV,.. J ali bn-i at'tuiae; and whetfHhey do, if the ycrtpture ta th, rtbeaet 4aprejd ipBne di8pos ' ' Vulit. '!.. Mr. at- Rmme. he I .kMAn w fltri ah.-rt of a slum I Aid Myen addressed the Board m referv r.. nrT.rA(f foltawadhint into i....hu hronrht tn real-list Prebbyterian Cburcn, for tne purpose oi ".-',r-"r..:- i. i : r-- , n,iA .hn.h. It WoS ordered also that said -Committee assign"" a lot in the eolsred cemetery, grant ed tvi like' pttrpost td thAl Mi B. Zioa IS' h -1 til Rooms to Let. Store,: TpM D01HESTI0 IXWEftPICKXES,; ALSO IN : : Aarge auu 3Uiu. yaa. . . . . L10RSEF0RDS' BREAD PREPARA r:-.x t ,TION. and S&A FOAM - t AXLAt LO WET MARKET PRICES . 5 jGOOD DELIVERED PROM PT ly BY DELIVERY WAGON. v-i .Oppoatt ClMKtofW-HipJeL-janl8r, -.-t-f-il-W.. m VJft imall Huuim i.nATA nitr A on- the pubilo sqcare. Applyjat ones to 1 T U8T call once ud get f B COM' " w " ltotb,rli7Wape a0