"" " ;' .'.-.Jl.'-LM. , ' , . !.., .1, J I I , " i rijrTrriTT"TTrT"rrTVir rMlilT "i ' LmmmmmmmmmmmLLmmiammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimm j i I f ... - -. ' " : ""' " "IT- K Kirn- r .!.''-:' -r- " ... - ..- , t" .' L , . ... .. : '- 7 .. " tt I ..... . -- . . . . . ... -. -.. w-.r i -an '--..r ta -fteor trjri nVtt ' ft- nf 2 -t'lf'Tr !llflMA: ii. . iffltsl i fell li irf!w i4sl n $4 Iks fflltllilJflirfsr- v1 Daily 1 year, (postpkain (advance,": " - 6 mos. V-?' 'O want, and wiutnet:-.ts'-: " fTm,w rrery niaimer of Jc 7c - i c&a i. :irt d 3 mos. 1 mon. WCn famuli at e: rt HQUC w .vw in t.h ftotmtTim advance, ' outofthoanpostjaid,. 2 10 6mohtlis, I v05 ear Liberal reductions for clpbSjt ri5t J CXS8; YU1 AU. CHABLOTTE, N;.y THURSDAYi JAJS1IAB1I 20, IS'TO $2-00 yftc;;..---,,; 1- - :;X-;:"-tt,i4: -. , , . , a, ,,,,,, . :, .,;V;-,7..i,,,;,:,r;;,Mui?.L,.l ...Jw,' B ;0:ia"iT."SA?l; If SHOE s m i t h ,& raBB s i SECOND FM&j rSTOGE- E C.I T Y , ' - r OP OUR MR FOBBESW&jtiBt retlorred fmm'the Northern Maikete. and we are now ceiving our Second Satl Stock of BOOTS. 8H0ES AND LEATHER, which is folly complete in every Department, and will be sold at prices that defy competition. WflOLEALE AND RETAIL MERCHAKTS are especially requested to examine our Stock before t uutrf:r W E in L L - JI 0 T B E D II D ERSOLD . S'.M;iT II '& F O RBES, NEW IRON FRONT, B U t,B.J;Ti:.;,ST F,EX , CHARLOTTE. B.C. CHARLOTTE, N. C. . December 20th, 1875. On and fter this date, mails will open and close in this office as follows : Noithern, delivered. 8.30 a. m., close 9 00p m Southern, Air.-Line. . , States ville, C C. East D , C. C. West D, 8.30. 8 30 ' 1100 ' 8 30 " 6.30 p m 7 30pm 8 30 pnt 2.00 pm 9.00 p m 9.00 pm Yesterday ,was warm and windy i and the. clouds hung lowj ;and occasionally , wept. Just before sunset, however,. they all cleared away, and the sunset was'gloriously ixauti; ful. Just after dark, rain fell heaviP foi: a few'moments, followed fcydearfr ssflher," and by midnight the1 cold ku ity$i$Rig The stars' were twinkling" brightly; and if seems probable that we shall hate a return. to winter weauier once more- . ..... Money Order and Register hoars from 9 a. ni, to 4 p. m. - l! R E McDONAXD, P. M dec2ltf - ; octl2 GRE AT REDUCTION IN PRICES M1 BOOTS AND SHOES, at tii'k low rmcEs of the seen old times befouk the war, geo. r. frMgh & sons, ; Wilmington, C. f FFER TO THE 7RDE 1BE1R 1AKCE STOCK AND COMPLETE ASSORT MET 1 of BOOTS idV J18 (bting tbelarpett'lA lhe StateJ at such low rates as defy com 30(0 a cate b-ttt fiis-i quality Biop8pVat'$l.E0 apair Men's first quality L. & li. Brogans atll.121.rei rir. Women's prince. b: OtsJn Bals at $1.00 per pair, Women's prime A Cif Bals BtOO Wr pair, (bildien'i Eolith High Cut Copper Tips 8t 75 cents and all other sfyl'ep at fqusily low rates. .'' ' Personal ejaimuautfn ana orders .BOiicitea. CITY BULLETIN. 0 GEO. It. FRENCH & SONS, Wilmington, N. C. ept23 D C f A I li It S W HOLESALE & RETAIL OE,U.EKS IN FURNITURE, BEDDING, &c, West Trade Street, ''''''' ii 1 No. CHARLOTTE, N. C. JUST RECEIVED. FULL ASSORTMENT J&iWSl Parlor OF m Supply of 'Lfjtifrgb' Coffin 6'nrand.; Terry and Reps all grades A fulV.asBortrnenfc of Metahc Cases, Caskets ana Hair Cloth, Also a new Wood nov2 . ! . L ... '4 . .KJ YET mmmm& goods The community is reading up, on Hamlet. The trains come itr, these times, w.thout news. You hadtb Jiavi. fire hist night, if you wanted to keep warm. Small boys are getting their kites in order. Several were noticed yesterday. Booth, Booth, Booth. . You can't get any one to talk to you now about anything ex cept Booth. A million btars were visible last night. They were all , crowded together in little bunches, in some places as high as a hun dred in a bunch. ,; : Quite a number of Northern people laid over in the city last night, in consequence of the Richmond fc Daiixille train baying missed its Southerp' oonnection. Sale of Beats for the Booth performance will commence at 7 o'clock this morning, at Philer's bookstore. Gentlemen are request ed to form in line, to prevent confusion. Mr Aogustiu Daly has changed the night for the appearance of his Fifth Avenue Company in this city, and it will here on the 1st of February instead of the 2d. Dr S B Nye, who has been in charlotte for somttimeintroducing his Australian Crystal Spectacles, has gone tcr Shelby, for the pur pose of getting up a trads in that section. Mr Lindsay Adams has purchased the liquoia and bar fixtures of the late Israel Pink, and has established himself in busi ness at Mr. Fink's la.e stand, in the Char lotte Hotel building. An excursion train will ceitainly be run oyer the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Rail road, on next Tuesday, connecting atStates ville with the Western train, both coming ana going. On yesterday, a farmer from York county, S. C, brought to this city and sold to Mr 8 B Meacham, a bale of coUon which had at tained the extraordinary weight of 840 pounds. It was pressed, too, by one horse. We are indebted to Mr Levin, the advance agent of Edwin Booth, lor a very fine chro nio of the great actor, as he appears in his famous representation of "Hamlet." It is well worthy of preservation , Mr John W Wadsworth, who had his leg broken on Saturday List, ii doing very well. He will, of course, be confined to the house for some time-to come, but it is hoped that the injury will not be permanent. In mention in g, a few days ago, the cap ture of the highwayman, Ferdinand Hen dricks, we stated that it was effected by a negro. A r.egro identified him, but he was c?pturcd by Messrs Jnnin Jamison and Jo. AicDade, The wca her is so pleasant thiit face wash ing doesn't go hard, these mornings ; but the young man who "despises change" still looks at the thermometer when he gets up, and decides not to take off those socks yet awhile. ISrakeman's Cao ' A car cab, which' is 'no't ileV efcrewherft but is new here' Iqs just been introcd en some of the railroads, ' lUnnibg into .thia city. It is a box-like concern, whik .ls fas tened on the tops of the freight care for the protection of the , brakemejv who .' hare to stay on top of the c&tt all the timt that the train is in motion. ; In case of fain they can creep into ihese cabs arid- find protec tion from the storm until signaled ,y the whistle to get to their brakes, MARRIED.? i.t;1' aralia Military lastltnte. ' ' .' bJeLvft,Irt0nlhem,,4. 'tayt CnganMissWnAHotfa'AVofthis the SJtthiust i uderthe atvpicoefjthetWfr &mntf ':! i s k ' ui'1 r:f ' ' ScKeajorthejCatolina. IJiliUry .Lasjitute, The subject of the- lecture. hts; not yej;. been annyunced..,., , , ... , -r !; On Friday, "28th inst, wUltake place the semi-anWuai exhibition of thiVsfitite. 'It will be pubUc, "and air Interested Inyifed to attend.1"-'- '" : s'-v .-u f.'V.-w i-. The regula openingxf the next, term- of the C..M..I), will be on the 1st of : February It pleases Us to know that the prospects for the- nextsespipn arequite farole.: Sever al cad eta have, already arrived apd "many others are promised and expected. . ' 5.Ia.Charlptte, N.G oh, the Wth inst., at the residence of the bride's ikther, by Rev P J Cway, Kaiie' VoanBeSt daughter of F Y Markey, to Mr I 8 Johnson. ' ' : , v 8t Louis imtiScan and Augusta OmttUu fiwoiw please oopyj J v iijo ," ' ; . gpECIAL- NOJICES, ; ,; rt '. . fin ' Bajltimobe. Mo I have used Dr Ball's Cough tiyrup personally and in my family for two or thfie years, and am" " prepared to aay that there is nothing to compare to it as a remedy for Coughs, Coidsetc. JcpMf Cor- rte, Dentitt- ... ..... . , ; .. Ml " : v ? y . t- The iuoet miserable belnea rn the world are those Buffering from Dyspepsia Liver y TMore than seterity-Sve perfeenf oftirepeo nle in the United estates areisJfficted with theae two diseases and their effect euch a Sour Stomach, Sick 'Headache, Habitual Oostiveness, Palpitatioe f tbHaart.Heart burn, Watef-brash, guaviajr - and, burning naina t the nit of the Stomach. Yellow Skin Coated Tongue and disagreeable tiste In the mouth , cominsr up of food after eatiag,! low spirits. Ac. , Go to the pru Store of Messis x. j omnn cs wo., wnoiesaie npeuuj uu iv taif druggists generally 1 and i get i a 74 cent cent bottle, or. a Samnle Bottle for. 10 cents. Try it. Two doses will relieve you.' Tdc30. ' - - - - - - ; ; ' Sciple &?Sons, Coal an tame' Merchants, Atlanta Ga., Analysis of our Bnelby, AJa. Lime 98 65. The . strongest Lime , in i the United States.' Montevallo.Oah'aBared ash, and Coal Creek Coal. ' We have special rates of freight oh Coal and Lime by car. load to points in North and South Carolina and Georgia. We solicit ordersj send for prices . SCIPl E & bO.No, -dec30 Atlanta, Qa The Burke Blade. ! This is the name given a paper the first number of which will be issued "at Morgan ton in a few days, by CaptW F Aveiy.'who was lately one of the editors of the Observer. A private letter from Capt, A informs us that the appearance of the paper has already been delayed longer than he had expected, owing to an accident in receiving his mate rial ; but that it will be before the public in a tew days. We will be glad to see it; for nobody who knows Will. Avery, can doubt that it will be a bright "blade." Sonewall Jackson's Widow Tne Augusta Constitutionalist miorina us that there is a movement now on foot in that city for the relief of Mrs Jackson, the dead hero's widow, who is now re3iding in Charlotte. . The good ladies who compose this organization quietly con sidered the best course to pursue and put into operation a plan for small subscription all over the South, so that the grand aggre gate of contributions would suffice to pur chase for Mrs Jackson a memorial home In Augustaquito a creditable amount of money nas Been or will be raised, lue times are hard, and our people generally are not prosperous, but they can afford a trifle from their incomes to he!o consummate this scheme. Trade Street Railroad Crossing. A correspondent writes sensibly in anoth er column regarding the danger to which the public is subjected by the rapid shifting of trains over the Trade street crossings of the C C and N C Railroads. We have been ask on a previous occasion, to call attention to this matter. As our correspondent says, the office of the old Rock Island Factory is so close to the tracfc. that foot passengers can not see trains until they are al most upon the crossing; and so noiselessly do these trains frequently run, that no warning is given of their approach. Tlius the personal safety of those who habitually travel that street, over the crossing, ib continually imperiled, We hope that the suggestions of our corres pondent wilt be acted npon, and that promptly. . . . Short Strike. The Columbia Vaion-llerall, of Tuesday, says : "The officers of the Charlotte, Col umbia and Augusta railroad, perhaps with View to cause their employeess to act with a more fidelity in the discharge of their duties-,-yesterday presented them with a written contract lor their signatures.. The terms of the contract were that the railroad company would not be responsible or liable to any of its employees for 'ariy loss or damage from accident (we suppose to life or limb) that might occur to them in Tne Late Leap Year Party. Po A,joi ik&JSzwterixJiwrricd of Commerce, received an invitation to the recent leap year party, in this city; and thus he yentB-him self : "We received invitations from two of our fair friends in Charlotte, who are con n ected w i tb m ost pleasant memories of the seashore last summer, to attend the Leap Year Party given by j the ";.ug ladies of that thriving city on Tnesday last. The in vitation cards were artistically gotten up, and contained, on the committees,, tnaay names familiar to a large number, of New bernians. After publishing the names of all the ball managers, " he concludes : From the names of those who had the direction of the ball, we are satisfied that it was an affair at once elegant and enjoyable. Our acknowledgements are hereby tendered to the friends by whom we were so kindly remembered, accompanied with unnumber ed regrets at our inability to be present on the occasion." - : - - Dismissal of Baggage Masters. Before Christmas, the Richmond & Dan ville Railroad discharged all of its baggage masters except three, and now these three have been dismissed upon the ground of economy, the conductors being left to dis charge the duties of the baggage masters as well as those pertaining their own positions proper. The Richmond & Danville Rail road is too poor to ran more than one train per day over a road 286 miles in length, too poor to keep the track and its rolling stock up, and too poor to furnish a baggage mas ter for even this train; but it is rich enough to have a President, a Vice President, a Sec retary, a Treasurer, a General Superintend ent, a General Freight Agent, a Superintend ent for the Richmond & Danville Railroad proper, a Superintendent for the North Caro lina Railroad, a Master of Trains for the Richmond & Danville Railroad, a Master of Trains for the North Carolina Railroad, and the Lord only knows how many other of ficers, not to speak of saliciting sgents, and able to pay them all large salaries. And this is the "why." Nothing strange about it after all, when you come to think of it. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. A regular meet ing-" ot' Charlotte Lodge, No, 17, Knights of Pythias will be held in their Castle Hall, in the Temple Asso ciation Building, to-night. Prompt attendance of members desired Visiting brethren older of the G. C, W. L. BOYD, K. R. fc S. cordially inyited. By jan20 It STORAGE -uaqqcinarni. CEAELOmOPEEAHOUSE. ..mo!,?. tiir.-:-; ;iu f ney arecoming" to the . p!ar; get you a place." Shakssfeake. . M . . Ths most ! Emlnetir Actor of the Shakes- , . - peilan OfCt v1" ," ' ThepopnlarTrUwi.lBjWAmDE. A DRAMATIC- COMPAN YmQFit 'GREAT JANUARY -ifiB4fLtf076. .Whf hf;oieiraAiiWlwpiwi in Szcuexd Places, $2.00 Each. JTha sala wUlxonixseoce on Thurs day -morning, January 10th, at Phifer s Book Store. mm Order trtftf'fthlxntBft towns or TOO .4 amii i Q; i.n i .wfl. ITXminUbenlt will biTvnserieS in thit column m thA'f&itflen (10) cents per line, for each insertion. No advertise ment taken for less than twenty-five cents. Eight words make a line. CHAM BRAYS at.j...-.i.4.wjt..U..10 cts FIGURED DELALNJCa, Mw.s.-.-JO cts COLORED CaMBRIQS, at,.-w.9T-,...6i cts And a good assortment of .Ladies' Hose, for sale by JOHN L BROWN, . Trustee of MoMurray A avis. jan20 '2t ,.t v -! m-t'.i in ...... (, ... - ni, .-? l !'j Mark Twain's "Roaghing It," a book of both interest and value, with the name of W W Grier on the fl jr teal, has been loaned by him to sohie friend withinf'tfte last 12 months. That friend willeo&fera favor by leaving it at f, THIS OFFICE. . 1 ' ... iZ FOUND A steel ring with three' keys on it one of them a pose office lock-box key. The owner an recover property1 by calling at this office and paying for this notice. jan51t' AT CHARLOTTE WAREHOUSE, AS LOW AS CAN BE OBTAINED IN THE CITY. MONEY ADVANCED BY CITY BANKS ON GOODS STORED WITH US. A SHORTER CALDWELL, - - Manager, jac20 lw Being unable to transcribe A Good Subject for a Chromo. Clarke Hall the inevitable and irrepressi ble Clarke came to town, yesterday, and, as is his wont, got very drunk. Instead of going straight to the calaboose, where he in variably lands before returning home, he stumbled into the marble yard of Mr Isaac Wilson, on Trade street, near the old iron works, and there "laid him down to pleas ant dreams.'1 Of course nobody knows who did it, but presently passers-by were attract ed by Clarke's surroundings. Some wag seeing his situation, had taken a tombstone, ond nrrit.incr 'PlnTtp " in lr?V letcerS UDOn o . - 1 .. rt , - - .. . f . . it, placed it at his head ; a 3ug with the bot- tllO UltJ bUDSClTptlOll lilStS, torn knocked out, served as a loot-board, FOUND, and left at this office, a lock box postaffice key, which the owner can' haYe by proving property-and paying for thiir adver tisement. . .. ,, dec31tf ' , . . ; . . -. 'I-j: ... '' - BADGER'S friends all come to the Com mercial, under Smith - & Forbes' shoe store, 'to see him. ' Everything nice to eat and drink. ' janl8 " mm HATiONAL' OF CHARLOTTB. BOALD OF DIRECTORS : ' Jons E Brown, ' Ho W M Shipp, Robt I McDowiaL, Phillip Schiff, S P KMITH, JOHK W fVAbtWOBTH, ALLAif MACATJtAT, Baxter H Moork. V Q JoHireoa, D,f PPM OFFICER3 ' S P Smith, President ; E I McDbwL, Vice President ; C N G- Brnt Cashier. janl5 FRESH C0C0ANUTS, FIG S.-,RAI8X$rS Asr )W EVER ! t Daly's FifiU Avenue Company,' wfii jli ap pears here on the 1st prox. ,was in Charles tonjasc night. A fr.'end in Augusta, who saw it on Monday night writes to us in the most enthusiastic tei ins concerning its per formances, pronouncing itlhsj. finest.com pa ny that ever came South ther various duties on the company's road. The workmen refused to sign the contract-, and a strike was the consequence. Later in the day an amicable arrangement was en tered into between the parties, we are in formed, by the withdrawal of the contract bv the comtian vs officers.' The strike, if worthy of the name, was of short duration." and this was placed at Clarke's feet. Be tween the tombstone and ih jug, laid the the discharge of gentle Clarkey;andtherehereposed through out the whole of the afternoon, the Observ ed of all observers, the tombstone telling to those who happened not to know the "corpus," whose it was, and the jng telling what had brought him to that condition. Crowds of people gathered at the fence to witness the sight, and there has not been 50 much merriment in the city since the last minstrel show was here. ALL - .:.iiJi!.. BUdkrATOQiEE BERLIN WORSTED, A....'; rf.-.:a n - .?.'.-'(': ... .. OTHER COLORS WORSTED, : . - - . .... mn trtr nmTTrm SllESB"! 01S ; COMEINff FAVOKABLi m -TOUT lu m UTfltK.; iiifKj: -'.I w !,: --Ht;- - Tj: : AT tL& ,QE'T3 0UNC3 Change of Trusteeship. Col W R Myers has resigned his position as one of the trustees of the Charlotte Insti tute for Young Ladies, ,"and -Col H C Jones has been-electecT in ' his stead. Col Myers thinks it time for the older heads to retire from the management of this institution, and surrender it into the hands of younger men who haye rising families wh ich are to be educated. .Si:- mm -i MOXTPES, 3- EQR 25 CENTS. . . .;:) u vinn J bSiitrpyt v. -- - -v; -:;AT SOLENTS A'-YARD-QKTIJ X CiPJ? THE ,BW REAL "HAIR-SWITCHES, all stages, at '' (-REpft'TED TO COST ,20 APIEOE IN 'KKW YORK.) 1 1 M'tfMK1 KID GLQVES.vAffsTfffJENTS, yj&imMl0 TO THE WELL KNOWN ALEXANDERS.) .fMMiiMT CENTS, WORTH It 15 '3 t 15 I ,-Unr -Mom aoo And a Great Many Other Ji v. 40 '-Ait 60 GtioM," too' Numerous, to Htm - - - - : K0PPEL. ; .si j- i -- i ""'-jusr ..;.'i.:f. ? Relative Values. "" La9t week the Mayor of Charlotte fined a man $5 lor shooting at a dog in that City. On the same day he fined a man $2.60 for beatin ' and abusing fats' wife. Is that, Bro. Caldwell, intended to show the relative val ue of wives and dogs in Charlotte? Raleigh Advocate, Oh, no ! It was'lntended o show tSie rela tive danger from pisto's and boot-jacks. Dontyousee? I Juvenile Circus. The boys are to have a show, in the Jot back of OS Holton fe Co's store, on Satur day. Bryan Overcash,Bob Modre, and a host of others of the sane feather, have theshow in charge. - They tell-u that it will be a regular circus, all except the horses. We make our bow for an invitation to attend both, the afternoon and evening perform ances. ' Tne Courts. There was little in the courts, yesterday, that was of interest. There was no session of the Mayor's Court, by reason of the fact that there were no cases for trial, and the Magistrates had bat few cases. Julia Elmo, Mary Barrier, and Ella Edmundton, were before Justice Davidson for breaches of the peace, and were each bound in $50 for good behavior. Thesa were the only criminal cases in any of the courts. Yesterday was the first day in almost a week, that there was not some case or other in connection with the robberies: there have been no more arrests of these, however, and those already arrested have been finally committed to await the action of the Superior Court. There was a good deal of civil business, of one kind and another, before the Magis trates, but none of the cases were of suffi cient importance to merit even a passing notice. no paper lias been stopped I yet. Patrons m the city will mease take notice that our terms are CASH. NOTICE ! . . 't ;;:.- -. - . . 7 ; i . GREAT BARGAINS IN GOODS ! TRUSTEES SALE. TY Virtue of a Morteage Deed made and JJexecuted by Siegfried Frankenthal on the 17th day of September 1873, and registered in the office atr Charlotte in Book 9. page 266, the undersigned will,on the 29th day of January at 11 a.. DC, pTocee or to seix at puo lic Auction (at the store on Trade Street? The Object of the meeting was explained. lhe highgt bidder a complete' Stock of Goods, consisting of mil lines ueuuy cept in retail sto res. ' The sale to continue from day to day until the whole stock is so dis posed of. - 2 ' ' WITTKOWSKY & RtNTELS, janWIOt ; J ' Trustees. l. (!?- 11 SHELLED ALSms. X&tiKr$i Tiil& -PAY AT FHAndrews&Co's. jan7 U Meeting In Opposition to the Stock taw. In accordance with a call made through the Obseevee, a large number of citizeaS op posed to an ordinance passed by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, which prohibits cows from running at large within the city limits, met at the Court House on Monday night. The meeting as called to order by Rev J F Butt in the Chair, and F A McNinchj Eiq., requested to act as Secretary, Fine Cotton. Fashion Notes. Black cashmere capes are worn entirely covered with jet and crimped tape fringe. Silk stockings take the shade and color of the evening dresses with which-fhey are as sociated. - Velvet flounces are now plainer than those worq last winter, they hayii.g only a piping of heavy silk; only on the edge. Trimmings for cloth cloaks are almcst en tirely confined to rough wool braids, or by the Chairman and discussed at length by a number of gentlemen, all In substance denouncing4 the ordinance 'referred' to, as against the best interest and expressed will of the majority of nualifiedj'yoters, of the city.- i i It was 'resolved that the meeting adjourn to meet at the Court House on Friday night, 21st Inst.; at 7j o'clock, for further considera tion of the matter,, and, that all citizens in? terested in the matter be requested to meet with us. . , ; - O rdered that, the Obsibvee be requested to publish the proceedings of this meeting. i - t J. F. BUTT, Ch'n. F. A. McNisch, Sec'y. Harris' Eopire Fertilizer. 1 TheT6Uowifi8?sJlfto : MB HARRIS, -! Dear Sib T We have been selling your Chemical -Fertibtev known as HARRIS' EMrlBJS COMPOUND, for nearly one year, anp must say that,wehsve-iiear4 nothing bat the most favorable reports ;-. in r &ct the farmers who have used it are, more . than pleased and will use double the amount tne following season. We consider it the cheap est Fertilizer that the Farmer can use, as he can, with your chemlcalamaka about four Tons at about the same cost as one ton of most commercial Fertilizers. . Yours truly, Store to Rent. YOU WILL; FIND TO a good tenant looking to a permanent , bnsiness. a favorable lease wuuld be ex tended for the Store aad buildings, lately oc- cupfed by B Frankenthal. Bnqnlre ot IT TO YOUR INTEREST BUY -' TO or , janf9 tf WIGSriL. FLORIDA'ORANGES, BWMMm . COMMCHICATED Trade Street RaUiwad Crsslnff. Messes Editoes; , Is there no way by which the C. C. R. R. Co., and the R. & D. R. R, Col, can be made to give some signal.while shifting their long tr S L Sherrillrwho lives at Beattie's bands of fur. and sometimes both are. used oa. m IredeH cowhty, rought to Our of- at once. . : J i . I ' 1 r. tlia IoihtoeI- Vinll rvf oM.tnn I Vn. n&orltcroa the nnrrnw standine linen we ever saw. -It wansad from the Pnjliflc collar, with small points turned down and 1 trains of cars acroTde Street, that would Cotton Seed, and had nine separate and dis- rolled over, have the preference over the insure a'safe kofhout'tm- trnet locks, all UritrauMly well developed, j wide turn-down collar in.Tact are the fay-- It has excited tne- woaqer oi an wno nave onte sty re. icer enpe, -lisie anu mno rui- OH COTTON PEft KIOflTH, 10 Cents Per Dale. seen it. i j" Donan, garnet and Best make a rare pa per out of the Raleigh Sentinel Four such. aces atthatWpuld beatjth jdeck j Jn th tSentmei oi jaonaay, ess fles are worn for, dinner and evening occa- L. ..-.11 r Tnot. ,c rr VAATIWal ' . j t EverytBlpg aoft ana cream-colored lasn ionabli this Season, and in consequence the rage ior uue hhuuuiv, v5 .wuuiw , writes three col- is a fine, creamy, woolen.! Jacej made -in tkMaA'laonflttarnftl'aTid mTip.h nsed fer nntniOf Sunday ScW wnrioreMrts trimming pnTposes:- L - on khfijOaisideV-.t? dress collars are those made aleghawinejw iwgf Ji4;.Tofaef j BrTonbai" iimcKben aneflprt, wbere chins" the rings thetookholdera and the? ggj yf clvetbanfetfalj 'Bqttatty awyers." ; jv ijxe i vereawupr ffff -nite, in the way of lingerie, abontthenec, heapajpserand we watch. ie:as.we I biff Msii this may finally preVaii actiaesuca. uiuic iu mo ivuon w...B . f trt costumes, dui win naraiy ooujju What it .f going to do next. for house toilets. Insured, 20 cts. PerOale. pelled'toi walk or driye across . their track ? The writer has.nariwescaped a oolltoion twicawhUgomghxatQetoni8Bome. OUR Certified Warehouse Receipts are: The oldRock: Island Icjffica is located ao sea - - -, . - .. . iaVSitisimpiblatoseeth. train. U ant distance, "by persons desiring to cross ; j - ; Merchandize, &c, takenat correspondiag- especiaiiy istnistne case n-unyins irvui j liwtatea.-'at'- 1: the public square. There cettaliily'.'wiri be sdme sad accident to chronicle if these railroads are not com': Belled to give some signal, and that, tody Where ii can hi seSi o heaT' Th mns remember,1 of be! niad f0?J $Qif k&4 $&W! did not vote, neither'd'id'oar city aaUumlieal iwiaway the rigbt-ofibe citiep8,wjtoayib5; ject them to the great danger to which they are pow exposed. Stcmtoowjt. SANDERS & BLACK'WodD'S, janl91w Warehouse;" I Rooms to ."1! 'O. rilWd 1 Small iWms,; ubove our Drag Store; A on the pubiic souareiApply- at once to TCBMrrn a co. janlS Frcah Lcmonn, iNoithcni Applet C A PE -COP CS A N BE B R I E S FRESIt NTiNb.FIGS, PURE HOME-MADE CANDIES, FRESH JELLIES AND NUTS, - : CANNED trOODSt: , MASON'S ALBEfiT: BISCUIT, LARGEST FIVE CENTS CIGAR IN 5 THE GITYj AT K 5 F. E AITOBBUS & CO S. janl8 ii.-.n. ! . .)..ii.. r . IDDIN flBCUBlTY-OTt !i- 1 n The beat and aa'est oil for) Ulamttating - jjanii..ruy,, iBsa i thai, o W... , ..,. "'.'ii.mu' i' 1 " ' ENGLISH Hair Brtlsbaa. 'Tootb; Brushes and Nail Brnshea, at 3 s janl4 McADEN'S Drag Store. jane

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