CQ JL&LOTX& OSSE&VgJU JODtPRiriTIIIC. " 8rWCEIFTIO!r UATJS. ! It i ... '.J , .. .. : i, . ., J ! x Xta OasxRvr t Job w' baa bea -jr" naeded Piiily 1 yeaxr (postpaid) hi advance, thoronghly t. . rW " 1 watt acl t ".'i tl '' 3 inos I mon, - - " " every macr r f 1 VacaaCUTii. : ELATES. , orker 7rtnotlc ekl la the conaty) in advance. $2 00 iPiWOlt epupfy&KMtptdd, 2, 10 6 months. ; f; rtl qs vol.: J rmfl oPSStte; n: c, Wednesday, jmuari 26, 1876. 3, HANEf tlLLS, - T- - - - r -i i"-. -.V, X " - , . .i .... .-n . - " ,.,,-- ii -r " ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 - ' " , , .. . . - : r : : - : ' 1 ' i i , f ; i - ..... . . . - ,,....,..,,,. , , . ....... - . ........ ,; . ' I - i ' .' 'i;.-.t,oi - .nu;... , t.,-.. ,, - ..,.1 -' . . . ". ..... ...-.,.,( .,: H . : -.r i vfi. . t . .i i i'J t tl m H 3 ' i 0 S Ml TH&" - 'V - -XT Tk IT MJ SEGON OUR MR FORBES bas joet retorne from tha Kortliern Market, and we are oeiving our Second Fall Stock of BOOTS. SHOES AND LEATHER, which is complete in eyajy Department, and; will be sold at prices that defy competition. WHDEESALE f , .MjffipHAN kaefltd to 7 n T B S M fl-H & NEW m on IS are efpMially.rea mum. F K O.SJ'.; It 0 IX C I NO' T SAD E STREET, CHARLOTTE, n. C. octl2 gre'AItreduction in prices boots and shoes, AT THE LOW PRICES OF THE GOOD OLD TIMES BEFORE THE WAR, GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS, i '' Wilmington, N. C. FFJCR TO TEE 1BADX TBE1R LARGE of B0OT8 nd H018. (being tbe largett peution by any Jcbbine tcntein tLe ttctb.; $30X0 a case," Mtns beet fiisi quality Broeans B rogana at $1 .121 per raix, omen 'a prime prime a. can uaiB at ptr pairv vflJiaren and all otber slylerat to&ally low rates. u ' vs. personal exammanon and orders solicited. ' " ' GEO. R. FEEITCH & SONS, C. F ' IX,' It W I T U . Iti E ; ! WHOLESALE .KHIIIiOJl I rf I L yT u"taf 3 V 1309 lply of Lounges, all uupi: grades Cofflna on hand. I W'l. II T 'A TT-OM GRAND CENTRAL r s V ) I A I- -:0:- :0: T 1KEN 1 AWN AT 75 CENTS A YARd( WORTH $2.00 (A GREAT BARGAIN.) Ju . ' A ..;;".:.- :-s,j-:-. ' : ' ' ' Q0RSLT3 AT 90 CKNT8; WORTH, $1.50 ELSEWHERE. A LL WOOL DRESS FRIKGES AT 10 CENTS, SOLD EL8EWHERB at 15 CENTS, , T ADIE8V ?EBOaESTSiiAT;1.00. LL LINFN 'kANKKRCBlEFS AT, 25 110WEL8 AT 23A.E3TrS;!"W6HTH 49, a ll Other tjolo a d ie Ki if U piBBONSATlQCEFrAABPIORTSSTSri .inUIsd. HI All 1 9 QWSTOy rWW16??fite. - ( i:. ; Jt'UYrv. .l-. , ; fd frontof the Court House, 26 boxes RtJTOKadENTs' alDOZ.. WORTlJ 2 CENTS, of contraband hbaopoVrom the factories of nuif. TfTSEAD LACE At 25 CENTS A s .!-5' . . -ll' .t i ; T:iif - WiAft1aESERUN WORSfED AT 12 -C T-J . . . . .. .... . . AND i tTa' AtJl iiriT jEife'OiOO1!! TQL :fciKNSl29". r " ' - ' ' i , :-(' t - r ' ' o ' i ' ' mnni IN pTo rTVr TSVttV riflfV VICARS: EKABI ES.MJfi IU vjMJ.nvi,f Tf. IN THIS CITY. ILL BHT i.80ftln 9iU HI V, lEFULLYiP FORBES' FALL STOCK, f 4r now fully (Hi AND RETAIL' Examine otir Stock before p unitsiD E D II D E fi S 0 L D . T 0 R B E S . STOCK AND COMPLETE ASS?ORTMET in the State) at such low rates as defy com Mfn'B Etont 8. Kip Boots at $28 00 and at $1.50 a pair., MenV first Quality L. B. Feb. Grain Bals at $1 X0 per pair. Women's s ronsn iiign.cat uopper Tips at 75 cents ; DE A . B R S nTicbols Co.. RETAIL . jDXiXXRS IK t FURNITURE, BEDDING, &c, No. 5, West Trade Street CHAKLOTTE.N.a ; JUST RECEIVED.' FULL ASSORTMENT ..I. Parlor Suits, in Hair Cloth, Terry and Reps. Also" A new . . .' . , V A full assortment of Metalic Cases, Caskets, and Wood; . ... . l-'.V A ... ' .. nov2 THE- HOTEL STORE, :0: t ' r. - WORTH $10. CENTS., WORTH 40 CENTS. $1.50. WORTH $20, CENTS. r5iriit ha t r (I sail jiw ."(:;! ? 117 CENTS per OZ. r RLIN WORSTED AT 15 CENTS per OZ. vITI-Q-IUaU :iti.:iT TD-nTHJ ui iff a H8AH 1 'Slaafv C MKS8 cents npwaidjto75 cents iraft worn crt nit li- BUSINESS, urn w iw itk i a. ni r K0ML - I E C I T Y ' CHARLOTTE, N. C, ) December 20th, 1875. j On and after bjs date, mails will open and close in this office as follows : Northern, delivered 8.30 a, m., dose 9 00 p ra Southern, 8.30 " " 740pm Air-Line. 8.30 " 8.30 nm Statesville, " 1100" a 2.00pm O. C. East D.V " 8.30 " " 9.00 pm C.C.WestD., " 6.30 pm " 9.00 pm Money Order and Register hours from 9 ' tt e Mcdonald, p. m dec21 tf CITY BX7LLETZN. " Business ia matrimony is flat again. Furbish' Fifth Avenue Company will e bere before long. . Yesterday was tbe birthday of that ill- starred son of genius, Robert Burns. ' Several gentlemen report having seen a large eagle fly oyer the city yesteiday morn ing. i - ' - The next thing in the amusement line will be on Tuesday evening next, when we shall have Mr Augustin Daly's splendid i Fifth Avenue Company. The prisoners in jail here are "hefty on the sing," and since the Thorn bergs have been confined there, the favorite song is "oft in the still-y night." The unusually large number of beautiful ladies home folks and strangers on the streets at different times yesterday and at the theatre last night, was a subject of general remaik. ,. There was something of a Fair-time ap pearance on tbe streets and about tbe hotels, yesterday. So many friends here from abroadnd d j emj wanting i to set up dVinlts. , " We are now informed by a gentleman just from jQoldsbord, that the change of gauge of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, did not begin until Sunday afternoon. It is thought that the work can be finished by this evening. To the Concord Sun : Dont ask sich direct conundrums. If we could and would an swer that question correctly, it might make you yourself feel badly, for all we know It s a wise child," fcc.; you know the bal ance. Forbear. " The Central Hotel has been crowded du ring the past two nights. Nearly" if not quite eyery one of its 120 rooms have been occupied, and the spacious dining room has been filled with tables; with a guest in every chair. Arrested. We are informed that a man by tbe name oT Dulin was captured 'yesterday, at Snrith Pharr's mill,ln this county, charged with the murder of a negro in Mecklenburg coun ty. We could not learn the particulars Concord San, of Tuesday. . m-m -r Lecture Before the: National Grange. We understand that Dr Columbus Mills, Master of the State Grange, has appointed our worthy townsman ,A. B pavidspn. Esq:, to deliver a leture upori .grasses, befcre the Natiorial Grange, at its-; next session. Mr Davidson, we believe, has signified his wil lingness to fulfill the appointment. Denies tbe Soft Impeachment. Down in the lower part of tbe county, tbe iarkies tell it that Sheriff Alexander washed one of the parties arrested recently in this cityyfor highway robbery, ana be proved to be a white man. Tbe Sheriff however repels thegf ntleln8hinationrotesling that he never djcnlatlng Library. . Mr Fitzsimmons baa succeeded in getting his circulating' library in operation. He has established it in the store'of Mr H L Koell- sch, where subscribers can now goat any tine dnd geA newspapecs and periodicals, with the understanding that these are to be returned within a given time. Wooten Express. Capt F M Wooten has at last cerUinly sold out his express line. .The trade with the Southern Express Company was closed on Friday night last. Mr Love, the Superin tendent of the line, was in this city on yes terday, on his way up the Statesville and Western N C Railroads, to close up the business of the line preparatory to making the transfer." ' V M C. ;A ,Rev Geo A Hall and. rQther expecting to ariye heiie last nJght at' 9115, is Announced, hayetelelrapteiffdmYetersburg, Va?. that, by missiBg the train, thay will only beble to meetings announced for to-day, will be post poned one da, and will ' take place Thurs day and Friday, instead of Wednesday and' Thursday as heretofore aqgpunced.,.. . . Reynolds and BroW Bros. Two boxes of m x a r b ' verv.fine tobacco soldfor 80 cents pej pound; the balance! which was i inferior,; Sold for from 3d to'te cents'. The btal proceeds from aovU!iiii !M oj. 'iff ..-jm-oins 101 1. mi w ,. Y'i .:-j ''if"i' ;! ' " .' i.- .'J !' n". .:MM Wi.liiH-ttead. '."i'; Charlotte baa an &tetltaent dtizen ihtel ligent in one sense of tbe word" and quite otherwise in another a man who can read and wbwjpfjiKgpeaQgccellent Eng lish, rmlyyer'commitUng a grammatical errorwho accordinff tobiarowtttlateinent his inOt tead as much as a column' ifat all newspapers combined for the past&ur y ears, and who hWnot,wiiathfmeraad as mnch as two naees In a book. Thisas not nisi ni od aaeuiiftfeartaafitiei will iajdse his eVesfcnibui because as beayi:',h:don' want to bother bia mind about anything ex- . 3 .... .11 (n .11 (. . n'nml.. town,, angk ug s3 ?V rrl?z ffTr one; The pxanis interested in what is going on in the world, and likes to talk aboutit, bat read of it, he will not. Performing1 to lianatlea. ". Wildman.and bis well - known dramatic company gave two entertainments Thurs day at the Western Lunatic Asylum, which are said to have been, well received by the lunatics, who showed themselves highly ap preciative of the talents of the combination. We hardly know whether to" think this a compliment or not. The paragraph is cer tainly susceptible of a donble construction. Carolina Military Institute. The semi-annual exhibition of the classes of the C M I began on Monday. It will con tinue until Friday. The written mode of examination is adopted. On Thursday night the two Literary Societies Calliopean and Polytechnic will have their celebration. Rev Mr Harding to lecture, and representa tives of the societies to declaim. On Friday, the semi-annual exhibition of the two ad vanced classes, will come off, in which there will be original oratory end original'' essays by a number of the cadets'. The Courts. ' Mayor' t Court. Jo. Davidson, colored, was up for an affray, and was fined $1 and cost. Henry Davis, colored, was up for an affray, and was fined $2 and cost. Before Justice Davidson. Mary Jane Crump, oolored, for assault upon Joanna Lowery ; fined 25 cents and cost.. Beore Justice McNinch. J. R. Kirkpatrick, in the case continued from Monday, for il legally obtaining a bale of cotton. The case was dismissed at the cost of the prosecutor, and it is due the defendant to say that he did not introduce a witness. Country Life. There's nothing like it. That's what all the health writers say, and that's what is said by those who write lengthy and learned disquisitions upon the mental and moral con dition of men. Everybody onght to live in the country; the air is fresh and health-giving out there, and there is freedom from temp tation and ;the blandishments of a world that lieth in wickedness. All these induce ments to move into the woods were recalled yesterday evening, when the reporter saw thres country chaps, aged from 17 to 19, all mounted on mules, each with a jug of liquor in bis hand, and all galloping down Trade street, uproariously drunk, and yel ling like mad. Let's move to the country, by all means, where we can be pious and healthy Last Day of the Charleston Races. We give below the results .of the races on Washington Park, near Charleston, on Sat urday, the last day of tbe sport. The first race was of three mile heats, only two en tries, Damon and Mary ; race won by Da mon in two beats, 6m. Sis.. 6m. 13; the race was for all ages, $4C0 to first horse, $100 to second. Second race, hurdle race, two miles over eight hurdles, three feet six inches; ptrrse $250 to first horse, $50 to second: en tries : Vandal, Jr, Charlie Cheatham, Busy Bee, Ox more, and Babeock's chestnut mare; race won by Vandal, Jr., time, 4m. 03s. Third race, for all ages, best three in five, purse $400, $100 to second horse; entiles: Egypt, Prussian, Lottie Moon, Ascot and Bay Line; Egypt wins in three heats, Prus sian an easy second. Fourth race, consola tion race, one and a half miles, purse $250, entries: Marmion, John Payne, and Larry Bart; Marmion won the race, time 2.441. This was the last race cf the day and sea son. Going1 fur a Magistrate. On Mondaywhen Constable King, of this cityjVent to Pineville, to summon Mr. J. R. Kirkpatrick to this city, for the trial of a case which had just been dismissed by Jus tice Wallis, at that place, Mr. Wallis, ac cording to the constable's allegation, was very wroth, and pronounced agtanst him in terms quite the opposite of complimentary. Among other things, j he threatened to institute action against both the Constable and the Magistrate (McNinch) who had issued the process, and Mr. King states that he feared to open his mouth lest he should be ordered under arrest, notwithstanding the fact that Mr. Wallis' court was not in session. In consequence of the treatment which he received on that occasion, the officer has sued out a warrant against the Pineville Magistrate, charging him with interfering with him in the discharge of his official duties, and proposes to have bim before one of the Justices of the Peace in this city on Saturday next, for trial. The case is an unusual one, and will excite interest. r Mr. John T. Ford. It is to this gentleman that the people of Charlotte are indebted for the opportunity of witnessing the finest actor known to the American stage, and for another who, in his specialty stands without a rival ; we mean Mr Edwin Booth and Mr John T Raymond; and yet is hardly admissible to speak of tbe two in the same connection the . gifted, quiet Booth, and the hair-brained, erratic, speculative Col Mulberry? Sellers, in whom Raymond has sunk hjsr identity.,- Both, of theee actors are traveling this; season, under the management of Mr, Ford, and he it was wmi sWtnem both here! We' are glad to knotf &OS& Mr"J. personally, that! bis im pressions of Charlotte are highly, favorable. actors, anr.ong them Mr Joseph Jefferson.' "' ?Sohietliirii 'oif5 ilr Boothj (Contract with Mr Fordj bbtatned from the tatter, will in leftist tour ireaderi i i Mr! Booth ' Sa paid7$600 per night. . .His contract is for 50 nights, and 1 ior iius perioa, ne receive .du,uAf. ynj aeu Mr Ford went to him to make the contract, he proposecT to giye him what he (Booth thought be could make in New vYork. Mr Booth told him that be could make $000 per nieht there : Mr Ford 'offered hint; that much, and a bargain was made., ..Every" nignijS. periormance'COBia we manager 91 ,tbfc" company $1,000. One of the , terms of the contract is, that Mr Booth is never to do any aigbt trayelf andf,never jeavef' a stop ping place beonf it o'clock lln 'th:d8V un- Z 'Si: ;n -ti '-...'u. - - 441. r , less he chooses to do sa Notwithstanding his beavy expense) Mr Pord calculates tpon making $3,000 or $4,000 clear money during Ss fejiliemitoc'jr-. Btllfeyjer,; 1' 4njashm'gton jCityj because r it nwas. there that bis brother killed President-'Lincoln knd nevfei' on' 'Friday' 'night, because it was on that night that the fatal deed was com both asa"slow,town" and otherwise, and to say that e have jtoe , assurance sfrom him, thai next season, be will bring us other great Cigar Store Beading Room. Capt J 8 Shafer, who has for sometime past been conducting a cigar store next door to the sewing machine rooms of' Col D 6 Maxwell, on Try on street, has fallen upon a good idea. He will shortly change the whole interior of bis store, re-stock it with cigars, tobacco, pipes. fec, and in. addition to this, establish a reading room in the store. Here he will keep files of Raleigh, Wilmington, Charleston, Atlanta New York, Charlotte, and Other papers. The papers will be free, and strangers and others who desire to see some particular paper, and cannot find it in .the bands of the newsboys or at the book stores, can go to this reading room and ex amine it. . The idea is a good one and the place will be one of great convenience. Personal. That noble old Roman, Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, arrived in this city yesterday morning, and spent 'the greater part of the day, leaving in the afternoon for Statesville. He will return in a few days. . Judges Schenck, Furches and Cloud, were all in the city last night. Judge Schenck holds Chambers Court here to-day. The following prominent gentlemen were registered at the Central Hotel yesterday and last evening : Lieut. Gov. Armfield, of Statesville; A. M. Speight?, Esq,, editor of the Greenville (S. C.) Daily News, Col J. - M. McCorkle, of Salisbury, Col. S. McD. Tate, Saperintendent of the Western North Car olina Railroad, and Col. W. S. Pearson, Master of Transportation of the same. Engine Parsed Through. A narrow gauge engine pas3ed throngh this city, on yesterday, via the Charlotte, Colombia & Augusta and Air-Line Rail roads, from Che3ter to Gastonia, to be used in the construction of that part of the Ches ter & Lenoir Narrow Gauge Railroad, now being built in Gat ton county, across the river from that part already completed. The engine was looked at very curiously by those who had never seen one like it before. It is an odd-looking little thing. Its driver is not much larger than the wheel of a baby carriage, and altogether its appearance is so much that of a toy, that one is constained to laugh at first sight of it. The seats of the cars, as may not be generally known, are arranged just as the seats in an omni bus, and passengers are always careful that the car is well-balanced ; all the fat people are not permitted to sit on one side, and all the lean ones on the other ; but the fat kine and the kind lean are mixed together.and half fat and half lean are made to sit on one Bide, and the other half in tbe same way, on the other. These trains, however, notwithstand ind their size or, rather, lack of size make good time, say 12 or 15 miles an hour. But here we've gone, when we only start ed out to tell of an engine passing through, and haye written a great rigamarole ; and, we fear seriously, have lied a good deal to boot, particularly in that part where the mixing up of ihe fat and poor folks is talked about. i Mr Booth at the Charlotte Opera House. When we come to consider the light in which Mr Edwin Booth is regarded by the people all oyer this , vast country ; that he Btands pre-eminently at the head of the Shakespearian drama ; that his mighty genius has carried whole cities by storm, and that his praises baye been sounded by press and people for years, it is no wonder that, when a visit from him was vouchsafed, the people here, the Opera House was pack ed and that standing room was barely ob tainable. Such was the case last night; and it is worthy to be remarked that the audience was never equalled here on a similar occa sion, for brilliancy and intelligence, and never, in the State, in point of numbers. . It bad been predicted by some that many would go away disappointed ; we are proud to say that this was not the case; the people who would have been disappointed, stayed away ; and it is better on all accounts that they did. As great as is Mr Booth's reputa tion, and as much as was expected of him, very few who attended the theatre last night had any idea that they would witness such a piece of acting as was presented. It was not thought that the play afforded that scope which was necessary to bring the great actor fully out, yet who will say now that Hamlet has not its strong points ? Who did not,, at times, . forget time and place, and live and nioye in the presence of the very Dane himself? In contemplation of the part, one naturally exclaims : '"How perfect 1 How real ! How entirely grand and artistic !" Truly, in looking upon Mr Booth, one. can join with spirit in Hamlet's soliloqup : "What a glorious piece of work is man. In form and moving how express and admirable 1" He looks a very prince ; his carriage, expression, his every gesture, is that of the melancholy Prince or' Denmark.' So entirely perfect and complete was the work in every detail, that it is impossible to point out any partic ular scene which was acted more' artistically than any, othern , True, hi this, as, in every oth er . drama, some of the situations are more striking than tiers; but In none Was the rendition in anywise; short of absolute perfection.; .In.part andm;whole,tbere was thai charming completeness, which inspired the auditor ' with Urt; belief that fpotbini whatever was iacking!,:How entire was tbd absorption. , and delight of the assetnblage, .was denstatedy by ' 'the , deathlilkestill- ness waicn, jrrwea we crowaea noose,; onlj once or twice was the factor interroptf ed by applause, so fearful was the andiencf that; one single word; wouldte lost. - " ' ; .The vplay. was .jadmirably cast. The LaerteS of Mrj Ward deserves a more ex tended notice tban can be given itberev Jit. was bardiy iess .p6erful than Mr Booth's Hkra'let.VThe others -acted ' well up (to necessity. for furer'vyidualking,)!' 't Mr Boptha appearance here last night, was a grand dramatic success. The audience wluh .assembled: to ft grte f Jbim, was a bes comipg tribute olbia genius,, and In the, welcw which, was xtenoea trJootr,the people of Cbarlottei and f aeighbortng towns, did tbemsett'asmach Wnot astbey did him Twi ce- was be called before the 1 enrtaiqkt toeoimausionF tien:W!ai the enand'.pin'ocion floral offerines were thrown at his feeC n i til The company leafes, this morning at 1,01 O ClOCK for uviamuiiic ,. it ia a matter v iv;. 'tQffple,' er ihan one, nighty a bouse quite jeqtal to the one of last night, would have witnessed H upon a second appearance. A Credit Mark In Heaven. . , , . Tenons who-came up on the Central Ho tel side of Tryon street from the Opera House last night; raw a well-dressed' white man lying drunk on the 'steps of a'.barber shop, with the full glare of the gas light upon his face. This was concealed, how ever, for some good person seeing the man's condition, had spread a handkerchief over his face, and no one could recognize him without raising this. We haye no idea who did this, but it is very certain that for . the little deed, the Recording Angel scored one on the credit side of his account.! How much better and happier would the world be, were we all to follow the example of this man, and cast a mantle oyer the foibles of our brethren ! Capture ot the Leader of the Highway Robbers. . :T Some days ago, Justice McNinch received a letter from a gentleman living at Cool Springs, Iredell county, informing him that Neal Knox, the ring-leader . of the .band of robbers who haye recently been conducting a system of organized robbery on the high ways near this city, was then at his (Knox's) father's house near Cool Spring, and advis ing that an officer be sent after bim. In ac cordance with this information, the Justice issued a warrant and placed it in the hands of Mr H D Ltak, whom he deputized to serve it, and the officer started at once npon his mission. Arriving at Statesville, he se cured the services of Deputy Sheriff Alex ander, who went with him on Monday, to Cool Springs, about 12 miles below States ville. At midnight; they approached the house where they bad learned the negro was staying, and knocked at the door. It would seem that Knox had some intimation that tbe officers were upon his path, for as soon as the knock was given, he emerged from the house and endeavored to make his es cape. Mr.L presented a pistol and told him to halt, which he did. He was then bound and taken to Statesville, put on the train, and brought to this city, ' arriving here yes day morning at 10 o'clock. He will be brought out before Justice McNinch, to-day, for preliminary examination. We are glad that this arrest has been ef fected. All the officers of Ihe clan are now in limbo, and the back of the organization is broken. The community .' is to be con gratulated upon this consummation, which has been so devoutly wished for. . - .; Postal Matters. : A very large amount of matter that passes through the mails from this place finds its way back to the senders; thereof, by reason of unpaid or insufficient postage, or other irregularity in it. .The principal portion of this is in the shape of. pamphlets, newspa pers, etc..; the letters being sent direct to the dead letter office at Washington. Some per sons have the impression that they may add a word or two on the wrapper of a newspa per and still send it as second class, mail matter.. These persons add ihe name of the sender to the address, thus: "John Smith; compliments of Tom Brown ;" and this ad dition makes the newspaper or other article come undei the, head of first-class matter, upon which the postage is six cents: per ounce, This sort of matter is all returned to the senders, with the stamps un cancelled or in any way mutilated, thus subjecting the sender to no loss in the way of postage; By erasing the objectionable writing they can send this matter - without additional postage, losing only time. For the future guidance of all.we publish a con densation of the postal laws : Mail matter is divided into three classes. In the first class are Included all letters except drop letters and anything carrying informaticn. For this class the postage is three cents for each half ounce or fraction thereof. In the second class are , embraced all newspapers and periodical, publications, issued weekly or oftener, from known offices to bona fide subscribers arid news agents, and all . such publications issued less frequently than once a week. On the former of these the postage is two cents per pound. In the third class are included all occasional publications, transient newspapers, posters, sheet music maps, flowers, seeds, roots, etc, samples of ores, un printed cards, books, etc. On this class the postage is one cent per ounce, or fraction thereof., Free matter is such is the Congressional Record, or speeches and re ports therein contained ; also, such speeches, etc., printed otherwise than in the Record, agricultural reports from the Department of Agriculture, etc., etc. All packages of ; the third class must be so wrapped or enveloped with open sides or ends, that their . contents may be thoroughly, examined by postmas ters without destroying the wrapper, etc. MARRIED. 1 In Asbeville, bn Thursday ' evening' last l by Rev. W. A. Cbrbett,' Mr; 'J.' Hamilton 4 McDowell; and MisslfollM Blair' ! If EW a ADVEBTlSEItLEfTS 7 in nl t fi -Yf .1'.iii;o"t P-h v)r!'' Valuable For -Sale ' ertyi TTJRSUANTtd two- separate Mortgages J Av made to us, as Trustees, by , It JT yayid son and wife, 'one registered Book 8 page 147, and the other Book , page 403; 'we' will sell at puWio auetkn4 atthe Court Honse ia Charlotte, on -Friday the 25th of Februarys 1876, the very valuable premises.4 whereon said Davidson andwife now live, consisting of an entire square 18 tots), with an excellent dwelling, good out houses, fine orchard,' A beautiful yard delightful water and: weryn , thing to make a residence attractive. , : Also the house and lot, at corner of. lDtb and Fine streete,' adjoining" PS Whisnant, and others, a J ' r 61 hi n '- ' gn iz 1 . -Also fifteen (15) vacant Iota On the Caro lina Central Railroad, adioirring- J Plhrin; MrFarmy3icksand 6ieiaijjWoii vr1' nThe property will.be sold in suitable Jots or narcels. Of which plots will be exhibited. If eras. casb.avGlO E WILSON, u.-vna fi ,-CHll m IHE Semi-Annual Exhibition, in original 'X-oratory and compoeition; by the 1st and iJHi Classes of this Institute -wiQaake' place on Friday next at p. m The narentsvand friends of Cadets, and the public Interested are respectfully J invited to attend. ,' . j KJtxa tr iuujiab, ja263t Superintendent. - ' -.. ill, (I I y.'.i,.t..,...,, -. The poar and httABltt Wife Urf tbe rich and .pffJAMiO&i Sy rap a truV'tried anT trusted friend. Prices 25 cents; large size. 50 cents. ' ' 11 ... '.S!8i6. It May Saye Your Life. l.Teis.nO person ving bu what suffers more or lees 'with Lnng Diseases, Coughs, Colds or Coniumatlon yet "eeine would die rather than, paytf cent fOXboUle of medi cine that would cuje themw Diu A. Bos chxx's Gxskur Strxtt has lately been intro duced in this couhry ' frbm Oermany, and its wondrous cures astonishes eyery one that try it, .irvoudoubf whatweasyin print, cut out and take It to your Druggists Messrs T 0 Smith & Co-wholesale "agents and re tall drugeista ., generally, and get, a sample bottl? for 10:ntS adtty iXrpdoaes will relieve you, Begalacaise 75eta. Tdec SI. .!. j! ' "- 'h ii wr.ii T?l'J Bfervona Debility. VITAL?WAKNl8StRriEPRESSION : A weak exhausted feeling, no energy or courage; e resn.l ,of,l1mental, oyer work, indescretionapr eoejea,or aome dmin up on the system, is always cored jbyiia Humphreys' Homeopatbio' Bpeclftes No. 28. " It tones up and1 invigorates the system, dispels the gtoora and despondency, imparts strength nd energyTetopa- the drain and rejuvenates the. eatirei mkiwo Been used I twenj Jltkpejfiact sncfysa hy. thou s- ands. Sold by dealers Price $1 per single vial, or $5 per package' 6r five vials and $2 vial of powder.- Sent by mail on wceipt oi frice. Address HUMPHREYS' r HO MEO ATHIO MEDICINE COMPANY, 662 Broadway, New York. f& See large Advertisement- no9 ly . . , : Sciple & Sons, Coal and Lime Merchants, Atlanta, Ga., Analysis of our Shelby, A'a. Lime 98.6$.:. The strongest Lime ;, in the United States." Montevallo, Cabahared ash, and Coal Creek Coal We have special rates of freight on Coal and lime. by; oaf! load to points. ia. North and South Carolina and Georgia. We solicit orders, send for prices. flCLPIESONS. dec30 'Atlanta, Ga. FINE BUTTER, EQUAL TO GOSHEN. ' WHITE WINE ' ,' VINEGAR, Best in Market MESSiNA,,10EAJs;.QE3; . By theBo."!.: ! NORTHERN BALWlN ?AFLEJ IVI. 1VI. WOLFED, WHOLESALE and RETAIL STORE. jan2 FLORIDA ORANGES, SIXTY CENTS PER DOZEN. Fresh' liemafcto, FRESH.QOQQANUTS, : : i FRESH '';''" " ' '' CANNED GOODS, CHEAPJ'IHOME- MADE CANDIES;' MIXED PICKLES, CHOW CHOW," AND ' CALIFORNIA JttES ' AND ERESEJiyES, EBESJH, 'jftjTS, , RAISINS -..AND nOS),!"' APPLE BUTTER 4V FINEST MINCE MEAT IN THE CiTY?'' FINE GOODS AND CHEAP 'PRICES, KICK MiV- F. E AIIDREWS 1 CO'S. jan2G Male Academy I WILL open" a School' for' boys in the brick building, in MechaniesvilleV next Monday at 9 o'clock,. A. M... JPersons wish ing to send pupils, will please apply early, as it is desirable that1 all be present, when the classes are arranged, Terms per Quarter, ten weeks,' payable one half in advance : ' " 1st Grade Primary Studies, '....'.$7.50 2d Grf do Intermediate Studies...... 10.00 Schoot' aa uraae Aayancea juigusn ana ; Contingent Fund,... ......T........ 60 uiflaaunu ...... ......... ... .1Z.5U Lft.lfJjtWVlfi. LITERARY CELEBRATION. - On Thursday evening nexti at Ji o'elock, ia the Chapel of i tbe Carolina! Military In stitute, the Rev E, H Harding wiM deliver a Lecture under the auspices, of the Calliopean and Polytechnic 8ocietie,of .. the, Institute. The ladies and gentlemen of Charlotte, and the public interested are reepectfully invit ed to attend. n .'FLAHRXN8, xtr xt niuovvr r ian26.,2t tesidfnjtP, 8. jr.' Ten Ctf Colnnriav: cWtnwafi tM rat- of ten, text per line, er . eachi inaertion. nNm advertise met totmjnitstihaaiwanijriiievent. Eighi word smok aims, inirf; r FOE EENT-Fromisiew Sflittltb -end of the year, the. office in Springs' building, at present occupied by Drs Jfoner 4 Otabam. Apply to. JONES GRAHAM. U ja26 tf1 . '' m ' m"Ik ii-uiii l,i .llll.l'ii'l iiu'i'l ' ii " MUU.i, FOR RENT A new five roontketieewith eood well ot water... appIy. immediately to j"an232t j ,t m I ii l'l ...... .t t,; .-. vJ ' fOB-''BENTA'i litStSJLVVSt lOSI-.DENCT-'ONeTHSTBEETASd0 N. C-itBJ fi.Oooda barnyandfO!e.gatden, te, Tbe bouse wils be tboToaghry'rair fd. Barn rented separateiy if desiaecLa i -iz , i ,d lipSBOBNBb'ient. janll 4teod .. ,-.r-.-. .--: .fic - www ianir1 I . W&'jfajSlot: UllewUHolKllliivnii m WENTY Bales 3-4 an d-4J I)eeatic, 10 1, balrt Yarns, aaiKdsirM4 sold at aome Prtce, mm -X nov 24 mitted. O ' jan23