' " ..... '. -.' . - 4 CHABLiXTB-0ESEV3 14,, - JOTD wiiTmcr -.. - ft? ... stisoBmns batxs- TbeOssrarra Job rrrrtit 6 teB thoTOTshly mpUed triUi'.c ry. needed want, tad with the latest styU.- f Tjrpe, nJ Te7 manner of JoU Work can i ow toe don WlUrneatoeaavfttept-;h ad4SbeE?nese. Wtcaafcrnt&ttfclort notioa taJLKE8,T.TT.T. TTTSATV- -? : .vj i - -IJBXTEStSS UOi CABS8, ., i . r a "r"4 y''yin. POSTERS. 1 mon, - " " eekly; (in the county) In advance, $2 00 ' pGltAimS,vHAMI BILLS, Uberal ledoctiw or dabs. CH1EMTTE. N. C, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY C, 1870. NOl 2144 n,- "jf1 .11'.. - '. i ifin j i . ii ii-1 r ii ij aijii rii ? r ''i ' ' ,"""!!!l!!r'MTI'T''"TM?r'T!!'TT'! ----- " ' - - - . : . .- - - - , ' - - 1 " ! 1 i D W M SMITH. tnTE"W IB02T i. (PHIS BEING THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE BOOT and SHOE HOUSE! 1 in the 8tatandtnt faciUtiee fbr buying Goods being eqaal to any, we feel confident that we cwflJBOOTS and SHOES AS CEAPas anyOmoreor New York JoK We buy only from Manufacturers and, def0oi9petifl6?i?? t One of the firm Is now NortbrihaBinu 6PRIN& STOCK, which, when com pleter wtt-btlw4aiKB8t lu the etatgrr ,f .1-,A1 wli tea4JU'JfelttlMtJt Merchant in North and South Carolina and,Georgia. fel)5 G R E AT "OtCTOlf I N PRE0ES os-i 3a!BOfANDSrlOES, AT THE LOW PRICES 01 THE GOOD OLD TIMES BEFOKK THE WAR, R. FRENCH i& Wilmington, N. C. iFFKR TO TBjJS 'JKAija i ills, iA.KUj lFFKR TO-PHE TRADE THEIR LARGf V ot uuv40ltB11VJ10i vucjuK ijueuuBBBiOTine oiaiei atsncn low rates as defy com petition y any jobbing noute in;thePonth.Meii'8 Stout 8. Kip Boots at $28.00 and $30.00 a case,. Wen's best first quality Brogarra at $1,50 a pair, Men's first quality L4 B, B rogaDS at $1.12i per-pain fiWomen'sl prime Peb. Grain Bala at$l .00 per pair. Women's jiumt a. v'i,.i.vy vvuweu and aU oUerstjlesatcquaByJow;jrat. Personal examinanon and orders soucited. GEO l! 1 1 rivi'i sept23 .a., F V It K I ? "ju - ' - T IT 11 Supply 'of Lounges, all grades. -Coffine on band.. GRAND CENTRAL m -ft, ' . ' I "S1 4. u. I FOB THE FOLLOWING GOODS, -:0:- -:0: WITH GLASS ATTACHED, GOLD INLAID, AT 65 CTS. APIECB, SOLD BLSEWHEET! AT $1.00- LATEST STYLES OF COMBS, AT 25 CENTS, WORTH 75 CENTS. AT $1.50 APIECE, BLACK AND WHITE AT 12J CENTS ALL HIGH COLORS! 4 r AT 15 CENTS.AIT OVNCEL PERFORATED 9 m f f ''. Jim r a U A ONLY 25 CENTS A SHEET. ' AT EIGHT CES.T3,.A-;SKEIN, r 1 T TKT9 TTNTTH A H KKIN- ttk;ents hi UVIT ft t "ails -n1 f.T V7 . vs-at FORTY CENTS A YARD.'1 RESPE0TFULLT, - feb6 n O- S. ! r 8. FOEBES. TOCJJC JAMO COMPLETE ASORTMET rfuuw ujui vut vuppcc . xipjB as to cents T ;'U R. FRENCH & SONS, WUmington, N. C. DB A X 13 ft S cS Co. , & RETAIL DEALERS IN FURNITURE, BEDDING, &c, No, 5, West Trade Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. ,JUST RECEIVED. FULL ASSORTMENT OP Parlor Suits, in Hair Cloth Terry and Reps Also a new S A full -assortment of Metalic Cases, Caskets and Wood novz HOTEL STORE, :0: liiflll '9 WORTH $2.50. BERLIN WORSTED, AN OUNCE. BERLIN WORSfED, CARD BOARD, . 4 4 i t 9' - ft. V -V - - - -,- M. KOPPfiL, T.H E CITY CHARLOTTE. N. b t . vDecewbetaHb, 1875," On and after this date, mails will open and -close in this office as follows : Northern, delivered 8.30 a, m., cloee 9.00 p m Southern, " 8.30 V-' " 70 pm Air-Line. -. 8.SO .?' 8.30 pm StateBTffle, 1100" " 2.00 pm C.C.EastD., " 8,30 " " 9.00pm O. C. West D " 6.30 cm " 9.00 d in Money Order and Register hours from 9 . m, to i p. m. v r e Mcdonald, p. m dec21 tf THE CHURCHES TO-DAY. ( athouo CsroacH. Services this morning at 10J o'clock, and sermon by the nrieat. Rey Father Hands. St. Pstsb's tE.) Chuboh. Services thU morning at 11, and this afternoon at 4, by the RectOr, Rey B S Bronson. Ca"lvay Mission Chubch. Services in the morning at 11 A M, and at 7i P. M., by Rev W S Haltom. Sunday School at 9 A.M. Baptist Chxtech. Serviees this morning at 11 o'clock, and this evening at 8 o'clock. by the pastor, Rev. Theo. Whitfield, Sunday School at 9 A. M. Tktou Sxbbet M. E. Chubch. Services this morning at 11 o'clock, and this even ing at 71 o'clock, by the pastor, Rev P J Carraway. Sunday School at 3 P. M. First Pbe6bytebia Church. Services this morning at 11, and this evening at 7 o'clock, by the pastor Rev A W Miller, D. D. Seats free. Sunday School at 3:30 P. M. Skcosd Pbbsbttkbtait Chubch. Services this morning at 11, and this evening at 7. by the pastor, Rev E H Harding. Sunday School at 3 p. m- Seats free. A. R. Prksbttekian Chubch. Services in the Chapel, on the corner of College and 5th streets, at 11 o'clock, by the pastor, Rey W M Hunter, and at 7 P. M. Sunday School at 10 A. M. CITY BULLETIN The office occupied until lately by Woot en's Express, is for rent. The wind and sun of yesterday dried up the streets very considerably. The Charlotte Hotel has reduced table board to $18 per month. There will be servicrs to-day in all the churches, with the exception of thejLuther- an. Those whose wont it is to present "that little bill," report money very, very close, this month. The stores shut up tarlier last night than is usual on Saturday night, there being but tew traders abroad. The streets were crowded with people, yesterday, and bore a bustling, city-Hke ap- pearauce. Last night was an unusually quiet Satur day night. There were fewer drunks than usual, and not the slightest indication of a disturbance. The Young Men's Christian Association will hold a meeting at the Associate Re formed Presbyterian Chapel at 5 o'clock this afternoon. All are invited to attend, The Board of County Commissioners will hold their regular monthly meeting at the Court House on to-morrow, the first Monday of the month. Last week there was not a single police ar rest in this city. Nobody remembers when this has ever been the case before. Orderly to a fault. We are credibly informed that W H H Houston, the forger, is living at Ocala, Fla., where he is the foreman of an extensive tannery. The officers of the Fire Department had their quarterly inspection, yesterday morn ing, and found all the material of the de partment in excellent condition. The Raleigh Nem ascertains from the Au ditor's office, that Mecklenburg county last year paid one hundred and ninety-two dol lars and thirty-eight cents for marriage licenses. Mr W M Vandiver has brought to our of fice an extraordinary hen egg, layed by an ordinary hen. It is quit twice as large as the average hen egg, and looks much more like it was the product of. some able-bodied Up to' the lstday of the present month, one firm has bought 10,000 bales of cotton. This was its direct purchases, and the statement does not include cotton which was shipped to it, and which" the firm immediately re- shipped. The Rescue Fire Company is booked for a visit to Norfolk in April next in company with the Hornet Fire Company of Char lotte. ,'The Rescue is composed of the best men of this citr. ' We return . thanks for an invitation to go along. Rdleig h Ntwst The musio-loving portion, of the commu nity will have two fine opportunities, this week, ot gratifying their tastes---th concert at the Institute for Young ; Ladies, to-mor row night, and Blind Tom j& the - Opera House on Wednesday night. The cold weather, continues, but with a alight abatement in its severity. Last even ine and night were cloudy, and there was a decided, feeliiajg of anow in the atmosphere but one weather-wise says that snow need hardly be looked for in the light of the moon. -.'".y. . '. . r Last week was the dullest, so Jar as news is concerned,' that we have known , in Char lotte for a longi long while. ' We do Inot know to what particular cause this can be ascribed, but 'tis true that from Monday morning 16 Salurday-Jlightr gathering items has been a continuously up-hill business. Blind Tern , .i , . i , . This wonderful negro will be here on Wednesday night next, and, we baye; little doubt, will be greeted by a good housed "'. His mnsical gifts are astonishing, and! a fare 0 tertalnment will be afforded. ' Those who propose going, canecure seats' to-morrow and each day thereafter until the perform ance, at Phifer's book store. Mrs Annie W Miller, who has been con ducting a boarding house in this city for more than three years past, will shortly move from . here . to. Raleigh,, and" will sell a large quantity, of, her houahold.and kitchen furniture, at her residence corner Tryon and Fourth streets, on Saturday next. Gay Direction. The following is a true copy of the direc tion on the back of a letter ' which was put in the post office of this city by a jfreedman yesterday: Ifdel; Country, Scot Cross Ameriky Road Morris. The Cornet Clb. The members of the Charlotte Cornet Club are making endeavors to secure Prof WH Neave,-of Salisbury, to remain with them for one month, and to brighten them up on their music. In order to do this, the mem bers of the Club solicit the aid of the citi zens of the place, and in return agree to furnish free music to the city. A Soliloquy. "Well, by the eternal, whal'U take place next ?" was the remark f a countryman , yesterday, as he looked at a picture of Blind 'om, hanging in a store window. "There sets a cussed nigger pawin' a pyanner, and here I am, white, by gosh, and yit don't know a single note in a music book no mor'n a cow." The Courts. Yesterday was the dullest day of the week m the court line. All the cases be fore the Magistrates were civil issues except one or two bastardy cases before Justice Da vidson. Civil business, however, continues lively, people suing and being sned, and so costs are not altogether lacking. New Orleans Mardi Gras. 1 , The price for return tickets from Charlotte to the New Orleans Mardi Gras, will be $31. Several of -our citizens speak of going." Capt Kimball, at the Air Line i)epot, says that if a party of 15 or 20 will make arrange ments to go, he can provide a sleeping car and carry them through from Charlotte without change. Concert far a Werthy Object. The ladies of the Aid Society, who hays undertaken the establishment of a City Hospital, for the benefit of the poor o.f every denomination, beg the assistance of all per sons who can sing and are willing to assist in a concert) be given in aid of this fund, not later than three or four weeks from this date. As it is in all respects a worthy ob ject, it is hoped that every one who can, will respond to this invitation. The first rehearsal will take place at Miss Long's school room on Church Btreet, on Tuesday evening next, at 7.30, nnder the direction of Thomas Woodroffe. St Valentine's Day Is but little more than a week off, and stocks will soon begin to arrive. Formerly, this day was used as an occasion wh n it was proper for lovers to exchange their ten der, rose-tinted yet anonymous expressions of affection ; but latterly the - day has de generated into a season when the screws of ridicule are applied by means of comic val entines, or when enemies feel that the right is given them to vent their spleen by anony mous means, upon those whom they hate yet are afraid to attack openly. Valen tine's Day, like the cat fish of the negro of whom Coy Vance tells, has "swunk" wo fnlly. From Wilkes- -Dwelling House Destroy- ed by Fire. By a priyate letter to a citizen of Char lotte, we learn that a large frame dwelling belonging to S L Hix, who lives four miles South of Wilkesboro, on the Taylorsyille road, was destroyed by fire on the night of the 1st inst. The house was intended as a dwelling to accommodate boarders during the summer, and the less is a very heavy one. Mr Fix has been peculiarly unfortu nate, he having had a large barn destroyed by fire within the last year or so. The same correspondent informs us that the ground was covered with snow at the time he wrote, to the depth of four to six inches, which somewhat accounts for the cold snap for the past few days here. Personal. That gallant Confederate soldier and ac complished gentleman, Maj John W Dun ham, arriyed in the city, last evening, and is stopping for a day or two at the Central Hotel. We are glad to note the fact that he has very much improved in health since his last visit to Charlotte. He is now resid ing in Wilmington. E B Drake, Esq., editor of the Statesville American was in the city on yesterday. Dr 8 B Nye is again in the city, and will remain until to-morrow evening, tie is stopping at the Central Hotel. .Mason Young, Esq., of New York City, who bought the claim of Col L D Childs, in the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad, has been in Charlotte for a day or two past, looking after his claim, and leaves this morning on the Northern train. False Alarm. There was another false fire alarm, yester day morning. It appears that an inmate of ene of the Springs houses, on Fifth street, between Tryon and College, threw a piece of paper in the fire-place, and that this whirled out of the top of the chimney in a blaze. Some one saw it and raised the alarm of " fire!" This was taken up along the streets, and finally by the fire .bell, and in a few moments, all the fire companies were out and ready for action. They found, however, before proceeding far, that there was no fire, and that there had never been These false alarms which have been so frequent of late, are becoming very annoy ing, and firemen are .beginning ta.4be dis. gusted with them, itwili come ta be the case that no attention will be paid to the ringing ofthe fire bell. These alarms, every time they are given, call two hundred laboring men from their work, and are otherwise yery annoying. "Thefe Is an ordinance against interference with fire companies, and we are authorized by-Chief of Fire Depart ment Orr, to say that if any of these persons who raise false alarms are detected, they will be indicted and punished. In 'Umbo ' ' ' "e- - " , ' The Ralefgh Sentinel says that Tom Brown and Lewis Wilkins, a couple of ginger-cake Republicans, hailing from Wilmington, have been cooped by tie Raleigh police un der a strong suspicion that they . are notes moral as they represent themselves-to be. They, have been passing off as deputy sher iffs. There is a suspicion that they are mem bers of the gang who recently perpetrated so "many highway robberies In the vicinity of Charlotte. ' : ; ' -'tMj 'i ' Good Templar Officers. n ? The following is a list of the officers ef Dow's Lodge, No. 176, I. O. G. T., of this county, for the term commencing February 1st and ending April 30th, 1875, which we are requested to publish : W C T W R Phillips, W R H 8 Miss Jane A McCord, W L H S Miss Elizabeth Wentr, W V T Mrs S E Morrison, W S-J F Hawkins, W A 8 Miss A T Cahlir, ' WFS-RFAutin, WT FLStowe, W M Chas McCerd, W D M Miss Augusta McGee, W I G Miss S Phillips, WOG CMAutin, W C-C T Stowe, P WC T Jas L Miller, L D O N Abernathy. A Whiskey Disturbance. On yesterday, Albeit Wallace (Prince Al bert) was in Brem, Brown & Co's hardware store, very drunk, and they wanted to get him out. A young man from the country, an acquaintance of Albert's, was tugging at him, and, with the assistance of one of the young men in the store, finally succeeded in getting the prince out in the Btreet. While Albert and the other ceuntryman were out there, Albeit trying to stand up and the other helping him, a nephew of Albert came up and he and the young man had some words, which resulted in the nephew strik ing the other. Then the whole posse fell in the street and scuffled and mixed up till they got tired, and though the streets have just been macadamized and rocks are abun dant, nobody got hurt. The Monthly Reporter. The first number of this new paper is on our table. It is published at Wadesboro, at 50 per annum, as we had thought in the interest of the Baptist Church, until we saw the following in it, which we are free to say we do not understand, and which leaves us in doubt as to the objects of the publication. The Reporter 9ays : "The Monroe Enquirer in noticing our prospectus, speaks of it as in the interests ofthe Baptist Church. This is a common error. Mosheim says of the chnrches immediately succeeding the apos tles, that they 'were connected by no conso ciation, or confederation ; eacn cnurcn was a kind of little independent republic gov erned by its own laws.' The same is true of Baptist churches to-day. We speak of the Baptist Church at Charlotte, or at Cedar Creek, as the apostles spoke of 'the church at Corinth,' 'the church at Antioch,' &c, but there is no such thing as 'the Baptist Church' in such sense as to include all or any number of separate churches in a State, or in the world." . The Weather. The present anomalous winter is said to resemble in many respects the celebrated winter of 1822 and 1823, The weather du ring the memorable season was unusually mild and temperate ; the trees were green with their rich foliage, the tender fragrant flowers could be seen blooming ia front yards, fruit and vegetables were abundant, fires were hardly ever needed, and it was al most impossible for one to persuade himself that it was the winter season. But on the 16th of February, 1823, the weather sudden ly changed from heat to intense cold, ice formed all along the rivers, and all the ponds and creeks were frozen over. The trees which were in full bloom were killed. and numbers of white people froze to death, as did also many negroes in their eabins ; cattle and hogs froze to death in the fields and woods, owing to the rapidity of the change from heat to cold. It should be a warning to us to make provision for violent changes after so mild a winter. The weath erwise predict a late spring and plenty of cold weather. The Southern Life Insurance Company, Thus far, no details of the failure of this institution have been receited here; nor any satisfactory explanation of the unfortunate termination of its affairs. The Company has been engaged in litigation with the Carolina Life Insurance Company, but, as the Charleston News and Courier says, there was nothing in the character of the liia'ga tion to account for the failure of a Company as prosperous and wealthy, to all appear ance as the Southern Life. The January statement of the affairs of the Company, published in the New York Insurance Monitor, was as follows : ASSETS. - , January 1, 1876 ...$2,104,867 78 INCOME FOB 1874. Premiums and interest........ 41,052,658 74 Total liabilities....:. 1,723,042 61 Surplus to policyholders 381,825 17 TOTAL BECEIPTS SlHCB OBGANIZATIOH. Premiums and interest $4,896,129 25 Paid to policyhold ers.... .....v..$l,787,790 75 All other disburse : ments,.;... ...1,003,470 72 2,791,26147 Balance (assets as above. .....$2,104,867 78 With $2,000,000of assets and a eurplus of $381,825, there Seems no doubt that the pol icy holders will be protected. 1 ' foOMMTOiCATBD. A Centennial Monument te the Memory . of Gen Dayldaon. , - The Dublic hare been interested in the recent nublication of the well-timed action of the Mayor arid Board of Aldermen ofthe City of Charlotte, in which Congress is me morialized to carry ouflhe resolutions pass ed nearly a century ago, to erect suitable monuments to the memory 6t those revolu tionary patriots, OensXTath and Dayidacu ; This seems to bean Opportune occasion to utter a plea, for the completion Of an already existing monument of Gen Davidson, yu the noble College 1 whichr .bears 4 his name. and Which rears its majestic dome not far from til e very spet which aa baptized wtta his patriotic blooi..This institution; built up from small beginnings,, , has .already attain ed the dimensions of a first-class college. The standard of scholarship, according to the testimony' of those most 'competent to judge, rivals if it does hot excel, that of any similar institution is the land.. Its endow ment. though adequate for its immediate necessities, is not ample enough to warrant that progress and development wbich'the wants of the age demand, or even to enable' the College to maintain, for any prolonged period its present high educational grade. An earnest effort is now being made by the Trustees to increase this endowment and the undersigned has been appointed their special agent for this purpose. A liberal-minded citizen of Mecklenburg county has already proposed tobe one of twenty or twenty-five, or fifty, or one hundred, to raise the sum of $10,000 to endow an additional professor ship. Are there not others like-minded. who will, in spite of the , excuse . of ' hard times" imitate his praiseworthy example, and co-operate with him in a movement so eminently desirable? Is not this Centen nial year, an suspicious and opportune time for such an enterprise as this ? :j Let the memory of the brave revolution ary officer be honored in every way, Let Congress redeem its sacred and ancient pledge and rear a pillared shaft, fit to com memorate the patriotic valor of the hero of Cowan's Ford ! Bat let not his fellow-CarO- linians forget that a y et nobler mausoleum in vites their generous benefactions ; a glori ous temple of learning, inscribed with the hero's name, and over-looking the spot where he fell ! What monument more worthy of depart ed greatness, than an ever-nrogressi ye insti tution, blessed of God and blessing others, handing down from generation to genera tion the fruits of a sound, thorough chris tian culture f Citizens of Mecklenburg ! Men of Carolina! In the name of the College of Davidson, help ! H. H. BANKS, Agent Davidson College. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS IF YOU HAVE Trortle AM Your Bill of Fare, BXAMINB MY SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. I HAVE DURING THE WEEK RECEIVED THE FOLLOW ING GOODS: SCOTTISH CHIEF OAT M E AL,L AUD IN 5 and 10 lb. TINS and 20 and 50 lb. KEGS, MOCHA and JAVA COFFEE, PIGS FEET. and TRIPE, COOKED CORNED BEEF, DRIED SWEET CORN, APPLE BUT TER, and PRESEHVJED GINGER, CHOICE HAMS, SOUR KROUT, COD FISH & PICKLED HER RING, BAKER'S CHOCO LATE, DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED SWEET OIL, CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR, CIDER in cases & on draught, SALPICANT, COCOANU1S, CELERY SALT, FINEST TEAS, NICE CRACKERS, ROASTED COFFEE a specialty, ALL GOODS KEPT IN A FIRST-CLASS GROCERY STORE, CONSTANT LY ON HAND. Persons not having dalt with me before, will find it to their advantage to call in. I take pleasure in showing my Goods. Goods delivered free. C. HASHAGEN, Opposite Charlotte Hotel. feb6 200 BARRELS EARLY ROSE AND PEERLESS SWEET POTATOES $2.20 CASH, AT M. MILLER & SONS'. R. feb6 For Rent. A Desirable Store Room on Tryon .street, oncosis Central Hotel, and formerly occupied by Wooten's Express Company, is oneaed fos rent. Possession given imme diately. Apply to J M LEAK, iebb it Agent. The Best Cigar THREE for 10 cents ever in the city. Charlotte Favorite 5 cents, and other Cigars, very low at the Corner Cigar Store WAljTJStt JSK.SU., feb6 Trustee, LATEST ARRIVAL OF N E W G 0 OHD s J. S. PHILLIPS; MERCHANT TAILOR and DEALER IN GENTS FURNISHING GOODS,'. s ; HAS removed to one of the New Stores under the Central HotelTrade St.and is receiving his Winter Stock, of Oobds for Men's Wear, and wiu make them up-- at Bhort notice in the most fashionable man ner, cheaper than the same, clase. of Goods cave ever been onerea in una majKecT, iiftlMrtsJ;:! Cutting and repairing done promptly. All goods and work must be paid . for - on deliv ery, as I am compelled to do a cash business. - . .J S PHILLIPS. "EVERYTHING IS; . STRICTLY. FIRST J2i class, and neat and niceat febZU-j h THE COMMERCIAL. 4, QEEQER'S BALTIMOKE BEER IS THE J bestin the citytept at - ; '4 THE COMMERCIAL. Buy Dr. Bull's Ctough Syrurv :Itcures. t , r ' t -i"!rf . I V aJ CUT THIS OUT. " -It May Save Your Life. There is H person living bo What suffers more or lessr wjth Lung Diaeasesj Coughs, Colds or Consumption, yet some would die rather than paY 75 cents for bottle of medi cine that would cure them Da. i A. Bos chik's Ge&kas Symj Jaa lately been intro duced in thisvcounTy from. Germany, and its wondrous bares astonishes every one that try it, vi;Ifyott douW" what we say In print, cut but and take iti yourDroggtots Messrs T C Smith fc Co.. wholesale, agents and re tail druggists generally and get a sample bottle for 10 cents and try it. Two doses will relieve vou,r Regular sizsJ5 cents, rdec 81. Soiple & Sons, Coal and time Merchants, Atlanta; Oa., Analysia,of our Shelby, A?a. Lime 98 65. The strongest iLttoe, Jn the United States.' MontevaQoCkhabared ash, and Coal Creek CoaL .- We have special rates of freight on Coal and Lime by? car -load to points in North and South Carolina and Georgia. , We elici t orders tend for prices. SCIPfE AflONS, dec30 - Atlanta, Ga. CHARLOTTE OPEEAHOtlSE, . -. ": .f$Mi -.'; irri" Thk CELEBRATED MUSICAL PRODIGY. ONE NIGHT ONLY ! WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY, 0TH, 1876 JS9 Doors opeat 7 o'clock ; perform ance at 8 o'clock, p. M". .S9 Admission 50 cents ; reserved seats 75 cents ; Children half price. ; Sale of seats at Phifer's book storev v .-w, -. ; !s- - feb2 lw v , i , Ten Cent Column.' Advertisements will be. inserted in this column at the rate oj ' ten tlO) cents per line, for each insertion. No advertise ment taken for less thdntwentJive cents. Eight words make- a line. AUCTION ! The remaining Stock of MoMurray fc Davis will be closed eat at anotion. commencing Tuesday, February 8th and containing from day to day until the entire Stock is sold: ' J L BRO WN, Trustee. feb62t f HAY, Sheaf Oats and Shucks, for sale at Charlotte Warehouse. . 1 m -feb6 4t JAS F JOHNSTON. . i. i ju-. r i i i'ii ; i-J 'nil -i , , FOR SALE Four small City Loti; cor ner a una ytn street, -apply to feb5-5t. V. H. GLOVER. FAMILY 8EWING.-A ladyWh"o!!Hves on the. corner of 8th and Pine Streets, at the residence of S F Houston, would like to do tLe sewing for a few gentlemen and boys, at very moderate rates. Satisfaction guar anteed. Ieb6 2t - ' - r - REMEMBER When Sunday comes you want to read, and the cheapest way to do it. is by subscribing to the Charlotte Circulat ing Library, where, for three dollars yon can have the privilege of reading $175.00 worth of the latest American and Epropean period icals for one year. Office at KOellsch s book store. ; feb5 tf TABLE BOARD at the Charlotte Hotel has been reduced to EIGHTEEN DOLLARS per month. Give ns trial. J 1 HOLLiS set SON. feb5tf SALE of Household and Kitchen Furni ture. On Saturday the 11th of February, will be sold at the residence of Mrs Annie W Miller, opposite the new . insurance building, a large quantity of Household and Kitchen Furniture, at public auction, em bracing almost every article in that line. Also a good Milch Cow. .;.,r . i reM.fQ ean..fi-at IX..,. . FOUrtD And left at this office, a nlain gold rine, on which is engrayed Initials, of two names. The owner can- hare the same by identifying the property, and paying for this adyertisement. reoztr THE Misses Drucker's will ooeh a School on Tuesday the 8th of Tebrdary for all kinds of Fancy Work, at their ree&anoe op posite Charlotte Hotel. Terms $1.00 per month. . . " i i feb21w - - -: FOUND And leit at this offiea. m Mfa key, which the owner can have by proving property and paying tor thia adyertisement. IS STILL UP! IF it were not for the SUN the EYE could not see ; but . for the SUN the . STARS would not shine, so you see my friends, it is very necessary to keep np the SUN, , .w We hare a large Stock of New Goods. just received, r- , . . - . APPLES, ...... ..-f;vj ' " -' ' ' , LEMONS, FIGS; 0ATES, ' k'ZLX PRUNES, RA'Tj3n8; x "f? SHELLED ALMONDS, !! V WALNUTS PEACAN NUTS, ALMONDS. , ai at- y .V- . . , .PURE HOME v . f : :, ; made candies. ,;li-i.; cAK3s.-BREAD X.v..;.: SDEai Corn and CANNED 1GK)D8 -Zim ii&izvd j; t OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FANCY ahd 3 GBjOCEBIES. lowes pxicpB. r5"rviw wi tlU-nf., Hifl -,; i"i r i ttfca UfriiU U3 '4 : .".It FRESH arrival of thiut Superior VirgiiJia Batter, equal to any Goshen, at S CARTER'S. decll THE SUN Commission Store, 4 'v 4r I,'