c'.otbes line in yond-r garden. Goes wandering among the tret s. And on it two VrOnsi stocku rs Are kickingib vin hrwzt-; m a lot of fancy dry goikK Whose n..f nre I cannot UCr.". Are wildly and menily flopping About that saiua old ifle. -. ' , Awl a very sly young lady, V At the parlor window few'; And I rather conclude, if ypn tried it, You'd find fehe'd fitinthety hose; , Hie's only a half lenntrt pictute, F'o eshortened le'ow the breast, ; " lui: die dry goods which dance on the tight r pe O.k y der, ju.-t make up the rest. !-.. dreamlike, she stems so gentle, You'd think her too good for earth ; A nd I rcel lhat a holier spirit Js banishing vulgar mirth 'Jo its worldly home by Jingo! bat a flourish lhat muslin throws, A i 1 row uncommonly taper Those stockings go off at the toes. O cut I hke the sky hen it's bluest I Oh hair ! like the night without stars ! Cii inufclin and hose ! I can't help it! Ye st i 11 draw my thoughts oyer "tbarl" The lady alone is tubBtautial, Yet somehow or other confound it I've mixed up the sham and the reaJ, And thrown some confusion around it. Oli love ! youjre the same old sixpence With the poet, the mntf, or the brick ; Yiu go up with a rush like a rocket, But come down at last Jike a stick. And let love thoughts be lofty or lowly, Platonic or flash, I opine, . That they all, like new dry goods and stock ings, Belong to the very same linef Kniei rbocker. i STATE NEWS. Greensboro is to be lighted by unp tha. The hymn sung at the funeral of the Hon. A W Venerable in Oxford was composed by himself. A man goes about Newbern exhibit ing a picture of the devil through a magnifying glass at five cents a peep. A cannon will be fired off at Moore's Creek centennial the 26th of this month which was used by the British one hundred years ago. Easiness was suspended in Wil mington on the 22d, and will be again on the 28, the centennial of the battle of Moore's Creek. A colored man Emperor Loft in,- of Orange county, had his house with all its contents burned one day last week, while all the family were away from home. A tramp that passed through Ox ford the other day complained of hav ing three pairs of twins at home be sides six daughters and they had given him the galloping consumption. Miss Sallie Havens in the town of Washington owns a quilted petticoat a hundred years old, but the young men musn't suppose for a minute that Miss Sallie has owned it-a hundred years. Alamance Court is in session this week, a large; crowd in., attendance. The Greensboro Patriot thinks it not likely that the Swepson homicide case, in which much interest is manifested, will be reached. The probabilities are that it will be moved to some other county for trial. Special to the Petersburg News from Portsmouth, Va., dated Feb. 21 : J. T. VV Davis, of Stokes county, N. C, com mit ted suicide at the residence of his f on-in-law, Rev. C A Apple, in this county, at 10 o'clock last night, by cut ting his thrjaat with a razor. He was h prominent citizen of Stokes county, having been clerk of the county court for niany.ycars, He was a man of ad vanced age and feeble health. The Nitcs fays that William Barker, a negro man. was shot the other night over on the outskirts of Raleigh, and died Tuesday morning. He bled to t dearth. Great handsful of peas were 'picked from his bpdy.- He made a dying declaration that he was drink ing and had the gun loaded -with pea in his hand, and was threatening to shoot any man that fooled with him, when one of his friends came up and tried to take the gun from him, and in the scuffle the gun went off and emp tied tin whole load into his own body. The coroner eak ou the case ftnd de cided Barker cam e to his death from accider tnl shooting. llaleigh Kcics: The bell rings fur Supreme Ourt every morning at ten o'clock, ahd' every evening, at three An honored Justice of this Court sat in his room in the National hotel last Sunday evening writing a letter to his wife, and just then the Baptist church bell commenced .ringing. - The Judge sprang to bis feet and gathered up his papers and hurrying down stairs he asked Col. Brown what time it was. "Five minr c a past three," said the Colonel. "Aii, I'll be-late," said the Judge, and he hurried over to the Cupitol wit h his papers under his arm, when, lo, I e" found the'doors closed, and ihe Judge remembered it was Sunday. ' ;!''' '. A special telegram sent from Greens boro under date of the 21st, to the Washington Republican, and which may be taken with very many grains of allowance', ?s ti;' the' effect that a deputy c'pllector ! cf "- iuteruaL revenue and deputy United States Marshals J F Hoskins and G J Cronenberger, while traveling through Randolph county, en route for Greensboro, were on Saturday latt halted by armed men, entrenched in the n ad. The officers had some prisoners in charge, arrested for violation of the revenue laws, and also 6ome property which bad been f eied. A surrender, of the prisoner and property was demanded. ; Some twenty shots were exchanged and no damage was done, except one horse killed. The marshals changed their route, and reached Greensboro on Sun day with their prisoners. 7 " 3, a J A homicide .-tobk-'place oitf Friday last at Beaver Creek, Cumberland co. The Fayetteyille Wide Awake says that 'wo brothers,. named William and George Gales, i became involved inn drunken quarrel, growing out of the efl'orts of the former to take the latter home. A scuffle ensued and William received a severe gashT hr-theface Kya! knife in the hand of bis brother. Find ing his endeavorftUbl" WfeWthe' tfhlfe away from George futile he summon ed Mr. Jones, a watchman around Beaver Creek, and a man of -gQodre, pute, to his aUCaj3ce7andlJie two succeeded in depriving the enraged man of his? weapon after Sbich-fhe turned on Jones and running hU hand jn his pocket . as if to draw another knife Bwore he would JkiH him. Jones tben rati, pursued by Gales, until be reached his dwelling, when he con fronted Galea and - told hirrv toJMoir him no farther; , Gales did follofe. arid J o n es took , tidwnv-'i;fcunf ,frfc&HiatT$rck and shot bim,in tbe et'bre.a8t killing niui instantly after jwbch:gavfthim: elf up to the village authorities. ' ttAll ROAD GUIDF C. f, RAILWAY, SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, Wilmington, Dec. 16, 1875. J CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after 8unday, Dec. 19, trains will run oyer this Railway as follows : rASSENGER, ANDMAIL TRAINS-, . ... Daily, Sundays 'excepted. - Leave Tnim!ngt6n:at r. ; a m Arrive at unarlotte, . .. .-! 70 p m Leave Charlotte w " ' Arrive Wilmington, at - - 7:00 pm FAST FREIGHT and PASSENGER X"M :.;T7TBAIN8aiiy. ' . Leave Wilmington, at" " . V 5:00 pm amve at unariotte, - - - 10:30 a m Iave Charlotte, at - - - 5:30 am Arriye at Wilmington, - - 10:40 a m 8HELBY DIVI8ION Daily, Sundays ex cepted. Leave Charlotte, at - - 7:00 a m Arrive at Shelby, at - 11:30 a m Leave Shelby, at 12:30 p m 'Arrive-, at' Charlotte, - - - 5:00 pm CONNECTIONS. Connects with the A. R- Air-Line in Charlotte at 7:30 p. ro. and 6.30 a. m. Connects at Wilmington with Wilmington & Weldon Railroad ; also with Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad at 7 a. m., and 7 p. m. ' Time from Wilmington to Atlanta 24 hours. Close' connections both ways, and on to the North. fc. Papers publishing Carolina Central Railway schedule . will, please notice changes. S L FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. decl9 - A.,T. & O. Railroad. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. ) Charlotte, N. C. Dec. i9, 1875. J ON and after Friday, December 31st, the following Schedule will be ran over this road, until otherwise ordered : GOING SOUTH. Leave Statesville, 6.00 a. m. . ' Mooresville, 7 23 " " D. College, 8 09 " Arrive Charlotte, 10 00 GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte, 3.00 p m. " D College, 4 6G " " Mooresville, 5 42 " Arrive Statesville, 7.00 " Tickets on sale to Newton, Hickory. Mor ganton, Marion ami Old Fort. All charges must be pre paid on Freight offered for shipment to Section House, Hen derson's, Alexandriana and CaldwellV. These being "Flag Stations," the Company is not liable for loss, or damage to freight after it is unloaded at either of the above named "Flag Stations." No freight will be received by Agents for shipment unless the name of consignee and destination is distinctly marked thereon. J J GORMLEY, dec30 Suoerintenc'ent, PMmMt Air-Line, Railway. Richmond & Danville, Richmond & Danville R. W., N. C. Division, and North Western N. C. R. W. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. In effect on and after Dec. 19th, 1875. GOING NORTH STATIONS. hail. Leave Charlotte, 5 45am " Air-Line J'nct'n, 6 25 " " Salisbury, 8 20 " " Greensboro, 10 58 ' ' Danville, 1 39pm " Dundee. 1 49 " " Burkeville, 6 51 ' Arrive at .Richmond, 9 35 p m GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. MAIL. Leave .Richmond, 5 50 a 11. " Burkeville, 9 00 " " Dundee, 135 pm " Danville, 143 " " Greensboro. 4 28 " " Salisbury, 6 54 ' " Air-line J'ct'n, 8 52 " Arrive at Charlotte, 9 15 " GOING EAST. GOING WEST 6TATIONS, MAIL. MAII Leave Greensboro.il 00 am Ar 4 10 p m Ar Raleigh, 349pm Arr 1105 pm " at Goldsboro, 6 40 " L've 8 20 " STATIONS. ACCOMDAT'N TR-UN. L've Greensboro, 7 00 p m Arr 6 00 am Arr at Raleigh, 5 00 a m Arr 7 30 pra Arr at Goldsbf ro 11 15 " Lv 2 00 pm ' NORTH WESTERN N, C. R. R. (Salem Branch.) Leaye Greensboro, 4 4a p m Arrive at Salem, 6 45 " Xeave Salem, 8 15 a m Arrive at Greensboro, 10 33 " , Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 11 05 a m connects at Greensboro' with the Southern bound train ; making the quickest time to all Southern cities. Accommodation train leaving Raleigh at 7 30 p m, connects with Northern bound trains c Greensboro for Richmond and all points East Price of Tickets same as via other routes. Accommodation Train leaving Greensboro at 7 00 p m connects at Goldsbc ro with Northern and Southern bound Trains on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. .Lynchburg Accommodation leave Rich mond a 9X0 a m. arrive at Burkeville 12.36 p m, leave Burkeville 1 20 p m, arrive at Richmond 4 34 p m. No Changje of Cars Between Charlotte and Richmond, 282 Miles. Papers that have arrangements to adver tise the schedule of this company will please print as above and forward copies to Genl Passenger Agent. For further i n formation uddress -JOHN R MACMURDO, Genl Passenger Agenr, ..v Richmond, Va. dec 19 Alexander, Seigle & Co QLAIM to have the Largest Stock and greatest variety cf colors in genuine Alex ander and other brands KID GLOVES to be found in the city, at New York retail prices, postage added. We will clo e out our Stock DRESS GOODS Tery cheap. BLANKETS cheap. ALEXANDER, SEIGLE & CO. ' feb!5 B RASS, COPPER, ZINC & TIN OILERS Lkreest stocV tbatnaaeVijeen brought to this market, For sal, cheap, two doors : . ' At. . abeVe eve Btennonse, aiacaniay . ' o at me re 1 store of tai BREM, liKUWN & W. oct26 'The. .Best. Cigar THREE for 10 cent ever in the city. Charlotte Favorite 5 cents, and other Cigars, very low at th Corner igar Store- ,feL6J Vi3J:'" Trustee. nrr- i-i:,n Canary Seed', V.U Peedt.Rarje 8eed.CutUFisb Hop lottlc, Liquid Ext Bee ! r .c bl2 WS BUR WELL 4 Op. Ft R 13 310 II T NORFOLK, WESTERN &7BMOTOTfr HUE, fPHE following vessels have been put upon this line for Javerpool. and will be followed by others, our intention being t j keep one or more Ships always upon the berth : : SHIP HIIINE, 1.093 TOXS; SIIIP ATLANTIC, 1,252 TONS; SHIP ; OREGON, 1,433 TONS; SHIP KIKBURN, l,lu5 TONS; SIIIP ' J-;-" - PIUXCE, 1,360 TONS. Arrangements have been made bv which through bills lading can be signed at interior points, and the goods will be re-shipped at Norfolk free of any charge whatever. ja28 lm rEY OLDS BROTHERS, Agents, Norfolk, Va. THE GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT LINE, VIA CHARLESTON, S. C. BETWEEN CHARLOTTE and ALL POINTS NORTH ani EAST. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA RAILROAD, Columbia, S. C, January 3rd, 1876. mHE CHARLOTTE. COLUMHIA & AUGUSTA RAILROAD, in connection with i the SOUTH CAROLINA RAILWAY, and its connecting STEAMSHIP LINES at the port of CHARLESTON, presents to Shippers of COTTON. AND THE MERCHANTS of CHARLOTTE, AND ALONG THE LINES OF RAILWAYS CONVERGING THERE ON, THE MAN Y ADVANTAGES of the GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT LINE, With the ASSURANCE THAT TRANSPORTATION shall be as QUICK, RATES AS LOW AND SATISFACTION AS COMPLETE, as by any other line that bids fjr their business. For rates, classifications and all information, ca'l on the undersigned. A. POPE. General Freight Agent, C, C. & A. R. R., Columbia, S. C. N M JOHNSTON, Soliciting Agent, Charlotte, N. C. W. W. PEGRAM, AgeDt, C, C. & A. R. R., Charlotte, N. G. jan'2 WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA LINES. SEMI-WEEKLY. Fast Freiilt Route lo BALTIMORE. Baltimore and Southern Steam Trans portation Company. Sailing from BALTIMORE Tuesday mid Friday, at 3 FM. AND FROM WILMINGTON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. GIVING THROUGH BILLS OF LADING to all points in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. For North or East bound Freight, to Baltimore Philadelphia, New York, Boston. Providence, Fall River and other Eastern Cities. -ALSO Liverpool, Glasgow, Bremen, Antwerp and Other European Ports. These Lines connect at Wilmington with the Wilmington, Colombia & Augusta Railroad. Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, and Carolina Central Railway aiid Cape Fear River Steamers, with their connecting Roads, offering unequalled facilities for the prompt delivery of Freight to all points, as the Steamers on these Lines on arrival in Wilming tOD stop at Railroad depot, the Freight transferred under covered sheds to cars without delay, and forwarded by the Fast Freight Express that morning. No drayage in Wilmington and to transfer from Wilmington South. Rates guar anteed as LOW as by any other boats. Losses or Overchprges promptly paid. Mark all goods via Wilmington Lines. For fnrthtr information, apply to either of the undersigned Agents of the Line. EDWIN FITZGERALD. Gen'l Agt. Baltimore Line, 50 South Street, Baltimore. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Gen'l Agt. New York Line, 6 Bowling Green, N. Y. A. D. CAZAUX. Agent Baltimore and New York Line?, Wilmington, N. C. - -tf. C. C. DISPATCH lalRJE, VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Through Freight Route to all Points South. This line being fully equipped for business, offers unequaled facilities for the Transportation, of Freight, Irom WILMINGTON AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN CITIES TO CHARLOTTE, STATESVILLE, ASHEVILLE, RUTHERFORDTON, GREENVILLE, SPARTANBURG, ALL STATIONS ON THE ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO, and WESTERN N. C. RAILROADS, as well as all points in GEORGIA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. - I2sTSTJK-ISrOE JJSTJD BATES GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA ANY COMPETING LINE, AND m INFORMATION FURNISHED JNO G YOUNG, General Freight Ag't, Wilmington, JN . u. Soliciting Agent C. C D., eept30 6. W. CHALK I CO., TRADJS STREET, CHARLOTTJ?, N. C. GEN COM & PRODUCE MERCHANT, And Dealers in Flour, Grain, and Pro duce generally,' pgr- Consignments solicited, and returns promptly made. apo-.r,-. O .-, fi -. .'" Rockbridge Alum Water, i.::::. V AKD BUFFALO LETHE A WATER, RECEIVED fresh from the Springs every week. We are the authorised agent for the -celebrated Springy and. JjaW perfected art Ingenients to receive fresh supplies every week direct from the Springs. , , "Exoelsior Saratoga Water on draught and; in bottles. Congress' Watery .Hathorn Water and Star Saratoga Water-in ' bottles, for sale at McADEN'8 ja 11 Drug Store. J i rr butter, butter. T?REStt arrival "of 'thaV Saperioi-VlrKinia X JButter equal to-' any . Goshen f at 1 TO-TlfttJ 8 8 CARTER'S. deeLl Commission Store. all Poiats South aai EasL NEW YORK. Clyde's Wilmington Line from NEW YORK Tuesday and Friday, at 3 P. M., ASD FROM WILMINGTON WEDNESDAYS andSATUUDAYS UPON APPLICATION TO F W CLARK, Charlotte, N. C T T SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. Removal of Lumber Yard. THE : undersigned have removed their Lumber Yard to Rock Island Factory lot, -and will keep a supply of Lumber, Laths, and the best Cypress .Shingles, al ways on hand r also a large supply of light wood for kindling, put up in bandies. They are prepared to fill bills for houses, either long or short leuf lumber at short notice. Dressed' Flooring a specialty. B J SHANNONHOUSE & SON. , jan8 j. s. srrircrER.;! A ' 0. j. allxn. SPENOfiR ; ALLEN, Q- IR, 0:.OiE,B S 1 OLD ST AKD OF "V 8TENHOUSE, ; MACAULAY & CO.. Tiasx 8texr, ' CHARLOTTE. N O. - ; v f&r .Consignments solicited and prompt returns made. r ... , noTlO ly i HUBS, SPOKES ASD RIMS THE undersigned offer for sale their en tire machinery for manufacturing Hubs, Spokes and Rims, the machinery being al new, and purchased for cash, of the best makers in the United States, will be sold at a great sacrifice, including 40 H P Engine Shafting, Belting, &c. For terms, apply to TJW Whisnant, at Carolina Agricultural Works, or by letter to the undersigned at Welfbrd, 8. '. P 8 WHISNANT & SONS. sept21 tf J A ELLIOTT, Formerly with W J Black. J W KKMLET. Late of Americas, Ga. NEW FIRM and NEff GOODS. ELLIOTT & REHLEY, GROCERS and LIQUOR DEALERS, ILL keep constantly on hand a com plete Stock of Goods, to which the trade are invited. Quality guaranteed and prices as reasonable as any reliable establishment in the city. ' nov5 8 ! W- H. Burwell & Co.? AGENT3, CHARLOTTE, X. C. feb!2 At the Wholesale Grocery, CORNER COLLEGE & FOURTH ST3. 1 AAA BARRELS FLOUR, super, extra lUUl and family, "1 AA Boxes Long Clear and Clear Eib lUl Bacon. JQQ Boxes Soap. pjQ Cases Oysters and Pickles. 17 r Barrels Sugar House Fyrnp and New I O Orleans Molasses. pjQ Reams Wrapping Paper (at cost). A Boxes Manufactared Tobacco (a spec uU ialty). 100 arres agar' a" s1"463- gQ Sacks Rio Coffee. TQQ Kegs and boxes Soda. K Tierces Pure Leaf Lard. pjQ Kegs, Bcckets and Tabs Lard. QRACKESS, Candy.Starch, Ac. J3RICE3 defy competition. R M MILLER fe SONS. febll 3t TRADERS NATIONAL BANK, OF CHARLOTTE. BOARD OF DIRECTORS . John E Bbows, John W Wadswoeth Allan Macaulat, Baxter H Moobe. V Q Johnson, D F Cannon. Hoh V M Shipp, Robt I McDowell, Phillip Schiff, S P Smith, OFFICERS : 8 P Emith. President; R I McDowell, Vice President ; U N G Burr, Cashier. janl5 A. R. Nisbet & Bro., WHOLESALE and RETAIL dealers in Grocers, Confectioneries, Fruits, Cigars, Snuff, Tobacco, Pipes, Musical Instruments, Strings, Ac, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. Would call attention to the fact that they now haye in store, the largest and most ex tensive Stock of Groceries in Charlotte, which they are offering for CASH to whole sale and retail buyers at prices, as low as they can be bought from any responsible house in the city. Consisting in part of Molasses, Coffee Sugars, Teas, Soda, Brandy Peaches, Crack era. Oysters, Candy, Pickles, and various other articles not mentioned. ju20 Democrat and Be re copy. TEA! IMPERIAL, Oolong, Young Hyson, Gon Powder and English Breakfast Teas, direct importation, at McAden's Drag Store, cheaper than ever. j an 14 JUST RECEIVING Full Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, at A HALES & FARRIOR'S. oct22 Great Sales Books, STATIONERY, ' Photographs, Albums, Scientific, .Mechanical, Architectural, elegantly illustrated English and American Works, Standard and Miscellaneous Books in great variety. Will be EOld at Auction to night at 7 o'clock, at Frankentbal's old stand, Trade Street. Sale will continue ever night until further potice. Ladie3 and gentleman are invited to call and examine during the day C F HARRISON, fe!J Auctioneer. Cutlers; Patent "D OCKET INHALER, the great remedy for JL Catarrh WrB BURWELL fc CO, , Agents. 3 febl2 gQ GALLON IRON CANS, For Kerot ene Oil the lowest price yet of feredcome and see them. f T O SMITH A CO. : jan2t - ' ' ' yiNDOW glass, ' -y ? Putty, Linseed Oil, ' Lubricating Oil, and Tanners OH; at McADEN'8, j janU DrQg8tore. I I 4i MISCELL AN EiO V & A ! QPJSs.3St3S 3 : LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO ELI AS, COHEN & ROESSLER for 13 75. and pre viously, ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEIR ACCOUNTS MUST BE SETTLED AT ONCE OR THEY WILL BE PLACED IN THE HANDS of THEIR ATTORNEY8 FOR COLLECTION. l LIAS, COHEN A ROESSLER. January 11th, 1876. G. S. H. APPLEGET Rear end R M Miller & Son's Building, 4th Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. ARCJEITBCT5 AND AGENT FOB ALL KINDS. Iron Fronts ofBttilflinff, Galranlzed Cornices, Iron Fences, Crestinp. AND ALL KINDS GALVANIZED WORK Which he will sell Cheaper than any Person. Office hours from 9 to 12 m., and 2 to 9 p. m. G S H APPLEGET, wishes to inform the public at large, that he is prepaied to furnish Plans of all kinds of buildings, with working drawings in full, which will be found much plainer than those of any other man in the State, he being a practical builder, having an experience of 15 years in three of the largest cities of the United States- He can answer any question or give any information in regard to the construc tion of any part of the building, .as he is fully qualified to go and do the work him self. With 15 years as a builder and 14 as an Architect, he knows just what is neces sary tor a mechanic to get along with, and with this experience you will at once see that he has a pretty good knowledge of the business. You can judge for yourself as to whether a man is an Architect without be ing a practical builder. Some in this State claim to be Architects when tlty have no knowledge of the business and can only be called draftsmen, and need some one to in struct them at all times should they under take a job. For the last six years he has been employed in this State, and has don all the best buildings, with only a few ex ceptions in Raleigh, Goldsboro and Greens boro, and almost all over the State, where persons can see his work. In Charlotte he would call attention to S P Smith's Iron Front Building, and Sims Sc Dowd's Store, and a number of the private residences here. He refers to all who have employed him as Architect ana Superintendent, as to his ability, He can furnish, if any desire them, the name of parties and buildings, but can not do so here for the want of room. He can show as many fine buildings as any other man of his age, and will take pleasure in doing so, Any person visiting Charlotte is invited to call and examine his drawings, which be has at least 500. He guarantees to have 50 to-1 of any other per son in the State. All are invited to exam ine them whether they are going to build or not. The ladies are specially invited. malO SPECTACLES ! SPECTACLES ! ! TO THOSE THAT WANT THEIR EYE TEETH CUT, I SELL THE BEST PEBLE IN STEEL FRAMES, FOR $2.00. Warranted Genuine, AND AS GOOD AS THERE IS IN THE UNITED STATES. Some M Tieir Eje Teeln CM, AND PAID FIVE and TEN DOLLARS FOR A HUMBUG GLASS, 1 MAKE SPECTACLES II SPECI1LTT, WILL SELL A GOOD PAIR OF SPECTACLES FOR 25 CENTS. SAVE YOUR HONEY AND GO TO OLD RELIABLE ' J. T, BUTLER'S; 'FOR Y9T7B 8P 3B C T ACLB8. jan2 . .. FINE BUTTER, EQUAL TO G08HEN. WHITE WINE VINEGAR, , Bet in Market. MESSINA ORANGES, , ' ' By the Box. ! . ; NORTHERN B AL WIN ' APPLES, ATt -jt' M. M. WOLFE'S, 7 WHOLESALE and RETAIL STORE. jau26 !-;--- ""ttf .V'fif'itjj'ff j!? Ti TOYS ! TOYS v si-. 1-7 mm I HAVE AJ LARGE AND! WELL ASSORTED LOT OF TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, EMBBA.C ING ALMOST EVERY THING IN MY LINE ' OF BUSINESS, i AND ALL " f OF THESE I WILI. SELL at GREAT- LY REDUCED PRICES. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. I HAVE ALSO RAIS1HS, CITRON, APPLES, NUTS, LEMONS, ORANGES. GOGOAHUTS, SOME VERY FIN3 GRAPES. &C.3 &C5 &C, &C- HTF.K B5 THE PLACE TO GET CAKES A PIES. D. M. decl5 LATEST STYLES FRAMES. CALL AND SEE THEM AT VAN NESS' GALLERY nov 27. (XIDENTS OCCUR Almost daily from the use of inferior oils, none yet from Astral Oil undoubtedly the safest Lamp Oil in use 60 cents a gallon. jan7 T (J SMITH & IX). THE VERT LATES STYLE I or HATS, JUST IN AT THE STORE OF J A YOUNG & SON. ja29 NEW MEAT IM: J. IKZ 33 IT I HAVING rented the new BRICK STORE of J W Wadsworth, opposite City Clock, I will open on the 9th instant, a First-' lass MEAT MARKET, Will keep coDStantly on hand all kinds of Fresh Afeats of the very best quality will make Sausage and 8ouse a specialty ; also, Oysters and Fresh Fish daily. Satisfaction guaranteed, both in quality and price. 1 will also continue to sell First-Clasa Meats at my old stand at the City Market, wnere my old customers will be faithfully waited upon by Mr Bam Wilson. J W ADAM8. nov7 LATEST ARRIVAL OP N E W GOODS J. S. PHILLIPS; MERCHANT TAILOR and DEALER IN GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HAS removed to one of the New Stores under the Central Hotel.Trade St.and it receiving his Winter Stock; of Goods for Men's Wear, and will make ibem up at short notice in the most fashionable man ner, cheaper than the same class of Goods haye ever been offered in this market OrM Shirts a Specialty. Cutting and repairing done promptly. All goods and work must be paid for on deliv ery, as I am compelled to do a cash business. oct!7 ' French Candies ! ! JTKW 8TOCK JUST RECEIVED. Larg est and finest assortment of Chocolate Creams in the City. Also many new styles of fine Candies, which have never before been offered tor aal here. . Very Choice Fresh Italian Macaroni, etc., etcat - . ' Successors to F. H. Anditws A Co. febl6 ' ' Final;; Notice. 0 ,N the first: 'day of October instant, F B ' tfoTVnwall Van.. imnOiut . half inter est la the OBSERVER establishment, And it is absolutely necessary ins u uuwuuiu ing claims due me up to that date b settled, either by note or account at once, as I must close up my -old books.' All claims due me individually, contracted prior to that time, remaining unsettled on the 1st day, of De cember next, without reserve,' will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. : CHAS. R." JONES. VINEGARi .1. n- --1 . 1. nrr : .' ) v." i -- OK Barrels and Half Barrels .Pore WJiite 6 O Wine and Cider Vrogar, t ; ; - i E MILLER 80N6 M19