r - f ITLEaiUPlilt SEY8 :l Neon ; Dispatches: : : .FOREIGN., Tho teiefira-V. grders and corhis to the Military Shocking Dishonesty. Some j oung ladies of Whit more Like,; Mich., im- dertook to pet upaJ donation for the Eev.-X- E Pierce-by: retailing; kisses, and succeeded icf diabosme- of ninety. The political disabilities of Wm;L. 1 for .-which' the aggregate receipts, were pondence. -I'vilating Gqurt of Jnquiry for Oeueral Babcock, has been ordered i, t;; : t ,1 '- i ' Dettmctivellplosion-SellingWitli: . out Licen8-FaiIureTSubjng:atioa ' 4 . . V. 'XholandV Confirmed Heavy T 7 LosDosrlWarck 3. The taw tittle ' Bolo;6n the gold boas of Xfnca, ; has V v T een half burned ; uLTtfo; thbttsand 'y- r; kegs 'of powder 'bujt' in. .one' house, t 'fi JwhUri ? nd r abandoned houses in the ' city. t s T -v Count cCarty; agent of H. May & CoiBvjatoni-haW'been found guilty of j selling f without license. " and fined twntx4ollar3 .andosU He appeal- ear- Yi-r'. 'l it' :' ! f ? S T- ? " ' '' f . ' ; - c Thomson & Randall, commission vnierchant8, have failed, .. . . ? 1tAMrc1irTbie'; suT-jufeatron ; V of Khojand by Russia,, is" confirmed. V i- ;V Tbia , Iyly; $26 holes' i between J the llussiah 'and British arlerl -Tj Central Asia . , -. (, ; P.uiis, March S.UThei inhabitan. of '-A ; Asuaires have been driven from ,neir homeaby the flooded Seine. -. Bologne, March 3. Don Carlos has deferred Lis departure for England until half past, two to-morrow after noon. A' :- -: y - Maury, ha've beenxe movedDebate to-i $4.40.-" But the iayeaters - com plain ai a" that the girls pinched un their liDS and morrow, au.uw. l .timruxl . that they, made a profit of 1,000 per cent. Detroit "Post 1 . ,-WASHIKaTON. ,,, " ' v.iS,, .-'' .. ' . ' Biiliman Denies Robeson Discharg ing Belknap's Duties Belknap Close at Home The Articles of Im peachment Being Drawn The Impeachment Committee at Work, &c. - Washington, D. C, March 3. Pro fessor Silliman has written that he is surprised at the mendacity of Lyon'a statements. He makes a general denial, and demands an exhaustivo examination. s. - Secretary Robeson this morning en tered upon nis additional duties as . acting Secretary of War. He will merely attend to the routine business until the vacancy shall be filled. His hour at the War Department for the reception of members of Congress, is from half past 9 to 10 o'clock, and at the Navy Department from half past 10 to noon. Mr. Belknap has not left his home since yesterday, and meantime has been called on by a few intimate friends. The Judiciary Commit'ee have commenced . the preparation of the ' articles of impeachment. They meet again this afternoon, but will proba bly not report the charges to-day. ine ,uommiitee on rriviieges and Elections brave agreed to report the resolution referred t,o them for count ing the electoral vote without amend ment. ' House. The" committee to -report the impeachment proceedings to the Senate. have just started for that pur pose. The Senate has up the Pinch back case, and Edmunds is speaking ' in opposition to his admission. SEXATEThergalleries Jwefe- filled to-dayr s . Bills : By Hamlin, fixing the vote of third class mail matter, and for other purposes; By Robertson, to restore the frank ing privilege. Morton reported ? and. gave .notice that he would call up. on an early day, a biircounting the votes or President and Vice-President, ; .: s Maxey presentecta memorial of the Choctaw, Sejninole and other Indians, remonstrating against the 'organiza tion of the territory occupied by them into a territory of the United State. Resolutions, appropriating $15,000 from the contingent fund to the Senate for the Spencer investigation were adopted. Pinchback was resumed. Edmunds epoke in opposition, Morton replying said that from the begining this question had been governed by politi cal considerations, and he proposed before the case was concluded, to speak of it in its political aspects and conse quences, and Le would do 60 fearlessly. Frelinehuvsen snoke in favor of CJ M. . Pinchback. . Bruce, of Mississippi, spoke in favor seating Mr. Pinchback. He said when he entered upon the discharge of his duties in the Senate, the question had already been elaborately discussed, and it was not necessary for him to make anv extended remarks. He believed that what ever seeming irregularities might be attached to the manner in which the will of tho people in Louis iana was ascertained, Pinchback had a majority of the legal votes and was entitled to his seat in the Senate. If the Senate should refuse to admit Pinchback, it would be an admission that the Legislature which elected him and which had been making laws for the people, was a mob. Louisiana was entitled to full representation on this floor, and the Senate could not ignore its obligations to .give to that State a full representation. What ever wrongs had been done in Louisi ana, the present order of things in that State had beenccepted by the nation and by the people of the State; he thought Pinchback should be admit ted in the interest of good will and good government He then spoke of the personal qualities of Pinchback, and said he knew him to be an affec tionate husband and as a citizen loyal and brave. As the select committee to consider the resolution of the House in regard to the impeachment of Wm W Belk nap late Secretary of War, Messrs. Ed munds, of Vermont, Conkling, of New York , Frelinghuysen, of New Jersey , Thurman, of 'Ohio, and Stevenson, of Kentucky. Executive session. Adjourned to Monday. Confirmation : Robt. M. Wallace, Marshal for South Carolina. i.""y ;,"' ."V ".r -y : vc i v Alexander, Seigle & o's riuiiiUAULi: SALLS. NOTICE CHARLOTTE MARKETS .'. OBSERVER OFFICE- f Cbablottx, N. C., March 4. 1876. The Cotton Marfcet: There was ao" im proven t in the market on yesterday. Receipts were much better than for many preceding days, and the market opened active and closed; firm, prices tending upward. , "VYe quote : Inferior...... - 5u9 Low Middling , lOfall Middling......... ......... G jd Middling (average) lljallj Sales of the day 240'bales. FKODUCE MAKKIOT. Corn quiet and unchanged. Flour continues in light demand and dull but the arrivals are lighter and stock9 are gradually declining. Bacon in good demand at unchanged prices. Light produce in light demand. SeH.ng RaXtt from Stores, i Bacon Hams, per lb Sides, Shoulders, Hog Round, Beeswax Butter Choice, Brandy Apple, " Peach, Eggs, per dozen Flanr Family, per sack, " Extra, " Super, Fruitr Dried Apples, per pound "Peaches, Green AppUer bushel, Fowls thickens, each lurkeys, ' Ducks, Grain Corn White, per Luehel. " Mixed, Wheat Red, per bushel, " White, Oals Black " White, Peas Pure clay, " Mixed? Hides Dry, (jreen. Lard Good, Common. Onions, (57 lbs tobusbet) Potatoes Irish. Sweet, Tallow WooZ Tub washed " Unwashed. MARINE. Ship Ashore Loss of Life Off the North Carolina Toast. Washington March 3. The Signal Service Observer at.Tybe Island, re ports'a'ship on Stone Horse Shoala, three miles South East of the station, at 7 o'clock this morning. The Signal Service Observer at Kit tio Hawk,i On the-Korthr Carolina coast, reports this morning an Italian bark, name unknown, in ballast, bound from some point in Italy to Bal timore, having cojne ashore twenty miles' 'North i of that station -on the nightof "March 1st. She went o pieces yesterday, and the crew, con sis' ing' of 13 men, were all lost, except ing 4, who were-pickednp yesterday. A lifwsavlng crew attempted to board the bark and every man was drowned. Six ladies have been recovered and nine are still missing. MARYLAND. Railroad ' StocK Liable to Taxation. Baltimore, March 3. The Court of Appeals has decided that the capital stock of the Northern Central Rail road Company is liable to assessment and State taxation ' This brings "un der taxation' millions heretofore ex empt. if' I, Mid-NigKt ' Dispalchcs. Condition of FOREIGN. the Liverpool Cotton Market. J6i17 12il4 12al3 28a30 2025 2 00 a 2 50 2 50 a32 12i 3.50a3.75 3.25 300 9al2i 8al5 125al50 30a35 75al00 25 AJTD SEE T HOSE BEAUTIFUL r: PRINTS JUST EKCBCVED. ALEXANDER, SEIGLE fc CO. feb25 SALE OF VALUABLE GOLD MIN ; ,ING MACHINERY. . Vu BY Virtue of a power conferred on us by a certain deed, of mortgage executed to us by 8 C Johnston, we will sell at" the Court House in Charlotte 'on Saturday the 18th day of March next, the following , property, yw: ; One large Steam .Jngme ana 4wo boilers and pulleys connected therewith ; also one hoisting machine, one steam pump, one Cornish pump and fixtures ; also one ten-stamp battery and' electroplated copper plates attached to the same also fire amal gamating pans and : ccunter ghafting pul leys; also a large lot ol belting, minmg im plements and tools, j This property can be seen at the McGinn Gold Mine, i I ' Terms of sale cash. For further information apply to the un dersigned. J W WADS WORTH, 1 AMACAULAY, Mortgagees. feb2G tds HlSCKLL AH CO US A D i E 11 T IS E 13 E Ti T 8 FOR, COMPORT, ELEGANCE SDTJRABILLTY -BUY YOUR- DOTS "-aadSaOE! -FROM- s -WBAREN0W - O ECEIVINC our FIRST SHIPMENT of SPRING GOOD NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STYLES, AND AT LOW PRICES, INCLUDING ALL THE FADING MANUFACTURES. SUCH AS BURT'S, MILES' AND .ZEIGLER'S, FOR LADIES, MISSES and CHILDREN. ALSO CAN FIELD'S, MILLER'S and YOUNG'S CELEBRATED BOOTS and GAITEBS FOR GENTLEMEN; - - . LARD! LARD! 75a85 75aS0 1 25 1.35 6065 C5 lOOal.10 90a 100 J ' 11 7 a 8 15al8 12a 15 HK)a2 75a 10 J 100al,50 8al0 25 35 TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. Liverpool, March 3. The Liverpoo Cotton Brokers' Circular, issued last evening, after the close of bueinessays that the market has been depressed throughout the week and through to day. Un rnursday. tne tone was slightly quieter. Quotations of every description show a further decline American descriptions continue to be very freely offered, and a further de cline has taken place of i in medium, and a farthing in ordinary qualities but good middling and middling fair grade are unchanged. In Sea Island cotton, business has again been very limited, but the price is unchanged Business has been moderate in futures, and quotations about J below last week. MASSACHUSETTS. Flea for the Repeal of the Resump tion Act. Boston, March 3. The Board of Trade has unanimously adopted reso lutions urging Congress not to re peal the law of 73, and prescribing a measure by which resumption in 79 may be. made operative. ;.f.-" Asni:?0TcN . 3 kiap- imppchec Vnt fh& . J3 i ti: - "thf 3' hi:e- Vhi U ibiotk --TeB ro.o .-: ay" 0HX'JpiIX.ii9pg:. Debate oi J'iq.ehVacki ; &e r ' Washington, D. C. March 3:- The House JudiciRryonjtnflttee bave; per mission to'ptiei 4j!mmatnateih ' timony. , . Clyiherof ;:Pennsylyania, Chairman . 1 1 of .the. cm jp Uieeade ilUiollo.w.iog t report: ' .rrsf "la obedience to ;v-tbe order of the House, we-r nroceeded to ( the bar of the Senate, and in the name ' of thia House, and of all the people.of the United States of America;' we im? peached, as e ?were directed td-do; . William W Belknap, late Secretary .""bf ' War of Hhe -United Mesf- of : klgh crime d and ; misdemeanors Cwliile tin office ; r and ' we demanded that "the Senate-ehall take order to paake him . appear before tfrkfMftj'M answer for the -same.: and anriminr.erT tVi. tw House would "soon present articles of jmpeaenmen ana, make -f them good to which the response waa made. ; Or WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Washington, March 3. For the- South Atlantic and East Gulf. States, filling barometer, north east to southeast wisids, warmer clear or partly t tt iidy iveither will prr-vai! Friday, Ma. ch 3, 18T6. PRODUCE. flfew Toi a Flour, very moderate de mand; superfine western and State 4 00a50; Southern flour quiet and heavy; common to fair extra 4 40a5 75; good to choice extra 5.80a9 00. Wheat dnll, and slightly in buyers' favor; 1.05 for no grade winter red western; 1.40 for choice old winter red western. Lorn in good request, and a shade better prices; 63 for graded mixed; 63 for do Southern; 68 for old western mixed store. Oats more active; 44a8 for mixed western and State; 46a42i for white do, latter choice. Coffee quiet and unchanged. . Sugar firm, more demand. 7iaJ; fair to good refining refined, unchanged. Pork firmer; new mess 23 12ia25; lard firmer; prime steam 13 G5a70. Whisky dull, closing with buyers 91; sell" ers 10. Freights a shade easier. St. liouis Flour steady and unchanged. W heat a shade firmer; No. 2 red winUr 1.47; No. 3 do 1 33Ja4. Corn ste&iiy and unchanged. Oits quiet and unchanged. Barley dull and unchanged. Rye steady and unchanged. Pork higher, 22.75, at 23; lard firm; held higher, 13$ asked, 13 bid; bulks excited, and higher, not much doing; shoulders 8'. clear nb and clear sidjs 12i and 121, those prices were asked ?br fully cared, and holders are stiff; bacon stronger, higher and ad vancing; shoulders 9; clear rib and clear sides 131 and 13, held at an i at the close. Whisky dull and unchanged, 1.06. Liye hogs scarce and firm; tke demand greatly exceeds the supply; packing 7 7 aS.OO. Cattle quiet and unchanged. COTTON. iew ir orK Quiet aad firm; sales 1.950 bales at 12gal3 1-16; weekly net receipts 9,510; gross 20,795; exports to Great Britain 6,187; to the continent 8,898; sales 4 700- stock 168,839. Comparative Cotton Statement : Net receipts at all United States ports during the week 86,346; same week last year 76,510; total to date 3,483,736; same date alast year 2,99,056; exports for the week 134,129; same week last year 137,743; total to date 2,223,132; same date last year 1,828,866; stock at all U. 8. ports 787,143, last year 760,886; at all in lenor towns ua .397; last year 108,890; at Liverpool 859 000; last year 682,000; Ameri. can afloat for Great Britain 293,000; last year 364,000. Mew Orleans Active and firm; nrM12i; low mid 11; good ord 91; stock 30 939; week ly net. receipts 37.0 I; grots 38 5J2; expo t-. to lirm "'ritain 18 755, to France 8 J31; to tht- (.:;:;. ':.:! 31 8S; 1., tl.e cVa-m: 1,111; fOs.ji a :s. 70 :; a 4 ; 00. BACON! BACON! SUGAR! SUGAR t COFFEE! COFFEE! MOLASSES! MOLASSES! SALT! SALT! FLOUR! FLOUR! GRITS! GRITS! ' Printing Presses -AND Material For Sale. BY Virtue of a power conferred on me in and by a certain deed of mortgage exe cuted to me by M J McSween, late of the City of Charlotte, I will fell at the Court House in Charlotie, on Saturday the 18tb day of March next, the following property, viz: One Fair Haven Power Press, one small Press (Newberry make,) also a large lot of type of the various styles usually found in a first-clas3 newspaper and job office Also a full supply of cases, stands, rules, gal'eys, chases and other things neces sary in such an office, together with desks, chairs, tables and stoves. Persons desiring to purchase can see the property by applying to the Messrs Schiff & Bro , or to Messrs Jones & Johnston. Attor neys, Charlotte, N. C. ss Terms of sale, Cash. WM JOHNSTON, feb23 tds Mortgagee. WE intend to sell our Goods as low as any house, and we offer our STOCK OP patronage. WINTER GQODS, at extremely low prices, to close out. "We reepectfully solicit your First National Bank Buildinz. Charlotte. N. C. PRICE LIST FURNISHED ON APPLICATION, . febi5 - : '-'7 ' ''. - V " WINE THE SUN SH IN E ! AND LAGER B E E 11 SALOON .'-7 ..St. FOR SALE LOW AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY Jllayer, Hoss A Jones. feb27 MORE NEW" GOODS ! Watches, Clocks Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, SPECTACLE?, &C. T WILL SELL A GOOD WEIGHT CLOCK -L for $3.50, and everything e'.se at prices to suit the times. I will pay the highest Cash Price for old Gold and Silver ms atcLes?, uiocta ana Jewelry, re paired and warranted fur VI months, at J. T. BUTLER'S, Carolina Jewelry Store, feb27 Charlotte, N. C, 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE -IN WATCH MAKING. -NO BOTCHED OR BUTCHERED WORK DON E at this ESTABLISHMENT. 1 14 BARRELS OF EXTRA FLOUR, On Consignment at low figures, at THE RISING SUN. 10 BOXES OF LEMONS. At Wholesale and Retail, at THE RISING SUN. 2 g BARREL OF MALAGA UKAfias, AT THE RISING SUN. BARRELS OF BALDWIN APPLES, AT THE RISING SUN. LYNNHAVEN OYSTERS ON THE SHELL THIS MORNING. FRENCH AND GERMAN WINES, MILWAUKEE CIETGXETItfiLTI and READIHTG- LAGER. jan21 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES BOOTS AND SHOES, AT THE LOW PRICES OF THE GOOD OLD TIMES BEFORE THE WAR GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS, Wilmington, N. C. OFFER TO THE TRADE THEIR LARGE STOCK AND COMPLETE ASSOKTMET of BOOTS and SH JES, (being the largest in the State) at snch low rates as defy com petition by any jobbing brnpe1 in the South. Wen's Stout 8. Kip Boots at $28 00 and $30.00 a case, Men's best first quality Brogans at $1.50 a pair, Men's first quality L. & B. Brogans at $1,121 per pair, Women's prime Feb. Grain Bals at $1.00 per pair, Women's prime A. Calf Bals at $1.00 per pair, Children's Polish High Cut Copper Tips at 75 cent? a nd all other styles at equally low rates. Personal examination and orders solicited. GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS, Wilmington, IV. C. sept23 3Q BARRELS OF FLOUK, Of all grades, at THE RISING SUN. JJOME-MADE CANDIES, At Wholesale, at THE RISING SUN. QROUND PEAS a Specialty, at TEE RISING SUN. box's of l&rgt fine FLORIDA ORANGES, AT THE RISING SUN. B ANANAS, BANANAS, BANANAS. Just received all of the above, which we sell as low as any house in the city. S HO L ION & CO. febl6 VHiWA KB 1 F YOU WANT 10 POUNDS OF GOOD SUGAR for $1 .00, go to the WIDE AWAKE GKOUEKi. marl TF YOU WANT 8 lbs of A Sngar, or 9 lbs C Sugar for $1, call on T Coleman ft Bon. at the WIDE AWaKE GROCERY, marl -y-HEN YOU WANT A barrel of good Flonr, you can get Staun ton Va. llour. at 1 uoleman s son s WIDE AWAKE GROCERY. marl A T THE WIDE AWAKtt V Vl-M J.VtsULS -A .i u.-'id h. ii ieei. hiinl-u' A fik; weat into lii.s home at d played sonie 'game of chance in which hfi became indebted to the proprietor. Thenhe informed him that he , could not pay the bill, whereupon the, pro prietor suggested that he leave his Ulster overcoat. The man said that he, preferred to leave bia pantaloons, and the ideaTwat so unique that it was accepted, and the young man pulled them off, to the amusement of the crowd. 4" Mm boots were long, however, and with his Ulster covered up his legsi So he went tq another hotel and took lodging," The next morning he called the.: landlord and declared he had been robbed of his pantaloons and twenty dollars, and souiewhaf angrily demanded - that his. 4osr should be made eood.-whichL waadone.-iVAo York Timeifrr' . ' tiv- iti.ri, -I. ", "A patent has just been Issued for a whiskey flash' put in book-form ,' hav-' ing natural backs and leayes.Pulflskl Democrat ..Yea" but it witl lay you on yput'nataraiback;' , ifv you doa't .-.-w. w..;.,nf.iT :jr. ....... .. , ........ t. . , 4 Si); eii-.i H.,t i-f.i: 'nifl 1 j3 12k; At. kiy t.i-t r-pciu; 1 714; porta ti Uivat B'itii'l S(J-; s'.l 70'. Halt ituortf-i-Firm; mid 121; stovk 11,293; weekly net receipis 477 gross 2 OiO; erpoits to Great Britain 589; coastwise 10-; sales 1,331; t pinners 690. Philadelphia Quiet; mid 123; Weekly net receipts 1,438; gross 2,908. ; i FUTURES. s fe'w York Opened strong. April, 12 27 32a29 32; - May,. IS 5 32&7-S2; Jane, 13 7-16ah jqly, 18 19-32a21-32: v ; FOlt-LENT SEASON. E RES II FISH every morning, opened at 6 o'clock, at E H WHITE'8, - Basement, Springs Building, feb.26 . ' - East Trade Street.- Tobacco Tobacco; 7 A- Beleet Stockof. Chewing vTobacco and 4- Cigars, suited to the Retail Trade, at -' feb24 !:K l,i E IN A WORKMAN- . ,M K AND WARRANTED o ti.VE 1-ERFECT SATI3- FACTION FOR TWELVE MONTHS. GOOD 30 HOUR WEIGHT CLOCKS FOR $3.50. WATCH MAKERS SUPPLIED -WITH ALL KINDS OF MATERIAL. HUSH H. B1XLER, Tryon Street, opp. Butler's Jewelry Store. 'J A t v - i'--. , ' . . mar2 , 0 rURFIVE CEST; "J. Cigars are giving eood satisfaction to all who try them. - - ;T C SMITH & CO, Yon the , in fiinl anthiug or I'roiince li hihI d-livered he city. v..4j m.iy nee-i in . . ; 11 ; s low as r y- 1 r ti 1 seaty ItKbPE TFCi.LY Invite sll to cU a d exuttnue onr prices at the WIDE AWAKE. Respectfully, marl T COLEMAN & fcON. gUCHWHEAT, At the marl WIDE AWAKE. r DINING ROOMS, marl ' THE COMMERCIAL nOMMERCTAL DINING ROOMS, STILL J SAY CASH OJSLY. marl . j New Crop .Ma lolasffi. EARLY ROSE, PEERLESS. GOODRICB and PINK EYE POTATOES. Rice Fruits. fcc. Tobacco all grades. Clay Peas, and Corn," S. H. Syrnp, and in fact all de scriptions of Merchandiser . -'s. ; '1 If you wish to buy close, send your .6fJur, and communicate with c ' : i l v :: JAS T PETTEWAY, - Merchandise Broker; i IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR VERY LARGE STOCK OF FINE WALNUT, CHAMBER -AND- PARLOR SUITS, WE ARE OFFERING .SAME AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. BUYERS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO GIVE OUR STOCK AND PRICES AN EXAMINATION. X). .A.. SMITH & CO., EAST TRADE STREET, OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSr. febl6 SUITS BY MEASURE TO ORDER. rpHE Undersigned respectfully inform their friends and patrons, that they are prepared to take measures for any article of CLOTHING, and furnish them satisfactorily, of any style or material desired. ' The purchasing member of the firm promises to give all orders his personal attention, and to be responsible for their being satisfactory in fit and fabric. We beiag citizens with you, gentlemen, feel that we ought to respect your patronage, in preference to strangers. We promise that no visitor from a Northern City, shall give you more satisfaction. Call and try us. JOHN A. YOUNG fc SON. feb24 I V D 00 0 w ruj;u 0 0 vft ,,f . it: f frff- New Goods! A Fresh lot of that nice Cocoanut Canfiy, just received, at PUREFOY'S. feb!9 Toys ! Toys ! jTEW TOTS, just opened, at PUREFOY'S. febt9 , 2oo U8HELS JiateniTotatoes; for sale it" " " tM X ST1TT, WALSH & CO'S. Ground Feed. ONE ton Bye and Corn ground j one ton Oats and Corn ground one ton fine Bian and Shorts r one ton Wheat Bran,' at BTITT, WALSH & CO'S. Prenuani; Dosiiestie Wncs FOUR YE AKS OLD. HAE just received a goodsuppl years Catawba Wl nes, 07 er foa 1 e and free from any Jiquors, except .the PURE GRAPH juice. You have -tried the Peach and Honey, cow try bur Domestic Wine. - How would it do to set before your friends when they drop in ? For sale by feb!9 .-j., -.'j -i B N SMITH. SK FOR PRATT'S vij ..n i v " -v . Astral Oil and be sure yon get it lake'no A substitute. C SMITH fe CO. 'marl 2m , Wilmington, NC. '. . - - " 1 ' .. - - 1 " i i-- "'t'-ii' -. T. v..