AS i aw., , .- v. , - aiuioau1'IDK R E I O H X JL , H as , a . ' " , v ; . - , EKABL.E." ' I By HON. t i m. wii"""' , r i-VSov tie jodas Lite, ie . "-'. 7f 8 ii-"ofGod way I s6, Jnit ' 1 .aT?; T.utb bas made me fiee, SfL.tboVGodllcorue., . Tm in Thee I view jjysubsttute emy 8trength renew. S:WimbofGod!Icome. . . ..Tam I look above Ja3t t he Fiber's pmile of love. - . To r?iuhv comfort-, Heavenly doye, LambofGodllcone. ; .. 'twas wondrous grace . .-Tom Jast Lrtftke my hopeless case, Tn undertaKe "v ,'l-i fa, . j nnw to see my '"''j ' UmbofGod'lIcocne. t oa t am when death draws near, Jnst as I am. WM fear ThSffimbofOod wilt come. STATE NEWS. ,i;at;ilerv of Mr. Rome Clme, with a large Jratawba Station, was burned last near Liiial" . t, ,;,u rna burned by the ST. - nieht. together mount of whiskey. T7.,j.r living ft mile and a half fmm Harrwburg, Cabarrus county, had l" hnnsf with H3 conveuto; rKVhtof the 28th ult. torch ot an iuj ; , tv,p Wilmiagton Post has been in formed that the 0 C R R Co. has offer i Z c,rnish iron and stock the Hick nrv and Lincolnton railroad, if the La will erade and furnish cross ? for it. which it is said they will do. of Mr. J A Black welder two miles from Concord, was ,-.J,a,i bv an incendiary fire on ;Lff niht last, with all the furni ture. The house was nearly new, and there was an insurance oi on u The Rev. Mr. Henkel is about to mnvo a. WAV from Mt. Pleasant very , and eo to take charge of the Lutheran church at No-Komis, Mont .mDrr cMintv. in the State of Illi- gUUiv J vv nois. Xnnfis M Mullens the assistant car ,ifpr at the Raleigh and Gaston de at Raleieh. was badly mashed Uiio rrmnliner cars on Thursday. He was senseless for a time but is since re ported better. New Hanover county lays just claims tn the cheekiest robber m the btate Wo stole a Quantity of meat from the smoke-house of one man, took the man's mule and cart and carried it to a son of the man from whom it was stolen, and sold it. Concord Register : Mr. Gordon, who is in the emnlov of Mr. r M Morris hfirrowed a mule from Mr. M. to ride to see his feminine tender below Char lotte. Gordon took on a top load of what he called old Zeb'a best rye, and swaoDed off Mr. M.'s mule for a little white fossil about the size of a half crown sheep. Mr. Morris proceeded to look ur bis mule and found it ten miles below Charlotte, afteT it had been traded the second time. llaleich Netcs : A tender-hearted young lady of this city, who has heart for all humanity, visited th ladies' department of the Insane Asy lum and a good old lady patient in beseeching style implored her to give her lust one kiss; that it had bee many a day since a pair of young lips had touched her age-wrmkled cheek The young lady could not refuse and gave her the kiss; but this started the whole ward and she had to kiss through before she was done. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, a ; ' Wilmington, -Dec. 16, 1875. J .: ; J CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Sunday Dec. 19, trains, will ran oyer this Railway as follows : PASSENGER, AND MAIL TRAINS - -. Daily, Sundays excepted. Leave Ttllmipgton, at ' - - ijjo a m Arriveat Charlotte, - ' 7:30pm Leave Charlotte, at - 6:30 am Arrive Wilmington, at - - 7:00 pm FAST FREIGHT and. PASSENGER TRAINS Daily. Leye Wilmington, at 5:00 p m Arrive at Charlotte, - - - 10:30 a m I-eave Charlotte, at - - 5:30 a m Arriye at Wilmington, - 10:40 a m SHELBY DIVISION Daily, Sundays ex cepted. Leave Charlotte, at - - 7:00 a m Arriye at Shelby, at 11:30 a m .Leave Bnelby, at 12:30 p m Arrive at Charlotte, - 5:00 p m CONNECTIONS. Connects with the A. & R. Air-Line in Charlotte at 7:30 p. m. and 6.30 a. m. Connects at Wilmington with Wilmington fc Weldon Railroad : also with Wilmincton. Columbia & Augusta Railroad at 7 a; m., and 7 p. m. '. lime from Wilmington to Atlanta 24 hours. Close connections both ways, and on to the North. 5- Papers publishing Carolina Central Railway schedule will please notice changes. Chief Engineer and Superintendent. decl9 HORFOLK, WESTERH & TEMiS ATLAHTIC LUIE. 11HE following vessels have been put upon this line for Liverpool, and will be followed . by others, our intention being to keep one or more Ships always upon tbe nenn . SHIP RHINE, 1,093 TOWS; SHTP ATLANTIC, .22 TONS; SHIP OREGON. 1 ,433 TONS ; SHIP KIN BURN, 1,105 TONS; SHIP PRINCE, 1,360 TONS. Arrangements have been made by which through bills lading can be signed at interior tnts, an ja28 lm Tn;na m :i i k t. -kt .ftvib' fraa nfanv r.rrarere whatever v.Mfca. CUU bUC KWUO VY 111 W IPDUIUUCU Oil w J ' T JLtIJ(3 Dauiiimwi "b"") REY C, C. & A. R. R. GENERAL PASSENGER DEP'T, 1 Charlotte, Columbia fc Augusta. R.R. Columbia, S. C, Jan. 23rd, 1870. J On and after Sundav. December 19th, the following schedule will be operated on this road : MAIL AND EXPRES3 GOING NORTH Leave Aneusta, daily, 4 15 p. m Arriye at Columbia, 9 00 p. m I.pve Colnmbia. P. m. Arrive at Charlotte, 5.15 a. m. GOING SOUTH. Leave Charlotte, 0.40 p. m Arrive at Columbia, a. in. 1Rve Columbia. 3.45 a. m. Arrive at Augusta, 8.30 a. m, Comfortable sleeping cars run on this train between Charlotte ana Augusta ACCOMMODATION TRAIN CHAR LOTTE DIVISION GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia daily (Sundays excepted,) Arrive at Charlotte, 8 00 a. 6 30 p. Leave Charlotte, Arriye at Cowmbia. HUBS, SPOKES AND RIMS. GOING SOUTH, 6 00 a. m 4.00 p m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN AUGUSTA DIVISION GOING NORTH. Leave Augusta, S-00 a- m- Arriye at Columbia, 4.00 p. m. GOING SOUTH. Leave Columbia, 9 50 a. m. Arrive at Augusta, 8.00 p. m. Runs daily except Sundays. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Supt, A POPE, General Ticket Agent. ja28 THE GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT LINE, VIA CHARLESTON, S. C. BETWEEN CHARLOTTE ad ALL POINTS NORTH ani EAST. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA RAILROAD, Columbia, S. C, January 3rd, 1876. rilHE CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA RAILROAD, in connection witn I the SOUTH CAROLINA RAILWAY, and its connecting STEAMSHIP LINES at the port of CHARLESTON, presents to Shippers of COTTON. AND THE MERCHANTS ot CHARLOTTE, AND ALONG THE LINES OF RAILWAYS CONVERGING THERE ON, THE MANY ADVANTAGES of the GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT LINE, With the AS3URANCE THAT TRANSPORTATION shall be as QUICK, RATES AS LOW AND SATISFACTION AS COMPLETE, as by any other line that bids for their business. . For rates, classifications and all information, call on the undersigned, A. POPE General Freight Agent,' O., C. & A. R. R., Columbia, S. C. N M JOHNSTON Soliciting Agent, Charlotte, N. C. W. W. PEGRAM, Agent, C, C. & A. R. R., Charlotte, N". O. jan2 WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA LINES. SEMI-WEEKLY. THE- undersigned offer for sale their en tire mnhinprv for mannfactnrine Hubs. Spokes and Rims, the machinery being all 1 new. and nnrchased for cash, of the best? makers in tbe United States, will be sold at a great sacrifice, including 40 H P Engine fiVkofr-Ter Halfincr Art. For terms, apply to T W Whisnant, at Carolina Agricultural Works, or by letter to tbe undersigned at Welford, 8. C. P S WHISNANT & SONS. sept21 tf J A ELLIOTT, Formerly with W J Black. J W EEDtLKT, Late of Americas, G TOYS! TOYS; SS 5 :o:- A LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO ELIAS, COHEN & ROESSLER for 1875, and pre- I HAVE A LARGE AD "WTLL ASSORTED! LOT OF TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, EMBBAW ING ALMOST EVERY- THING IN MY LINE . . OF BUSINESS, AND ALL OF THESE I -WILL SELL at GREAT LY REDUCED PRICES. COMB AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. I HAVE T. - 1 TOTW PTDTUT nnrl UT?W fLnflUV viously, are hereby notified that Itih if jmiu ami nun uuuuu. ELLIOTT & RELILEY, GROCERS and LIQUOR DEALERS, ILL keep'constantly on hand a com- W plete Stock of Goods, to which the trade are inyited. Quality guaranteed and prices as reasonable as anyteliable establishment in the city. nov5 THEIR ACCOUNTS MUST BE SETTLED AT ONCE OR THEY WILL BE PLACED IN THE HANDS of THEIR ATTORNEYS H "W IES Ss Fast Mkt Rome to all Points Soitl ui East. Pieflmont Air-Lino Railway. Richmond & Danville, Richmond & Danville R. W., N. C. Division, and North Western N. C. R. W. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. In effect on and after Dec. 19th, 1875. BALTIMORE. Baltimore and Southern Steam Trans portation. Company. LSailing from BALTIMORE Tuesday and Friday, at 3 P3I. AND FROM WILMINGTON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. GOING NORTH Maxims. hs following maxims arc from Dr. Hall's new book, "How to Live Long." 1. One of the happiest and most independent of all human occupations is that of an intelligent farmer, whose land is paid for, and who keeps out of debt. 2. The fascination of salaried posi tions is but too often the fascination of a serpent, which beguiles but to de stroy. 3. " Be your own master, and master of your calling, and you will soon be come the master of others. 4. Next to religion, there is no ele ment so essential to success in life as vigorous, robust health. 5. A sound mind in a sound body is a fitting foundation for all that is l'igh and noble in human achieve ment. C. Th& safest and best remedies in the world are warmth, rest and ab stinence -the brutes employ these. . 7. Physical, mental, and moral health are u.terdependents hence what improves or promotes one, improves and promotes the other. o. Almopt all feel gratihed at eve ry pound's increase in weight, as if people, like pigs, were measured by fat. 9. To live well is a glory; to die - well is a bliss. 10. A wise care of tbe health in youth is the best assurance of a long life, as an early attention to religion is the foundation of an immortal ex istence. 11. That man lives the longest who does tbe most good. 12. He brines the most haT5Dine6S to himself who does the most to pro mote the happiness of others. 13. Themost healthful form of ex ercise is that which involves exhilara ting out door activities: Y 14 . Chillness of I body, dampeus tbe spirits, sour8t.He"rtemperi: and. renders the whole man unlovely." ' : 15. The "comforts and" convenien ces of life save , ', labor economize time, and add to our happiness" jgener- STATIONS. Leave Charlotte, " Air-Line J' net' n,. " Salisbury, " Greensboro, ' Danville, " Dundee, " Burkeville, Arrive at .Richmond, GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Leave iJichmond, " Burkeville, " Dundee, " Danville, " Greensboro, " Salisbury, " Air-Line J'ct'n, Arrive at Charlotte, GOING EAST. STATIONS, MAIL. Leaye Greensboro, 11 00 am MAIL, 5 45 a ra 6 25 " 8 20 " 10 58 1 1 S9pm 1 49 " 6 51 ' 9 35 p m MAIL. 5 50 a m 9 00 " 1 35 143 4 28 6 54 8 52 9 15 NEW YORK. Clyde's Wilmington L.ine from NEW YORK Tuesday and Friday, at 3 P. M., AND FROM WILMINGTON WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS W- H. Burwell & Co., AGENTS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. febl2 NOTHER LOT OF The celebrated Magnolia Hams, just ar rived at STITT, WALSH & CO'S. feb23 SAMUEL GROSE, Tryon Street, Opposite Methodist Church, CHARLOTTE, N. C, DEALEE IN SASH. GM ani United, P M Ar Raleigh, " at Goldsboro, STATIONS. 349pm 6 40 " Ar GOING WEST MAII 4 10 p m GIVING THROUGH BILLS OF LADING to all points in North aod South n i: : j uw "NVirth nr Tt!aat bonnd Freiebt. to Baltimore Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Providence, Fall River and other Eastern L-ities. ALSO Liverpool, Glasgow, Bremen, Antwerp and Other European Ports. These Lines connect at "Wilmington with the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta d Wilmington &. Weldon Railroad, and Carolina Central Railway and Cape Fear i River Steamers, with their connecting Roads, offering unequalled facilities for the prompt John E Beown, j.k c T?.:i... - n , Kq eo,QM n tlipq. T.inps on arrival in Wilmine- Hon W M bmpp, u' -11 V t T V VI J; rcitUt lu all UU1U13, OO uiutuiig vu -. ' ' - . 1 . . . . it . , 2 - 1 n Anna nr.thAnt ton stop at Railroad depot, the reient transrerred unaer covereu bucub w nu delay, and forwarded by the Fast Freight Express that morniDg. No drayage in Wilmington and to transfer from Wilmington South. Rates guar anteed as LOW as bv any other boats. Losses or Overcharges promptly paid. Mark 11 goods via Wilmington Lines. For farther information, apply to either cf the undersigned Agents of the L,ine. EDWIN FITZGERALD, Gen'l Agt. Baltimore Line, 50 South Street, Baltimore. WM. r. ULYUil & CU., Gen'l Age. JNew iorK Liine, o duh(! iu, . . A. D. CAZAUX Agent Baltimore and New York Line?, Wilmington, N. O. tf. DOORS, BLINDS, MANTELS, NEWEL POSTS, WALNUT RAILING and BALLUSTERS. EVERY DISCRIPTION OF BUILD ING LUMBER BOUGHT AND SOLD. feb25 TRADERS' NATIONALMK, OF CHARLOTTE, BOARD OF DIRECTORS : ' Arr 11 05 pm L've 8 20 " ACCOMDAT'N TRAIN. L've Greensboro, 7 00pm Arr 6 00 am Arr at Raleigh, 5 00 a hi Arr 7 30 pm Arr at Goldsboro 11 15 " Lv 2 00 pm NORTH WESTERN N, C. R. R. (Salem Bbansh.) 4 43 pm 6 45 " 8 15 a m 10 33 " Leaye Greensboro, An-ive at Salem, .Leave Salem, Arrive at Greensboro, pBooncrpr train leavine Raleigh at 11 05 a .v. .rmnAPtMt. Greensboro' with the Southern knnnil train making the Quickest time to 1SSUUU y . . aii annihrn nitira. Accommodation train leaving Raleigh at 7 30 p m, connects with xrnrfKu.n hnnnH (rains fct Greensboro for all Doints Ease Price of other routes. Accommodation Train leaving Greensboro at 7 00 p m connects at Goldsbcro with Northern and Southern bound Trains on the rl Weldon Railroad. ' . , ... , T5-.U TvnoYihnrtt Accommoaanon ieavw w.u- mond a 9.C0 a m, arrive at Burkeville 12.36 m Ioova P.nrkeville 1 20 d m. arrive at Richmond 4 34 p m. No Change of Cars Between Cnarlotte andRiclimorid,282 Miles. PansN trmt. have aminsements to adver tise the schedule of this company will please print as above and rorwara copies vj um Fassenger Ageni. ? JFor fuither information address i- JOHN RMACMURD0, ; . Genl Jfassenger-Agent., ;SrV-- . Richmond, Va. dec'19 v'::"i:".":'' . ' ' '' 2 ally. kome men move through life as a hand of music moves down the street, Hinging out pleasure "on every side, through the air to every one far and near who can listen. ' Some nun nil the air with their nrpapnce and sweetness, as orchards in'. October days fill the air with perfume of ripe fruit. Some women cling! to their houses like the honeysuckle over the door, yet, like it, fill all the region witn subtile fragrance of .their good ness. How great a bounty and a bless ing is it to hold the royal gifts of the soul that shall be music to same, and fragrance to others, and life to'all. It would be no unworthy thing, to live for to make the power which we have within us the bfeath of other men'a joy; to fill the atmospbefd which they roust tand in with a brightness which tney cannot create for. themselves!- ;v :X. Bafnl Empire Fertilizer Robt I McDowell, Phillip Schiff, S P Smith, John W Wadswoeth Allan Macaulay, Baxtee H Moore. V Q Johnsoh, D F Cannon. FOR COLLECTION. 1LIAS, COHEN & ROESSLER. January 11th, 1876. G. S. H. APFLE6ET Rear end R M Miller & Son's Building, 4th Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. AND AGENT FOB ALL KINDS Iron Fronts of Building, Galvanizefl Cornices, Iron Fences, Crestinp, AND ALL KINDS GALVANIZED WORK Which he will sell Cheaper than any Person. Office hours from 9 to 12 m.. and 2 to 9 p. m. G S H APPLEGET, wishes to inform the public at large, that he is prepared to furnish Plans of all kinds of buildings, with working drawings in full, which will be found much plainer than those of any other man in the State, he being a practical builder, havine an experience of 15 years in three of the largest cities of the United States- He can answer any question or give any informatien in regard to the construc tion of any part of the building, as he is fully qualified to go and do the work him self. With 15 years as a builder and H as an Architect, he knows just what is neces sary tor a mechanic to get along with, and with this exDerience von will at once see that he has a pretty good knowledge of the business. You can judge for yourself as to whether a man is an Architect without be in e a practical builder. Some in this State claim to be Architects when they iave no knowledge of the business and can only Joe called draftsmen, and need some one to in struct them at all times should they under take a job. For the last six years he has been employed in this State, and has done all the best buildings, with only a few ex ceptions in Raleigh, Goldsboro and Greens boro, and almost all over the State, where' persons can see his wort. In Charlotte he would call attention to S P Smith's Iron Front Building, and Sims & Dowd's Store, and a number of the private residences here. He refers to all who haye employed him as Architect and Superintendent, as to his ability, He can furnish, if any desire them, the name of parties and buildings, but can not do so here fof the want of room. He can show as many fine buildings as any other man of his age, and will take pleasure in doing so, Any person visiting Charlotte is invited to call and examine his drawings, which he has at least 500. He guarantees to have 50 to 1 of any other per son in the State. All are invited to exam ine them whether they are going to build or not. The ladies are specially invited. mal5 RAIS1HS, - citron; apples, NUTS, LEMONS, ORANGES' COCOAIIUTS, SHE VERY FIH3 GRAPES, &C.5 &C.5 &J HFEE 18 THE PLACE TO GET CAKES A PIES. D. DII. RIGZiESR.: decl5 LATEST STYLES FRAMES. CALL AND SEE THEM AT TAN HISS' GALLERY nov 27. CCIDENTS OCCUR Almost daily from the use of in ferior oils, none yet from Astral Oil undoubtedly the safest Lamp Oil in use 60 cents a gallon. jan27 T C SMITH & CO. TBE VIET L4TES STYLE HATS, JUST IN AT THE STORE OF J A YOUNG & SON. ja29 NEW MEAT M A E K E T I HAVING rented the new BRICK STORE of J W Wadsworth. opposite City open on the 9th instant, a OFFICERS AT.& O. Railroad. S P Smith, President; R I McDowell, Vice President ; C N G Butt, Cashier. janl5 G. BISPB.TGH EalUE, VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. ThrouKh Freight Route to all Points South. This line being fully equipped for business, offers unequaled tacilities ior tne Transportation 01 xreigut, uum WILMINGTON AND ALL NORTHERN AD iiiUMiiM xvy CHARLOTTE STATESVILLE, ASHViiiiiJK, t u uxun, GREENVILLE SPAJRT AN BURG, ALL STATIONS ON THE ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO, and WESTERN N. C. RAILROADS, aa well as all points m GEORGIA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. insrsTJisraE jnjd bates GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA ANY COMPETING LINE, AND INFORMATION" FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION TO AT COST FOR CASH, Till tie 15th of APRIL, 1816, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CASSIMERES, BLANKETS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, AND GENTLEMEN'S Clock, I will First- lass MEAT MA R-K E T , Will keep constantly on hand 'all kinds of Fresh .Meats of the very best quality will make Sausage and Souse a specialty ; also, Oysters and Fresh Fish daily. Satisfaction guaranteed, both in quality and nrice. I will also continue to sell First-Class Meats at my old stand at the City Market, wnere my old customers will be faithfully waited upon by Mr Sam Wilson. J W ADAMS. nov7 LATEST ARRIVAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, Charlotte, N. C, Feb. 29, 1876. and after Wednesday. March OF 1st, AS AS JNO G YOUNG, Soliciting Agent C. sept30 F W CLARK, Geneal Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N. C. C. D., Charlotte, N. C. T T SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. been selling your HAKK13 The following is self explanatory MR HARRIS, ' TiitAR 8ik .We have rflmimil Fertilizer, known as EMPIRE COMPOUND, for nearly one year, and must say that we have heard nothing bat the most favorable reports ; in fact the hrt hav nsp.d it are more than pleased and will use double the amount the -lOUUWiHE dcoovu. ' 1" est Fertilizer that tne r armer can uaw, :t. nnnffliMiiiml make about four (.Bur " jwm. " , f rr a t aWint iVia HAfne cost as one ton ai most commercial Fertilizers. "Tours truly, nov5 . viLiUiM ec 1114 G. W. CHALK & CO., TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. GEN COM & PRODUCE MERCHANT, AndDealerain Flour, Grain, and Pro duce generally, ggf- uonsignments soiiciieu, rciuiuo promptly made. apo INDOW GLASS, Puttv. Linseed Oil, Lubricating Oil, Tannefa Oil; at M - . and INVITE CASH men and promise to Sell as low as TRY GREGORY'S MIXTURE . x r. -t Wnr Dvioepsia you will De Denenueu, l!lrr T C SMITH & CO.. 1 1 Agents. .La " -w Rocthridge Alum Water, AND BUFFALO LETHEA WATER, RECEIVED fresh from the Springs eyery week. We are the authorized agent for the celebrated Springs, and have perfected arr ingements to receive fresh supplies every week direct irom tne epnngs. Excelsior Baratoga Water on oraugni ana in entries. . uoneresa ivausr. niuuiu Water and Star Saratoga -Water in bottles, for sale at 7' MCAUBfl B jull -,r-,:i, ,t. .JZntawn- ' " Removal of Lumber Yard. THE undersigned haye removed their Lumber Yard to Rock Island Factory lot, and will keep a supply of Lumber, Jiatns, ana the oest cypress oningies, al ways on hand : also a large supply of light wood for Kindling, put up in ounaies. inej are prepared to fill bills for houses, either long or short leaf lumber at short notice. Dressed flooring a specially. . B J SHAWN OlNMUUHiS & BUJN. jan8 7 Butter Butter. THRESH arrival of that Superior Virginia - 8 CARTER'S, decll - Commission' Store. 7. B. 8PKNCKE. G. D. ALLJEK. SPENCER & ALLEN, Q- O OiE B S Aim Commission Moroiaats,- OLD STAJTD OT STENHOUSEr MACAULAY & CO., . Txadc Street, ' v -CHARLOTTE, N. C. 1 iJ-.fS: Consignments solicited and prompt returns made. - - - - - novlO ly FURNISHINGGOODS. I HAVE A LARGE STOCK ON HAND AND MUST BE SOLD, I DO NOT WANT TO CARRY THEM OVER to ANOTHER SEASON. J. L1NDY, declO "yE HAVE ON CONSIGNMENT A lot of fine White Beans, Oats ana iresn Mountain Butter. . STITT, WALBa. LU. feb23 COB M VESSEL, A BAIJJI9AMK1I. JACOB M. MENDEL & CO., MANUFACTUR1CB3 OF CIGARS WHOLESALE BEALEBS IS TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, &0., TRADE ST., CHARLOTTE, N. C. octl3 The Last Gall. ALL parties who have not paid their Tax es, are hereby notified that no further indulgence can be given. ' I will be compell ed to settle in full with the County Treas urer in a few days, and, in the meantime, if steps are not taken to cancel the taxes now remain in r nnnaid for the?vears 1874-'75. the claims will certainly be put in the hands of a Deputy for collection, i It will be a very disagreeable doty on my part to be forced to ell the nroDertv of any man, but as I am Wallv liable for the taxes still due. the col lection of the same will be enforced without fear or favor. .This is positively my last call to delinauents to come forward, and settle withnnt delav. I can always be found at my office in the Court House. : - m m -n a m-s a TTV nm Ot. - P feb23 1mT - 1 Democrat and Home copy 2t , . No 3. 2.45 p. m. 4 49 " 5,il ' 6.50 No. 4. 6.43 a. m. 8.06 " 8.48 " 10.45 rvN J the following Schedule will be run over this Toad, until otherwise oraerea GOING NORTH. Train No. 1 Leave Charlotte, 2.45 a. m " D. College, 4.41 " " ' Mooresville, 5.21 Arrive Statesville, 6.30 " GOING SOUTH. Train No. 2 Leave Statesville, 3.00 p. m. Mooresville, 4.14 " " D. College, 4.54 " Arrive Charlotte: 6.45 ." Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make close connection at Statesville with Trains over W. N. C. R R. Trains Nos 3 and 4 will run on Satur days only. Tickets on sale to Newton, Hickory. Mor cantnn. Marion and Old Fort. All charges must be pre-paid on Freight offered for shipment toBection House, Hen derson's, Alexandriana and Caldwell's. These being "Flag Stations," the Company is- not liable for loss, or damage to freight after it is unloaded at either of the above named "Flag Stations." xno ireignt wm oe receiyeu- uy a&vub shipment unless the name of consignee and destination is distinctly marked thereon. J J GORMLEY, feb29 - Superintendent, Removal. MY Boot and Shoe Shop has been remov ed to Holton's new brick building on I Trade Street, over Walker's store, where I will be pleased to see all my 01a menas ana customers. Thankful for past favors, I re- pec tiully solicit a share of public patronage 50 GALLON IRON CANS, For Kerosene Oil tbe lowest price yet of fered come and see them. . ,TC SMITH A.CO.a (an27 - ' Corn '. Corn ! ! 1 CAK LOAD CORN, NEW G 0 0 D S J. SPHILLIPSj MERCHANT TAILOR and DEALER IN GENTS FURNISHINO GOODS, HAS removed to one of the New Stores under the Central HoteLTrade 8t,and is receiving his Winter Stock: of Goods for . Men's Wear, and will make them up at short notice in the most fashionable man ner, cheaper than the same class of Goods haye ever been offered in this market. OiM Skirts a Specialty. Cutting and repairing done promptly. All crnnda and work must be ttaid for on deliv ery, as I am compelled to do a cash bnsfviess. J S PHILLIPS, 0Ctl7 . Final Notice. ON the first day of October Instant. F B McDowell, Esq-, purchased a half inter est in the OB8ERVER establishment, and it is absolutely necessary that all outstand ing claims due me up to that date be settled, either by note or account at once, as I must close up my old books. All claims doe me individually, contracted prior to inat ume, remaining unsettled on the 1st day of -De cember next, wunout reserve, wiu opuwa in the hands of an officer for collection. CHAS. B, JONES. oct26 lm . . . . . . SLATE R00F1HG. W . feb29 FOB SALE BY M. CROWE LL Canary Seed, TJEMP Seed. Rape Seed, Cuttle Fish Bone, XX Hop Tonic, Liquid Jfixt. ceei. feb!2 W R BURWELL & CO. "PIFTY.BARRELS KEROSENE, Offered to the trade at lowest market prices. 1 TO SMITH 00. feb24 STOWSON, having permanently locat- d in Charlotte, is fully prepared to pat on Slate Roofs in any part of the adja cent country. . ' MARBLEIZED SLATE MANTELS A SPECIALTY; All work guaranteed. Prices Reasonable, Shinzle Boots taken off and relaid with Orders will receive prompt attenwon, woen j tddreaged to P. O. Box 118, Charlotte, N. O. "S";;T VINEGAR, Barrels and Half Barrels Pore White Wine and Cider Vinepj, at - f 25 feH feb27 " . ft

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