." iiV-?ft -v:-- -.sj!i:.;, . ' ' -- -- ... 1 : 1 1 .'-- ' -hi" l III! II 'III I I - n ' ..... . 1 " :'r. . '.' I' . .: : -L -I- S - 7 30BEIGJT;-; J V.'tti.'. in Cuba - More . Mexican - nm.mU Writ-Servea i Upon - Schenck;t71iolia8.8aUed-ABoyal - Birth-Seyere Press Comment!' 'the Belknap C aseSemi-yanle m 'Tfivisi. March :4-rIti8 officially re ported from Tobias DeGibaf Of, Februa- ', ry zyto, tnai, ipre ,uuujw;---- ' cavalry, "wnuo Hcuufius " mflt-ii hundred mounted insurgents - aa hir M J mo 'Gomez. The . ,VUiUUIuuw j Spaniarddrbard bad .time to draw - their ' sahrei.l A" hand tb i hand, com lat followed, lasting an hour, at the " eud of whighytime they, remained masters of the battle field. Their loss wastweRtyriUkiled4apieighty-three ' wounded The loss i 'of the ejrw considered at least equal. C it. Gen 1 Jovella reached? the rsceoe j very, sooi after he heard ofihe . fight. Tbfishe first engagement of consequence for a long li&fc.h" . J , The City of Havana, from Vera Cruz, has arrived here. Advice3 from Mexico, of February 26th, are that Gen'l Jon'saleleg' Herrear, had pro nounced against the government in Babcock Leaves' the 7hite Honie-r i f -.Tha Belknan Paneri Beady - WasHixgtos, March , 4. It is semi- ofBcialfy staled. that Gen Babcock's connection with" the- business at the Executive Mansion, has now ceased. - The 'Attorney General has been in cdiisultation with the District Attor- Fable op. the Two Turkeys.5 A n honest farmer Qnce led his twoturkeys- into his graharyand jold them to eat, drink and bemewyr'Ooeof these tur keys was wise and one foolish. - The foolish bird at once indulged excessive ly in - the' pleasures of the stable, ,uo euspicious of the future, but the wiser fowl, in order " that he might not be fattened and slaughtered, lasted con tinually, mortified bis flesh, and devo ted himself to eloom y reflections upon the brevity of life. When thanksgiving iev with relation to Belknap, and the approached the honest tarmer kuiea Bey wim.reianuu vu. both turkeys, -and by placing a rock m preliminary papers with a ,view to his interioJr of th 'prudent turkey, punishment, have oeen prepareu. made him weigh more than his .plump rru.r ;n ka aont .n;.thA Tirana siury ftr'hotber. moral Jjum viwmvx wiw J I I w msJ W w ----- r- - . 4 mnnlr whan it. in RineULKU UU Hi 1 . w " fiCAIl CT CfiJW,- - X ' ;.manfc will nromDtl.v follow. A aimilar nroceediog ; willibe instituted COIMIIMIIHjI2;OI-A.Ij, fl&aiost Marsh. The Attornoy General had a consultation with the President to-day on this Bubject. TWENTIETH-MIIIUAL: STATEIIENT- -z. COnilECTlCOT L1UT0AL LIFE IIISOnMICE CO., - OIF1 HAETPOB33, C02ST3ST; ' ': , ...........$38,838,267 85 vNet -Assets, January 1, 1875,...- j - - Keceived in 187& ; For Premiums, 5 ' For Interest '-and rent,..-.. 2,652,931 81 9,818,400 36 FLASHES. TUARLOTTB MARKKITS OBSERVER OFFICE Charlotte, N. C", March 5, 1876. -The Cotton Market. j Transactions were limited yesterday. The $48,656,663 21 33rISBJRS3B33r IN 1875 : TO POLICY HOLDERS For claims by death and matured endowments, Surplus returned to policy holders, ......... ......... Lapsed and surrendered policies,... ...$2,722,352 27 2.543.5G6 08 ........941,965 42 -$6,206,923 77 EXPENSES : - fccoa a Commissions to agents r""V".5TO,I Salaries of officers.clerks.and.othera employed on ealary,......79,i70 to Medical examiners' fees, v wi Printing, stationery, advertising, postage, ec. ; FOR COMFORT, ELEGANCE 1 DURABILITY -r - ' - - , ; rBUY YOUE BOOTS aad i FEOM- Taxes,. . Wrn, V.vrv March 4. Caleb P. market, however, was firm, and the demand Marsh is reDOrted gone to Canada. A to. There was no quotable change in prices BaUn Net AB6Ctgi December; dispatch from Poughkeepsie -Bayi ne --; was bn the train which passed there last night. ' 741,382 08 246,306 83 7,194,602 63 WE ABE NOW TJ ECEIVINC our FIRST -SHIPMENT of SPRl'liC COODg NEW AND BEAUTIFUL 8TYLE8, AND , . AT LOW PRICES. INCLUDING ALL THE ADINO MANUFACTURES. SUCH AS BURT'S, MILES' AND ZEIQLER'S, FOR LADIES, MISSES and CHILDREN. ALSO CANFIELD'S, MILLER'S and YOUNG'S CELEBRATED BOOTS and GAITEE8 FOR GENTLEMEN. " Intr as nir house, and we offer our STOCK OF wffiERGOOrS. at extremely low prices, to close oat. -JgPJfJ.JSfgJ your patronage. Bi. vr-i -Rov RniM5n nhlniA v. n PRICE LIST FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. 31 $41,462,065 S3 SCS33-DU3e OF ASSETS : Mid Night Dispatches. EATEIH PROBABILITIES. - ' Washington, March 4. Inferior.. 5a9 Low Middling lOiall Middling Hi T . . flrat lian :i $26,936,282 40 finod MiddlinP. (avera-e) Uiallfi . ' 241,363 28 n i m . 1 St 1 t I febi5 Sales of the day 66 bales. PRODUCE MARKET. Lequira, V&W tom Tand the Ohio Valley, US- r11Aara anil hA KlllCQ. jLail- I . .............. won COT Premium notes on policies in force, JJOSV Ol real tsaiuic uwucu uj kuc . son mc oa Coat of.United States registered bonds, nn -i. . c ai.i. U uiu.uuu cost oi ciatc ouL.ua, i 746 695 00 n.ust nfiiiv hnnrts - : '. r n AU iirnnon,l1 . - . ' - W vwu 4"' auv. . Ol oioer uuuus, on or i n m Flour contmaes in light demand and dull Cost of bank stock, " 26 000 00 bnt tbe arrivals are lighter and sstocks are os .1 ir"" 6 1,070,89s 79 .- v j-.il trrflnftllv rJplininp'. I .ck ' . b,bo4 7o For the South Atlantic ana T"o ,mfll, . ' 'n " 79.180 45 jcy t i wv m.-v--m-b-u i iaiauic u.i- j jim 6jv 4; 876 45 LUDWS&' A- yiSGKESSER'S - - nr- WTN.E hm J5 Ji K AHI ato Guerra also pronounced and seiz waimer weather, and areas of rain, . . :u nnafAricr oonthfiriv winds, ana edLorgos: ;He was subsequently ae: 7; "T" - Led by-tW goyenjmtforces: jGen. falling barometer. Alatora recently attacked Hernandez, " r--- - -Krt had iRsned a. toronunciamento in ILLINOIS. Oaxaca, and Vasjoidcd bj Gen; Tigue- r'oa.' The jrebels . repulsed Alatorra particulars of How Two Army Offi- twice, but he has since received rem- cgr8 Logt Their place8 forcemeota and was about to resume . L d-nsiv. .Martial law has been Chicago, March 4.-It is reported 1,A L ia Th State was here that the part which Geo T Robin- tranquil, and Machoacan was consid- son, of Baltimore and Geo. A. Amies, "Ar i0a w.-lo restored have taken in the Belknap disgrace, has inTepeantepic. As the steamer was led to an examination of the army learihg Ver Cruz, telegrams were re- records, which shows that they both ceived from the ihterior, announcing lost their places m the array through the triumph of the government at all their own scandalous practices upon points. Different revolutionary plans charges preferred by superior officers, pubiihd,Owea tEt there has been and after formal court martial through no lufiaeahdifAaTnonff :th rebel the instrumentality of the late Secre leaders. The government had asked a tary. Geo T Robinson was a captain loan of five hundred thousand dollars in the 10th cavalry, and was arraigned f.nm thA merchants of the capital, before a general court martial at St. ... immediately eranted, and Louis, October 23d, 74, on the charge the money placed at. President Leido's of fraud against the government, A ' i ; which fraud consisted in drawing his LokdoS March 4.-Th Zfrur undel- pay repeatedly for the same month. ..r! t t.nmhl in the The full proceedings of the Court show Lu offraud extending over two , courtfOi ? e . '.v at veaw 0f time, practiced not only upon upon ju-inibter ow.. j - . . -vr vrV Phila- theinftanceofthe Emma Mine Com- the government at New Yk, Phda ; .,..r-." -n-ii ilnlnh a.- Baltimore, .Galveston and Danv. lue writ was ecrycu 00 viowt r - , r.qX if rain t. other Doinls, but for false charges fo ..r cu"" 6.;o.; r. rfthd nd medical nractice. Robinson Easton Station, uenerar-ocueiu;. . ... , , . f t.., nhv. also did not hesitate each time he drew lerseu uic oci ci j i.v iScZmir Uti from Stores, j Bacon Hams, per lb Sides, " Shoulders, " Hog Round, Beeswaz Butter Choice, Brandy Apple, Peach, Eggs, per dozen Flaw Family, per Back, " Extra, " Super, Fruit Diied Apples, per pound " "Peaches, Creen Apples per bushel. Fowls Chickens, each " Turkeys, " Ducks, Grain Corn White, per bushel, " Mixed, Wheat Ked, per bushel, " White, Oats Black " White, Feat Pure clay, " Mixed, Hides Dry, " (ireen, Ixird Good, " CorrirDon, Onions, (57 lbs tobcBht-l) Potatoes Irish, " Sweet, Tallow M ool Tub washed " Unwashed. $41,462,065 53 NET ASSETS: 16117 124 14 ADD 9a 12 Interest accrued and due, 12ial3 'Rents accrued. 28a30 Market value of stocks anf. bonus over cost, ..$1,617,060 07 2,510 91 372,698 20 6,050 23 20 25 I yet premiums m course of collection ? "4 265 93 aailUttl yremiuuio, -- 2-00 a 2 50 I Ket deferred quarterly and semi z au a s z o 2,032,585 39 12i 3.50a3.75 3.i'5 300 9al2i 8al5 125al50 t 30a35 . 75al00 25 75a85 75aSO 1 25 1 35 6J65 65 lOOal.10 90a 100 11 7 a 8 15al8 12ai5 1.00a2 75al00 100al50 8al0 25 35 Gross Assets, December 31 lg75 f 43,494,650 92 Amount required to reinsure all outstanding policies, net assum- ing 4 percent interest, '995' 754 qq All other liabilities, '39,263,061 00 Surplus, December 31, 1875...... - TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS a n nKA rdA QQ , .... 0,UlMiIU CU Increase of assets during 1S(J....... .""'"'1'Yk ....7 55 Der cent. Ratio of expense of management to receipts m 10 Policbs in fbrce, Dec. 31, 1875, &S.209, insuring u,oo.ow w JAMES GOODWIN JACOB L GREENE JOHN M TAiLOE, President. ...Seceetabt. ....Assistast Skceetaby. S. D. WAIT, General Agent, FOR NORTH CAROLINA, OFFICE AT RALEIGH. m ar4 u o- tn xnmmit nerinrv. The Court Athens, March-4. The Queen of iU Rnd pas8ed the fol- Greece has been delivered of a daugh- gentencn ,ARd the Court doe8 ter- i , therefore sentence Capt. George T. Losdok, March 4. The Times this 0biuson, of the 10th cavalry to be morning sajB editorially of the Balk. cashiercd,to forfeit to theUnited States nap 1 scacdah "This event is more au the pay and allowances now due or grave because it is ccnnrmaue ui tue tQ become due, auu to nave ma crime, suspicion -which has long prevailed name piace of abode and punishment, among the A'merican people. E published in and about Philadelphia the Europeans cannot but be struck and St. Louis." George A Armes was withthe altered tones in which the aiao captain in the 10th cavalry, and Americans speak, if not of their insti- wag trie(j Dy c0Urt martial at Leaven tations; at least of the men who have wbrthj Kansas, March 12th , 70, and the ''administration of them.'? was dismissed from the .service by The News, alluding to the same sub- command of Gen. Sherman. The Court "American political life found him guilty of conduct unbe" seems io, he in anything but a healthy coming an "officer, the offense being condition,"- It refers to the whisky exhibition of obscene pictures to fe- Iraullrialthe Emma Mine scandal, male servants at the post. Armes was and the downfall ef Belknap, and says also guilty of other offenses, such as that these scandals lift the veil from a lying class of society which it was hitherto pretty'getferallj supposed had as yet WASHINGTON escaped the imparities ? of social Biatauuuw, The Tmneachment Articles Completed in a some oi iu iov - AKrtftnfn Pm'h. ne gotWwnmt may be percolating -Belknap W500;00)-Pr? i.?riiFedeVatadmimattin. able Gnilt f.""- The TOearapH ., "Diaclcure other Inveat.gaUon-Ho.ae Pro- T ff, .V. a roo t-CCUio. aner uiBciuburr, tiumigo aa .6, Saturday, March 4, 18T6. PRODUCE. Ualtlmnre Oata doll; Southern 40a47. i Rye nominal, 7SiS2. Provisions utroDg and bouyant; prices unchanged. Coffee nominally unchanged. Whisky duil, a'- 10. Sugar steady. ORE NEW GOODS! M ,14 eoc -- -x - LYINH AYEN, O YSTERS ON THE SHELL THIS MORNING. FRENCH AND GERMAN WINES, MILWAUKEE; CXXHGII&XUATI and READIEST Gr LAGER. jan21 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES BOOTS AND SHOES, AT THE LOW PRICES OF THE GOOD OLD TIMES BEFORE THE WAR GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS, Wilmington, N. C. OFFER TO THE TRADE THEIR LARGE STOCK AND COMPLETE ASSORTMET of BOOTS and SH JES, (being the largest in the State) at such low rates as defy com petition by my jobbing house in the South. Wen's Stout 8. Kip Boots at $28 00 and -30 00 a case Men's best first quality Brogans at $1.50 a pair, Men's first qtiahtyL. & h. TfrS atI'l 12i per pair, Women's prime Peb. Grain Bals at$l. 00 per pair, Women's prime l Children's Polish High Cut Copper Tips at75cents a oil r.fVir Bt-viM At ponallv low rates. i AdiM irlii-T fwl GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS, Wilmington, N. 0. THE SHINE COTTOS. New York Firmer; sales 2 3S2; uplands 124. Organs 12 13-16. Baltimore Firm; mid 12i; gross rec'pts 97; exports to Great Britain 369, coast wUe 75; sales 160; spinners 100. Boston Fairly actiye; mid 12J; net re ceipts 445; gross 081; exports, Great Britain 400; sales 385. New Orleans Firm mid 12J, low mid 11, good ord 9J; net receipts 3,896; gross A ir.l. n.ln n (Iraat TCrifnin .1 SOS' f r thtt continent 1,679; to the channel 1,579; coast- ior sa.ow, anu efj"B r suit the times. I will pay the highest Cash Price for old Gold and Silver. Watches, Clocks Jewelry SILVER AND PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. t WILL SELL A GOOD WEIGHT PLOCK wise 3,116; sales 9,000. FUTURES. New York Opened firmer. April, 13 1-16; ' May, 13 5-16a; June, 13 a21 32. July, 13 27-3229-32; August, 14 1-1G. FINANCIAL. New York Money easy, at 2ia3. Cold 14Sa5. Bteiling 6. Governments dull and steady. New 5's 182. States quiet and nomimal. Bank Statement .-Loans in creased 14 million; specie increase 2 million varvin in decrees of truth, but with Washington, D. C, March 4.-xne legal, tenners decrease -f- -: , .'.l j .u -..u !, .Amn1t.Ad t.hft increase 2 million; reserve decrease i mu the same ueiv ana uniawaru cuar- Buu-vuniiuin'co r. .!:-..,.- . . . , . it inn . ter have lately injured the commer- articles ol impeacnmeni. cial, religions, judicial and adminis- The committee on tne expenunurco trative eoverhments of the United of the War uepartmeni aresaiu w u States. Some have proved false and satisfied that Jiemnap s possessions are others trueand more await evidence, worth a quarter of a million. Bnt the eerieral effect by tneconfirma- General Custer has telegraphed Hes tion has been to brfng tne blush of ter that Clymer has the opinion that shame into the face of all honest there is no trading post West of the -Americans, and-to make the countlBss Missouri River which had not teen friends of a republic in this country, bought by tne parties noming it. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, re paired and warranted for 12 months, at J. T. BUTLER'S, Carolina Jewelry Store, feb27 Charlotte, N. C, BARRELS OF EXTRA FLOUR, On Consignment at low figures, at THIS RISING SUN. 10 BOXES OF LEMONS, At Wholesale and Retail, at THE RISING SUN. 1-2 BARREL OF MALAGA GRAPES AT THE RISING SUN sept23 FINE IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR VERY LARGE STOCK OF WALNUT, CHAMBER -AND- WE ARE PARLOR SUITS, OFFERING SAME IAT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. BARRELS OF BALDWIN APPLES, AT THE RISING SUN. BUYERS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO GIVE OUR STOCK " AND. PRICES AN EXAMINATION. BARRELS OF FLOUR, THE RISING SUN. 30 Of all grades, at EAST X). a. smith: ac co., TRADE STREET, OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSE. POME-MADE CANDIES, H' At Wholesale, at feblG THE RISING SUN, lion. MORTGAGEE SAL.ES NOTIcfT SALE OF VALUABLE GOLD MIN ING MACHINERY. BY Virtue of a power conferred on us by a certain deed of mortgage executed to us by 8 C Johnston, we will sell at the uourt 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IK WATCH MAKINC. -NO silent andsorrowful, while its enemies , Dr. Dyenforth, examiner ot tne ",55 BOTCHED OR BUTCHERED WORK : . . . - : ....T,, " 1 u ..:nl. sf i Vo Patent I lftifA lfl nn. I . tj " i . rejoice, v over vnese isuuitjug icyci- cubuiiwi? v , , "- viz: tne large oieam jngiu auu tv-vxt , m I1TO t?3T A "RT TfiTTMENT . J'iy?i.:f ; rS j. i ft,. kSK.VV " .nrl nnllAm nnn..td therewith: DONE AT THIS H5l AUijlOXxm x, tmnff.' ' - -i - - if ? . i uer jiivbwbuou jui t, , . i - j . Th. RtnnAnrd. navsi "ITnuilv. coun- House. Reagan, of Texas -tries are few where so; gross an abuse against the Powhattan treaty argu.ng -mpoary lZi that it would not be ot the least .ad- :.a,.,ting pans and ccunu-r mi Min y.n ', of tru6t would be possible." . iivi8PuoL, Martih 4 -- Minister SiHer,(k sftiletl i'op Jew Yorir u .. r 'tT'wr. AVyf8;uiv..;. . "'. '! Si&Hdapi's fi nun pial article Bay s : " At thi hour, (1 o'elock), semiipanio previii'aHlock exilUangenJionie I, "" ' '' " Vsale "Many" sales are'stateH To be on I i'A'-'ip banking accounts, and it, is assumed ( ttiat the extent of fan In' some stocks ' " wUflead, fficuities Jtt e;next - Ifcnigtitly settlements':; ; r ; jt'Uri rd. to ihv Uniied Slrttr. Ad- ! .- it lilfe i:l (i lH.-iii V.- .-Ull It-..-.- i .per, j c.i:i ' 'tf r-H-'lt ijlvTtte KUtyjlawJC iJisasxer ; uonnrmea Washinqtok, March 4. The. Signal ; Smice -Observer at Kitty Hawk, re : ' Sports that- he name of ,'the Italian &4:?.. bark wrecked on-the -Jforth Carolina Si;l coastiia tneightdf the 1st, was Nuorsfottovia ; bburiff from Geneva to i Baltimore. The bark's crew were al i'-Q-, IobL excebtlthe second mate and three f ; "im'en Th e . Captain's' name" was Bazko cJ. Leavide. No bodies Mve bnrecov- fJ,': red ainxe'the report of yesierday. V essel Burned al CharUstou With 2,357 Bales ef Ccttou. ChaetjstPN, March 4, The British bark John Giddie, at this port for Havre, caught tin i fire this evening. The cargo was- twenty-three . hundred and fifty-seven bales of upland cotton. The damage is mostly from water, with which the vessel has been filled.- The insurance on the cargo is reported to be entirely 'in foreign! omces. ' The freight money" was yel hundred pounds, insured here. The vessel was owned in Liverpool, it will ba pump: ed out.varid'SthcargQ f taken out as aoofl its.- nossible. The probable loss is oneitundred thousand dollars, .f-i l'irl,.tr i Ji..-: iu..'..0.: A MAO A U LAY,-' itb20 tds , Ml, M'OKK DONE IN A WORKMAN w. ; ; 1 1 v A N j. a M W A H V A N T E !? ,-.-.,- r-.Tr- r t T C 'I' ,v ..vv GROUND PEAS a Specialty, at mrrn nroTVfi QTTV i box's of large fine FLORIDA ORANGES, 4- AT ltlxli Kioxixu- doxi. SUITS BY MEASURE TO ORDER. tVit. thpv are prepared THE Undersigned respectmny mjorm men jkcuuj , rf - . - fnntnrilv. of any to take measures for any article oi oiajj.xii.v, uu -"v.- - . .... . . , u v TMvmn'aps to eive all oidtrs Tn,t received all of the above, which we style or material desired, me purcnasmg r - sell as low as any house in the city, ; , ttflrt n(1 tn he resnonsible for their being eatisfactory in fit and fabric. I' a XlJLiXUi Ot W. uia piauum t,wv , 1 I We being citizens with you, gentlemen, feel that we ought to respect your patronage, in i preference to strangers. We promise that no visitor from a Northern City, shall give y more satisfaction. Call and try us. feb24 B ANANAS, BANANAS, BANANAS. feblG M-.rtgii;efs. Printing Presses Material For Sale. Pri me Fig Tobacco. HE BEST IN BBOmni , - : JM- VIM -W 1J XM " feb2C BY Virtue of. a power conferred on me ia and by a certain deed of mortgage exe cuted to me by 'JM S McSween,:late of the CSty of Charlotte, I will sell at the Court House in unariotce, on eararaay. we xoca day of March, next,1 the following property, viz: -One Pair Haven Power Press, one smalt Press t tw ewDerry mate,) also a large lot .of type of the various ; styles tiBually found, in a first-class newspaper and job ofittce. r, Also: a full supply of cases, stands, roles, galleys, chases and other things necessary- in such en office, together with desks, chairs, tables and stovesv--;-- " ' - ..Persons desirinetobnrchase can see the property by applying to the Messrs SchifT fc xsro or to Messrs Jones & Johnston, Attor neys, unariotte, n. , - - - saeTerms of sale, Cash. ' 'f ."- ' WM JOHN8TON, feh2atds'. T. Mortgagee GOOD 00 HOUR WEIGHT CLOCKS FOB. $3.50. WATCH MAKEK SUPPLIED WITH ALL KINDS OF MATERIAL. RUSH H. BIXLER, - Tryon Street, ppp. Butler's Jewelry Store. mar2 t . - AWAKE ou JOHN A. YOUNG & SON. Q TJE FIVE CENT- CSears are giving gtod satisfaction to all wfto try them. , T C BMl lxi a, kaj. tfeb24- "v' 1 TTTE BESPECTFTJLLY ' 4 ianviteall'tocalland examine onr prices at the WIDE AWAKE. Kespectruiiy, ' marl , t . i T COLEMAN fc 602T, I it Dili! ft oarfisO ) il j tiff i tr) IF YOU WANT 10 POUNDS OF GOOD 1 SUGAR for $1 00, go to tne WIDE AWAKE GROCERY." marl I F YOU -WANT 8 lbs of A Suear. or 9 lbs C Sagar for $1, call on T Coleman fe Son, at the j , WIDE AWaKE GROCERY. -. marl TyHEN YOU WANT A barreT of good Flour, you can get Stann- ton Ya; Flonr; at T Uoleman Hon s - r ' WIDE AWAKE GROCERY. marl " 4 T THE WIDE AWAKE ' . Vhiv -nf find anvthiflff Von may need in the Grocery or Produce line, all as low aa the lowest, and delivered at youx house any wherein the city. " r t v.marl, t ,-.s"- - . ' V' New Goods ! A' Fresh lot of that nice uocoanut uanny, -just received, at febl9 PUREFOY'S. Toys ! Toys ! JpjW TOTS, just opened, at PUREFOY 8. feb!9 . 100 Eastern Potatoes, for sale at - - STITT, WALSH A CO'S. feb23 1 FOR LENT SEASON. FRESH FISH every morning, op-neJ ' 6 o'clock, at EH WHITE'S, i Basement, Springs' Building, feb26 East Trade Street. Tobacco, Tobacco. V Ground Feed v ONE ton Rye and Corn ground ; 'one ton Oats and Corn - eround : one ton fine Bras and Shorts ; one ton -Wheat Bran, at A Select Stock of Chewing Tobacco a: Cigars, snUedtoeuux, feb24 - QOLOGNE, EXTRACTS, Toilet Soaps of superior quality, at janU MeADENU Drugstore SK FOR PRATT'S Astral Oil and be sure von get nilITU AT 1 AJt nbstitnte. - T V bj" - . feb24 . A 4 yi x., '-r i4

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