' ' J - ' - ' . . " - , - - - - ----- 1- . .. ..f ' - -, - -. - i ' t-' ' . - . ' . t - ' ' .- t , . ' -'.-.' : ' ' ' " - i ' ' ; . - - . . . , . CHAELOTTE OBSEHVEE, UBCRIPTIOJ JtATHM 1 vear, (p)6tpaIJ) in advance, 6 mos. " " 3 mos. " ': 1 raon. " WKECLT IDITTOK. Pfklv, .in the county) in advance, ou of the county, postpaid, fi months, ' r-r Liberal reductions for clabs. & TT - NEW XlOZT labisr'r; TRADE 1 05 BOO T :S A N P S li t. T! - i """""""" 1 ' ii 1 mHIS BEING THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE BOOT and SHOE HOUSE 1 in the State and our facilities for buying Goods being equal to any, we feel confident that we can sell BOOTS and SHOES AS CHEAP as any Baltimore okew York Jobber We buy only from Manufacturers and defy competition. ' One of the firm is now North purchasing our' .SPRING STOCK, which, when com plete, will be the largest in the State. ' luul All we ask is a call from eyery Merchant in North and South Carolina and Georgia. CHAELOTTE, 1ST. O- fcb5 i MESSRS. ENTIRE RETAIL STOCK OP Boots, Shoes and -AND- Is Now Closing Out all WINTER GOODS, at Greatly Reduced Prices, to Make Room for SPRING STOCK. fell Ha&ly m$L S eerae migmla TEEMS STRICTLY CASH. NEW IRON FRONT feb21 SMITH BUILDING," F U R K tit 11 E woes WHOLESALE BED ROOM AND PARLOR OF COFFINS OF ALL mar7 rpiE WELL KNOWN MILLINERY THE GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, HAS OF WINTER HATS, FLOWERS AND SUCCESS THAN ANY OTHER MILLINERY BUSINESS IN THE STATE. WITH THESE GREAT ADVANTAGES IN NOT HAVING TO CARRY OLD STOCK OVER, WHICH IS ALWAYS CONSIDERED DEAD STOCK, ENABLES ME TO BUY THIS S 3P H, I M Or ONE OF THE LARGEST JAND BEST SELECTED STOCKS EVER BE FORE OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. 00DS IN MY LINE WHICH ARE BROUGHT HERE TOO EARLY ARE X0T THE LATEST STYLES, AS NORTHERN HOUSES ONLY OPEN THEIR DESIRABLE PATTERNS THE LATTER PART OF MARCH, THEREFORE .. .. I RESPECTFULLY. REQUESTS-HE LADIES NOT TO MAKE THEIR PUB- "' '' Ml H. - . ,; ' .. CHASES TOO EARLY, ASSURING THEM THAT 1 SHALL TAKE .-. hr- ' ' 'y ' i GREAT PAINS MAKING ' - EESPECTFULLY, M . KZ O .i; ,-rji.ra ; feb27 j ; . ' iv 1 a i ri fcj t mm 1 mm i mm J . ini i u 1 mm rm t i v vr n tii r-n x f as i i m i avnv xr s. k. 'k mmr jam m ' .hw. VOL. XIII. W. S. FORBES. FOEBSS. 'SMITH' SBTJILDIK-Q-; STREET - - - THE CITY BOUGHT SMITH & FORBES Findings TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. O E A L. 13 R S & & RETAIL, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF BEDDING, &C. No. 5, West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N . C . , JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE or SETTS, AND A FULL LINE GRADES, OH HAND. AND FANCY BUSINESS, UNDER DISPOSED of the WHOLE STOCK FEATHERS, AND MET WITH MORE 3 P P E Tj Shoe OUT CHAELOTTE, CHARLOTTE, N. C, ) December 20th, 1875. i f On and after this date, mails wilt open and viuac iu mis oince as louows : . ..v..utlU) ucjn ereu o.ou a, m., ciose auupni bouthern, " 8.30 " " 7.30 pm Air-une. - 8.30 8.30 pm otawavuie, - .1100" 2.00 pm C.C.EastD., " 8,30 " 9.00 pm west 6.30 nm " 9.00 Dm Money Order and Register hours from 9 a. ill, lo 4 p. m. re Mcdonald, p. m dec21 tf CITY BULLETIN Freedom from dust for to-day, anyhow. The grand jury will probably be in session lor a couple of days yet. iiisery leilow stayed at home last night; mere was nobody on the streets. The Magistrates never knew such amount of suing as is now going on. an Some large and fine evergreens were set out yesterday in the already beautiful yard oi tue First Presbyterian Church. uur inend K. S. Harris, Esq., the popular ana excellent Sheriff of Cabarrus, is in the city. TK. j . , , i mi w3 so strong last evenmjr. as to drive a kerosene ban el clear across Trade street, from McAden's drug store to Smith's. .ceiKnap is still all the talk everywhere. Journalists are besieged on eyery hand for the latest information from Washington. i was so sua last night, after the wind lulled, that you could stand in Independence Square and hear a cat courting a qaarter of a mile off. Sheriff Alexander's new baby must feel mignty foolish. It was born on the 29th of last month, and won't have a birth-day in four years. The Pioneer Fire Company met last night in monthly session. Only routine business was transacted, and none of this is of inter est to the public. ino JJanvilIe (Va) News, of the 22d of February, reached ua yesterday morning, If 'twere coming, 'twere well it came quick ly; but, 'tis better late than never. John El wood says any other time of year would suit him better than the present, to De in jail, it tie could trust the sowing of his oats to any one else, he wouldn't mind it. The more we look at that piece of macad amizing in Independence Square, done by Mr W WT Phifer, the more we like it. In our opinion it is about the best piece of street work in the city. It is reported here that Jo. Legare, the white deyil who was sent to the Peniten tiary from here at the last term Cf court, has escaped from the guards on the Western North Carolina Railroad. The inclemency of the weather prevented a meeting of the Mecklenburg Historical Society last night. A devoted few of the members met in Dr Moore's room, and dis cussed subjects which, if not historical, lack ed nothing of being biographical. Last evening while the rain was coming do wn the heaviest, a Hornet fireman was seen dashing through the streets in full uni form, going to the engine house. He thought he had heard the fire alarm. Creditable to the young man. The order susj. ending one of the night trains on the Carolina Central Railroad, has been rescinded, and these trains still run daily, Sundays excepted. The freights over this road are too heavy to be carried by a tri-weekly train. x Mr J M Mendel, cf J M Mendel & Co., manufacturers of ciears and tobaorn ha gone to Connecticut to buy tobacco, and to engage, while gone, an additional force to be put to work in the factory. They will en large their facilities, and do a larger business than ever. We have before us a specimen of ruling done for this office at Mr. Koellsch's book bindery and ruling establishment. It is perfectly executed could not have been J better done anywhere. Mr. K. deserves en couragement in this new branch of business which he has established here. Suggestive cf an .Xrial Excursion. A large shipment of powder, with the head knocked out of one of the kegs, laid, for some time, yesterday morning on the platform between the warehouses of the Carolina Cen' tral and North Carolina Railroads. People who had business down there, circled way around that powder, and walked light and. theught about that dynamite affair. One Good Effect. It is noticed that since the Market House has been closed, there is none of that crow d of dirtyj drunken and blasphemous negroes hanging around that locality This class formerly caused ladies to shun that side of the street, particularly after dark, and to this extent, if rao. further, the closing ef the Market House has been a public benefit. The Methodist Services. Notwithstanding the rain fell in torrents last evening about church time, there was a very fair congregation at Tryon Street M E Church. The sermon of the evening was preached by Rev C M Pepper, f Concord, Presiding Elder Bobbitt and the pastor of the church being also present. Three peni tents appeared at the altar, and received the prayers of the con gregation . Rev W H Bob bitt will preach this evening. Curious Times. The wife of Mr Joseph Wisenyunt of Burke county, gave birth to twins the last night of the old year one was -born ten minutes before 22 o'clock, and the other ten minutes after 12. ; So one was. torn on Fri day and the other on Saturday, one in 1875 and the other in 1876. . Their birth day is not the same yet they are twins. We doubt if such a thing ever occurred before in the history of the world, Blue Bulge Blade. Strange, indeed; but Charlotte is still ahead. On Saturday the 15th of January last, a woman in this city (we ithhold the name) gave birth to a child,and on the follow- ing Wednesday the 19th of January, she was delivered of another both fine healthy Children. This last bfrth made the twen tieth child of which this woman has become the mother This statement can be sub stantiated at any time. N. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1876 Unexpectedly Drank. The police put a negro in the lock-up, yes terday afternoon. He was cool sober and bad no liquor about him. At dark they visited him, and found him stone blind drunk, rolling over the floor and groaning. The calaboose has lately been white-washed and the negro was as white as a sheet clothes, face and hands ; he had been tumb ling around at such a rate. Somebody had slipped liquor to him. The Fuu Closiug. It would appear that our dramatic season 13 at aa ena. xso company uas an engage ment here, and it does not seem likely that any more will be made. They all stopped J 1 ... . yeijr oauueniy. tor a wnne tne average uocieiy young man couldn't save enough out of his wages to pay board, after buying ticnets and Juring a carnage about every tuird mgnt in the week. What is Needed. We haye large and beautiful churches fashionable and intelligent congregations; devout and able pastors; magnificent organs; choirs composed of splendid yocalists ; and music that compares favorably with any city of its size. We have plenty of talent in embryo but what we are absolutely in want of is a good yoice builder and musical instructor, to develop it. Perhaps th e de sideratum may eome along some of these diys. The Raiu. via rrobs predicted truly. After the heavy winds of yesterday, the clouds which had hung in the skies all day, broke a short time after dark lastevening, and the rain de scended and the floods came. A rain has rarely ever been more welcome here, even in tne bummer time when the earth was dry and ready to drink it up ; for the dast which was taken up on the wings of the wind and hurled to and fro all day yester day, was stifling in its volume and violence, and it is pleasant to reflect that we shall have none of this to-day, even though the winds do blow. The Baby Carriages. With the coming of Spring the baby car riage nuisance had been resumed, but such days as yesterday bring a relief from these infantile vehicles. A great many of our citi zens are complaining of the number of baby vehicles on Trade and Tryon streets. The negro nurses who have nothing better to do, congregate on some corner, and it often hap pens that pedestrians are compelled to take the street in order to get by. While we are not one of tli93e who delight in drinking to the health ot King Herod, yet we must say, it is hard, indeed, that the sidewalks are to be obstructed with these wagons. We have often seen them on Trade and Trvon streets, three and four abreast. Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. We have been publishing for several xlays as aa advertisement, the Twentieth Annual Statement of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, to which we direct at tention. It is now one of the oldest Insu rance Companies in the United States.and if age is any test, it certainly deserves to be ranked with the best among such institu tions. The report shows a net exhibit of assets on hand en the 31st of December last $141,4G2,0G5.53,while $6 20G,923.'?7,havebeen paid Out to policy holders. To those who are interested, we are free to say that this is a gratifying exhibit. S D Wait, Esq., of Ral eigh, is the general agent for the State of North Carolina, and this of itself is a recom mendation to the people of the S'ate. Failure of C. Hashagcn. O Hasnagen, heavy and fancy grocer of this city, has filed a petition in bankruptcy. The cause of this failure is the fact that the creditors of the late firm of Hottendorf & Hashagen, of Wilmington, have been press- ng the surviving partner, Mr Hashagen, who has been established in business here about eight months, until he could no longer stem the current, and he saw that the only prospect of relief was in going into bankruptcy. Mr Hashagen's liabilities are $8,000 to $10,000, and expects to be able to pay 50 cents on the dollar, if not more. The business will be conducted as if no failure had taken place, the proceeds of sales to inure, of coursa, to the benefit of the credi tors. The Ides of March. The Ides, the Roman Calendar, were the fifteenth of March, May, July and October, and the thirteenth of the other months. The word itself is derived, according to some, from the Latin word idus, from iduare, to divide, the ides divide, the ides dividing the month into two nearly equal parts ; but from the fact of eight days in the month be ing coramonly, though improperly, called ides, the correct derivation of the word is probably from the Greek idein, to see, re ferring te the days of the month when the waxing moon is visible. The historical event that gave celebrity to the Ides of March was the death of Julius Csesar, an event im portant both in its immediate effects and in its haying furnished the material for oae of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies. Ex. Experience With a Left-Hande Plew. A country darkey was in town yesterday, having come to bring back to Mr W F Cook a left-handed plow which he had bought from him a few days ago. He exchanged it for a right-handed plow, and then came up street and talked abouHL You must know that the left-handed plow is rather a new departure in agricultural implements. Everybody is used to a plow which throws the dirt out on the right of it, and this one does just the reverse of this. Well, the darkey said, you couldn't give him one of them. When he said "gee"- to the raules the plow threw on the "haw" side, and when you said "haw'Ut threw on the "gee" side. Consequence was that when vou wanted one thing done, the plow did just exactly the other, and then seeing the mis take you gave the mules another order right away, and finally the mules got so they didn't know what under the sun to make of it. The darkey believes that if he had kept that plow just one day longer, every mule on the place would haye been a raving maniac and he himself a complete "ediot." ' He will allow the utmost freedom to other people if they want to buy this new-fangled invention, but for his own part the daikey1 will in future suck to the "gee" plow. Clear as Mad. Reeling up to the counter of one of the i hotels, the other night, and clutching it for support, he exclaimed : "Want bed (hie) wit two rooms in it !" "Want what?" quer ied the clerk. "Yez," ha said, correcting himself, "want two (hie) rooms wiz a bed in it !" And pointing with his thumb over his shoulder at an old "pard" in about as bad a fix as he, he winked at the clerk and smiled. Felt So Cheap. Since last May, when a parcel of young men who had been obliviously drunk though the Centennial, and took the top of a cistern in Independence Square for the corner stone of the Centennial Monument which they supposed had been laid while they were asleep, and afterwards found out their mis take; since that time, we say, nobody, in the corporate limits of this place has felt so cheap as did a couple of young men who went visiting the other night and after ring ing for ten minutes at the door of a house, found out that nobody lived there. Yesterday's Zephyrs. If a man had taken such a nap as that of Rip Van Winkle, and waked up yesterday, he would have guessed that it was March, just because the wind don't take on in any such style during any other month of the year. Those zephyrs which fanned our brows were a trifle too stiff; in fact they al most took a fellow off his feet; and as for dust, why there were clouds of it just skim ming, dashing and playing through the streets, in the most reckless manner, blind ing people and choking them, and dirtying their clothes and ruining goods and causing the genial young clerks to haye more use for the dusting brush than for the yard stick. But this is just the beginning of the end. We shall see plenty more days. just such as yesterday, and meantime you had just as well button your coat around your neck, in order to keep the dust from your clean shirt and make up your mind to accept with the best possible grace, that which is inevita ble. Stole a Pair of heen Shears. Yesterday a negro came to the city in charge of the wagon of Mr. W. D. Lemmon, of Lancaster county, S. C, and carried an order for some hardware to the store of Brem, Brown & Co. While the order was being filled, the negro was walking around the store, and his manner was such as to arouse suspicion. When the goods were ready, the negro started out, saying that he was goiag to the wagon and would return for the bill. Capt. J. M. Wright, one of the book-keepers, collared him and told him to haul tut whatever it was he had stolen. He "hum med and hawed" for some time, but finally a pair of sheep shears were taken from his person, and he was turned over to the po lice, who took him to! the lock-up. Judge Schenck will probably get a lick at him this week, after which he will don a new suit and address himself to the development of the railroad interests of the country. Mr. Lemmon's wagon was taken in charge and will be sent home to-day. The Courts. Superior Cowl. This body was engaged all day y&terday upon the ciyil suit of A M Sloan vs. RI McDowell: the nlaintiff brings suit to recover a claim amounting to $1,000, to which the defendant sets up a counter-claim of about $40,000. Messrs Wilson & Son appeared for the plaintiff and Messrs Vance fc Burwell and W W Flem mingforthe defendant. The day's session from 9J o'clock in the morning until 5 in the afternoon, was consumed in the taking of testimony and the arguments of counsel in this case, and at the conclusion of these, the jury retired, under His Honor's charge, and after half an hour's absence brought in a verdict for the defendant, finding all the issues in his favor. Court adjourned upon the retirement of the jary, to meet this morning at 91 o'clock, when the criminal docket will be resumed. Beore Justice Davidson. Isaac Jenkins, colored, for assault and battery upon his wife, found guilty and fined $5 and cost. There was no session of the Mayor's Court and no criminal case before any of the Mag istrates, other than that just mentioned. A Singular Attachment. Mr W M Vandiver, who liyes about six miles from the city, possesses a cow and a and a gander, betweeen which there ex ists the warmest attachment. They do not seem to care to associate at all with those of their own kind, but only with each other and when they are apart, both are perfectly miserable. On several occasions Mr Vandi ver has put the gander up where he couldn't see his "pardner,",but he wouldn't eat a bite and just got pale and melancholy and pined away till they had to let him out to save his life. Same way with the cow. She couldn't rest at all until the gander was restored, and though net a jumping cow, has been known to jump a lawful fence to get to him. Many a time the gander has wandered off as much as five miles from home with the cow, when none other of his tribe was anywhere around. You never see the gander with geese or ganders, and the cow neyer associ ates with cows when it interferes with her relations to the gander. It is a case of firm and unwavering friendship; the copartner ship has existed for a good long while, and bids fair to exist as long as the natural exis tence of the cow and the gander shall last. Set a Good example. Under this caption, the Wilmington Star, after noticing the remarks of Gen Rufus Barringer, upon the occasion of the sentence of the highway robbers here last week, in which he dwelt upon the source of the crime committed by the colored race, in dulges in these remarks : "There is truth in the statement of Gen Barringer, who is a leader high np in the Radical party, and therefore should be heard bv the colored people with respect if not reverence. Thei teachers are responsible for much if not most of the crime committed by the ne groesthe teachers political, as well as the teachers moral, parental and educational. , Let the young be taught that to lie, cheat, steal, rob, kill and lead a life of vagabondism and outlawry is to offend not only the God who loves truth, mercy, peace, honesty and righteousnftis and hates their opposites, bat undermines the fabric' of the social and ! political system; and endangers the comfort, the property, and the Urea of all citizen, NO. 2 170 black as well aa white. On this point the older colored men and women cannot be too particular, if they desire, as we will do them the justice to say we believe they do, the prosperity .of their race." FUNERAL NOTICE. The friends of the family of Robt Mc Donald, are invited to attend the funeral of their little girl. Services at the house at 10 a. m., to-day. SPfclClAL NU'liUKS. It is highly important that affections of the Throat, Lungs or Bronchial Tubes, should be checked at once, and for this pur pose nothing equals Dr. Ball's Cough Sy rup. CUT THIS OUT. It May Save Your life. There is no person living but what suffers more or less with Lung Diseases, Coughs, Colds or Consumption, yet some would die rather than pay 75 cents for a bottle of medi cine that would cure them. Dr. A. Bos chke's Gebxak Sybup has lately been intro duced in this country from Germany, and its wondrous cures astonishes eyery one that try it, U you doubt what we say in print, cut out and take it to your Druggists Messrs T C Smith & Co.. wholesale agents and re tail druggists generally, and get a sample bottle for 10 cents and trv it. Two doses will relieve you, Regular size75 cents. fdec31. Sciple & Sons, Coal and Lime Merchants, Atlanta, Ga., Analysis of our Shelby, Ala. Lime 98.65. The strongest Lime in the United States. Montevallo, Cahaba red ash, and Coal Creek Coal. We have special rates of freight on Coal and Lime by car load to points in North and South Carolina and Georgia. We solicit orders, send for prices. SCIPr E fc SONS, dec30 - Atlanta, Ga. NEW APVERTISCHIEKTS Bank Stock For Sale.f fTlHIRTY Shares of Farmers' Savings Bank X Stock, now Traders' National Bank, for sic ueiow par. Apply to H C EOCLES, mar8 d5t wit Central Hotel. Premium Domestic Wines FOUR YEARS OLD. T HAVE JUST RECEIVED A GOOD SUP- ply of Concord and Catawba Wines, oyer four years old ; the Wine is pure and free from any liquors, except the PURE GRAPE JUICE. You have tried the Peach and Honey ,now try our DOMESTIC WINE. How would it do to fiet before your friends when they drop in ? For sale by mar7 B N SMITH. Sale of Valuable HOUSEHOLD & KITCHEN FURNITURE. C F HARRISON, Acctiohkek. ON Thursday the 9th day of March, I will offer for sale at auction at my residence on Church street, a valuable lot of House hold and Kitchen Furniture: This furniture has been kept in good or der, and is as good as new. It includes a large parlor mirror, parlor, dining, sitting and bed room sets, one of Knabe's best pianos, a burglar proof iron parlor safe, a d splendid milch cows. As I am about to remove to Phildelphia, Pa-, the sale will be positive and the terms will be cash. On and after Wednesday next I will be ready to show the Furniture to any one who wishes to inspect the same. mar5 tds B KOOPMANN. Dew Drop Saloon. I HAVE purchased the Stock of Liquors, &c, ot the Dew Drop Saloon, and will in future keep a full Stock of Choice Liquors, Wines, Ale, Porter, &c, mar7 3t ROBT LAMB. VVITTKDWSKY -AT- WITTKOWSKY & RINTELS RETAIL IQHSSFARTEHESMT RECEIVED THIS DAY. SPLENDID STOCK -OF- DEE88 IR.ISEE POPEnllO'S, LADIES' HAT Hi - l C? mar8 JOD PRIMTINC. ; Th OssxBTxm Job Department ftM thoroocbly ; supplied wlUx ; erery needed want, and wltn the latest atrles of T7V. every manner of Job Work can now be don with neatness, dlapateh and cheapr We con furnish at short notlee . , BLANK8, BILL HEADS, - r V LETTEB KK IDS, CARDS, .;; j . - TAGS, BECXXFTSt FOST&BS, PBOQBAMMJE3, HAND BILLS, v PAMPHLETS, CHECKS, &, Ten Cent Column. Advertisements wiU be inserted in this column at the rate, of ten 10), cent per tine, for each insertion. No advertise ment taken for less than twenty-five eents. Eight words make a line. , .. FOR CASH Old Cabinet It re Whiskey, at the. DEW DROP. feb22 tf FOUND Another Key. In fact we can begin to boast of a full and complete assort ment. If you have lost a key call at s H 1 THIS OFFICE. feblO "Seven Up." A Clear Havana Cigar, manufactured ex xx. pressiy for us. Only 10 cents. 8 for 25 cents. ANDREWS Jt JONES. mar7 "Seven Up." T?INEST 10 cents Cigar In the City, at ANDREWS & JONES'. JL mar7 Cooked Corned BEEF and POTTEDHAM and TURKEY at ANDREWS fc JONES', mar 7 N.Y. Russett Apples ND Fresh LEMONS. Just Received a( ANDREWS fc JONES'. mar7 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IX WATCH MAKING. m BOTCHED OR BUTCHERED WORK DONE at this ESTABLISHMENT. ALL WORK DONE IN A WORKMAN SHIP MANNER AND WARRANTED TO GIVE PERFECT SATIS FACTION FOR TWELVE MONTHS. GOOD 30 HOUR WEIGHT CLOCKS FOR $3.50. WATCH MAKERS SUPPLIED WITH ALL KINDS OF MATERIAL. RUSH H. BIXLBR, Tryon Street, opp. Butler's Jewelry Store. mar2 NEW STORE ! FRESH GOODS! WE TAKE THIS METHOD OF INFORM ing the Citizens of Charlotte and vicin ity that we have opened at the old stand of W B Atwell & Son, a fresh lot of Choice Family Groceries, and respectfully solicit a share of your patronage, promising 1 fair dealings to all. HALL & BRO. mar5 SK FOR PRATT'S Astral Oil and be sure you get it take no substitute. T C SMITH & CO. feb24 & RIWTELS' .G - O S E- H C3. si r :V1 b it I ! if I 1 8 5? i ft a f. ! i 0 h 1 1.